The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 30, 1899, Image 2

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1 Vv.
Harrison Journal
OEO. D. CANON, Ed. iwt Prop.
can . promrty a way without
his conan-tit and be i an tnake contracts
In her own name. The; are the ad
vantage. Tbe disadvantages He In the
I fact that, a she can contract separ
ately, so she can be sued seoaratelv.
NEBRASKA j Her husband la no longer responsible
- - I for any of her acts save those comrnlt-
Lore makes a wan think of diamonds j ted directly In his presence and pre
and marriage makes him think of clubs, i suuiably under hia coercion. She can
no longer run bills
One touch of a poor relation Is apt to
ke a rich man think the whole
world kin.
A. writer aaya speech was given man
to conceal his thoughts. It was a need-
Is precaution in many cases.
Spain baa decided to sell all her re
gaining Islands. This may be a wis
prtTlalon against any future wars.
Concerning this claim that the grave
f Romulus has been found In Rome
aaach will depend on the ground they
offer for the assertion.
England must depend on this country
tor Its food supply. Consequently, this
banger for a close alliance may have
Hi origin lower down than the heart.
and have them
charged to ber lord and master. She
must pay them herself, and the mer
chant U likely to exercise a rather se
vere scrutiny over accounts which have
to be collected from married women,
no matter how high the financial
standing of their husbands. More
over, as the wife enjoys a dower right
In her husband's estate, so the new law
gives the husband a similar right in
the wife's estate. In short. It la a
case of "equal rights to all, special
privileges to none." Whether the
ladies will find the advantages out
weighing the disadvantages remains to
be seen. They have, however, tot
wha,t they a-sked for. They can't very
well repudiate their own proposition If
ft proves not all their fancy painted it
j winter feed of Jersey and Cluernsey
farmers, who by Its use have been able
to breed cows whose high butter color
has become hereditary In these breeds.
No doubt the parsnip feeding Is In part
reHjwnsible for the color of Jersey butter.
It now appears that Honolulu is not
pronounced Honolooloo at all, but Hon
nlelula. A gentleman can't possibly
ay that properly wltliout flirting a fan.
Consul Wildmaa at Hongkong gays
the Orient offers a great market for
American wheels. It would be a good
thing If the American scorcher would
follow the trade.
John Mulr says In the Atlantic that
tt were better to make kindling wood of
or pianos than food of our robins. And
a to nine out of ten of rhe pianos, as
need, we quite agree.
The last wild camel In the United
Bute died the other day. While full
particulars of the sad event are not at
and, It la probable death was caused
by that last straw breaking his back.
There Is always one sure way to tell
whether a man Is out of politics for
good and all or not. If he is he causes
tt to be announced that he "will take
up the practice of law In New York
We are constantly told that the cot
ton king, the railroad king, the mining
king et aJ. began life as a penniless
farm hand or something. Come to think
at It, If we figure back far enough, 99
par cent, of us began life with nothing.
That scheme for restraining drug
larks from working more than ten
ours a day is inhuman. Think of the
Btunber of questions a drug clerk has
to answer in his day's work and then
Imagine him crowding that into ten
won. Human nature couldn't stand
Oar militia resources make the na
a slumbering g-iant in peaceful
ames, and the strength of the giant Is
the militia, which should be made as
affective as liberal appropriations can
Bake it Awake this giant to show hia
Strength and there Is not a European
power which would not hesitate to
assure strength with him.
The three gentlemen who hare long
Bjoyed the deserved reputation of be-
to the best after-dinner SDeakers in
Mew York have all been translated un-
the present administration. They
re Ambassador Porter, Ambassador
Choate and Senator Depew. Probably
tmmj ao not owe their new honors to
am distinction they have achieved
round the festive mahogany, but it
hM contributed in no small measure to
their deserved fame.
A girl In England recently drowned
mmiwmu oecause some "professor of
Papistry" had "read the lines of her
ftutf," and had predicted trouble for
or. She was scared into self-murder
by als reckless prophecy. Then her
father, deploring her "silly faith" in
what he declared was idle folly, tried
to find her body by throwing into the
pead a loaf of bread ballasted with
futeksllver, believing the loaf would
"Jump around" when It floated over the
pot where she lay. Superstitions die
hard. This was a case of the kettle
calling the pot black. How Is it with
i who regard this unfortunate girl
her Ignorant father with pitying
t How many of all the scoffer.
would object to sitting down with
thirteen at the table?
The speech of society has grown
more refined. Swearing is going out of
vogue in all Its ruder forum." New
York Sun, This must have been writ
ten by some contributor who does not
go about very much. Very likely he
Is a gentleman who never goes any
where unaccompanied by ladles. He
may know ail about "society.' We rer
gret to say he is not familiar with the
American people. Swearing going out
of vogue? We wish it were. But any
body who goes much among the people j
of this country, and es)eeially one who
listens to the conversation of the young
men in our (streets, knows that profane
swearing is exceedingly common.
fact there seem to be more youngsters
than ever before who cannot utter
three consecutive sentences withou
one or more oaths. It grieves as to say
that this is not only true of the big
cities, or of the cities of the wt or
South. It is true of every New En
gland city and town. One cannot help
Knowing this who rides in smoking
cars on our railroads or listens to the
conversation of the sporty youths of
the period, wherever two or three of
them are gathered together. It is
melancholy fact that there are thou
sands of youngsters who are habitual
and Incessant swearers. Our observe
uou is mat there are a great many
more than there were a quarter of
century ago. Profanity of speech by
men in public places, accompanied by
rude and boorish disregard of the feel
ings of strangers who may be unwill
ing and disgusted listeners to their vile
conversation, has become a crying nui
sance in this country. Is there any
man or woman of refinement who !
compelled to travel much in the United
States who will not assent to this state
Waate of Poll by Flwlnr.
It Is always a loss to leave soli naked
through the wiuter, especially If the
surface soil is friable. Unless snow
come as a coveriug, much of it will be
blown Into adjoining fields. Often when
snow comes it will be wind swept into
banks behind fences on its leeward
side, and so soon as the banks are
formed the snow will be darkened by
clouds of fine dust, which Is deposited
on Its surface. This wind-blown soil is
always extremely rich, as is shown by
the quicker growth and darker green
of the gram? that grows up after the
bank has melted in spring. Always the
land on the lee side of fields that have
been much and long plowed is richer
near the fence on the leeward side than
it is nearer the center of the field. For
this reason, when eiowinc. turn the fur.
rows as much as possible from the
fences towards the center of the field.
Doubtless there Is much blowing of
surface dirt in summer showers,
though It is not so plain to the sight as
it is when the dark rim lies on top of a
white bank of snow.
ProtccHns l-brnba.
Winter protection for shrubs Is a mat
ter that requires considerable kill.
Cold Is one of the things to ! guarded
against, the
It is usually said that horse-radish
will grow anywhere, and It would al
most seem that this Is true, so diaicult
Is It to fully exterminate the roots once
they are firmly established. Bat It Is
not true that horse-radii-li will grow
as well without care and fertilizer as
with It. In startinir a new bed the
crowns of old plants may lx set. but
the newer method Is to use small root
lets about as large around its nn ordin
ary penholder. In planting these be
very careful to set them the right end
up. Bury these rootlets about two
inches deep In good, mellow soil. In
the autumn, when housekeepers are
preparing pickles, there Is a good de
mand for both roots and leaves. It Is
but little work to prepare the root for
market, as it can be run through a meat
chopper. Much of the horse radish put
on the market ha some white turnip
ground with it, and. indeed, many pre
fer this to the clear root, as the prepara
tion Is not so strong. White wine vine
gar should be usod.-Oranee Judd
4H.OOO for lew Corn.
Tbit's what ibis new rem rout. Yields
813 bushel i-.-r acre. Hix l our Oats 'S0
kuabela Nailer's Rape to pantur sheep
and rattle at 2.V. per act yield 50 tons;
potataea $1.20 per bhi. Hroinus Inermia,
the greatest grans on earth; Beardlesa
Barley 00 buahela per acre; W kinda
graases and clovera. etc.
Reoommends Pe-ru-n m a
Family Hedioine.
A Scienter Spring Mtdicint.
Pol., in. 1 Arthur t. II am lit ah tha.
Send this notice to JoIlN A. HALZER! n.,,,,i, u,i viBI- q-q nwa.i..
rckii t u iu i,k I Seventh Ohio Volunteers, 2W Uoodaie
logae; A3.0U0
Cora aud 10 Farm Sed
(c. n.)
The Tobacco Workers' Kattooal
Union la now located In Louisville, bar
ing removed from St. Ixwi's.
lender FleaK.
The more tender the flesh, the blacker
the bruise. The sooner you use St
Jacobs Oil, the quicker will 1 the cure
of rny bruise, awl any bruiwe will dis-sppt-ar
promptly under the treatment of
the great remedy.
Twelve average tea plants produce
no pound of tea.
There i No Tellln,.
Be sure not to let rheumatism stay In
the system longer than you can get a
bottle of St. Jacobs (Ml to cure it. There
Is no telling what part it may strike or
how much misery it may give.
The Sandoval Company at Oarlyte,
111., agrees to pay the prevailing rate
of wages for conl r?ilnt"e.
street, Columbus, Ohio, writes: "Be
sides having tbe merits of Pe-ru-i
Santiago, so lately tbe scene of war,
Is marked to-day not by war ravages
hot by all tbe modern Improvements.
This is the result of the American oc
cupation according to tbe testimony of
the Cuban General Castillo, which
ore than corroborates everything that
was aald by ex-President Maso. The
tBtfre Cuban population of the district
m resolved itelf into an admiration
society, wblcb never wearies of singing
ho praises of General Leonard Wood.
OmtnA Oasuao declares that tbe City
M k. i .
uiiiub greaier progress
ttoeo the surrender than It did during
tt1ad of flfty years before tbe war.
Am aquednct has boon constructed, a
Mworage system perfected, and miles
feeacrete and asphalt pavement have
hosa laid. The streets are kept cleane d
tor the first time in tbe history of the
f2eo and tbe health of the community
B aatesUent. Consequent upon all this
Caeral business has brightened up
oBBHiuauy, and the town is expert-
is boom.
One of the very Interesting bulletins
or the Department of Agriculture, by
in, Kj. v, Langworthy, treats the sub-
yjL uou a 3 au arucie oi a jet ex
haustively, and with good sense. We
may, however, summarize the conclu
sions reached In a few words. Fish
from the sea and from fresh water, is
equally wholesome and nourishine.
Weight for weight, fish contains rather
less of the constituents of real food
than meat The difference Is partly
made up by the circumstance that fish
costs lesa than meat per pound. One
fact which It may be well to have wide
ly known Is that there is nothing what
ever in the notion that fish-food is good
ror the brain, because It contains phos
phorus. There is not more phosphorus
in fish chan in meat, and the brain does
not require phosphorus. Probably the
notion is too deeply rooted to be de
stroyed wholly. The- amount of ail
kinds of fish taken from the sea. lakes
and rivers by Americans is eight hun
dred and flfty thousand tons a year a
huge amount and yet It ) less than
twenty-five pounds for each person of
the population. Fish is much more ex
pensive than It used to be. Prices of
otiher things have gone down, but the
value of the "finny tribe." as the
fine writers call them, has advanced
that of the aristocratic salmon, and of
the lowly cod, of the elegant trout and
the ugly sturgeon, of the giant halibut
and the tiny smelt all are higher in
price. The result Is due largely to tbe
modern system of quick transportation
n ril aaIJ l TV -
vum swinge, ror tmicago can
have codfish, if it wants It, almost as
fresh as It goes to Boston tables; New
York eats California salmon; and Bos
ton epicures feast on Florida and Geor
gia pornpano all sold "green," that Is,
not froeen, and almost as fresh as If
newly taken from the water.
weight of Know In
winter must b e
foreseen and can?
exercised lest the
sbrnb be greatly
I n j u red 1 n the
wrapping process
by the breaking of
many brittle
branches. There
fore a Country
Gentleman corre
spondent proposes
the following plan;
The cut shows
the proper way to
begin. Select a
smooth, strong
stake, longer than
the height of the
shrub, and drive it
well down In the center of the bush.
Now draw the branches all carefully
together and tie them to the stake with
a soft bit of cord, as shown. A layer
of straw can now be wrapped about
the shrub, bringing the bottom of the
straw well out upon the ground, to pro- J
tect tne roots as much as possible. The
" ""c cnu low oe coverea with nun an
ana tied or sewed tightly. The top Is
then a point, on which snow cannot
lodge, while the stake supports the
bush when the winds blow.
f weet I'otatoea from CnttinKa.
A Texas market gardener claims that
sweet potatoes grown from vine cut
tings are smoother ami nicer than those
grown from slips or sprouts. His meth
od of scouring early sweet potatoes is
to gutlier the vines before frost Ims In
jured them and hang them on a ih.Io
U. ,,.? . r ...i.i. i . . . .
wi huicu rem in crotches or
forks some two feet nixive the ground
t,over the ends of the vines with moist
earth and throw straw, leaves or corn
stalks over the whole aud protect from
the rain by a good shed, with the north
side boarded up. As cold weather ap
proaches he, for better protection,
throws more soli upm the base of the
heap and more straw on the upper por
tion, leaving the south end, or, better
still, the top, partly ojx-n during warm
flails for ventilation. This plan (which
is similar to banking the tubers) will
keep vines alive all winter and ready
for early pluming In tbe sprlng.
Fariners' Magazine.
To Keep 'am.
These directions, carefully followed,
are cald to keep hams from molding,
as well as from insect harm. "I have
tried various ways," an Id an expert,
"and there are several that will keep
bams sweet and sound, not only
through the year, but for two years. 1
have packed them in (dean casks, first
thoroughly sprinkling every ham with
hickory wood ashes; put them in strong
musliu bags, sewed them up and hung
mem to spikes in the attic, well ven
tllated, and they kept well. I have left
them in tbe smokehouse, as dark as
Erebus, locked the doors and kept the
key, and never knew an Insect to trou
ble them, and they were always In flue
couaiuon. l nave also out them
Spring Unlocks
The Flowers
To Tiint the Laughng Sol."
And not even Nature would
allow the flowers to grow
and blossom to perfection
without good soil. Now
Nature and people are much
alike; the former must have
sunshine, latter must have
pure blood In order to have
perfect health.
Hood's Sarsaparilla enrea blood trou
bles ol all sorts. It is to the human
system what suntbine is to Nature
the destroyer of disease germ. It
ntver dt$tippointt.
ROOT BlOOd -"The doctor said tbra
were not seven drona of tmni hl.l In ma-
body. Hood's Haraaparllia built m up and
made me atrong and well." 8i sis k. Baowa
16 Alitor Hill. Lynn, Mats.
Dyspepsia, etc.-" A complication of
truublra, dynpepaia, chronic catnrrh and
Inflammation of the atoma' h. rheumatism,
etc., mad me miaerable. lladjno appetlta
until I took Hood's Harnaparllla, which
acted ilka magic, I am thoroughly cured."
.1. b., ii, w. mil A v., Denver, Co)
nrwumauirn-- .uy nusnana was
obliifrd to glv up work on account of rheu-
mainm. .no remedy hipd until he ud
Hood's Samapartlla. which wrmanrntlv
cured him. It cured my daughter of ca
tarrh. I glv It to tbe children with good
resuiia." M a. J. S. Mc.VUth. Htamford. ft.
3 foods Sa
il I I ' H i WW
C ncu m brra.
Cucumbers generally do well, even If bags, as before, imbedded In sweet cut
conditions are only moderately favor-1 nay,and they came out whenever -ni.
ame, though It Is better to plant them M 10 tn very best condition. In ail
in a deeo. rich and somewhut rrtnti I cases thev should h hnn .. i a
. .. " I - - . -". UI, N n Ul ,,
loam, tbe planting to be done as soon as
tne ground Becomes, warm in the
spring, i ive or six feet apart each way
iaaboutthe right distance aud a shovel
ful of well-rooted manure or coinoost
placed at the mint where the seed are
lan ted, though the manure tthould lie
covered with soil and the seer planted
in ttie soil. AlKMit a dozen seed should
bo put In each hill, covered one Inch and
the soil packed over the seeds. As soon
as the plants come aliove the snrfacp
the soil afmut them should be loosened
and this repeated after each rain. Oc
casionaliy ft may be neeewMiry to dust
the plants with paris green io protect
them from insects. Thin the plants
aown to tnree or four to the hill and
cultivate the land both ways until the
nt,i., I . .
uecorne too long.-Texas Stock
ana Karm Journal.
coo place. "-Orange Judd Farmer.
Kconomy ,,f Homleaa Cowa.
nen it comes to DUttliia- nn cnw.
for winter, the cow that has no horns
iu oe round to take much less r.m
than her nelgblior, who Is temi.ted to
and generally does hook and fight ail
those near her. In the stable, of con
each Stall Will &ccnmnu1tn I,
horn or no horns. Horned cattle an.
often kept in stables ou brlcht. dIcsk.
ant wintry days, to keep them from
booking one another, when thev would
be much healthier If allowed to run In
a small yard. Most barn yards are
made much larger than would be nee
essary if all horns were n.mH i
Hood' PiHl far llar Ilia
The rainterV Union of Denver aked
for an increase ta wages from $2.50 to
$3 per day of eltrht hours.
Fifteen glrla In Bryan's confection
ery ewtabliHhmetit at Wichita, Kan.,
walked out recently because they could
not got an increase In wages. They re
celved 50 cents a day and worked
eleven hours.
r - . . .
ie. roil journal, Ytur nam will h.
a hissing and a byword) exclaimed the
oetrayed lover, with a terrible look.
Teas of the DeTuberviilea tremh -..
No, she pretested, everybody doesn't
put such quantities of wbiakera on his
8's as vou do.
For while she detested him as a man
she could deny bis dramatic art.
Hotel chambermaids sre unknown Id
fuiiy demon i rated in my family, 1
have a number of friends who have
taken it for catarrh aud sfoinacli trou
ble, and all unite in praising it. As
remedy for fniiinli I cnti fully recom
mend It." Mrs. Hamilton, wife of tue
gallant Colonel, Is an ardent friend of
I'em ua nho. lu a letter on the Kiib
Jirt. she writes: "I have been taking
l'e ru na for Mime (line, mid I am en
joying iH-tter heal 111 now than 1 liavs
for years. attribute the change la
my health to I'e-ru-na. and recommend
this excellent catarrh remedy to every
woman, believing it to ! especially
beneficial to them."
Thepring time is the most favorable
lime of the year bi treat rnturrb. There
Is m much lens liability to take fresh
cold that the treat
ment is unimpeded.
All old cases of
chronic catarrh
should begin Im
mediately a course
of Pe-ru-na as di
rected In Ir. Hart
man's books on this
disease. There are
so many different,
phases and fdnges
of catarrh that one
hardly knows when
he has It. A great
many people think they are suffering
from something else and have tried
many medicines In vain, when if they
could realize that It Is catarrh and take
Pe ru na for it they would Improve
promptly and soon recover entirely.
There are no substitutes. Let no one
persuade yon there are other catarrh
remedies just as good.
"Winter Catarrh" is a book written
by Iir. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio. Sent
free to any address.
From the stalk of the cotton plan
can be produced a fiber which is Jut4
the thing for cotton bagging. TH
stalks yield 15 per cent of their weight
In fl!r, much more than enough fat
bagging the crop. The Scientific Aroer.
lean predicts that the new Industry
wl I soon take on great proportions.
Another Paw Jark.
The saw jack shown in the accom
panying Illustration Is so easily con-
Biructeo mat description is uuneces
ima was es manure, as more surface ' Mexico. Men make the bed. and keen
is exposed to rain .nH .i, ,,. , Kfmv
. --' ui utijiiiigM . mo IWU19 in oroier,
a large yarn are often so t...,.H
that they are never gathered Into heans
..u . a.. I wnere mey are nnoHt
American cultivator.
F-T . .
i wni io ask one more q nartion,"
faid little Frank, as he as ljg put
to bed. "Well," acquire, ed th, tired
mamma, "When boles rome in flock
ing, what becomea of the pm oi
stocking that w.a tueie l-lore the bole
JualMIci by fiejt.,tlt
Do you think a woman Is ev.vr iu.u
fled In asking a man to kls hcrT
"My dear child, you will fiA
JX?""' ' mar-
i.U UU IO.
More Productive loan Clover.
" , : fart hum tmt tte ronen of Maryland
IS a mettaW rtt anma
Y l!wtf ' "PPr. in-
rj : nasal repea(kCKies The en-w,'-r
fakes tie wife opoo a cotn-
" rj mam wtuk her hMUaod.
The Maiden's Aim.
He pelted her neatly from head to feet
With snowballs soft, end with snowballs
And seemed to think it no end of fun;
While she was buicy preparing one,
Itolling and pounding it hard and sound,
With snow scooped up from the fleecy
men aimed she her m ssile fair nil
But he did not dodpe, for he did not fear,
But calmly waited to see It fly
And far from its target wildly shy.
When, whack! on the side of his smiling
He caught It right in the very place
She had meant to paste it. By Jose and
Ajd Jupiter Amnion, but he saw utara!
For her brother, a baseball pitcher tall. !
ia.ia.ui ouu u-aineu ner to throw a
And this gay young fellow, who laughed
who giee.
While bravely awaiting her onals light, be
Wslked sadly home and 'twas later when
He fitted a smile to bis mouth again
-Harlem IMt.
sary. The material used In mntUJ.
the West alfalfa is much more produc
tive than clover. It has also the ad
vantage that once tbe ground U xiut
with It the plant will live for years The
chief drawback is that it takes longer
to get a start, tbe plant not making
rtllleh rriviu'tf, M I..,.. .1 . ...
1.1 uuiii line uie nrst Kenar.n
It is very impatient of wet, and cannot
be grown where the ground dnrimr
spring aud late in winter is flooded
After the first year three crops of bay
may be cut In a year, and as the plant
has the power of disintegrating air in
tbe will by the nodules grown on li
roots, the soil Increase In nitrogenous
fertility. But i.f e..,,r... .i, i
wood Is preferred, so that the weight hers must be supplied when thev are
Will linli-l If Ar-ml. I .,1 x. I .. , . ... t' ' C
can lie of any convealcnt size and of
almost any material, although bard
UKUtci pay Itl pain for h.T mother'.
iRiiorance or perhaps neglect.
Tl, m,.l at j, . . ...
. a Z " .Buucrea ana sn thinks her daughter
must suffer also. This is true only to a limited extent No
excessive pain u healthy. Every mother should inform her!
sen tor her own sake and especially
for the sake of her daughter. Write
to Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn, Mas.,
for her advice about all matter
concerning the in. 0f lhe feminin
Mtss Carrie M. Lamb. BiV RMV., xi-.u
Mrs. Pin a m a u a wn'":
. , "u sunerea from
will hold it firmly
Judd Farmer.
In place. Orange
A woman nevr gets the water so hot
for boll lug potatoes an she does for
soaking her boa band a fa ahn ha
he 1 has a aS4.
Muriate of IV taah
Wlio.a ,1, ..... I. I , . .
..utic viii in reijuireo it g
much cheaper to purchase It in the
form or muriate, which will yield 50
per cent, of potash, than In the kalnlt
or t.ermnn potash suits, which have
only from 10 to 15 per cent, of this mln-
eraL Wood ashes contain potash In
varying degree, that from fruit trees In
bearing sometimes having as much
potash as 6 or 8 per cent. Hut the wood
sues iiiso contain some lime and tome
phosphate, which makes them more on
all-around manure thiin tbe potash
taken from natunil deposits can be.
Parantnn for Cow.
There Is no better root for cows than
the parsnip. It has the advantage that
part of the crop may, If need be, be
wintered in the ground where It bas
grown. The parsnip, unlike the beet,
makes a rich milk. It is equal to the
carrot In this respect, aud undoubtedly,
Dke that root helps to color winter.
butttr. Parsnips are a favorite
needed, as no disintegration of tbo air
can furnish any of these.
Pontile retdinu of 'Clover
The earliest seeding of clover general.
ly grows the largest slise by tbe time
the grain arouud It Is cut. Hut some
times It starts too early, and I nitmed
I... I l. . .
it) Hum jui vueu us leaves start and
It Kua vorv llrtln w... I it .1.1.. ..
-ni 111 In lime, na
trie clover tear is very fender, the youc
plant is easily killed. We know farm'
ers who divide their seeding, sowing
some early in March, and delaying Hi
ateitti tti,i,l I , .irxll . ..ii .. .
...... u .,..,. uii.i, nin. in iniu way
they claim that a more even seeding t
an trie ground is secured than if B
were sown at once. The second seed.
Ing Is always sown erosnwl. ()f (no
One of the most treasured ooxxeKsloiia
of the Utike of Fife Is a little photo
graph-frame made by '.ho Princess out of a piece of her first court
train. Tbe story gmi Unit this prevty
present wa secretly bestowed upon
the duke some three years Itefore their
official engagement was snnounoed.
irregular menstruation
and leucorrhopa. My
appetite was variable,
stomach sour and bowels
t Were not regular, and
' was subject to pains like
colic duringmenstruation.
I wrote you and b-gan to
take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and
wed two packages of
Sanative Wash. Youcan't
imagine my relief. My
courses are natural and
C eneral health improved."
Mrs. Nannie Adkins
T - 1 r
w uuc, jti.i., writes:
"Dear Mrs, Pinkham
I feel it my duty to tell
you of the good ymir
Vegetable Compound has
done my daughter, She
suffered untold agony at
time of menstruation be
fore takingyottrmedicine;
but the Compound h..
relieTed the pain, given h
profuse end
.tronge;,;db;, mredh::e;vbrter ,oior' "d
o, for the benefit L kL ZwT Ir"""
It vovnar rirl. " rscetvfrd ?t it a rrsat matlaaaav
grsat malioiM
' (. JW- -. c,a