The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 09, 1899, Image 5

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He WMt walk, be cannot apeak,
Mocaaag B knows of booka or men;
Be to the weakest of the weak.
Ami kaa not strength to bolj a pen.
He baa mo pocket and no purse.
Mar erer yet baa owned a penny;
Be has more riches than his nurse,
Because be wants not any.
He mles his parents by a cry,
Aad bolda thein captive by a smile
A sVapot strong through infancy,
. A kins through lack of guile.
He Hem upon his bnck and crows.
Or tonka with grave eyes on his mother.
Wkwt can be mean? But I suppose
They understand each other.
Indoors or out, early or late,
Thore is no limit to bis sway,
For, wrapped in baby clothes of state,
He governs night and day.
K bases be takes as rightful due,
And Turk -tike has his slaves to dress
H7 subjects bend before him, too
i'wa one of tbein. God bless biral
MRS. LORDIN uttered a faint,
frightened cry as a dripping
little figure came Into her pres
ence that summer afternoon ami put up
both hands, saying: "I'sc been lu ze
river, mamma."
Hhe folded the hoy to her In an etu
ffracc that soiled her immaculate liodlee
and dampened the frizen on her fore
tiead. 'Wet -eyed and alarmed fihe asked
for an explanation. Regtc gave It lu
hi childish treble.
"So It was (Jen. Dartmouth saved
you, my child?" half sobbed the
haughty beauty, forgetting everything
lu her. ecstasy of joy over the return of
tier boy, her very all, from the swift
waters of ttw river.
He had fallen In while at play, and
the angry current was whirling lilm
onward to the rapids below. (Jen.
I (art mouth, austere and stately, was
taking bis usual afternoon promenade
w hen the accident occurred.
Although the child's screams brought
many people to the scene none ven
tured to risk life save the General. He
uprang at once Into the river and
snatched tne itoy rrotu ileum at great
risk to himself.
He treated the affair very coolly, and
himself carried Uegglc to the door of
his own home, and bade him go at once
to his mother. Then the dark faced
man with military liearlng went to his
iuKel and exchanged his wet garments
for dry ones.
Mr. Lord In was one of the group of
vfry pretty women at the Riverside
Ifeaort She had been a guest at Wil
luw cottage a month when her Isiy met
with his mishap. She had noticed (Jen.
Dartmouth for the first time a week
earlier. He had passed her once, lift
ing his hat with cool decorum. A hot
fire bad leaped Into Millls Lordln's
checks, and her heart gave a sharp
bound; then the blood receded, leaving
her very pale.
"How dared be Intrude here?" she
thought" "I knew he was at Oakland
earlier In the season, and sought this
soHoded nook, hoping to avoid the
tdgat of bis hateful countenance."
To-day, with little - Reggie folded
against her wildly beating beart. Millls
Lord in realised bow much she owed to
tbe General. She sat swaying back
and forth, the tears coursing down her
cheeks. The thought of what might
have been had be not been at hand
when the cruel waters closed over the
blonder of Reggie quite unnerved
the v- Vtho world.
HJ I 'd liersilf up at length
aiteww r" ui nurf- maid
ent elyvn a card; It bore the name
of cXrL'e Dartmouth.
"It la well," she said, "1 will sec him
and have It over as soon as possible.
How I hate that man! Why has fate
lieeo so unkind as to permit him to do
me a service?"
She entered the drawing-room, never
looking more lieauLlfuI, not even In the
hour when she stood at the nltnr of the
old Routh church, a bride of 18, seven
years before. Her visitor turned from
urveylng a picture oil the wall as she
entered. Her visitor was very pale.
Htae grew rigid the moment their eyes
met She noticed a great change In
him since the hour of their parting,
now some years In the past. There whs
a whitening of the abundant hair nt the
temples, o thinning of the cheeks, nud
a slightly perceptible stoop of the stal
wart frame. He was only five and for
ty. It seemed to her that he hud aged
with uniK-cessary rapidity.
"I railed to imiulre after the lioy, Mll
lla," said he. without offering his hand.
Iloahtleas he wished to save himself
from rebufT.
"He met with no harm. How can I
tbuflk you enough, Gen. Dartmouth?"
cried M tills, forgetting herself for the
moment, and extending both hands to
ward her visitor. Theu she suddenly
bethought herself, nnd withdrew her
bands as swiftly as she had advanced
them. His clear gaze milled her, and
he looked aside, dumb and confused.
"I assure you, Mrs. Lordiu, I am
f amdy repaid for the little incon
venience the affair caused mo by learn
ing of tbe boy's escape from Injury,"
Hid the Oeneral, his gaze lingering on
tbe fair face of the woman haughtily.
An awkward alleiico followed. Thu
drawing room contained no other occu
pant aave these two. Had they been
friendly tbe hour nud place was every
way calculated for a delightful tete a
tHe." "I wish 1 might repay you In some
way. General. Iteggle Is my all: had
the fates been unkind and iermltted
Mm to drown I aliotild have leen In
"I that all you have to My to me.
toe bowed coldly, lie regarded that
pott, haughty fact; one moment, and a
great agony rushed over bia aouL lie .
trembled throughout bia atalwart !
rrame; one moment thua, then be
walked to the door; on tbe threshold be
paused unintentionally.
"I got away from nurse and come to
see you, Cen'ral," cried a shrill, child
ish voh-e. Two small hands clutched
the wrists of Dartmouth, and tried to
draw him back Into the room. "See,
mamma's crylu'; won't you say soiuo
fln to her, please?"
The General, taken by surprise, faced
about and caught sight of Mrs. Lordin
with her handkerchief to her eyes. The
sight seemed to move him strangely.
He suffered Reggie to draw hliu across
the cariM-t toward bis mother.
"Mamma, don't cry; the Gen'ral
wants to speak to you. Tell her not to
cry, . Gen'ral. Her lieggle ain't
drowned. Tell mamma how you did It,
please, Mr. Gen'ral."
The child's voice had a pleading ring,
and Its very sound seemed to effect tbe
soldier deeply. He suddenly lifted the
boy In his arms and pressed him close
ly to blm, Imprinting a kiss on the
smooth, soft cheek.
And Iteggle flung both arms about
tbe General's neck and kissed him In
turn, seeming pleased at the friendli
ness of the man whose uame was In
everybody's mouth, since he had re
cently received his party's nomination
to Congress.
"Iteggle," cried his mother, "go back
to nurse at once, you naughty boy!"
The "naughty boy" looked appealing
ly at bis champion. The General stood
Irresolute, regarding him with a long
ing expression.
"He is our boy, Millls," he said, and
then started and trembled at the sound
of his own voice.
He seemed to realize that he had ven
tured on dangerous ground, and in this
ho was not mistaken. She turned upon
hint with the menace of an aroused
"Not yours, but mine, George Dart
mouth!" cried she, hotly, caressing the
blonde curls that lay clustered like
spua gold against her skirts. "Think
you I would permit him to bear your
name after the act of his father made
blm an orphan. In part, at least? From
that hour, three years ago, he has been
Lordiu, and the name of Dartmouth
has not liecn mentioned to him. He
knows you not; his father died years
ago, aud this boy will never know him
as he really was. Go now, licfore "
A stern, almost angry look appeared
on the face of the listening man while
the woman (allied. Ho felt a keen
sense of wrong now. and resolved not
to penult her words to pass unchal
lenged. "Madame," said lie, "I would have
quitted your presence before now but
for this boy, I repeat It, our 1mv. You
had no right to take from lilrn the name
of his father. It Is ai honorable olie.
No act of mine has ever tarnished it."
"Think a moment," coolly Interrupt
ed the beautiful woman.
"What do you mean?"
"Do honorable men desert their wives
nnd children? Was It a mark of manli
ness to fly from home, from wife and
boy In the hour of tinanclnl calamity?"
"But you had means, Millls; and I
knew that you would not lc happy with
me after my fortune was gone."
"Ah! You knew this?"
"Yes. I was an austere man of 40
while you were young and vivacious.
I was blind enough to think you loved
me. 1 did not know till It was too late
that It was my standing and wenlth
j ou craved. You filled n high niche In
the social world and was satisfied. M.v
heart hungered for love, It was satisfied
until the truth dawned one fatal day."
"The truth?"
She seemed to have lost her resent
ment, and was Interested in what he
was saying. Iteggle cowered In his
mother's kklrts aud listened, wonder
Ingly, to the conversation he did not
"That It was for money and social
position you married your father' nild-dle-nged
"You say yon learned this one fatal
"Yes, by merest accident. I had gone
out, but missing my glove, returned to
overhear words uttered lu the conserv
atory by yon."
"You were talking with your bosom
friend. Almcda Wlunns. I heard plain
ly what was said. She laughingly re
minded you of a former lover of yours,
Albert Turner. In reply you said If It
hadn't been for my money and stand
ing you might have lieen Mrs. Turner
Instead of an old man s slave."
"Did I say that?"
The woman's face was white ns
death, and she seemed scarcely to
breathe. He stood up tall and stern,
"The t rut It hurt me terribly. I felt
like a criminal. Although there had
1hcii no coercion on my purt, I could
see that my money had won you and
I was miserable. I think, but for our
baby Isiy, I should have been coward
enough to take my own life. The rev
elation of that hour broke my heart.
Scarcely a month later the collapse of
a bank nearly ruined me. I had 150,
000 lii lionds: these I turned over to you
through a friend, llieu quitted your
presence forever. I knew that you
could obtain a divorce at the end of
two yeara for desertion."
"It was to please me. that you left
me?" the woman asked hurriedly,
"Certainly. I knew you wished to las
free from bonds that were galling now
that wealth was gone."
"(Jen. Dartmouth, what If I tell you
that 1 never received those Isinds you
apeak of?" asked she with changing
color. "What If I tell you that my bos
om friend, Almeda Wlnans, dlsnp
I (eared at Ihe same time you did, and
that gossips coupled your nnmea?
What I said that day In the conserva
tory was tbe Idle prattle of n silly girl,
aud metuit nothing whatever?"
"You did not receive the bonds?"
"No. I have lived on the little left
me by my father, who died soon after
your disappearance. I have bad to
bear tbe stigma of being epofcen of aa
a deserted wife. Can you blame me if
I almost bated you?"
"Perhaps not. but I meant It for tbe
best Are you sure you were not la
earnest when you told your friend that
you married old Dartmouth for his
money, Millls?"
"Was I so wicked as to say that?"
"1 think my memory serves me cor
rectly." Mrs. Lordln had sudden recourse to
her handkerchief. The General stood
In an embarrassed attitude.
"It was the boy who brought us to
gether, Millls. For his sake may we
not part friends?"
He held out his hand. ""She did not
see the movement, her eyes being hid
den In the handkerchief. Iteggle quick
ly divined the situation and seized and
conveyed his mother's baud to tbat of
the General.
"We part friends. I hope, Mlllis?"
"Yes. If if we must part, George,"
faltered a small voice from behind tbe
"Millls, do you meau -"
"I mean that I have been a silly fool,"
she said. "I I never loved any one
but you. Can you ever forgive me,
The pitiful little sob that accom
panied the request quite did the busi
ness for the Oeneral. He stepiM-d tieir
er to her and said eagerly:
"It is my opinion that we have both
lieen foolish, Mlllis. If It were uot for
that divorce "
"There has been no divorce, George."
"Is it possible? Then you are still
Mrs. Dartmouth?"
He trembled like one in a chill.
"I am still your wife, George,1' she
While he stood Irresolute a small
voice plted from below:
"KIks mamma, Gen'ral! Kiss mam
ma!" Anil Gen. Dartmouth did.
Waverlcy Magazine.
A Caril rharp Who Heat the Wizard
1T Losing to Him.
"The dead magician, Herrmann,
loved nothing better than a game of
jMiker, aud by his wizard touch could
manipulate the cards beyond the possi
bility of detection if he so willed," said
It." W. Scully, of Boston.
"Hut Herrmann scorned to do any
thing crooked. If he ever cheated be
did so for n Joke and Invariably re
funded any money won by his art.
Once tie was tricked In a very funny
way. He got Into a two-banded game
with a noted Western gambler who
was almost ns expert as Herrmann.
The latter had lcen told to look out for
this man, but he hadn't the slightest
doubt of his ability to protect himself.
"The pair sat In to play freeze-out
for big money, llerrmanu had a lot
of rather worn paper currency and
some gold and silver, while the pro
fessional had mostly crisp new bills of
large denomination. The game was
warm and very Interesting, but Herr
mann had the llest luck, and he man
aged lo get hold of the new bills of
high figure, the gambler acquiring the
old notes and a major part of the colu.
Herrmann quit a heavy winner, and
then said to his opponent: 'I want you
to take back all the money I have won
of you, for 1 did not. play fairly. I
wouldn't keep a dollar unless 1 had
won It on the squure.'
"To his surprise Ul gambler abso
lutely refused to accept the offer. 'I
played Just as crookedly as you did,'
he said, 'and whenever a man beats
me at my own game he Is welcome to
my money.' All efforts of the magi
cian to get him to reconsider were un
availing, and finally Herrmann went
away with about $xoo of the fellow's
new currency, while the gambler took
off something like $.'(00 that he had ac
quired from the wizard.
"Later on the wizard saw the method
In the professional's madness. He was
telling some friends of his queer ex
perience while taking a drink In a bar
room, and llerrmanu, saying he was
enough ahead to set up the wine, offer
ed a $."0 bill In 'aymeut The bar
keeper, after a second's hesitation,
handed him back the money. It was
a counterfeit, and so was all the rest.
That was Herrmann's fast game of
poker outside his owu circle of personal
An Heroic Lad of Lour Ago.
"In "The Field of the Cloth of Gold."
In St. Nicholas. liolsTta H. Nelson
says that It was not King Henry VIII.,
or Philip I. of France, but the pensant
lad. Victor Bacheaiix, that was the
hero of the day. Wheu !Xi young
Frenchmen were apMlnted lo storm a
hill held by the English archers, their
Hag was given to him, to hear against
the foe. And gallantly he bore It, In
the face of cannon-balls and flying ar
rows; though his companions turned
tail and fled down the hill, believing,
as he did, that It was a real, and not a
sham, battle that they were engaged in.
But the English gunners aud nnhera
had been Instructed lo aim above the
heads of their assailants, and the gal
lant ly was welcomed with cheers
when he reached the summit of the hill.
A litttle More Appropriate.
"Your wife?" asked the casual ac
quaintance as the aggressive-looking
woman passed.
"Well," replied the little man, doubt
fully, "perhaps it would be a little more
appropriate to say that I am her tins-iMilid."-
ImllaiiaiHjIls Journal.
Matrimonial Item.
"Maud says she would be willing to
marry If the proper man came along."
"And I guess he would not have to bo
any too proper at I'lint." Cincinnati
livery bride should be presented with
a bottle of peppersaucc. One bottlo,
kept supplied with vinegar and with
thu cork In, will last a family at long
as they keep boat.
Plain Hfcirt Are Combined fa Wear
with a Simple Bodice! with Neck aud
front Klaboru lion, and a Orewj
flat-A Waraing.
New York correspondence:
EFOHM'fS assaults up
on tailor styles seem to
have failed. For sev
eral 'years-women have
tried to pretend thai
they liked and would
have the so-called Eng
lish tuilfirmaHc Tint lht
English fat, but its se
verity. ;iomi women are
glad that fashion allows
at least one gown of tbe
kind, and admits of its
being worn anywhere
and at any time before
gss light, b'lt it must
be confessed that a dif
ferent sort of gown is
what they really mean
and like wheu they talk
about a tailor dress.
Americas women have
modified the French
woman's idea, to be
sure. That delicious inconsequent, makes
her tailor gown of biscuit colored silk
tinish cloth, lines it with apricot satin,
wears it over a chiffon bodice of turquoise
and thread lace, clasps her collar with
pearls, adds a liny bead net hat with a
single orchid, and is "ready to market."
American women do that sort of thing,
too, but they don't pretend they are tailor
rigged when they do it. Where the revolt
is made against the English tailor severity
is in the gown intended for hard or in
formal use. Such are neither as fanciful
as the one sort mentioned, nor as severe
as the other. Several types are shown
That of the first picture was in blue
serge, its skirt simple enough to be ac
companied Inter by shirt wuistR, its coat
of severe cutaway outline. But there was
enough else to make the dress, simple as
It was, look quite the reverse of austere.
The revers were overlaid with red broad-
cloth and finished with a scalloping of it.
The front was coral colored tucked taf
feta, mid the collar about the neck was
topped by a ruche of red chiffon. The use
fulness of such a dress is considerable,
for it'Cim lie worn with a bonnet of in
formal type, with a felt walking hat, or
with a close red cloth toque.
Four other suits whose jackets relieved
their plainness were grouped by the art
ist. That at the left was dark green
broadcloth, cut simply enough, hut the le
vers of the jacket were turqnoise blue
satin, embroidered richly w!h gold and
beading, a delicate thread net covering
the aitin at the edges. A tiny bit of
dfii..!; while lawn showed a: threat and
yoke, ihe severe coat collar was faced
wi''i bright green velvet showing an edge
of clmh. on.l the gown "its Pried with
bright green siik.
Delicate grA.v cheviot wu the goods or
tbe second of these models, which was
strictly tailor made in nil but 'iie revers,
unless the tiny cording of black the
edges of the jacket is to be cr inted ns
trimmtug. The revers were faced with, lll'T Kt.AHoKAIK.
while satin covered with tucks and tiny
puffa of white lawn, the slmiil up collar
being faced to match as a dainty setting
to Ihe face. A little lawn bow was under
the chlu and a sugestion of lawn showed
at the edges of the jacket lu front. An
other model In which the revers were the
center of ornamentation was the Inst of
these four. It was in an elusive shade of
dull ereen. the lapels faced with tiny
1 tnekiligs of pale blue taffeta, an edge or
ealloped white broadcloth lapping over
on the silk. This same edge finished the
itaodiag collar, which was 'ad wilb a
lovely shade of dee blue velvet Tha
waistcoat effect below tbe revere wsa blue
cloth to match tbe velvet of tbe collar, the
frogged fastenings were black, tbe skirt
was lined with bine to match tbe collar,
and the petticoat worn was delicate blue
and short enough to escape the ground.
White is a matter of course at tbe throat
and opening of jacket bodices.
A less elaborate finish than those just
described is found in tbe tucked taffetas
now offered by the yard in white and In
dainty colors. Sometimes revers of this
material in a bright color are part of a
waistcoat of the material and lie over the
turned back cloth of the jacket, while the
waistcoat itself shows in a dainty flash
of color where the jucket opens in front.
Almost always the dicky above the waist
coat is of the daintiest kind, for women
seem to have struck against any sugges
tion of shirt front rigidity. Now and
then scrolled edges are followed by folda
of silk to match the color used on the re
vers, and frogging or other designs elab
orate the edges of the jacket in front, or
tbe entire costume is braided with black
without reference to the color of goods or
front effect. The remaining costume of
this group was along these lines. In
warm, reddish brown smooth cloth, its
revers were tucked ivory taffeta belong
ing to a waistcoat to match, lawn and a
lawn folded slock completing the front
above the waistcoat. This gown was
lined with burnt orange and braided in
Gowns of this sort arise from a general
desire to seem sufficiently dressed up at
I healer, luncheon, picture show, etc., and
not to lie overdressed while in the cars
or walking to such destination. Thus is
evolved the strictly American plan of a
plain skirl, a simple bodice and neck and
from elaboration thai harmonizes with a
dressy hat. This idea does not crowd
elaborate skirts from the tailor field by
any means. Such are plentiful enough,
aid while the tailor characteristics are
unmistakable, many of them are elaborate
almost lo the point of being fanciful. The
ncjl two models were examples of this
treatment, and fine feathers they were.
Despite the evident tailoring, they seem
ed in quite another class from what are
II.. ! I.. a . I i 1
" - - "
.1 i. j run,,, .nr.", OI
" -I rigs actually put them in another
class- an exclusive one. The first of these
w..s red cloth, the skirt cut iu front to
simulate a long overdress and showine
a red silk underskirt. Handing of white
broadcloth braided in red was applied aa
indicated. The lower part of the jacket
was v ite broadcloth closely lined with
red cord, and the belt was white. In the
same general class and of the same shade
of goods was the remaining gown, but
there I lie resemblance ended. All its
banding was raw-edge cloth stitched with
black, the skirt tilting like a glove and
showing a pretense of side-buttoning.
White a pica red at neck and revers.
Since a majority of models in to-day's
showing carries skirts that may be worn
with other bodices, a warning is timely
concerning skirls "lo wear with any
thing." The day or the black skirt for
such use is past, sad it is, but true, Now
it should be anything but black, If you
please. The skirt that goes with a styl
ish woman's "with anything" jacket or
waist to make the rig that serves for the
morning class thai is not swell, for the
morning shopping that many are obliged
lo do iu spile or hating it, for the early
afternoon cull where she wants to look
right but desires to avoid being swagger
- for any of these domestic occasions
I here is now the Iweed skirt; It is made
in proper cut, avoids Ihe drag of the dress
skirt. Is cut close about the hips, buck
nml sides, but. Isn't tbe sheath kind, and
is of close, heavy weave of rough surface,
without being Huffy, in some mixed plaid
or blend of colors.
t'npyrlgbt, lWlll.
The new watered silks are vary haaoV
some in coloring and effect, many of tkt
mure expensive grades being woroa WH4
a floral deaica oa shaded alias.
Epltoate Dp t Data af What Has I
Doaa la That Plaid.
At tbe London Institution Dr. B. K.
Mill delivered a lecture entitled Thm
Story of tbe Antarctic," In which ha
briefly traced tbe history of aAtartJe
exploration. Beginning with the early
Greek Idea of tbe world aa a flat disk,
surrounded by tbe River Oceanaa, ha
showed bow this was gradually modi
fied by tbe notion of tbe spherical form
of the earth and the Increase of knowl
edge generally, till in tbe second cen
tury we found on Ptolemy's great map
tbe first conception of that antartic
continent which bad given rise to so
many daring explorations. Then fol
lowed a long period of Intellectual
sleep, tbe depth of which was Illus
trated from -two maps In which the
earth was again represented flat as a
pancake. The lecturer then referred
to tbe voyages of the Portuguese, and
described bow Vasco da (Jama's dis
covery of the open sea route cot off
Africa from the antarctic continent
After a mention of tbe theorizing ot
the sixteenth century, including Leon
ardo da Vinci's lucky guess at the form
of the land under the southern pole, be
described the Spanish attempts to find
an Independent passage to tbe Spice
Islands, and told bow Magellan, who
missed Australia by about 100 miles,
showed that the continents of the north
were cut off from the antarctic conti
nent. In 1722 a French expedition was
sent to look for the supposed far south
ern land, and later the two expeditious
of Ket'guelen resulted In the discovery
and occupation of the land of desola
tion. But It was not only the French army
who were seized with the idea of tbe
greatness of the southern land. A
Scotchman named Dalryraple was so
convinced of the Immense extent or
unexplored territory in the south that
he obtained the concession of the rights
to exploit It. The first ship, however,
to cross the antarctic circle was that of
his rival, Capt Cook. It was tbe lat
ter who, In his second voyage, under
taken to find out whether there was
any continent, gave the first real ac
count of the Southern ocean, at if
proved there was no southern laud
reaching up Into the temperate tone.
Thenceforward antarctic exploration
became a scientific, not a commercial,
question. Pet ween 3t37 and 1843 three
great government expeditions were dis
patched one American, one Preucli,
and one British, under Boss. Tbe
achievements of the last-named ex
plorer, who was accompanied by Sir
Joseph Hooker, now the Inst survivor
of tbe expedition, were briefly de
scribed, and it was mentioned that he
reached as far south as Baffin and Hud
son had reached north 300 years ago.
A period of averted interest ensued,
broken in 1802 by the visit of Dundee
and Norwegian whalers to those south
ern regions. The Challenger expedi
tion, too, got just within the antarctic
circle, and its results were interesting,
because they indirectly proved the ex
istence of land within the circle. At
the present time two expeditions were
in the field one sent out from Belgium,
the other by Sir George Newnes. Lon
don Times.
Keeping tbe Mouth hut When Asleep
or Awake la of Vital Importance.
"Proper breathing is so essential in
voice production that it must receive
first attention, aud the first require
aient Is to keep the mouth shut," writes
Katharine E. Junkermann in the Wom
m's Home Companion.
"Of course, no tone can be either
strong or pure If the lungs are cramped
so that the air cannot find room. In
jrder to increase the size of the lung
cavity, raise the chest and keep the
body well and strongly poised.
"So much harm has been done to
voices by allowing the mouth to become
the regular air passage that the need
of care cannot be too frequently empha
sized. Besides the Injury done by the
unwarmed air entering the lungs the
mucous membrane Is hardened by the
saliva being dried up, and the muscles
of the tougue aud throat grow stiff and
less responsive. It Is comparatively
easy to control one's breathing when
awake, but when asleep the harm goes
on. To remedy this Involves a slight
discomfort, but one can endure It pa
tiently, looking to the end. Cut court
:iaBter Into little strips about om
fourth of an inch In width, and paste
several across the lips, placing them
up and down, with the lips held natur
illy. If one Is tempted to give up rath
r than endure the discomfort this
method Involves, a walk through an or
dinary day coach, or a night mnde hid
pons by the presence of a snorer 1n a
near berth, will cause a solemn vow to
be taken never to do likewise.
Things that Injure the Voice.
Regular habits keep the whole phy
sical make-up In good order, and have
.if necessity a great Influence on the
voice. Much use of the voice immedi
ately after eating, sleeping or bathing
:s to be avoided; In fact, at any time
when the flow of the blood Is greatly
accelerated or any special set of inus
les are actively at work It Is not wise.
The very frequent use of smelling salts
s nol beneilclal. Lemons, to clear the
rolce before reading or singing, should
io replaced by the beaten white of an
Kg, sweetened a little. Plenty of rest,
'ood and air should keep our throats in
order. Slight sore throat is helped by
a little sulphur blown down. But the
throat Is too delicate for much home
doctoring. Go to a physician who knows
till about It If tiny unusual cold settles
I here. Woman's Home ompnnlon.
When a very polite woman Is Invited
out to dine, she makes a break for the
pantry the (list thing upon returning
fioino, In order to get something to eat.
Perhaps some wealtby iiiuu are
chronic kickers' because tbey are well