i-'. lift JsTV W f,raVv t- SfJ flKeppesscd 6 And it it not due to nervous exhaustion? Things slwsys look m much brighter when we re In good health. How can you have courage when aulfer- Iflff With heidarh nrvmia Oprostrtrlon and great physical weakness? XTeuld you not like to be rid or this depression of spirits? I T How? By removing the f A csuse. By taking It gives activity to all parts that carry away useless and poisonous materials from your body. It removes the cause of your suirenng, because it re- f t moves all Impurities from your V J blood. Send for our book on V Nervousness. r To keep In good health you must have perfect action of the bowels. Ayer's Pills cure con Btipstion and biliousness. tm mmr Ooo4m. Farhaps ?oa woo:d iik ( egnsatt gams aramsat physicians aboat roar goaSltlo. Then writ us freely alf tka Brticalars In yoor cite Too will ra ITSa from pi replf. wit host eoet Aadrss. Dfc. J. C. AVER. Unll. SUM, Ex-President Harrison is great new paper reader. He sub crit to at least one paper of every leading city in tbe country. It ia aail .tut ne erroneous use of the word "this" lor "that" in the naval appropriation act ill probably prevent Ihe purchase ol armor f r the three battle-hips and (our monitors under sonatruoiioii. There in eoinet inei a good ileal io word. On one occasion SJ insignifjYatil tiling an a comma in a tariff act made a differei c of millions of dollars. Two bottles of Piso'a Cure for Co"'in., tion cared me ol a bad lung trouble. Mrs. J. Nichols, Princeton, lmf., Mar. 'JO, lsiri. The State Iab.r Commissioner of Whseonsln la carrying on a strong era ade ft gal not tbe employment of chll dren la tli at State. No l- Shun 300 children have latwly Wu taken out of factories) In Wisconsin by represents tlvee of the labor oommlfsloeer's of fice because of the discovery that the young people employed were under tlie legal ajfe of 14 years, and therefore not of the age reo,ulrel by law for factory work. Inaia has pertiaps a greater variety f plants than any orher country In the world, having 15,000 native species, While the Dura of tbe entire continent f Europe embraces only about 10,000. Tbe President n.nd Secretary of the OUpple Creek (Co!.) Trade and Labor eeembly were arrewfed on Indictments found by the grand Jury at Colorado prlngs charged with violating the Colorado boy emit law. The Garniemt Worker aays It Is aboix time some earnest end Intelligent ef fort wu put forth In tlie wsy of socur tag letrfaxlatlon which would guarantee to the workers a measure of compen sation for Injuries) sustained wblle em ffcred. 1 BAD BREATH I bv Wtmg VAmVA ft . 1 at.4 m tf Mil) and ffcti taintiv ttitf a, t 'u uh w-n-Wffvl. Mr Amnghimr atrd I wre bother., will. wtou:h ml our trtili tu very h4. After klftf difjM of r(M nru we t.Attt luipnrred vVs(lr fully I hsj tr a grrl ticlii fn lb Unillr " Wll.HKIMIWA NA'iKI.. ft RilMiiliouM Ht , tloelDMU.Obi. ant. ralalab). PnunL Taaui dim Do Natar Siiiaao. Wfamo. or (Jr. mi. ft, 'tie. jua OUM CONSTIPATION. ... If Uafwr, l-blraca. Swtl. a f ait S Til VIA Std nd frararitao r all irua kl4IVU UU '.. ft UK V.l.ao.y. llablL FARM SEEDS Slifar'l aai an Wanutal U rrattM. mwmw, rww, . sslMf US WmriA W f Hs4 Wlf. Mo , br (f1tM I UsMtt lUtsaw'. M1ftl4iL Wit, II v-aU MsiriM. SVtal M la.U. 1 IfM sws. si y mil mwsji, a4 4, llO DOLLARS WORTH FOR lOoi i - - . 7 r- L snww w, "H'e-f Sal vf J . s4 wait It boi, yx i tol tm J ilalalM iltuav 2 Z. ff tfYf CATMAfrriC 4 Ptaaa CHANCE FOft PREACHEKSi Earopeaa Toara Mudc Toaalble try tbr Wnr. An nnxMeted renult of the reient war affects the prmichern of the I'ul.ed States. It In a (letdre felt by cmj;re gntloiiM In Kngland mid .Seirtland, ami to Home extent Citnnda, and by the KiiKll"l)-tpeakinK contlngenta In Home, Pnrla and IVrlln to hear Ameiican preiiehern in their pulpits. Letters are oomliiK from Knt(land to clergymesi In thlx country axklng when the recipi ents exe-t to vlnlt KiiKlaixl, or whi n any of their ministerial frlcirHs expect to croM the ocean. A broker In mltilH terial supplies has even set up In busi ness lu London with the express pur pose of securing American clergymen to till English and Scotch pulpits. This broker Is now sending to clergymen on this side of the Atlantic letters asking alsut their vucarion plans next sum mer. Iu a burst of conllilence the In formation In given that a man need not have a national reputation hi America In order to get Into the liettt pulpit In Kngland Just now; almost anything Is In demand that bears the American label. A New York preacher, who held one of these Invitations In his hand as he stoke, said tlie other day to u New York Sun reporter: "What a iiecr war that was! Who would have thought that our contro versy with Spain would have made it possible for America ii ministers to take that lour abroad, to the Holy Land a well, perhaps, and pay the entire way of themselves and their families by supplying' pulplis in Knglaud ami on the Continent Y odd, isn't itY Hut it can Ih- done. "The Protestant clergyman who does not go abroad now d.ies not deserve n second opjMirliiiiii.v. Tin re is one thing, however, that our ministers ought to know, since there seems to be a chance for them to turn I'.rltisli friendliness to account. I have had experience, for I have preached in big I-ondou pulpits, and also lu provincial ones. It is all right for your vanity to be able to say that you preached in Christ Church, Westminster Itrldge road, or Regent square Presbyterian Church: but If yon want to extend your trip to the Holy Land, and do not care alsnit impressing your congregation ut home, select the provincial pulpits. They pay more. The churches 1 have namul pay only .1 a Humlay ?15 for two sermons! Think of It! You see they take advan tage of their own prominence. It Is as If Plymouth, or the Klfth-avenue Pres byterian, or the liroadway Tabernacle, Instead of paying a fair price, say a Sunday for a supply, should pay only $15, ls'catise It Is worth while to the Western clergyman to say he has occu pied these New Y'ork pulpits. I call that traflleklng In their own social power. "It is quite Misslble, I say in all seri ousness, for the American minister, even If he Is- not known trcyond the limits of his own symsl, to go abroad next summer and pay all his expenses, or nearly all of them. The demand, strange as It may seem, Is enormous. I am besought In all directions, not al ways to come myself, but somel lines to give tuiormatioii or others who are to visit Kngland. The old order of things Is reversed, I repeat, what an odd war It was, and what strange results came from It." LargeX Family on It' i-or I. In the Haiielan manuscript. No. 78 and Stwi. In the library or the liritlsh Museum, mention Is made of tin- most extraordinary family that has ever been known In the world's history. The parties were s Scotch weaver and his wife (not wives), who were the father and rnothiT of sixty-two children. The majority of the offspring of this prolillc pair were Imi.vh exactly how many is not known-for the record mentions the fact that foidy-six of the male children llvisl to reach man hood's estale, and only four of the daughters lived to lie grown up women. Thirty-nine of the sons were still liv ing In the year liKUP, the majority of them then residing In and about. New cast le-on-Ty lie. It is recorded In one of the old his tories of Newcastle thai "a ccrtyiic gentleman of large csi.iyies" rod" "thlrty-iind-thrce miles beyond the Tyne to prove tills wonderful story." It Is further related that Sir .1. Itowers adopted ten of the sons, and throe other "landed gentlemen" took ten each. The remaining members of iho extraordinary family were brought nAj by the parents. Made a Mistake. He was drcsHcil in the helghl of fash ion and occupied n sent near the door of a crowded cur. when n woman of Considerable llVolrdnpols and severity of expression entered. Having no newspaper behind which to bide, he was llxed and subjugated by liel glit tering eye. lie ane and offered bli place to her. Scaling herself without thanking him, of course she exclaim ed In strident tones that reached to the furthest end of the cur: "Say, what do you want to stand up there for? Come here and sit on niy lap." "Madam," he gucpid. km his face be came scarlet, "I I fi.ir I am not (U serving of such nn honor." "What do you menu, you dude'.'" shrieked Hie woman. "You I'.imw very well I wim speaking to my niece there behind you." - N"w York Sun. Ilus-an Amusement Ins. Russia lias an "amusement tax," which was instituted a year or two ago to found an Institution for the poor tinder the title of tlie "impress Marie l-'otiiidalloii." The tax Is levied Uh.ii every amusement ticket sold, and the managers raise the price accordingly. There Is nothing that rnnkes an old person so disgusted with himself ns to miss uu opporiuuliy for giving advice. I A REMARKABLE PHYSICIAN. Save Hi Bervlcea nnd Uaa Life tbo I'oor. Lsst spring, In tbe city of New York, securred one of the most remarkable funersls ever witnessed. The hearse which bore the deud man was attended by sixty pallbearers, and ef.cb man of the sixty owed his life, under God, to the uiiuial ration of him they bore. Be hind the heacse walked HO0 men in line, hardly one of whom btit was Indebted to the dead man for bis ability to be there. Two hundred and ninety-three car riages followed, and these lu turn were tttended by a large number of people on foot Who was this man who, being dead, could so stir the hearts of the people? Who ns he that be should be mourned over lr 15,0X persons In oue day, be cause ihey would look upon his face no more Was he a great general; a world-fionored statesman? No. He was a simple East Side phy- alclan, whose patients were dwellers In the tenement districts, aud whose aiourners were the poor to whom he had ministered. Vr, Aronson Inherited a small prop erty from his father, and early deter mined that his life should be spent In service for others. He made lung ills eases I. Is specialty, and studied with X.- I. t.. TJ....1I I ... -i - i . i" H iu ieioii, ami in me nesi schools In Europe. When he came back to New Yorg be was unknown, save to physi cians. hut tie Immeiliatelv opened, al his own expense, a ho.- sutuplives in the poorest city, and threw h in-i :r !. Into the work ot i .! ;.i:; Of frl -ndless pan. i. l for con Ml of tin . i anil soul Lhe distress It was his custom when called upon to attend a poor family, to leave a few dollars on the table behind him. Iu the bestowal of these gifts neither creed uoc race was lecogub.ed. a i-ienu s.-U( of iiim: "He was n man vho took peculiar pleasure In hc lng o'lit." people happy. He often de clared thiu " he had ten millions of dollars, be would spend his life in driv ing around In the tenement districts, and relieving the poor." He himself once said: "I like to dls cover a case where a bard landlord b pushing a poor tenant to the wall. Then It is my delight to come In at the last moment, raise my hand, and call a halt, with a check for the amount owed by thd tenant. Then real happiness Is seen In the face of the one relieved. A fians life Is so short at best!" he was wont t.) say. "It would be an easy matter to make the world happy, and oneself, too, If each person would but contribute all he possibly could to the relief of the suffering." Several years ago a ense of blood poisoning occurred on the East Side f Ner York. The patient was a poor woman, and she was critically ill. Phy sicians to whom applications had been nimue had refused to take the case be cause of the exceptioncl risk In the treatment that was required. Tbe right when Dr. Aronson heard of It was tbe night of his brother's -ved ding, and he was dressed to attend It. He was told that the woman would die nnless she were operated upon within two hours. He threw off his dress suit burrfed to her bedside, and performed a successful operation. A few days after he himself was taken down with blood poisoning, contracted from the sufferer, and for weeks lingered be tween life and death. Then a wonderful aud beautirul sight was seen. Hundreds came daily to In quire for tbe good physician. Scores of people knelt together In the open air around his doorstep, and prayed aloud for bu recovery. The man was greatly oeloved because he had greatly loved ind rrrsndly given. When he recovered be said he would gladly undergo the same again to save life. At last came a day when upon his return from a call on a poor and wretch ed pat'.ent th!s good man dropped dead upon he sidewalk, near his own door step, his end thus coming, It was said. Just as he had long secretly hoped and prayed that It might come. The end came, we have said. But who -an predicate an end to a life so filled with the spirit of Him Who wns, pre-emliictitly, the Helper and Healer ft men? Italians .ol All iiankrupt. Italy offered a loan of 28,(K)d,(HiO the other day, aud tbe subscriptions amounted to fifteen times its amount The largest offerings were from Rome and Milan. Graaahopprra aa Food. Fried shrimps and grasshoppers r old In the markets of Mexico; both sr cooked whole and so eaten. Wheu an old girl beglna of a sudden to look pretty aud youthful. It Ih an In dleatlon that she has a love iiffulr that Is still In lu early stages. Lust scat on In I) troit, Comedian Tim Murphy, who U successfully starring in "Tbe Car ethHifer," wm stop ed by a Michigan f irmer in front of an electric p snt snd asked the following questions : "VV'bst is this 'ere building- fac tory?" "No, s plant," was the anawsr. "Whs do Ihey rsise there?" "Cune'ils," it-plied the quick-witted n'tor. ''Whit sre t hey wor;h a buslifl?" ' Wg.. them by II e slinrlt." Allbsstlne, tbe oulj durslils wsll root lag, tskrs the place of scaling kalaoinltips. wsll paper snd pslnl for wnlla It ran be taei on plsater, hrlrli. wood or raoras t. Ilruad Sana lha Kntth Channel. he Knglish Psrliament is coneid. inr J e plan of connecting that count. i'h Frsnoeby rilssy. Engineers sa a roadbed can bo laid on the bo: torn of the English channel. This seeni i yond belief, but it is perhaps no more remarkable than the cures accomplish t ed by Hostf-tter's Stomach Bitters in casts of dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation. Ia It Froriiabla to devote an entire dy in getting to St Joeeph or Kansas City, uen the trie may be comfortably male during the miibt via the St. Joseph & Grand Island Ry? Chair ( ais (feats free) and Pull nun Palsce Sleeppers are ruu on all night trains. How's Thlsi We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of t'atarrh that cannot b cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY fc CO., Props . Toledo, 0. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney fer the last 15 years and believe him perlectly honorable iu all business transsctions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. Wiht&Teuax, Whole-ale Druggists, To ledo. O. Waltino, Kinnak A Masvis Wholesale Priiifg sts, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 7So per jottle. Sold by sll Druggists. Testi monials ff ee. W liy Waate good working hours in getting to St .! eeph or Kiinras City when it. is pos -ibln to (-iiorten the j urney by using t. J ech & Grand Island night trains, which are equipped with Reclining Chair Cars (seats free) and Puilnun sle pcrs? Shake lino Your Shoes. Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. ai cures piimiui. swo ten, mnai ling feet and Instantly takes t e s ing out of corns and bunions. It s the greatest comfort discov ery or the age. All n s F.,ot.-Euse makes uym-nuing or new siiocs h;. easy. Jt is a eertain cure for sweating, tallows and hot, tired, aching feet. Try it bi-rkiu. ,So:d by ail druggists and shoe sto-s. Hv mail for 25e, In stamps. Trial pa. kage KREK. Address A1 en S. Olmsted. I, Hoy. V. Y. Little, Brown & Co. have begun tfc publication of a uniform edition of Ed ward Everett Hale's works In ten vol umes. Mr. Ivlllor-Kindly inform your read ers thin iroui now on to April 10 we will scud, prepaid by mail, to all wbo apply for same, one lsttle of our won derful "5 DROPS," free of charge. We do this In order that every one of them may have the great opportunity to try the greatest remedy the world has ever produced. It never has failed, and never can fall, to cure any of the following diseases: Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neu ralgia, Catarrh, Backache, Asthma, Heart Weakness, Toothache, Earache, Croup. La (Jrippe, Malaria, Creeping Numbness, Bronchitis aud kindred dis eases. Within the last three years It has cured more than a million and a quarter of people, many of whom had been pronounced Incurable by compe tent physicians. Some of them had been bedridden for years, others had trav eled the world over In search of relief and spent a large amount of money, but failed to get it, but were cured by this remedy lu a very short time and at a small cost. In fact, man? of the cures which It has made border en the mirac ulous. "5 DROPS' Is not a patent med icine, but was perfected only after vast rosea rcti id seientinc tleins and at a very great expense. It Is a boon to the sick and afflicted, a balm to suffering humanity. "5 DROPS" Is the name. and "5 DROPS" Is the doRe. The above offer does not hold good after April 10. If you want a bottle free of charge, write at once to the SWANSON RIIETMATIC CURE COMPANY, No. 107 Dearborn street, Chicago. The consolidation of the Tin and Sheet Iron Workers' Union and the Slate and Metal Roofers' Union of New Y'ork, has been completed under the title of Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers' Union. It baa a membership of about LlXjO To Cnre a Cold in One Day Tske Lnxntive Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fills to cure. 2c. The genuine has L. B. Q. sb each table;; "In the Brave Days of Old" Is a story by Miss Ruth Hall, of tbe time of King James I. Sri. Wlnlow t Hoothino Sraur lor child ren teething, tofieni Ihe (Uini. reilucei Intlama mailon, at ari pain, curei wind colic iic bottle WATEn-cM of bad hlth thai Kl P'AHi will rut hntfH Send ft cents to Kliiant Cn.mlchl Co.. New York, tot 10 samples and 1.0U) testimonials. Paper collars a.re being, turued out by only two firms in this country, one la Boston and the other In New York. Their total nnniui output Is from 20, fVjO.OOC to 25,000,000 collars. Btanda Hy in Need, .'.very living thing hss pains and lehen sometimes, and the aches aud pains of humankind have a friend In .St. Jaeoltf Oil, whjeh stands by In new to cure and restore, The reason flume won't lie ur be cause they always auod for soma h I wr Hi had been thinking deeply (or sev eral minutes. "I cannot agree with the poet, "he said finally, "when he bewails the fact that we cannot see ourselves as others see us. I think he has it al) wrona;." "How would you change it?" she ask ed. "Why, I think we should rather sk for the power to make others see us as we ourselves." Ohiosge I'ot-t Alsbssliue csu be used over paint or imper; pslat or pnper csn be used over Alsbastise Buy oaly In five pound pack Hrs, properly labeled; take M substitute. Fthe best PRING TONIC. As winter passes &way it leaves many people feeling weak, depressed and easily tird. This means that the blood needs attention and sensible people always taKe a tonic at this time of year. Purgatives are not the right medicine they weaKen instead of strengthening. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are the best tonic medicine in the world and do not act on the bowels. They stimulate the appetite, enrich the nerves and and itrond, No one in better aMe to Rpeak of this fact tban Miaa Hazel Snider. .a. charming young woman of Arlington, lnd. To-day the has rosy eheeka, apartliriK eyes and a plump form, which prove that ahe ia in good health. A yuarairo Jllwa .Snider wan very thin, her elieeka pale, eyea sunken and dull. 8he was troubled with nervousness and general debility. Hhosavu: "After several months' treatment from the family physician we saw be oould do no good. 1 was discouraged and did not know what to do. One day 1 read an ltf-.i in a paper of the wonderful curative qualltiesorur. Williams' Pink l'llls for l'ale People. I tried tbe medii-ine. and when nearly through with tlie second box noticed a change for the better. After 1 lmri taken eight boxes I was cured, aud have had no oeeaaion to take any kind of medicine since, f owe inueli to Dr. illiains'Plnk l'llls lor l'ale People, probably my life, and I advice an v one sum-HniF uMih ii.i,. i.i... . to take these pills." Sold by all drug gists or sent post paid by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,STenecto.dy, N.Y., on receipt of price, 5oper box; .six boxes, $ 2, 5-.. THE FAVORITE LINE TO AboToAu. Point SSMaaaaaaaaaaaWysnMaaaaSaaaaaWSJ DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Pullman Mepm 'Hrce fteclimna sfisf . V iviidir ar onnkimttraiio CONSULT AGENT OR WPITE z&J T?) .A4.ADIT O.P.A. 5T J0tPt1 MO. 2a POMMEL The Best SLICKER Saddle Cost Keeps hoth rider and saddle per fectly dry In the hardest storms Substitute will disappoint Ask for t8(7 F ish Brand himmel Sinker it i entirety new. ff not for sale In your town write for catafopue to A I TOWr R. rWnn M't America has sold to other nations more prodtwts than ever before, the figures being $1,230,000,000 this year, against $l,0W),7I4,8O7 last year, a gain of more than $130,000,000 ,n OIle yp;r and a gain of $40.1,000,000 over 18D5. IsURfcS kVHrUr. Ail flSF Ull Bert lyoutih Syrup. Tames iuol. Use in time. Fold tit dnjuirtfrt. L)iM!iiaatWr t aaaaV rnSl a W al ssaaa aaaaal 1W u 53 YOU WILL REALIZE THAT "THEY LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEAN LY," IF YOU USE SAPOLIO Most barbers have to "rake and icrspe" to get along. Music Pnbli-her-What did that tall, lad looking fellow submit? Assistant A comio song. Musio Publisher And what did that folly, rotund, little fellow have? Assistant A funersl march. Up to Date. A certain emperor is spoken of as presenting an imposing flgure a potent 1, wo presume. L. A. W. Bui etin. Every church and scboolhtiuae should be coated only with Alabuttlos. Hundreds of tons iihcil jrriirly for iliis work. Griiu las AlsbaKtiiif iloca not nili and scale tat. blood, strengthen the make people tel bright, ictivc Miss Hazel Snide. ..An Honest Man s Can buy land cheap in Northern Nebraska and make a home for himself that will be a continual source of income sufficient to maintain his family and enable him to accumulate a surplus. CAN HE DO IT ON A SALARY t Faraa Iianda Grazing JaxxGLet Nebraska raised in 1898 : 240,0)0,000 uushels Corn. 45,000,000 bushels VVheat. 750,000 head of Cattle (lurnlns) 2,000,000 head of Hogs (Surplus) The Poultry and Poultry products amounted to over $7,000,000. The "NORTH-WESTERN LINE." Was tbe Pionetr Hal road to North Nebraska, Central Wt rminn snd the BUck hills, Ho Springs and De?dwod. f H M FOR 14 CENT8 H a wish to nln this jwir tBDMD new customers, snd 1 FSa. 19 Us Ks'lish 10a 1 Pis. irlr Rine Ohbsga Za 1 ,r Esrllestked Heel. in 1 " LongLiHlitn'si'Doumbar..wo 1 SslKer'aBmt Lettuce lfic 1 " csuiornia FIsTomsto Ids 1 M Earlj IJtnDerOuiou 10a I " Brllflant 1'lowsi Heeds Uo Worth $1.00, for 14 Cts. tun Above 10 pltgs., worth 11.00, ws will mail you free, together with our great rlitnt snd Heed t stslogue. upon ra oeipt of thin nolleir snd 1 4c tioetaca We Inrlte you r trade snd know wbaa you once try Keltcr' lecde yoa will nevur pet along wltliout theui. t)a lun heed 6 H.. i ug.sU. Pwta. tes at SI.KU Mil. Catalog S ,mh a. u.z. n i:kio. r.. v...t.wt. C5J2E YOMStlFl lf HtsT faV for llnnaturaJ I din lui(;ta, HiUnfiiniMtioDl. I irritutii-ag or ulcuritioui r.'-T . "f mucou ttieinurHOM. lit ur poiMjfju'.ft. VOiKCmfin O.I-tt Uj Irunlta. or stt-i.t tn plftid wrappar. hf xpr, prpid, M l! . .,t A (...ttlf-i, $2. 7ft. Circa ftr taut on rquitw Uvetifcoi-k lati RCiM?t1 Oil. tfjQte(lt 99.73 t 10. Shopworn A Mstv jnd baAd wiitiela, jii m new, S3 to SJOi ihfB ft Ativans N rsTw ft 'tis1 sHfaout ntM lis ttWaBaa EARN m AA rf m snodtU. W.,j br -rlpfat kdtsrtlUaiir nws Hsu ai (MMfltwlu.1 toitrdtM U.sa. riM ti mm for m K. C. Metd C'cU tompaay, ChlcBffo, Ills. N. N, U. NO. 536-12 YORK' NEB A distant rumble, like a muffles) drum, Vexes the air with burlens yet la come. And, stealing all the trembling land scapa e'er, A coming nose its sliadow casts be fore, "Nov, would you fay to his faot what, you have raid about liiiu to met "Of curne I would. It is just the Alsbastine psckairps buve lull dlree tlooa Anyone can brush It on. Auk pslnt dealer for tint card "AlnhH.ilm. Kra" free. Alsbaallne Co- U'sq.I Itnpliia. UU-h froo& ftuw&n ana HttVe Tomt ys IT 5C-s "V la i If I n f f IB 1 n 9 dayt. V u s i. 7 I it . .