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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1899)
iHE IOUX SfAL. TOL. 2SX XIIIZSOINr, ITBBBASKA, THTJBSDAY, MCH. GO, 1899. Car Motto-NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL. IT 13 SETTLED R!GKTVH.,., V.ill.u,;. J.- Krjns. iro. 33. "Free Homss For AH In Tha 1 Grandest ClimatG on ! EarilT ; ! Ii Yon Want a Town Lot in Palm1 priii:.-, California! Yen l 'an j rVTnre 1t i I l'iTf J'.iu- 1 Mr iVmiK. i Every p'-ron wlc .'i'U t!i nu en r.f five.i riprl4bU-, ln-'-il'ire'it 1 rr L-etiiiemen 1 t -.-'UjiifV--,' I'n'tu spr'.n;;, ( i,i , (iicr! the mill :--' lblV4 1it Cle ye.i-; alii re. j rl a TOWN LOT al -rilul i;- free. 1 -reader wi:l no tlo'lbt wonder ho il nci- p'i. per enn Hftnrd 1.1 iriv i,-.-nv tov.n lots. To, enllifhtrn yun, c merely t.4t- tint the ' ntther of a Ir'.rt'rt w.'t.nn of bind in mill; HiirroiiM'iiii.f IVhu Kjirlii,-? taken t'.di tuerel lnetho I of liooiulntt III' to'ilj, Icltev In that by .'m it n ; other (nt-oiis j throughout tho I'ouiniy, mnl pmcc. ily j btiidina- up hstnwu on the f(j optier itH e j sy,lMn, be wi:l more th-ol enable thet.iinn' of the ton n loth whieh hu r--ervca for him j Hl-lf. j It in lircjlfs to my that th in wr of t l it ' luml Iii'piiIk to m:tkt I'lilm "-pi luirn one of thn cr iit' t health reoi t In the world. ''I'll? el 1 ink t io eieii.t uii a id s -en 1c mi i-round l;ij( will mnke Ihii trativeiy e;.,y. ! Tll"iW! lot hare lieen pl.tee.l with I'll" " ! ahlne" 1th I toil rvvt mm M'!ilt Unite them I oiiiV tore-peet .I 'm' p-t'-on-; tbi.t is miy yuii i should Ik- I'urlii'ithir to select I n t I H-i t 1 Jsnpie. Tit " -I N1 III N! " ilibe ple.leee to win! ', lowrittv rmp!i!et, ifo'leg full den-rip lion of l-tiiin Fprlnj, of it-i Irnit rioiirc( jiti'1 jrlnrlmn rllint'. Wo ulio K' f'i!l iHlltlMo of jut U h;pt i thr otrto r of IhU lml priiMic t(. Tii ' nox t f;n- tit t li" vxii i m:" w'.II lo w'i ' tiiln it full 0!Ti:it io'i uf I'hlmi -prlii!rH( nn! touch otluT no fnl Irforin.itio.i, tt wi-ll n : inftny lili-r''t'::r to: n i W l.clli'Vi- thai If e 'f'l P'T-on tthn o.ii n I lot In Culm Spring It kfpl po.ti ! tiirotttth j lli rolituniH of tiio -t: s : t m." of t!i j pfowtlt Bit! tiro'trc i't I'uliri 5-prlir,'-. t!ify ' will i.t!!r.ii!y mMHt ii In luiii'lii' tti M Hty t hfit w 111 rivitl Urn Ant'-I'!i In anj mtr- ! pam It ill otlifr fi-.Uiirr. Tlirpfi-rc llo? otiv cond'.tloit ft t'lU )iro position in thtit litrh pTon to wtiwiu w o It'ty on'' of t!i ! klml! wn'l u ! .'.1 In pflYiitf wt ttf tin- yiii'4 -ilioilptIon to "M'n frisf." 1 lif p"p"-r In worth fully tltn nmonm tikf!, nmi iio'h Mn'i rvrrv ittrril r -iluiil viirlvc prom) tiy.opo'i ri i'lpt of lil or Iter I HHlorlpt!oi, n wurriinty der-l of n lomi lot j I't I'Hitn Ptiriinr, f'iil'fDruis, with tu.x' pulfl p hit toonrh in io',vnn' j t If further Irt'orinntloM Imti-xltvil It v. iU 1 i vluM'titlly ftirn'ulis ! npoti npto' ition l:y nmil ! Ail'IriK nil roiiitimiilint'oim to '.-rv j f 'fl VK" fi , rlm RirinK, K!vriA Conn. ! lv, Cilifornl.i. I lor Tliat r.f!ni'il ( im plf xittn, 1'm DR. BEHB'S DEDICATED SOfiP ii(ij:i?ci'ii:iii:4 CoiiIi JU-titcilv. Tfiit r.oiiw!v is tntttst1.l t'iK-o';i!!y fr OUlllM, f'll.l, lillllp, Klllllil!l' runuli 'ir ioil'ii.tiZ i. Il l,;is I moiiih fiititotis for it ftir-s of (l:fa dlKu-svx, over i.ire put of tlm tivilizi-il wi ii.l. Tiu iijttt l! ittcivrij; l,'iiiioni;iU Irivn lm rvoivn nl, ifin ui-i'i'imts ol it-i jjijMil ivoi-l;: of tli-i iiriiv,iti!! ami ji.Toli-nf t-oulm it hfis ii;vil; : 'Vrr culils Ui:it liavn Vii lil.--l promptly lo Us jMiolliitur tli'-.-i I ati.f of tin- tlttiorutw otl.o l.H of croup It hits fiiivl, I'll -il (.itriti; l!,o ;fe of OifMhilil. llit cxt.i.sive n; of it. f . r w lioopin cont'li Ims Iiowii tli.'it it r.! I iiiit tiisv.isM of nit iViiii-roor .'iimi.iii ti Jt ts "ii-imi)y iyti liv nioiiii i-i for tlioir chiliiri'ti an it m-vcr f.iils to of. f-rt :i vp-t-d. A'tli", iinJ li.-oiiow thov luivtt loon.i 'h ro H lint, Ihe ,M,t ii;ittcr ii. iiviv' it, Mveii to lvi!ii s ti4 it. .'ontaiioi noi ircf,-iiijuronn. SM In Dr. J. l'ilHUl' V. i: n ir i. i viivi-r i . ii. i ;iiiiout. eiMor :in i 'i-h-r of thrt V,V !;!V ;- y.i ; r,- u t, tii d Lroihor to J'trry l!i linotit, who imul Ktu-h :i l.iin Vrtnihx of liim iirlf liiS.1 week ive to tins J'. i-L.ti,! lV:Ir Imipjii. t, shows l. U a true Aiinrlooi). J1e ;il v hut (liivi r s:ivs: "Spciliin (or iiiyi--'!, I urn a ,.M Htm, ot ;.,,! irnh,.,'l. .t.;!y Mip;rirt fr..s hilver UJ lo 1 l! I ni:r.!" li e ,!.tlir-i, m i:!;i,,..( f .irty in :). i t'lvouiy full Mi;;oi, u.. y cuu.!ij;ti ttiio.u tlM COIlV. lltioll M.!ccK" i o o V O o!lowioh-,!r,; s iiiio of t!; t.i i i r,f t!i.j ,.,t.i.-i, wi l.uvn V 'on"'-" me r.-C'illoil co'iiin ttiol I nri .J-,H;n- Liiiupot iiiim,-i- to I..J 6 K'V'-n in ;u-.y York ( 'ity, i-t li-m-r ;( tlw Wrth of Tii itims Jcu.jrii, Q .itioti ?;iiiit. of i '.in,,,.,-..,, y, April V: O ! i; ( I yi o; T-) i.) I r i I V O ) -i OUR CLUBBING LIST- fios'x CirTT Joi::;nai. am! Joit.xal of AortKTLTOS 1 Vnr, - l.T? ' " " " Tw:rr.-A-v,-E::i Won.'.D-Ii:itAM) " - 1.70 o T:i.':"L.'n-A-Wlek-V.'okld, (X. Y.) " 1.70 ' " " . r;:iT U'at-hmx(U. C.) " - 1.75 . " ' " "( '!, v.j ati 'V'i;nci.Y Enqvirer, " - 155 Hi Jl KI'iK'li BHAXt)S. J V. J.Urynti. CilAIM.Ei rMpriEN'O'-R. I li.ivp lf.'i aflJi.-tvil wit!i r!i"iinKiliMii for foiiitocti v.'iir nnil nuthiii); sccmcil to pvc r.ny r-lii-f. I wits a!i! to ! m-otuid till tli time l.-ul inn'-t.iDtly Miitfnriiii;. I li:il ti-ii.-J vcrvi'iiii:.; i ou! ! In-ar of rn.J at list w;it,-iiil to try ihiiinlvi lam'x T.iin H.i!n, tvliirli di.l, ami win iiiinuiliati'ly relievtfj nnJ in a short liiuo cun-d. I ani liuppy to m.V lh;it it h it not fine rtttirn el..IitHh. K.i;iar. (ii-rmantown, Cal. I-'or l y I r. J. E. I'Iu'mii y. ll-v. V., Klwank, fiastor of tlio L'n,--lish FS.ii it chim b :.t ITinii h;, !ifti hiurvrln,' wi:h rh iiiiiiilism. mi mlviv.'d to try l 'iKuu'norhiin's I'.iin Hilni. Hi! nays: "A f.w ar.j,icatiori of lliis Ipiiim-ilt rovvd of iiTi n it ic-rvii-e to tn. It KtiKliitid tin- in I! iniiii:t1 imt and toliovo tlie p:.i i. limit) anv mlfoiTr pn.lll Ly t,'ivi'i; Tain IJ.iloi a l.ri il it, will please me." I'orxalu by Dr. J. K. lltititiy. t John 1'. AllSold, Jlhnois, hVin, 2 S.11. J. 1C Jo A rkain'ts, Thoni.ts Wats-in. (i-"ir..-in. i 1' 'Il er Dnccv, Now York I 'dv. 2 Chiuufi CI. i rlt, Missouri, 2 J.-rry Karis;is, W John N. I'.-rsons, O Col U'rn. L. Rrown, -j John H. Oohjiy, q I.uis E. 1'oHt, in.'tnK. M.o 1;, of ; f3;tii,ij;t! oralis 7r cents. tvury Tarnior or nim-iirin'ii in iou x mul nl joiiihig r.ountli s loiiM H;!virti. tln.-Ir bl ui.ds In THE Jortt- dl mtr tin; ftato. It iti:y be tin; iiip.uih of sii lug iiiom-y lor you. ?! i i SAL UK it firunlnt ) ! CI O i Gov II. :A. Ihn-r.-, Mi Mayor Kimi:-I, Jour s, T.mi. i;.'l'. Tillnia-i. H. Carolina, M. -..!.... 1..I....I- I . -. Manon Hut ItT. N Carolina, Tom I.. J iIhi.sikj, J.Vw York city. IV. Mcfilyno N-w York City, l'liniiltftti, 'vinhin..'l on, Elliot iVinforth, Now York City, Jo.xti. q V. J. d.iyuor, John Ii. Walker, Vi. II H-arvt-.' C. S. Dirro-.v, r.d.v.u' I M. lirmi', I Jr. Win. O'Snlliv-in. Tliomos L. Johason, li-.-v. II-tImI N, Casson, ' 'oiu'. S:t!zi-r, N. Y. T..1... I-' I .. Y . ..... !.. li. 1 ro.s!,y, v in. it-mplo K iiiiint, V iyor M: C'-ihiS, Itotik-rT. Washington . i i . ". . i . t- . . l ...... I. , . i i''1, ,ii,.i ...i mil iiii..i!,.vi s oi tr.e . ')rii(K-r.iiiu -,,t- ti'itml W'ai'.'. iiiii! M..ii rw i ',,ii,i,i, 1 1 . i. t 9 ' V ii,2!a,,r""k " .-AA-WIA s j,.J.m..l . . - . A i.',! h l.l r.,irt I..i.''w.i far, Jot.'RXAt. will pabaslj your brand, liUr 5 l-'f I'11" brand n-prsunted lu tuia noMvc ' """aided any wtiere on left 4m & J oi iior.sci and 0 I tin- foMoH'liisr, for f-j:W), per Kaeli ud- KSiil .fli 'l! ANIv Xl'TTO. left side of raltlu aiid on left in liter of liorseK. i i O i i ' . 'l!l's:' AntidojM? ere'.'k O ! i Oi 1'. 0., (iiiilem-ist, Siou.t Co., Net). CIIAIILES J'.I Kni.K. On left side or lilp of eiiltie, On i"l t .slioui'li r of h'w-si's. ( i' ' , H J; i li ire nil the lleunl ill W :i rbf ,11 in t. f'ioitx Co. Nob. The SiGiix Caiiniy Journal (KsTAflLMlKU 8uhscripti.-n Prits, ?t.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 61CUX COUNTY. lio. I), ('niton, - TMI tor Entered ut the Ilurri'oii )Kwt office an jail i.h.h- i - tn-'t. FOf? TOILET AND BATH A Vr.mlri3l m::i i'.r the rrn- i f lipii'lmfr, hlar'U-in (oik, I,h:t.ira.s. l...u in. t l..iifi(rt riMf!.;. l l'-tri, -Hi-.-. Itrdiir,','. bud nil olInT 1 tkhi Kmp'ix.i'. KMout.s r, rf-j.j r it i v;j. lifcvuxo. Ash t, pr.iTp;. I at cfiocroerti p'i i ic rtv iten. pptsho, Write :V,r A'ffiit 1 ei nis, !; LOUIS En HOT Co , Ur. Loui3, Mo. I. A GODSEND TO HUMANITY. CG OMj ovo t-co -oo ICVCO o Tliote are jirohahiyiio worse. mofileO 19. Saves Zalivi; than those who L'O to a l o. Hea'Lh, Lifo And DoctC-r! U,(ftluP to s.m how mttir they k oi'7, e;:i: 1 lie mod femi't kH'nt" Invert ion for Vsn, wnniHii or cliild, tnr. wltboiit ineilleiiie, pr-vctlUdlwne. you eall hnvit ut boiiie ill your own room, s.initrirliiin. Hot springs', Turkluli, H-nxl.ui, Vedieiitii'l. Hry teiun, VuHr AlroltuI, tlx) Ren, 1--rl uiiii d, Mineral r Hulpliur llittli, ut cost of iiboiit St- jut Imth. !f thi publlr, of riiUng their yn 1!in with poion, by t: ki.iK dniKs itnd no trntiiH, would grl into u v,itor bniii oublnet nnil eat out thesis itobtoim nnd nsll na ture to m:t, they would have k nkln ut t-lear MiaioUl anil lieiilthy ui a i-lil'.d's. Tl;e Economy Vapor Hath (.'ubiuct ) not only a luxury for th well, but a roui.'ort and cure for tlm nick. It no-torm ttud prn ncr hualtli, ro!niif lite, a ipiii k imd ra tional cum for KliouniatUiii, Olw-ilty. Illoixl, kln and Ntirvoun U'.w'snen and prlvuto (llx- ol t-itlmr nox. Tlie bent uprlnif romedy knon, Piplal to any cabinet inado nwtltiK fiomtr, to lluo, prlen romplxte '.OO with full dirnrtlon. I.eoiiouiy Vapor lluth rabl imt Co., St. I-ouin, II o. To Af'entu: Don't wnste Hum aimworliiK -alrli penny advertiineiit. If j olt wish to iuiirovn your position In lift) wriui tin at Amen mid w will help yon niakn nn honor able living In any part of tlin I. S. or Csnu 4a. We opiort linn. minds of homo,. LBVERITA THC UP-TO-DATE UTTLE LIVER PILL CURLS iBiHcusnoss, 9Constipat!onf Dyop&psi2, iSlck-Hoad- lacho and L.Ivor Complaint. IU&AR COATC'I. 8old hy sll (rii?flii(9 I orntit hy U..11I. JStrrtti ril!l Co., Cl'xarw hold Hy Ilr. J. E. I'lnmifj. iv s I g5CT8. (! n. H ii-ord, till wsll known con trvlor of Torttindn. N. nv: "I luiv.1 n-o:l Chamhei htiD'a Cout!i H.-mrdy ! i niv family lor a lonjr linm nn.l havo (oond It sn'iii-rior lo any titlior.' l"or ! O tah tin-(lnor of u, i.i'iiiti t.tiarv and tl'ioi t;ci in. X A man that, livm for hiins-ilf alone" iuiik(.-s tilt; fc.-irlti a htlla pooicr tliai.6 found it, harder, nioranif. In th A jworld'.s ttfiK-ral ntfrprisi ho proves Jliiun-c-lf it In a I. II" rises iit pfroni lifoV fvast uml kob oil" without payiuj; his hill. L We all Ktiiilo ut tlw divina rijht o!0 Aiinrs. The chiliiroit w ill smile hy and; Jdy nt thy divine right of$ Q uid railroads find Standard (Jih oMvrcnW.IU-t-d. " 0 sHOOCO0C0-0'0 -COKJ Whim the concentration of wealth has been finally completed -by the trusts and monopolies, which hava hy n formim? o rapidly under thi fostering care of ii liiRh proction, Atlministration, then will have diiwnwl an era, when it will bo almost useless for tint tha wealth producing class to try to rifht thn wrongs, which are beins forced on lo our country, the result of which w ill in tku slaves of uh it four fifths of tha population of thn nati n. If the people exjioot t ri:;ht the wronijs lw fore it is too late, t hoy must, think and act from now on until nfter the presiden : tial eh-ctioti in l'.ififl. We say study these I vital questions now, while there is little excitement and then when the time 1 comes to cast nn iiittdijent vote the vot er will not need to hault Udweett two l opinions, ono representing his own inter- esls and the other that of the single Hold i standard trusts and soulless corporation. Tho man, I'erry Helmont, who under took to ontaohiso and reprimand Hon. W, J. Itryan for refusing lo nerepl his I invitation to speak at thn aristocratic, igoldbug lH'tnoiTatit: club bninpiet, to lh);iven in honor of Thomas Jefferson j in New Yor' elty lit JlO aplati April 111 th has withdrawn front thn i-otiiitntl.t an I has it;ni(led his ititentii n of ai'.tn I j ing tha dollar-a-pbila supper to tako j place in tlm samn city tp'il l'Jtli gMttou ' up Ij his Lrother Olver Dulniotit, ft & 1 fa f tT gi ttr ,rx U .- i Go Oryan Disposes of ilia Belmoni Banqust With an Hp! Epigram- IilKMIXGHAM, Ala., March 3:5.-rWiIlittni J. Bryan, spent the .by tin ntul was given nn euthusia.tu: reception. Not only the citiAits- of B.rniiiilmtn, hut many from uejghboriii;? cities and towns came to hear the ;reat leader on the imrrent, 'swws tif the day. " W hat the Iird s supper is to the Christian, su a Jeflor.ioi banoiift is to IVniorra'. Just, as a good Christian would revolt tht O sa'-raoieiit admitiistered hy an inii h l, so a (food l;eni'cral oH icts to h.iv- '- a Je.Terson bamjuet presided over hy Perry 1) jhiioot,' was the eppi Kramniaticnl manner in which Mr. Ur.van n.-ferred to the much talked of New York baiuptet next monCi. iAiily -ky Miuntaiu News. A ia " o o 5 6 t O o 6 a 4-O o y ;iii-)yn;i g. r. CARKV. A . i n left shoulder of entile und X'-i)(trfs. fS 1 iiiif p' -.'i iOMiire on Little Cottonwood. i o. .. 1 I'-iVi-iord ..i-or. o'ISE YOUR STOCK BRAND i-i-ft Also tin; L I. brand any wiiere ou t-'-.'..AJ it. iue oi cattle tatiMUg to tha 'ji-ii ch ik, ii t'Mi-nE.voua. lluirisou, brak. CIIAl;U KKWJIAX. The brand represented in this notioo feiJ "nd Iirandiid any where on left side jfflfifV! ol cattle, aud over-lup -tut from tb riKltteur. Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, beloups to the undersigned. ituntfu near East Springs, south part lo Sioux county. Ciiakles N'ewm an, Iiarrisou, XubratUa. THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL AKU V.HJ A WORKEII in V.-c,1 or IVtot ? f e.-iil .ir Cjtiuji.j cf i"fi:ts Foot J 'cv-t. ;? M a ::ner v . i i9it',:aJ, RiroBK, Purnble, Vv'. V. A Jcha Barnes Co, n.j Rtiby St., RccXford, Illinois. Illlllllli i, Ok f MS i .' l A . I-' H mimm s The nfilious foremost cb-nuierat. Hon. I (;it.VXJ CUNTKAb 1'AIjACE W. .1. Bryan, will nd.lress thn Thon.asl Jeifers m baiiijiie!, in New Yoik city to l e Xiven hy the Chicago I'l.iU.irru iiemuc racy ol lliat city April l!)th. The Huv Sen Knnntl Tor the Iol!;ir Dimicr ol' (ht fliiVarro IMutftiria I'cojilu. prints i,...i4ler. in last ws Y - , ,, . iviuM cornea mi-.i:ireiv ior e.v,..v. nor i Urewster. w is itmmtiti l!,e Hrvan iiony no ns successor 10 ioe niie con. ; smati, VV. L lireeu. What's Ihe ni itter of a good Democrat for t.'i it place? (; M ire precious American lives are be in s.oTnliced in tie; I'iiilippinu viands, just now, for the aJuiiuisiratioii's war lor liiiuiani1 v's s.tke. And, it is doubtful s., ;, .,-n;.,hl : r'.-aiii! i oufttsioi: has r. icn ov names m me dinner. ;i. v,;is (i .vomI lii-st. i:ol io it a dinner of t'lilc.o plaif irni Deni.H-r.iis, hecau-n of ,.v; r nor I'mree other, who are republi cans. We arranuy that matter in com niitlee all rvUt , however, and sent the INCOHPOIIATED 1888. ' Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. .CAPITAL STOCK PA TD IX '6 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 5,oao.oa -o- DIHBCTOBS. t " ). II. Brewster, President. C. F. Oofjjee, Vice President. Ciias. C. Jamkso.v. A. McGinley, I). II. Griswold, Cashier. CORRESPONDENT WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, Kbw YortK. OMAHA NATIONAL RANK, O.m.u-u, Nta, r-OO-srO"' if half llr! ileal h rate is tr.veii, to ttio : i )V tut ion in the name of the Chicago press ! the country. It dons ten. look j j(,,i form penpla. reasoliaoin lliat ltn fi, to liie Ann in-art fori-'-, wail noi e.-ived Imt one as com pared lo "HI I'liilip-uos. The Ilasl's Nimv ReliijioiH rUrm-o. 1 li policy of the 1,'Vlv Home J iunml in its religious dt p.irl incut seems to Iw always lo eti;a";e the jien t'f the man most, iinmed.ately pi-ouiiiient in the eyes of the religious world. Tims it, has had tho services of Mr. I'.eiclu r, Doctor T.d ma.rn. Doctor Pai khuist, Ian Machiien, and now it will have those of Dr. Neivell Dwi:ht Hillis, the new pastor of Ply- mouth Ohimh, in Ilrooklyn. Doctor HiIImIi-ui given the Juurit'tl a s'Ties of articles upon w hich ho had been working for over a ye ir previous to his K astern call, and tho first of these articles will he published in the next issue of the maga zine. The scries is all connected in thoiifibt and promts the funeral subject of"T!ie Secrets of a Happy Life." Senator Teller Ku.vw Dryim Did j:i-ht., -Cleveland, O., Man h 2J.-Senator II. M. Teller of Colorado wan asked horn to day what, in his judgement, would be the ic issuo in the next presi dential campaign. "I think there is no don' t," replied Senator Telh-r, that, the democratic parly will make tha financial ipiestion the i .sue." "who will be tho democratic presiden tial nomine?" "Undoubtedly Mr. Bryan will Isi the choice of his parly, promptly replied the senator. In regard lo W, J. ih-ynn'seotif roversy with I'erry lt.dmont, Senator Teller said: "I think Mr. I'.i-ynn did exactly rihl in taking the posihon he did. Those fel lows in 'hat organisation are not (b'tno cnils. Tin y are repuhlicuns m-i-qtiernd-hit? ii id-r (le ii'icrat io colors. Th. y op-poM-d Mr Rryaii's election hi l"llrt, nay. Iiu; his election would endunifer the na tion's welfare, and ho did perfectly rn;hl iu declining to accejit the iiiyiutiop..'' M I'r. Kilmer & Co., DinaliampUo. N. Y, h-'ve such linaneial ba'-k'mr that we will !h! able to ivo a dollar ilinner such has n-'Vcr b.-i-n held U-fore. Appli cations bave comi! from places in Flori da, from Duliith and from Boston. I wired to the (Iraiid Central as soon as I heard from Mr. Bryan to-night and engaged it,. "Because of the confusion, no inva tiolis were sent to ariyhody But Mr. Bryan. We hnvo learned, however, from (rovernor I'mgree, Mr. Altjjeld and Chairman Jones that they would come any day after April IV Women should know II. Many women suffuer untold agony and mincry because tho nature of their disease in not correctly understood, fhi-y h ive been led to believe that womb trouble or female weakness of some sort i responsible for the many ills that be set womankind. Neuraligia, neryeousness, headache, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, rheumatism, udraKging pain ordull ache In the .back, weakness or bearing-down sensation, profuse or scanty supply of urine with strong odor freiiuni, desiro to ass it Willi Hi'nldiug or burning sensa tion, sediment in it. alter standing in hot lie or common glass for twenty-four hours are signs of kidney and bladder trouble. The above symptoms are often attrib uted by tho patient herself or by her physician to female weakness or womb trouble. Hence so many fail to obl.tin relief be cause they are treating, not tho disease itself, but a reflection of the primary cause which is kidney trouble. In fact women as well ns men are miul miserable with kidney and bladder trouble and both need tho sunin reme dy. lh Kilmer's Swamp Root is the great discovery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist and is easy lo get at anv drugstore for lll'ty cents or one dol la To provo its wondei ful merits ymi may have a sample bottle mid hook telling till about it both sent absolutely free by mail. Kindly mention Tim Siocx Coun ty JofBMAr, and send your address to INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. i Read This Notice, Land For Sale. & $ JTOU SALE CIIEA1: A Ranch, S miles north of Harrison, in War- Si je.iionmit precinct, described as follows: S-W of Sec. 133, Twp. 33, Range 66 'jcontnining 1G0. Good stone house on place; all under fence; nice creekSj running through the land; D acre garden patch under cultivation, sub-irri-Jg I'gated and other acres that can be easily irrigated. It is a bargain. I'orljj! information enquire at tho JOURNAL odlce. vi r ' icFOU SALE: 100 acres, situatea on Rdnning Water creek, 13 milestif !?south of Harrison, hi Sioux countv. - EOGERT ROIIWER. i " W ' ; - c JljFOR SALE: 30 acres, at the mouth of little Monroe canyon, in War-ji Jjjjlionnet precinct. Good, story and a half frame house on ranch, 14x20, J painted, lathed and plastered; also barn for 12 horses, besides other buildings tfjon ranch: 2 acres under cultivation and irrigation, and much more can beS . ptput in samo condition with little work; ranch is fenced and cross-fenced :g jfLittla Monroe creek runs through place. For information inquire of L.S Cerlach or at the JOURNAL office. , W - - W tfFOIl SALE 160 acres, 3 miles North-west of town adjoining the westjj Jfside of tho Smith place. This place is cheap as dirt. Investigate by en-f 4 quiring at this ofllce or, of J. C. L. Ragland, Harrison, Neb. IJ ' gztzq us o: 1' HI 1' . ' I', I. --"S- Y, en, i,..'.v i ..' : . I,,s..,i , .' n C'jf k. i.t f.liii yeur oiil r. !-: t I ..T Vi J 'v. t t li.' b .1 i .S-f -. f.. .. :i 'j ?i '..- !. :, i't W '.; . i . . v. 'Air ,v ; i..:. ' -i ' . f ( A s ,,, .., , f.. ' i -.iiiii . : t ' ' r ifc-H y : i two. o,:n ;(;;,. -T i..;m .: 1. c;.r ,'. ' ".0 . i . "j mmAio, .-.i..i -. .-..v.-- .'J - -i " I;; " 5 h$ m-err ie's' ,i i. i--t-.-.-is- -.- ''' ( 'ir .-.,'.'!-. ' .,''.. 1 e tlflicntovit ....I.-if. .i . r. Ci-.'vc .i-i '.i el" 1 .ir. I.. I '.'..-,:- .' -,'.--V'il I5 5 MtMi.-..rlitAf. .fm (-., .'( 'ii. i -;:'.": ai - j i. i -'.'.'Vit S 'IE AcloMilMi-u.ti vi ,!, Ii.'.lii-il.l i"i l"i' T,r- -' i:i t '. '. V TV-y I tt ' (lilvjiaTU w'.'-Mf.t...l.'f'.-.-:v.a .l.'-.-i i..; ,.,.-....' Ml' ( miin.1 !-;.,,' n ;).;.: .-, iv i-!. 't'.i-n - ' --- r ','1 mf (trairiea:.IK-ikt..r, .n-iH !.. T.I , , vV . , ...(.'4J ' . I ' , .. jVSjt I 3 I t,,4 t,S..i i'i ca-i..,., t ie e. y i -i, ' i.-.- , n 4 ' ' 1 f r l inL cilM!i.X',."',..i t:.i -i iiui-er,-, -. .. . n' , .4 . vj b ifcbo1i-Iiu. -siv-'ilTif. i.s:l -. l.i,-i' 1 .,;A,' -. i i, j ... - '0' t, j Ihimi aiivini,l 1m-Ii.v lhmMn..j falaai lot. SofltBoli-llu. "siv-iilTif. i.s:l . l.i.-y i alihi and ftttr V; 1.-. I il ."-!'.! !')r,.tl M rualtunl r; '.m.i t jr.V. :" t-t - I. ( !l'"- f caln Tlie ma I , ,o i.-tv. r-. i t .,, -... ..,( t . i n . , ii ,. mKmjwm i", t.i I-., w," -hi i, . .. T ... r IVaWlM, Ml VlJ, ..-s IbMM O -! Imiism l' - iS 4..UM4.. -r-i. I I,-, I' T." M. ' ROBERTS' fsUPP s..( . 4-f A y I 1 1 '3- 4 - !V I 1 'J 1 i ii C ' I' 'i, J. 'r i by I at. Jf i'iiinn. . 1 i .' . A A