The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 23, 1899, Image 6

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1 (OnLLea'i
III W r r, j v 1
The town wa but just waking up.
Yawning shi boys pre taking down the a sigbt smile.
. . r . -.1.
(T. ItGUUeriQg at JJ.S SOD I gravity BSC IM
hick of excitement he had shown in bis
ro-eption of the startling news that be had
"Against Confound it all, father, yon
will have to know it sooner or later and
so will he!" he added ruefully, as he glanc
ed over at Mark, who, with the old house
keeper's hands in his, was waiting until
he had recovered from her agitation.
"What ii it James? Tbey have not ac
cused the earl, I suppose?' he inquired.
f CHAPTER XXI.-(Continued.)
"May I trespass "Pn our attention
far moment, air?' Lord KladaJe said
adoenly addressing the coroner with hi
BsaaJ urbane courtesy. 'The secret to
which my adopted daughter alludes is
suite a family matter, of no interest to
any but ourselves. My daughter feared
that, if it were made public, it ' would
mm me much annoyance; therefore she
tried to Induce Mr. Walter Bryant to keep
sileat. Lord Cbeveley will, I daresay,
certify to the truth of my assertion."
; "There is no need, my lord," Mr. Der
rinfton answered courteously "I willing
ly accept your explanation; still, if Misa
Hatton ha sufficiently recovered to an
swer them, there are a few other ques
tions I must trouble her with." '
"I am at your service, Mr, Ierring-
"That vou were in the neighborhood
f the spot where the body was found we
hare most positive proof," said one of the
Jurymen sternly, "Did you see any one
i "I saw nobody," she said quietly.
; There was a moment's pause; then, see
ing the Incredulous expression on the
faces around her, she started and row to
her feet.
' "Do you not believe me? she cried, in a
tone of intense anguish. "It is true 1
saw nobody; I went out 1 can hardly
tell why; I was restless, anxious, unhap
py; the light "d noise seemed to distress
me. Earlier in the day he Walter Bry
antbad told me that be would be ttoere,
and s.methm I hardly kuow what
made me ".
Her voice railed for a moment, the slen
der fnr-clad figure swayed slightly, and
lrd Cbeveley moved hurriedly toward
her: but ere he could reach her she stood
"proud and erect again.
"1 ran oat I wa faint and feverish,"
he continued, in spiritless tones "and,
hardly knowing what I did, I went there,
ft was dark-I confd scarcely see any
thing: I Jilf1 down and then my
fends inched I spoke-I tried to lift
fcim; but ha was cold and deod."
he ata red straight before her with a
Wild, terrible gaie; it seemed as if it were
Alt present to her again the ehnl night,
the shrubbery so feebly lighted by the
itsrs shining in the wintry sky. ber own
niserv. the cold upturned face with which
fcer hands came in contact ss she kuelt,
ma4 the wild, awful fear which had held
r chained there for some terrible mo-
tnents. . v,
"Why did yon not call for assistance?
sahed a juryman, quieltiy. '
t -He was dead."
"But it would sorely have been natural
to' tall' some one, to say what bad hap
pened!" "Jt w'u,' bTe been of n0 w" r
Denied; "mechanically, understanding
aly the words he had spoken, not the
thought which bad prompted them.
' "But it wouUJ nave oern
coorse. and would doubtless have prevent
ed the escape of the murderer, said a
Jarywan sharply. "It seems most ineoin
rehenslble that you should have re-enter-Li
,vwu house, changed your attire, and when yon knew what had cur
red. The idea is preposterous V No one
shutters; sleep v looking mauls were
sweeping rhe door steps; In a few of the
windows the blinds were drawn up; here
and there two or three persons stood
gossip;ng, regardless of the cold, about the
prevailing topic. It was half past seven
by the town hall clock as the carriage
pulled up at the arched entrance of rhe
Royal Hotel.
In the hotel the signs of life were more
numerous. The landlady bustled forward
to greet her visitors; a chamber maid or
two, busy in the hall, glanced curiously at
the newcomers, then resumed their work.
James Francis, with his father's band
upon his arm., went slowly up the stairs,
signing to Mark to follow them, and open
ed the door of a sitting room cn the tirt
There was a cheerful fire burning in the
grate, and .lames Francis, having assisted
IT father to remve his overcoat, led him
to an armchair by the hearth.
'Did you say that Lord Elsdale was
here?" Mr. Francis asked, as be sat down.
"Yes; he is retting, I hope. He has bad
a terrible blow."
Mark looked up quickly, the old lawyer's
sightless eyes turned in eager anxiety to
hison's face, almost as if he were trying
to read what he had to say.
"What has happened?" be asked. "He
wrote to me after Miss Hatton had told
him of the mistake which had been made;
but he wrote calm!y. not as if anything
had happened which had distressed bim
much. But. whatever it be." he added,
I Have frt WAV will lie SulIicleWt tO
remove all other trouble."
"I doubt it," James Francis muttered
gloomily; but bis falLer was too elated
and triumphant to Uwd.
"You remember this gentleman,
James? he said, indicating Mark with
a gesture of bis baud.
"Certainly." young Francis answered,
thinking of the spring dsy when Mark
had come to the offices in Lincoln's Inn.
and wishing with all his heart that that
visit had not been paid, or that such terri
ble consequences had not followed it.
"You are perhaps at a loss to explain
bis presence here?"
"Xot at 811. was the quiet atmwer. "I
am only sorry tsuat " He paused and
turned quickly as the door opened and
Mrs. Fairfax appeared on the threshold,
courtesying 'ib stately, old-fasbloned,
respectful dignity to the gentlemen.
"His lordship begs that Mr. Francia
will take the rest he " Then she stop
ped short, as Mark Robson turned and
looked at her, with a saiile in his dark
grsy eyes.
"What m it. Mrs. Fairfax?' the old
lawyer asked, guesaiug with quick intui
tion what was passing before bis sight
less eyes. "Has anything startled you?
The housekeeper did not answer; she
was trembling, and had become very jiale,
staring at the grave, proud, moved face
of the young man. Mark Robson earn
forward and held out hla hand.
, "Do you know me. Mre. Fairfax? be
asked, a trifle unsteadily. "I remember
'They might jut as well.
accused Barbara Hatton!"
They have
as well as if only daya and not years
elaisel since we lasi met.
vonld credit it, unless you
stnai motive for doing .'
"Yen it ia true."
With a pa-use between each Hie words
ease from her colorless lips; a grip like
Chat at ice cold fingers seemed to be tigbt
tnittC about her heart; the faces In front
k r incredulous, compassionate,
ware fading in the darkness which was
hr eves. But ate stood erect.
.ttU facing the eager eyes which looked at (
her ao aigniBcantly, and which saw, in-;
atead of a loving woman trying to screen
at ahe loved, a desperate creature striv
toc lo conceal her guilt, having spoken
wat. forced from her, which bad stun
vsi even those who loved her best.
For a moment ahe stood pressing both
haaas agaiaat her heart; then they fell
way anddenly, her head sank forward
pon her breast, and James Francis, wbo
waa among those present, springing for
ward, caught her ere she fell.
V5 ' '
n.. m'erar dawn had not. long glim-
eoered m the eastern sky when James
Frawis appeared on the platform of Ar
lington 8'a'n t wit th ',riT',1 ot ltie
apaclal train which was bringing his fath
rnm Ixindon.
It came alowly into the station, its red j
tlghta gtawing in the chill gray of the!
gaining; then, as it stopped a door waa j
hastily opened, and a tall man sprant
at and turned to assist Mr. Francis from
ha romparuaent, and the old lawyer care
fally dreaaad, and as fresh-looking as if be
had not paaaed a restless and fatiguing
Sight, stepped on to the platform,
i "Whoa In the world baa he with him?'
Mattered James Francis to himself aa he
went forward to meet there, "Surely I
arc seen that man before! Of course I
know him; It ia the actor Robson. By
Jove, thla will he a Wow to him, or I am
aery much nxiatakea"
"Toa have not forgotten Mr. Robson,
' Jamea?' the old lawyer said, as his son
Tswtad bim. "He accompanied me from
town. We left Lord Klsdale's secretary
at Htoartoa"
"I mneraber Mr. Robaon perfectly, an
swered his eon, holding out bis hand to
Ifarh, who looked pale and worn and ans
feaa. There i a carriage waiting," be
AM haatilrl "Lord Eladale ia at the
"At the hotel T echoed Mr. Francia, m
MM aarprlae. .
"Taa, There ia terrible news for yaw.
We wooM not telegraph. Comr
Tahlaf hm father's arm, be hurried Ma
HI af tht gtottM, too Mi V.
f rrw tCs agMMKl. sag u$tm
.' ttaiaaisMatrflWUhwMW
went on hurriedly, putting the oid woman
into a chair, "it was unpardonable to
shock you so. Forgive me. old friend."
He was kneeling beside her now, hold
ing the trembling hsuds in his, while ber
eyes rested upon b' face with a look in
which wonder and fear and joy were
strangely mingled.
"Not dead not dead." stie ejaculated
faintly. "Oh, my dear young lord not
"You know bim then, Mrs. Fairfax!"
said Mr. Francis, rubbing his bands tri
umphantly. "What do you think or that
as a surprise for the eari? The loss of a
niece will be more than compensated for
by the recovery of a son."
But the old woman seemed nt to hesr
bim; her eyes were fixed upon the anx
ious face bending over ber.
"After all Ibeae years!" she swclninied,
with quivering Mi. "Oh, my lord, why
did you let us think you dead? After all
these years:
"It is a long story, dear tild friend,"
the young man answered huskily "too
long to tell you now; you have much to
forgive me. My father, where is be? Do
you think he will be glad "
"Glad! Ob, my dear, if you could know
how be ba mourned for you! He has
never been the same aince. Do you know j
why he loved Barters so mii' li .' It vwi
because, as be often said to me. she re
minded him of yon in so many things."
As the faithful old woman, overcome
with joy, burst into tears, the young man
raised ber band and touched it with his
bps, and the tears were thick in his own
eyes as he bent his bead over hers. .
"What is the meaning of this? James
Francis muttered, as, with puzxled, be
wildered eyes, he stood looking on. "My
dear father, do cnligblen me. ( feel as if
I were assisting at a pluy! Who is that
individual over whom the earl's house
keeper is going into raptures?
I "Ird Hatton." answered Mr. Francis
quietly, helplug himself to a pinch of j
I snuff with admirably feigned indifference, 1
! hiph. however, did not deceive bis son.
"Lord Hatton!" he repeated, in a low
tone, which, low as it was, was full of
"Yes, Lord Hatton. My dear James, I
am an old man, and used to the vagaries
of my fellow men; but I have yet to un
derstand why a man who Is heir to an
earldom and a substantial rent roll should
prefer earning his bread upon the stage
to enjoying the nndoubted advantages of
his true position,"
"Put I thought be was dead killed In
the railway accident? You "
"Yea, I know," Interrupted the old law
yer quietly, "But be bas bardly the look
of a dead man, has he? I think I can
imagine the earl's delight. The young waa okl enough to know better-
left noma In a flt of rage or pxiue, ann jet
h!i!f he thought dead: and then, when
ha wished to return, be beard of Lord
Rladale'a second marriage and the birth of
h other bov. and decided to remain need
The strangeat part of It all la mat ne
ehould have had the car of the girl wbo
Rv the bre." be asked eagerly, breaking
off aa a thought struck him. "what waa
the asasrft at the iaqaest? I had forgot
ten all abaat that."
Tk avaadt la M'tMag bat aatiafae-
gtoi tha yowig moat fJaacaUr,
" . r I t ,,,, -
With a shocked exclamation of surprise
the old man sank backward, stsring at
his sob with wide, sightless eyes, which
even in their blindness the young man
conW not meet. He knew only too well
what a cruel blow thia would be to the old
lawyer, wbo was jealous for the honor of
the family whom he bad served so long
and so faithrully; he knew that bis father
would have preferred any personal sorrow
to this disgrace which had fallen upon a
name that be honored and loved.
"It is impossible!" he muttered, after a
painful pause "impossible. What proof
can tbey have? Tbe jury must have been
mad, James! Is she under arrest?'
"Yes." replied tbe young man.
"Where?" asked his father, in a tone of
"Here. That is why the earl and wt
arc here."
But his son's thoughts were not ao much
for the old man as for the young one, who
was so little prepared for the terrible blow
about to fall upon bim. Long before, on
that bright spring morning, be bad guessed
that Mark Robson or, to give bim his
true name, Newell Hatton felt for the
girl who bad been so long under his care,
and he realixed that the thought of ber
guilt would be an unendurable agony to
the man whose mitilake a natural one
certainly had bees) the cause of so much
suffering. How could he bear it? James
Francis wondered; and bis sorrowful eyes
met Lord Ilatton's as he approached him
with outstretched band.
"This must be a surprise to yon, Mr.
James." be said, smiling. 1 bad some
difficulty in jndacing your good father to
believe in me at ail; but, when I did suc
ceed in proving my identity, be was gen
emus in according me forgiveness for
what I now see was worse than folly
Heaven knows that I am ashamed of my
self for a course of conduct which was
most reprehensible!" Then he added, af
ter a pause, "Let me thank you for your
kindness to my father. This baa been
shock to him, I fear."
James Francis started, and looked at
tbe speaker question! ugly.
"I mean of etiurse tbe mistake which
bas been explained to him. His letter to
your father spoke so kindly and tenderly
of his dear adopted daughter that I can
not but feel that the mistake has not been
altogether a disastrous one. But you look
anxious. Do you fear for bim the ahock
of my return?"
"Joy never kills, my lord."
"And it will be joy to bim?"
"Who could doubt that?' James Fran
cis responded, looking at bim in some sur
prise: whereupon the other smiled and
tiushed back his bair from his forehead
with a gesture familiar to the young law
"I am glad you think so," said Newell
Hatton gently. "I bardly dare to hope so
yet. We parted very strangely, and it ia
so many yea ra ago. Is he well?"
"I believe so be has been." The voice
whkb James Francis bad vainly endeav
ored to render careless failed bim.
"He is not ill?' Lord Hatton aaked
No no: but be bas been troubled and
anxious, and "
"Ah, true I bad forgotten! I forgot
everything," the other interrupted, with
a little impatient laugh. "And now as to
that wretched man Bryant bow did th
inquest end? In a verdict of suicide, I
suppose ?"
"In what then? Murder? Impossible!
Why, there was no one there when I left
When you left him!" echoed Francia,
doings orworp I
IT la not pleasant to mention one'a
mistakes of a aerlous nature. What
ever men may say to their wives at
... - t : I
borne. It Is not often mat n man win
mention bis wife's fanlta and fallings
away from home. It la quite aiirerent
with moat wives, however. Wtien tney
ret together tbey chatter as freely as
children, and talk of their husband's
faults (real or imagined!, and those
who bear It often tell it to others In an
exaggerated form. After a while the
busband flnds that He Is being tamea
about in tbe neighborhood as if he
were worse tbnn a brute. If be Is a
enaltlve man and occupying a social
position where a good name Is every
thing, be will trace these stones to n:s body knows this In a general way
come plump and fluffy merely to suit
popular caprice? At present they ten
me that the tall, stately damsel of the
Gibson model Is again In vogue, and I
certainly do see an extraordinary num
ber of young women of that class
lltbe, dark, haughty young women,
wltb swan necks. Its surely very
mysterious. I can't spring any theory
to flt it." "Oh, It's not so awfully my
terlous," laughed a lady wbo knows a
thing or two. "To begin with, a skill
ful dressmaker can come near doing
what she lilcsses with her clients. She
can make them stout or thlu. high
chested or long-walsted, willowy or
substantial, and by a careful selection
of fabrics can easily add or subtract
twenty pounds to one's weight. Every-
wife. After that be may continue to
provide well and treat ber kindly, but
that tender, soothing affection which
has always been such a comfort to the
wife will be shocked out of place in
spite of himself. If you value your
husband's first love and your own hap
piness, speak well of bim at all times.
Give people to understand that In your
estimation be Is but little lower man
the angels. There is no mistake on
earth ao bad as for busband and wife
to trifle wltb each other.
Danced Thlrty-sia Miles.
Mre. Veronica Revollnskl, a Polish
bride, of Helmetta, N. J., danced thirty-six
miles at ber wedding, and at tbe
end of the dancing in the morning was
aide to prepare her busband's break-
few realize bow closely a real ait'st
can make the average woman approxi
mate to a favorite type. Tbe Gibson
girl Isn't very difficult to imltate-a few
strong vertical lines In the trimming of
her gown will make any woman look
tall who is not absolutely dumpy, and
hair dressed low on each side of the
face completes the effect. Why, It's
really no trick at all."
A Wife's Duty.
Girls wbo marry with tbe foolish idea
that It Is their husband's duty to sup
port them in comparative idleness are
making a serious mistake. It Is a wife's
duty to work and build up a home by
prudence and Industry in home man
agement, as much as it Is her htisliiind i
to work outside and to provide money.
It is only a person of great wealth who
can afford to hire a refined person to
take her place as housekeeper. Only a
comparative lazy woman ran resign her
place of housekeeper to an ordinary
maid servant, and her family must
suffer because of It. Tbe loss of the
mother aa the power at the helm Is one
of tbe greatest evils that can liefall a
family. An energetic woman will let
no other cause but physical Incapacity
keep her from attending lo her highest
dutle those upon which the comfort
and health of her family depend.
in intense, overpowering surprise,
"Tm: I met him that night in the
grounds, by his wish.and - What is
the matter, Mr. Francis?'
Then it was you whom she wished to
screen!"' exclaimed the young lawyer, a
sudden thought causing the blood to rush
to bFs face, tben recede, "It was you
she "
tbe words were arrested by tbe opening
of tbe door. Both young men looked
toward it, and both turned very pale as
tbey saw who entered. Mrs. Fairfax roee
to her feet, trembling in every limb, un
able to speak in the intense excitement of
tbe moment. Mr. Francis alone sat quiet
and composed, bis face bent upon bis
Iord Klsdale rate forward quietly; he
looked pale and haggard as be stood m
the strong morning light which flooded
the room.
"Francis," be said huskily, "1 am glad
to see vou: you are an old friend, and "
He stopped suddenly; bis eyes had fallen
upon bis son, wbo stood, pale ss deatn, in
capable of speech or movement.
There waa a moment i Intense silence,
Tbe blind man bad risen, and stood grasp
ing tbe arms of bis chair with either band
louging as be had seldom longed in nis
contented years for tbe power to sea.
Wbo is that? tbe earl asked tremu
louslv. his Una working convulsively, bis
eves seeking bis son's with a wild, pitiful
eagerness. "Francis, wbo Is tnatt nure
ly surely Ah, ao the dead never coma
back the "
"Fat ber V
"Newell! my son Newell 1"
And reverently, with noiseless step, the
others went away, leaving father and son
together, the on Incredulous, the otner
penitent, in the sacred Joy of their re
uniona joy which, unhappily, was dim
med when Newell Hatton bad to be (old
bv James Francis that Barbara was
nrisoner In tbe station charged with mur
der. When be heard tbe astounding news
his first thought was for her,
"Can I see her?" Newell asked, a tone
of ii (ferine? In his voice. "be Is here,
vou said."
- , 1 IIOL.
"Yes." James Francis answerea. one
It Is only over there, behind th
Town Hall
Newell looked across tbe market place,
which was covered with saow, to the
Town Hall: tben ha turned to James
Vrancla with tears ia his eyes,
"Comef h said quietly; and tbey went
oat together.
(To h eestlaoed.)
About all jm cm mi In toror f m
Cmfcktter It GUN wan M mrf
fc a bMt ter9M la It
fast. In accordance with Polish eti
quette, she waa to dance wltb every
man present It was a contract; by
count there were 117, and each was a
stayer. But she took partner after
Olrle, Oet a "Job."
Some writer baa recently put forth
rhe Idea that women who water the
business world have a fine opportunity
to marry. Thla observer goes on to
say that in a business office a woman
seea a man at bis slncereat, learns a
great deal about his faults and foibles,
hie moods and suaceptibllitlea, and all
that sort of thing, and aaaerta that If
a woman marries a man after knowing
bim In thla way, and does not know
bow to deal wltb bim and what to ex
pect from him, she muat be very
atupid. Continuing tbe subject tbe
argument la brought up that, so far as
can be recalled, no divorcee have been
ought by men who have married their
typewriters. Added to all this is tne
fact that a woman in business nas a
great chance for meeting men.
In Place of the Hat Pin.
A newly patented little article of
great interest to woman was recently
placed In the market by an enterpris
ing Vienna Ann. Tbe uttie appliance
does away altogether with that curse
of fine hats and bonnets, tbe hatpin.
Numerous devices have been Invented
to supersede the hatpin, but none here
tofore seemed to replace that necessary
evlL The new appliance, however,
see ins to come up to all the requlre
Cienta of a cheap, yet solid and reliable,
hat fastener. It consists of two small
tide comba attached to tbe nether aide
of tbe brim at either aide of tbe bead
and sliding within narrow holders.
Thins that Injure the Voice.
Regular bablts keep the whole physi
nej make-up In good order, and have
of necessity a great influence on tbe
voice. Much use of the voice Imme
diately after eating, aim-ping or bath
ing ia to be avoided; In fact, at any
time when the flow of blood Is grvatly
accelerated or any special set of mus
cles arc actively at work is not wise.
Tbe very frequent use of smelling salts
Is not beneficial. Lemons, to clear tbe
voice before reading or singing, should
be replaced by tbe beaten white of all
egg sweetened a little. Plenty of rest,
food and air should keep our throats
In order. Hltgbt sore throat is helped
by a little sulphur blown down. But
the throat Is too delicate for much home
doctoring. Go to a physician wbo
knows all about It If any unusual cold
, settles there. Woman's Home Companion.
One Rouen Fscte.
Nothing fries crisp that is wet.
Feeing and breading should be dons
fifteen minutes, and flouring immedi
ately before frying.
a frvlnir basket should not tie al
lowed to touch the bottom of a kettle.
. . -i..... u tmiisnensable to
success In broiling.
A gridiron oc wire brolU-r should be
cleaned thoroughly every time It Is
A broiler should be heated hot snd
rubbed wltb suet, or other fat, before
the meat is put ou it.
All broiled meatH should be served as
soon as they are cooked.
The same broiler must not be used
for meats and fish.
To make light, flaky pie crust, ail tbe
Ingredients must be very cold aa we"
as proirly compounded.
More fat Is required to make flaky
piecrust of bread flour (spring
than of pafy flour (winter wheat.)
Too great heat causes a meringue lo
rise and then fall, making It U-atbery
und thin.
Hub the top of cake with a little dry
flour, and the king will adhere more
Pncceeeful Tvefnat.
Take four ounces of blue vitriol to
uiic pund of logwood; dissolve tbe
vitriol In a little lukewarm water; put
six gallons of water in an iron vessel,
add the vitriol and tbe goods to be
dyed-Just as many goods as the water
will cover. Cotton and wool will color
the same. Punch down at the aides
and let boll moderately three-quarters
of an hour, then remove, drain and
wash In n solution of water and soap,
warm, the home-wade lye soup is tbe
best. Now use the same quantity of
clear water, as liefore, add the log
wood, stir well and let boll. Hace tbe
goods In slowly and boll same length
of lime. Wash as before, tieiug partic
ular to rinse well. Hang In tbe sun to
dry. Always choose a clear day for
dyeing, as the sun helps to brighten
the color and give the g""'1 a uem
Buttermilk Yeast.
Take one pint of fresh buttermilk and
put lu a stew pan to ImjII. When It bolls
stir In enough white corumcal to make
like thick gruel, lt it Imll up well,
then remove from the Are and let cool.
When milk warm mlr Into this one cup
of good yeast; set iu a wurm place to
rise. In two hours it should be nice
and light Tben thltkcu wltb corn
meal and make into c akes. Do not put
salt, migar, flmir or hops In this yeast.
Make bread the same as with bop
FflTE- ,
K tester the He by.
Don't let everybody klaa the Imbyi
Some people seem to tbluk they have
a perfect right to kiss every child they
take a notion to. In tbe first place
many diseases are carried by kissing,
so on that score It la best to be careful.
And in tbe second place babies have
preferences as well as grown people
We would not like to be compelled to
kiss everybody wbo took a fancy to
kiss us; and neither do they. Still there
Is nothing like "mother's klaa." If
baby falls and hurts himself be runs
to mamma so that she may kiss the
place and make it well. If be Is tired
and fretful, to lie taken up hi mother's
arms and fondled and caressed will
make the little heart glad. Oh! mothers,
be gentle and tender to tbe babies.
yeast, in making new yeasi use a cuy
of this yeast for starting.
To weeten l'ork.
Where salt pork or bacon must be
depended upon for a meat supply. It is
worth knowing that to parboil tbe
slices In water in which turnips have
been or are lulling gives to the meat a
flavor much liked, and a browning
quality very pleasing to the eye. Al
ways have the pan hot before laying
the slices on to fry. They require
watching, as tbe meat bums quickly
after thus parboiling. 8oaklug lu but
termilk for two or three hours is an
other way of sweetening pork or bacon
which is to be fried.
To Polish Floor
Here la an excellent floor polish, the
recipe for which comes from Japan:
To one pint of linseed oil add a plat
of strong cold lea, two ounces of spirits
of sal la and the whites of two eggs.
Mix thoroughly and pour Into a Urge
bottle. Shake the bottle well before
applying the polish. Pour balf a tea-
spoonful on a uiop or pad of old soft
silk and rub tbe wood wltb It, follow
ing up the grain. Polish wltb an old
silk handkerchief. The result will
compensate fur the tedious und care
ful labor necessary.
Wben the combs are pushed upward
the bat will alt as flrmly as If held by
two pins. Tbe cost of these combs Is
trifling, snd sines they ars almost In
visible wben la use they nav Become
very popular In a very" short tine.
Hew Oar Woeiesi Chane.
I nave never been able to under
stand bow women maaafs to conform
o surprisingly ta ids rssnions in
types," said an vtavrrssi viHusisa,
-for example, ir mump, assy DHnsoss
are popular, they Immwllately Massoa
everywhere, and the wlUawy bmnetta
ia seldom sesa. What bseoans af hat,
I wander, aal as aotf tta tJaasa t
Heby'e Crib.
It was a practical young mother wbo
first utilised a champagne basket for
baby's crib, but the Idea has spread
until champagne-basket babies are
nothing out of tbe ordinary. Home of
the baskets are mounted on low rock
era, others, where the mothers have
Ideas that rocking Is unhygienic, have
none. In this case tbe basket la easily
lifted from "pillar to post" wben tbe
duties of the mother lesd her all about
tbe house and no nurse Is provided for
baby. One dainty basket crib noticed
lately was painted with white enamel
paint, lined with tufted white silk, and
where tbe name of tbe champagne, In
straggling black letters, had once
adorned tbe side of tbe basket, they bad
roughly sketched In gold tbe baby
The King's Daughters bare built a
Atlanta University a model home for
the Instruction of women in domestic
science. Nearly f 7.000 has been re
ceived for the erection of this build
ing, chiefly from circles of King's
Daughters in many part of the coun
try and from personal friends of the
lata Mrs. Maria B. Fur ber, wife of Rev.
Dr. Daniel L. Farber, of Nawtaa 0a
The Iavalld'e Pillow.
A small, fluffy pillow which can be
rolled Into any shape Is a great comfort
on top of a larger pillow or bolster, and
may Iks made to (It closely to the aching
point. A frequent careful punching
from the sides leaves them fluffy aud
soft again, and this Ix-utlng of the pil
lows may be doue quite effectually In a
quiet manner. A noisy stirring action
Is sometimes more trylug to a weak
person than the bard pillows.-Woman's
Home Companion.
Whisky eni t-nakeblte.
Another popular delusion is shatter
ed. Prof. Leonard Hlejueger, a United
States Government eipert, says that
whisky. Instead of being an antidote
for snakebites, according to the gen
eral belief, Is really an aggravation of
the trouble, as It accelerates the cir
culation of tbe blood and hurries the
poison through tbe vein aud arteries
wltb greater rapidity than it would
ttberwlse have. New York Tribune.
To Kesaote Mildew.
To remove these unsightly patibi
from linen, stir a quarter pound of
rhlorlde of lime In a gallon of cold
water, Let this. settle for an hour,
then pour off tbe liquid without rtis-'
turblng tbe sediment, and soak the mil
tewed article In tbls for two hours,
Lsatly, wash In the usual manner, and
tang the clothes out to dry.
Holllna Unnecessary,
If white clothes are well soaked In
fsry warm water containing plenty of
nap and a little ktwosene, they need
lot be boiled. With slight rnbM.ig
tad a tittle borai added to the rinsing
vatar. taay ntt be white and olve
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