J 1 j OURNAL Ol2i YOL. IXI. JEIA.ISOjT, IsT33r.SIC7 rX1E3ITJSIDA.ir5 MCIK. 16, 18S9. dnr Motto-'' NO QUESTION IS VEH SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT."--!!'"'. William J. liryau. DTO. 34. . COUNTY 'Eree Hemes For All in Ths ! Ths Sioux County Journal Grandest Climate on Earth. (nsrAr:usiii:i) 1SS8. FuWription Fiice, f 1.00 111" vntiui i c; for him I IK You Want a Town lt In I'alw Springs, falifnniiii! In.i "an Secutp it in Kilt- -Mill uics Work. Kvory person uiniscniNtlii' it.ui ri live t-e..prtiib!c. IllX'lllK' ot " (.'.'litlivni n to "SlfKNHISI.." I'j'l'l Sirili!f-, fill.. (whcrf themin shine X il.iv- hi year? will re. reive a TOWN LOT iioIuti-ly tree. Tin render will no rtoui.t voicl-i' bow ii iwh -! - jj-rran alTonl to trive unny toJ lots. '"I enlighten you, we wili MK-ri-i v state lint tin- owner of a .T section of Intel in met j Mirrouwlliig Pulai fiiriom loi - taVen thi novel method of bno.ii!n t lie town, I.eUcv inif thrit ly '.nter'-it ii j oiler ti:i throiiijliont tin iniiil iv. vii'l ir:i--i.Mily bullion up hi town on tin' i-u npin riilivr ; ayslein.hr will inoi'i' Ih ui doubl f the town lot whl.-li tie i' '""' wlf. ! Is iucill"i ti li iv Hi '' l'.'" " "" lii-1 : Imi'l itleinl ' t"i mkf r.iloi N'nn::i ni' ol J th nrf.iti"-! lu-iiliii ri--.irl In l!n' woi'W.i Tin1 rliiiritli mi ililin i- :i'i'l i-riu -iti ru'iiiil- j lni; Ul iu;i,.i' i lil ''''i. i i 'nl i 1 ivi-'. Thi1 ifilK h im- hi--i pl.M-.-i! v, it i i ;ii' ''!" phinc'' (IU lii-M Hrl'oiK t.i .h : n:,i.t" lh'in m!v In ;! tliii- roii-; Hi it ': n bv ym Hhiiillil ! lll lli nhil In Mli'it llili-llli ul j l0li". J Tin- " I'VMliM " " i!l li- pl' li-1-- to -n-li'l ! Ii-h t-ijiHxr p i'ii pi .!! . k: 1ii!C . I 'i!l ilin-rili- j lion nf 1'iil-n Sirinr. of in !n:'il rt'-iW" j und ?!nrlo-!V rll-.n-ili-. i We vll! ui-io Lf:i' l':!l onrilui- of hl-t wh-it llio OVUOT of liH-'I .ri'io-i Id .!o. '! li- n-. I ii-.ii.-o? tin- i-v-iiim:'' iU i-l-o i lulu ii r 1 1 ! 1 -I- -. rlnl lo:i of l':.l'-i ' ir t.i,-. (mil j jnin-h ot!)i r ll lint inl ii'i:i..I Hill, il- Wi-llu. Iiiiinv inlrri'-tiii'j Hti-i ii'. l hPlii-vir Hi-.t il rich rn-r-nil who our a tol. in i'i-.ln. Sj.i ni'f-i i k.'il p.i-.'.i 'l IhroiiKli IIip colllIIIIM of tin- -t'.voilM." of tin- OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. (.to. P. Canon, - - r.!itor. M-unii i-luHei Mutter. Jlrs. ('(inlull.-i 1'oiroir, of St. S "lm!:isli- (II-, lmrln-l-, v.llrj v.;,s llii':-"il last l'ri- l.iV for tho iniifili-r of lid- luilmtij sntir and oliiyiii) li'rr own (!t-atli v-rvii-", iiml w cMit to tli -rrillowM without, liltl-' fcur or tr'Tiitilim: vs hili; linr pai-mnonr ,-ns !- I ii-'i- .v;h-i., after a pioi-t htormy dehate fi.iiourii';.! iue ilio witiiout txlV u L'. S. h-ii:ttor. lu f-ily to tii'i r'-peaUril Uppulilii aii jssci t;"0 tint t he 1 -ctmx'i-utic p-irty in I'-.t i, vdiiih oiikoown JJii-Uory Ii'inii:r:it rct inl r vc . tlm coridil inns miilMr v. Imrri, Hii'l Ilia tiniB wlien iA-inoi-rucy must itfiul witli fright niicii Hie drop : wiil il.: Ml, which ushered tli.'iu botli into etr- j Wlwa the lion cut,H Kins lil-;in ox, t!m (isliworiii swuliows tiie wh'iltj; When Mia tfrrupiiis kni', woilcn s')cls, Anil '!: harB is out-run hy tin- snuil; 'hrfs1 i'p"its w;i!ks upright hlf imui, Ar.'l uoo.ilt! trtVel IVo-Js; Viii-ii I 'n- yr i sh ipjc fi.ivis on thu lien, AnJ ' Miliars ai-n found on lios; m far-- rf i 1 ,i- i-v t s t'diircs.-iiian, William L. (JrriMi who rt'iircsi'nti-d this hi'.bixth district, died of li ;irt di.-st-a hi- in Omalia last S;t1.iifday at 7 n'l-lo.-k, wliilf on his way to the I'.urliii'rto'.i depot, to take the train IVr his home in Keani' y. In tlio dij:i.th of i.i'i--r ;: sinan (!r-cn, it i devolves upon tins ( Juvnrnor it- is !i--! i rttion.i.i v hoWtf-.ur, under ireftiiiii (r.r- eumst.'inci-s t i nivl -r 11 spi-eiul election in fh dist .-ii t lor lie; el-i-t ion of u ::-1 c-'-ssor l) l!ie lieivn-.'d repre.sent.'itivc j l-'ollawin thu law rc..udiiiL,' tlio oal lin, of n sni'i.ial elt'clion. "At t!. derith of :i represent nt i c of j a slato to eonres me. l iiiko n. n.'s eoiKtiliitiori pr.ivid-s' in s-o'-tion six article, one, ;is foihuvs: '"Wlieii vni-un-j cies happen in the r.-piv-cntution in :iny stale the executive untuurity theseol '. shall isi.- writs of liftion to fiU such l vricnncies.-' j "When a viieam-y occuri-s in the ollii.e. of represeiitnt.ive in coiieives or riieru hers of the e);islal are and the hody Ul which such v.o-ancy 'XwtH will convene prior to thy next -em-ial eiccli m. ti e governor sh i!l order a speei;-. 1 eh cie'ii 1 ,) fill such vacancy at thu earln-sl prnctic.t hle tiiiic, on ten days' noticu of hiu-h election hhail lie j;iVe.i." OUR CLUBBING LIST- The Siovx Cut nty Journal and Jci KSAi- of AomctXTcnE 1 Year, - $1,73 ii ii " " Twick-A-week Wokld-Herald " - 1.70 i .. ' " " 'J'liUU'iJ-A-WFKK-WOKI.D, (X. Y.) " - 1.70 " ' " KlUT.nKXI'iHTWATCIIMN'fD. C.) " - 1.75 ii u " " " CtsnNXATi Welkj.y Enquirer, " - 1-55 Wii' r) Thoiu.is cats sn im iti the air, A of ni-ph-iiiLs roosts upon irees: Wiif.: insects in summer jru rum, And (stiutr never inakess people snee,;; V.'hfo tih i-r'i ovi-f dry land, An I inuies on velocipedes rides: Wiie.n fi.Xes lay vi;s in the .sind, Alii' woiueri in dress take no pride; Vi'Ik-b dutc'omen no lontri r drirk l.er, Anu -irU nit to prwtcliin on time; VVle-ii the hilly ejoat butt from the rear, A ul t.ii is'.m no longer is crime; Wirou the l'i i iii mins h:rd brays like an ass, Ao i hinlx iver smelh; like cologne; Wi-.eii plow shares are made out of lass, Ami hearts of lllmuir-aiis are stmie; vVi-.t o s, ,se jros in it publican head-i, A'j v.'ool on the hydraulic rain; Tin. ii i ho Democratic party will be dead, And this country not wortli a d a. sJIA'K IiltANDS. TiiK Journal will publish your brawl, like the following, for p-T voi'.r. KacM ml- ilitionti! bran.l T5 cciits. JBvery r armor or ru-.icliaien la Sioux aii'l iiiljoiuin? eoimtics suoulil udvi-i-ti-e U.-ir bruiids in TiieJoI'H- NAL us it cirtsulnte all over the .stale. It may lie Uio inouus of suving money Jo you. 4 ltanse v FItANK NUTTO. On left side of oatlle iind on left uliuiil'ler ol Ijoi-hi'k. on Anteiopo cn"ik CHAltLK-J UMi'HKNOl'E- ra Tin. Kr-iinl i-etiri'ii t.t'.d in thin Tiot.ieA ' SlV.i al Ijruiideu any wliere on leftsiuu of horses and 1st? fr t fl uranu ajay wuei-u ou rMSW h'ft tide of cuttle belong to tua aj3um. r,igued. 1'. O., liliiitlinst, Sioux Co., Neb. I-Ct US pro-' taii,h- an '. im fear t us simply try mil ! I IK-' I I u T: to do tlio right.") I. To r-lit anno man who means too lido riu'ht fun he as fearless as the man ill naturally ns.i-t n- l'i bulliiltu' u that ulll rival J.o Vurelet in and nur jihbs II iii other fi-itur--. . Therefore the only eondrt'on of tills jioiiliim Is Unit eie ii j.etvun to whom we ive or,e of lile-C lot- slmil send us i.'.i, in iiHvnient ol one vein's Hnli-.eniir.oii to "si s. M-ISK." T'm pupcr is v.oiili filiy tie-a ant ; V, ,11S jone tiht. Us. Myron V.Q ilskeil, and e.u h and every -nl.-ci ihi r -hall . Q J receive promptly, upon ree 'lit of 10" or lnr j -Uee(l Hiilisi-i-isilion. a wiii i-iinty deed ol a (own lot . I-yi-vfvO-0O In l'llllil SnrlliK". ' alllol nia, i'.'.l taii-s paid j .iin i.i Miivum-. Tie- Or-an tru If fnrtiii-r iuiomii.tion t!eiif. it w HI Ik- j Y,,tu city with a capitalization -0, vlieoflliiy fnrr.Wie I "poll npllfnlioil bv 11 ul j Aiilre.( nil eoniiiiunii-"'!'iM to .r N j , , MIISr;"('., I'.llm sprlliK-i, Uner-I'le Uiuii- y, California. -O0'0-O4CrvS st has formed in 'lja:n!)frlHias l'ouU Kemedy. This reno-ly is intended e"i.-cia!ly for -oiiRiis, colds, enmp. whoopm cou-h or infltieio'.a. It has ln-come famous fur its cures of these diseas-s. over a lar;.'e partof tlr.- uvihi-d wor! I. The rn'ist tUttrin testiuionials hae h n n"eive, ( el. I'iviiiLT accounts uf i's pi-.il works: of i the iiu'trrat-atin- and pes,'..!it, ciu.-h. it has tired: of severe cold- licit have The Utah legislature has adj-iurntd s.n;i ,!m without tltctinj? a senator to succed lion. Frank J. Cannon, whose term cx- ' jii t.l the Hii 01 mis uioiiiii. I Straws usually indicate, which way the 1 wind blows, thus it can h easily wen ithat I'ol. W. J. Hrynn, will itho.iL ! doubt iw t!ie 1 'euiocratu: iiutnineo for lent, ill l'.l'l!'l. has (iomez. the old I'uhaii war-(i-neni i l I ,,f I, i a Yielded pr-oniptlv to its sooiu.u- ell-cl. , oeeu nop. ,- - - i i .. . . I j of coon l.o ili.i i ii inns for what tliev call fllHI Oi to" oanu-i "us ,in - I ' p'' it has cured, often Savuiu' tiie id the child. The extensive ' f. 11 ivhooiiinc eyuiL'li has shov. u licit, it thatflivrasM of all daiip-rour coos- pn-n- . It is ps.eciaily prie l bv r.io.liei ol f. r d.-rilict ion m his duty tjeeauso lie m-trpi,- I ed the r;:,i!hr),000 from the. United States '"N ... w itiiiiiil authority irom ins rounueuu,. loi-lhir i-liildren as it never tails to el- fect a spwd cure, and becuos,.! they have found that, thern is not the least danRer in Kivim; it. even to b-t'. ie-t as il contains nothing in.jo.rous. Sold hy l'r. J. E. l'hinney. Ilui-iiiir.I. iliuary and February, there were no less than -I'! tnr-ts loruied in the l.'nrt-.-il f'l.'ites. with a c-tpi;.i...ttj.in arieatin- ? 1 ,1 ( ii-., iO. f 10 1 ). Tli- trills roiiuiii-' Willi Kiicli rap. d r.-.-r.-s mi two niiii, tl.s. what wiil li." t lo i.: ! -'.i'.t i'-- los.. ! the we.lltn lii'i ul il.lli ' .lav, i.I tlmso I liit'.ri! KUIWf H luc.slis tliilii iJ'J.ootl.h'rt.D'IO or mr than turee tunes I lie circuial in,,' filed, urn of the United States. What a concentration of wealth, and what t-eiitr-.tliAition of power? A profew.r in tin state University of Missouri, litt.o over thr. e liiontbs n'O mad ! tla; start uu;: si ilem-nt that l.dhO men owneu o:U"llll!l l.!,.J W'm-'" of the weslth of tins country. Hut,! what wiil the result lie at thu end of tics' present admini .ti'iilinu, if the format.oi. of trusts, and combines continue to in crease tlurinjr the next two years as they have in the prist two only just nosed. What will the r-t:d be? Ho the people realize what is tak'uitf pi today? The people have sown the wind and they are to reapiiof the whirlwind. The gol den calf, w Inch 1 he people have set up to worship must and shall he broken in pieces, but, it. will he dune by the people under tlio iruidance of Him, who rules the des! mies of nations and the lives of men. The people oulil to study the siffnos of the times and the public: pies tions that they will be called upon to decide in 1000. Filllo-.vins: are a lew o! the trusts re-con-,' lornied, fliowiu that the (rust u. anii is rampant throujrbotit the ood.i try, ni tiiis year of our Lord A. ). Isti.l: C o'jrp-rv t'upitiU Mack. Am. t.-riui i-iiiiipiui.v :r,MM,M ) .i'm'i r I o np.ui.v- i0,iii-,'l''0 " i I r- Cornpriiiy - i,s;i),0im H.-.l.f ( i..i,'i.i:ite. I.iieited 7,n,ic,iiChi "ss '-I i c.-i,..,! h-eic-al l.'onipiuiv 2.-.,lll,'KK) more! Ni-vS. , cuel imh-y t.'oi..o4'iv 30,i.fmo i.'iiiini l'.'i2 Pi.oer i -oinpany 'ji.imti.iinu ( JlAl'.i.KS I'.IKIII.K. On let t s'de or liiu of ru tt.le, ) !r!T5m cm lei t fhoulder oi )ioi-.scs. ) on t!ie head ol vvarbounrt .- r. Vl,.-r -ek 1. . Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. CHUCl ES Uhi'hCvour. iburiaoi), Jcehratika, JEIiKYAHESKr WILL. We have iii cattle brumjed S any where on riidit side wliic-h we expect to put eur own brand, on soon as possible. in ae S. ft'. CAI1KY. e ;i $ (..) nn left shoulder of cattle and 'iJi-rM.. LJwST-.tSSL'-iie'e on Little C. oltonwuoa. I'O.' .,"c ruwtord Nebr. A!A'EUTi:-'C Y0UH STO- K PP. NT F:'?;f1 'J'he brand Ueren'itli represented i trfAg tins iidlicu and brawled any wliei E on riylit side at Cattle belongs to tli undui-sined. JliHUl & IIENUY WILL, Ilurrisou, Nebnukft. CHARLK.S SF.WMAS. 'J'lie, brand rcrpresented in this notice unit branded any where cm left side of cattle, and over-lap eut from tbe Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. uuHge near ast Springs, soutn parL io Kluui county. CIIARLKS NEWM.VV, 7 l'.arris'ju, Nebraska. THE SIOUX COUNTY JOUIiNAL I ""iS f)Tl mm. A mt.m T. A H ,m 1 lW Km M . k If as stabd in Saturday's Omaha, Worl d-Ib-rald that the state supreme c-iuirl' Vitniiiissioners and jm!Kr' of this state have apuropriated ?1S,0U0 of th- 1 peopl. s muiiey iti to their own pocrkets, I a ...i.e., i .,.,,1,1.11 is an an-'el of lk'bt 1" I have been alihcted with rhetimatism eomparnson. The republican papers . , . i i, -ire hii far savinr little about it, neither ftjr fourteen years and nothinjf seemed to! '., so lar oinn . , ' are they making any stiiv denial. ive any relief. I was able to Is-around Th() f.ly.(iftll ,onf,PKH which closed all the time but constantly sulTerin!,'. l! we(.k nj?(, .lst Saturday, 1:1 U. S. Senators ttml 107 Uepres. ntatives were retired to private life. FollowinpareSenators by name and from the dill'drents Allen, Wilson I nllr-J -hoe M.-ieliinery t'oinuny... i.-i.imo.tW C. ai uif.ii Compi'.uy le.flOe.CWi Am. i. ras Company - 2,0.e,i.(.o ).-t Coniii.oiy - a.ixm.mio ' . v.-er Pipe Cainiiany uri,""0,nixi f ,i'ti rii -s ( mar. any 4n,KK),(K)!i " -sik M ii;. i o. of New London.... I2,",e,"0ti " ,'iobaeeol olii)ruiy :!fi.i:-,KI,l)l " C ur & foiiiidry Coiiipany 00,IS0,000 ' Caramel (.omiiiiiiy i.-idfl.W'j " 'lard Uiihlii-r ( ompany 2,:,ii,W " , .imp ( liunney Company TjO.'ma " ot!eiy ( iiirriaiiy 27,iki,W) ' lirel A W iie Couiinuiy iM,W.tl - 'J'-r.-a-t i onia.iv...- V),n0J,iiC) CI u- ,' ja.pnt;" SO.OOO.000 bos f a-.itt CmiipHiiv JO,U0.e) Hri.l- , -en..,-.hi .i..W..i't .ille.Oli.tnrH Hr,...f- tv" AM'n of trnUeil fttatwi 10,imiO,WW Ca,i..-.-ou Pipe -iVust n,CM,,0cJU ( 'livi,'.o Milk Yiusl l1MV,m Kii'w Clay M'Wi-r 1'ipe Trust ai.iKiD.CK Keiitackv DistiiiA Wareiioine Co... 3!,tm,Mi Knit i;ocjis( oaip.uiy yi,iW,lKi0 Kouac l.lutiteil ( iiiupany 7,7C',0Xi Nalioiiul cuiliim Com puny 10,t,nw " KiiumelsumphiK I JompanV- W',""1 " Jllror Mltfi. Assosucioll la.OICI.COII IIU l.l-'vator Com puny Jl.iWXW fHue sates Telephone Company... MCi.iXKUMJ llut'jer Couds Mfirrs. - .'AOMI.MOO Prii t Clotii I'ool r,0,i.!K),0W Sa,Ii Jt Door Cuiiihine.. 2f,0ut).ill0 I'. X C ast iron A Pipe Foundry Co.- :;0,iHl,0ii0 Manioiial Tube l.omp-tny cO.mii.'.iXO INCORPORATED 18S8. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. CAPITAL STOCK PATD IN - - (9 SURPLUS A.N 1) PKUr 1 IS sj-' - S10.000.005 8,000.00 o DIBECTOaS. U. II; i!ia'STrai, rwidtiTvl; -l :; C. K.Cw?EE,-ice President. -C,'IAS. C. Jamksox ' ' ' A. McGinxey, I). II. Giuswold, Cashier. GREENBACKS or Government Money. had tried everything I could hear of and t last was told to try f hamlK-rlain's Fain Balm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and in a short time cured. J am liappy to say that it has not since return ed. Josh. KdKr, Oermantown, t'ul. For sale by lr. J. E, Fhinney. For That He II noil ('eiiiplrvlnn, I'sc DR. BEHR'S MEDICATED S0iPl FOR TOILET AND BATH A W'enilerfiil Miup fur Hip eiire nf hiiinlriilf, bl..,.Ll.An,l. 1M ,,... t',"y.tii-, C liiililirll ii. i-iiriiii., ii-h " "- 1 ...... -"-ii , Hands, I'lror", heri-n, Ib-lilng, ml nil nllii-r , Quay Skin Km ntloiiK. KMMOi.iKsr, sootiiiso, llmi.iMJ, Axn 8EITIC. AT 0KUC0I8T8 OR 15C BY V.AIU PRCPID. Write for Aki-iiIh T- nns, LOUIS ERNST Co., St. Louis, Mo (Jray (lortnau Murphy Smith Itorch Faulkner Mills. Turpio White Mantle f'annoil l'opulist IVniocrutiu a Hep To be retired Neb. Wash, Itel, Md, N. Y X. J., N. 1)., W. Va., Tex. Ind, Cal, Mont, Utah, Fenn. 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 2 4 Toim NlANKt Traoc Manks . f,4 DC8I0N r9trl Copvwight 4c. Anrn wncti tcot'-h nil rtwunnil'in Dir qni.lr MMr1ll Jiir eiilnl-m fisui wliMher iin In.will'.n la prolml-ff nnieuinhli". iimniuiilisi ilonlillTCnllit..i'(l. llnnill-k'.ll I'm.liU ,ml tram. OMwrt jmii.T f..r ...uriinr j nieiii.. l'nml UIimi lliroiirh Miiim A C. rc!iu tpttlml nNM, wiineai. cnnnrn, in in" ScitntlfK flmcrlcan. A hnonilr Ilhtnle1 wm-hit wcpi nr. rnlallon of MT nuiitiM'! jvmriid . 'I rn. 14 f nt ; tint moiitfU, IL Held hy all newlrlerjj. PKHCo"""" New York In speakini? of the Kiuntk: trusts and combines which have bc-en so rapidly formine. since the comiuencenient of president McKinley's administration Senator Uh-iudler of New llamshier says of them and their authors: The influences of su' h nretrntions are not only powerful industrially, hilt omnipotent politically. These enor mous roMHINATIONS CiK CAHTAL fVinlrol tla politics of the count rv nominal) the candidate, then furnish the means to carry the elections, find 1 later direct all legislation, ttite am j natiocal, and dominate the use of all i ! executive power, "Yet I fear that wo shall not jfet such a victory if the party does not promlly take ground in state and national con veutions against the enormous trust and monopolies that are lieinfj formed in over C direction and in conne'dion 'Aitii every I rr-at i'j'hir,t y. f Totai- i.i41,.'illi,a!l!) V.. ). Wiiti rlcc for Mayor. CTIAOKON, Nub,, March VI. ( Speci. al.) IC. 1). Saterlee, well known through out all Nebraska as the proprietor of the At close of our Civil War m 1C65, ! HUine hotel in this city, was nominated there appeared in the London Times for mayor last night in the citizen' cau- the fcillowin'T If that mischievous financial pol icy which lad its origin in the Ncrth American Republic during the late Civil War in that country, should be come indurated down to a f.xttirc, then that government wiil furtiidi its money without cost. It will have all the money that is necessary to t arry it Well on:, after a most ititr stinj,' and excit ing contest, his opponent Is-in Judge C. I'una, Sayers. It was it marked token of th popularity of Mr. Saterlee. Hereto fore a caucus nomination has always le :;n eip-iivalent to an election and there is little doubt of Mr. Katterleo bein i LTiadron's next mayor. Other ollicers ', nominated were: Treasurer, Charles 0. Rockwell; ennineur, rr it-i Ir u ,' -mil I finimiTrf 1. ,0 iw.imml ,.r,., , ,Vm ! Jameson; clerk, A. oivii.e. ,.l.,..,-v.....J V-vv... . , . in the history of civilized nations oi - the ,,d,l Thr- lirain rir.ci wealth of ed.icaiion, A. It. Julian, airs, wary nil eoneiri'euill en inNf.rtii A mrrif.i 1 mithliay ward Uupt. Allen (. Fisher; THAT GOVKRNMRN'T .MUST HE coancilmen, W. S. tiiliam, t uaries lor- m.-urprivi-ii nt.' it Will 1 jT.' , n- .en. William Atrnew. Ihe cations was largely attended and was presided over by lion. A. V. Crites, as chairman ST ROY F.VF.liY MONARCHY ON THIS (3 LOUR. The famous Ilazzard circular, to i and E. W. Julian, secretary raviitalists in New York, and the L'uell li.ui'ic f irciilar to United .States Hank ers, Loth emanating from London, and the fabulous corruption fund raised in England and Germany, estimated at f 1,500,000, were the agents that se cured the closing of our mints against silver. The "walk into my parlor" policy of England, during and since the Spanidi War, is the 1.. lest evidence of English Diplomacy in sli.'.ping the destiny of the United States Govern ment. Notwithstanding the famine price of wheat, the Spanish War, and fabu lous expenditures of money by our government during the past year, gold has increased in value cleen per tent, and all other values decreased in the same proportion. For a thorough understanding of the money question, or silver issue, the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly given evidence of its ability to teach, explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper that ought and ran be read by all classes with pleas ure and profit, WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New Yotk. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Neb. CORRESPONDENTS: INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 55 ? i Vlll raid JMt till, Hl!hM.:v.'-. H. lj-.'.'- -ibjeet VI cx.-r.-iruiX:i. I mins Ic ir.6 yju.- I.- ftEDit fTlc-.-' Vy ti ,'"-'.-."t'r;'. 7, ' , t " . WBt our "a K-iit witri juur or(U;r. - 1 Thin :i 5 tat Bs'tl trw i irj'.u OVrtL-'. 1 j r-j 1 ; , )B EjK'.i trW !.. i p.ry. l e,iV.-"C-w: . -- . lii.'.J I V. . .Hi J ..l.li-.O. 1 ' v . .- . ' 4i.-..3.? -';" 'At"i.-i"t'.;V.ii " t S.lC.i.a !M -V iJiW.j ,'4-;.9c Uil,n..i V . J (. . I - - - 5H1S, O'.'it Jo'ie' of c.i.V'ii r'.-i- . - ' tAt. 1-" ?- .-! ' 1 ; "'"' : 1 , ,,.: , oidonliL-.isw:iii:-wa4t:'. '"-.J lM tl'tT '' I'T" .'WH1IH, wtrf t-,. .1 j.. .1 t,..,s ..,lnoBf !i "'i-i....wl,ii :-.eci,.r .1 e- l:.w- iv.ina ruiAi ... . t ..-. j .... .. - :vi,:.;';-j.U.c; l f" , -i,:',ii. ... :',i ' '' , s - : f.y,i. . ' ,1 riutom, in. 1 :.-.-' i-W-i Mul'letro. 7 1 ;"," '...,',-. i ,.'.,. 1 '. --.-A V A v i 1 Tiumilcn aciUH, as .orn.i;. Y ..- s.;i ' '..'-,' -.'. ,. ', .: ,'..' .'s. vvA! & X " I ,'iin.nioui;...-'w, i-i-wv-i .-i. ' - --,','' -. i-i. r. J p t Juot, iiir ")'nl n cvo-" i -' .. ' '. . ,- . " ': 4 1 jniuAB iHj!., .--.v..'-": ; ..V-",; T- c - jl"an'So'.'rriB'r.!vi-liirs;":. i.. I ,; ' .'.'.'' .. ' . . v C.-inrunltM.Hi:oc-c;.-ri.r-..anrt:i)' k -.'' r- a- 'w -. .,. -.j' . ' , .. , , , . m.r..- ci, ti'i v." t. " ' ' - - .-.--- i ., . , , t fur uttnn r' i".' i. T.'Ki.'rtODanTo- iVmwi L---r---:'ri-W 'l.l icjutd -mohtiiiy Tin- Jln ul-'eNntty ,mc-lnl r.'utilo nnct !T,iui biwrk 'jt Ii-- laai-i'iv iii.d hLirn,n Navl- , 'inn I, nt- a in ilal Llillcra ruin.,, iioiniiiiun uc ,-.enuifs tt.iu rii-iU'u. iii'vnfpil i'ni'..n'lv to frni.apnrl.i'ftiin Jfue in ttrp 'ri: 'ti.ry "I I ' I ilil'it -ul ,i 1 . ' uih I in. Uiki ii iri'.s, In.-ii rli'a. MM lin ruii-rin'il tv Cif iiiiim hi Ui,.''Ui iii' o li ni o i'ia,i,il hi iMlimi liai'-i, end wi-i-i 'ii"l" eli i'lli ini ii u.o c .jniii jit'K-cJ Bliil liliuull Itllic. ,.l,ll.;i 10 all nlli.-r Hi'iilliii'. f un-c nnTir n CI 00 Pr YF..H. 9Q CT Ptn copy. 1 iiii AM- "'I AN b.ML-VAY C.l.lUE C0 . '-... t fir "' l'',u htnrlt, flu : -fi-c c; I--...I. n. ca "vm 'j.s "is ;i6'S oki is-KiauYAv.in; i M 1 W JO UJ)(JBd ulil1Hocl 'till n JoJ n.II -IUWS illt'llAiOI f""..!!!-!"!' nt,...,-.... OAJOII 'AH.XIp joj Hiimrwe.n I V I - 2 J'tO I'arsuii) Complexion. It does not refpuire an expert to detect the sufferer from kidney troub'e. The hollow cheeks, the sunken eyec, the dark pull'y circles under the eyes, the sallow parsnip-colored complexion indicates it. A physician would ask if you had rheumatism a dull pain or ache in the back or over the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate often, or a burning or scalding in passing it: if after passing there is an unsatisfied feeling as if it must he :it once repeated, or if the urine lias a brick dust deposit or strong odor. When these symptoms are present no lime should be lost in removing the cause. Delay may lead to gravle, catarrh of the bladtkr, inflammation, causing stop page and sometimes requiring the draw ing of the urine with instruments, or may run into Bright's Disease, the most dangerous stage of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer'j Swamp-Root, the great dis-overy of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, is a positive remedy for such diseases. Its reputation is world wide and it is so easy to get at any drug :tore that no one need under a-iy length of time for want of it. However, if you prefer to first P'St il wonderful merits, mention Tfie Sioux Countx Journal and write to Dr. Kil mer & Oo., Binghanfton, N. Y. for a sample bottle and book telling all about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. ica rsjl r If you wish one cn enc ii, in .1. mMwrnmnt .r pumuuiis in iiii (, .." vice, this Bureau can adrrne you how to proceed to secure it, and fit you for passing the required CitU Service examination therefor. Kneriry, tact and a common school education are all the requirement! needed. PATENTS, PATENTS. .1- u is- hest facilities oossible for oV UtaVnK patents and copyrights in this and foreign countries. The chief of this dept. has j eiDerience as Chief Riamlncr, Commissioner ot "awntt and Patent Attorney, and ry uc iul in securing broad patents and in the pcosecuUon of all patent Ctigalion belore the count. SCHOOL OF LAW. This Bureau can fit you for admission to tbe Bar and prepare you for actisre practice In two yon, without materially lnterferin with your other du ties. Our Instructors are the able st, our tliornuRh.and our charges reasonable. Thrw coun ts are taught! University, Business and Special Send for particulars, terms, etc. NATIONAL INFORMATION BUREAU. MM New York Ave.. Washington. D. C Hfdun il 1 to ! noomU p.r m-mli. Ho sNTflni, no lnriinnlniL-i, ro Iwd r.4ullf, no nsawocK clrum. Troliiinllitrli-ly Imrml- d slrictlr eon dreli.l. Qusillon Bl.inl llnohlTsa, Csllarwrtls, lilL U. ii. JitJlT,OViMhtrsl,I.Juu,Jl. 1 t f-j.i