The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 23, 1899, Image 8

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How To Make Itaey.
If you are tired of paying liigh prices yuti
can make money by buying your good at the
Every body loves a nice fitting, Stylish
Shoe. We Sell the Queen Shoe, advertised
in all magazines at 3.00 in Boston, "ve pell
this graceful shoe for 2.75 right here at home
and save you 00c express beside-?.
All other leather goods will "be sold
just as cheap in proportion; none but
the best kept in stock.
Jn Clothing, Dry goods and Groceries we will meet all East
ern Catalogue prices and will throw in a set of Olas-i?
Dishes," worth 2.50, for every 20.00 worth you
buy for cash. Also, come in and see cur
Ladies Wrapirs and Shirt Waists,
they are DAISIES and w ill
be sold very low. Call
and get our prices
before you buy
also han
dle the celebra
ted Valentine Flour,
none better in America,
besides we have full line o! Crockery
If you want a suit of clothes made
to order we are Agents for
yal Taylors of Chi-
cago, Ills.
RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, l. gerlach, Prop.
Thursday. MCH. 23rd. 1829.
43eo. D. Canon, Editor and Prop.
F. E. A M. V R. iL 1 line table.
Going Went. Going East,
rffo- 8. uitxeu,, 11 .-20 1 Xo. 6. mixed S :00
IF. E. M. V. It K. is the best
to and from the
Prompt attention given to all legal
ifMttera in Justice, County and District
.Courts, and before the United States
JjuA Office.
Fire Insarance written in reliable
tyLegal papers carefully drawn.
Habeison, - Nebraska.
F. E. & M. T. IS. K.
Special Excursion to Hot Spring's, S. D.
Excursion tickets v,ill be Bold
Tuesdays Febuary 14th and
28, 1899, at one fair for the
Tonnd triD. cood returnin s ?,0
lavs from date of sale. Fair
from Harrison, $4.40.
F. Avery, Agt
Public Auction.
I will offer for sale at Pub
lic Auction, at my residence,
half mile north of the Bodarc
school l;o:i", on Iat Creek,
.April 3, Jc'.'U, lit 10 o'clock a.
in., the following described
personal property to-wit:
5 Cows. 3 Steers 1 Wacron
1 Heifei, 2 Dozzr-ii Chic kens,
1 Cook Stove. 1 IIcalii
Stove, 1 Set Double Harness,
J500 pounds Flour4 12 bushels
Wheat, besides, JJedsteads,
Chairs, Diahea and other
Household furniture too nu
merous to mention.
Terra: CASH.
tGjJgSttr, E. A. BwEtov,:.
I'hjLstf.m and Surgeon.
4.11 calls given prompt attention.
Office in hrux Store.
wSDon't send to Mont-
gomary, v. am x oonipany
or to .Elkhart, Indiana, for
your Harness. I can pell
yon better goods and much
cheaper. If you are open for
conviction come and learn
for yourself.
Miss Ethel Badpely is one of the lat
est hubscriliers to ihe JoutNAL.
The first regular meeting of Royal
Neighbors occured on last Tuesday even
ing, several new members were initiat
Friend Raum from Cottonwood pre
cinct while at the assessors meetieg
Monday did not forget to make a ten
minutes call at this office.
W. J. A. Kaum of Coltonwood pre-
ciuct braved the bad roads and wintry
weather in order to a1 ttend the assessors
meeting here on last Tuesday.
Ladies should not fail to (subscribe
for that popular magazine, McOall's, as
it is the most complete we have yet
read in the way of ladies fashion maga
zines. A very agreeable time was spent at
the M. E. church last evening the occas
ion being a social given by the Junior
Epworth League, to which the public
were cordially invited and judging from
the large number who were present, all
responded heartly to the invitation. A
interesting program was rendered, and
all enjoyed themselves.
It has been estimated that nearly a
thousand dollars are scot out of Harri
son every month to various life insur
ances and fay members of our different
benificary associations. Thus demons
trating to the public ho" the people of
our little prairie city feel about the fut
ure of their families, should the bread
winner be tailed hence.
Perry White, has finally decided to
branch out into the well drilling business
and with that end in view sent to Chica
go on last Friday, for a steam drilling
apparatus. Already he says he has se-
Lcured six or eight welis to drill as enter
prise is in a measure, "life" and variety
the spice thereof, hence we wish I'erry
TIe regular annual moeling of Sioux
county assessors was held at the court
house in Harrison on last Tuesday after
noon Fallowing; are the names of the
gentlemen who were present, and the
precincta which they represented:
J. A. Raurq,
F. Force,
John Kay,
John Serres,
Chas. Newman,
J. C. Shipley,
J. K on rath,
W. II. Johnson,
Andrews "
W&rbonnet "
Hat Creek
Running water"
Whistle creek
Vontrmw "
White river "
Bowen. '
The place to Get Good
Hartrain at all times is at
The following cf which in
nearly always found, at
the above place:
A complete assortment of
Ladies and Gents furnish
ing Goods, Dry Goods, No
tions and Millinery.
A Good line of Men's
Duck Clothing, Hats and
Caps to suit the times.
Ladie.'and Gents Fine
Foot Wear a specialty; and
Children, b Foot Wear care
fully considered.
For cCormic machinery, Barbed "Wire
and Salt; in fact nearly everything
kept in a well regulated store. If you
are in need of a large or small bill come
in and see what we can do for you
before you send your money out of the
country. , Respectfully,
N OT I C E : T J it-re will be
Lutheran services at the
M. E. church Saturday, Mch.
18th, 1.0, at o'clock P. M.
Rev. F. G. Winces.
F7"Partie wi?hing to
sell or buy land should
call on or write to the edi
Under the auFpicea of
the EpVtOrth league of this
place. Prof. W. O. Phipps of
the Cliadron .Academy vill
give a lecture at the M. E.
church, Monday evening
March 27, at 7 o'clock sharp.
Admission, 10 and 15 cents.
Every body envited.
Remember Prof. Phipps in
a scholar and will not fail to
interest hi.s audience.
Chas. Newman was in town on last
Tuesday, to attend the astiesnors mett
inj. M. J. Blewett, took a trip to Craw
last Friday (St. Patrick's d,iy) remaining
over uutil Mondav noon.
E. IL Erdman, returned from Wis
consin last Monday bringing two cars of
cattle which he will put on his ranch
.'.his spring. Mr. Erdman went to Wis
consin, last fall on a visit where he ha-,
been ever since.
Carle Leithoff, left for Junction city
Kans., list Sunday from Crawford. He
tiiinks he will return again, to Sioux
county some time in the future as he
feels well satisfied with the country and
the people who live in it.
Jease L, Parker, half-brother of I res
ile Craio, and who has been visiting
with Leslie for the past six weeks, since
being musterjid out of the U. S. Volun
teer service in Washington, departed for
his home in Iowa, last Friday evening.
Buthe will prolably return to Sioux
county next fu.ll, whtn he is liable to lo
cate here pennantly. He also thinlr s he
had about all the war for "humanity's
sake," he cares for.
Mrs, Liodsev and Mrs. Graves, two
daughters, of John Corhin cam in on
the west bound train yesterday from
Klin Crrek this stat. 'iheir huband
. ill come in a few divs. Mr. Graven
and his family ill live on the place re
cently vacated by Mrs. iJew and we have
not yet learned where Mr, Lindsey ami
his family will live but we presume
some- hear near by Mr. Corbin's.
Mrs. Wanda Davi (, Mrs. John Lucy
and Mr. W. B. Wright were initiated
into the mysteries of the subordinate
lodge of the M. W. of A., known as the
Royal Neighbors Tuesday evening. Of
course the women who have learned the
art of chopping will be expected to do
their own wood chopping. Our quill pus
her sugtrest his royal neighbor procure
aa fract ous a "gMt", a possible when
introducing their bettor hajvei. Hey?
The place to Get Good
Bargains in Rubbers is at
Where a complete line of
warm Felt? and Rubbers,
Our line of GROCERIES
are fine, as we always aim
to buy Good, Fre;-h Goods
such as? we knov. would
suit all our Customers.
We carry a complete lino
of FLOUJt & FEED; all
Flour guaranteed. Also,
we carry HARDWARE &
Building Materia.!.
NOTK ; E : Preach i ng eve
ry other Sablmih at 11:00
o'clock a. in., and every Sab
bath evening at the M. E.
J. L. Kendall. Pastor.
Juke Marking, of Montrose, was a
hub visitor yesterday.
Mr. Asa iJavis, was a guest at the
(iriswoM muiibiou on yesterday. The
geri'Jrii ;;n lorruerly resided in Harrison,
but during the two vears has Ixen
a rest di nt of Um Hills. We acknowled
ge a pleasant call from Mr. lfavis while
iu town.
The idea of building a hall by popu
lar subset ipttion seems to meet with gen
r"n' favt-r. A l'""hI biM wnuld 1 a
rretlit to t' h u-n, wo-tl I i a gr-i'
a;coiiiC"i.tii)ii to llta ortkr, ulready lo
cated here and an inducement for other
sx'ieties to establish kxlges here. With
a good building conveniently located, the
rent from hall & lower room would am
ount to from $150.00 to f.!00.00 dollars
per year, leaving a i.i :e profit on the i:
vestment after met-tir.gall expenses in
cidental to lighting and warming the
hall, insurance and taxes on the build
ing &c. The point now is, whether to
build a new building, or use the material
in the Elevator owned by Jeff Hewitt
which can be had at very reasonable
figures abut f.VKl.OO would answer in
the hitter case while a new building
though more desirable would cost con
siderable more, however the investment
in either cas-would le a profitable one
and add much to lh convenience an I
appearance of our city, A meeting will
probably be called in the near future,
when something dufinate will bo decided
Joseph Dickinson Is Dead.
Joseph Dickinson, brother of lye, who
lives m Hnake Cre.'k precinct who, we
understand had just recently gone to
Omaha, for treatment for deafiicsn, was
picked up uncom-ious last Monday in
that city. A telegram was sent to the
Commercial Jiank of Harrison, from the
M. F- Hospital, asking that Mr. Ilickin
son's family be notified of his sad con
dition, and while Mr. Griswnld was try
ing to conceive some plan as to how he
could ei,d word to I, who lives 85
miles across the country and away from
any railroad, gentleman happened
to come into Harrison to attend the as
sessors meeting, which was held here on
last Tuesday, and on learning of , his
brothers s!id plight, left for Omaha, on
last Monday evening. No particulars
could be iiHcerlained as to whether Mr.
Dickinson was foully dealt with or not.
LATER- A telegram to I). II Oris
wold Tuesday evening from Lee, who
left for Omaha Rt once lifter learning
the precarious condition of his brother,
conveyed the sad news that Joseph
Iii kinson was dead and the cause un
known. The nfiove will cant a pall over
the neighWhood in which Jo hid lived
for years, but most cruel of all is the
blow It will to to his aged father and
mother who, on!y a little over a year
oko adieu tt him, prehnps little
thinking it would betbe butt time they
would ever see him nlive. We hope
to be able ti (rive the particulars
nor fiilhy next week-
&Mfs 1 ELI d
iiewia yp of the mine,
Any of these three with
liasn pur cnese
I Read This Notice,
tr0p SALK CIIl'.Al: A It-n:h,
if honnet precinct, deM-ribel as fol!ows:
xf-ontaiiiing 180. Oood stone houM!
running throng
h the land; 5 acre garden
gated and other acres that am M
information tn ju. re at me julb.i,
ifl'OR HA LI" :
100 acres, situated
y south of llarrixon. i. Sioux county,
!.-( Ji SALK: "i acres, at the mouth of little Mnroe canyon, in War-J
j iwnnet precinct. Good, stwy anil a half frame house on ranch, 11x33,
!inted. latlied and plasl rwl; also to frr 12 horses, besides Other buildings
P ,n run ii: 2 acres tinder cuiltivatton and irrigation, and much more can b
put inKitne condition Hh littl work: ranch is fenced and cross-fenced
l.i'.t M.hiim- i r,':;; t uc- t ! . t i j . f pawe. For infoi mation inquire of L.JS
is ieriac'n or at the JOU RN'AL oiltce.
V- g
frOTI WALK ICO acres, 3 miles North-west t f town adjoining the west''
rside of the Smith place. This place is t heap as dirt. Investigate by en 2
..(Hiring at Ibis office or, of J. C. L. liagland, Harrison, Neb. S
Slum County Assessor Meeting.
Harrison, Neb. March 21, W.t9.
The Assessor of Sioux county , Nebras
ka, (net as 'ojiuted by law at the ofliie
of the county clerk.
M'-etiug -ailed to order and on motion
W.J. A. It turn was elected chairman, i
and M. J. lilevvett se'-r.-tary.
I'resi-iit, W. J. A. Itauin, Joseph Kon
rath, W. 11. Juhnson, J. ('. Shipley, John
j. Kav, Otto Ti-t.. ( buries Newman,
E. E irce and J. din Serres. j
On motion the ( 'hair upKinted John L.
Kay, Otto Tietze and E. Force as a com
nMttee to arrange a schedule of values
lor assessment.
Tlie Committee submitted a schedule
of values.
On motion it was agreed to dicuss the
schedule of values in o(sn session.
(Ill motion it was decided lo accept the
l-dule as kubmii'ed by the Commit
tee. Following schedule was subtnittl by
the Committee aud adopteil by the Meet
ing. IIOIiSLS.
To be divided into three classes.
All horses 4 yejrs old and over, Ut
class M, 2nd class 10 ;ird class (5.
All colts 3 ye,irs old to lie divid l into
tfiree class. 1st class f 2nd blass
3rd d iss 3.
All colts 2 rears old to bo divided into
three classes. 1st class $10, 2nd class ?fl,
3rd class f 2.
All colts 1 yenr old to lie divided intT
lhre clu-ses. 1st class f'S, 2n'l class f l.
3 d class f 1.50.
AH stallions used for brwdicg purpos
es to lie divided into three classes 1st
class fl50, 2nd class $75, 3rd class $25.
1st clas fl00, 2nd class $75, 3rd class
lt class 4 years old and over $20 00
15 00
IS oo
12 00
K I'd
15 ( 0
10 no
5 00
10 oo
ft M'
8 00
1st close $25 (f
2nd class J.5 V
3rd clase..,. ,., , h 00
Land For Sale, g
8 miles north of Harrison, in War 'Ji
- - W of Sec. 3:t, Twp. 83, Rnge M.g
creek 5
on place: all under fenc s; ni5
patcli under cultivation, sub-irri
easily Irrigated. It Itf a Irarg nn.
oi. ho.
on Running Wjter creek, ' mile,
1st c!as 3 years old and over $20 Oft
10 00
15 00
10 0O
6 00
10 00
4 IX)
1st cUss 3 venrs old nn l over $lJf'0
2nd ' 3 " 12 00
3l " i'i ' 810
' H KIKE Its.
1 st class 2 years old $ 10 f'0
2nd close 2 Tears old H CO
3rd class 2 years old K 00
1st class 1 year old 7 CO
2nd clrs 1 year old 5 HO
3rd class 1 year old 8 f Hi
Calves 0 m mills old .... f,0
Calves ti months ld: thorough bred 3 0U
1st clas 3 years old and over....$3.'i 00)
2nd eh si 3 years old and over 25 0(1
3rd elas 3 years old and over 15 00
1st class 2 years old and over 20 00
2nd class 2 Jetrs old aud over 15 00
3rd clans 2 years old and over 10 00
' ' KHEKf.
All Sheep fi mouths old, 1st class. ..$1 50
All Shtep except Ducks, 2nd class.. 1 00
All Hogs over C months old 1 tent per
1st class per acre $3 00
2nd class per acre 1 25
3rd class -r acre.... 75
Fair value ot improvement adned. ,
On Motion all in p-ovements on govern
ment land not (vi'Uf'ied by nn actual res
ident be assessed at a fair valval kui after
the improvements have (yen on the land
live years.
All homesteads on which parties have
i e billed for five years to be assessed us
real estate.
On motion It wns derive I tl,nt tl ere be
no values mad 4 in len'.s. Nothing 'e
than ilolht-s to lie fiild up In reluriis.
On motion the secretnry be mid . hei.
by orderJ to have llft v copies of the
proceedings of this meeting printed.
On motion the minutes of Urn nieutliig
were read and approved.
Go mot on the meeting adjourned.
V. J. A. lUt M, Chairman,