The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 23, 1899, Image 7

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    Ifcscfci .
Do not think for tingle
moment that consumption will
ever strike you sudden blow.
It does not come that way.
It creeps in way along.
First, you think it is a little
cold; nothing but a little hack
ing, cough ; then a little loss In
weight: then a harder cough;
then we fever and the night
The suddenness comes when
you have a hemorrhage.
Better stop the disease while
it it yet creeping.
You can do It with
You first notice that you
cough less. The pressure en
the thest is lifted. That feeling
of suffocation is removed. A
cure is hastened by placing one of
Dr. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral Plaster
over the Chest.
A Book From.
It Is on the Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs.
mm rly.
It ynii hv any ritmp lilnt wriatarar
ftiid oValre tli bant utedlral advica you
ran poiHlr ra1. writ. (It doctor
fraalr. You will raeena aprurupt reply,
without cuat Adrtrm,
UK J. Q AVKIt. Ijjweil. Mass.
I 1
Oar Great He. fighter Waa a Scotch
man Horn.
John Paul Jones wan born In 1747 Id
tin- parish of Kirkiiean, upon the Sol
war Firth, In the southwestern part of
Scot land. Ills family name wan I'aul,
that of June being assumed later.
Thirty mlt.-s south of Klrkhean, on the
other Hide of Flrth, and therefore In
England, In the port of Whitehaven,
whence he sailed during the early part
of his maritime career, which began at
i the age of 12. Ills voyages, of which,
j however, only an incomplete record re
I mains, were chiefly to the West Indies
and to the North American continent
In the latter an elder brother, William
I'aul, had settled at Fredericksburg, In
Virginia. There John I'aul visited from
time to time as opportunity offered,
and when William died in 1773, leaving
considerable property, John went there
to live and to settle the estate. It was
then that he formed the purpose of
abandoning the sea; moved thereto,
doubtless, by the prospect of a rea
sonable coniMtence which had thus
ojtened to hi in.
The troubles of the colonies with the
mother country, however, had begun
already. A recent settler, without fam
ily ties on the spot, with sisterg In Scot
land, Jones very well might have re
mained at least pass'v'dy a loyalist;
but he was a reading man always, and
had imbibed the Ideas and the Jargon
of the century. With his native tem
perament and caprices It was well nigh
Impossible that he should remain inac
tive In such stirring times, while his
acquired views, his new Interests, and
the weakening hold of home affections,
consequent upon absence since boy
hood, combined to Impel hhn to take
sides with the fellow-citizens among
whom he was then living, rather than
with those In the old country. For this
he was called then a traitor; not wholly
unnaturally, for the doctrine of hide
feasible allegiance was still maintained
by Great Britain. It la singular, how
ever, to find him again so styled In
very recent English work. A rebel he
doubtless was; a traitor, perhaps, tech
nicnlly, as Washington might be called
for the same reason; but he betrayed
no trust. Scrlbner's.
. VYMskors Dyod
A Nmturml Blmok fry
Buckingham's Dye,
Prlre 99 pent of al! .ro(riflt or
R. P. U A t o N .hua, N H
1 he v oice of I iniimn.
"She's pretty enough to bite."
"Tea, but there's lead poisoning to all
(hose face preparations. "Cleveland
Plain liealer.
Jack-Suppose I teach you to play
cards now, and then you will know all
bout It after we're married. Marie J
A on t that tx lovely: hut game will
Housekeeping In Italy.
An interesting letter from an Ameri
can lady of limited means who passed
last summer in Italy tells an entertain
ing story of housekeeping in that sunny
land, tragic with the shadows of de-
j parted grandeur,
"I have become a padrona, with seven
enormous keys, so heavy thu-t I have to
carry them in a basket. I am not only
a padrona. I am also a cook, art stu
dent, scribbler and should be studying
Italian. Also It has lieen very hot ho
hot that one felt as If there was little
worth doing In this world, and one did
n't care tuppence who did It.
IJld you ever keep house in hot
weather, with no lee snd no screen,
and in a land where the Insect tvora
"We have the pestilence which hop
p th In darkness, ajid flies by tlie5u0,
and many, many mosquito mid har
vest mice, and green and blue beetles
ami harvest bugs that bite, and long
you tench me? Jack Solitaire. I, Ife, !
, nosed gray bettles that plunge into the
I )
Wa wtah to ala thla nu flBJRO
HW enatoinar. and Hta aaar
1 fta. II l)j ..10
Fsa Eirli KlM Cu!.g.,..K
,r KarliaMRcd llwt ........ ..Km
Lona Uihtri'L' t rcrnmbaf ..I0o
Blir' Bawl JAtucm .16o
California fig Tomua,..itto
r.rlr Illauar (Jtii.m. ....... If
KriilUnt r tow bod..... .ISo
Worth $t. 00. for 14 Cli. iu
Abrrra 10 pkf ., worth 11.(10. wo will
Kail loo fro.. io(hr wiib our mat
riant tod KwnI a'aloa.... opoo ra
rtH of Ibl. a.tlci. nd I W powUo
. inrii. rour .rlo .1.0 If HOW .BID
LfU onra try Malaar'a Herd, row will
nor.rifot slmia o.lljout thou.
Ion a1 flic an-l rjp a la. Pata-
io at Si. 10 obi. Calaiocu
John, l.aCoaaa.wa.
fl MBfM
An Honest Man,
Can buy land ch ap in Northern
Kebraafca and make a home (or
himself that will be a continual
source ol income sufficient to
maintain hii family and enable
bint to acronuhte a iirplun.
Farm Ieixxdlm
Nebraska ralaed in 1898 :
20,000.0"0 buehele Corn.
46,000 000 buehels Wheat.
750.000 head of Cattle (urnlu)
2,000,000 bead of I log (Surplus
The Poultry and Poultry product
amounted to over $7,000,000.
Was the Pionear Ka Iroad to
North Nebraska, Central Wt.
oming and the Bilck hills,
Ho' fpringaand Desdwoai.
milk, and Irlg grasshoppers that Come
zipping In through the windows, and
a few centipedes and rumors of scor
pions mid a mighty ra of di
emles that drone and buzz among the
olive trees under my window. Kvery
day brings some fresh discovery In the
stinging and biting Hue. Fifteen min
utes at a stretch of iieaceful comfort
has lieen linitosslble. With this wall
finished. I will remark that the Insect
enemy Is the worst thing nlxjut Saa
(;iin --thotl for Han (ilmlgnano. For
my quarters, five rooms and a garden
across the lane. I pay alsnit S0.40 a
montJi. and for my Moved Maria, my
servant, who comes for an hour and a
half every day, $l.i) a month. We are
delightfully In-hind the times here.
Everything Is done v,lih hand la 1 wr,
dlstalTs, plows, spinning wheels, farm
Implement, a they were In Virgil's
fctMr! Mi at ffarfut-4 U PrWiM.
Wwii LmKkm, tfvj. I'. , trftwhsadj 14,, rU
f f Mfcl la ill i.. .,.l. ai . WT"'l I
(I wU4 WiM, N.. k f" 'Ht I WteJ. UlMf EJ.l I
I am Mr. U f t; -lw Ui w Uk it Mi. I I I
I 1 n. -..4 rr .,; I
1 Uaa lMW-ri.ilij I u,, I,., y M
w" M Cwtafw al w, g t
tVa . - VI woUH .. M M
' r-"J. rlr !. til, awf J
X V l M aa. af k feM af -T JF
Th"ntrleal "Propi."
Flops comprise all toe portable arti
cles required lii a play. Cuns and pls
tol nhi-li 1m) of teu fail to go olT at
the crlticaf nmim nl - are prop;.; loaves
of bread, fowls, fruit, all made of a
rough papier marhe, are also props.
We umy also Include those wondrous
gilt goblets, only cen on the stage.
wnicti make such a iHiu-mctalllc thud
-heu ilw-y full and bounce upon tjie
lsmrds, as among the achievements of
title property man. Hut. It Is at panto
mime time that that Individual Is at his
biiles1. Big mar,ks and make believe
a usage ami vegetables, wltliout
which imi piintoiiiline would be com
plcte. are mingled wilh fairy wiinds,
garlands of art'illi-inl (lowers, basket
work frames for the accommodation of
giants and other articles loo numerous
Ui mention. How the right things are
fort'hcrwiiiiig at the right moment Is
one of those mysteries only known to
pnriterly men. Mi-id one of these useful
liiemls-rH of the ilientrlcnl world the
ability ami Inn liiiiiiioii to write a book,
what an i-ntirliiln1i: volume couiil h'
" iirn out! -;iiamlH ist' Journal.
'U 1 nltl-.lrsi Fm.Hi
Sllllfh-I It true thai Jio Jones Is n
believer In Uie faith cureV
I Krown- Vcs. Iljs wife was 111 Inst
week and he refused to call In a pliy
Hmlih -llut 1 saw Jr. Cubeb-s comieg
out of his house this morning.
Vj?t I Brown- (Hi, that's easily neeoiuiied
-OIL for. He Is sick himself now.
Father Stop Queationina; When Bon
Mixes M ine and Iliatory.
A 10-year-old Cedar avenue boy Is
quite a reader, considering bis tender
age, and his father delighted in encour
aging his literary taste. Not long ago
the father suggested to the boy that he
ahould read up on the life and death
of Nathan Hale, the fcpy and hero of
the revolution.
A few evening later the father ask
ed the lad If he had carried out his re
quest. The boy said he had.
"Who was Nathan Hale?" the father
"He waa stringed up by the British
aoldlers," waa the son.swhat Irreverent
rou abould say hanged," said the
"Stringed up Is Just the same,
the boy.
"No," said the father, "It Isn't Just
the same."
"Well," said the boy, "It's Just the
same to Nathan Hale.
This was something of a poser, and
the fathpr discreetly changed the sub
ject. "And why did the British bang Na
than Hale?" he asked.
"Because," replied the boy promptly,
"because he rubbered for Gen'ra!
This atrocious definition of a spy's
duties was too much for the fa l her,
and he promptly dropped the Hale in
quiry there and then. Cleveland Plain
Ncerlless Terrs
While walking In tin- icin uciit house
district in C'hlcn;;.. ;i i,.ai; aw a little
child in white standing on the sill of a
third story window. The man did not
cream, but with a very pale face he
ran across the street and up (he stair
way. He found the tight door, as If
by Instinct, and opened It softly. He
saw the curly head of the child, and
then, Just as he reached out his hand,
the child fell out. At the same Instant
he was seized by the arm, and a wom
an's voice demanded to know what he
meant by Intruding. "The child: the
childl" he said, In a frantic whisper,
"She has fallen out of the window:"
The woman smiled broadly, and walk
ing to the window pulled in the child
by means of a short and stout rope,
and deposited il on a chair. Then she
turned to the amazed man, and said,
tranquilly, "I suppose you mean all
right, but Molly wasn't In danger at all.
I can't spare time from my work to
watch her. and ebe will play by the
window, so I Just tie her up this way.
When she fulls out and wants to get
back she Just yells, and I haul her In."
The well meaning man left a dime for
the child and departed wondering.
To Waterproof r!oota.
Summer and winter this la useful.
Dress boots waterproofed would save
niany a cold, for the wearers often
leave a warm room to tread on damp
ground. Take half a pint of linseed ol!
and half a pint of neatsfoot oil and bod
them together. Bottle and keep ready
for use with a sponge on the cork. Ap
ply when the boots are perfectly clean.
Of course only the soles of dress boota
are to be so treated, and the oil must
be allowed two or three days In which
to dry. Two successive applieatlouai
re best.
Mary Wilkius' next book is to be
called "The People of Our Neighbor
hood." (
l It f rofiiable
to devote an entire day in getting to St
Joeeph or Kanas City, when tne trip
may be comfortably made durine the
mailt via the St. Joseph & Grand Island
Ry? Chair Cars (seatB free) and Pull
ni,n Palace Sieeppers are run on all
night trains.
While Ton Hlrep.
Do not have too much air blowing
through your room at night, or Neural
gia may creep upon you while you
sleep. But if it comes, use St. Jacob
Oil; it warms, soothes aud cures.
He Waa Not Taking Coffee.
Sergeant Plerson was one of the
best-llked men In the company, but he
couldn't tolerate fool questions. On the
morning of July 3 he sat on the bank
of the Intrenchmenf. drlukimr coffW
He was really exposing himself unnec
essarily. One of the men near-bv was
nervously watching him. Their eveg
met and the private, somewhat embar
rassed, remarked, for the lack of some
thing better to sny:
"Are you taking a cup of coffee?"
A look of disgust spread over Pler-
aon's speaking countenance.
Am I taking coffee?" he began
mockingly. A Mauser bullet knocked
the cup from his hand.
"No, sir," he continued, with added
sarcasm, "I m not taking coffee." New
York Sun.
London's Grain Import.
Loudon's Imports of grain amount
to about 25,000,000 bushels per annum
8,000,(XO of which consist of wheat.
Whir Waste
good working noura in getting to 8t
.1 apph or Kansas City when it is pos
sible to shorten the fuirney by using
bt. Joseph A Grand Island night trains,
which are eauinoed with
Chair Cars (seats free) and Pullm&n
A scientist looking for microbes saya
there are absolutely none on the Swiss
mountains at an alUtudeof 2,0(i0 feet
Sliake Into lour Siloes
Allen's, a powder for the feet.
It cures iiamtul. swn.len. umurtimr i,i
, - - - -, w.., aij.i
iiii.iimy i;ikhs i e ring out of corns and
bunions. i"s (lie greatest comfort discov
ery ot the Hg... AH 's Foot-Ease make
"""I"""!'; r new kiioks te '1 easy. It is a
certain cure for sweatinz. is'.' ami h,.
CAD Alff n II i I r a .r .iTim w s.a v a
run uicn nHLr a LtNIUHT nUW (JUntU.
Unsolicited Testimonials and Sworn Affidavits Offered to Prove
Every Assertion " 5 DROPS" Scores Marvelous
Triumphs; Breaks Its Own Record.
kat I. If . Iaae. Iraaoa. Mlaa , Ha, u, ,mi okoi.1 "5 IIHIIPI -
Sw.sojon Rhecs.tic roue Co.. .'tm-AOO; lr Sira I will ,y 10 you and cat rwt of taa
arnrlrfilui iiliaiown manytra sire- I have lm able U do a day, work uuliJ llili .prlna I
commenced .ako.g a i kp in December la.t. and I now feel like a new man. I hava h-J thi
Ktjeuniatl.m evor aliic; I l i year old. 1 am now 90 yer old and eurd.
June 20 1SUS Voura gratefully, 1. M. DUKE,
June 20. ISM) Lemon, Mlaa.
Caret" r "6 KROI'S" afta, l-ky.IH.aa aaa- All Me.lelaaa Kail
hw.Nao RuauaaTio Ci re Co.. Chicjso: Geoilemen - Thii is lo certify that " 5 DROP"
eortd my wif.of a v.,ry evere 0 ' RheumatUm 1 had uted vanou. liniment and oatent madl
ene. aud had the ben ubyaiciaut in W est '1 exas on her case, all with no effect, hhe trew woraaaM
the time and goi to h- had to U turned iu bed: had no use of herself and one side the arm lea
etc.. looked i thouiih it never would be restored. Tliis looks pretty thin but it is a tscaadif
auy one doubts it, affidavit can Ije made as to lis truth. .Should anvone wi.b to know about thia
Ciod-seut remedy let thcin write tn, inclosin.: self-addressed siamueo envelope nnd I will nrova it.
urnieiuiiy, JOHN OLIVER,
Huckabay, iexaa.
June 21. im
11 jdu hava no- aunlcient confidence, after readlnj these letters to fiaod lot
iTTei"r",rt,Jr whl011 Kl ' "" ea" io '"" send lor a aVfc!ttl
wi.lcli c .maiuj enough uieillcino to more than atlsf ou ot u wonderful curatlVS
urouertle. Prepaid by mall or eipress. This wonderm eurati!? iia "la km
Aslant rellai and Is a permanent cuie for
Ir.ep.l.. BaeLjehe. A.tb.a.a, ll.v Fever Caiar,.. l.le,ple....c
?."'"".""?. '?'"'"af'r He'tawa. ila. H..k..e.i, 1 oauTaah tail
dfi-a eV"' fcrt Ml"Ha. treel.i .Vu.b.eaa, BranealU. and KnSrwJ
(tnaoi maim..
if UfnaaVw9
Is ilie name and dose, Lara kaula (100 aaaaa)
.; aaaaplra 5e- f-n d only l.y in ami our a..n,a .ZZ.Z.. TZ
167 Dearborn Street
tkwCA I
54 i VJW
T iii
tired, acliiriit led Try it U,-diiv. So,d by
... ui alio snot? sto- . liv mail tor 25c.
instanii-s Irhiipn kae KKKK. AJdreaa,
Ai e:i Oliiisti'd. I. Koy. , Y.
It has 1-n caJculated that ordinary
funpovrdr on erploding expands about
),(K tiuien. that la, fills a space this
amen farmer as a gas tha.n when In a
mlUl form.
Oh, That Dcllt l,.ua ColTee !
Coats hut le. per lb. to grow. Salzer
has the si'fd. German Coffee Berry, pkg.
l.rc; Java (.'offee pke. l.V. Salzer's New
American Chicory 15c. Cut this out and
cud 15c. fur any of above packages or
scud 30c. and get all 3 pkgs. aud great
Catalogue free to JOHN A. SALZER
SEED CO., La Crosse, Wis. (c. n.)
SWaaratlar la FITa mlaataa. Bead
for a ruKS tHal paekac. aoldby
a I "ran-Mta. us. Bos saal postpaid
Mh addrwYaoa. roram. raiul, ri.
Dj.i't be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat. If vou wantacoal
that will keep you dry in the hard
est storm buy the Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sale In vour
town, write for catalot-ue to
A. J. TOWER, Boston. Mass.
n a pleasure and a profit Gregory's seed book
directs a riht beginning. Gregory's He, d in
s ue the moat luceenstul ending. Get the book
now Its tree. Jam re J. H. (iregory A Son,
MnrhleheHfl Maaa.
Gal Tour Ptnatoa
Vritr Cspt. O'fAiULL. Feniioi Aiast. WatUagtea. S.C
eVPuIlniAn MtjcpcrVl
Pjrrc Iteclonint iff
Chair (ar UN NIGhTTRAHU'
iTl . M.AD3IT G.r.A.
m t a
I'neuinonia In 1'arrois.
At Rivolto, near Arco, three twrHoiiH
recently tiled In the hhiiip Iioiihc of
pneumonia. Two mrrots In tho house
died about the name time. Siisuirlonv
were aroim.-d. and .ireful exniiiliintion
was uinile. It wan found that both the
parrots had died of acute pneumonia
and there In no doubt In the min-lx of
the medical men concerned that the
three human victims took the
from the. birds. This Is not (lie flrt.t oc
casion cm which It has been cslabllKhcd
beyond doubt that men have taken the
Infection of datij;orouH diseases from
parrots, -London Chronicle.
Clinton Hons pets
"Heroes of Our Wur
for a Boy."
out a new book,
with f-paln; Told
non. Geo. P. BemiS, 'he most popular man ever elected as mayor of
the city of Omaha, Neb. He is alsu one of the oldest and best known real
estate dealers and negotiators of kwns in the west. His business is very
extensive. He is not only one of the best .judge, of real estate but he knows
ttu8 g W he see8 ir' whalev'r i V3S be.- So we call attention to
the following statement made by him and several outer men who are not
aD tV?"11' in niab'k bul 'e Is non-U from owaji to oeMfam. They are Hon.
A. U. Wyman, Eji-Trtasurcr of the United Saieiai now President of the
Omaha Loan and Trust Co., one of the largwa aorf meti ttrominent nego
tiators of Western farm and city lonns. H-n. W. J. ConmriL Ex-CoiiD-n's-man
and now Oniaha'a City Auorner. Hon. VT. A. Pjixwo. Pres., Union
stock Yards. Hon. T. S. Clark-son. VZ-Oanmander in CM G . U. Hon
C. J. Smyth, Attorney Genera) of Xebrasia. Hem. A. S- CfcawMll, Ex-.-U- i
torney General of Nebraska, and many otbeis as well known, each 1
of whom has personally signed the folionring auaienaeaJ. ',
JHh i1? JiJ 'IP0? a.ES- C R E FT I Hi C: WoteJrepfsuro frr com- '.
BSIJli'Ii8.1!?6 X'rtV Pftho remedies prepnroti trr trio Ur..f. J. X.-.y ,
e medical Co. Having known of Rome r-emnrka&to fct:r-ea of Omaha (
eoplo effected by '.the use of Dr. KaYo Rewalw end Cr. Kay's
""f Bal"i' rJ,le3'e.that these great ixmeotesfe. yuenh-j of the 1
confidence of the public '
At this season, your system needs rtTaamiluj;. Tii faiSaiuall organs are- (
Inactive. The wat; matter is not eahnuraarit bta. jaawwHwd1, JJiuscontam- 8
inat.inff the. blrwxi and ditbilitanmr b,i mttw twr Ti. in f.
n j .jv uu.,l iui J
rill pniflllflrt ninu on nnnll. . ;.w,IS ... m... U T
totTis are present in the Sprinp and after an epidemic, of L-Gripp To rerjoTwe tiw49t,iCTm and1 remove all
bad effect of La-Grippa or Spring lassitude use Dr. Kay's HenovaJior. It eeruiiiaJj hass iwequal. Send for
proof of it. It la a perfect renovator and refrnlator of ail interna! orjraiH, curim Oka Tery worst cases of
stomach troubles, constipation and oboeure liver and kid my eoDaplaint. Try it aimdljou! will wonder at
its marvelous effects. Write us describing your case carefnUy aiwl we viOl gtre jon TraluaTiIai advice free
and send vou a 116 natre illustrved book of receinta eta-. irdrnnr.iai'nritiara St m ..u.:
.... a-1- " - " tutu . . uu at. ui urvno, A v n Li 1 1?, 1,1 -
imce "JS eta. and
Hon. Ceo. P. Bemis
Oiiiatia j most populur Muyor.
: they say Is "just as RWd" for it has no eoual. It can be ljd hj manm m-tzl feom us
Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. and Omaita,. Kclr.
FA A J j JyKXK J, X i," K ?, V K K V V K
Krtttng Orit Von rig Tree.
If youtr trees are set out early In ths
Hprltii. be cnreful to not expo, the
root so as to allow them to dry. Make
the holes large, so na to receive all the
roots without cramplfijr, or In'mling
them, nnd return the top sol) to the
roots, prcsxlnn (Irmly and iwMIIuk the
soil with plenty of water. The top
soil may lie mulched with Mablp ma
ntle, but do not mix manure with the
earth lined to fill In around the trees,
Shorten track the lops liefore the buds
Ix-jrln to swell and cut away all surplus
I'.re Alarm.
A. novel fire alarm was lately pro
duced In Franc. It consists of a hol
low sphere of aluminium supported at
one end of an arm, with a counter
poise at the Other snd, ths two being
arranged to balance at the ordinary
temperature and pressure of the air.
The apparatus Is not sensitive enough
to record natural chances of pressure,
etc., but If sums unusual cause, such as
Arc, or aven a larg. accumulation of
coal gas In ths atnoapbsre, disturbs
ths specific gravity of ths air, ths ball
drops and rings as aisclrlc alarm In
Kemember that if a cow is compelled
to travel hack and forth over a ti.irty.
acre Held from morning till night in or
der to hunt a ration for herself the will
not give you big pay in the pail. If she
has to use the enery to secure a living
that she should hive expended in
elaborating milk she cannot bn profit
able. To do her beat the cow should be
enabled to fill up well in a few hours
and rest the balance of the time, at
it is during the rust spell that she il
grinding out your profit. There is some
profit in summer dairying but we must
five careful attention tosli netila.
As soon as you get the habit ot
oiug to b d early you feel as though,
rou hadelevabd your moral tone.
Mies Helen Gould is to be presented
with an album containing the auto
fraphs of as many soldiers an I sailors
M care to send them. They are to be
tent in leiters on paper itu.table foi
panting in the album, liich 18 a'so to
contain a Fet of resolution?. There
will be no expeu-e to the senders, and
the collection will form a memorial
which Miss Gould i-ays she will value
N, N, U. NO. 63511
teiian. Snid ty anwowa J I
YORK- NEB The old bachelor who hits two miiiiII
boys for neighbors says I he kooiJ iiiiihi
die very young Indeed. ,
It depends upon what your living ex
penses are whelher life l worth living
r not.
TAKE ' Uwlitiiarj.t.ii LAXATIVE K..0 QUIIIRE TAHITI n tilttiiiti rapnuitil ti It "jest at (Mi."
Drarcltts refoni tk taoMr
If It fall to can.