f H 4T gllov To Make Money. If you are tired of paying high prices you ran make money by buying your goods at the RANGE SUPPLY HOUSE. Every body loves a nice fitting, Stylish Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised in all magazines at $3.00 in Boston, ,-we sell this graceful shoe for $2.75 right here at home and save you COc express besides. All other leather goods will be sold just as cheap in proportion; none but the best kept in stock. In Clothing, Drygoods and Groceries we will meet all East ern Catalogue prices and will throw in a set of Glass Dishes, worth 2.50, for every $20.00 worth you buy for cash. Also, come in and see our Lad i es Wrappers and Shirt 'Waists., they are DAISIES and will be sold very low. Call aud get our prices before you buy elsewhere. We also han dle the celebra ted Valentine Flour, none better in America. 3esides weJiave full line of Crockery. If you want a suit of clothes made to order we are Agents for Royal Taylors of Chi cago, Ills. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l gerlach, Prop. . THE SIOUX COUHTY JOTJRIsr A.L. Thtjbsday. April. 6th, 1899. 49c. D- Cium, Editor and Prop. ..E.4X.TS.Jl.limthK - . Going Wwt . (Joinir East. 0a. , mixed. 11 :J0 1 So. . mixed '-00 T H North-Western LINE E. M. V. R. R. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DI AD WOOD AID HOT Sr RINGS. SOUTH DAKOTA. t. E. k M. T. R. It. Aneelal Excursion to Hnt Springs, S. D. Excursion tickets will be sold 'Tuesdays Febuary 14th and 28, 1899, at one fair for the round trip, good returning 30 days from date of sale. Fair from Harrison, 4.40. P Avert, Agt. tSSTJon't send to Mont igomary, Ward & Company or tb Elkhart, Indiana, for your HarnesHcs. I can sell you better goods and muob cheaper. If you are open for -conviction come and learn " for yourself. EOOERT RoHWER. . Fred Pulln. and Miss Mason, daugh ter of J. T. II moo, of Olen have been civeo license to marry. Though we did not learn just etheo the event took 4 place. .. . V Mr. W. B. Wright, ho been quite indisposed again tfcis week, but at this writing we Are pleased to state be is Try much improved. S - ' There h little or no interests taken , in our village eteotion Tuesday. The jra village members 4 rn number wer reelected and O. W. Hester was elected IO fill vacancy canned by E. Rower re furng to qualify a ' year ago. There were only 8 voteet east out of possibly -S5lo tb village. . A deal- m completed Tuesday, - -7 'Mtmnby Fare , Bjgntow become owner ,ai4WCstsrof the candy "snap" owned -tT iw yaan bjr J, W. Smith T"TP. ?. W anderstand Mrs, ...... .. -itJ far the present, conduct the tTh, '-Vm U. Bmlow until such ' cm HMke arrangement to V; , - fj ":y5 wwiMSB UmnH. We jenraed lfy'iZ&iM1k Ur. Biejelow bad l,fy, t.jfc-t mt ft, atock Md woold 53n Mum to sM other J. E. PHETNEY, M. D. Fhybciaa and Sergeon. 111 ealla given prompt ttleatlcm. OWce lo Dmg Store. -RAKEIBOH - KKBRA8KA. GRANT OUTHJBIE. Uttorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Stater Land Office. Fire Insurance written in. reliable 3orapaniefi. , . i Legal papers carefully drawn.; ILiBitisoN, - Nebraska. Perry Kfrkpatrick, informed us that every thinp sold first class at his sale. Frank Stral ton, is now the sole owner of the property heretofore owned by William Noreish, his deed having been duly recorded on last Monday. , M. J. Weber of Glen, was doing busi ness, in Harrison on last Monday, Frank Stratton, expects to farm on his own ranch this season. Good for him. Miss Louise Linderaan of Crawford is spendio? a few davs at the home of her sister M.-S. M. J. Blewett. A big crowd, and a first class time, is the synopsis which is given by all who attended the ''hop" on last Monday night. A. L. Statidenmeir was among those from out of town, who graced our city streets with their pretence on last Mon day. . . ulaus tflnstensen of Montrose pre cinct was a Harrison visitor on last Mon day and while here did not forget to say a friendly "faow" to ye editor. He was accompanied by his daughter Mrs. Chas. Xewman, , Mrs. Kirtley, of Kirtley, Wyo., who has been.uisiting in Texas and Missouri, during the past two months returned to this city yesterday. Mr. Kirtley was here to meet her, and take her the rest of th journey over land. In 1888 my wife went east and was at tacked with rheumatism. She received no relief until she tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Since that time we have oever&een without it We find it gives instant relief in cases of burns and scalds and is-eever failing for all rheumatic and neuralgic pains. D. C. Brant. Santa Yaec Cal. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phin nev. A letter from Representative Fierier, at Llaooln, was received by us last Mnn- My containing the important information diet the wolf appropriation of $45,000, iad passed both branches of the legisla ture but that it would not in all probab- Uty be sufficient to pay all the claims now filed in the different counties of the state. If also informs us that the claims will hove to be paid in the order in which they have been filed. Also, that the (ooney for paying claims will not be available on til after July 1, 18M Bssidee Uh above pe furmeties us a copy ofclaJM MmK wbteb sjbonld be Med in a deaaod fr state wwnwt frea the audi- OUB HE STORE The place to Get Good Bargains at all times is at J. H. BARTELL's The following of which is nearly always found, at the above place: A complete assortment of Ladies and Gents furnish ing Goods, Dry Goods, No tions and Millinery. A Good line of Men's Duck Clothing, Hats and Caps to suit the times. Ladies and Gents Fine Foot Wear a specialty; and Children, s Foot Wear care fully considered. 60 TO J. ft BARTELL'S For McCormic machinery, Barbed Wire and Salt; in fact nearly everything kept in a well regulated store. t If you are in need of a large or small bill come in and see what we can do for you before you send your money out of the country; Respectfully, ' J. H. BARTELL. There will "be maas at the residence of Anton Mora vek? in Harrison, on April 29th. All members should attend. M. J. Blewett and his family return ed from Crawford, Monday noon, wtiere Mrs. B. and children went last Friday to Upend Easter with ber parents, Mr. Blew ett going down Saturday. , ' E. E. Livermore, we learn is quite sick with heart trouble, but we hose be will soon be out again and. enjoying bis usual good health. ,-' . Hay is one of the scarce articles of feed in Korth-west Nebraska this spring. Hence every body having stock to feed are anxious to see the gra frrow. J. X. Hason, has rande apijiicalioivto lease school section No. 30 about a mile and a half, North-west of Olenf and will locate a saw mill on one corner of tbe land some time iu the oear future. Ed. O'Connor has concluded to take two month's more study and last Mon day evening he and Olney Kendall, took the train fer Chadron, where they will finish the spring term at the ac ademy. Lee Dickinson, returned from Cairo, Moh., last Saturday, where be and his brother weot couple of weeks ago to burry the remains of their brother Joseph wbo died at the M. E. hospital, Omaha about that time. Chas. Newman, was in from his East Springs Ranch on last Monday, to meet bis better half and little one whom grandpa Christnnen had brought over frons Montrose. Mr. and Mrs.. Newman remained in town over night. Mrs. Frank Scott and three children and Mrs. Maggie Rosecaa and little .girl of Seward county this atate, the former a sister of Jobs Finley, the latter a sister-in-law of Mrs. Scott, have come to Sioux county to locate permenautaly if this country proves to be satisfactory to them inside of a reasonable length of time. i It now transpires that the man who came here a couple of weeks ago--so we are told bad no right to take the cat tle away which the Will boys have been wintering.. ' Ashe did not hold, either the mortgage or notes given by them. A gentleman now cornea from -the -east and claims that he is the rightful owner of the securities. So, it now seems that there is likely to be more trouble over the cattle, which in alt probability is liable to involve tbe boys in fresh dif. ficulty. Ttey should,' have demanded their paper or refused to have permitted their cattle being taken away. "A word to tbe wise is uflloient'' and a word from the wise should be sufficient but you ask, who are tbe wise? Those who know. Tbe oft repeated experience of trustworthy persona may be taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy fives bet. ter eatief action than any other in the market 11 baa been in the drag bnsi neea at Eltrtoo, Ky., for twelve yean; baa sold fcvadred of bottle ef thin rem dy nod nearly all other ooaft medicine manufactured, which shews conclusive ly that Chamberlain's le the meet satis factory to tbe peosW, d is ft best. DEPflHTCHT The place to Get Good Bargains in Bubbers is at J. H. BARTELL'S, Where a complete line of warm Felts and Rubbers, with PRICES ALWAYS right. Our line of GROCERIES are fine, as we always aim to buy Good, Fresh Goods such as we know would suit all our Customers. We carry a complete line of FLOUR & FEED; all Flour guaranteed. Also, we carry IURDWARE & Building Material. We learned through J. T. Mason that there are 600 soldiers, now located at Ft. Robinson and that more are com ing, also that the government authori ties at the post are contracting for 1,000 cords of wood to be delivered this sea son. , . " 1 There is considerable complaint this spring by stockmen that Urn calves are dying from dysentery after the calves get to be about two or three days old, and without any apparent cause for it Besides it effects the males altogether, the females, escaping entirely. Andrew McGinley, who has been back to his old boyhood home in Maine during the past two months, returned last Friday, accomoaniffd tv hi' si'tnr Mrs. MatljeWK, who will visit with her b-oth-or and family for some time. Every body is pleantKl to see Mac back in this nock -o-the-woods again. In the American Monthly Review of Review lor April the editor reviews the work of the Fifty-fifth Congress, exam ines the present status of the various plans for inter-oceanic ship transit dis cusses the latest developments in the Philippine situation; and comments on tbe other News topics of the day in home and foreign politics, including tbe cabi net change in Spain and the altered rela tions of Germany, England, and the United States. J. T. Mason, was up from Glen, last Saturday, doing business with Judge Wilson's Court, and while here showed tbe boys around town a few points io handling the boxing gloves, he being an old sport and hand at the business. He even wert so far as to ask ye editor to put on tbe gloves and be "knocked up to pek," but, accidently we learned profes sionals in Harrison and vicinity had been knocked out byJ. T. so we declined with thanks concluding that a "living cow ard" was better to us, than to be a dead hero." Public Auction. I will offer for tale at Pub lic Auction,, at the Livery Barn, in HARRISON, Neb., atl o'clock p. m., April 15, lc?99, the following described personal property, to-wit: 6 Head yearling SteersY . 3 .Head 2-yeai-old Steere, 1 Short yearling Steer, 2 Steer-calveH, 5 months. 1 Wagon, 1 Hay Rack 1 Harrow, 1 StirngPlow, 1 Potato Plow 1 Brakng " 1 Lot of TooIb, consisting of Spades, Shovel, Mattock, Wire Stretcher, Hammer, Crows-cut Saw. &c. About 50 bushels of Oats, 25 bushels of Potatoes, 15 bushels Millet seed and other things to no merou to mention. P, ft Biqilow. A PICTURES OF ADMIRAL c A PICTURE OF ' BLOWIG UP OF THE MAINE, -o- A PICTURE OF i BATTLE of MANILA Any of these $io Cash purchase -AT- Marsteller broS.' Over In WTindaf. We understand that Mrs. 8. L. Kirtley is expected to arrive at home tomorrow. Did vou .ever see such an easier? Snow from four inches to four feet deep deD. with the thermometer down ton (above zero) no efe-g and not much pros pect of an early spring. Feed is tetting scarce and those that have straw for sale find a ready marked at good prices. Wood "piles are getting low and those that have a supply are digging into the snow to get out a few logs now and then to supply their less fortunato neighbors- Thanks to Francis Deuel who divided wilh Zekiel to keep him from freezing during the lust two weeks. J. H. New land, will close a five and one half months term of ucliool, on Frid ay the 14th. Dora and Charles Christian are sxnect- ed borne, from University Plaoe, on Sat urday April 15. Dora will begin her e.hool, in Went pleasant Ridge, the 24th of this month, Zotel. Rheumatism Cured. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief and I can reccommend it as a Kplendii liniment for rheutratism and other hous ehold use for which we have found it valuable. W, J. Cyler. Red Creek N. Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer chants of this village and one of the most prominent men in this vicinity. W. G, Phippin, Editor Red Creek Herald, For sale by Dr. J. E. Phioney. READ THE JOURNAL This Week. NOTICE:-There will be Lutheran services at the M. E. church Saturday, Mch. 18th, 1899, at 2 o'clock P. M. Ret. F. G. Winoks. Pastor. NOTICE:-Preaching eve ry other Sabbath at 11:00 o'clock a. m., and every Sab bath evening at the M. E. church. , J. L. Kendall, Pastor. tSTParties wishing to sell or buy land should call on or write to the edi tor of THE SIOUX CO UNTY JOURNAL. erVsrWRBs MMaWVeMMeMts f aW Bsp DEWEY, three with oo W'lmt ShttU We Do. A serious and dangerous disease pre vails in this country, daogerou because so deceptive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it is often firmly seated be fore we are aware of it . The name of this disease which may beiUvidni uiui three distinct ststges i, first, Kidnev trouble, ifdi-atd by pain io back. rheumatism, lumbago, Inuuent A dwr to urnwU, often with a buroinjf v e seusbt on, the How of nrine being copioua or Ncaut with strong odor. If allowed to advance, this rear he t-e 8 -cond stage, or Bladder trouble, with h-avy pain in the abdomen low down I e tween the navel and the water nusiag. Inceaaing desire to urinate, with scaldii g sensation in parsing, small quantitir biu passed with difficulty, noiueliuiee neceitry to draw it with instruments, of uric acid mt gravel hae formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected. "M.e Thirn stag tt Bright' Diwaxe. There is comfort in knowing that Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney aod bladder spv;ialutt, has discovered a Remedy fam ous for iti marvelous cunts of the most distressing car ond known as 1 r. Kilm er's Swamp Root. It is sold by all druggiHts. As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this great discovery, Swamp-Root a sam ple bottle aod book of valuable infrnia tion will be sent atari utely free by mail on application to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bing' hampton, N. Y, When writing kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in the Sioux County SqvwUlL The World Almanac and 3 Encyclopedia S for 1899 AND Illustrated History of the Spanish American War READY FOR SALB EVERYWHERE J JANUARY Jrt, J Tofttlux with . The Battfe Cakndar of the Rejxifcfico CompBeafcy EDGAR STANTON IXAOAY IXntatteoofmtU.VNavr. THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL PRICE 2S (XNTSe 1 1 mt TK3TOX1A i for ntle by Dr. J, & fjtinoty. K3T YCRS. HA 4- 'J. ' 'J 7