The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 09, 1899, Image 6

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CHAPTER XVl.-tContinued.)
She itood motionless for a few moments,
ber face bowed, her hand pressed tightly
to her bosom. When she spoke again her
voice was comparatively calm. "Thank
yon for your alienee," ahe said, in a low
voice, a she put out her hand to him.
"What will you do, Barbara? Shall I
ee tkit man for you? I have no infla
me with him," he added "he dislikes
aoe; but
"You could do no food," ahe interrupted.
I am grateful for the kind thought. 1
amort have time to think. You are not
taring here?"
"Oh. no! I olay to-night at Leeds." As
be took her hands in his and held them
for a moment in farewell, he said earnest
ly, "Barbara, there is one thing I must
ay to you. Do not let this man influence
jou. He is unscrupulous and not to be
trusted; he promised me that he would
keep your secret, which be discovered by
succession of accidents. He saw you
nee at Rose Cottage, and again at Stour
ton, on "
"The day when I passed you by."
"Tou carried my roses that was pleas
ure enough for me, dear," he said, smiling
at her with dim eyes, while her own face
flushed with shame at the thought of tbe
flowers she had let fall beneath the wheels
of her carriage. "He saw you that day,
but could not remember where he had
seen you; he saw you a few days later,
when your sweet compassion brought you
. to my rooms; and he - as certain then of
what be only guessed before. It was he
who sent Miss Courtenay. who was but
tool in his hands, to the castle to see
you. to make you promise to appear at the
theater, where he would have nn oppor
tunity of seeing if the unexpected sight
of me would make you betray yoursell
he wished to make assurance doubly sure.
And then, a few days ago. he came to me,
nd told me that he knew the truth; be
occused me of willfully deceiving Lord
Elsdale, of putting you into the position
you now hold, to share with you some of
Its advantages. In short, Barbara, he ac
cuses me of the unspeakable baseness -of
being bribed by you to let you retain your
position at Klsdale Castle."
"How horrible!"
"Horrihle. indeed!" Mark rejoined. "He
has ur-eil bis knowledge must cruelly and
Ignobly. Do not let hiui gain more iover
over you; and, whatever you decide to do.
say child, remember tnat I am ready to
kelp yon."
The tenderness of his voice, the clasp
at his hands on hers, almost broke dtwn
the composure she bad striven so hard to
sgain. Great tears rose in her eyes and
Kl!ed down her cheeks.
Then, as one in a dream, she passed out
Into tlie corridor of the hotel, leaving him
lone in the dim room.
"Ton are satisfied, Lady DarleyT"
"I am more than satisfied. Mr. Bryant,"
Lady Kose replied warmly. "Every one
ays it was an immense success."
The play v:i over: the brilliant audi
ence who had thronged Lady Hose's bijou
theater were crowding round their hos
tess, congratulating her and her friends
on the unqualified success of the play.
The performance had been a very credita
ble one. and the piece had been put um
the Mage in a manner which left nothing;
te aesire, so that l,niy Kose tasted, or j
sought she tasted, the delights of a Lou-
eon actress who has made a successful
debut; and Mr. Bryant shared in the con- j
graflatious. i
The hall was quite empty the house-1
bolH were all busy, the guests were in the
ballroom and the conservatories. It was
sufficiently isolated from the reception
rooms to insure privacy, especially on
such a night. The light was dim, the fire
hi the open hearth bad sunk low; a faint
at rain of music from the ballroom reach
ed Barbara, softened by distance until
the dreamy waltz tune sounded like a wail
(-pain. The girl shivered as she beard
H It sounded like a farewell, She had
hardly strength to stand up, when Lord
Keith appeared, and she let him wrap
round her the soft white shawl that be
bad brought.
"This is not my shawl," sbe said, as she
aank down upon the settee again.
"Is It not? It was the only one there,"
be answered. "Are you so cold, love?
I hope yon have not taken a chill."
She smiled at him witb dim eyes.
"Oh. no; I shall be quite warm direct
ly! But I have not finished my cross
lamination, Everard. Sit down."
"You are in a questioning mood. Bar
bara." "Bear with me," she said softly. "Just
ne or two more, and 1 have done. Do
yon remember the day we were engaged?"
"Quite well, my dearest. It was a bap
ay day for me."
Bhe murmured a word of thanks, then
continued; hurriedly
"You said that nothing could come be
tween as. Everard. I am foolish to-night;
let me hear you say It again."
"You are nervous and overwrought,
ear," he said. gently. "Still, if it be any
pleasure to you, let me tell you ngaiu and
lain, Barbara, fast noming can come
between us while we love each other.'
As she rented In his arms, ber aching
bead pillowed on his breast, his clasp sup
porting her, a wild wish rose in her break
ing heart. If sbe could die now! If she
Mold only die there!
"I love you." ahe murmured, with pallid,
trembling Hpai "I lore yool Ob. Kver
rd. always believe that I love you"
He soothed ber gently at the trembled
Ira bis anna; he did not understand her;
aw could oot gueaa at the passionate worn
M' weakness which longed to And
Ireagth in tht knowledge of his lovt for
tar; b could aot know of tbe woman's
besrt wkicu h lingered fr one word of ten
afaraeas and coinpasi4 aud reassurance
trim him. Hbe remained for a moment
tmulDj wain him, ber eye hidden, ber
fa f Hag asm with aWrce etreagtb;
i a w J IJ Ws..
By Lottie Bmkam.
then she raised herself slowly, reluctant
ly, and disengaged herself from his arms.
"Shall we go into the ballroom now?"
she asked. "I am longing for a waits
with you, Everard."
"Are you well enough, darling?" he
"Well? Of course I am quite well!
She threw off the fleecy white shawl and
left it on the settee, then turned and took
his arm.
"I am much obliged to the owner of the
shawl," she said, with almost feverish
gayety. "Come. Everard it is my favor
ite 'My Queen' waltz. It would be a
shameful waste of opportunity to wis it!"
"Come, then!"
"No step suits mine so well as yours,"
she murmured, as they glided over the
polished floor among the circling dancers,
many of whom paused to watch them as
they danced; and Barbara, even though
her heart was breaking, danced as lightly
and gracefully as ever.
As the music was dying away Everard
drew her cleverly out of the circle of
dancers; he saw that her eyes were half
closed, her colorless lips parted; be no
ticed that she rested heavily against his
"You are faint, love!" he said, anxious
ly, and, though the falntnesa of death it
self seemed coming over her. sbe roused
herself to smile at him.
"Faint? Oh, no a little exhausted! I
hali not dance again yet. Take uie back
to the oak ball. Everard: I want a breath
of fresher air."
Without any remonstrance he led her
back to the quiet, dimly lighted ball, and
she sank heavily into her old place ou the
"Now go back to the ballroom," sbe
said, with a pretty, imperious gesture.
"You will find me here if you don't be
tray my hiding place."
Half an hour Inter, when be returned
to the oak hall, it was empty; the white
shawl was no longer on the settee, and
Barbara had disappeared.
"1 hone the child has goiie to bed," he
murmured, as he turned, and made bis
way back to the ballroom, noting, as be
passed through the conservatories which
led thither, how dark the night was and
how few stars were shining in the win
try sky.
The dancing went on gayly, the soft,
dreamy waltz music rose and fell; the
brightness died out of eyes which a few
hours before bad vied with diamonds of
purest water, the color waned in fair,
rounded cheeks; and outside in the quiet
shrubbery, in the chill darkness, a dead
face lay upturned to the sky, serene and
still, with a faint smile lingering on its
livid lips; and but one man now shared
Barbara's secret. She was no longer at
Walter Bryant's mercy.
It was late on the morning after the
theatricals wbt-n an uuder-garOeuer in
Lady Hose's employ came upon the silent
figure and upturned marble-like face in
the shubbery; and, startled and terrified,
he rushed to make known his discovery.
In the great dining room Lady Hose's
large party of guests- those of them at
least who had put in an appearance were
discussing their meal in a desultory fash
ion, and talking among themselves of the
events of the previous night. Lady Hose,
herself the brightest and freshest there,
was presidium over the silver urn and hos
pitably intent on her guests' wants.
Breakfast seemed interminable to Bar
bara. Every time the door opened to ad
mit one if the laggards she started and
trembled: more than once a famines
made oil things dim before her eyes; then
were moments when she heard nothing
that passed around ber. when her sense
seemed paralyzed, as if a cold hand grip
ped her heart, numbing her every faculty.
At last the long-protracted meal came
to an end. and the dining mom was de-
Lady Unse mid her guests kmi li
,.,.,., mt n. discussing plans for
ih,. day in a languid manner, as if no one
1; , grvin interest jD w Ii a 1 was to be
They were standing round the great
li!ozitig wood fire in the hall when a scr-
vant come up and addressed Lord Chev-elej-
in a low tone.
"Mr. Howe wishes to speak to your
"Mr. Howe? What does he want? I
am engaged," Lord Chevcley said, sharp
lyhe was standing with Bnrbara before
nn old Indian cabinet, showing her some
of the quaint Indian idols it contained.
"Mr. Howe desired me to tell your lord
ship that it was most imirtant," the
man persisted. "He entreats your lord
ship to lose no time."
"What can it be? I'll come, Parker.
Excuse me for five minutes, Miss Hat
ton." He hurried off. Barbara stood motion
less by the cabinet, her bead bent over
one of tbe grotesque little figure she
held. The gay chatter round the lire went
on; little incidents of the previous night
were being recounted, the comedy be
ing discussed, tbe arrangement of the
lighting of the bijon stage criticised: sil
very peals of laughter echoed through the
hall, mingling with deeper tones; then
suddenly tbe name was soken which
Barbara had been waiting for all the long
breakfast time.
Barbara put down a little idol and join
ed the group near the fire. Lady Rose
slipped her hand through the girl's arm.
In the agony of suspense and terror Bar
bara was enduring the human contact
was very grateful to her.
"I wonder if a drive or a walk would
be the best 'pick-me-up, " Lady Rose
aid, yawning a little, "We all seem
rather in need of one this morning. Don't
you thing it would be a very good plan
to Cbeveley, what is the matter?"
She broke off suddenly, uttering the
question in an affrighted tone, as her
brother came Into the ball, looking very
much disturbed and pale.
"Nothing particular, hp answered, try
ing to speak carelessly. "Keith, Horton,
will you come out witb uie for a few mo
ments? Rose, will you take your friends
into the drawing room?
"What it It?" Udy Rose asked again,
beginning to tremble the bright little
lady ws too used to sunshine not to shud
der at the shade.
"You shall hear presently, dear," ber
brother replied, soothingly, at two or three
of the M'ntMiien withdrew front tbe cir
cle i'):i.:.l the fire. "Ye, something bat
b.T )'d. You shall brar alt presently,
a'oa eau lo aoiJuita aw."
Half an honr passed. The startled and
wondering women, gathered in the draw
ing room, waited in expectation, in fear
of they knew not what. Iady Hose, agi
tated and feverish, paced UP down
the room, or sat beside Barbara, holding
the girl's hand, as if the pressure gave
her comfort. Barbara herself, prepared
for the worst and nerved to bear it, was
the calmest of all there; but. while the
others spoke in low, frightened tones, she
alone, beyond a soothing word or two to
Lady Rose, said nothing.
Meanwhile Lord Cbeveley and hi
friends had hurried to tbe shrubbery, and
stood with awed looks gazing on the mo
tionless form lying there, on the upturned
dead face which bad Wn so handsome
in life, which was so handsome in death
Walter Bryant's face.
He hod beeu dead many hours; said the
doctor who had been hastily summoned
from Arlington: death had been instanta
neous aud painless; the only wound was a
small one by the side of the temple, where
a small quantity of blood had coagulated.
There was no trace of any struggle; the
grass was uutruddeu, the dead mans at
tire was in perfect order. He wore hi
evening dress, and the flower a sprig of
slepbanotis in the buttonhole wss there
still, faded ami dead. The eyes were balf
closed; a faint smile bovered about his
So terrible an event necessarily led to
the breaking up of the party; and before
dusk the old house was almost deserted,
save by a few of Lord Cheveley's bach
elor friends. Captain Adams among tbe
Lady Hose was completely prostrated;
he had fainted upon Barbara's shoulder,
and had Iweo carried to her own apart
ments, whither Barbara had followed her,
herself pale as death, but quite composed
aud able to give I.aily Hose the assistance
she so greatly needed.
Early In the afternoon snow began to
fall, aud then daylight faded. When
Barbara left Idy Hose's room at four
o'clock, the darkness without was as
uight. and for two hours the lamps lmd
been burning in "my lady's corridor.' For
almost as long a time Lord Keith bad
been waiting there for his fiancee; Btid
now. as she came slowly toward him, be
rose from his chair ami went forward with
both hands outstretched. The girl put
hers into them in silence.
"At last!" he exclaimed, in a glad tone
of relief. "1 thought I was not going to
sec you again. My darling" his voice ex
pressing extreme concern and solicit tide
"how ill you look! This has been terrible
for you. I wish I had taken yon away.
You look worn out."
He put his arm round her fondly, hold
ing ber close to him for a moment; then
he led ber toward one of the cushioned
seats in the window. But she drew back.
"Nirt there!" she suid, trembling in ev
ery limb. "Not there, Everard!"
A look of surprise passed over his face.
"As yon will, my darling," he fcaid,
gently. "Shall we go down to the morn
ing room? There is no one there. Bar
bara, how you tremble, my poor child!"
"Don't." she murmured, shrinking a lit
tle "d"n's. Everard. or you will make me
cry. and I dare uot "
The morning room, a large, low-ceiled
room, hung in faded green brocade aud
with an old-world gran' of its own, was
I bright with fiiT and candle light as Ixrd
Keith put Barbara into a chair near the
tire and rang for sonic tea.
"You are cold aud weary, dear." he said.
"We have neglected yon. I fciir."
Barbara smiled faintly, but said noth
ing; and there was silence until the lea
was brought in.
The slight refreshment revived her a
little: she raised herself from the cushions
and assumed a more upright attitude.
j When Lord Keith approached her with
a second cup of tea, sbe thanked him, put
the cup on a tabic by her side, and looked
up at him with a faint smile.
"Everard," she said, toying with tbe
great diamond ring on her finger.
"Yes, my darling."
"Has anything lieen " The words
died away on ber lips; but he understood
how she would have finished her sen
tence. "Nothing ha been discovered, loTe,"
he replied. "Tbe whole affair is wrapped
in mystery."
"He was -quite dead?"
"Quite dead. dear. Talbot says thai
death was instantaneous and painless."
"And aud self-inflicted?" she queried
Lord Keith's grave face grew yet more
"No." he answered. "We all thought
so at first, unlikely though it seemed that
s man so strong and well and apparently
so free from care should attempt his owu
life; but that theory soon evaporated."
"There was no weapon found near him.
dea r."
"Ah. And it "
"It was quite Impossible that he could
have cat it away from hi 111 even to a
distance of a few feet, for, as I told you,
death was instantaneous."
"And be was lying in the little clearing
in the shrubbery?"
"Yi-s. Who told you that, darling? I
thought you had seen no one."
"I suppose I heard It somewhere," the
girl stammered, pushing tbe hair from her
forehead witb an unsteady hand. "Where
is he'"
"He was carried to the nearest garden
er's lodge; the doctors are making their
examination there. The coroner has been
communicated with. What is it, Barbara?
Are you faint?"
"No oh, no! But it is so borribler
She bad balf risen from her chair, then
sank heavily down again, her eyea dark
with horror. "Where will It take placa?"
the asked, after a moment.
"What, my darling?"
"The the inquest,"
"Where will it be held, do you mean?
Here, I should think."
Barbara started, and ber great wild
eyes went swiftly round the room.
"Not here, love, of course. At tbe ball,
I mean not in thla room.
"What la tbe inquest for?" she aaked,
after a few momenta' alienee. "Is it nec
"Most necessary, Barbara. It la an In
quiry Into the manner In which tbe de
ceased came by hi) death. It It absolute
ly necessary to And oat, or to Innocent
person might tuner for a gulKy one."
Her lipa parted, but bo words ram;
took up the cup of tea a ear her and drank
of it eagerly, aa If ber throat wvra toy
and parr bed. vi
"It aay one at pec ted f the tabed mut,
as be put tbe cup aaide.
"My dear child, ne. met yet Tbera la
absolutely no dew to aay th lag, a ad tm
one here knows earthing aboat tbe ua
JaaHat aaaa'a Mmtsteasa. He ata
have sonieleadly enemy whom It wul be
diHicult to discover. The gardeners are
fuii of importance because one of their
number made the awful discovery: the
ttabk-meu are dazed. At for old Web
ster, Bab, he seema to be out of hit mind."
"Webster? My groom?" the girl tata,
witb a sudden start.
"Yes. You ought to have a younger
man to go out witb you. dear. The old
fellow is crazed, and goes about mutter
ing In tbe strangwt manner, saying that
he has seen a ghost and that the dead
have come back."
"Webster is an old and valued servant,''
Barbara urged in bis behalf. "My uncle
has every confidence in him."
uLJiave not sufficient confidence in him
to confide my most precious treasure to
his csre, darling."
"Does he say whom he saw?" she aak
ed, after t moment's pause.
"Yes," he replied reluctantly "poor
Newell Hatton. He was hia favorite
groom, you know, and most devoted to
"And be thinks he appeared to him laat
night r
"Yes. Yoo will agree with me, my dtrl
ing. that the beer in tbe servants' hall
was potent. And, after he had conjured
up poor Newell, be might eaeily imagine
be had seen a white figure."
Bnrbara shivered.
"You are cold and tired, darling," he
said, looking at her anxiously, as the
sunk backward against the cushions. "I
think, if you feel equal to it. the sooner
you leave here the better. Sinclair and
the servants shall go with you. I with I
could accompany you, dear; but I do not
like to leave Cbeveley to-night. The de
tectivesforgive me. Barbara; I ought
to have reinemlered that you were not
equal to any further excitement or wor
ry." ''The detectives are here?"
"Yes. dear. It was necessary, of course.
My darling, bow pale you are! I only
boe this horrible business will not make
7011 ill."
."You ueed not fear," the responded
slowly, as be rose from the armchair
and stood for a moment by tbe tire, lean
ing against him, and looking up into bit
face with a long, sad look which had in
it all the anguish of an eternal farewell.
(To be continued.)
An Old Senator Tells of Ilia Newspa
per Kxperience.
A new member of tbe Senatewng
fotiiplaltilns to au old member of some
of the dlfllcultlcs lie was encountering.
"For one thing," b said, "these news
p.iper fellows dou't alway get things
straight. I don't mean to accuse thom
of carelessness or of miKropreseutation,
but now and then some remarkable
stories tire priuted about me at home."
"You'll get used to that," replied the
veteran. "That won't hurt. That'
part of your apprcntlc-wlil)). I've been
all along there. Iyt me tt-11 yon of a
little experience of mine. Soou after
I first came here I plcketl tip a paper
fioiu my Stnte and saw It ttssertwl In a
letter from Washington my col
league mid ntynelf bud met and ar
ranged a slate, and that all the patron
age for the State vmld Ik distributed
according to that arrangement.
"There was no warrant for tbe state
ment and 1 made inquiries for the cor
respondent, lie came to see uie and
proved (0 lie ii bright anil most agree
able young man. I asked him for bis
authority, and be pleasantly refused to
give It, but said that be bad every faith
In his Informant. To that I replied that
all 1 would ask. then, would be the
privilege of di'nylng the story of put
ting my statement against the other.
He sabl that wan only fair and that be
would attend to the matter.
'When the correction appeared It
read something like this: "Your cor
respondent's story about tbe deal be
weeti Senator : and bis colleague.
by which the patronage of the State
Is to le divided between them, has
raised quite a stir here. There la no
question as to Its absolute truth. But
Senator , who evidently has been
rattled by the publication, now solemn
ly assures your correspondent that he
hud nothing whatever to do with the
deal.' After that 1 went hIow on cor
rections." Bangor Whig and Courier.
Puerto Itlcan Maideaa.
Sentimental village maids fell deeply
In love witb the Yankee Cbls when sol
diers first arrived In Puerto Uleo. Girl
mature early on that Island, and often
at lo and 11 are adult women. They
made love In Spanish ttyle to the In
vaders, and in many cases, annoyed the,, tf tliAfp nrtmfrnllnn with fhelr
pertinacity. Making love consists In!
smiling upon the object of adoratloD;
through the shutters of a casement of
between the Iron grills of a veranda,
or else in writing fiery letters of affec
tion from early dawn to dewy eve. Ont
young man captured tbe fancy of a
belle, and to his surprise became tha
recipient of a deluge of love lettera,
which were thrown at him from ovel
the wall of a garden or pushed through
a hole In the wooden gate. They ar
rived hourly, half hourly and ometlmot
every 10 minutes. After be had re
ceived 200 he became fired and aaked
hla chief to chnuge his post!
lightest ot All liquids.
Additional experiments by ITofesaoi
ftswar have shown that lliiuid hydro
gen Is by far tbe lightest of all knows
liquids. Its density Is one-fourteentb
that of water, and, curiously enough,
this happens to be the tame ratio of
deuslty that hydrogen In tbe gaaeout
state bears to air. Heretofore tbe light
est liquid known has been liquefied
marsh gas, whlcb possesses about two
fifths tbe dentlty of water.
Bacteria multiply vetj rapidly, and
tbey do It In a very curious way. A
Ingle on breaka Itawlf In two, tbea
each balf growl nodi It baconta at
large aa the original
Workers la Col MIbm.
Over LOuO,000 men work la ta
Bines of tbe world.
Probably Boat ptflpla think yvJ an
foulwb rblak tbe at
MOST of the educated women
now obliged to earn their own
living can look back upon a
girlhood of freedom and pleasure, from
which tbey were suddenly hurried, by
stress of circumstances,. Into tbe field
of labor, where the workers are al
ways many and tbe prlaea few, says
the Philadelphia Time. Desperate
often with tbe monotony of dally work,
many young women take haaty refuge
in that before-mentioned employment
of wife, lacking tbe moat needful quali
ficationLove. Tbe ntajorrty tuffer
tbelr heartbreak with a deathly still
ness, Hlmulattng an Interest In tbe work
that they are far from feeling.
Against feminine employment of a
kind there can be no prejudice, for
there Is much that women, and -women
only, can do successfully; but It It the
Incessant employment all day, and
from week end to week end that tella
to severely upon woman's health ami
brightness, ofttlmes upon her womanli
ness, leaving her nothing but the nerv
ous, ever-prent dread of loss of em
ployment and tbe certainty of an oltl
age of poverty and loneliness? For not
the least unhappy factor In thla daily
employment of women Is that they
hare no time to make and cement the
friendships that might comfort and
support them In their old age.
Seeing how contracted still Is t! C field
of feminine labor and how many are
urgently needing employment therein,
one cannot speak too strongly In dis
approval of women who engage In the
competition for vacant positions pre
pared to take a smaller remuneration
than tbe market value of the work they
can do beeaase distraction, and not
mom;y, Is their object, and they know
full we'll tbey can throw the employ
ment aside us soon as It fatigues them
and return with zest to the pleasures
and comforts of home. These dainty
dilettante in the world of work are, In
plain words, robbing tbelr poorer uls
ters in a iiuttrt culpable and unwoman
ly manner. For the comjet!tloti, lielng
already so great, no honorable woman
should accept a position for which re
muneration Is given unless she Is ab
solutely obliged to work to support her
self or some tnemlers of her family.
Decorative Hit of Furniture.
The poKslbllillrs of window decora
tion In the hands of an Ingenious wo
man are simply eml!os, and the house
keeper who Is so fortunate as to have
a widi! recessed window, may make a
most nrlitic as well as useful nook of
it,. The (service of a canx't'ter are, ot
course, necessary, but after be has fit
ted tbe boards in place, rnUndy's own
fair fingers may complete the decora
tions. Have four boards, one Inch thick,
fitted Into tbe rei-ess and nailed secure
ly In place. The top board must be on
a level with the window sill, or, better
still, cover It; the fourth board Is
screwed tw tlie floor, and the other two
placed equal distances apart. If de
sired,' two coin mod kua drawers may
fill part of the two lower compart
ments, but this Increases expense ma
terially, without adding much to the
beauty of the pretty book shelves.
Screw a braaa rod to the second shelf
nd fasten to It witb rings some cur
tains In china silk or chintz, using the
pace so covered for old magazine,
pamphlets, etc., whllo that above may
be used for books, and the top shelf
for bowls of flowers, ferneries or grow
ing plants.
The curtains serosa the casement
should match those of the bookshelves,
and the woodwork of tht whole should
he die name, either Ivory wlilte or
rtained oak, ttnlned to match the other
fitting of the room. Odd blta of cblna
w silver look well on tbe lower shelves.
Car of the Hair.
Cot a third of an Inch off your hair
when the moon Is new, and do the tame
the next month when the moon Is full
Bvcry night give It a good brushing,
being careful not to scratch tbe tea I p.
Use tbe brush while dressing tbe hair
when possible In place of the comb.
Wash hair every six wcekt, using
warm water and any mild toilet soap;
rinse flrat with warm water with a lit
tle borax, and then uae clear, cold wa
icr. Dry thoroughly, if the balr falla
uit and la very dry, rub a Utile oil on
ilia scalp. .
When to Punish Children,
Don't punish your llttla ones before
others. It ttirt np all the temper tber
ia In their little bodies. Not only that,
but If tbey are old enough to realise
oioch, It lessens their respect for y0Ui
and tbelr owa aelf respect receives a
bail blow. I aav wuh nntu
attUM witb tba child, and If alter 'a
kind and loving talk you fee) that It moat
be punished, do It I have oeen cbMitjra
so ashamed at being reproved or fwav
tehed before people that it baa mad
my heart ache for tbeno. Perbape this
would be what some would Ilka, aav!
think It better for tbem to be ao 1
ed. I do not. Besides, If a child
wrong things before our guest, or l
own companions, it hurts ua very mneb,
but if we punish a child before tbem
will the latter not be Tery much 4b
turbed ? And It will hurt them by mak
ing them feel uncomfortable and oot of
place. So It makes It bad all around.
Orange Judd Farmer.
Keeps the Placket Closed.
No skirt Is complete at tbe pressor!
moment without the back has some d
Tlce to keep the placket perfectly
closed. This Is necessitated by Its per
fect fitting sheath shape. Many anat
it t
varied are the forms these arrange
ments have taken, the no usual being
a row of tiny buttons on both sides,
laced or IooihhI aero!", our illustra
tion shows the genera effect of these
various devices, and a new Men that
recommends Itself, because, while
being very ornamental, It Is utilitarian
as well. It can be easily adjusted to any
skirt. They come In set of a half
dozen pairs aud are easily sewed on.
Marrlaaeable llauffbters.
Fathers and mothers need not be
IhihIkukI hunters, but tbey should I
genial, hospitable hosts to such young
women and men as tbey dHtn fit eom
IKiulotis for tbeir daughters. It is thftlr
duty to enter heartily and cheerfully
Into the lives uf their girls at this tn
of their career as well as any other.
Many a young woman has ! n de
prlved of social life InH-atise of Hie in
difference or ih-u inhospiiallty of ber
pareuls 10 her friends. The faUier
who selfishly seeks hU own comfort
and etijoymeiit, burying himself In a
iHKk or paper when bis daughter's
friends are in bin parlor, creating an
atmosphere of restraint and 'iiisoeia.
blllt.y. Is, perhaps, dooming his girls
to a lonely, unhappy life. Th mother
who Is sctuit of courtesy and friendli
ness to these guests Is doing her daugh
ters a greater and more lasting wrong
than neglect of some of tbelr personal
wants in their Hirllor year would have
Nor does tbelr duty end in a willing'
iiess lo receive and entertain In a cor
dial way the young people congenial to
their girls; If It le. that there are not
young men and women in their neigh
borhood with whom their daughters
can associate. It Is thelrylxiunden duty
to remove thence to a cvunlty fur
nishing tbe necessary ep Vfor an
adequate Hocial llfe Vnovo
for much less linP"Cy- Ahey
seldom move for tjpfe iuipy lone.
A woman's stationery should speak
of herself, and should be as much Iden
tified with ber personality as possible.
A sachet of violet powder, or orris,
placed In your letter box, gives a subtle
odor to the ptiper, whleh-some women
love to affect,' but It Is far better and
safer to avoid all perfumes In your sta
tionery, as sometimes one Is tempti-d to
go too far. Men have been seen to
throw down a note or letter In disgust
when detecting the slightest perfume
alout It. I'nder no consideration should
a man ever use perfumd in bis station
ery. Scents of all kinds should be
shunned by men, either In their paper
or about tbeir persons. San Francisco
Ahont Introductions.
Suerfluon Introductions were, once
-ind not so long ago, elther-an al
most universal nuisance In thla coun
try. Tlie woman who persists In tha
farce of "making people acquainted"
In tlie twinkling of an eye, under any
awl all clrcumataneea, trill to be
found, but she la happily becoming
more and more rare. The confirmed
Introducer Is a bore, and should t
ruthlessly discouraged; but, until men
tni teleithy shall have become a mors
widespread accomplishment fhan It !t
now, the old fashioned Introduction
ought nrd to le permitted to lapse Into
utter disuse.
I'onieattr to Get a Fortune
Susannah Humble, a St, Louis do
mestic, will receive a fortune of
0i. left by her grandfather In Scot
land, The search for
the mlaliig heiress
hat extended over
twelve months. The
fortune was left 10
Susannah and her
sister, Mary, who
came from Scotland
six year ago, with
tbelr parents, and set
uiAssasj Hex- tied In Qulncy. Ill
lb. tuaannab going e
Bt. Lotiia four yean af- 8ne ,1' ,b
flrat thing ahe will do with ber money
will be to buy a atee born tut ur