The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 23, 1899, Image 3

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TrM7 ' Maaila Urlra atU
r- Virv Kill Ob Hu and la
trir Others-Tobaec bnltn Waat
Ral' ChaBgad Malact Lau for
M Hilar; Dm.
Lomxoh.M arch 14 Kmperor William,
it'ii announce I, wil'. arrive at Co wee on
J sty I (or yar hi inn eek.
The Daily Graphic, in commenting
upon the announcement say:
"Coming imuii diate'y after tbe em
perar'e reception of Cecil Kholee, it
mark! the oomp'ete reconciliation of
GieaA Bri'sin and Germany."
Tbe Bar in cor'.siy-ndent oi tue Daily
Mail yt
"I em i' forraed ivat Emperor Wil
liam displayed great intereat in tbe
conference with Cecil Rhode, aaking
many questions ai to tbe Inter' state
menu, without, however, going iuto de
tail! or revealing hit own views. He
waa epe ia ly keen regarding the tale
graphic portion of Mr. Rhodes' projecta
and he sa d h had not yet renounced
lita hope ol visiting Egypt to eee with
bit own eyes the work that had been
aoooanpliaued there.
"He alao exrresai'd tue hope to aee
Mr. Rhode again before be '.eft Her
Voloatmra Wa t to ficat-Mro are ta
Good Condition Mmu la Hod Air
Mine red-MloUtan la Mraaloa Caliad
Mask by Him Coaarcgatloa.
Ohixca, M., March 14. Fire here
Bundey resulted in tin dsath o( one
man, ti e fatal in urv of t " othera and
the loaa of seven fine I ric . btiaineee
building, wttn their con'.rnta. The
dead :
Unknown nan, printer.
Fa'ally injjrfd.
W. M. A lama.
8. Kenn ghy.
In order t check the primsi of he
flame, In tbe face ol tbe fierce g.e,
tbe an horitiee f un.l it neceesary to
blew up eeveral buiidinge with dyna
mite. Tbe value of tbe property destroyed
will exceed $60,000. The busineaa
booea totally deal rayed with their
con enta are: Thoinai B. Dillora gro
cery, Miaa Minnie Arnold'a millinery
lore, Hob store, Piki hat el, Gacette
office, O. Pernold'e hard are, II. M.
Shaner' furnitiire atore and b. 8. Chap
man'a newa t-tand
WiaufNOTOK, March 14. Commnteaa
representing the New York leaf tobicco I
board of trade, the leal tobacco
merchant' association, the Cincinnati
leaf tobacco aociation, tbe Philadelphia
leaf tobacco board of trade and the
tobacco board of trade of Baltimore had
a conference yesterday with Mr. Wilson,
commieaioner of internal reveni.e. Tbey
protected againat the recent ruling of
the bnreao, that leaf tobacco dealer
have n it tbe ruht to tell leaf tobacco to
licensed manufacturers or licenced
dealera in quai tities leaa tban a hogs
head, cite or bale. It waa inaiated that
that tbia ruling ia not in accordance
with tbe law or in juetice to the email
cigar manufacturer an I licensed deal
er. Commissioner Wilson took tbe
. un.l.. .1 wi bmmallt II it Will
render a deciaion within tbe next few J
Wasihnotoh.M arch 14. Alter mature
consideration of the eubject the war
department baa decided to take advan
tage of the proviaion of tbe act by
which Hawaii waa annexed to the
United State transferring the public
landa to the general government to ac
quire auch trac e in the iatand aa may
be necessary for military purpose. To
thia end ohVer will be aent by next
. steamer to Honolulu with proper
auiboriaation and will begin tbe work
by taking poeeeeeion in the name of the
Manila, March 11. 5 p. m. The
bodies of Cot. W. E. Smith, Major E.
McConville, CapL David 8. Elliott and
Second Lieutenant Eugene 8. French,
who were killed in action, were aent
home yesterday Ly the United State
tranaport Scandia with military hon
or, tbe Second Oregon volunteer lur-
Llabing the escort through tbe i-i'y.
A battalion of tbe Twenty-second in
fantry baa reinforced General Wheat
on 'a brigade.
11 :25 a. m. Rebel incendiane landed
at the village of Pandacan laat night
for the purpose, it it alleged, of ter
rorixing those of the inhabitant who
do not tymptthiae with the insurrec
tion. A number of houses were de
stroyed. The United State transport Grant,
which failed from New York January
19, having on board Major General
Lew ton, the Fourth infantry and a bat
talion of the Seventeenth infantry, ar
rived thia morning.
With the exception of San Pedro
Macati, where Filipino aharphooter
incessantly annoy tbe American troop,
metier are unusually quiet along the
The weather it much cooler today
Washinotok, March 11. A cable
gram received bt tbe war department
today, dated Manila, March 10. aaya
that the transport Grant arrived with
troop in good condition. The Arizona
and Newport leave today for San Fran
Cisco, the Arizona via Hong Kong and
the Newport via Nagasaki. The Grant
carried to Manila General Lawton, tbe
Fourth infantry and four compaoiea ol
the Seventeenth infantry.
This add to the troops undr tbe
command of General Otia forty-two of
Beer and 1,710 enliet'd men. The
Grant, with Gen. W. H. Lawton in
cosajr.and, aailtd from Mew Yok, Jan
nary 19
Sam FaAacaco, March 11. Geo. If.
Holdeu of Wailiingtou, who returned
from the orient on the Hong Kong ttiip
Mara, baa in hia possesion 1,1000 claims
of the officer and men of Dewey' fleet
for head money. The claim are to be
filed with the court of claim in Wash
ington for final action. Tbe bead money
for Admiral Dewey wnd hia officers aod
men will aggrigate $187,600, or $10J per
bead for the l,t76 ((there and men of
Admiral Montejo'e fiVet Tbe priae
money for the officer and men under
Admiral Dewey will amount to $400,000,
plua tbe aatvage of thee veecel recently
Thia money will be diatribntad vy
tbe Ui.ited States district c .
Bpeaking of Admiral Dew, 4r.
Uolden raid :
"While somewhat worried own? to
lb exacting duties and responribilitieo
of hi position, he raid hia health was
He looked fairly well, too."
Washington, March 11. One of the
paragraphs of the army reorganization
act contained authorization lor the en-,
listment again of tbe volunteer troops
now in tbe Philippines. It waa atipuU
ated that it e troopa should be so re
taliated only for a period of time neces
sary to replace them by regular troops,
in no case longer than aix months.
Tbe question baa been presented to the
war department of whether or not it
was poeaib e nnder thia section of the
hill to avail of the services of t)e officers
of tbe volunteer regiments, aa well aa
the enlisted men until tbe troops can be
Holp for itloBdikera-Soaib Carollat
CoBfedarata Itaad Cblllloulba Itaaa
tiooa-Cansiu Manors About
.Washington, March 10. The atate
department bo been informed that Dr.
Soli haa tailed from Germany for New
York en route to Samoa. He has been
named b? tbe German government U
replace Dr. John Raffael, tbe late presi
dent of tbe municpal council at Apia,
who baa jut t arriped at San Francttot
on i way back to Berlin.
1 he rather naive explanation given
by Dr. Raffael at San Francisco Wednes
day of tbe condition under which b
came to interfere with the t hief justice
at Apia were received here with torn
amusement, the officials pointing out
tha' the doctor c early raw no impro
priety in the setting aside of tbe solemn
obi gation of tbe Berlin treaty by tbe
little municipal council of Samoa.
Hi a fact that bad Chief Jnatic
Chamber not been guilty ol the impru
dence of commenting so freely and ad
vetaely upon tbe German government
and allowing those comment to be
publiahed in the letter to hi brothel
in this country be would have the fullest
support of tbe state department, Bui
while an examination of tbe reports
(rom all sources In tl e caae go to ebow
that the chief justice acted within bis
rights, it is admitted that hia replace
ment by another American would go a
long way toward eff' mg a peaceable
adjustment of the conuitiona in Samoa.
Near Approach of Kalny bomob lodb
odom Action to be Taken Tblrd Ne
braska ovs od the List safe to Ba
dnoa tbe Korea.
New York, March 10. The Commer
cial Advertiser aaye:
The coal men today express them1
selves aa well pleased with tbe situation
which, they sav, ia very ealiafactory,
Beyond thia they will not go, and defl-
nate new aa to the ail ged combination
of intreata repr sei.tin $900,000,000 of
capital i not procurable at thia time.
So far aa can be learned the aituation is
An arrangement seem to have been
reached between the leading railroads
engaged in the coal buainea; that is be
tween the Morgan rosdaon tbe one band
and the Vamlerbilt lines on the other
the Lackawanna, which haa heretofore
occupied the position of a free lance,
making and cutting rates without regard
to the other interests, having been
whipped in.
Simpson & Watkins, the largeatoper
aton at Scran ton, have merged all their
coal companies into one l.e concern
to be known aa the Temple lion com'
pany. These companies have an aggre
gate capital ol nearly $100,0U0,UUU ana
mine about 1.500.000 ton of aucbracit
Tbe arrangement between the compe
niea for it cannot properly lie called a
combination will have far-reaching and
moat important efficta, but it aaure
complete harmony of action by them.
No new company will be formed nor will
one lie neccessary or desirable. The re
lolts of the previous attempt to form a
coal trtiat were such aa to discourage any
renewal of effort along the same line.
Castllllan ftuas Ashora-flra Wall
in Cbleago first Trust Trouble.
ilenartment of a considerable tract
- -1 i uv euunicu m, uh um.i
near the capital. The navy department wpgc, ,i by regular.
possessed ttsell ol some one wstor ironi
property within a very abort time after
the annexation resolution was adopted.
The law officers of the department
bare concluded that the word "enliat"
employed in the act was used in
broad tense, and that therefore the
president haa authority to take over all
the volunteer regiments now at Manila
and other points in the Philippines into
tbe service of the United State, in or-
full complements
the Waah- of officers and men. It haa been re
presented that the volunteers mere are
return to the United Statea
vate life. Ibe officials ray
mistake. General Otia ha
reported tbat the men, volunteer a
well aa reguUrs do not want to come
I home but are anxioua to Agbt and
I crush the inr urgent. Nearly every
coin nan v has Buffered at the hands of
( shsrpershooters, and they are anxioua
' to make the account even.
Mahila. March 14 11:6 a, m. At
daylight yeaterday Brigtdier-General
Lloyd Wbeaton'a diviaiooal brigade,
consisting of tbe Twentieth United
State infantry, the T wanly-second in- ganixatlon with their
fan try, eight companies ol the Waah- ( '
Ington volunteers, aeven companies of
tbe Oregon volunteera, three troopi of l" "
the Fourth United States cavalry and i , " , , . .
. .. - a:.. i, ...ii. mat tun i a
a mounteo uaiiery ui mo mi
lery, waa drawn up on a ridge buhind
Ban Pedro Marati, a mile south of tbe
The advance waa aounurai at o .w a. i
m., the cavalry leading the column at a
amart trot acrosa the open to the right,
eventually reaching a dump com
manding the rear of Guadalupe.
Supported by the Oregon men, tha
advsnie force opened a heavy fire on
the rebel. Tbe response was feel le
and detuttory, apparently roming from
bsndluls of men in every covert. While
the right column was swinging towarda
tbe town of Pasig tha left advanced,
pouring volley into tbe brush.
A imall body of rebel made a deter
mined stand at Guadalupe church, but
tbe enemy was unable to withstand the
Wahiotow, March
be tbe Intention of the navy department
to (end 1,000 marines to Cavite to tnke
care of the navy's internet there. This
seem to lie a very large number of mar
ine to station at one navy yard, but
the explanation i that tne
station is the largest in
Wasunoton, March 11. The Kev.
Dr. Sunderland baa been appointed
paator of the First Presbyterian church
to siicc-ed ibe Rev. Dr. T. DeWitt Tal
mage Dr. Sunderland already haa
served the church forty-five years, and
since his rrsignstion last June, when
Dr. Ta mage took charge, line been the
pastor eineri u. He will now ret u me
full paito al charge and hitcnngiegation
inaHte that he shall again become pastor
to remain such the rert of hi life.
Dr. Talmage, accompanied by hia
7. i. i I wife, left here yesterdsy fcr a two
U.-lt is laid to ' , . ., . ft. p . . I,. r, v.
and St. AuguHioe, Fie.
Lkovills, 0"!., March 10. Comma
nication baa been established with
Charles Reuaa and Bert Frey, iraprls-
Csvit oneo; n the Bon-Air mine, through the
the possession caving of the chaft by ripping eeuoder
of the United Kiaiei, including abont th weier pine by a ihaw of dynamite
atventy square miles oi la .d, wi'h lowered to the proper depth. Provis
Uurtten mile ol water Um,t. On the . (oni warfl .jwred through the pipe. A
the government lat ds are many vqnat- nrw ,nft will have to lie annk seventy-
tsr snd souk msli towns, and large nvil (Mt wfUre the men can be reached,
mber of mtu am be rsquirtd to rDj, W t.k about week,
tlswosclily reiee this Mrritory.
f '
Wasiitnoton, March 10. The United
SUte consul, Mr. McCook, at Dawson,
under date of January 31, informs tbe
department of atate concerning the con
dition of the people there aa follows:
"The situation as to person who will
be out cf food in a couple of months is
becoming very serious. Many hun
dreds will be so situated and will have
to be helped out when navigation opens.
"Manv have gone out over the ice
and are going out daily, while more
are remaining in the hope that they
will be able to strike some pay on
claims they either hold themselvee or
are working on claim leaeed from
othera. Applicant ara daily at thia
office for relief.
"The indigent alck so far have been
taken care of by the relii f committee
snd by the local authorities, tbe latter
seeing the necessity of taking a hand
in relief wo k.
"The deetitiK tick, while many ol
tbem are not paupers, in the atrict
sense of tbe word, being temporarily
without funda, are compelled to call on
the relief committee and will finally
pay when they hear Irom the outside
with remittance.
"The relief committee at thia place
ia unable to ez tend any uio e aid, as
all funda collected have been exhausted
and tbey ara some $2,000 in debt.
"The greateet evil, however, will be
the Urife niimlxir ol people who win
have exhausted their supplies and who
will (ail to succeed in gttling paying
"I know it is not customary for any
nation to provide for destitute citizens
out of their own country, still I feel
It i my duty to put this matter be
fore you to take whatever action you
may deem beat."
WiNcnkaran, Va., March 10. The
women of the Memorial association here
together with the Daughters of the
Confederacy in South Carolina, have
succeeded in raising the necessary funda
to erect a monument to the Smiln Caro
lina confederate dead who lie hurried in
Stonewall cemetery here. The monu
ment i to le unveiled on Me riiil day
June , Col. John U. Capers, now one ol
the Uuited Stales attoriwya In Wash
ington, is invited to speak.
CiiiLLK.oriix, Mo, March 10.--One
hundred and fllty feet of the stale dam
here ha been carried away by the flood
in the rcioto river. The break render
tbe canal iroui here to Portsmouth nae
lesi, there lieing a feeder at this point.
There will lie a strong protest Hgainat
rebuilding the dam on the part ?.( the
ile who favor the abandonment ol
Washington, March 9. Orders were
laaued at tbe war department yesterday
for tbe Twelfth New York volun eer
infantry, now in Matanzaa, Cuba, to
take passage on tbe transport Berli for
New York city, where it will be muster
ed out Tbia ia tbe beginning of a gen
eral movement for tbe ta uater out oi all
the volunteer troopa atationed in Cuba,
and indicate that the adminiatraiion
believes tbat the time baa come when it
can aafely reduce ita military force in
Cuba, ibe fact that the rainy acetone
s not far off ia a potent reaaon lor the
early recall of tbe volunteer roope in
Cuba. The homeward movement will
have to be gradual, liecause of tbe I n: it-
ed transportation facilities now at the
disposal of tbe war department. The
various regiments will be brought home,
however as rapidly aa the available
troop-ships can make the tripe between
the island and varioua porta in the
United Statea aelected for the dieeui-
There are now abont 25,000 volunteers
in Cuba and their withdrawal will leave
about 15,000 regular, troopa there (or
enforcement of the policy of the admiu
iatration for the establishment of a
stable government in tbe island.
The volunteer troop now on garrieoi.
duty in Cuba and under muster out
orders include the following oaganiza-
tiona :
Second Illinois, One Hundred and
Sixtieth Indiana, Fourth Illinois, One
Hundred and Sixty-first Indiana, Ninth
Illinois, Forty-ninth Iowa, Third Ken
tucky, Thirty-Grat Michigan, Second
Louisiana, Sixth Missouri, Eighth Maa
tachusetts, Twelfth New York, First
North Carolina, Third Nebraska, Sec
ond South Carolina, Fourth Tenneatee,
Fourth Virginia, First Texaa, Sixth
Ohio, tbe Second and Third United
State volunteer engineer, the Second
aud Fifth United Statea volunteer in
fantry and the Second, Third, Eleventh,
Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Six
tetntb and Seventeenth companies of
tbe signal cors.
As yet uo orders have been iaaued for
the muster out of these regiments with
the exception of the Twelfln New York,
but it is expected that the formal
orders will le issued in the caae of all '
the organ iatinua named wilhiu tbe
next few days
Under the prevent plans it ia expected
tbat all of tbe volunteer troopa will be
withdrawn from ftoba by or before the
first of May and ao escape the danger
Of the fevers.
Tbe troops are to be withdrawn on
the theory that there is no longer any
need of their rervicea in Cuba and tbat
the questions of government will work
out themselvea without tbe presence of
a large military force. Confequently
there is no present purpose of replac
ing the volunteera with regular troopa,
but audi a course of action will be tak
en only 'in case it becomes uecesaary
for the execution of the administration
Halifax, N. 8., March 13.-The
Allan steamer Caatilian bound from
Portland, Maine, to Liverpool via Hali
fax, is aabore at Gauoet rock near
Yarmouth, N. 8.
The veaael went aabore at 4 :30 o'clock
ye iter Jay morning at low tide, in a
dense fog, ber compasses being de
ranged. Two compartments are full
of water and tug have gone from Yar
mouth to the scene. She ia 8,200 tons
net register, being tbe largest Allan
line steamer afloat
The steamer began leaking immed
iately after shs struck, but tbe best
discipline prevailed among the pasaen-ge-e.
Tbey returned to their berths
and were called out again to don life
preaervers, which many were wearing
when they reached Y --mouth on tugs
at 8:15 laat evening. Fifty passengers
and tbe crew all aaved their baggage.
Tl cletmer went on at low tide, wliid
wi he in hi r favor.
Portland. Me.. March 13 Tbe
Caetilian sailed from this port Satur
day. Tbe ship itself is valued at about
$700,000, and her cargo at $450,000. The
principal item were grains and pro
Tbe saloon passengers were Oapt. L.
C. Arbutbnot, Rev. Lord Archbishop
Douglaa, London, England ; George A
Bay nee, Mr. Bereaford, Frank Duck
ett, Fred Fowler, Mis M. J. Frith,
Miaa Hattie Gardner, Mr. Samuel tfird,
Mr. Hird, Col. J. B. MacLean, Mr. M.
Phillips, Cagt. J. J. Riley, J.J. Riley
jr., William Wylin, Montreal ; Arthur J.
F. rward, Mr. McLeod Stewart, Mr. Mc
Leod Stewart, Miaa Mina McLeod Stew
ar', O lawa, Ont.; Mrs. Robert Ness,
H wick, Que.; Rev. D. W. Morrison,
Mr. Moarison, Ormaio n, Que.; Mr.
William Hendrie, jr., Mi C. M. Hend
rie, Mias Maud Hendrie, Hamilton, Vt.
Tiiere were sixteen aecond cabin and
about twenty five steerage paseengere.
Pump Companies Combine.
Raw Yokk, March 8. Within a abort
time the International Steam Pump
company will be organized under tbe
laws of New Jersey, with a capital of
$27,500,00'.). The new company will
acquire the controle of the business of
tbe following corporations:
Henry K. Wortbington corporation,
with machienery at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
and factory at Klizabethport, N. J.;
Blake & Knowls steam pump work,
limited, w ith work at Kal Cambridge,
and WHricn, Mans,; Demi Steam Pump
work-, U'tury at Holyokc, Maea. ; Laid-low-Dunn
Gordon Company, works at
at Cincinnati, and Saow Steam Pump
worka at Buffalo.
These live companies have been
brought under one head hu the purpose
of carrying on the manulacltueof ateam
pump. The combined usseta are $11,
981, 3rw, and the net earnings of the five
companies are mated at 1, 2 1 1, 073.
Each of the rive companies now main
tain agencies in the principal cities of
the United States, aod it ia estimated
tbat lliey do about 90 per cent of tbe
steam pump business of this country,
exclusive of high duty engines. The
Worthington and Blake companies have
stores an 1 carry atocka in London, Paria,
Hamburg, Vienna, and otner foreign
cities. All tbe agencie in this and
other countries will be consolidated.
ftctoo, March 13 The massive
iiis wall on the east aide of the eight
st3y r-trncturo at 207-211 Jackson
0oi!evd, which was partly deatroyed
by fire last night, fell almost without
warn ng yesterday, completely demol
ish'ng the adjoining building, and aet
th g ' he ruins on fire. Ioes on build
in and content is estimated at $125,
000. fully insured. So sudden was the
collapse of the fire wall that a score of
fireman barely escaped being caught
under tbe mass of maonarv. Tbe loss
on Saturday night's fire will probably
be much heavier tban at first thought.
j Losses which were believed to be only
partial were found in some caae to be
! complete, and it ia now estimated the
i total loss will approximate $300,000.
j Beaidea tbe firms burned out in the
i buildings at 203-205 and 207-211 Jack
; eon boulevard, occupante of the Fuerth
j building" to the west sustained much
! Aa mm iMk fmni ainnkft and water. The
principal losers from the fire were:
, Boatpa Kubber Shoe company, $25,000.
- Reedsburg Woolen Mill company,
Jenkina Kreer Co., dry goods com
mission, $40,000.
Pershing & Co , clothiag, $35,000.
Deering, Milliken. A Co., woollens,
Warehouse Point Silk company,
$20, COO.
Mcl'bemon A lurie, threads, $25,000.
The building was valued at $100,000.
The buildinz at 203-205 Jackaon was
valued at $50,000. Among tbe lossei
we e the following:
Warner Brothers, corsets, $50,000.
Wurtibnrger Brothers, underwear,
A. Stark A Co., hosie-v $600.
Tbe building deatro. were in t:.t
center ol the wholosale diatrict, and
for a time the whole diatrict waa threat
ened with deetruciion, a eouthwest galo
carrying burning brand almoat half a
Indiana on tha War Path Scheaaas a (1st
Insnrs-ant. i
Das MoiNga, Ia., March 15. Tb
hird annual convention of the loam '
telephone aaeociation, composed of tho '
ndependent companies of th State,
was held here yeaterday. Tbe purpose '
of the aaeociation ia to estsbrsH uni
formity among the various lwcal toll
companies in tbe state and to connect
the separate toll lines to enable lUccco ,
ful competition with the Bell, company
in handling long distance buaineaa. Bar ,
ports by the various companies oompoo
ing the aaeociation ahowed that naSA
hundreds of miles of wire has bis ;
strung in territory hithereto unconnect
ed by telephone, and that further exteoe
sione are in prospect which will surpei)
past operationa. President C. E. Weill
of Boone p-esided and Geo. F. Henry of
this city welcomed the delegate. It
was developed in tbe discussion that
many of tbe local companies do not pay
expenses through want oi patronage
and are compelled to use inferior equip
ment which is tbe object of tbe stats)
organisation to remedy, but the move
ment for union was opposed by som
unless tbey are asaured of position nn
der the proposed new management.
No definite action was taken at this
meeting, and adjournment was had
until today.
Minnesota, March 15. Michael Gog-
ins, a well known and conservative pine
cruiser, aaya that tbe Leech lake Indians
are in an evil temper and ready tor any .
tort of deyiltry. They have been hold- -ing
councils two or three times a week,
and the proceeding are-kept very qniet.
The Indiana' grievance is based on a
fear that after prospective pine aalea are
over they will still be in debt, some
thing tbat baa not been known to bap-,
ten before.
Gogins says the Indiana could mus
ter in rase of trouble fully 1,200 fighting
men, nearly all armed. The govern
ment bus lately ordered the two com ,
panies of tbe Seventh infantry away ,
irom Fort Snelling and the state how
has no available military force except
newly organized militia
Clevxlano. 0., March 16. Andrew
L. Loeber of company M, Fourteenth
United States infantry, now at Manila,
writes a most interesting letter to hia
parents in this city, concerning the at
tempt of tbe rebels to capture the city
on Januarv 11. Among other thing
the writer says
"The insurgents tried to take the city
by an attack in front and have
the citUem make an attack in the
rear, ao in order to do this it was neces
sary for them to get arm into tbe
city. We noticed they were having a
large number of funeral from a church
in f aco. uue aay mere were soiouvj
three coffins taken in. When eome of
our boy were detailed to inspect, tbey
found that these coffin contained guns,
and in this way we captured 1,200 of '
their weapons."
Lou dom. March 15. The eagerly
anticipated China blue book was iaaued
last evening, but all tbe main points in
dispatches covering the period Irom
February, 1898, to February, 1899, were
already known to th public. The blue
book deals st length with all the terri
torial, railway and mining concessions
to all countries. Much space is devoted
to the question of the foreign conces
sion at Shanghai, the exhibit including
tbe proteite of American ministers and
consuls against the placing of American
property under the juriediction ' of
France or any single power. Tbe readi
ness if British warships to support the
victory in resisting tbe French demands
is also displayed, and the blue book
gives the American-Ohina Develop
ment company's contract for tbe Han
Kow-Canton railway signed in Wash
ington April 14, 1898.
The whole tenor of tbe British dis
patches shows a desire to meet tbe
views of Germany and the United
states in all matters in wbicl. tbey
ere concerned.
the canal. H it Should he repai
expenditure ol over $00,000 won
Una Word Makes a lliffrrciira.
Wakiiinoton, March 8. It has now
been discovered at the navy department
that In all probability the department
will net he able to buy even llarvt-yiied
armor for the three battle ships, Main,
Ohio and Missouri, and the lour moni
tors under construction. This is owing
to an irror made in the last paragrspb
of the naval appropriation vt. The
word "IIiIh" was liaed instead of "that"
in the Santauce authorizing the secretary
to pun base armor for the vessies "under
Die limitations as to price for the tame
imposed by this act."
t-d an
Krmirli Kipiornr Mr.
Hbattls, March 9. News of tbe
safely of M. lion in, the French explor
er, who has been missing in Thibet and
tbe interior ol China, ha reached
Shanghai, lie arrived at Yachow, Sze-
Clnien district, after many exciting
experience and will make his v. ay to
tin coast by the river route. Witb a
few Chinese companions he has trav
elled llirnnnh the greater
Thibet, and made a trip
Siberian line to Tonj King,
Dktkoit Mich., March 13.-Oa Friday
laat E. A. Davis of thia city resigned hia
connection with tbe so-called fiab tiusi,
with whom be held the position of pre
sident of the Davis Fish company, one
of tbe local branches of the trust. Late
last evening ptpera were filed here for a
limited partnership to be known aa the
Wolverine Fish company limited of
which Mr. Davis will be president and
general manager. The company is or
ganized, Mr. Davis saya, to campete
with the trust, and will directly co
operate with the Buckeye Fiab company
of Cleveland, which waa organ iised by
K. R. Kdson. Mr. Davis also aserls
tbat the Buckeye company ia to stand
sponsor for similar cuni allies to be
organized to compete with the trust in
St. 1-ouiB, Buffalo and probably Cincin
nati. The Wolverine com any will
immediately undertake the erection of
a large cold storage pi a ut to lie located
portion of
fiotn lbs
Pkkin, March, 11. The Italian minis
ter here, Sig Marline, addrested a note
to the loreign officer Friday evening,
making a request to take hack the Ital
ian riirpatch asking for a concession and
notifying the foreign office to a cept. it
aa a demand, adding that be is willing
to enter into friendly negotiations as to
the details, but insisting upon an answer
within four davs. This note was
couched in courteous terms, tint tbe
Chinese regard it in the nature of an, to which they will probably
London, March 15. At the annual
meeting of tbe Associated Chambers of
Commerce yeaterday the Hon. Sir
Henry Stafford Northcote presiding, a
resolution waa passed, urging the Brit
ish government to maintain tbe "open
door" in China and prior British ngats
n the Yang-Tse-Kiang valley.
Washington, March 15. Secretary
Alger baa isaued an order quoting the
paragraph in tbe army law abolishing
tbe canteen and prohibiting the sale
of liquor on army reservations.
An order has been issued hy the war
department increasing tbe age limit tor
enlistment from thirty to thirty-five
years. The y ungest age a which a
man can be enlisted is eighteen years.
The res oil eo far for the enlistment ol
troops is very encouraging.
All the men appointed second lieu
tenants in the army yesterday will
have to pass examinations before lliey
are commissioned. Tbey will taks
rank according to tbe examinations
which they pass, the men from tbs
tegular army taking precedence over
those appointed from civil life.
Jamsstown, N. Y., Maicb 15. The
Mormon elders who have been holding
meetings in tins city for the last few
weeks, have begun to attract attention.
The women's organization are especi
ally active in making fight again!
them. Strong resolutions have been
passed by the Women's Christian Tem
perance aaeociation againat them. Tbs
elders have been holding Sunday meet
ings in a hall, and street meeting! oa
pleasant nights. It is reported that tbey
have mads soma convene among tha
working people of this city.
-j r v