X .. ' '.': .'-...-....(,. County Journal. The ioux VOL. XL HABBISOIT, TBCTJTSlDl, MOH. 23, 18S9 2STO. 35. Onr 3:.)tt4."NO QUESTION 13 EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT 13 SETTLED RIGHT--Hon. William J. Bryan. Do You Want a Free Home? IX Til H LA X D O F PF. It PKTl A L H U ' S II I X II. The render will no Ooiiiit oiider how a publishing company can afford to (rive nwsy (town lot. To e nUxlitcii you we will merely state tint ihe'oauer 01 h l.irn, xn tioii of land In Fahn pruifr, Kivride Co., CdiXonds, ha tittiea this novel inetllul of booming tho town, believing that ly IntcrfMthig other peraon throughout th'C..iutry. ninl pr.tetirnHy building up the town on the co opp. rl i vu system, h.i will more turn doiiblu the value of the many town Iota which he rcorV" for himself. It I needles to H-iy that t;m owuni f thia laud Intend t make Palm Sprlos one ol the gnt"ilh'.i,.tii resort in tnc world, it lielntr V feet above the art Uvl. the elhuatiii condition mul grand i-emc aurroundliiga will make thU comparatively y. I'alra firings i au Meal winter revirt, ixmcasiiig px-ullur at traction to tho tour I t And invalid allk. It is conceded by man- emlufat phydehina and prominent ktw:i to be the inu-t perfect natural .ult-rlum ami to huve the One.t winter climate known. Itl pic-tiux finely altwuod In a Mrrd valley, noliing eUne antler the lofty mountain rang f tiHil -laulutn, aho rnin iiart arc mi Imprejciinblr barrier to iiii iiMtiotr.ro ludVu Uw and fog 'There toan abundant aucply of pure mount'tin WHl--irfr bulb lnmwhold urn! irrigating tpnrpoaea. The atroeta ar beuutirully laid out and mini-pi with pi'm and otlir tropical trtet. Oattijcex, lemon , fli", grape-., Hprkot. tU vet and othsr )llcion frulu ripmt tn fulirt Ppritigs full thirtv 1,i f iiiiicr thjii la oilier part rf (-ullfurtiin, tliu brlnKiriB Juney prii-r In the I.i Aofflm mnrknt. tietaool, fhitrcli trnit Uatnl wcoiiiui (xh-.tltum flritt Not tr. Ji'Hntr.r ttu- at .tr'.tlu:i of 1'nliii Rris Im tile wniK'ci-f nl iiinT:il l)ot sand ri"i(MKwwmi mr i.i ciuj viitm-soi i .it? ii : iirii orir. iirp in coUHLaii-u v weujiinp . cteno itiant ( hot miner ! wnr HPCoii.tMitivl by ur .unl of nljunt l' Ifct wx F., nnd cum toning iimcniuui, fciKum. iron nnd' milplmr. Khtiuiaatltin, kidney itud klu, didowte ji.idil quickly ton-Eiil.ir iiutiiiua 1" thenc wwUiti. Tliew I.JU, 2.1 rivt fionl i-iii'li, h,iV tx-cn plnc-ivl with t ho "iinHhia rl)INhlnj; Co." with lnntfurliotjK to tIiitriluto II.kiij to our r;.idio ubluti!ly tcve. V. liynot le it ii.nl 'lnlu ocr? Evry pcrxmi tilio moiilti n, l.'.O ft.r a yror'i ntflrlpiin t- "'imsliin--' will rfecivi" s warranty !! to luwn l in J'dlui K;.iiii;:, Oiili'iinil.i, trji' of fliitr;;c, with Xv.r l aid until .Inn? IH:;K "mi.n" Uoiik of the lirlRliU'st, journnlsi mlitM.f4, will not omly conttitn Uwisl new rfif Pultn pririg.-' f.d vi'-ii''-;', liit will l coiitnlit tnniiT lnu!rftln utorlM nnrt u.ful lnfotnint,'.T 1.1 pvi-ry fiitiii;. . V, f ro iwrtlrtttiirlv ttniou that not oulv i'vi-iy i'-.tlduut of I'atm S;."Hf. but al v-rv jto(mt y owicr flHTcdn. Miall I "w our jupr. Addr.-.-!.n ..ouo-.! tti'"suNSHINC PUBLISHING CO." ri.x M'RI.VCh, ( At, ;i?o in an Answer to an invitation by Sir. Bi-lniont for him to attend tlia humiiil Utnquet in honor of the birlii of Thonian Ji-irersnn, ou April 1:1th next. In 1UD5, Ion are tho pios within the ranks rtin who have pl:iyl pop for an ollice which wa dtfnit-d them in the councils of the rpp'il.hcna miU dummrutiu parties. Mr. Beliritiut and tliousamlmif othors of ! hu'-'u 'Kra,f! "'If more wjal rumchief imtti ail tiieppoMt'oi oomwriea. tuny nhotild La cast, overlxmrd trivcn no Th'm rfmily i ii.t'tiofi tpci:il!y for rf-ouhs, CoU', cniop, whooping fii!i',!i or influnZn. It hus U'lofiu: famous for its cures of those diswi-s, nvr a l-ire part of lfc tivilizcj world.- Tho ima fletttering- ttiinmiials I . l-fn rwoivp d givirK n conn!' of H?i ood worki; of the agrAVitiing imj j,ci-i-.sicM, (.-001. H hits rur.S; of v vv:f? c--.!.m tiiut Imv yiHlij f rf.iofitiv to iw Sioo'JoiiS; c!fc. t-i and of ti dmi'roiw iO:u !. of 1 roup it, ha cun-il, nflun saving tin lift' of the child. Tii fxlriwivf tth of it. for whoopiivf coutrd h.-vs ihown tlmt it rr.lw that oiwuMi f (i!l 1! in,' . roor oii-t"ijon-. . It w '-lallv pri.cd liv (noihcrx for Umiht childn-ti it ncv.-r fails in tf iw:l n HjKNNl curt., unit Ikcjiumi tlwv liuvefoaiidth.it 'lir h ind il.t ! it tinnier ir Kivinc it. even 10 imhi" n it f-ontain nothing injiinntn. hold lv J r. J. Vm Phiom-v. I hiiv hoon :t!ilii d w ilh r'i"M(ii I'isiu for foufiwii var and noihii.u' n-iTm-d to give nnv reiiff. I was uhlo to lm around nil the tw but ci'iiManlh' ml"riii. 1 had triffl uvervlhint; I coultl hf.ir of nnd nt Ust wa told to try ( 'iiani!r.iin'ii I'aio Bulm, whiuh 1 did, nnd w.u imniwliatcly ralievet? and in a idtnrt ttrti cured. I m happy to Kiy that it hit not muc reltirn ed. Josh, niiar. Crnantowu, t'al. For ale by I!r. J. E, I'hiiiut y, Ilia Sicux County Journal. fl'WAISlJ'-TIUl V'SSJ flu?cripUon IVicetl.OO OFFICIAL PAPEH CF SIOUX COUNTY. (y'i'u. I). . Cation, - IMHor. K!vUl-'d at thi Hurruon post oillco H--..d i.:. 1- ut'i r. . . . his ilk repudiated I hunocraey juv.i the Chicago platform nnd home should Ikj aunimerly turned down hy the party un less they publicly announce that they have ret urimd to their 11 rat love. Hon. W. J. Bryan in his reply to Mr. Belmont wn what honest democracy xp:ted of him nrul wtitui the timo conios the p?o plo w ill show to the New York demo cracy that they l0t represent them by any means. 'Men to-day art) not gowrriinff them fcelve in your f.iif oily just as tiiey are not nil over tho land. Tho practice of one man voting thous.inds of votes has got to lx? Kwept from onr polit ic. "But, Ix'foie tiling can bo right in Washington you must attend to tliioti in your precincts. You must reform your municipal government, ycu must clean out your s(att) capital. Tim climax at Waahinfjton begins at the door of the voter and gradually grown into tbo evil existing in the alfairs of the milium. "I am torry there is any disturbance in your midst. Every man ought to make his vote ccuut. Combinations of wealth are iuinst, you. Those coinld nations have n 1 pohti''s; thtjv fro vhere tlmy can jyet the most favor.1.' '..Wgres smau ,IJi.'il in Rocky Mountain Iatly News. Hon. A lien 0. Fishci', wlw represent or, rather is supposed to r 1 r .. t tho people (.f this ."jrd dKlri'-t ii the, ! hi turo nf L iicohi this wiir.'-r, has miowii jus!, how partisan lie is. When a resolu tion was presented to that part of that August body, asking for an investigation of state auditor Cornell's conduct of his oh'ico Mr. Fisher voted to investigate which we believe was right and proper but when another resolution, was presen ted to investigate into the nets and con duct of the supreme Judges, Mr. Fit her voted against it, thus provins concluct vely that lie was unwilling to do ttny- thint,- officially that would briti r proituh Ujiou republican olilcials or,-reflect urjn the republican party. quF'.erH-r-shown no mercy. I heir un bliisiiiii"; hypocrisy should hhamo the red man in "faiist." Thoy care about as niUi'h for the populist party and the principle of reform as a blind man cares for colors. OUR CLUBBING LIST- T:m Sioux Cocnty Jormur. and JiunNAt of Aiiiuccltcre 1 Year, - f 1.75 " " " " , " Twk;e-A-weiuc World-Herald ' - 1.70 " " " " " Thw'e-A-Wekk-World, (M. Y.) " - 1.70 '' " "- ' " Silver Ksight Watchms (D. C.) " -. 1.75 " " " " " Cincinnati Weeklt Ekqcikeis, " - 1-55' '.vv 7,"-- - For That IJefinrd Cinipli'slon, I'sc DR. BEHR'S MEDICATED SMPHV rORTOILETAND SATH A Wonderful t.sp for the are of pnmlrnff, Mark-hMds, Ithiirwiimio, Kri ran, t hnppnl HaDiln, I'irers, ikircn, Itclilng, mid nil otlu r Fkln Krnptl'HH. EKOtUIT, HOOTH1S0, (iiuusii, Asn I-TIC. AT DRU00I8TS Oft 1 CC BY Mlt PntPID, Writ for AkkiiU Terms, LOUIS ERNST Co., St, Louis.Mo. Itov. E. Edwards, pastor of the Enj; lihh Baptist church at Minersv.Hle, J.i when HufTei'ini: with rheumatism, wan ,ojlvied to try Chamlierlain's Pain Balm. lie wys: "A few application of thin liniment proved of great service to me. It nubdued the inflammation and relieve the pcli. Should tiny sufferer profit by .giving Pain Balm a trial it will please me." For iale by Ir. J, h. Phinney, A GODSEND TO HUMANITY. -Saves Health, Life And Doctor ' Bills, . Tho most remarkable invention for llan, -woman or child, cnr illinut medicine, prpTeiiUdlxi'. you mu hnva at home In your own room, KnitnHurn, Hot spriiiKn. Turfelli. Unolaii, MwlicHtmi, Dry fcieuiii, Vapor Alcohol, Oxy-eo", I'' rtume. I, Mmeml or Mulnbor llatb. t a cunt of ulxiut 3e per t.ntlj. " If til public, mUead of filllm? their ey temii with poiKin, by tklni dniK, mid nod truiiiK, would uet Into ft vnpnr Inttli calilnut ul wet out the tlon and ueit iia ture to act, they would tmve I nkln cleur mooth and healthy as child'. The Bconouiy Vur llatu Culilnet Is not onlyiluinry for tli well, hut a eomiort ad enre for the nick. It restore and pre iwrreii hcftith, prolan Hie, a ipilek nnd ra tional cure for HhemiiulUui, oliilty, I II noil, IUn and Nervoiu tllwu' private ill .ciimi il either mi, Th let nprliir remedy known, eqnal to any cabinet iniido costing fromm to HOC, prlee complete "',')" with full direction. Kcowomy upor Hath cabl net Co., Kt. Ixiula, Mo. To Atfcntu: Hon'' wnxte line nimwerliiR catch penny ad vertlKepiMiU, lfyoawlli tn Improve your pimition In liln write in at oneeand wewtlllii'lp you timko 111 honor aide living In any iwrt of I In t'. K or I hiih 4U. 1e aupport toousandj of liomc. -Ki-MD -OK3 K-0 00w0003 O , A Tim A mnen-iiri Iramii cams in t le'J fffline day that the American miliion-S .vas born. One of them will kil! Ot.be other unless an mt.Hk-f,'.-nt society 1 1 1- . . .. ,.r 1 ..... 1 . Cip'.'acaaiiiy ui-poses 01 oolii. 6 I admire and love and revere Jesus f rti "hrist but these fellows with melo ! Ideons who ko arounjj th world sing- ig for Jesus nt $ WO it nitrht are dif -i ferent- Hev. Myron W. Heed. 1 Nowhere in all of the worlds history can one read of eucb gigantic centralizii tion of wealth as is going on in America iodav. Trusts and combination are forming almost every day in the week and the capital of those ulready formed reaches up in the billion and when the time come for these combines to throw their fall force into the political areana the boasted american individual liberty will be a mere phantom.' But why do we not bear or read more of a protest njratn&t this datiger could it be porib!e that what Geo. W. (Courts wud of the power in even the northern Btat in his davs holds rtL'uin true to day? Hear what he says: "Slavery Kit supreme in th white house and made laws at the capital. Courts of Justice wero its ministers and legislature its lackey. It ailenced the preacher in the pulpit it muzzled the oil tor at his desk, and the professor in tits lecture room. It sot ft price upon the head of peaceful citizens it robbed the rimilfi and denounced the vital princi ples of the IcIaration of Independence as treason. In tales where laws did not tok-rate slavery it yet ruled the club nnd the drawing room, the factory and tlw ollice. It swaggered, at tha dinner table and scourged with scorn a nownrxl--ly society. It tore the golden rule from school Isxiks nnd from the prayerbook the pictured benignity of Christ," The Qucem Bcgeut of Spain has finally signed tho peace treaty between her 0v crnmeiit find the United States, yet war in the Philippines goes steadily on by this government without lot or hinder nnce by congress. The Oattlin gun missionaries are still shooting civilization into the Philiplnos, because they dare to ask for independence, What a poct acle war for humanity' sake. Without ft doubt, Perry Belmont, president of the New York, democratic flub deserved the anub given that gentle ruati by Hon, W.J. Bryan a f t days Grand M.ind Press:' Every shyster, double dealer, trickster and wire puller in the populist party should Ixi booted from the ranks. The foeS which seek to disrupt the party and rob it of its miss- TtKiiEisno great danger to he Par ed frm trusts so far as hi'B'h prices' are concerned. When the price upon any article becomes uobearaUy high people quit Hung it, und it then becomes a dru on lis market. Maiia.sei-s of trust com bines a re smart enough to know that pric es ciniiot t raii-l beyond a certain prof it if tiio iiianufactured goods are to find consumers. The danger in trust cotihin es is the tendency to destroy all individu ality and made people only fragments of machinery; The dv.st ruction of individu ality means the destruction of human ambit ions for unythiiijf greater or better than to live and d;e as animals or beasts of burden. The Pioneer Grip. The above is a fair sample of log;c ad vocated by tt w.) called iiemocratic paper which represents trusts and the single j fjold stamlard theories the cardinal priaci d:a of the .republioaa party. When a iVoaiM-riitirs nws-paer has the "audaci ty to inform the people that tlie.re is no danger to he tWired from trusts, that when a commodity gets so hih that i the will stop using that article, it ! certainly means tl'io dear people should stars , for there is scarcely a commodity Ux.'ay that is not controlled by trusts and especially tlw necessaries of life. Is is. no actual fact Brother Broome, that there t nothing used in your ollice, which is ncsiary to c;et out a paper not even lib' 10 a certain extent, that the tausts Uo.ttpt ccntrol, hence, when those articles Uct too high for you, then you must dis continue the publication of your business aud commerce to crowd on some other branch of industry for a livelyhood, tin loss you receive special privcbiges and "rake off.s" from corporations with whom you do business. It may be possible we do not comprehend the full meaning of the Article,, copied above, but if our tin ing t "5rrar-,i. Brother Broome should lit oocV ally Dimsii wna xne -emoaimm bee;" trust parly, there he would find more congenial society. srtK'K JIUANHS. Thk Jovknal will publish your brand, like Kie followiiiK, for ti M, per year. Jiai-b ad ditional lira ud 75 cents. fcvery larmer or ranch ineii in f-.ious and adjoining counties siiould ftdvertlne their brands in The Jour nal as it circulate all over the state. It may lie the tucois of suviu money for you. FKANK NCTTO. On left side of cattle and on left shoulder of horses. Range 011 Antelojio ere'.lc 1". J Otululiiist, Mioux Co., !eb. !f ttt-;iJ CHAHLKS J5IK1ILK. . On Jot t side or hip of ciUt.le, j On left shoulder of hii'-rfpa. aiie on tho head 01 vraruonnct reek Address Harrison, f-ioux Co. Neb. ?-'..V.-'-1 R. W. CA BEY. tefrjlfH00 left shoulder of cattle iJtMiUWA ltuiiK on I.ltlle Cottonwood, l'o. ., Crawford Jiehr. an'd ADVERTISE YOUR ST0C1C BRAND CIIAULES UMPHKMOTIR The brsnd reprsented iu thla notice and branded any wliers 011 left sde of horej and jyra Also the L L brand any where ou lunwue Of cattle belouifs to the undcrsiigiied. Ch iki in :MfnEsoun. ilnrrisou, .Nebraska, JKKllYAHESiiT WILL. We have 217 cattle branded 5 any where on rigiii side which we expect to put our own brand ou soon fes possible. 'I lie lu-iiinl h. t!)is notice and branded any whura 011 right side ,;i Cattle belongs to tbu uiidersi;ned. JtKKY & Henby Will, J-lurrlson, Nebraska, PHAKLK3 KEWMAlf. The brand represented in tills notiots and brunded any where 011 left sld of cattle, and over lup eut from tho rlhtear. Also the xauie brand 011 left thigh of bosses, bi.-lougs to the undersigned. ftautfO near Kast Springs, south part lo Hloux county. Charles Newman, Harrison, Nebraska. THE SIOTJX COUNTY JOURNAL 808 li iff .tfi ex n ommerciai nan INCORPORATED 1888. , Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. PCAPITAL STOCK PATD IN - - 10,000.00. q . C(o SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - .8,000.00 cf5 . Bryan, Snubs Perry B elmont. Kew York, March M. Tho following dispatch has been received by Perry Belmont, President of the democratic club, in response to an invoca tion which was sent to William J. Bryan to attend the banquet to be gi v sn by tho club in honor of Thomas Jefferson, April 13: - " "Lisooi.w, Neb., March 13, 1889. "Hon Perry Belmont, Democratic club New York: invatation received. Bememtiering that you openly repudiated the Democratic platform in the hist campaign. I desire to know Isjfcre answerine; invitation whether you have bince the election publicly announced your conversion to the princip les set forth iu that platform.. " William J. Bryan." In answer Mr. Belmont telegraphed an follow s: "Ma. Bhvan': The invitation extended to von is in behalf of the Demo-, era I ic Club. Individual opinions have not been considered in issueing the invitations to celebrate tho birthday of Thomas Jefferson, "pEiutv Bei-Most." Cincinnati Enquirer. lie Got tho (hin, L'ist Sunday, half do.zen or more school boys were tfiven to understand that carrying revolvers around town and shooting here and there at marks had to be Htopped from now on, Justice of the peace, Smtick, seeing Mr, Witts three boys, together with one of hi. own and several other smaller ones down at the stock yards shooting at a mark went down, took the revolver from the boys and served notice on the young Amen- "Warbontiot Wurblinjjs. Gui-tava Noreiseh and daughters, Ber tha nud Emma, were Harrison visitors Saturday f County Superintendent Mtsrriam, is vis- itjnff schools in Warbonnet this week Atnon tho visitors seen at the hub from Warbonnet Saturday were: Mrs, J. Plunkett and son C Hey, II. L. Keel, John find Frank Strattor(and Jim Nolan, O, A, (farton and EarnnAl Lyon, made a trip to Harrison Tuesday.) ; It it snowing affain l):fcitiful Rprinj I'vca'.her this? Kt:no. f fa's that that kind of business bad to be .... . li discontinued in Harrison and if it did note Over In Wyom he would "pull" every one of them, ui Jlivhew! havent we had a winter? course, the Isyn were Joth to give up f We understand that EiArene Wohlhe- their shooting-iron but on lieirurtold they Uer, ofGil hrist, is learning telegraph v ison. Gene is -O- DIBECTOES. , ,1 ..'-..-'-'..... B. E. Brewster, President. C. F. Coffee, Virts President Ch ah. C. Jameson. A. McGisLEr. D. II. Gkiswold, Cashier. WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New York. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Neb. CORRESPONDENTS: INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.- Goo. B. Secord, the well known con tractor of Towanda, N, Y., says: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for a long time and have found it superior to any other." For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. per rifle a few days ago. He is an ex pert marksman and can hit the bulls eye occasional ly. Dora and Charlie Christian are expect ed home about the loth of next mouth. Dora will teach the West Pleasant Ridffo school this summer. Your correspondent has boen feeling; quite poorly for some timo therefore no items for a few issues. Ura Kirtley started out to hunt work for the season, a few days ago, Mrs, Kirtley expects to visit a few weeks in Henry county, Missouri before she returns home. Xekiel. would be put under nrrexe u mey uiu ,lnder Mr not comply handod it over gracefully. jftn o)(j i . .1... .. U ! 1 it is our opinion i oiit eir. eunin I ' jhope thu formed a neighborly act, iwsiu&s icacn ing thu boys a lesson that wa hope they will not soon forget. Not only that but It will lie a matter of public nafoty to; little children that are liable to bo morel tha or less in company with such boya, not on the streets they are at school, an the citizens of Harrison and vicinity and the parent of the boys ought to te der a vote of thanks to Justice Smucl for performing his duty as an officer; t duty that every citizen should perform whenever the opiortunity present itself whether odicers or not. Law md order are tafegunrds of the country and, of aociety and it should be maintained id ever way possible. lighting for you C, F, to loi nf Tin, I kfriend of J i r I fd .1 I H M 'iabouf if ted hi m L yit Zekie! and we o a lull lleged our t2f" Gene the misfortune of cattle during wo weeks. Also away during a no doubt will re in. ., lottca we note, And head mostly calves head and Lnney Sutt- douht other losses have i we havent heard. an was quite nick last learn the causa nor iVescnl. ftitVirchascd a lino II, Pup How To ritifl Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours: a sediment or Nettling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; if it stains your linen it is evidon ce of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing prool that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What TO Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root tho great kidney remedy fullllls every wi-.h in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary p issages. It corrects inability to hold water and scal ding pain in passing it, or bad effects fol lowing use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and lo get up many times during the night. The Mild and the extraordi nary effect of Swamp Root Is soon realiz ed. It standi the highest for its wonder ful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists Vlf ty cents or one dollar. You may have ft sample bottle and a book that tells more about II, both sent absolutely free by mail if von send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., BingUin lon N. Y, Wheu writing Iw sure and mention tlmt you rend thin jtenoroiib offer in the fjiorx Coc.nty Jornjui. Road Solicc to Land Owner. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN ; The Commissioner appointed to establish a roiid commencing at eighty rods east of the Pout h est corner of See. 36, Township St. Range 5H, miming theneo South-west on most practical rout to the South-west cor ner ot the North west quarter of the orl.h- , east quarter of See 3r, Township 33, Ksnge 5fl, the.nco in a South-vventerly direction, west of Prarie Dog creek to the Nortb-esft corner of tho South wcsf quarter of the South-west quarter of Sec. S!i, Townships;), Range M, thence South to correction line, thence West on correction line to the North east cornf r of tho North-west quarter of tho North-west quarter of See. t, Township 83, Kunge 5fl. thnce South 1(10 rods, thence West to the North-west corner of the North-west quarter of the Hoe th -east quarter of sec. 5, Township 32, Range 66, thence South to quarter corner between Hoc. 6 and S, ia Township 82, Range ,W, thence til ft South westerly course to intersect with tho Hon roo creek road, has reported in fayor of the establishment thereof, anil all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in tho County Clerk's office on or before noon of the 2nd day of May, A. D. lStBor said road will bo established without refer ence thereto, M.J. ULEWETT, ' County Clerk, 44 60 YEARS' "V, EXPERIENCE iiTi' ' Tradk Mam DcaiON Copyrights Ac. AnwMia uindi. a Hbntrtl and dHHirtptlon ma? niiKiWr uncertain ur opinion frae whathar an InTantlnn la prolialinr iiniBiitaMn. Commiinira. Uonn atrtctlf omiOdeii'lal. Handbook on Patenta sent frao. Ol1et acem-y fmr aeinrlna patenta. t'aionta taken tfirnnirh Munn Co. rawura tpfcM nuHu, without chariia, in the Scientific AGcnca A hanrtaomely ItluntralM weakly. Mwt elr enlallon of anr eclentlim Imirna . Tarwa. W a an four moiitDm II. Bold by all inawadgalara. "iraiiOi 0)U r WaaWinrSf O.S. ARB YOU A WORKliK k In Wood or fletal ? M ao acna lor vaiaiagu vi I Carkhs1 Foot Povcr Macmincrv. Practical, Strong-, PuraMe. W. P. & John Bnrnaa Co., IM RMbySt., Pock lord, llllnola. OPS'-11 m