The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 09, 1899, Image 8

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And Will Not Be
Don't send away for Dry Goods and
Groceries when yon can buy them as
cheap at the
in Harrison, as you can in Chicago at
the department stores.
GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch
Supply House has just put in a full
line of Gents furnishing goods for
Fall and Winter wear.
He will sell Overcoats and Cloth
ing cheaper than any other store in
Harrison. Zomo and see for yourself.
n I f! I n
a sin . tt enttrt r vr. s
I. d ti 3 S B BtfM 11 "J H I S "
5j b n
on uroeenes
Come and ba convinced-
TntJESDAY. MCH. Bth. 1899.
t(in. 1). Canon, Editor and Prop
F. E. M. V R. it. timetable.
Going West. Uoin fcast.
Bo. S. mixed, 11 SO 1 Ko. . miied 8:M
I North-Western
rf. E. 31. V. R. E. is the best
to aud from the
Prompt attention given to all legai
..matters in Justice, County ami District
..Courts, and before the United Statee
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
CJfLeal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison. - Nebraska.
F. E. k 31. T. K. Ii.
ftpeeil Excursion to Hot Springs, S. D.
Excursion tickets will 1e pold
Tuesdays Febuary 14tli and
28, 1809, at one fair for the
round trip, good returning 30
days from date of pale. Fair
from Harrison, $4.40.
F. Avery, Agt.
Weather judications today are not
.Ao reassuring.
Geo. H. Turcer was a Harrison
visitor Wednesday.
Tuesday and Wednesday were sure
.enough spring days.
Did you hear the meadow-lark sing
Mr Jacob Henry from Montrose
and her father were in town yesterday.
Chris Ruffiny; from the valley pns
ad through lown on his way to Pleasant
Ridge, vesterday presumedly to look tip
! a location for his nnd his brothers cattle.
Perry K r :pntrick, expects to make
a pubic sale about the last of this nioDth
j.nd ell oiX most, if not all of his person
al property before leaving f his new
,fiome in Custer county, this stjin ,
Mrs. Annie leverson, of Houston,
Tex., a sister to Mr. Ilnry Warneka
will move to this county some time this
spring and possibly may move into Ifar
r'nnn to locate. Mr. Warncka will buy
tM) or 10 hea l of cittlrf fur hio nister-ja-Uw
and they will l cared for in the
un time by F. J. Wilt; thua demon-
Umtinff that women are in many way
XWlilM d Otted to carry on business
jtfairt m Um opposiU tet.
uo imuu. cum
& provisions.
riijiscian aud Stire'eoa.
All calls Rim pnm;t atttnlion.
Office in !rug Slore.
There will be mass at the
residence of Anton Moravek,
in Harrison on next Saturday
at ten o'clock. All members
are requested to attend.
The latest guy, do you fence dV box?
If not why not why not?
FOE SALE: -A three fourths Sfrre
Stalliou, four-yearvolil.
J. C. L. Kapiand.
Billy Heklon, was up from h:s An
drews recidence ythttniay and blopped
over niptit.
Tuesday was a Vmsy tiny for our
merchants, iotcof petple from the coun
try were io tow o on business and to do
Mm. "J.ick" RicedorfTij and children
who has been so-jouruirig in Cliadrondur
ing the winter, visiting ivilh her moth
er, returned home Monday.
Our citizens have reason to foel proud
of the fact that we have in our midt an
artist whom Governors employ to paint
pictures to adorn the walls of th"ir mans
ion., G jvernor Kichard of Wyo., has
awarded to M.-s. Stuilh this honor.
Ceo. B. 8''ord, the will known con
tractor of Towantia. N. Y.. savs; "1
have used Chamberlain' Cough lionuily
in my family lor a lon time and have
found it superior to any other." For
sale hy Dr. J. E. Phiimey.
C. H. Grewell, after oo abe-ice of
almost three months from town on ac
count of the severe winter weatlur came
into town on business from his Eist
Springs ranch yesterday. Mr. Grewell
rejorts little or no loss of stock so far as
a result of the Bevere winter.
Mr. Hotly experts to discontinue the
butcher business for the present at least.
and soon as the weather ermits, he in
tends to enlarge and improve his building
ashesag the buih'iig is entirely too
small for his family and run a butcher
shop, all under the same roof. ,
. Mrs, F. M. Smith, of Fiva Points
mother of June Smith of this place, is
the guest of the latter and his wife this
week. She is an artist of reputed fame,
and for contlrmation of our statement
all should call at the confectionary store
and examine her paintings, as she has
some beautiful specimens from her brush
and who does not admire art? Should she
succeed in getting enough pupils to form
a class, she will give lessons in Harrison
for a short due only,
Now us a pair of boxing -gloves have
arrived on the scene in our town, it is ex
pected that the vilhifje of Harrison, will
be able to turn out ome fine scimens
of the Fitjwimrnons order of creation,
about all the boy and men in Harrison,
and vicinity will no doubt be practic ing
the manly art of self-defense, untilt thev
have successfully graduated in that par
ti. Hilar etyla of self-culture. There is no
reas m why Fitzsimmons nod Sharkey, or !
-.i... . . j i . . i , , . i
noma other noted pugilist should not
come to Sioux county and iriyo an exhi
bition of their pugilistic rjuulitle.
Tlie place to Get (.cod
Rw?ain." at all times is at
The following' of wbicli is
nearly always found, at
the above place:
A complete assortment of
Indies and Gents fnrn wh
ine? Coods, Dry Goods, No
tions and Millinery.
A Good line of Men's
Puck Clothing, Hats and
Caps to suit the times.
Ladies and Cents Fine
Foot Wear a specialty; and
Children, Foot Wear care
fully considered.
Ml I tj J. W.
For HcCormic machinery, Barbed Wire
and Salt; in fact
kept in a well regulated store. If you
are in need of a large or small bill come
in and see what we can do for you
, , , ,
DOlOre yOU Send yOUr money OUt Of the
country. Respectfully, ,
J. ii. bartell
NOTICE: There v.ill be NOTICE: --I'miching eve
Lutheran services ".t tliejry other Sabbath at 1 1 :.)
M. E. church Saturday. Mch. ; o'clock a. m., and every S:v!-
lbth, IKKK at 'J o'clock P.
Kev. F. G. Winck..
jTiT Parties wi,-hii:g to
sell or liuy land thould
call on or write 1o the edi
tamer1 siMiii!'r to onv
i.. -it.... ... i . j ,
re or juc:s.v;i
i , , i
i.our. or
or tr "ti 1 i
any kind
f -H
call on il.uizii; I ':.:;
Every indication is, that spring- has
come. Of course we shall have some
had days but then they will t,,jt last
Sin-e M inday morning the weath:r
has moderated so much that the snow has
about ail disappeared.
M:ss Mary Moravek is at the Q irJon
ho-ipital Chadron, uud.-r treatment for
catarrahl i flection.
A numter of our citizens lost younjj I dtpMiera iluriat; thf past week is en our
calvei during this wek, oii) to tl.c a;:sr, and bids fair to entin ly recover.
ext:nie cold weather.
Cxinty Treas inir R-i!ile, has been
Wf i-t in wit!i a vary s-vr attack of
tha O.-ip.-w. (.'hirl.'y svys it is t'le (irt I
tune it has had a, "Grip" on him and he
hopes it nmy le the last time as it is a
most undesirable visitor.
After a week's vacation, fu hool
openwl ann on list Mi'ilir, a. t!i;
diptheria sirare has s ihii l-)d in a measure
yet a ureat m:iny pupils were ahnl
the first two days of th j wek owinjj to
the fact tint the parent of those who
are attending sch o hr an I wIiom
homes are out in the on ft try, took them
home and did not brinj; them back un
til Mon lay.
Charles Coffee, who with his wife
and youngest boy, have spent the winter
in TeJta,' returned to his Sioux county
home on last Sat urly noon. Mrs. Cofl'ee
will remain in C hadron, for some time
to visit with the older children who are
attcmling the academy in that city.
Perry White expects ti buy a well
drilling outfit this spring. His inten
tion now is to pet a steam engine to do
the urillibjr with. There are tdentv of '
well to drill in this country and no ton; and the Groom is ths eldest sort of
doubt but all the well drillers will Mr and Mrs. Dieckman ona of our pione
do well this season. er familb's. The young couple have a
Mr. Julius Burke, who has bean, at ht of friends who wish them a God
worKatHiK Muddy. Wyo., during t!e
past lie vers 1 month', returned to his
home in the valley, on last Friday e ven-
inp. nig ueaiui is ma very Kood, but he
minus alter a rest at home he will be all
Perry Kirkpa trick, expects to leave
for Custer county, this state, in about a
month, whera they will rnak their fu
ture home. We dislike to see Terry po,
yet if lie will go, we wish him success lo
his new home.
A. N. Canon, brother of ye editor.
; arrived from Woonsockst, fi Dak,, Hatur-
day noon last. After a few duvs visit
with the editors family, he will go to
work for Frank Nutti this summer five
mile north of towo in Sowbelly canyon,
The place to Get Good
Harm ins in Inibbers is at
Where a complete line ef
war;a Fells and Kubbers,
Our line of GROCERIES
are fine, as we always aim
to buy Good, Fresd; Goods
such as we knuv would
suit all our Customer?.
We carry a complete line
of FLOUR & FEED; all
Flour guaranteed. Also,
we carry II A III) WARE &
Euildinr Material.
MU I til h
nearly everything
bath evening at the M. E.
J. L. Kk.mali Pastor.
( 3'tir Tim! K( i:iii d ('cm rli-x ton, Lse
A WoiKii riul M.iij fi r i nn- oi' 1 BEilrnT,
i;!aci.-li ii'l IUiiwiinii. Jvrr-.'i;a, !n'i
Jlum'.., I lrrf .luri'., !!( !.!?, Hi;d nYi ctlu-r
' kin Knijitloiif.
;m')-,i . r, h i-)r:iiv"i, IIku.v.' ;, am:-
LOUI3 ERNST Co., St. Louis. Mo.
TIip m-.viijJ child of Mr. Hall, whom
! we nenliorird in otir i ie, an tMin
alflicted with diptl,"ria lias past the ens-
is and is now rapidly r-.i .overinjr under
I 'r, Phiuricy" care.
Latest report from M'. M it Ilali's
sick child, who has been su.TenniC with
We were pleas I to see that W. B.'
Wright is again iCj),t) l.i out, inl
th'iu;;!) his trait is a litt le slow ;iud siialiey
J'et i" s'eadily mi roving
After a week's visit with his Grand
pa and Grandma, Master cil iies'er, re
turned to his home at Cody, Neb., ac
companied cn his way as far as Chad
ron, Ly l is aunt, Mis Claud, a Hester.
II. II. Kus-el of Andrews was in
ILirritfuo Tuns .lay oa bii-tint-s, and while
here did not f'lr-t to ruew his alleg
iance to 1 i: JfitiiN L.
Saia Tehliet has his nesv ice house
which he h'lilt Its, week filial with ic:a
and this coriimin S'iriimcr will be ablo
to s-rve his cu-.tomir with lemomide
and icel Ifn.
MA1;U;KD: At the res! lenceof Judjre
Wilson, Hunlay. March Sth, trj'J, at
lnyh noon, his honor performing tiie cer
emony Mr. John Henry Dieckman of
Jlowen precinct and Miss Vuiimo Archerd
of Warlr-innet preciiut. Aged r-specti ve
ly 20 and 10 years.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. IL U.
Archerd, or. of Siouk county' respited
, ,.,.,1 a ,...,- ,.r t,.i... t.,
sed in their journy through life with
all the blessing of health, wealth,
B,,d prosperity, and the Jotlt.vw. offers
its congratulations among the llrst.
HORS-To Mr. an I Mrs. Perry Kirk
palru k of Uodarc on March .Vb a l).mc.
mfcirl of regulation weight. Mother
and child are doinir well, and with pro
ff attention our (food i.alund fnend
Terry will recover,
HORK-To Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Ibart
enrly last Thursday mernlntr, a loy,
All parties are gettinrf alonif nicely,
and papa Itoj'art. is wearinir (puts an
imitortunt air and Urnndna, of murse is
i pleased, on i ye editor extends i'ongr,tt-
ulaliom to the proud iarnU c th
younjf voura,
i nere
I e?9 a
They handle Suitings for Ladies
& Gents,
Novelty dress goods, Plain dress
I Flannel for all purposes. Also
! cloaks, Capes, Shawls, Carpets, Oil
! Cloths, Matting Shades and Curtains,
j w, an! n,ail.(4narler, for a kiml r Groceries and
! Provisions riour and i-v.ei. .
' llitrht here, before we forget it; we want to call the at
tent ion of the public to our Canadian IVac Maple Syrup,
jtry nana beronvmi.
Read This Notice, Land For Sale, f
ffFOR SALK C'HKAI'z A II mch, 8 miles north nf Harrison. In War
'Kinrjct precin- t, described as follows: S-WJ of Sec. !!:!, Twp. 33, Range 56,:
containinjr 100. Good s'ono house on place; alt under fenc ; uicecreki
J runiiinir through the land; 3 acre garden patch undr cultivation, sul-irriaif
jJL-atcd ami oi her acres tliat can I asi!y irrigated. It is a bargain. ForS
information en piire at the JuUIiN'AL oftbw. 5
a VOM SALT': 100 acres, situateu
yUuth of Harrison, ill .Sioux county.
? 3
FOR 8ALI: 3J0 acres, a", tli-i uioutli .f littU Monroe canyon, in War j"j
Isicnet precinct. fiot, Mory and a half frame house on ranch, 11x2(1,52
f. a cited, latiied and plast-n;d; hw him for 12 horse, (eside other buildinyrsi
i iiirii; 2 m res ui.W cultivation and irrpitlon. m.d much nmro can b-j
ct in "w '""'
sfirerlach nr at l!i
c r'.c- t iii unili place
i JOL'KN'AI. olliee.
SffOIt SAI.i:l;!li.cres,
S side of the S:oi'h place
. . i.... :.,
(tunc is
j'- jiiiriii at this oliice or. of. J. C. I..
Saves Health, Life And Doctor
Til; cat renctrkiiMe Invention for Man,
Milium or elilll, niro without iceillcine,
prevents iliteji,!', yu ran hAe ht huiim lu
your own rixmi, .lnItilrainl, J!ut .spriiii,
TiirkU i, i'.u -'Lin, Me'Ilcutud, l'ry utesiu,
Vapnr Alcohol, Oxygen, l:rfntred, MiQursI
or so :j,iiur llKth;., at H cost of about Se p.-r
U th" pnhllp, instead of fllllnx their
teuH III) po! jii, by tiikiiut ilrus uud nun.
trutiit, wounl ifKt Into v)inr batli cabinet
a j'l sweat out these JHNoas aiul Hrit UA
lure to net, they would hive a nil hi us i:r
miioxth slid healthy as a child's.
The Kconomy Viife.r Until Cabinet U not
only ii lumry fur Hie well, but a couiiorl
and cure lor the eh It. Jt restores mid tir
servei heuith, proionKs lite, b ipih k mid r
tlonal cure, for ttheuiuatUni, Obesity, HIikhI,
Skin and Nervous !ts uie-n uud plivute dU
e.i oi uitlier n.x. The lesl spring remedy
kuov.'it, eipiul to any t-ubliiel made coiling;
Iroin tr, to !IjO, prlee complete 'i,0U with
full direetiDii. j conoiuy VaJKir Jiath cahl
net Co., st, iMiits, Mo.
To Afentu: liun't v. nte time nnnucrln(t
cst.-i) jii'iiuy sdverl!i4-tiH uts. If you wlnh to
Improve your M,nlt!(iu lu lllo write u at
onc e unit we wCiheij) you muke an horior
alile llviiii; In nny part of the I'. H. or t ana
ila. U e u)').rt llioiKaiid, uf houifk.
HhvrUV fiul-.
Kotiee ta hereby ifivoq tlmt by virtue of
itn ordrr of suln lmed by the Clerk of tlie
I!trlet Court of the county of Mian, and
suite wf Nebrs-k i, i;ou a dicren rendered
by salt Court In favor of The Weatcrn
security Company, a corporation, Is plain'
tin, sad Mat hew Hlley, Jmi Itllcy his wife,
slid the unknown hidrs of Joshua linker
deceased, r defend vnts; will on the isth
day of M irca, A. '. at tlm hour uf 2
o'l liK-k p. In., of mI. dav, i t thermit front
door of I lie Court llnns-im lliirrlwin. In said
county, offi.raud sdl the loilimliijt de.crlh.
wl real entste, to wit:
inc noutiieiwt qusrtcr ofKepllon thirty
three, In Township thlrlytbrec, Kiorl t i
Iliuign tlltyfoor, M eat nth Prliu lp I erl.
dlan. In Cl'irif countr, Nebnisku, at pubilo
auction, totho blicheet bidder for caih, tu
satisfy said order of a lie in t e auin of tft
OS, with Intercut at lea percent per annum,
from date of decree and coals aud aotiru.tiK
53I) KlaiirllT tjiuitouaty, Mch.
, thats where every
redes these days.
: nothing they do not
on K'inning Witr creek
13 miles'"
- lr; miw h is fenced und cros-fency' i
lr mfui uiaiion ir.quire of Lj
miles North-wut-t of town niljoi,:inj the wesl'-
.a . a:- . l...
i ii..-,w ji tin i. in KT.iLaw in Kit'
Iiaxland, Harrison, Neb. '
Sotlre Is hereby Rlvea- ,nut hyt Tlrttie of
an order of salefitiie dlreetml, lusu-t by
lh- Clerk of tlie Hi-trlet Court of Monx
eouiitv. Nebraska, lu n action w herein Jlel-i-n
T. uiuplM-ll, Is piuintiir, and Clmriej
Hixtos, and Orvllls n.i'oii, his wife, and W.
J. l!od sre defendants, I will on the II IH
day or March. !'', nt 2 o'rlix'k p in., lit the
cHst front di,r of the Court House, tu Ilarrl. '
ma, Xrhru-.ka, offer for sale at public Tin
due to the hiif!n-t bidder for uiish, the fol
towtuic ilevriued real cst tn to wit;
Tlie souih ent iiuru-rof t'retion :a,Totrn.
ship U3, UttiiRcM, west Oih Principal Uvrldb
mi, in Moux County, Kebrka. to satisfy a
deJTi'eof foreelnsiire entered In tnld cuuan
by our said I ourt at tha rritiilar November,
lsjs term of s ild ( ourt lo wit:
(Hi the Hdh dny of fptninber, A. D. MPS,
wheri'in the ald Helen T. Campbell recover
ed ot the n!d CharleSiUtoii,()rveilaaUn
ami XV, J. lios den, oa tlie rounalrratlun of
our ild Court, tlie sum of fccOC"), with luter
est nt the rule of ten per cent, per annum
and costs and accruing ro.t.
t-herlff, Sioux County, br.ak.
Itoad Notice to Land UwMrrn.
Thet'ommlaklonpr appointed to establish
a road riiiuineiiclnit at eighty rmln eaat of
the houth weal comer of hee.M, Township ,'B.
UanK W, luniiiiiK tbenee Soulh weat on
moat praetlral rout lo the faiutti weat cor
ner ot the North w est quarter or the Jlortb
east (Uurter of Seo 33, Tos nahip ill, Kan
Jfi, thence In a South woaUirljr direction,
weat of i'riirln luiif creek to the North at
corner of the Houtli wiinf quaru-r of the
Houth weat qusrlrr Of K-c. . jownsUlpSl,
Italics bt, thence South to oorre tlon line,
thence ( on rurrsctlou II no to the forth
et corner of the North weal quarter of the
Kortli wed quaruir of hac. 4, TcwnablpU,
ItiuiKK VI. tliiiee 'ouiu ir mda, tbenee West
lo tliu North we. t corner of the Norlli weal
ijuarler of the fo- ih i-init quarter of awe. ft,
Township ;r., IduiKn 1a, thence houth U
qunrW-r eoruor Udwann to-c. t and (, In
1 on.hlp tl. It man Wi. Ibei,c In a Knath.
westerly rourae to hiterarrt with the Moio
ton creek road, lii raport jt In favor of tha
etbllsbinent thereof, and all objections
uiereioor cinlnn for (taiiiaRus muat m flhad
In the County Clerk's oflleat on or taafora
noon or the 2nd day of May, A. D, UMor
ud lotd will be eNtibllshsd without refer,
eii.e lh leio, M.J. M.KWKTT,
c J