OUR IIOII DEPARTMENT 17110 IS MARSTELLR ORGS? READ IB AD. Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them as cheap at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE in Harrison, as you can in Chicago at the department stores. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in a full line of Gents furnishing goods for Pall and Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than any other store in Harrison. Come and see for yourself. And the Ranch Supply House will not be undersold an Groceries & Provisions. Come and be convinced- L. GERLACH, Prop. THE SIOUX COUNTY J" OU S 3ST -A. Xj. Thursday. FEB. 9th, 1899. Gm. D. Canon, Editor ami Prop. Aim i , i ii si u-i 1 . V. K. A K. V H. A. line table. ' GolDff West. (aoing tint. Mo. . mixed, So. 6.mtil 8:00 I North-Western LINE BF. E. M. V. R. R. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEAD WOOD AND HOT KI'KlSliS SOUTH DAKOTA. GRAHT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. 'Prompt attention given to all lgal matters in Justice, County and District -Courts, and before the United State? Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable ..companies. yLegal papers carefully drawn. IIarkiso. - Nebraska. HEAOTHE JOURNAL THIS WEEK. tSeTWe are requested to announce that there, will be Mass celebrated in Harrison, at the residence of Anton Moravek at 10 o'clock, Feb. 11, 1899. A. F. Christian wan down from Raw 4iide last Tuesday night and reports all tock doing well at the ranch. Th many friends of Miss Maggie Tluoter will be sorry to hear she has fceeo suffering from the measles at Chad ron. Owing to sickness in her family, J Battle K. Bailey d-puty . O. of R. N., rho was billed to be in Harrison on last evening to give a musical and lecture, -wax enable to come, but no preventing powr iuUrv-ning she will be here on next Wednesday evening. Come one, corneal!. la veiw of the loss Miss Merriam sustained in having all her personal effects eontlsgated in the fire which so completely wiped out of existence the 411 pin building oo last Tuesday morning jusd into which she had so recently rrtov d tfae oiUZeos of Harrison and vicinity raised a puna of f37, which will partly f em burse her for her loss; $1,60 of the Above aoKMiot was given to Ray Myers jkt koioo lost all his clothing. It con rM owr ooioioa that our citiceos sym ftHUm wHk than, and have taken this erajr to demonstrate the fact, as they are way fcnorwis In tlms of neM, We ttvjbl not, tut tho tvri wipisr.ti "ill J. E. PHIJTXEY. M. D. rh j Ltd an and Surgeon. AH calls (riven prompt attention. Offlce la Drag Store. -HARRISON NEBRASKA. F. E. A M. T. K. It. Special Excursion to Hot Spring, S. D. Excursion tickets will be sold Tuesdays Febuary 14th and 28, 1899, at one fair for the round trip, good returning 30 days from date of sale. Fair from Harrison, $4.40. F. Avert, Agt. Car, genuine Glidden Barb Wire and Nails just arrived at G. W. Hester's. Mrs. W. C. O'Conor, was so sick of lagrippe on Inst Sunday as to necessit ate callmg in the Doctor. John Herman, was in from the val ley Tuesday and reports loosing 14 head or calves, from blackleg, within the past two or three weeks, we also learned that Vels. Audwrsen had tost 9 head of calves this winter, of the same dread disease. On last Saturday, J. C. L. Ragland and Charles Umphenour closed a deal whereby Charley became the owner of Mr. Raglands Sioux county ranch, about four miles north-west of Harrison. We were unable to ascertain just what the consideration was, further than Charley obtained an extraordinary bargain, this we were pleased to bear, as there is no person in the county we would rather see get the benefit of a good bargain than him, Charley has bten a rendtiit of this county for several years and otdy left here last thanksgiving to visit his rents and returned a couple of weeks ago to look after a small bnnch of horses which Mr. Ragtand was wintering for him, which resulted in the purchase of the ranch. Charley is a citizen of which any community can and ought to feel proud of, and there is lots of room for more just like bim. Harrison has been a dry town since last Saturday, and to help bring matters to a focus, a fire roust occur in the in ter im. t omething should be done to av ert a recurrent of this evil, fortunately a little of the beautiful lay on the ground otherwise some of our citizens as well as stock would have suffered the penalty of drouth. ' ' Dangers of the Grip. The greatest danger from Lagrippe is of its resulting in pneumonia. If reason able care is used however, and Cham berlain's Cough Remedy taken, all dan ger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for lagrippe ws have yet to learn of a ingle case haviag resulted In pneumonia which show conclusively that this rem edy is a certain preventive of that dan gerous disease. It will cure la grippe in I timo tliaa Jny of oar frcitmrnoecr. I', is p!iMrt and wf to tik. Y f-U t- fv .7. '. FM'tw. TOR The place to Get Good Bargains at all times i at J. H. BARTELL'S The following of which i nearly always found, at the above place: A complete assortment of Ladies and Gents furnish ing Goods, Dry Goods, No tions and Millinery. A Good line of Men's Duck Clothing, Hats and Caps to suit the times. Ladies and Gents Fine .Foot Wear a specialty; and Children, b Foot Wear care fully considered. 60 TO J. H. BARTELL'S For HcCormic machinery, Barbed Wire and Salt; in fact nearly everything kept in a well regulated store. If you are in need of a large or small bill come in and see what we can do for you before you send your money out of the country. Respectfully, J. II. BARTELL. jHeTIIigheut cash price paid for hides. Thomas Holly. Harrison. Neb. To parties wishing rugs woven, I desire to say that I will do rug-weaving during the first two weeks' of March. Mrs. II. A. Priddy. Frank Tin It ham, of Douglas, Wyo. came down on last Wednesday evening to attend his law-suit against Jake Mark ing, of Montrose, which is ex-e't ;d to occur today. Virgil Hester, is enjoying a visit among relatives and friends back in Io wa. M. J. Weber, was in town Tuesday to call Dr. Hart we 11 to the home of Hen ry Kreeman, near Glen. Mrs. Kreeman is reported sick. Crawford Bulletin. The Epworth League, will give a so cial at the M. E. parsonage on tomorrow (Friday) evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all. A good time is anti cipated. Rosenberg brothers, of Cottonwood precinct were in town over night the first of the week on business, and while here did not forget to say a friendly "how" to our quill pusher. Miss Claudia Hester who has Wen attending the Academy at Chadron, dur ing the fall and winter, was obliged, though very reluctently to abandon her studies for the present, owing to her par ents poor health. She came home last Saturday noon. George Grimm, who with his family left here three ar four months for Mis souri, with tlie intention of locating there permanently, reconsidered his resolution and oo last Saturday returned to our midst and now expects to make Sioux county his future home. George Davis of Hat Creek, had the misfortune to freeze two of his fingers on bis right hand pretty badly a week ago yesterday, while caring for his cat tle. He came in on Saturday to have Dr. Phinney fix them up, but all that was necessary, was some linimeot, he thought would finally bring them out all O. K. Mrs. Samuel Seaman, who has been visiting with relatives and friends io St. Louis dtiriog the past lour month's, re turned on last Friday noon. She was accompanied by her fatber-in-law, who will spend a month or six weeks visiting with his children before returning to his southern home. Mrs. -Seamen reports a splendid time while away. For La Grippe. Thos. Whitfield & Co. , 340 Wabash A v., corner Jackson street oke of Chica go oldest and most prominent druggists recommend Chamberlains Cough Reme dy for lagrippe, as it not only gives a prompt and complete relief, but also counteract r.ny tit. Vn-y ',f !.-.;;::; ., t vesnlt in pne jti.rva. For hi' ' y t:r. .1 The place to Get Good Bargains in Bubbers is at J H. BARTELL'S, Where a complete line of warm Felts and Kublers, with PRICES ALWAYS right. Our line of GKOCE HIES are fine, as we always aim to buy Good, Fresh Goods such as we know would suit all our Customers. We carry a complete line of FLOUR & FEED; all Flour guaranteed. Also, we carry HARDWARE & Building Material. NOTICE :-1 reachi ng eve ry other Sabbatb at 11:00 o'clock a. in., and very Sab bath evening at (he M. E. church. .1. L. Kk.vdall, Pastor. MARRIED: At Chadron, Neb., Feb. 9 ISlty, at the otHce of Judge Ricker, his Honor tying the nuptial knot, Leroy Wright and Miss Delia Lo wry, aced re spectively SI) and 16 years, both of Harri son, Neb. The brido is the young and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lowry, our old and most rescted citizens, and Roy, well everyone knows Roy he it the youngest aon of Mr. and i Mrs. Jiiics Writi' , onu of Harrison's pioueei' f.uiiii--. I (iiiuiulnl.il Ions am in order, and the JijckmaI, hastens to lie among the first to offer our, by wishing them every joy and happiness through life and after living to be the age of Meth uselah may they have the blessed assur ance of the next. Master George O'Connor, while com ing to town for the Doctor for his mother on last Sunday mornir.g, froze both his ears (juite bad, almost freezing them solid. Grandma Wright was taken with, a sinking spell on last Menday afternoon and it was thought for a while it would prove fatal but after some time she ralli ed nnd at this writing she is resting quite easv. During the week just closed we have without any doubt passed over the worst of our winter weather, we had during the three last days some of the snugest weather any one could wish, the tern, perature ranged from 20 to 2S degrees below zero. Mr. Parker, a half brother of Leslie Crane, and who hae just been mustered out of uncle sam's volunteer service, a week or two ago out in Washington, came in over the F. E. & M. V. R. R. last Saturday to make his brother and other relatives in this county an extend ed visit before his return to his home in Adair county, la. Charles Carnmenzind, Frank Strat ton, and M. J. Weber of Glen, were intro dtcd to the mystnes of wood chopping in the W, of W., last Saturday evening. We learn too, at the next meeting that R. H. Aicherd of Warbonnet precinct, and Robert Miller of Hat ('reek precinct, will ride the "goat." Following are a few of the oames rf creeks and canyons which we give for tlie benefit of so toe of our eastern read ers: Hat Creek, Prarie Dog Creek, Indian " Antelope " Monroe ' Sowbelly " Runing Water " Whistle ' Snake Sheep ' Old Woman " Dead Man Warbonnet " Cottonwood ' Jim ' Hijuaw " Boggy Soldier ' Sugar Loaf " White River ' Dead Horse .Spring ' Young Woman Duck " Horse Head " Ash , i i,r i. xa! . ijf " Why, thats where every body trades these days. There is nothing they do not keep for sale. They handle Suitings for Ladies & Gents, Novelty dress goods, Plain dress goods, Flannel for all purposes. Also Cloaks, Capes, Shawls, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting Shades and Curtains. We are Head-quarters for all kinds of Groceries and Provisions, Flour and Feed. Right here, before we forget it; we want to call the at tention of the public to our Canadian Pure Maple Syrup, try it and be convinced. We have or exhibition at our store one of the BEST STEEL RANGES .1. ! I . I f1 A M mat can oe oougnt Any wnere. mce w i. . Call and see that Range. 1 MARSTELLER BROS. NOTICE: There will be Lutheran servicer) at the M. E. church Saturday, Feb. 4th, 1899, at 2 o'clock P. M. Rkv. F. G. Winokk. Pastor. A Midnight Blaze. On bit Tuesday about 3 o'clock in the morning, the building just nonh of J. W. Smith's '-Candy Seap" was leveled to the ground, wi'Ji all its contents, by lire. The building was occupied by Su perintendent, Miss Elsie Merriam, who hail just recently moved in, but as she was away from home that niclit, on an errand of mercy, asMlin in lira cure of i Crauduia Wrinhl, who U u b-eii sick so long and who was. taken very much worse on last Monday, hence Miss Mer riam did not learn of her los until next morning. The Urst .arties to discover the (ire we understand were, Mr. and Mrs Anton Moravek, John Marsteller, Perry White, J. W. Smith, and 11. A. Priddy, but as the fire had made such progress before it was discovered, and as there was no water in the town cistern, and very little in olliers anywhere near tlie scene of the fire. little could be dona ex cept to prevent other buildings in the immediate vicinity from taking fire from flying sparks. So quick and quietly did the surging flames coni lete its work, that some families living very close to the building did not know of ilsdestrution until the next morning, notwithstanding the fact that those who first discovered the fire yelled at top of their voices, hut the night being bitter cold, and the hour so late that everyone was w rapped in the gentle embraces of morpheus, hence they were unconscious of the conflagration in their midst. Miss Merriam informed a reporter of tlie Jofrkal that her individ ual loss would reach at least (300, she saved only the clothes which she wore, and many things lost in the fire she will never be able to replace, but fortunately the says $10, would pay all she owed on what she lost, everything else being paid for. Site feels very thankful that she escaped with her life. Although Miss Merriam has lost all she possessed of this world'sgoods, yet she makes less fuss over it than many would though they may be worth thousands, she has the sympathy of the entire community in her loss. A Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness to us, in giving us so freely of their sympathy and assistance, in the shape of kind words, silver coins, and clothing to help us better near the loss we sustained through the recent lire of Feb. 7th, IWfl. Frail MKjdtux. Ray K Mvkkh. Head tlie JOURNAL today. rmir Ml" paflkseenf e,r Uk'liilll I II ! I i. ?"'!& t-.. ; 5 ''he. "W " i'?' I : "i i 4" . ; ,' rr NOTJCK:-MaiM will be celebrated at Harrison at 10 o'clock a. in., every Satur day lM'fore the Second Sun day of each month. M. P. Waldiion, Pastor. Over In Wyoming. Hello tl)r: JorSl. man? Everybody is snowbound out here, how U it with you? Zekiel has been snowbound for nearly two weeks, therfore Dew items aro scarce. One thing we ilo know, is that Mrs Kaott, of Gilchrist, who was stormbound on Pleasant Ridge, braved the cold aad went from here to Harrison on Tuesday of last wfok.hiit could not get lo hr home in the valley until the following Thursday. Ray Whipple made tho trip from Kir tley to Lusk, and back tlie same day on Thursday of last week. It makxs a hanl drive, considering the depth of the snow, Andrew Christian, lost two head of cattle lust week; cause unknown. If this cold weatlieraxd deep snow continu es through this month, there will be a great many cattla die of tliat terribl disease cantgelenoughtoeativeoess. The sick are all convalescent from what we liave been able to learu. , Philipp Fnese luid a runaway one day last week while hauling si raw from Zumbrunn's, the only casualty was the upsetting of the load. Superintendent Sherman of Douglas, had intended visiting tlie schools la this vicinity last week but was deterred by a visit from tzar lagrppe, and after that, state superintendent Tynaa ca'led for some work that had to be attended to at once io connection with the legislature, so he got no farther than Lusk. lie ex- , - c wn val ley just as soon as the weather permits. Zkmh. Aii Honest Medicine for La Grippe. George W. Waitt of South Gardiner. Me says: "I have had the worst cough cold, chills and grip and have taken lota of trash of no account but profit to the vender. Chamberlain's Cough remedy is tlie only thing that lias done any good wliatever. I have used one 50-ceht bot tle ard the chills, cold and grippe hava all left me. I congratulate the raoufac tures of an honest medicine."' For sala by Dr. J. E. Iliinney. Hisgen Bros, the popular South Ada druggists corner 69-st, and Wentworth Av., say ; W sell a great deal of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and And that It gives the most satisfactory r suits, ecpecially among children for M vere colds and croup." For salt by Dr. J. K. Plnnuev. ARB VOIJ A WORKRR , In or ritul H as i sent! tor tststsgtu af DAWES- FOOT IPown Machingsv. I'r"-1- fi.r, I'ersMs. m "mm 'nmm m