dM i 1 1 ,. - -.w , ,..... , lira' 4fc-,... rw. f Xr'Zt2-':Jj, i ,4 , TunrnfrruMMi i Nellie's WHEN Jamas Redfleld, of C h Ic ago, waa appointed Indian Agent be moved to Nebraska, taking with hlin hla wife, a ' baby girl and a young Irlab maid of lb umr of Motile. Mr. Redfleld ea ryd frontier life, It bring an agreeable rbange from office work. But Mra. Redfleld did not like living In a log boose at a amalt trading poat on the prairies. She declared tbat Hhe would have died of homesickness If the blithe, light hearted MolUe bad not always keen cheering her with: "Ah, bnt tbla la a f is country, Mia' Redneld. Jlat look at the big ocesn of land a stretcblu' to the end of the wurld." "Bnt It look so loneaoiue, Mollle, to ee neither bill nor tree," Mra. Rcd 'ftetd would reply. "TIs the better wldouf tblm, I'm thlnklu'; they'd be for olminictln' our folne view." aald the Irinli girl. "And both day and nlgbt ll Is so till," Mr. Redfleld aald, sighing. "Do ye say It's still? Whin every night of our lolfe we hear buffalo hellowln' an' wolves a howlln' an' wild InJInK a-bootln' wldln gunshot of our door. Sorra! an' ain't tbitt uolse enough for any llvln' sowl?" declared Mollle OFIynn. One Runday morning In early spring Mra. Redtield stood at the open door, looking out acroaa the prairie. The sknlls and whitening bones of slain buffaloes glittered In the sunlight. Crows, raven and turkey-buuard floated lastly between the blue sky and the brown prairie. Mollle, seeing her mistress' woeful gar.e. began singing, "Come Back to Erin, Mavourneen, Ma Tourneen." But Mra. Redfleld did not heed the Irish girl's song. Then Mollle auddenly recollected that It was Snu day, so she said: "An 'tis meself that knows that ye're listeuin' fer, Mis' Red eld; It's thl in church bells in Chicago. They was always remludlo' me of me doty; but away out here I can't help meself, and so the bells do not trouble me at all, and they're left uie molnd almost since I've seen the grand lolfe n the prairies," Mollle confessed. The secret of the matter was tbat Mollle had three admirers: a mountain trapper, a cowboy and an Indian. At unset of tbat same dny the mountain trapper, on horseback, drew rein at the Indian Agent's quarters. Mollle waa In the log stable, milking the row. She heard her lover call, "Whoa:" but she did not come out to greet lilm for fully ten minutes, then she walked leisurely across the yard, balancing a milk pail n her bead and bumming an Irish mel ody, seemingly unaware of her admir er's presence. "Good-evening, Mollle," said the trap per, walking toward ber, leading bla borse by the bridle. "Evenln', Jim," Mollla returned, with a flourish of her free arm. "Let me carry the pall," he aald. "Go 'way wld ye. I'm no weaklln'," the girl answered. Mollle went Into the house. Jim Parker waited patiently outside until abe returned, then he seated himself by the side of ber on the doorstep and aald: "I'm bearin' you have another beau, a cowboy, Charlie Itankln by name." "It's many a beau I have; tbe prat rlea Is full of thlm " "Nonsense. Mollle; be honest. Do you think more of Charlie than you do of Bier Jim asked. "I'm fond of thlm alL 'TIs hard chooalo'," Mollle answered. "But I'm the one you like best, eh Mollle?" Jim queried, nudging her with hla elbow. "Go 'long wld ye. Don't be so fs mil far," Mollle quickly aald, moving nway from her wooer. . "But, say, Mollle, who air the fellers what cornea eourtln' yon?" Jim wanted to know. "It's not fair to he telllu' on thlm. But there's one I'm bavin' nowaday I don t be lolkln ; he creep around like a snake In the grass; nn' 'tis nlver wiwst I enn git h good sight of him; Oh! there he Is now, a peek in' from ! be hind thp hen-coop." "It's an Indian," snld Jim. Jumping up. "Kitre as faith It's one of thlm hnihen cratbers." Mollle snld. "I'll shoot him down," declared Jim I'arker, running townrd the hen-coop. Mollle sut quietly on the doorstep. Jim enme buck In three minutes. "An' did ye kill him?" Mollle asked. "Nah, he wasn't thur," Jim answered. "He's a sly fox. I can nlver ketch alght of him," Mollle snld. In a few minutes Jim snld good night to Mollle, mounted his horse and rode awny. The Irish girl watched the trap per gallop eastward, sii.vlng aloud: "'TIs strange, hut the feller what's furtherest away I'm fer lolkln' the Itcst." As Mollle turned to go Into the house a shadow fell across the doorstep. "Ow iw! ye Ingln, git awny wld ye!" she screamed, hurrying In and banging the door behind Iht. The next morning when Mollle wns hanging out the family wash Charlie llni'.lilti rode by, Mollle saw hlin, but she was too busy to take time to nolh-e the cowboy. Ila rod by again; itlU 'imriirTnnt-fi nmj lpver$. rmnriniifiir i i n tmsm i Mollle did not look at blm. Tbe third time be cam la algbt Mollle nodded ber bead. This gave tbe cowboy eonr age to speak. nne morula, Mies OFIynn." be aald, raising bis broad-brimmed bat I a poae It la; but I'm too busy to be beedln' tbe weather," Mollle replied I thought I d call In the mornln', seein' a mountain trapper takes your time every evenln'," tbe cowboy aald winging himself off his mustang. "Hey, thar! don't be let tin' that crazy baate of yourn hedrabble m clean clothes," tbe Irish girl called out. I he cowboy led bla mustang away from tbe clothesline, and tied it to a comer of tbe cow stable; then he asked "How many lovers have you, Miss Mol He OTIynnr "I don't be bothered countln' thlm Mollle answered. "Ain't you ever goln' ter choose a hus band? women are scarce In these part. Won't you be my wife?" Char He Rnnkln boldly aald to ber. "Don't be a-botberln' me on a Mon day mornln wid such nonsense, flave ye no better work to do thin to be rldln yer wild borse around the country a-askln' every girl ye see to be yer wlfe7" "Hold on, Mollle O FIynn! I don't ask every girl to In- my wife," the cowboy said Indignantly. "Sorra, I've no tolme to be botherln' wld ye now, so be off, I say," Mollle said, waving her bare arm around her bead. The cowboy jumped on his mustang and aped over the prairie. Mollle, with her arms akimbo, laugh ed a good, hearty Irish laugh. "He'll be hack afore many duys, or me natnt ain't Mollle O'Flynn," she said aloud, Then she went Into 1 lie house. Mr. Hedfleld's office was a lean-to on one side of the log bouse. One after uoou he was busy at work in there when Mollle came rushing In, saying: "I'll not tie standlif It no longer. That sues kin' IuJIn follows me loike me THK isiix POINTED AT Ttta THOPHICS, THKV AT MOLLIS, SATING, "SQUAW." shadow. I see hla bathlnlsh eyes a H-cklii' at me round the cow stable whan I'm milkln'; he's lurkln' 'bout tbe hen-coop whnn I'm buntlu' eggs; an' whan I'm washln' dishes he comes an' looks In the window rolght In front of me face." "Do you think he's an Indian?" Mr. Redfleld calmly Inquired. "Yes; an Indian wld a buckskin shirt on, an' fedders In bis snaky hair," Mol lis exclaimed. "Oh, Neshoba; he's a good, peace able fellow; yon needn't f'.sr him; he'll do you no hurm." 'Thin why do he be a-followln' me?" the girl flsked. "I'm sure I don't know, but I'll find out." Mr. Redfleld said, taking hla hat to go out of doors. Mollle waited In the office. In ten minutes Mr. Redfleld returned. "Mol lle," he said, smiling, "Neshoba wants you to le his squaw." "Squaw!" Mollle screamed. "That's what he told me," Mr. Red field answered. "The Muck hotheii! Sorra! what does he take me fer?" the Irish girl wanted to know. "He's waiting outside for an answer, Mollle," Mr. Ilcdflrld snld. "Tell lilm to skedaddle. I'll have nothing to do wld the lolkes of blm," Mollle scornfully replied. Mr. ItPdflcId went out to talk again with the Indian boy. When he returned hnsnld: "Neshoba Insists on having you for his squaw. He offers me two horse m 111 n cow, If I'll give you to him " "Am I a slave?" the Irish girl said In a fury. "No, no, Mollle; you're a free woman. You must decide the question, I'll call him In." Neshoba cume and stood at the Ihi'eHliold of the door. 'Do ye think I'd marry ye?" Mollle asked lilm. 'Three horses, two cow," the Indian meekly said, with downcast eye. 'Ye're a pretty man for a husband!" Mollle screamed. 'l''otir horses, three cows, Ave buf falo skins, two white wolf skins," the Indian offered, "Away wld ye!" Mollle exclaimed, slumping her feet, violently. 'Four horses, three cows, five buf falo skins, two while wolf skins, four caribou skins," tbe Indian bid for hla wide. Mettle's ak-k Irish wti cam t her assistance. "I'll tell ye what I'll do," she aald. with a merry twinkle la bar eyea. "I'll be yer squaw If yell bring me a fly gray aqalrrel skins, a doses mink skins, a half a domes white wolf bides, an' tbe hides of two leopards. an' tbe bldea an' antlers of tear rein deer; aa' ye molght bring me the wlnga of a white heron an' tbe breaat of two grebe." Then MolUe added, laughing, "bring me a couple of tbe right hand wlnga of the wild turkey to brush ma ha rib wban I'm a-keepln' in own house." The Indian boy ejaculated: "Ugh I Ugh!" Mr. Redfleld aald: "Nehoba promises to get all yon aak for." "All right, thin be about It, ye wild In Jin," Mollle aald, shooting Neshoba with ber gingham apron. Neshoba raised hla eyea and aald to Mr. Redfleld: "Before anow faJUa." Then he turned quickly and walked away. "Neshoba promise to return before winter," Mr, Redfleld eiplalned to Mol lle. "It will take blm all hla lolfe to git all thlm bldea,; Mollle aald, laughing. "You've aaked a good deal of the poor Indian. 1 think," aald Mr. Redfleld. "Sure, I did. I want to keep blm busy a sbootln' wild beasts the rest of his lolfe, so he'll not be botherln' me all the tolme," aald Mollle. Tbe winsome Irish girl stood at the door to watch ber lover depart. The In dian mounted his shaggy pony and gal loped westward. Mollle gated stead fastly after him until tbe horae and rider were a mere speck on tbe horizon. Then she gave a sigh of relief and went to work with a merry heart All summer Mollle played the co quette with the mountain trapper, the cowlvoy and another admirer, a Mexi can ranchman, who had traveled.many a mile on hearing of the Irlab girl's charms. But she baffled them all. "Away wld ye! Yer blarney I'll not listen to," she would say. At another time she would encourage them, say ing: "Arrah, some day I'll choose me husband." 8o the three lover waited patiently, each thinking that be waa tbe favored one. One evening In early autumn Mollle was busy at work In the kitchen. 8 he beard footsteps In tbe yard, so she flung open tbe door, exclaiming: "An' who comes a-courtln' me to-night?" There stood Neshoba. Mollle could scarcely see him because of the pelts Hud feathers that hung from bis body. "Ow ow-ow! Begone, ye wild In Jln!" the girl screamed. Neshoba stepped across the threshold mid threw down at the feet of Mollle fifty squirrel skins, a dozen mink sklna, half a dozen white wolf hides, two leop ard pelts, the hides and antlers of four reindeer, the wings of a white heron, the breasts of two grebe and two wild turkey wings. The Indian pointed at the trophies, then at Mollle, saying: "Squaw." Mollle ran to the farthermost corner of tbe room and climbed upon a rough beam and there she cringed Uma ber perch like a terrified bird, while the Indian fixed his hawk-like glance upon her. Mr. Kedfleld heard the commotion and hastened to tbe kitchen. When he saw Neshoba he said: "Oh, Mollle, we've played a serious Joke on the poor Indian. What shall 1 say to him?" "Tell blm to be daiint an' go away loike a gintleman. I'll give him money fer all hi bides," said Mollle. The Indian understood Mollle's pro posal. He said, persistently: "Squaw, squaw." "Kind him off, Mr. Redtield; sind him off!" Mollle said. Mr. Itedfleld argued with Neshoba, hut the Indian stood resolute, saying: "Squaw promise." Mr. Redtield offered him money, hut the Indian would not take It. Mollle kept crying out: "Hind him away or I'll die!" At last Neshoba gathered up his 'pelts ami walked slowly out of the door. Mollle descended from the beam and fell all In a heap at Mr. Rcdfleld's feet, crying: "Be me sowl, I've sinned!" From that moment all the blithesome- ness died out of tbe Irish girl's life. A great cloud overshadowed her gay spirit. Her merry heart seemed to turn to a lump of lead; she could neither laugh nor sing. Her three lovers tilled dully. Mollle told them: "Ma heart Is broke fer the poor InJIn. I'll marry uo man." Mrs. Redtield tried to comfort the girl, but Mollle answered: "I hate tbe big prairie; it reminds me of Neshoba. 1 hate this wild, hathen Ish lolfe. Oh, poor Neshoba! I've killed the honest lujin's sowl. I must go away to a convent to And comfort." So Mollle went hack Kast aud enter ed till order of the Sister of Mercy, where she spent the rest of her life do ing deeds of kindness to atone for her sins. Kvery night she prayed at ber window, which faced westward, for the soul of her Indian lover. Mr. Redfleld never saw Neshoba nguln. It was reported that he rushed unarmed Into one of the Indian battle and was killed. -New York Ledger. Naved Her Ncalp. A remarkable surgical operation ha been recently performed In Paris. A laundress had ber scalp torn off from the nape of the neck to the eyebrow by her hair catching In some belling. She wns taken to Hie Hrousmils Hos pital, where Dr. Malhcrlie, after seeing her, sent for her scalp. He obtained It after a delay of several hours, shaved off tbe hair, washed It with antiseptics, and applied II In place again. The scalp has grown on to the head. Irfiiidon's I nlortunsie Mirths. Over 1,000 children are Iwrn yearly In Dom?on workhouses. The woman who wants to be a leader of society should be warned before plunging In that ti minstrel show uas to parade In all sorts of weather, irtul that the society parade Is much lias JL BLUE AND THE GRAY RAVE MEN WHO MET ON THE FIELD Of RATTLE. ThrUllaw ttriss of the bUIm OM asMlavs sas Ssttora BsUts Basal IsfttacM 1 1AU Is Caass as tha rtstS-IaciSMts mt Us War. The Rer. Dr. Henry Van Dyke tells two stories that are OlustraUve of what la sometimes called tbe "chivalrous sen Union t" of tbe Southern people. wnen i wss a child," asld be, "my father took me with him on a trip to Charleston, 8. C. It happened to be period of Intense excitement early in 1861. Tbe State authorities bad recent ly passed tbe 'ordinance of secession cae citizens or Charleston were wrought up to a high pitch, and Major Anderson had been abut np in Port Sumter. I remember my experiences at that time as vividly as if I bad passed through them yesterday. One of them was In connection with tbe historic Incident of Major Anderson' defense of tbe fort against tbe Southern guns. "Tbe Federal troops were almost des titute of provisions, and It was a ques tion as to bow long they could hold out. It wss well understood in Charleston tbat any attempt on the part of the United States to reprovlsion tbe garrl son would be resisted by force. There stood Anderson with bis handful of men, under tbe stars and stripes, fac ing starvation or surrender possibly annihilation. Around the old brick fort, rising sheer from the bosom of the sea, were ranged tbe batteries that were ready at a signal to give the coup de grace. Matters were in this critical Juncture when I had the privilege of witnessing a marvelous act of cblval rous and tender sentiment. "I observed one day that a number of small boats were putting off from the docks and making for Fort Sumter, where lay tbe beleaguered Federal troops. My astonishment waa redou bled when I learned that the women of Gbareeton bad laden these boats wRb provisions of all sorts and luxuries, and were actually sending them to the sol diers whom their brothers and fathers were trying to subdue by starvation or by shot and shell. I afterward learn cd that MaJ. Anderson waa very much Uked by the women, and, Indeed, by all the people of Charleston; but It struck me aa quite remarkable that even tbe near approach of war and the neces slty felt by all, of tbe capture of Fort Sumter from the Federals, were not sutticlent to suppress the chivalry and hospitality of these people. "As the boats were pulling out I look ed Into them to see what kind of food the ladies were sending to their enemy, There was every delicacy that could Ite found in the market, aud I can re member now how nice I thought the dainties looked, how I should have liked to taste some of tbem, and how I wondered what an impression such circumstances would make upon MaJ Anderson and his men. "Shortly after the sending of these provisions to the beleaguered fort by the women of Charleston the men of Charleston, from their batteries on Morris Island, fired upon tbe Star of the West, which was engaged upon similar mission. Charleston would not have allowed the Federal Major and his garrison to starve, but It was equal ly determined not to permit l"he United States Government to provision the fort The distinction was clear enough, and the presence of war Itself could not hold In abeyance the obligations of hospitality. "I remember Just as vividly another experience In the South. Shortly after the war I was In Virginia with my futher, and he took me to see Oeu. Robert E. Iee, who waa then at Wash lngton and Lee University. I don't think that I have ever seen a man whos-' great personality Impressed me more. (ien. Ia.p was one of the few men f have seen who seemed to me to Isiir upon their brow the unmistaka bly slump of greatness. Ho was ex eeedlngly courteous and kind. It oc eurred to him at once that I, who was a boy at the time, might enjoy a ride on his war steed. So Traveler was brought out and the General placed me in the saddle; and for a few moments I sat upon the horse that his com panionship In march and In battle had made famous." New York Times. Pame Ptory llrouarht Up Again. "One of the best stories of the late war," said the captain, "was told of a voljnteer who was at home a man of wealth. He hud performed all his du ties without murmuring, until one stormy night he was detailed to guard a wagon load of provisions. IH? stood In the rain for a time, and then asked the corporal not to relieve him, hut to go to the Colonel and And out how much the wagon and its load was worth. The messenger returned with the statement that wagon and contents were worth say ftOO. Thereupon the guard drew his check for t hut amount, and sent It to the colonel with tho Ktatement tihst he would buy the whole darned outfit and go to bed, "All this may have happened, but the same lory was told of a volunteer In the cIvU war. While I was down at the Stone River National cemetery at Murrrei)oro, ienn., tuo other day Superintendent Barrett showed mo practically the same story In a copy of Hunter s Magozine for Juno, 1854. In this story the hero Is Private Koch, a soldier of the Philadelphia Mnehpher Hou Win. Koch, who was worth si.. idtMHKi, had enlisted In the Blues as a holiday soldier, but the company or regiment was ordered out in the Penn sylvania whisky Insurrections of 17U4. rhe campaign was not at all to the liking of the cttlsen soldiers, but they respired to do their duty. "Koak, who wm a Isrgs outdoor ua- dsrwritsr la PbUadstpvkt, was detal od one stormy night to guard a bag. gage wagon. After remaining at Us post for aa hour the sentinel called for the corporal of the guard. When the corporal came Koch asked to be tiered for a few minutes that be might go and see Msphsrsoo, the brigade or reglmentau cota mender, on Important business. He went to tbe quarters of the general, whom be outranked as a bust ness man, and asked what might be the value of the wagon which be guarding. The general at a venture add $1,000. Thereupon Koch said. 'Very well, General Macpberson, writes a check for der moneys and den I shall go to my beds.' " How Oreat Msasasd Thaai. When Captain Grant, formerly of tts regular army, was appointed colons! of an Illinois Regiment, In place of Colonel Ooode, John A. Logan, while escorting him to the camp, said: "Ooi- onel, tbe regiment is a little unruly. Do ' you think you can manage the boy?" "I think I can," replied Grant Logan and McCJernand, two Con gressmen, made patriotic speeches, and Iyogan, after a two hours' oration, led forward a quiet man, In plain cttl sen's clothes, saying: "Allow me to present to you your new commander, Col. U. 8. Grant," "Most of the soldiers observed him for the first time," writes Hamlin Gar land, from whose "Life of Grant" we have quoted. "They were astonished and disappointed." Grant looked Hke a grave country doctor. But he show ed that be could manage the "unruly boys." There were loud calls: "Grant, Grant! A speech!" Their late colonel used to "orate" before them. The new colonel stepped two paces toward them, and said In a clear, calm voice: "Men, go to your quarters." If an eight-Inch shell had exploded In their ranks, the "boys" would not have been more surprised; but they went to their quarters. There was that In the new colonel's voice which ex pressed command. Tbe tone was not loud, but It was given with a clear-cut inflection which showed blm a master of men. ' That evening at dress parade, as be stepped to the center of the regiment, waring no uniform save a pair of gray trousers with a stripe running down the outside seam, and an old sword, the men Jested In low voices about their now commander. Colonel Goode, the late colonel not Infrequently used tbe dally parade as an occasion to make a speech, and the men expected one from Grant. The llne-ofBcers advanced, and tbe adjutant saluted. "A soldier's first duty Is to learn to obey tils commander. I shall expet my orders to be olwyed as exactly and as Instantly as If we were on the Held of battle." That was all he said. As rhe men marched back to quarters, a private asked: "What do they mean by send ing down a little man like him to com mand this regiment? He can't pound dry sand in a straight hole." "He can't make a speech! Look at the clothes he wears! Who la he, any how ?" "Boys," retorted a sergeant, "I'll tell yon who he Is. He's the colonel of this regiment, as you'll find, and don't you forget It!" The sergeant was a prophet. The regiment had obtained all the liquor It wished for. Grant stopped that, A man resisted arrest. What's the matter?" axked Grant of the officer of the day. "The raau persists In bringing liquor Into camp and refuses to give It up." "Put him into the guard-bouse." "He refuses to go." Grant stepped up to him, seized him by the collar, and Jerked him outside of the (-amp gate. "Get out of my regi ment," he said. "You are not worth disciplining. If you come back I'll have you shot!" A big, dangerous man, named "Mex ico," was tied up, with a score of others, for leaving camp without per mission. "For every minute I stand here I'll have an ounce of your blood," said he to the colonel. "Gag lilm!" replied Grant. One by one, as the hours parsed, the other offenders were released by the officers of the guard. Grant released 'Mexico" himself. The bully saw that his colonel was his master, and the regiment began to find out that It had a colonel. I'ivn Generations. A unique experience has fallen to the lot of an old llshermau living In the vil lage of Buckie, In Scotland, ne waa photographed recently with bis family, liowlug five generations. "Farmer" John Murray, the head, Is IK) years of go, aud Is said to be hale aud hearty. Ills son, William Henry, Is 0, Will- Ism's daughter, Margaret, is 3S, and Margaret's daughter nilso named Mar garet) is IS. The last named has re cently presented the world with a sou, ho thus completes the fifth link of this remarkable family chain. A fur ther notable thing about old "Farmer" Murray is that he was the first fisher man In Grout Britain to discover the use of herring bait to catch white lish. Glue from Ncaweed. A fresh use for seaweed Is claimed to have been discovered by a Norwegian iglneer, who exhibited an Invention t the Stockholm exhibit Ion for pro ducing paper glue, dressing gum and soap for seaweed. The Hrst establish ment for this branch of manufacture I to lie erected In the district of Slav anger. Au old lady, who Is very much of a bore, paid a visit to a family of her acquaintance. She prolonged her stay snd finally said lo one of the children: "I am going away directly, Stanley, snd 1 want you to go part of the way with uie." "Can't do it. We are going to nave nmnor as soon as you leavs," replied Stauley. HIS FALSE TEETH. Tay Hsarlr hSMsM , saj Doetsr Oot Tfcssa, The fact that the threes of ths j i nation under great excitement produce a corresponding physical f sy was Illustrated recently la taw i of a man who bad gone to his artificial teeth In bis Waking suddenly with a choking ass satlon, he found bis teeth had diaaa peared. He looked in the glass of wstsr where they were usually deposits!, sM not ass them there, and realise they must be far down hla Choking and struggling he on tbe door of a friend sleeping ba fas house, who, seeing his critical sssbsb Oon, vainly endeavored to draw the teeth out of tbe sufferer's throat He could feel the teeth, but had SsH the strength to extricate them. He ran for a blacksmith, who lived a few away, but the blacksmith's hand too big to put Into the man's mouth. A doctor had been sent for, but be was so long In coming that the victim of the accident seemed likely to die of suf focation before the physician arrived. A little girl of 10 years was sroosfrt. under the Impression that ber small hand might reach tbe obstacle and withdraw it, bat be got frightened I begsn to cry. The sufferer black In the face, his throat swelled sot and bis friends expected every mosseat to be his last, when finally the doctor arrived. He beard the history of the cast, saw thst tbe teeth were not in the maa's Jaw nor In their nightly receptacle, fait the throat and chest of tbe sufferer, and cast his eyes seriously upon the floor. There he saw tbe whole net sf teeth. He adjusted them In the Jaws of the patient, told blm to breathe free ly, and every symptom of suffocation disappeared. NEW HANDSHAKE. Iatrodaced la Waahlas-toa by Asaiat- at Secretary Melklejohn. Representative Amos J. Cumniiags was one of a party of twelve who atr tended a dinner given by a public of ficial a few evenings since. He knew all the diners save one, a Western politi cian, who was a friend of the host. The host Introduced his Congressional friends to his guest rrom the West Mr. Cummlngs was the first to be intro duced. The Westerner, wearing aa evening suit, patent leather shoes, etc.; advanced, holding bis right hand on a level with his forehead. Mr. Cummlngs approached to within a few feet of tbe extended hand and halted. He looked the Westerner squarely In the eye, glanced hastily at tbe outstretched arm, and as be grasped it said smil ingly: 'Ugh! You shake hands like Melkle john." At this everybody laughed. Mr. Melklejohn, who helps Mr. Alger man age the War Department is noted for his handshake, and his friends have a little quiet fun with him because of his affected manners. It may be remarked in passing that the Westerner Is an in timate friend of the Assistant Secre tary and has acquired the top-lofty handshake from association with blm. Washington special New York World., Recent Trsde with Spain. Oregon children naturally keep track of commercial and International affairs, for their State has an extensive sea board and Intimate relations with the wheat markets of the world. A class In geography was reciting in one of the rooms of the Central school- house yesterday when the matter of Interchange of commerce and natural products came up for discussion and review. After referring to other coun tries and explaining what kind of arti cles were shipped to Germany, France, and England, tbe teacher put to ths InttB fKJbi n 1 Wi cr I'm 1 1 "1 'What do we send to Siwln?" A number of" littie hands went up all over the room, Indicating a readiness and desire to answer and the teacher told a bright-looking little girl at the further end of the room that she might tell, aud she said: "We send soldiers to Spain." "Yes, that is true," said the teacher; "but osn you tell what we receive in re turn ?" "We get Islands," came the answer, promptly, from the same little girl. Portland Oregonlan. A Fashion Album. After years of patient attention a Boston woman hits acquired a scrap book of fashions that Is truly unique and amusing. In the early days of the civil war she begnu clipping plates and fashion paragraphs from mode Journals until her proposed volume has now formed several. It Is wonderfully odd to review the fads and fancies that flushed like so many meteors through the skies of the past thirty-five or forty years. There are the Grecian bond, the chignon, the waterfall, the pullback, tihe crinoline, tho tiny bonnets and the pokes, the large bustles, hoops and the large sleeves. Only extremes of style tnd oddities are used, or the collection soiild swell beyond all proportion. As it Is, It Is the source of much mirth whenever she brings It out as a "com pany trap." Mexican Funerals. The Mexicans have a queer way of burying the dead. The corpse Is tight ly wrapped In century plant matting, nnd placed In a cotlln hired for about a shilling. One or two natives, as the raso may be, place the coffin on their heads aud go at a trot to tbe grave, where tho body Is interred, and the coffin Is then returned. When a man gets rich, the neighbor women peer back Into the history of bis married life until they find that tils wife once kept a cow. Tbla explains everything. 1 1 1 1 i - ! 3 1 -Sis 1! .1 .33 i 1 ..'.V-i J.. . W '.,, A . i i .1' f '! i.. '-