The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, April 06, 1899, Image 2

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There la strike on at the Omaha
Tent A Awning: company factory, where
even sewing- girls walked out and re
fuse to return to work because one of
the "old" girls had been supplanted by
a "new" girl on one of the machines.
Charles Rice, 15 years of age, resid
Ins; at Concord, accidentally shot him
self while extracting a loaded shell from
a target rifle. The ball was imbedded
In the fleshy part of the boy's leg- above
the knee and made a very painful
A Koenlg, a German farmer living;
southeast of Odell. sustained a badly
fractured skull from a singletree in the
hands of John With. The affair came
about by the refusal of Koenlg to give
aver a stray hog- which was at his place.
The Platte river is rising; rapidly at
Fremont and considerable ice is going
down stream. So far the wagon bridge
Is safe, but the Ice Is blocking the
channel. If the weather continues to
grow warm the whole structure will
be in danger. The Elkhorn bridge, west
of Fremont, is reported all right unless
an ice Jam forms.
Omaha ice dealers are Just now at
words' points with each other over
what promises to terminate In an ice
war. All sorts of propositions have been
made by the leading local dealers to get
together and agree upon a schedule of
prices for the ensuing season, but so
far all efforts have failed. Nothing has
been accomplished.
George M. Mangold, a 20-year-old son
of Peter Mangold of Bennington, had
a narrow escape from death the other
mornlg while hunting. He carried an
army musket, which had been im
properly loaded. The charge burst the
barrel and the young man was pain
fully injured in the face. Since the ac
cident Mangold has almost entirely lost
his hearing.
The Fraternal Mutual Insurance so
ciety, the Royal Highlanders, is the first
to take advantage of the new law sign
ed by the governor, and to organize a
mutual guarantee company. The ob
ject is to, by mutual agreement, fur
nish bonds for its officers, and In case
of loss through these officers the mem
bers of the society are assessed to make
good the amount.
Early Thursday morning fire was dis
covered in the Basement of the Syndi
cate block, a fine three-story structure
of brick and stone, at Crawford. After
four hours of hard work the fire de
partment had the fire under control.
The room over the exact location of the
Are was occupied by the postoffice. The
floor fell through and all the furniture
was totally destroyed. In the basement
was a large stock of groceries, the prop
rty of F. E. Jandt, a leading merchant.
Fire and water so damaged the goods
as to render them worthless.
J. N. Dischner, who was the victim
of a railroad accident in Columbus on
February 4, by being struck by a Un
ion Pacific passenger train while trying
to cross the railroad tracks in a bug
gy, has filed suit in the district court
of Platte county, asking for $25,000
damages for injuries received. Peti
tioner alleges that he sustained Injuries
In the accident that will make him a
cripple for life. Dischner's mother, as
was reported In the World-Herald at
the time, was killed in the same acci
dent. There was no work in the line of
orlcklaying at the new union depot at
Omaha last Thursday. Bricklayers and
hod carriers stood around waiting for
an understanding which would enable
them to start, but It did not come. The
bricklayers say they did not strike, but
had to stop work because there was no
one to carry the material to them. The
hodcarriers declare they are willing to
go to work at once if the concessions
they asked are granted. The contrac
tor agreed to pay them every week,
which was one of the points on which
the strike started, but the men de
manded that they be paid 20 cents an
hoar for eight hours, instead of 17ft
oenta. This, to the present time, the
contractors refused to do.
Thieves and robbers have broken out
fan a new line and now they are turn.
tag their attention to Uncle Barn's em
ployes In the railway mail service. Mon
day evening Postal Clerk I. M. Heckley
same la over the Burlington from the
west and after his car bad been switch
ed to the yard under the Tenth street
viaduct and after he had worked hi
tall over, he made up his bunk and
Mired for the night locking both doors.
Daring the night thieves entered the
ear by forcing the locks and robbed
asm of ftt and a gold watch. The pro
perty was In Heckler's trousers, which
were take from under his head, car
Had to the opposite end of the car and
there neatly folded up and thrown un
der one of the distributing
It la an Interesting thing to know
that 4Mt species of plants are gathered
ejad ased tor soaunercisl purposes in
Carepe, says Tlt-Blta. Of these, m
tar a perfume that la pleasing and
sua largely Into the manufacture of
rvt aad soaps. There are more spe-
of white flowers gathered than of
'f ether eotor 1.1M la aU. Of these,
i nave aa agreeable sceat, aa esrtmor.
urr large proportion. Neat la or.
r raws yedew Uoosome, wtth M. Tl
t urn tag aw rand. Red Swwsrs
t t L of whssh H are nam.
Usawn ars ef M variotiss. M
swe orfa-oe, aad the rttHm
. fr U, It af wttth an
War Break Out In Samoa Upon
Upsetting of Provisional
Apia, Samean Islands. (Special.)
The troubles growing out of the elec
tion of a king of Samoa have taken a
more serious turn and resulted in the
bombardment of native villages along
the shore by the United States cruiser
Philadelphia, Admiral Kautz command
ing, and the British cruisers Porpoise
and Royalist
The bombardment has continued in
termittently for eight days. Several
villages have been burned and there
have been a number of casualties
among the American and British sail
ors and marines. As yet it was Im
possible to estimate the number of na
tives killed or injured.
As Mataafa and his chiefs, constitut
ing the provisional government, contin
ued to defy the treaty after the arrival
of the Philadelphia, Admiral Kautz
summoned the various consuls and the
senior naval officers to a conference on
board the Philadelphia, when the whole
situation was carefully canvassed. The
upshot was a resolution to dismiss the
provisional government, and Admiral
Kautz Issued a proclamation calling
upon Mataafa and his chiefs to return
to their homes.
Mataafa evacuated Mulinuu, the
tewn he had made his headquarters,
and went to the interior.
Herr Rose, the German consul at
Apia, Issued a proclamation supple
menting the one he had Issued several
weeks before, upholding the provisional
government As a result of this the
Mataafans assembled In large force and
hemmed in the town.
The British cruiser Royalist brought
the Malletoa prisoners from the Islands
to which they had been transferred by
the provisional government
The Americans then fortified Mulinuu,
where 22,000 Malietoans took refuge.
The rebels the adherents of Mataafa
barricaded the roads within the mu
nicipality and seized the British houses.
An ultimatum was then sent to them,
ordering them to vacate, and threaten
ing them in the event of a refusal with
bombardment, to commence at 1
o'clock on the afternoon of March 15.
This was Ignored and the rebels com
menced an attack In the direction of
the United States and British consul
ates half an hour before the time
fixed for the bombardment.
The Philadelphia. Royalist and Por
poise opened fire upon the distant vil
lages. There was great difficulty in
locating the enemy, owing to the dense
forests, but several shore villages were
soon In flames.
A defective shell from the Philadel
phia burst near the American consul
ate and the marines outside narrowly
escaped. A fragment struck the leg
ef Private Rudge, shattering It so badly
as to necessitate amputation. Another
fragment traversed through the Ger
man consulate, smashing the crockery
The Germans then went on board the.
German cruiser Falke.
Turing the nlpht the rebels made a
hot attack on the town, killing three
British Bailors. A British marine was
shot In the leg by a sentry of his own
party: .another was shot In the foot
and an American sentry was killed at
his post.
The bombardment continuing, the In
habitants of the town took refuge on
board the Royalist, greatly crowding
the boab.
The Porpoise has shelled the villages
east and west of Apia and captured
many boats.
The Americans and British are fight
ing splendidly together, but there Is a
bitter feeling against the. Germans.
The bombardment of the Jungle was
for a time very hot
Washington, D. C VSpeclal.) The
serious condition of Samoan affairs en
gaged the attention of officials through
out Thursday and there were confer
ences at the White house between the
president and Secretary Hay, and at
the state department between the sec
retary and the British ambassador and
Baron Speck von Sternberg, first sec
retary of the German embassy.
But out of It all not a word Is addi
tional Information was contributed
from any official source. The only au
thoritative statement came from the
nevy department, giving a brief dis
patch from Admiral Kauts. This threw
no light on the latest outbreak, and ow
ing to a tangle of dates it served only to
further Involve the mystery.
It was regarded as strange that the
state and navy departments should be
entirely without Information on a bom
bardment by an American admiral Up
to the close of office hours H was stated
nothing bad come from any of our
representatives In Bsmoa, dealing with
the outbreak of hostilities. The calls of
Blr Julian Pauncefote and Baron Stern
berg were mainly for Information, for
at neither of the embassies had there
been a report of the recurrence or In
structions up to the time of the calls.
The president has been Informed of
the situation and very much regrets
that serious trouble has arisen, but
ass requested full Information from our
officials In Samoa at the earliest pos
sible date.
It Is learned that the dispatch of
Hear Admiral Kauts, dated Samoa, the
lth. to which he referred In his cable,
dated Aacklaad today, gave the result
ef his tavsatlgatloaa lata the situation
after Ms antral.
fairy sustained the
of the British aad American
was la exact aocord with
the conclusion already reached by the
British naval commander, Captain Stur
dee, of the Porpoise. The dispatch of
the lth probably left Apia on or prior
to the 10th Inst
The German embassy here received
advices forwarded by the same stramer
to Sydney, which reported the arrival
of Rear Admiral Kautz and said that he
had called a meeting of the consuls on
board the Philadelphia for the 11th.
So far as the text of the dispatch giv
en out today goes, absolutely no men
tion Is made of the meeting aboard the
Philadelphia, or any of the subsequent
events reported In the dispatches. Thro'
the advices given to the public by the
navy department it Is only known that
Admiral Kautz' Investigation sustained
the position taken by the American and
British consuls and that the situation
since the date of that report has Im
proved. While there may be a dearth of offi
cial Information, at the same time the
actual events carry out what has been
anticipated and give a basis for Intel
ligently covering the Joint action of the
two governments, In the complete set
tlement of the entire Samoan trouble,
Both the United States and Great
Britain are acting in complete accord.
not only as to the general solution of
the Samoan problem, but in particular
with reference to the force exercised by
the British and American naval com
manders. NO CASUS BELLI.
As to the German attitude it is stated
positively in a quarter thoroughly fa
miliar with German official sentiment
that the outbreak now reported can,
under no circumstances, be construed
as an overt act against Germany, nor
as a casus belli. This is from such a
source that It largely removes the pos
sibility of international complications.
As an evidence of the conciliatory
sentiment of the German government
It was said today that the note deliv
ered to the state department last week
urged, In behalf of the German govern
ment, that the good relations existing
between two such nations as the Unit
ed States and Germany would not be
interrupted by a matter of such com
parative unimportance as an official
dispute In Samoa.
It Is said that the German govern
ment probably would have accepted
Admiral Kautz as a sort of umpire, tak
ing his decision as final, but the objec
ton quite forcibly brought to the state
department was his manner of going
to Samoa, while friendly exchanges
were going on, without notice to Ger
many. The German ambassador has received
no advices and no instructions relative
to the reported bombardment, and
there Is no evidence thus far that Ger
many will protest or assume a belliger
ent tone.
From the German standpoint the
most serious aspect is thjt the bom
bardment will excite public feeling on
both sides of the water, leading to
popular outbursts, which will overcome
the efforts to secure a settlement.
One of the latest propositions toward
a settlement is that three commission
ers be appointed, one from each coun
try, to meet in Samoa and sit as a
court In settlement of the difficulty.
The state department has not yet re
ceived official advices. The demonstra
tion is regretted, but the opinion Is ex
pressed that Admiral Kautz acted on
hat was his best judgment ana in
The state department acknowledges
that no permanent agreement can be
reached under the treaty in which all
three powers do not agree, and the
hope Is that some settlement of the
difficulty may be brought about when
It becomes apparent that the present
conditions cannot exist indefinitely, .
Admiral Kautz acted within bis in
structions. It s believed that he con
cluded, after consultation with Captain
Rturdee of the Porpoise, the senior
British naval officer, and the United
States and British consuls, that a state
of anarchy existed which called for
The fact that edicts of the chief Jus
tice were ignored, although sustained
by the repr-amtatlves of two of the
governments, made such a course Im.
There Is no doubt, with the facts now
at hand, that Admiral Kautz will be
sustained by the United States govern
Berlin (Special.) The National Zel
tung today, commenting upon the 8a
mlan situation, says:
"While it appears that the American
and British representatives thought the
Mataafans were contravening tne trea
ty, the meeting held on the Philadel
phia had no Jurisdiction, because the
unanimous approval of the three con
suls is necessary to make any decisions
leThe National Zeltung adds that fur
ther Information Is necessary In order
to show whether the Americans and
British had sufficient reason for resort
ing to armed Intervention and concludes
with remarking: "Thus far the only re
sult appears to have been destruction
and anarchy." "
Replying to the allegations of the
Daily Chronicle of London that the
United States ambassador here, Mr. An
drew D. White, has been pro-German
In his handling of the Bamoan Mfwr,
the Cologne Gazette says, seml-offlclal-ly
'For some time we have noticed that
.J..,. . h mriiih nrees to cre-
ate bad blood between the United States
and Germany have taaei ct" -h.
latest develoDrt -ajnoa.
Not to mention other
show thst mood of tjr
the London Times af
culated a false story
Germany was Intend
from the Berlin tree
tele claims to know
United States ambf
has aroused great 4
United States beef
the Samoan quest1
Ves which
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( handling
the German stand
It would be hi
Dally Chronicle U
to endavor to pt
ambassador again
proven accusation)
of his duties, rot
say again how bit
talent la taventm.
Bnglsh areas Is J
which Is suspected
tor the good sad f
twesa tas United ft.
wo were
f American
Mutely un
s vtolaOoa
( sufficient U
(with what
sports .MM
apt tale
lattaas ha.
Seems Likely That Twenty-Eight
District Jurists Will Be Called on
to Try Former Chief Justice.
Lincoln, Neb. All Indications in the
capital city tonight point to the speedy
development of a novel denouement In
the political history of Nebraska. That
probable denouement Is no less striking
a feature than the Impeachment of a
Justice of the supreme court by the
legislature and the trial of the accused
Judge by a court of Impeachment con
sisting of the twenty-eight district
Judges of the state sitting en banc.
Should this event transpire it will be
the first time In the history of the state
that this provision of the constitution
has been called into operation.
The offense with which Judge Norval
stands charged Is that lie received
state warrants in payment of his salary
from time to time, and had them reg
istered, as Is usual when there is no
money in the fund on which a warrant
is drawn; that he then received the
money called for by the warrant out
of other state funds and that notwith
standing the fact that he had received
all the money to which he was enti
tled from the state he collected the In
terest on the registered warrants from
ten to twenty-two months later, when
the money for the payment of the war
rant out of Its proper fund was avail
At the time that Judge Norval was
Indulging in this practice he was occu
pying the position of chief Justice of
the supreme court during the years 1894
and 1595, which were the last two years
of his first term, and the same was
true during his Incumbency as asso
ciate Justice In 1S96, which was the first
year of his second term.
It is Judge Norval's defense that he
did not know that he was using state
funds in this speculative manner, and
that he "supposed" he was receiving
the persona! funds of J. S. Bartley, who
was then state treasurer. He says he
had an "understanding" with Bartley
regarding the use of the money.
A brief review of the evidence ad
duced before the Investigating commit
tee is necessary to an adequate realiza
tion of Just what Is involved and the
merit or lack of merit of Judge Nor
val's contention in this regard. Some
of the checks paid to Judge Norval at
the state treasurer's office have been
offered In evidence and they disclose
that the payment of the "supposed per
sonal funds" was made by check and
signed "J- S. Hartley, state treasurer,
by G. M. Barton, deputy." Notwith
standing the fart that this check was
paid directly to Judge Norval In the
state treasurer's office In return for
his warrants he "supposed" he was not
receiving the funds of the state, but
the private funds of an Individual, and
says that he "did not lo(,k at the sig
nature, but merely looked to see the
nam of the bank on which the check
was drawn and the amount."
It la a noticeable fact that has been !
commented cn by everyone who has
Inspected the checks that the most
conspicuous feature of them Is this
double line signature, fchlle on one)
the name of the hank Is at the bottom i
In small type that would require close
Inspection, the signature is readily dis
tinguishable at a distance of several
feet. It Is asserted by many who have
called at the office of the slate treas
urere to examine the checks that It
would be a physical impossibility to
even glance at the face of the docu
ments without seeing the signature, to
say nothing of the ordinary care dls
plsyed by the average business man In
financial transactions Involving several
hundred dollars.
In view of these facts and the con
demnatory utterances heard both with
in and without the capitol, it may be
stated with the utmost posltlveness
that Judge Nerval's assertion that he
did not know he was receiving state
funds Is very generally disbelieved, and
he Is held strictly accountable In the
public mind for doing what the official
records and his own testimony disclose
that he did do.
This being true, the question con
tenting the legislature at this time Is
as to what must be done. Members
who were disposed to accept Judge
Norval's statement when first made
have openly experienced a change of
sentiment since the checks were offered
In evidence, and prominent republicans
voice the opinion that the defense is
lame and will not do. It has also de
veloped today that the plea of the small
amount of the Interest taken, 134.63, Is
likewise fallacious, for It transpires on
further Investigation that these In
stances were actually more numerous
than was supposed.
Judge Norval admitted on the wit
ness stand that "there might have been
one other Instance," but it develops,
however, that Instead of a possible one
In addition, there were In reality sev
eral, and what has been found to be
true with reference to bis own war
rants was also true with reference to
those drawn by his wife as his steno
graphic assistant It Is true also that
la the case of the latter the transfor
mation Into "supposed personal. funds"
was made by Judge Norval himself, and
that he signed the name of his wife to
the warrant when It was converted Into
A farther development hears In aa
late resting manner on the allegation
af ladffo Nerval that ho did not sur
render the warrants at the time the
"advance" was made by the state treas
urer, but that he "simply turned them
over as security or collateral." This is
when the affairs of the state treasur
er's office became Involved, and the
time had not arrived when some of the
"turned over warrants" could be paid
out of their proper fund, Judge Norval
did not court any Inquiry Into the
manner In which he had been speculat
ing In state funds by asserting such
ownership In the warrants as he now
alleges, but quietly sat still and did
nothing. Brokers who purchased the
warrants drew the Interest, and Judge
Norval submitted without protest to
the loss of Interest to which he claims
to have been entitled rather than dis
close his traffic in "supposed personal
Under the circumstances the salary
grab of members of the court through
the medium of stenographic assistants
Judiciously distributed among members
of their families has been almost com
pletely lost to view. The talk about an
unwarranted raid on the public treas
ury under the guise of law has given
way to a discussion of positively crim
inal occurrences, and members of the
legislature who happen to be Identified
with the legal profession refer fre
quently to the action of this same su
preme court of recent date. In which
an unwarmated use of public funds
was held to be a crime. This Is the cel
ebrated Harlan county case. In which
Banker Mills was sent to the peniten
tiary for using public funds In his bank
in collusion with the county treasurer,
the court basing Its action on the evi
dent knowledge of the accused that he
was diverting public funds to his own
So far as the prevailing sentiment as
to Judge Norval's position Is concerned
a little Incident that occurred In the
cloak room of the house Is a fair sam
ple. The recent developments of the
court investigation were being discuss
ed, and a member whose home Is not
more than three weeks' travel from the
state house remarked: "Yes, but Nor
val says be didn't know he was using
the state's money."
"That reminds me." said a fellow
member, who, by the way, is also a
republican, "that a man up In our coun
ty about twelve years ago said he
wasn't guilty of sticking a knife Into
another fellow. Now It may seem
strange, but do you know our sheriff
had to take that man out and hang
him a few months later because twelve
men got the Idea Into their heads that
he couldn't tell the truth about It" And
after making this Irrelevant and Imma
terial statement the up-country mem
ber sauntered out Into the chamber to
vote on the passing of a bill.
It Is a peculiar circumstance that the
talk at this time Is not as to what will
. be done with the report of the Investl
j gating committee, or even as to what
j the report of the committee will be.
The discussion Is ail directed to th
i subject Itself, and all controversy Is as
; to what is to be done with Norval. Pol
; Itics is being pushed in certain Chan
i nets for ail It Is worth, and some of
jthe republicans are In favor of saving
j him at any cost. This Is undoubtedly
' the sentiment of a majority of them at
the present time, but there Is a small
republican element that gives It out
openly that there will be all kinds of
trouble If this course is perslBied In.
A republican member of the house.
who has acquired quite a reputation for
Independence since the opening of the
session, said. In addressing half a dozen
of hi- associates: "I will never vote to
sustain a whitewash, and you fellows
might as well understand It first as
last I am not ready to say that 1 be
lieve Norval guilty, but do say that It
looks mighty black against him, and 1
want to have a fuller investigation Into
these things. There Is more evidence
against him now than a grand Jury
would require to bind him over, and
I shall Insist that this be tried. If he
Is not guilty we need not be afraid of
the result, and If he Is guilty I am not
the kind of a republican that would pro.
tect him on account of his politics.
Even If we were to be guided solely by
partisanship and Ignore all decency,
honesty and Justice I would question
the policy of suppressing the whole
truth, now that at least a part of It
has been made public.
"The people of the state know Just
ss much about this now as we do, and
they have formed an Impression regard
ing K. If they are like me they want
more light on the subject and will not
Indorse a move to hush the thing up."
So far as the committee report regard
ing nepotism and the stenographic as
sistant salary r'ib is concerned, there
Is a strong probability that the commit
tee will unanimously censure the prac
tice that has been In vogue and recom
mend that a new system be entered
upon that will accord with the plain In
tent of the law and make the parties
whose names are placed on the pay roll
of the state In this rapacity assistants
In fact as well as In name.
With reference to Judge Norval, the
Indlvatlons point to a majority and mi
nority report, the former referring the
matter as being outside the resolution
of Inquiry, and, possibly, mildly criti
cising the ndlscreton of the Judge, and
the latter a plain and unequivocal rec
ommendation that the senate be re
quested to sit with the bouse to consider
the adoption of articles of Impeachmeat
against the offending official.
The members of this committee aa
Bounce their Intention of presenting
their findings to the house tomorrow.
Sixty new Salvation Army corps wars
opened la Oreat Britain last year, aad
operations com mt need hi IM bow vU.
Prominent Sliver Men Deliver Ad
dresses All Endorse the
Chicago Platform.
Topeka, Kan. (Special.) The demo
cratic conference and banquet under
the auspices of the democratic state
central committee was held In this city
last week.
Prominent speakers, Including Colonel
William J. Bryan of Nebraska, Champ
Clark of Missouri, Allen O. Meyers of
Ohio and Sidney Clark of Oklahoma,
were In attendance.
Covers were laid for more than 1,000
guests. The new library halL where
the banquet was held, presented a bril
liant scene wKh thousands of Incandes
cent lights and decorations of natural
roses, flags and bright colored bunting.
The meeting was in the nature of a
conference of the democratic leaders,
the policy of the party in the campaign
of 1900 being touched upon. Mr. Bryan
himself was given the most prominent
place, his subject being "Democracy."
Mr. Bryan stood out squarely for the
Chicago platform and said that there
had been no retreat from the positions
taken In 1896.
"We are only holding our own," he
declared, "but we are gaining back
those democrats who left us without
fully understanding the nature of the
"Sometimes we hear pleas for har
mony from those who opposed the party
In UM," continued Mr. Bryan, "but har
mony. Instead of being a thing hoped
for, Is at last a thing realized; not a
pretended harmony between those en
tertaining antagonistic principles, but
an actual harmony between those who
are united In a common purpose against
a common enemy. The democratic par
ty was never more harmonious, and Its
harmony can only be disturbed by ad
mitting within the fold those who are
at variance with its principles and
"The democratic platform of 1900 will
be written by those who stood upon the
platform of 1896, not by those who tried
to overthrow the democratic party In
that campaign.
The failure which attended those
.-ho organized the gold parly and wrote
the Indianapolis platform ought to re
strain them from proffering their ser.
vices as platform makers for years to
Mr. Bryan closed with a denunciation
of mllltiarism and what he termed the
tendency of the present administration,
toward Imperialism. He said: "The
republican party came Into existence In
an attempt to apply the declaration of
Independence to the black man, it seems
likely to go out of existence for Its
refusal to to apply the same principle
to a brown man only half black."
Champ Clark of Bowling Green, Mo.,
had for his subject "Prosperity Past,
Present and Future."
He was followed by Allen O. Meyers
of Columbus, P.. whose toast was
"The East and the West." The toast
responded to by Sidney Clark of Okla
homa City was "Oklahoma, the Next
Star In the Flag of the Union."
So Says Senator Mason In Speak
ing of the Filipinos.
Washington. D. C (Special.) Sena
tor Mason (republican) of Illinois, who
Is on official business in this city, Is
none the less caustic In his criticism of
the presdent's Philippine policy. He
a y s :
"I learned from the President's talk
before the Home Market club of Bos
ton that the Philippine problem was In
the hands of congress, and would be
sr-ttled by the legislative branch of the
government. So I thought I would
rome to Washington, and be here In
case It should happen that the presi
dent cared for the Judgment of congress
In this matter. I find a pronounced
change of sentiment among men with
whom I talk. - Substantial business men
who three months ago were red hot
for expansion, now say they have had
enouh of It. I ask them how about
the prestle of their country, and they
say they care little about prestige de
rived from conquering men with ar
rows in their bands, but that the taxes
resulting are what they fear. The Idea
of calling these Filipinos rebels Is un
just They have never taken the oath
of allegiance to the United States. They
wanted Independence from the start,
and have said so. They will always hate
us, and nothing Is to be gained by con
quering them. Even If we do overcome
them they will turn around and poison
our people. I have Just learned from
the Burgeon General's office that M per
cent of our men out there are afflicted
with a loathsome disease. This Is a
bad beginning for our army.
"I am not a high moralist and not so
much opposed to stealing In Itself; but
I do question the Judgment of a man
who steals a red-hot stove that he la
In no position to carry off. Such a thief
Is a fool. The attempt of the United
States to steal the liberty of the Fili
pinos Is of the same sort I believe the
American people are waalag up to this
Senator Stewart of Nevada, who vot
ed for the treaty of peace, said today:
"I have been la favor of retaining the
Philippines, but my mind la
to change.
President afcKlaley has pardoned Oa.
ear Dawson servtag tvo yean for asst.
offios robbery, because as Is la the Hat
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