Q TW J - The ioux Cou OURNAL 0 26S9. NO. 33. VH lUWI I ' NO CUZ 5TI0N 13 EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT The Sioux County Journal. fEKTAD!I.'.lIED lWS, o Subscription Price, if 1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 8IOUX COUNTY. Vc. 1. 4'r,mni, - - - K!il;r ISEETTLED RIGHT." --lion. William J. Bryan. Bryan to Belmont. Entered nt the Harrison inwt ottioo n ni-Ollrt Class Ir.atter. Claariy defines Differ ences Between Gold bugs and Jaffar soruans. THUE DEMOCIIATS CAXXOT CJLT OFF TJIK PLAT T'OUM ADOPTED AT CHICAGO. Ilrjnii Points Out llyporr Ikj in the Winjflo Standard Advucalc'a Hulicltiifle for tlio work, iiiguian, Ik'lmoiitu Pos ition on Currency U Weak. The ground of tho OrenUr America; LINCOLN, Neb., April 9. Colonel W Exposition nt Oni:ilm r Mng 1 rstiin-' J- Hrytui mailed his answer to the last fcrmed int.) v i 1 n t Impicul pinlenu. j Mier received from Perry Belmontsomo" P,ilnitnwt f'Oi.i-o .! ititx, i-hniU mi. I weeks ago. The -oi feNpouJenee thus far ilw Horn of Hie tropi.-s viil l; trims-j has dealt largely with the rival Jetler pirntod in the Iw.ivliC ut I. lulls tract anil ' wm dinners to ba held in New York, but in this grand court on ith r hide of the Mr. Bryan ignores that matter and de htfjouu an ur.t tf not less tiiiin MO ; votes 1 1 if attention to the differences ex fores. I isliiirf l;twt!fn himitelf and Mr. Belmont on ijuesliotis of Democratic nartv nolicv Tin Verdict, lli i only illustrated Dem-j Hw feltw m pirt is us follows: wrut'u wwkly j inn.a! id the United j 'LIN;i.)LN, Nh., April 8. lion. Perry .Mtatw, warcuHin-; an unusual intn.-t iVIimmt, New York: lAiar Sir Upon 4.ot only in th -l;tt hut in Urn Went. I my return to Lincoln I found your letter JttKtttiwart ,"lH '''" ' 's nii'iistioii-! containing the original letter and port able. (,'ertaitily it voice- omv thi-i.iii-s wrip gi'n to the presw 'some duyn be- iHin ii-. n up iA-iii.ic:-.nici-jftv intends i lore. I cannot -tmd anything in my lt t.i k hefuro poplo m It. "is Iter to which you can consistently ob- l"ali in' tlu Ijemoi nicy to t!) ktiimurt 1 jpct. ,, of tin 1U00 pht-f rni: An Income Ti-t. A Krtdl Inh'iritinxo Tax. Th duntnu tiou of the pohtiwit power of the tru-M, Public ownership of municipal fru. t:hins. It rd.'orinli, vi-rlttPti by Alfrwl Henry Iiwio, art iimi-mally fr.ink in statement The Verdict' rftrtouiw, prinUn in color .uin up pictoiially thu editor's viewn of Nulion.il and New York affairs. Thertj iim character and individuality in the curlo'm.-t that are nn refreshing a.s tho viiror of the ditorials. The Verdict gives promise cf beiut; the orajlo of the advanced iJemocracy. Thu pajwr consiM of twenty pnprH weekly, tour of which ah) printed in -color, whiU it coiitaiiin c.wh wuek u hpirited draw ing in colors of a Nalional celebrity, lcnmcrat or republican, which in insiied ids a suploiiieul huiuble for framing. t - ' """ March, nitnesx- tliu (ilins: of' article of incorporating of trimU in New Jersey .cupitiihzin:,' them in the aggregat of 'Sl.OOO.OijO.OO), and tho le-- for recording same iimounted to, iu round muuU.-rn, 130,000. Follovrihfr are the companies capital ized and iniide rendy to do busiuesn. Am. isteem Milp Co. i.Mi.ono, ' Woolen Co. t.'.,i)iK),000 " lcc'. 00,'IW.OOf) Bwt SuRur Co. 2,ikioki " Hrlt k('. ),(m,n " School furniture Co. Kl.moKit " I'uciric I-'UherlBn t'o. 5ou,n(io I". S. C'at Iron tte Co. .'K'.OoO.oiiO Iiilerimlloii.il Hte.iin pipe Co ZT.VW.OiiO Ituvnl Halil;if I'owder ( . i.otni.tou ! lltvuna t'onil Co. 2,(),ogo I I'nlUMl Fruit Co, 2,doii,ikki Ci)iiol(lHti Mreet rnr Co. h,0ijO,(kiii Indo Kxyptlnn Coiipr- I o. 5.00O,(jO Cuinprnw Una C'upsuU- ( u, I'ijuo.OW Nktlonai kH Co. vi,m.M j 10, J'ark KH-el Co. Continental Cnmrnt Co. iteverjr I'loolno (i. Vnlbvt Inet & Co. Ilelvcta fooiii- Co. Empire lef I m Iron Co. National Ciuli Ki'KU:r to Areaillan Oopfier Co. rlati Roynl rappnr Co. Colnnilita UefrlKerulIng Ce. M Autotmitjllo Co. Maritime Improvemoot (. Hon and Bahl Sjtvptloo Tolmeco 'o. Newport New abettor Ce. Brooktjra Wan A Klectry Kew Knirland Klectrlenl Vehicle A Trmiipor tetlon Co. ViflKjam CalUxJ KlRCtrte Co. Sow Jertey 2,000,w "You began your speech in Madison square Garden on Anguit IS, lt)B, by haying that it was time for 'plain Hpeak ing,' and proceeded to accuse the t'hica go convention of 'uatraval' of the Demo cralio party. In jour Brooklyn )eec; on sWptoiulmr 15, !, you spoke of the Murage platform aS tfiu stfii'nge (toctMrt- e born in CliicuKo of a coalition betweeo the unthinking eleniput of the old party and the Socialists who mas meraded as Populist ' It seems that, in using the words 'betraval' and 'masuerad.;,' I un consciously fell into the istyle which yo employed in l'i'JC, but I did not reflec upon the intelligence of the gold utan dard advocated by characterizing them as an 'untruthful clement.' 'ou a-d;, first, that I point out wher your utterances are unpitriotic, un Democratic, un-American and in confiic with the Democratic creed as sot forth in Jefferson's first inaugural address. TEST OP PKMUCR.VCY, "We have no accepted standard by which to determine whether a given op ioion is patriotic or American but we hnve means of determining whether an opinion is Democratic and in accord with the teaching of Jefferson. I presume you use- the word Itomocralic in the par ty sense, otherwise that term would lie as uiuicun vo ueune as patriotic or American.' "The right to determine what is Demo cratic in a party sense twlongs to the I temocratic party. The Chicago cotiven tion was more purely represented than any other convetion held iu recent years, because the rank aud (lie of the party spoke on puniic questions turough in truded delegates. The Chicago plat form is the latest authoritative definition of Democracy as applied to existing con ditions. If a minority of 4he delegates ,xi,in j t a national convention representing l.o-m.ixhi.iw) i minority of the members of the Demo- 7,vio,o(w ! A.orxi.rjoo ri,'),'xi fi.oooioct a,7,vi.(f0 3,fl 0,() ll,llOi!,ltl) 3Hi,oii H, .'S.01I0 I, M0,fM0 i.;oo,oio 1. 51X1,000 V, XPIRIINCf D SO YEARS' 4 TftAoc Maims rtf CoYiaKT Ac. nttflh mt eMnntla nw qmmar mnrimm jmr oamm trm whatkar m lay u It araktarr aaiagtalila. CnaiaiaaMa- liaaaai latlr awii aaaaial. Harnikoot I'aaaau i rvaa oaaaai aaanof ntmnMHiaiu, , wit bom eaam, m im Stftific Jlctrica awi foatf aai tOmmini motif. Urftrt Mr. r eiiaetna teanuiL Tanta. m a alXZtL ioU Mil aaaiaaliaj cratic party has a right to determine what Is Democratic, then each member of the party has a right to define democ racy for himself and to assort that he is a better Democrat than any one else. "Let me apply this principle to three questions upon which you have taken a position, in the volumes sent me: "First Standard money. "Second Paper money, "Third Income tax. "Jefferson favored the double stand ard as against the single gold standard and during his administration our nation had the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the legal ratio of 1.1 to 1. The ratio was changed to 18 to one during Jackson's administration. The Chicago platform pronounced against the gold standard andIn favor of the return to the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, with out waiting for the aid or consent of any ether nation. An a delegate to the Chi cago convention you voted for a minori ty report, which declared against inde pendent free coinage, on the jround that it would not only imi are our finances, 'but would retard or entirely prevent international bimetulism. To which the effort of the government should be stead- ly directed.' A a delegate to the Iuian- iol' convention two months later, you supK.rted a platform which declared in favorof the gold ntaudard without any declaration in favor of international bi metallism. You may be able to explain why the minority rejocted at the Indi anapolis convention the plank for which ii lougui at uinciigo. MCiCI.VI.EY AND Cr.EVf.ANl:. "Mr. McKinley, in 1HU1, charged in a public speech that Mr. Cleveland during his first administration was dishonoring one of the precious metals, discrediting silver and enhancing the price of gold. Ha insisted that Mr. Cleveland was try ing to make 'money scarce and therefore dear,' and added 'he would have increas ed the value of money and diminished the value of everything else. Money the master and everything else the ser vant,' If McKinley then understood the real purpose of the gold standard, as I believe he did, who could think Jefferson capable of advocating a policy which, instead of securing equal and exact jus tice for all, makes 'money the master and everything el.se the servant?" "Mr. Carlisle in a sper eh in 1873 said: "The conspiricy to destroy by legisla tion and otherwise from three-sevents to one-half of tho metallic money of the world is the most gigantic crime of this or any other other age.' "Jf Mr. Carlisle was then right, as I believe lie was, la his denunciation of the gold standard, who can believe Jef ferson caiable of being a party to such a crime? "After the election Mr. McKinley sent a commission to Europe to secure inter national aid in getting rid of the gold standard, and a Republican congress ap propriated money to pay the expenses of the commission. The commission failed recause of English opposition, and the English opposition was due to the oppos ition of English financiers. Jeffersonian Democrats must have a letter reason for submitting to the gold standard than the fact that the English financiers favor it as a means for raising the purchasing power of their money. gt'fcSTlON FOK WAOE EARNER!. "I have selected these three questions because they are important and because your position upon them has been clear ly defined. YViur sph!s abound in ex prcsSTonsoTconndenceinthe gold stan ard, your correspondence with Mr. War ner sets forth your opposition to the in come tax and a newspaper item, quoted in your book, gives you credit for draft ing that 'portion of the Indianapolis platform which related to the retirement of the greenbacks and the substitution of bank currency. 1 1 .... i. .1 , , , luui irujjimcy uiiiiM law to pre vent wage earners and salary earners from demanding and securing payment in gold dollars would not be a winning issue, evinces a tender solicitude for the laboring man. I might BUggest that bi melalism alarms you more than it does the wage earners, it was not the empl oyes who were frightened at the specter of free silver in 1M'J6; neither did the laboring men share your desire to add to the privileges, of tho banks. "On December 20, 1897, a year after the election, the federation of labor ad opted the following resolutions: "Resolved, that we dolcare ourselves most positively opposed to the Gage fin ancial bill recently introduced in con gress by the secretary of the treasury. It is a measure that, if adopted as a law will only the more (Irmly rivet the gold standard on tho people of the country and perpetuate its disastrous effects in every form. "'' . , ' "Resolved, that we nrouQtince the dago bill as undisguised effort to" retir our greenback currency and all govern ment paper money, with a view to the substitution of national bank notes in their stead, and thus fasten the national bank system for years upon the Amer- an people. "I am not willing to believe that yon are more interested in the laboring men than they are in themselves, or that you know better than they what is good for them. Y'ours Truly, V. J. Bryan, Postma stct Bo ogart IJi'fimirs a llciic- dict. MARRIED: At the residence of I!. I. Snniick, in Harrison, Neb., Sunday April 9, 1899, Justice Smnck performing the cereitionv Mrs. T.firv Rell Pott. New Albany Ind., to Audrew Jackson Hogai-t, of this place, aged respectively 49 and Itf years. It bus not Veen the good fortune of ye editor to have an extended acquaintance with tbe bride, who for the second time renewn her oBligationa to love and cher ish her new companion in the person of Mr. Bogart, a representative and respect ed citizen und business man, of whom we believe e will never have cause to feel ashamed. Mrs. Botrart. is a ladv of refinement in every Bense of the term and if we mistake not. is worthy of the loving companionship of her liege, lord and master. Our acquaintance wif postmaster Bo gart, the groom attends over a period of two years' and we know whereof we sjeak when we say that he is an honored citizen, business man, friend and neigh bor, one who is a credit to any commun ity, and toye, we believe the bride has secured a companionable companion ' a prize and as time progressesour stat tnent will without doubt be verified to her. ; Postmaster Eogart, has been a resi dent of this county about six years and two yearsr ago was appointed postmaster of Harrison, lie has performed the dut ies of the office to the test of his ability giving general satisfaction to the public, and he is a gentleman of sterling worth ami anility or whom the citizens or ila rison may justly feel proud. Tho JocitSAr. extends congratulations to Mr. wild Mrs. liogart in their ne Matrimonial venture in the after noon of thei1" life and we wish them man years of hapr iuesssand prosperity. I OUR CLUJlJIXd LIST- ' ' "t The Siocx Cockty Jot-RXAi. and JorrtXAi, or Aiiiiien.Tv::K 1 Year, " " " " " TwicE-A-vn-EKVroruj-llni.u.Jj " " " " " " Thi;icf.-A-We!:k-V()ru)i(N. Y.)" '' " " " " Silver Knight WATciiMNtU. C.) " " " " " " Cincinnati Weekly Esqi-irer, " - $1.75 1.70 - 1.70 - 1.73 - 1- 13 r j: i STUCK BEAK 1)3. The JotJHNAL will publish your brand, like tbe following, for &l -.00, per year. Kaeli ad ditional braud 75 cents. .very turuier or ranchmen in Siou adjoining counties s-'iyukt uiirt1se their brands in thb Jour nal as it circulates all over the state. It may be the tneaus of saving money for you. VEAXK NCTTO. Ul On loO t ..hi. i i.- 1 I ' 1 ...., w. fn.biB mfu uu lei it ratwSia shoulder ol horses. IjglJ Range on Antelope Creole r. o., tihilchrlst, Sioux Co., Neb. CIIAltI.ES TSIEHI.E. On left side or hip of cattle, ( On left nhoiil'lcr of horses, j Uane ou the head ot Warboimet ureek Address Harrison, bioux Co. Neb. GREENBACKS or Government Money. LNTHE county court OF SIOUX COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the Mattter of the Estate' of Joseph Uickinson, Deceased. State of Nebraska, i Moux county. as. At a County Court, hold in the County court room, In and for wild county tills 3rd y or April, A. D. IHW. l'rcmuit Robert Wllnon, County Judge. ' On rending and illliin the petition of tilde- on A. Dickinson, praying that administra tion of said estate niny lie grim tad to Ivl K. Dickinson, as Admliiltrator, Ordered, that first duy of liny A. 1) lsoo.at oneo'clurk I. M. la Bmiliriied for Imarltia said petition, whan all persona iutorontod In aid mutter may itppcar at "inity eourt to lie held in and for mud county, and show cauxe wby tho prayer of the petitioner should not Im granted; ami that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear- ng thereof, be given to all persons Intona ted In (Hid matter by publishing a cony ot this order In the Sioux county Journal b weekly Newspaper printed In aald eouiitv. for four successive weeks, prior to aiild day i(Cepy) KOHMtT WII.SOf, County Judge. : At close of our Civil War in 1861; there appeared jn the London Times the following : 1 . " If that mischievous -financial pol icy which haJ its origin in the North American Republic during the late uivu war in ifiat country, should be come indiliued down to a fixture. then that government will furnish its money without cost. It will have all the money that is necessary to carry on its trace and commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in me History ot civilized nations of the world. The brain and wealth of all countries will go to North America THAT GOVERNMENT MUST BE DESTROYED OR IT WILL DIv STROY EVERY MONARCHY ON THIS GLOBE." tne lainous liazzard circular, to capitalists in New York, and the Buell Bank circular to United States Bank ers, both emanating from London, and the fabulous corruption fund raised in England and Germany, estimated at 4i,5oo,ooo, were the agents that se cured the closing of our mints against saver. - ihe "walk, into my parlor" policy ui J.U ',i;.iu, uunng ana since the Spanish War, is the latest evidence of English Diplomacy in shaping the destiny oj the United btates Govern' ment. Notwithstanding the famine price 01 wneat, p.e Spanish War, and fabu lous "expenditures of money by our government during the past year, gold has increased in value eleven per cent, and all other values decreased in the same proportion. For a. thorough understanding of the monfey question, or silver issue, the Cincinnati Ennuirer has uniformly given evidence of its ability to teach, explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper that ought and can be reJ by all classes with pleas ure and profit. A GODSEND TO HUMANITY. Saves Health, Life And Doctor Bills. The moid, remarkable Invention for Man, woman or child, cures without medicine, prevontsdli.aB, you can have at home in your own root., Bsoilnrium, Hot springs, Turklali, KuxlUu, Medicated, Dry steam, Vapor Alcohol, Oxygen, IVrfnmrd, Mineral or Sulphur Hatha, at a cost of about 8c per buth. ' If the public, inttead of Ailing their ya tema with polann, by taking drugs and no. tTUtts, would (tet Into a vapor bath cabinet and nweat Hill llioae poisons and assist na ture to act, they would hare a skin un clear smooth an( hnnlthy as a child's. Tho Kooaouiy Vapor nath Cabinet is not onlyalumry for tho well, but a comfort and enre fdV the slrk. It restores and pre. serves lwdtli, prolongs 111 o, A quick and ra tional core fit; Hlir mimtlain. Obesity, Illood, fsklnatid Nerroua disounes and private dis eases ol either mx. The let aprlng remedy known, e.0al to any cabinet made costing fromt to HW, price complete n,on with full d tree Hong, fcronomv Vnmr 11.11, ..i net Co., Hlj l.onli, Mo. To Ageit: Don't Wtate time iiin. atoli penfcr aUrertlMeineuU, iryouwlah to Improve jbur position In lli wrte ua at one. and inwlllholp yon mak. .n hn,. We livlnatn any part of the V. M. or Cma- We afcport tkoutundi of home. S. W.CARFT. jiOn left shoulder of cattle nornes. Stmt Range on Mttle Cottnmvond l'O. ., Crawford Xehr. and ADVERTISE YOUR STOCK BRA JO) CHARLES I'MrriKNOI.'R. The brand reprsented in this notiee and branded any where on leftside of horses and rfM Also the L I. brum any where on jeiL siue of cattle belong to the undersigned. Cuahlbs l7Mrnsoca. ilarridou, Nebraska. ClIAKLfJS NEWMAN. The brand represented in this notice and branded any where 011 left bide of cuttle, aud over-lap eat from the right ear. Also the sumo brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. uuHge near East Springs, south part lo Sioux county. Charlks Newman, Harrison, Nebraska. THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL j AUO, YOU A WORKER , JT & in V.ed or Hetal ? Ii so snd Sor Cataieguj of j iMRrviis Foot V . I5. & John Barnes Co., ( Xfi P.uhy St, fcoc-tfard, Klinuis. Tiie Commercial Banlo INCORPORATED 18SS. Harrison, - - . - Nebraska. CCAPITAL STOCK PATH IX - - $10,000 OO5 O SUKPLUS AND PROFITS - - 8,0uaoOS. -o- Ii. E. Brewster, President. C. F.' Coffee. Vir,R Prpsirnt Cuas. C. Jameson. a trcIt,. I). II. Griswold, Cashier. 3T WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New York. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Nub. -INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEP0SITS.fr Sherirs Sale. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk of the nstrlct Court of tho county of Sioux, and state of Nebraska, upoD a docree rendered by said Court In favor of William H.Male, enjamin Graham, William Hulls Jr. and larrls H. llayden are plaintiffs, and Peter J. Northness. Laura M. Korthncss his wife, and VV. J. Itowilcn, are defendants; I will on the istb day of May lsl)9, at tbo hour of 3 o'clock p. m., of said day, at tho east front oorof the Court House, pi Harrison, In said county, offer and sell the following des cribed roal eatatc, to-wit: Tho West half of of the Northwest quar ter Section three, and the East half of the North-west quarter Section four, Township thirty one, North Kange fifty-four west, la Sioux county, Nebraska, at public auction. to tho highest bidder for c-.isli, to satisfy said order of sale in the sum ot two hundred ml forty-six dollars aud twenty cents, with Merest at 10 per cent, from April 1J, Ib'jT. aud costs and accruing costs. THOMAS HULL V, (38 ) Sliorlfr Sioux County. Neb. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in the Worcester Enter prise recently, which leads me to write this. I can truthfully say I never used any remedy equal to it for colic and diar. rhoea. I have never had to use more than one or two doses to cure the wors t case wun myself or children. vv A. Stroud, Popomuke City, Md. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinoey. Tor That Refined Complexion, Use DR. BEHR'S n1 'MEDICATED S0APl FOR TOILET AND BATH A Wonderful soap for the cure of Piim'.nir, Mack-heads, Iiingworins, Krz.ema, t'hnppi d Hands, Ulcers, Sores, Itching, and all oth r Skin Kmptions. , e.mmouknt, soothiko, healing, an1i' septii;. at druggists or 1 6c by mail prepid. Write for Agents Terms, LOUIS ERNST Co , St. Louis, Mo. LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES Biliousnoes. ! Constipation. Dyspepsia, Sick- Ho ad - (ache and Liver Complaint. odaAR COATBD. JQold by nil ctrn.-irlata or sent by malt. Nervlti Medial Co., Cu!a Sold By Dr. J. E. Phinnej. I 25 CTS. "A word to the wise is sufficient" and word from the wise should he sufficient, bin you ask, who are the wise? Those ho know. The oft repeated experience of trust .vorthy persons may be taken for I. n ... I ...1 l , IT w n "'""""S"' air. w. ot. terry says Chamlierlain's Cough Remedy gives bet. ter natisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in the drug busi ness at Elkton, Ky., for twelve years; has sold hundreds of bottles of this rem edy and nearly all other cough medicine manufactured, which shows conclusive ly that Chamberlain'e is t ho most sal is factory to the people, and is the best. For sale by Dr. J. E. Pliinuey. Rheumatism Cured. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief and I can reecommend it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other hous ehold use for which we have found it valuable. W. J. Cyler, Red Creel; N. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading inei chanls of this village und one of the most prominent men in this vicinity. VV. O. Phippm, Editor Red Creek Heii.ll, For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. C'YPLI I C Tx "r.a l"fc l niLI On:r an4. m rr suo-il nre.r. 1'ri-aiml mtanHal. Carr w I, cau vi wrtl.:"--i:Ho,srfij.n,wM SOll.otkiUlCUiM.lk