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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1899)
X;. I ! 1 f if i ! i i - i $ - t j I if 4 i 11 A If How To Make Money. If you are tired of paying high prices you .can make money hv bavins your poods at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE. Every body love a nice fitting. Stylish Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised in all magazines at s:;.on in Iliston, we pracefrd hoe for ;?-.') right here at home and nave you We t:cpre.-.s besides. All otkcr leather goods will be sold just as clieap in proportion; none but the best kept in stock. In Clothing, Drygoods and Groceries we will meet all East ern Catalogue prices and will throw in a Ket of (lia-ss Dishe?, worth -.j0, for every 20.00 worth you buy for catdt. Also, come in and see ,-ur Ladies Wrappers and Shirt Waists, they are DAISIES and will be sold very low. Call and get our prices .before you buy elsewhere. We also han dle the celebra ted Valentine Flour, none better in America. Besides we have lull line of Crockery. If you want a suit of clothes made to order we are Agents for Royal Taylors of Chi cago, Ills. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l. gerlach, Prop. THE SIOUX COUNTY CTOTTTt 1ST A. Thursday, MCU. 30th. 1889. .tie. 1). Canon, Editor and I'rop. F. E.&M.VR. K. timetable. Gotuj Went. (joiujf I-'.suit. S, mixed. 1 1 :3 I So. 6. tnUrd 6 :C0 5 North-West em LINE j?. E. 51. V. R. R. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEADWOOD AND HOT STK1SGS, SOUTH DAKCTA. F. E. & 51. V. R. II. Special Eswirsioa to Hot Spring, S. I). Excursion tickets will lie ol Tuesdays Febuary 14th and 28, 189'J, at one fair for the round trip, good returning CO flays from date of Bale. Fair Jrom Harrison, 84. 40. F. Avery, Agt. JWDorit fend to Mont omary, Ward & Com pan y -or to Elkhart, Indiana, for your Harnesses. I can nell you better goods and much ' cheaper. If you are open for conviction come and learn for yourself. Eggeut RonwEK. Mr. Canfield, of Whitney is a guest at the W. B. VVright mansion thin w:k. Asa Raickxtein of Crawfon, who taiue in on lint .Situnlaj-'s train, will work for Mr. Henry Waroeka the coming season. Spring Bonnets will be a ficarce ar ticle oo next Sunday, however ladlss jcaa wear their new "bonnets" minus the. sprinj?., Virgil Hester returned from Iowa Tuewlay noon where tin h&a been for the jmnt two months on a vitiit and leHin? attle which he had bought ut Sioux itr. A pleasant gurprise wim tendered Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright on last Friday ..iveoinf. pnce forbids going into deUil, tmt uffic to aar a mont enjoyable tints li orient. -8. B. Iirv;wnr1ty and hi brother - nrrived with their car of eniirnuu niov Mblas from Seward county ' this stati, TuewJay. Thw boy hava come with the erident intention of making , the county Ibeir future hotne. There in plenty f.f fonm in fyovn county for jut mob citi ftm at w believe tlta boyt will make The boya umJernUnd Intend to enipige in the lira stork inlutry, and we believe lMrMld And no oilier plac in Xebraa n,wbT9 Urn conditioo of a country V ".SJ fa tboir bui-w. J. E. FHES'XEY, SL ). Phvisdan and Surgeon. All calls given prompt attention. Otnee in rrujf Store. -HAJtKISOS - ST11RASKA. GRANT GUTUIUE, AUorney-at-Lav. Frompt attention piveo to all legal matters in Justice, County and Wittrict t'ourts, attd ijtfore the UuitaJ St&tef Land OIHc-. Fire Insurance written iu reliable jornpanies. t'Leg'al papers cirefully drawn. HARWflOX. - ' KEUrtAy.KA. Another li'htsikiir r.f Know foil in thi section of ttie country last Satur day afternoon and evening. Frank Wright, was ta'ii;ht how to chop wool on last Saturday evening, af ter the manner of W. W. sly le. Grand;i Wright, who has Fent a week at Chadrnn and Whitney, onions; old friends and relatives, returned n last Saturday, lookinti: very much im proved in LeoJlh and spirits. Mr. and Mrs. Collins, came up from Crawford, on hist Tuesday nnd were .me' at the train by Jbss Crawford, - who took them with their household effects down to the Crawford S.iw mill, on Spring creek. Mr. Collins will work in the mill and his wif will beard all han.U who work there. Plenty of room for more workers in Sioux county. Howard Smur-k, met with a very painful accident on las'. Monday while on his way home from the Canyon with a load of wood. He was walking beside the wagon, when suddenly he (dipped and the front wheel of the wnon passed over his right kg which owinp; to its being doubled up at the time, the wheel passed above and below the knee as well, while he is nuuVrinjr from the. efftuts of the accident, fortunately no bone were broken and he will be all right in a few days. On next Sunday the christian world will celebrate the glorious feast of the risen Saviour, hia triumphant victory over death and the grave, which wan ac complished by his dire humility, (the way of the cross.) The following lines are especially selected for the happy day. Out in the morning came Mary the mag dalene iJew-damp of ni'lit in her hair; Weepinif and pale, in the first morn of Barter, Came she, faithful! v, thera. And herein' the story Sweet Cbiuity's plory The story the hi lies declare. C-t of the chiming of aoft bella at Eas- ter; Out of the lily'a perlume: Out of the ri t of, birds of the spring-time; Out of its myriad bloom Coniesyer the story Of Christ' risen glory, Tltut uj'vuHe with -promise tho tomb. ' OUR HOfl 0 The h! e to (U't Cood Harains at all timed is at J. H. BARTELL's The following of which i. nearly always found., at tli" above place: A complete assortment of Ladies and Gents furnish i n g ( ; ood s, D r y (J ood s, Xo tions zv Millinery. A Good line of MenV Dud; Clothing. Hats and Caps to suit the times. Ladies and Cents Fire Foot Wear a Fjiecialty; and Children. s Fout Wear care fully considered. go U J a For filcCormic machinery, Barb 3d Wire j and Salt; in fact nearly everything" j kept in a well regulated store. If you are in need of a large or small hill come1 in and see what we can do. for yen j before you send your money out of the country. Respectfully, j I.WThe imdert-ined will give a Easter, Monday ni'jrht Dance, in Harrison, April C. 1 ..'.;;!. Every body invited to attend. Supper will he serv ed at the Harrison llou.-s (II. Will, Manager.,. Yi j 1.LEWrn.. Wilts Earn st, tnt.vel his family back to the ranch lat Sat unlay. Mor snow melted iast Friday, thaa did on all the rest of the warm days put together kiiics last fall. Mrs. F F. Pout his of Ripid City S. Dak. wag in Harrison, a day or to this we k. Jerry Will, was in H.irriion on hic Friday, but rcturiieJ to ( iuxuuu t' sa... evininj;. Mrs. Ken lull, mother cf Hev. Ken dall came in on Tue-day's tra;n to ma!;e her sua and Ciuiiiy an exUndc-d viit. Mrs. Yf.Wr Hour1.t, w,n has b-en at t'h-.u! rou d urine; t! past two week in ca ir t of tin J v-u ssoa in nsiosi d ir o? the ahienus of tiia latter and his wife, returned to her home, on last Thursday. We a knowittle a ph atant call fr;rn Mr. IS. Frank Di.;st'ir, of tha west sidv hai entered the employ of Mr.!, on Itun nin Water, utiil will look after the in terests ot his employer down in that vi cinity during the corning seison as the latur will movu'ou to tlw J. H. U.irtell Rmc'i w iiicii Iu has pundiav: l. A letter received from A. Orton of Bowob !, Fenn , a former rtsidont of liodare precinct this county, is to the effect that he with his family liavo en joyed the best of health since thV locat ed in tlwir new home, alwut seven months a'O. lie did rot, however, for get to enclose a one-dollar bill in pay ment of the JontKAI. another yeafr, say ing: he lik,xl to hear from his many friends and acquaintance In Sioux county and considered a vears subscription to j t!e Ji;i:NAh the clu ap-st and best way to hear from them regularly. No doubt the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Orton will be );lad to hour ihcy tin will and doing well. As announced in la-t week's JotltXAt, Frof- W. C. Philips, of the Ohadron Ac ademy, came in on the west bound train Monday nooo, and in the evening deliver ed his lecture at the 1,1. E. church to a fair sized and attentive audience; his subject was, Some Popular Fallai-ies, Classified as follows: Coroetition; There is room nt the top; Nothing succeeds lika success; On(r must practice what ha preaches; PeopU who live in gl.nts houses should not throw stones; H.inesty in the host policy. While ou '"knight of the quill" does not altogether aree with tiie Prof, an 1V his views regarding ".Homo popular fallacies' yet he ad vanced some ideas that are per haps new to the thirikiiiking public iukI the gentleman handled lussul ject in such a manner; we grant he is a student, and on who is sincct'e m whatever l has to oftrr to (lit public, Wo venlire the as sertion ih it Prof, PhipfKi could go no where and speak t a iuir nUepJjveacd apppeciative audianc. OEPARTflHT The place to Git Good iiarciins in IJnlibers is at J- li. BARTELL'S, Where a complete line of warm Fchs and .lubbers with I'KK ES ALWAYS right. Our linenfClhX'EKIES are fine, as we always aim to buy Goud, Fivsh Goods such a s we l:now would r.iit all our Customers. We carry a complete lin of FLOCK &. FEED; all Flour guaranteed. Also, we carry II A EDWAEE A Euildimr Material. J. II. BARTELI, A tatisl in our l ist wet-l;' issue, we w ill try and ive the particulars re. s garding the dcatti of Joseph Ibi.'kinson.nt jlheM. E. Hef-pilal in On.rdia, one week j ago last Tor-vl.iy. A letl'-r to M. J. IeW I ett fruiu,w ho mi:t iaiiiiinii:,!ely to j,look after ai.d care lor his broth-T, mjoii i as lie heard of his sad coi'.ditiun, sa "Jo j lieJ at noun Tuesday and he a.-ri vd tiwre ; at 3 o'clock in the eveaing of t!e mih ! ...... I - .. ..I. ! I .. ..... of a blood vessel on the brain, and that he r.evcr roeinnd cinsiti-ieiKi after wards. Lee and las brotln-r Win. l-ft. on last .sitturday, with the r-u aios for (.' ,.r .., Mich., the home of ll,i-.'r a'ent .. wh-e ' the burial w,l f U place, V-i-r viiich !,e j b Vs wiii i-fttim to hoiuev" , V.:i-'::'.i 1-..' V. l.tjc. I ; "t J l.aal ,-.itaii..,y .e. t. e u,, ! I i:...' iv,:ulr.i j meet mi.' of the Mod. rn Wood man h"i I was somettiie,' h;jif re-j licit will long j lie remembered bv t'.e in "inbers that was j lucky etl'HIK, to be prsvlit. Tiie (amp was ! t-ij-g'd at, til" j re'il'ir routine of busings and h.'il just cOinpl-t.Hl ceremony of adopting a nei).-h-j br into tiie mysteries of woodurafi wl n there came a r.i at the outer door, uni! j when the watchman answered the call j to inve-.ti .-atu tba intrusion, magazine ; the ama,e'rie:it i-pread on that watch j mans face as he returned with the in i formation that, there was a delegation I of lad.ea seeking nil mission into the camp. W.J1. what will we do. was the na or al question the olTieer in the chair held a hurrii.d consultation and concluded t temporarily fiispend the bnsiuers of the rielitig and have a recess to lux-crtain the ptiry)os of the iustrusion, when the watchman ar.d escort were instructed to refmir to the reception room w here the 1,'idi'M ware in waiting and escort them into the hall. Iinairme the sur prise nnd wonderment o'er preail the facts of the members of the camp kn about a dozzjn ladies tiled in by t wos and tnarched around the hall, in regular form, the parties consisting of luemix-r of tiie Royal KeighborK, Modern Wood nian's w iv,)s and Udy friends, all carry iug liuskcts filled to o'crfl:jwiiig with iJI the g'jod things U eat that you could think of. imagine tiie beaming countcn ajue of the venerable counc il and others when the Oracle of the Royal Neighbors answered that this intrusion wu for the purpose of serving supper for the sociuty of all present, Tim result was that every body ate all they could nnd yet there was many baskets taken up after which all enjoyed a social entertainment coru-isting of instrumental music und hongs. When the ladies announced at eleven o'clock tbut it was time to retire to their homes by tendering thanks to the meni liers ol tho camp for the recognition and cotirlioiiH timtri.i t.t recemd and by bid ding all good night, were in return givn: hurrahs of the camp, wishing many re turns of tho season. After recovering of tho order, the fol lowing resolutions, in honor of the ladies who gave the banquet were paired ly theM. W, of A: Vhorea the Indies of the Rnyal Neigh bors society of Harrison, have shown iinjr npjireciallon Rf Uie inVrs of or mmr '$ A PICTURE OF ARMIDAI - Si sa & n A PICTURE OF ieuwie op -o- A PICTURE OF TILE -4m Any os tnesi cm t uasn nurcnase -AT- M A RSTELLBR BROS. by bapj.ily surprising llem wUi ' a banquet supjvr and -ocml i n'ertain jnietit, oil the CVeii'iU of th'l t U of j Mar. l, therefore b-- it R.-solved. tint theM. Vv'. of A., !-ke j this way to pnhbcly thank the loii.s land fneinisand the R ivnl Neiuhb irs lor ; tiie e'eg-'ot, stip;er furn.-beil and for; ; tin ir proLti e at lh banquet. j A M si- r i Woodmau. Tiie Neat S'-rrrt Ori-r. l"p in Molilalia t! ev have a '. der ki.ow ii ; - ; ' '! i ' I ,. y, - Vi , l :i a pa e i :'. i j r, rev lodj r, of holy if .oia." J "Tiiei o ;i a ; I 'i'.ii a , p. i on I -ll.ifJm,,,! :,(J l y.-c in tin? count; win, elf to ' popuhsi':" ''liy having lin (-AM a c.ilaurty ! bow b'r, and I'm ready to jwi a.:a'U." J "Where were josi lirst pnq..iet to l.v madf a pop';" "Ju the republuan party." "Where next';'' "In the d.nii-repubican party." , "How were you o' "P.y ling roblsd every year for ten years in the interest of railroads corpora- j tioiis, trusts, loan companies mid theiv- iug public olii'i. lis. mil il 1 was div,sted Mi1t mce neither lot bed nor fed, sheperei! in.r bcil, whireiipoii I was summoned to ut the door ul a ci rtain law er's o.'Iice and give u ills liiict knock." '.What wa haul to you from with in?" ''Who comes here?-' "Your answer.'1 "A poor drouth-stricken farmer who more time upon his obligation." "What was then demanded of joaV "(.'ash." "had j on cah." "I had it, not, but the otlur fellows had my notes and were ready to form h)!-e "What were you then toldr" "To wait until the worshipful mortgi geer iu the east could Iu informed of my requei-t arid bis oiikwtr returned." "What was his answer';'' "I.-t him e nter his pleadings in court, and be refivel iu due and ancient lorui ' "II iw were you received'' "L'pon tho sharp point "f 11 deficiency judgment to everyth ng in sight, which wus to teach m! that as the law Is an in struiiKDt of Justice it Was also the wea mi) of moral highwaymen." Mow were you tlfii disposed of?" "I was then conducted to the senior warden of the jail, who told me how I might approach my wife's relations , the east for further assistance and th ,. i receive furlh.r instructtons."-The Iul. i EREE.THWL! rdtnprir?'.r trMRtment for dnmn. nurvnus fiei,tiit,.na i A wen k fif.a it . f . . tot vitality fiont true for II pin, piwmire. U yu. n ABU isst. 123 J, jr SU ST. LCiJii, Ki IfTTttij. .o 1,,.. ,,1 l,.d (.,nh, im tiu. 1 rtiiiiilBrrl karil.n tut telrtl. a. sttimL vMtiM ki r.4 It. .k . cllfrl. J.K. ii. DO ITS, l. t.u, tU1, l. iJmlfa. nfllfFV &. u h wv h i of THE MIKE, of MANILAS A fl c tr e. a m r & fi M.I&B Will ( REAP TUB JOOPJfl Tli is Week. - . NOTICE: There will )t jLtitht'nin Sfrvirf-f) at tl.OfA JM. F. Mrh. " , j -::. i-'v. at -jo'. iv m. j l:i;v. . (I. :-: ,. . : las tor. j N(mCiC:---Ihv;ichinr: eve Jry cth'T Sabbath at 11:00 .-!'.-vk a. nt., and every Sab hnt'.i evening at the M. E. i .: :r M. J. L. K i NDAi.r., Pastor. i v" Eajtits v.-irhin-,' to sell or buy land should call on or write to the edi tor of THE SIOUX CO UNTS JOURNAL. Public Auction. I v. ill olft.-r for Kale at Pub lic Auftion, at my residence, half inilc north of the Bodan; Krhool hoi-.H', on Hat Creek, April 3, 1 $.'., at 10 o'clock a. in., the following dencribed jjTfonaI projicrty to-wit: : Covh, .T StcfTrf 1 Wajrou 1 Ilt ifei, 2 Dnum Chickenn, 1 Cook Stove, l Heating Stove, 1 Si t Double Ilarncws, oOO ijundrt I'lour, 12 bushel Wheat, beside, JietlteadH, Chains Di.shcs and other Ilouwhold furniture too nu merous to mention. Term: CASH. P. N. KlRKPATKlCX. Auctioneer, E. A. Hiokijw, rIERyiTA PiLlSSS 1 it.lVNO MANHOOD t-'urcg Imootcncy, Night Emlwtionsand. Wa"f ln dScx,ie9' aI1 c(Iccl" of, ,elf' auui.i;. tr excess anu nui cretlon. A in rvo (onlc ond pii.k glow to pale cheeks and rcBtorcn the Cre of youth, illy mail BOc per box, CI boe '. for H,r0; with a wrltUn ffnaran ttotnrtirQ or refund tho money Send lor circular. Addres, ' NERVITA r.CDlCAL CO. Cilmcn a Jackcon Cts., CHICAGO, IU W- Mill D.v I 2- PJJ07. if