The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, March 09, 1899, Image 1

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    .4 ,-.4 j jfc
4jt J-- - JST
he Sioux
lETjTOEsisOIsr, IfTEBJLSKA, TI3:TJKSr?A."H", MCH. 9, 1839.
o:ir l'clf)--'ro GUZr.TIOTJ 13 EVER SETTLED UriT!! IT 13 SETTLED RIGHT. "--Hon. TilIIatn J. Bryan.
IsTO. 33.
Additional Locale!
Mr. Eirgert Ruhwer, has commenced J
work on Ins new bouse and has secured
the services of Dave Marl let t fur the car
jienter work, already the frame is up,
and cre long, Ku-i-rt . will he livim; in
his own mansion on the blulF. jiint out
tf town.
A number of Indies have availed
themselves of the cpportnnil y olforded s week, unci are under im-lruct-ion
in oil painting in the "studio" of
Mrs. F. M. Hmitii.
Tns Sioux Ccunty Journal.
Subscription Price, f 1 .00
(ieo. I. itnoil, -
- K:ifor,
Kntere.1 Hi thn lluri!oii ot o:!lco an
eejnd vAnx I- utter.
iirratff Anicnta reposition Notes for
The hiii Mines nod grounds of the
Oreater'Aiuerica Exposition of at
Oiiialil r;. rebuts a total expend. lure of
two mill.i-f.a ! i I.iim.
The Electrical illuminations in llie
grand court of tin! e;reiler American
Exposition of l -i.l at. Omaha will excel
in utagni!b--ii unv display heretoloi'e
mailt by Ai.erican Expositions.
Tlie of ti-..J Ctva'-r .America
Exposition of 1 l1'.) Urn. tin embrace
nearly two hiimlnd acres, ami the fence
enclosing the grounds measures over
five lineiil iml H. The ;ir hitt
H)lej:lo' of t.he nnnl court with but on-,
exception never Ins exivlletl in Aintrin.
The dominant note of the G .-eater Am
erictt4iX)OHitiori of 1M9 ut Omnia will
lw coniirohnivt cxiubiu howiiig llie
,rnp of iiKl'.U'tt. thij v.-triolycf msinu
faoturux, llm txlhiit of ;ios.hli resotin.-ex
iumI stotus of ex:stiii soi t oiiihlions:
in short, nil l!iiii;;s calculated to illu.H tin) in .oit st it of civili itioii
iiMn tlio isl;inU of the si a ricc Mly ac
o, in red by tloi Knlled States. Mitny
Utea of tlm Uiii'iii ill iil pjirtififMle.
l:ai-(!li sM of Ape
Tlw kidney (ire responsible for more
nit:ki)e.H, stilfei in, and deaths Uiun tin -othw
organs of the boily.
A ms'j nty of he ills aHlictinp: jx-oplo
to-day it I'ucenblu to kidney trouble.
It pwiviulen all flaxMiH of siety, in till
i-linKtes, reK:irlleiii of iii;i', wx or condi
tion. Tl symptom of kidney ti-ouhlo are
tinniisliik.ible kiu h a-t rhetinvttiani neu
ruligin sleepbmiiie-iH, iaiti or dull ache in
tlie back, a desire to urinatu oftenday or
liiRlit pi-ofiita or wainty supply.
Uric acid, or brick-dust dejiosit in untie j
nre n of closed kidneys, caimin-i
X)itiLd and pTin iilled blood. Some-
titils thu heart ai ts Inwlly, and tul
iIb (wasting of lh kidneys) are found
in th urine w hich if m -lected will ru
MUllin Origin's Ii.i:He, the moht danfur
ou form of kidney trouble.
All th-se symptoms and condition are
jirotjipily removed under the influence
of I. KilmerH Kwjmp l:.?ot. It ha a
world wide reput ition for its wonderful
turei or the moxt distressing cases.
Nu one ntssj l loir,' without it as it is
w) e:uy to K''1 at i,nV iir" sUre ;lt
cenVior one dollar. You can have a
sample buttle of this wonderful dis.:oye
ry, Swamp Root un.l book t?llinij till
about it, l'l!i i-nt to you absolutely
free by mail. Send your nddreus to I r.
Kilmer &().. I!inj;hatnton, N. Y. and
kindly mention that you read tin liber
al offer in tha Sioux CoLNTY Jouknau
Thix Week.
"lam ccistd to itowlylitif,- by
force, nod have no faith in tlw doo
triiiH tli.t tlw Christian religion can
lie advanr..l in this way. The troub
le is that when vva lire tha gospel out
of niixb-rn guns t km people who are
hit no longer neeod religion and the
people who t'Si-iipu ar to busy bury
inj; the dead to listen to our profes
sions of friendship." V, J. 1!;:YAK.
Tim woolen trust has completed, itsor
aniivation. Thti capitalization, repio
j si.-nts ?;;o,noo.(;0i.
lion. David E. Thompscii, one of the
senatorial aspirants down at Lincoln, has
tired of childs play, amt withdrew from
the contest.
The federal coup-ess refused to appro
priate any morij of the national funds to
maintain or opp rate anot her Trans-Mississippi
EJ nitto'i'itO n ihn, this year.
It would seem that tlu pwern-
menl had done nhout enough for Omaha
in the way of HjiprnpriHtion.
There is, seemingly lit t td beinf; done
by the slate legislators this winter down
at Lincoln to pommend them cr their
acts to the p pie. Tlie fart of the mat
ter is our rcpresentitivcs liave had more
politics than business to attend to. And
few of them have distinguished them
el es ah.-ive the other so far as the real
interests and good of thd people are concerned.
Tho True Imperialist.
Take up the v.iiilo hnn'e burden,
Yt; www i" bnt'ui and coin,
Carve lioatliou into Christians
From brave young soldier's Joins;
Mako widows and make orphans,
L-;av3 in :)t!ur'4, Bilaulold, .
V ninttt r 1 hi-j-e heart wreckings
Sj y.ri gith'r in t.'i : gIU
Take up tlie v,hit; man'fs burden,
Your f hare U to com!nanl,
While patriols rOionldr rilld
Into the wild man's land.
Urge on, ye grasping monarch?,
To carnage and to death
The men whoe bouls would stifle
To reach your murderous breath.
Take up the while man's burden,
Hut let the load be borne
By those blind devotion
Can see no cauie to mount.
Kedeem the savage devils
Then answer to our (rod,
IIoy you redeem the red men,
Who lies beneath the sod.
Take up the white man's burden
And gain a nation's cer-ie;
The blood of fallen heroes
Vrill gorge your gaping purse.
What care for nation's lienor,
When all but wealth ia dross'
You sacrifice the Freeman
To profit savage loss.
Take up the white man's burden,
Tis not to conquer slaves,
Or force the white man's knowledge.
With, pay in white men's graves;
Ti.-i not to illl your colters,
k Too well now", lined width gold,
To free repeilent savage.
With serfs from Freedom's fold.
Take up the width nun's burden,
Yes, take it up with shame,
Then quail before your Maker
To hear your traitorous name.
Rescue- with svord and cannon
The poor, weak, groveling mole;
Take up the Witt; maa'a burden
And waight it on your soul.
-By Clias. M. Keiu, Editor l Orange (TeX.) Leader;;
Say what one may ns to the soundness of the doctrine Mr. Bryan preach
ed, there can te no two opinions as to his qualities of leadership. Mr.
Cleveland hid himself in the temple of his party, soleman, owlish, heavy
as a patran idol, but Mr. Bryan took the vanguard of bis army and led it, a
palpitating and inspired forc, into the red vortex of the fight. The one
was an oracle, hid away in caves, veiled in mystery manifesting hiaiMlf
in rumblings and vtrauge noises. The other, an impetuous apostle, with
bright sword and flashing armor, cleft the way for those that follow
him. Xo doubt there are doling and infatuated idolaters who still await
another advent of the mugwump dispensation, another revelation of the
Mugwump fetich. But the democracy on the fighting line have done
w ith e.slasy, superstition. lie who leads them next vear must be a thing
of ilesh and blood a warrior himself. Washington Post.
Do You Want a
ree Home?
IX THE IjAXD of perpetual suxsiiixe.
The renter will no doubt wonder how a publishing company can afford to glre away
tow n lots. To eiilixhteu you we will merely'i that the owner ot a large section of bind
!n Pulin Spring, Ulverslrte Co., California, lus tnkeii thlj novel metbo l of booming the
town, beii'-viiig that by interesting other persons throughout the country, and practically
building up the town on the co-opperativn system, he will more than double the value of
tiie many town lots which he reserves for himself.
It Is nci'dp-n to s:iy thst the owner of this land iutenda to niulco Palm spring one of
the greatest health resorts la the world, it bslnj S80 feet abovi ths aa level.
llie cUnititio condition and grand eemc surroundings will make this coiuparatlrely
Palm Springs is an ideal winter resort, possessing peculiar attractions to the tourist
and invalid tililt.
It is conceded by many eminent physicians and prominent persons to be the most
perfect natural sanitarium and to have the llnest winter climate known. It is pictures
ijiiely situafid in a sheltered valley, nestling close under the lofty mountain range of San
Jiteluto, who ramparts re an impregnable barrier to all moisture laden winds and fogs
There In an abundant supply of pure lncmnt.un water for both household und irrigating
purposes. Tlio streets an; beautifully laid out and shaded with pit ins and other tropical
trees. Oranso, lemons, figs, grapes, apricots, olives aud other delicious fruits ripen in
i'alin Springs full v thirty days earlier than la other parts of California, thus bringing
fancy prices in the Los Angeles market.
School, church and hotel accouim odiilions first-class.
Not the lcat of the attractions of Palm Springs Is the wonderful mineral hot sand
springs, pos.-esying medlefhal virtues of the highest oraer. Here is constantly welling ujr
a clean stream of Hot mineral water accompanied by pure sand of about 100 degrees F
and contaning magnesium, sodium, iron and sulphur. Rheumatism, kidney and Skiu
ditleasi-K yield quickly to regular bathing in these waters.
Thrse lots, 2 i lci-t front eacJi, have been placed with the "Sunshine Publishing Co."
with Instructions to distribute them to our readers abslutely free. Why not be a real
estate owner?
Evirry person, who semis ns 82.r0 fur one year's snhsdription to "Sunshine" will rceeive
a warranty deed to a town lot in Palm Spilnss, California, tree of charge, -with taxes paid
until June lit!)!?.
".Sunshine" Is one of the brightest Journals pnblished, will not only contain local news
of Palm Springs and vicinity, bnt will also contain many interesting stories and useful
information to every family. We are particularly anxious that not only every resident
of Palm Springs, but also everv property owner therein, shall read our paper.
Address all communications to the "SUNSHINE PUBLISHING CO." PAUt
SrRi: os, Cal.
The JocitNAL will publish yourbrand.llke
tlio following, for tlM, per year. Each ad
ditional brand 75 cents, fcvery larmor .or
ranchmen la Sioux and adjoining countie
should advertise vneir brands in TBls JtoUB
XiLas It circulates all over the state. It
may be the means of saving money for you.
Chamberlains Cotur' Remedy.
This remedy is intended especially for
-ouph, cold's, croup, whoopin.' couch
or Influenza. It has Income famous for
Its curen of these diseases, over a large
part of tho civilized world. The most
Hatter u - te-itimoniuls have r'n re-eive
d, jiieititf accounts of its good works: of
tlie agpravuting ami iersistciit coughs
it has cured; of severe colds that have
yielded promptly to its soothing effects
nndofthe d.ingeroim attacks of croup
it ha ciireil, often saving the life of
thecfiild. Tho extensive uo of it for
whooping cmtgli has thown that, it. robs
thatdisea!) ol alUl.ttiireloiir coiis. quell
cet. It I, -s) eciaily prized 1V mothers
for their children as it never fails to ef
fect a skhhIv cure, and Ix-cause they
have fo'ind Umt there is not the least
lens;er in giving it, even to babies as it
contains uothioK injurous. Sold by Dr.
J. E Phinney.
4 50 YIAB8'
r yssm
A Trade Marks
assaktr uoaruin ot optnlen free wli her Mi
ftVioOnETt. pr.,h.b7 eltithl. rmnmuiilr-s.
.MMMletTr S,m.1,-I.l. Ilnnrthook on P.l.nti
MM frw liMwt sinir-r fur swum! imirni.
sswtalaofMt, without churns, In Ihm
Stitntiflc American.
mI.iim a an arSMiufle leiirnst. Trmi. 94 A
Mr i fnar sontiU. II. (told jy U nvninim.
,. m r WhtB1on. D. c
Verily, verily this is an aire of t rusts,
aided and abet ted hy the A-lm'.nistration
and an Attorney General, who is a tool
of tho trusts and combines of the world
the latest trust combination is the swel
ters trust organized with a capitaliza
tion or ? 16,000,000. When all tho pres
enilis met tal producing mines of th
Unifed Suites have been swallowed tip
by trusts and corporations, then it will
be immaterial whether or not, we have
free and unlimited coin age of silver und
gold at tho ratio of M to 1. By that
time the laboring and wealth-) rodncing
cla-s will be at the mercy of the money
Following is llie way W J Dumocratic
Congress men, expressed themselves at
a party caucus in the city of Washing
ton, 1). C. J;ist Mentlny evening, regard
ing Philippine war of conquest inauger
Hted hv the Administration since the
declaration of peace between tho United
States and Spam:
, We, the Democratic members of
the House of Representatives in
caucus assombled, commend the sig
nal loyalty and valor of our soldiers
aud sailors in tha performance of
every military duty to which they
have been assigned by proper a
uthority, however much we deplore
the policy of the administration now
directing their movements, and we
pledge to them our hearty iiuppoi t
nnd sympathy under all circumstan
ces wherever engaged.
Following are a few of tho Populist
and Democrat in papers, which think
state auditor Cornell should resign his
office after having laid himself open to
public criticism in the conduct of bin of
Democratic, Populislie
HsrlnnCo. Democrat f minder to. Jonrnil
I'MPllllnil Mmes,
HI f
Tlx wort (orwil p-Tl-
'llM.r ctnl. II )''
Imaa, MMiflMll,1. CtlTM
'lanbal". UvMttrm H'nk Bud
VJr;Lr.T, ..n.: m wiu iMtmiik
, B0.9M.luli.1.
Hloiix Co. Joiirnsl,
Kesrni y liemiHTat
t rite Lleiliocl'St.,
Curtis KhU'T,
Wn lliv sun.
ioi tn' lien, I K(!le,
lVlinlele Ti Hsine,
llrm k llulletlii,
Hlnir i urier,
hinulers Xew Co. Era.
Miidlwtn stir,
(irainl Island Vjcu Press,
From tha World IJiald.
g Following is a paragraph taken from the message of Gov. Thomas to g
the Colorado legislature, regarding the formation of trusts in that state: O
4 "I am familiar with the assertion that legislation designed for the protec-
V lion of the individual and of private property against the aggressions of 2
the tru;it is communistic and prevents th" investment of outside capital. X
within our lairders. Laws which are jujt and necessary caunot be wrong.
They should not ho withheld through the reproach of communism or the
y threat oi alleged investors. i)ui capital wtncti win not come to us uu
j less it may gorge itself in deilairje of constitutional safeguards and elemen
ts tary principles of justicu is, too dangerous to be permitted to come at all.
q That investor who demands as the price of his investment the privilege of
A monopolizing an industry, floating an enomou'i fictitious capitalization, 6
and crushing out all forms of competition hhould liud neither welcome nor O
abiding place within our commonwealth. He is u foe to our institutions O
more to be dreaded tiiau tlu foe ia arais abroad or the communist in dis- o
content at home. q
Bnt it is not true that legislation designed to protec tin dependent effort 1
and competition, grounded upon the common law and the constitution, T
will discourage investment. On the contrary, it invites them. Cupilal
0 goes where it is needed and where profit rilt"tuln its investment. These con-
Q ditions alniund in Colorado, and they will attract precisely in proportion J
q that cur laws guarantee protection from ; confiscation either by individuals
or by trusts. The ruining industry cannot d otherwise than prosper with 6
tmolters cupeling for the otilput. Cattle and sheep will multiply through 6
1 the stimulus of a competitive market Cities will prosper when their Q
utilities levy tolls based upon legitimate capitalization. All must lan- o
guish when these elements disappear. ' S
000000!CKKOCt0CW0 ef0004frarCeO-5
Two Democratic Leaders. :
Perhaps it would lie bettor to discrilw tliirn as one leader and one J
back number we refer to William J. Bryan and Grover Cleveland for the
former is alert, instinct with lile rind vigor, strenuous, enthusiastic, viril, t
and the other reeks with the dullness and tha gangrune of mugwumpery. t
Cleveland left tiis party weaker, more incoherent and more discordant than
he found it. v
Bryan took up the dying embers of Its spirit and fanned it into rag-
ing flame. 1 le gave his party inspiration, ferver, hope. He animated, nnd 2
revivified it. Dispite the desertions and the treu heries wrought by vani- O
ty and avrico in lHflfl he developed some 700,000 more vote? than had ever 9
been cast for any democratic candidate before, including Mr. Cleveland, O
nnd he gave the country the fiectacle of an ardent, united nnd homogene- q
ous party organization. While Mr, Cleveland, thrice the nominee of a 5
democraliu national cynvent ion and indebted to the party for all his emi- X
nenco and prosperity while Mr. Cleveland sat apart, a sullen conspirator q
again-t his iptand nil bjnef.ielors eucouruging infllelity and lauding party $
wickedne's, Bryan flamed In tho forefront of the battle, a striking nnd Invi- T
gir.ein ; (lg'ire, ths iucim ition of Youtll, ant strength, au.l ardor. IIj r.v
lit the (Ires of democratic zeal. He gave tha party life, put blood inlo
Its veins and Bet its pulses throbbing. He heli! thousands in the grasp of
? his imperious eloquence, nod sent them from him tuni d to loyalty nnd
4 heroism. I In toog the dead carcass of the democracy from the ground up-
on which Ids predecessor had contemptuously Hung it, and filled it with I
6 the (he and the joy of youth, 4
yw Fit INK l:TTO.
k On left side of cuttle and on left
iSifeta shou Ider ot horses.
Kan ge on Antelope creok
P. 0., Ghilchnst, Sioux Co., Neb.
On left side or hip of cattle, j
Un left shoulder of horses, j
l?,itrA nil the hl'd (it WartlOllllet
! Sr creek
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
On left shoulder of cattle
Kange on Little Cottonwood.
I'O. ., Crawford 'ebr.
Tho brand reprsented lu this notice
and branded any where on left side
of horses aud
l 1underlrned
Cumi-ii Vm PHBsoca.
HarrUoa, .Nebraska,
Also the L L brand any voezs
lef t side ittegUim
We have 2:7 cattle branded 5 any where
on right side which we expect to put itr
own brand on soon as possible.
The brand herewith represented iu
this notice and branded any where
on right side cf Cattle belongs to thu
Jeuuy & Henby Will,
Harrison, Nebraska.
The brand represented in this notice
and branded any where ou left side
of cattle, and over-lap cut from the
right ear.
Also the same brand on left thigh of
horses, belongs to the undersigned.
ltanga near East Springs, south part in
6towc county. Charles Nkwhan,
Harrison, Nebraska.
I'Tlie Commercial Bank.
Harrison, - - - - Nebraska.
$10,000.00. G)
8,000.00 0
B. K. Brewster, President. C. F. Coffee, Vice President.
Ciia9. C. Jameson. A. McGinley,
D. H. Griswold, Cashier.
I have been afllicted with rheumatism
for fourteen years nnd nothing seemed to
give any relief. I was able to lie around
all the time but constantly suffering. I
had tried everything I could hear of nnd
at last w rm told to try Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, which I did, and was immediately
relieved and in a short time cured. I nm
happy to say that it has not since return
ed. Josh, Edgar, Oermantown, Cal,
For sale by Dr, J. E, Fliinuey.
Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the Eng
lish Baptist church at Minersville, Pn..
when suffering with rheumatism, was
advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
He says:1 "A few applications of this
liniment proved of great service to me.
It subdued the Inflammation and relieve
the pain. Should any sufferer profit by
giving Pain Balm a trial it wilt please
mo,M For tale by Dr.JJ. E. Phinney. '