Harrison Journal OEO. D. CANON, Ed. HARRIBON - . NEBRASKA The Spanish officials in Cuba stole ail could before they stole away. Mary E. Lease says that "man la a total failure." This enable a man to admit that woman la his equal. One hundred and twenty-seven lynch tags last year go to show that here, too, a public pull is not any advantage to the country. It is said that 250,000,000 microbes can stand on a postage stamp without crowding. The name of the man who esonted thein Is not given. Chicago waiter was arrested and lacked up for stealing two apples. We ahadder to think of what his fate would be had be stolen three apples. What the Cubans object to is the fact that they must work for a living, in aplte of the fact that the Spaniards have been driven from the island. bands, however good it was or however much there was of It. It ii not difficult to conceive that the mural effect was equally good, for patriotic songs if sung generally by the soldiers would have something of the same result that hymns and autbems have in church service. Since so much may tie accom plished with so small an outlay it Is possible our own war budget may, be fore long, carry appropriations for song Dooks, wnicn it would be easy to make from the large number of popular, pat riotic and really beautiful American airs. A New England man has bad his taw changed from Tomaszewskelmer to Bennett, and will not have to work overtime hereafter when he registers. Three thousand new manufacturing Industries were started down in Dixie last year. At this rate if the South wasn't solid it would soon make it self so. The Supreme Court of Mississippi tats decided that the use of the word "damned" is profanity without being naed in connection with the najne of the deity. We sent 2.rj2,279 pounds of mail to Great Britain during the last fiscal year, from which It would appear that we are entitled to high rank among people of letters. The spirited and brilliant way In which the French orators and writers sf the day exhibit their lack of lnfor aaatlon on American politics is another of the Interesting incidents of the parlod. I, OO.OOO Sailor fraaa Oh Saia. The U. 8. R coiving Ship Varmoal. now over 60 years old, has been tha K-bool boats for over 1,000,00 tailors. Tha ago and accomplishments ara much the tarn a Host- iter's Stcmach Bitten, which ba !een More the public lor 60 years, and l,aa cured innumberableiaate if ni.inri, lever and ague, beaidrl dyspepsia anil indigestion. Don't make a from which the radiates. FRENCH MAHRIXGES: Are table a pivotal point rest of the furniture A statistician has figured out that are 36 criminals u every thou- bachelors and but 18 in the same aasaber of married men. Matrimony aaama to lead to repentance In more ways than one. The most popular American women In England are the wives of the Vice roy of India and the Secretary for the Colonies. Lady Curzon has been ad mired for her beauty and grace wher ever she has been, in London drawing rooms and English country-houses; and after her husband's transfer from the House of Commons to India aha was cheered and her health was drunk during a long series of farewell ban quets and receptions. The fact that the daughter of an Atnerienn merchant was going out as the representative of the queen to occupy a position of su preme Importance in India seemed to appeal to English imagination. A com ment commonly made was that it was the greatest compliment which En gland had ever paid to American wom anhood. Mrs. Chamberlain's prestige is not confined to the English world of rank and fashion, where her dignity and personal ehann have always com manded admiration. Whenever she appears on a public platform with her husband, the audience welcomes her with ringing cheers. When the pow erful minister's speech ha been brought to an end, his wife's name is again caught up and the English crowd shouts itself hoarse In honoring an American woman. Americans fre quently sneer at forolgn marriages based on money and titles. Some of the matches made for ambitious Amer ican girls with Europeans of high birth and low morals have been simply abominable. But there have been many marriages with foreigners of distinc tion that have turned out happily and have served a useful public purpose. American women In England like Lady Oirzon, Mrs. Chanrberlaln, the Duch ess of Malbrorough, Lady Harcourt and Lady Randolph Churchill dignify their stations, reflect honor upon their own country and sex. and help to pro mote good feeling and peace between nations. In. Wtaalow's Souraia Svacr (or ehlid tta I iblBg, soften tha cams, reduce InOaaM Barton, all?! pain, curt wind colic. 26c boUai men have recently been removed a New York penitentiary to an 1am for the Insane, the reason given the effect of lack of occupation. It la a pretty severe arraignment salnat a penal system in these day men go mad under Its operation. T4e smart schoolboy baa turned up aajaln. The teacher asked him to de scribe the shortest route to Manila, the smart boy said he could get far as the entrance to Manila Bay enough, but he didn't quite know to get 'round Dewey. He went right up to the bead of the class. German physicians say that no pro feacdon&l bicycler has a perfectly sound heart As nearly the whole masculine papulation Is affected by the .licotlue habit, one may query whether there Is causal connection between the lat- r met and the former. As the nU-ohol an goes to the brain, so does the to bacco poison go to the heart, possibly pswdtaposing its victim to Injury from aaj strain upon that organ. It may Interest Inconstant or dlsap- aatated wooers, who think of demand ing a return of the presents given the ahfacta of their temporary regard, to that by a recent decision of a schusetts court all presents given the prospective bride at any time ous to marriage are thenceforth har own personal property. Thus slow ly but surely are the rights and privi leges of the Ignoble man becoming re stricted or abrogated! WAMTED.-CaM of bad kaaltk that " IM1 111 a if benAt -tKl t eeata to lUpaaa Cbamlral 3o, Haw Tort. f Hi taawlai aad l.uU laMUBualal To take ink stains rroin wmte cotton goods wet the garment In water, rub common soap on the spot and pour spirits of turpentine on. Lay aside a while. Hub gently, adding more soap and turpentine until the spot dlsap oeara. Acton. Vx-l.u. pablic Sp.k-r rcoaad B.l.'i Bone; of Borehound 4 Tar. Of. Dnwl Plk T'HjlhK hc IIU C'ir In opt Mlnut. It Is, perhaps, not generally know that gems may be made from fresh sweet corn as well as from Graham flour or cornmeal. To the grated pulp of alout three ears of corn, a cup of milk, two eggs, well beaten, a little salt and a cup and a half of flour may be added. The mixture is baked la gem pans for half an hour. Piso'k Car for Consumption ha been s God-send to me. Wm. ii. MeClellanf L-Deoter, lurula, iet. 17, IW. Wheu a very polite woman Is Invited ut to dine, ahe makes a break for tha aantry the Brut thing upon returning 'louie. In order to eel something to eat To Core a Cold in One Day Take I.aiatire Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druireiutu refund the money If It fall to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. s each tablet "In the Brave Days of Old" Is a story by Miss Ruth Hall, of the time of King James I. Won't Mind the Weather. There Is one thing that does not mind the weather, and that is rheuma tism; and one thing that does not mind rheumatism Is St. J a col Oil. as it goes to work upon It aud cures right off. Little, Brown & Co. have begun the publication of a uniform edition of Ed ward Everett Hale's works In ten vol umes. St. Jacob Oil cam Rbeamitum. atory has recently come across the wasar from Berlin which shows that tha leae majeste rule, once adopted. Is Mkaty to go far. A socialist editor at Magdeburg has been convicted and sen tesaeed to four years' Imprisonment for baring published a little story of the Arabian Nights sort, In which a prince aC Bagdad conversed with his tutors. Tha kaiser claims to see in this a refer- 1 to German affairs and the lmprls- Dt is the result. As there Is noth ing ta protect German subjects against tts Imagination of their sovereign, It be very hard for them to tell they will be struck next. A labor incident In Canada has re cently attracted attention throughout the dominion and also in hnglana, where similar questions are being con sidered. The labor party In Canada seems to have scored a new triumph and established a precedent which will go far to mark a new epoch In the rela tions of municipalities and their work men. The town council of Winnipeg, the capital of Manitoba, has suddenly achieved fame as the model municipal ity in its relations to its employes. Re cently its council fixed the scale of wages to be paid Its workmen and those employed by contractors on city work at 17Vi cents an hour, though this sum Is 21i cents an hour higher than the ordinary scale of wages In that city. One employer of lalior determined to contest the legality of this action In a court of law. and an action was brought. The plaintiff set forth that the ordinary wage was only 15 cents an hour and that the municipality could get all the work done it wished at that rate, thus Having the city the sum of about 114.000 a year. He also contend ed that this was an act of sheer plun dering of one class of citizens for the benefit of a favored set. The city on Its part admitted all the plaintiff's facts, but disputed his inferences and claimed to be fhe sole judge of what was a wise expenditure of city moneys. It also claimed that the value received for public moneys was Indirect as well aa direct; that in paying its workmen a living wage It aided In keeping up the general standard of health, vigor and Intelligence of the body of the citizens from whom It drew Its laliorers. It also claimed that It was far-seeing economy, as lessening the exjiense of the municipality for workhouses, hos pitals and Jails, and thus diminished the burdens of the entire community, Mr. Justice Balu sustained the city In each of Its contentions, the language of the court being that "the wisdom or un wisdom of the policy of the council, act ing bona fide in a matter within the scope of Its powers," Is one upon which the ratepayers and not the court must pronounce. The court therefore held, In summing up Its reasons, that tha council was not acting unreasonably In insisting that men engaged In city work "shall lie paid a fair living wage." 8U Jacob Oil St. Jacob Oil St. Jacob Oil St Jacob Oil St. Jacob Oil St. Jacob Oil St. Jacob Oil St. Jacob Oil St. Jacob Oil Neuralgia Lumbago. bclitioa. a praiaa Brulwa Soreness, Stiff nati Uackaoba M usctilar aoaea. Perianal Wiabe of Girl Cotwldered. Miss Anna L. Bicknell Is an English lady who has had most unusual opor tunities for studying French life. For a number 01 years an " in the household of Napoleon III., and resided In the Tuileries. For the Cen tury Miss Bicknell has written an ar ticle on "French Wives and Mothers," In which she says: The old marriage de conenanee. which caused so much sorrow and con sequent evil In former days, when a girl was taken out of a convent to be ahowp the man to whom she was ai-out to be married, la now a thing of t'ne past. It must be acknowledged, how ever, that marriages are still made up, often too hastily and superficially, by nicely balanced family arrangements and by the Intervention or rrienas, Nevertheless, attraction and repulsion are now taken Into consideration, and a elrl Is no longer lorceu 10 uiairj a man whom she positively disliked. 1 could quote Instances In the very high est (historical) aristocracy where, at the last moment, after the trousseau had been sent In (marked, according to custom, with the united initial letters of the two names elaborately embroi dered) and all the social preparations made, the marriage was broken off be cause the bride had declared that she could not "get accustomed" to the bridegroom, nor endure the Idea of see-1 lng his face in her home during her natural life. In one of these Instances the family lamentations over the Ini tials of the trousseau were really amus ing. Fortunately, a substitute was soon found, whose name, like that of the rejected suitor, began with an X. and the complications were thus happi ly settled. The great object of the French giiTs life Is marriage. From the time of her birth her parents have prepared for this event, and In many cases they have considerably straitened their income and curtailed their enjoyment to make up her dot. ' Every girl In every class is expected to have something; those who have nothing are exceptions, and constitute a minority of old maids. The girls who from choice do not marry generally lecoine nuns, usually much against the wishes of their parents. The old tales of young women being forced Into convents to improve tbelr position of their brothers are forgotten in these days, when, while no child can on any pretense be deprived of a share In the father's Inheritance, monastic vows are not recoguized by law. Nuns and spinsters are exceptions; marriage is the rule. India haa perhaps a greater varletj of plants than ntty other country In th world. havli,' li.txio native Seciea while the Cora of the entire continem of Europe embraces only about 10,000 Eliza Orne White, author of "Winter borough," "The Comlug of Theodora, etc., has a new story out, A Lover or Truth." MRS. COOPER. rhi Moat Famoni Sculptress in the World. Entirely Cursd bj Pa-runa. Tbe Standard Kar of Cora. The Illinois Corn Growers' Assorts tlon, which was recently organized at Springfield, 111., to push tbe corn food propaganda, baa formulated the roi lowing as tbe "standard perfect ear of corn:" "A perfect ear of corn should be 10Vi inches In length, Mt inches In circumference; should yield B0 per cent, grain, cylindrical in form, and should carry Its size the entire length, except near the point, where It should tapei slightly, well filled out at both ende." mk. m.c. coortK. Mrs. M. C. Cooper, of the ltya1 Acad finv of Arts, London. England, Is un doubtedly one of the greatest living sculptors. She bas modeled busts of half the nobility of England, and Is now in Washington making busts of distin guished America os. Mrs. Cooper bas Just completed a bust of Mrs. Belva Lockwood. which is oow In tbe Cor coran Art Gallery. Iluskln, the great artlHt, placed Mrs Coop r a one of the greatest aculptuis acd painters of this century. Mrs. Cooper la an ardent friend of I'e ru . and In a letter dated January 20, written from Washington, says tbe following: "I take pleasure In recommending Pe-ru na for atsrrh and la grippe. I have suffered for months, and after the use of one bottle of I'e-ru-na I am entirely well."-Mrs. M. C. Cooper. Kend for a free book on catarrh en titled "Health and Beauty." This book s written especially for women, and sill be found to be of great value to fvery woman. Address Dr. uartman, Columbus, Ohio. Aa Easy Omm. A woman of fashion In a charted dress and a great da hi la -covered velvet bat, accompanied by a man In modish garments, waa tripping along Fifth avenue. 8be was 'chatting with ntarkad animation, and be waa laughing flatter ingly. Tbe attention of tbe passers-by was attracted by the happy couple. Behind tbe pair chanced to walk a lassie the one yet living at borne with ' mamma and an older woman, a friend of mamma. The lassie spied the moa dalne In checks and dahlia velvet on ahead and puckered her brow, saying: "Oh, I know that woman hava saea her often at Newport she Is dreadfully rich now I remember, she Is Mrs. M ar ris Blankly." Tbe friend of mamma was Interested. She aaked: "And Is the attentive man with Mra, Blankly her husband V The lassie shrugged her shoulders and scorned tbe very Idea. "UMiculotis." she replied. "You dear, old fashioned thing, don't you know that women's husband never laugh ia that good-natured way when they ara with their I' '" " " ' - vork I'ress. The rare 'uwuv... ..7liiim. which was discovered In 1KV.'.. In rock from the Pyrenees Mountains, and which takes Its name from Gallia, the old Roman appellate 'or France, has re eently been added to the list of sn! itances occurring lu the sun. Prof. Hartley and Mr. Kaniage, of Dublin, have recognized lu sp.-ctral lines la iunllght. Impromptu army songs that hare tbelr way Into tbe papers since of tbe war would Indicate that American soldier Is a poet and as well as a fighter. Possibly In rogue In both tha French Mi Italian armies might be adopted In aw awa to tbe great benefit of tbe ser in tboae foreign armies the Got- t supplies each company with a of books, containing patriotic at military songs, which tbe men issdlj learn aad sing, with great satla fnfain and pleasure. In tbe French wrmf the original Idas waa that by bar tat the men sing In unison when upon ahsvah the number of stragglera xmit ha greatly reduced and regular smsre aasffiy presarTad. Upon ax- m ttw itmclrig waa fovnd to have -7 Cat eCaet, keeping op tbe aplr t )UC sOan as weH aa heaping : ? h tat, Tnt ahafbhj reared H tjn ft sent, while It pre J rrjr rM Car better than ;:icru is- mm Lord Roatbery's Tact. Rosebery la said to be a delightful host and baa a knack of putting people at their ease with a tact that la aa keen aa it is natural Tbe Scots Pictorial ays that upon one occasion Lord Rose bery waa entertaining a large party and had, among other rural guests, a farmer who hnd tasted U cream for tbe first time. Thinking something bad gone wrong in tbe kitchen, and desiring to save bis fellow guesta the pain of bia own experience, be whispered to bia boat that the pudding bad by some mis chance got frozen. Mis lordship listen ed gravely, without moving a muscle of his face, tasted the pudding, and thanked tbe farmer, and then called a aerrant After some little conversation be turned to the fanner with a relieved expression and said: "It's all right, Mr. : they tell me It Is a new kind of podding and Is frosen purpose, Thereafter tbe farmer partook of his portion with evident relish very woman has a rugae Men thai all har has band does every day la to open sla oflrce, read, smoke aad coon' Bit " Out of Sight Out of Mind' In other months ive forget the harsh winds of Spring. But they have their use. as some siy, to blow out the bid air accumulated after Winter storms and Spring thaws. There is far more important accumulation of badness in the veins and ar teries of humanity, which needs Hood' s Sarsaparilla. This great Spring Medicine clarifies the blood as nothing else can. It cures scrofula, kidney disease, liver troubles, rheumatism and kindred ailments. Thus it gives perfect health, strength and ap petite for months to come. Kidneys - " My kidneys troubled me, sikI on advice took Hood Karsaparllla which gave prompt relief, better appatlte. Mjr aleep Is refreshing. It cured my wife slao." Mkhail BorL.i.5473 Denny Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Dyspepsia - " Complicated with liver and kidney trouble, I suffered for yeara with dyspepsia, with severe psina. Hood'a SarinparilU made rne ftrong and nearly." J. B. Kmcbton. Main .Street, Auburn, Me. Hip Disease " Five running sores on my nip caused ine to use cruU-be. Was confined to bed every winter. Hood's Sar saparilla ssved Any life, a it cured nit per fectly. Ara s'ronf and well." ARSIS Koskst, 49 Kooib H4., Kail River, Hass. Hooa't PIIU ear Bkar till, Ik aar jhTttatf railiartlf Whk lt Ho - 1 e7 fk n . Ji taarllla. 1 m sop V 7sr laia&ts I n. rud v. lw 111 tVlxd lid radii Bears the agfjtatareof Klason Thompson Is preparing an au thoritative biography of Eugene Field. whose personal friend he was. It will I be issued by the Serlbners. , I Longfellow was especially fond of presiding over tbe teapot at his own table, and always made the tea for his family and guests - making It well, too. A new story by Charlotte M. V'onge Is entitled "The Patriots of Palestine, a Story of the Maccabees;" and, as Its title Implies, It has a Scriptural back ground. Susan Hale's lunik, "Men and Man ners of the Eighteenth Century," shows In a very Interesting way the contrast between the life and customs of those days and of these. A new literary aspirant Is a New York society girl whose pen name is Cora Maynard, aud who is the author of "The I'tter nd the Spirit" She Is planning a novel In the line of Mrs. Burton Harrison's work. "Tekla," tbe historical romance by Robert Barr, deals with events of the fourteenth century. It has leen com pared to the masterpieces of Anthony Hope, Conau Doyle and Stanley Wey man. Klchard Harding Davis' growing popularity Is apparent from the follow ing record of the sale of his hooks: "The King's Jackal," 25,000; "Soldiers of Fortune," fiS.OOO; "Gallagher, and Other Stories," 4O.0UO; "Cinderella, and Other Stories." l.t.ts'rO; making a total of almost 13.1,000 copies. Paul I.elceter Ford, who Is now in Europe, left behind him tbe manuscript of a rolume of short stories, written In a light and humorous vein, and contain ing also two plays planned for amateur performances, entitled "The Best Laid ana," and "Man Proposes. The book Ml be called "Tattle Tales of Cupid." anies Whlteoinb III Icy thinks the lot of a poet a bard one. Is recent In terrlew be said: "If you're called aa a arftnes In a lawsuit some little attor ney squares himself off and says, with inhering scorn: 'Let me see, you're a dJIh are you notT H'm, yes. Gentle- na,i of the jury, tbe witness is a poet' your testimony is allied dead aa a r nail." "Wedlock" Is a new story by John Bt range Wln'" . 100 Rewaru, Tb reader of thi paper will be tileaed to learn that there ia at leant one dreadea liaeaae that science has been able to c re a all Its stages, and that ia ( star h. Hall's Catarrh Cur la the onl positive rurs known to the me.licnl Irmernity. Catarrh being a constitutional diaense, re inires a canatituttonal treatment. Hall's Jatarrh Cure ia taken internally, acting hrcctly on the blood snd mucous nurfacet if tu ayatem, thereby destroying lb oundatkm of the dieae. and giving tha patient strength by building up tiie con ititation and assisting nuture in doing its e-ork. The proprietors have so much faith n its enrative powers, that they otVer One Hundred ilollars lor i:y cane that it tail' jo cure, tend lor put of testimonials, id'iresa. F. J. CHKNKY 0 , to edo, O BT"l!Old by Druggist, t " There are 110 mountains In Colorado srbose peaks are over 1,200 feet above tbe ocean level. A fly had fa len Into the ink weli of '. .. . . luJ 1 certain author no wr.ia a vcrr tnd a very inky band. The wii er's lit- , ,le boy rescued the unhappy insect ana 1 lronned bim on a piece ol paper. After 1 sa'ching bin intently for awhile be ia! led to bis mother, "Here's a fly, I mamma, that writes just like papa." Current Literature. "I have the honor to announce, cap tain, that tbe fire it in the fourth story, snd our ladders and hot will reach nly to tbe second." "Indeed? Then we'll have to wait till tbe fire reU down to the teomd." atr1 An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy. Syrup or Flos, manufactured by the GaLlFoKtilA Fie Stmjp Co., illustrate tbe value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and preaenling them in the form most refreshing to tha taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently Ha perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating tbem, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing Age are used, aa thev are plentant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Stkup Co. only. In order to get is beneficial effects and to avoid iniitatinus, please remember the full nume of the Company printed 00 the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FBANCISCO. CAL T.OTJISVtLLE. IT. MEW YORK. H T. For talc by ll DriiKttt Pre Vc prrbbltla, The tall esvaiie teucd the newspapei which tbe wavei cast upon the tropis strand and eagerly permed It. ' Clothing," be exclaimed, coming to the advertisements, "ia si cheap a dirtl" "But not so duraMt," urged ths stout savage, who waa notoriously In clined to be benighted, not to ay raao tionsry. Detroit Journal. Tbe dove of peace is not yet ready to alight until she hears further from Sen ator Vet. PERFECT SB e O060 HMOI L. roll ukiULL A ae emch tar yoa. 1 Carta lak asai T MM V. I. sf all eUasr ssakaa pat tagadwr. Ill am data Ifc asataat-ask H ., torn BeJt" Hew Itsks la C TC3' IKX CO., Mat, Klob Hwurds. 9 most valuable sword In tbe world t belonging to tbe Gaekwar of ; Tbe hilt Is set with diamonds, I and emeralds, and It Is valued at J. uwi ti. uk.L -. r, , , 4 ur duiu ui 1 era as uas a Mori that Is worth 150,000. It was orn by Nasred Din on his Brit visit to (Kurope, about twenty five yeara ago. Tbe Car aad the Sultan both posse si rery valuable swords. Lord Wolastey probably bai the moat valuable sword In Europe to-day. It was given to him by tha Egyptians, and Is valued at 110,- 000. PERFECT womanhood depends on perfect health. Nature a rarest gifts of physical beauty vanish beforw pain. Sweet dispositions turn morbid and fretful. The possessions that win good hus bands and keep their love should be guard ed by women every moment of their lives. The greatest menace to woman's per manent bappineaa in life is the suffering that comes from derangement of the feminine organs. Many thousands of women have realized this too lata to savs their beauty, barely in time to save their lives. Many other thousands have availed of the generous in vitation of Mrs. Pinkham to counsel all suffering women free of charge. Mas. H. J. GARRrrsoN, Bound Brook. N. J., writes: "Dea. Mrs. Pinkham I have been tak ing Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound with the best results and can say from my heart that your medicines are wonderful. My physician called my trouble chronic inflammation of the left vary. For yeats I suffered very much, but thanks to Mrs. Pinkham 's Vegetable Com pound and kind advice, I am today a well wo man, I would say to all suffering women, tax Lydia E. Pinkham'a medicine and your suf crings will vanish." Mas. Maggie PHrt lippr, of Ladoga, IndL, writes : "Dear Mrs. Pimc ham For four years I suffered from ulcera tion of the womb. I became so weak I could not walk across tbe room wghoct bslp. Altar giving op all hopes of rccovsry, I waa advised to ass Lydia B. Pinkham'a Vegetable Cot fMMfjMa aad wrote for special Information. I began to ! festa cm trt totcto, and am sow fully raatorad toasata. if - 1 '