The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, February 02, 1899, Image 7

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Of the Supreme Court of Ohio,
Had La Orippe Praises
V s 'i,'-i " '' f
Pr. Hurtnuin in receiving hundreds of
letter every iln.v about his fniiions rem
edy for la grippe. Ordinary renn-dii -s
eeem of no vm: IV-ru-na is the only rem
edy that entirely eradicates this stub
born dis. fle f rum lite system. The roii
on fur this is tlml 1'i-rvi na is a scien
tific i'H'y:ili remedy; it cures ea'arrh in
11 mage nnd pliiiwu. La grippe is epi
demic riif jirrii.
1 1 trt. .Iioiiih IV Allen, Clerk of the Su
preme ('curt of Ohio, writes I)r. Iftirt
Diiiii on the iiilij"et of la grippe as f - I
Coll Mill s, ().. April hi, IK','7.
Tlx Pe-ru tut llrug M'f'g Co.:
Gentlemen I lime been itlMictKI with
ilieii-"i', fi!iiiiit)nly known as lu grippe,
very in!rr since that disease was tlil
rverel. Ihrte tried runny remedies
witho'it Tli is spring I was in
duced 0,1 try a bottle of I'e-ni im, I have
now t;ik ii ' i" l. Mu x n n I have receive.
much Ih'im'V lln retrom. In fact, nil
symptomi of the disease sei-iu lo hae left
Die. Tln-r. fore I le-erl'nlly recommend
tile virtue- .if l'e-ni-mi.
Venn truly, .lost.-ih 1.. Alien.
'Address The l'c rn na I rng .ltuiif;K"
luring fun. puny, Columbus, Ohio, for H
free book on cnlto-rli, written hy Dr.
Ilnrluiiin. entitled "Winter Catarrh."
'' There b cer'ain y something of ex
quisite k n.IneM ami though' fui beitevo
lert -e in f a- r ire t of , if - fin breed
ing. BuUer.
(iood intention' art v ry mortal and
perishable thing". I ike very mellow
mid ehoiia fruit, they a-e d o
keep. Simmons.
Kind Word prevent a good deal
that pervert ness which rough and im
perioiui unlike olten produces m gem-r
on minds l.nrke.
None go ldtbi en jo,- themselves and
re iitcti burdens to themt-eve as thte
who have nothing lo do. OnU tho ac
tive iiave the true reli-li ot life. jay.
Sleepy Holmwr Chair.
The tniiirnilivhtly iipliln:er. tl eliair din
played in our adu'rlixihK rohiintu hy lln
John M. Sin.illi t.'iiinpaiiy, loO to I'lli
W'ext Mndixoii stic-l, fliii ittjo, and offer
d for $.".."i, hhowa what Kpleiid d n'.ne
thin Kriiit fiitiiishiiiif Iioiikc offers to the
puhlir. Tins in Init one of the hundred:
of hniselio!d artirlm nhown in their inani
motU and li;nd-ouily illiis'niied emu
locne hf nt fere on fippli' iiiou. The Joiiii
11. Sinyih Co. ltip poudi to fHtuiiie in
oiarly Ttcry Si.-ite in the 1'iuoii.
Whenever you he,jr a man refer to
Ufa as a lo'tery the I'hani-en aro he ha
irawn a hi a k.
k heroes of the
thouss,rtd. of them, re Suf
fering from Impenng div
CASi induced by lifsj in
poisonous southern c&.mpi.
the result oJ chnpies of
climate, or of imperfect
nutrition ct.ussd by im
proper nl bidly cooked
fool. Sleeping on the gTour,4
has doubtless develop!
rheum&tism in bundreds
who were predisposed to
the disease. In iuch tai
the Boys of '93 may tke
& lesson ftom the ipTi
ence of the
Heroes of the.
Civil W&t.
Hundreds of the Boys
of '63 have testified to the
tfficdcy of Dr. Willi-mV
Pink Pills foT P&l Peopl
. in driving out rr.Alis.Ti,
rheumatism &na
diseases contracted during
4nd privation in the drmy.
tonic m the world.
A.. Rot,ln.on of Ml. tlrting, til , 1"
eu urmrr pr " ."V
.i..-. V10.1 of ih Him- h u 11
to l m rmxnml rrll.f until
Mufti, vt i Hi i-t-i v, v&'li
J f' W VM! l'-f'-, Irt! til g jl j
15 ' h.rt t, -j :. ;.(..' 1 U.i --r ' i it
gl iij . ', i ''f ' 1 y
or,, n linn ul tin- Spree w. Iij,
fon.sul-l .ein-rnl lie Kji.V wi ile.-t a pa.
pi renlitled "An Juliind Venice" for !.,
. iilury. It 1st a ilewripi ion uf lifo ,c
tiie i-i lil:in Shuuiiv X'enilhiiid. Mr. u
Uciy snys: 'Seinxil out" at the viilne
lionl of litirir in a iietly idlil. 'l'ie
subsi.-iiitiiil brick building ovi'ilooks the
ever iiiiii iinu lug highway, nml the bo,i
mil ftlrlx, Insieail of btrlnviti'i HI' a i!ns
ty road, luiobli! Inlo piiiiLs poin
awuy for dear life- the I oys nun ii ,n
other hoys, but the L-il'ls n-dne, d f:ie-
ilniiiH of I heir luoihei'N and i.i h t hi-l-
ters, clad in lirlirhl lull xhorr r:iii,n-!iL
ilitl vhdhle afar oil" thioik;h iiiiir
Htniiife iiioi;-i-npM v.Ilh vini;s. .V- o;iu
move down utienm from Hoig
Li'lp' to I.Ubhetiini, these wingt i'o,v
siniiller and eollaise, u hlh- I ho si,irt
(fi'w longer mid more rei.e:i:.;.. the oi-
ilinary dress of woineti. At a d.. iiv th?
Sjireewalder knows Instaiiilv. by ti
peeuliarilies of her costume, from what
railage a uoinitii or clrl has coine. ,f
f.eipe tln jij til 1 1 1 ii It i Mills skirls ofj
filarming tc'i'th are no more, t in
reachi the ankh-s, and the cap lib i
(lose to the head instead of resting on a
framework as In I.ut ','. Thus tin. du ss I
iu Iipe Is icrhaia more jrraei.ful. ln:t
it Is more eoniiminjihiee; 11 no lousi r
testilies to that pride of the peasant
father or husliatul which is ahown bj ',
Ilie number of yards in the skirt-f or ;
his vomanfolli and the variety of their
'cups, by tii' richness of their dross as
well lu- tileir .ieweby.
iunili IK-os
At any time a damp bed Is to b
avohled. In no hou-i-le hi should th
precaution of airing the bed linen be
fore takitit; It Into u; be omitted, and
it will make the b"d more healthy iui,i
more comfortable if an Indian rubber
hot wn'er bottle, or a s'one bottle cased
ti tlirmel, be put hi jtist before b' dtiine.
As a liti'il .'est of dampm s in a bed, pm
t small look:n'.'-::l.iss Ix'tween the
heett. I-iave It there for about fiti-
oitme.'S iinil !f tl i It. .-ii H'L-iOi nltl irltt !
x cloud or mist upon Its surface It In
sure slisu that 'lie linen. Is not thoi
Highly dry. In sin !) a ( do not a;
t'.iiipt to n':"f ietW'.H'ii It, for dami;
ot;d linen Is a frihtt'ui souree of then
.liDtlsm ami Iimu a;i'e -tiorw.
Can Frnr He Cured?
rrofewsor AnKclo Morso. of Turin, In
lilfi book on "Fear," which bus n eei.t
iy been translated Inlo EujrlisU. :
that fear Is a disnase to be cured, lie
particularly condemns the methods
which are Humctimcs practiced by iar
eiita and nurses, of (jovertillig and eou-
trollinj; youtiK children ihronyh a fenxe ' brinK It up over the bundle the second
of fear. Kven more peruiciout 1 the,,,,,, plH another bundle of slnnv
practice of awakening a sense of tvrror all(i rejieat tin operation until the first
In children by stories of "boR-eys," hob- course Is completed,
goblins ami wi hes. According to Pro- j j,u second cntrse In the same
fessor .Mosso, mankind can be Tiitirle f way. havinj; the bundles In this cover
more courageous by uroper cultivation. . t,e craekf of the first course ami the
bulls extending to the cd,ue of the roof.
Chicago Furniture Konxe Ha Kur
nihrit Ncurlra .Million Hoinrs,
To be the largest furniture house in the
world is a dist iie tioii which the John M.
Smyth Company, 1."') to Mti West Madi
son street, ( hieago, enjoys. An idea ol
the iiiuiiitmli of the est ahlislimeiit limy
he pained from the fact that the buildup
i iililiitlis sevi-n and oiie-hiilf ncn-s of floor
sptn-e and that during its thiiil of a cen
tury of business it h.-i furnished riearlj
rhf'.e-onarlerH of a miihoii homes, or more
iloin the emire pepal.o ion of some Suites.
One of the biiviii. sh prini iples of the linn
is if goods are ..t n represented they
may be returned and the money svil! lie
refuniled. The linn issues a large, ler.i
tifuliy illustrated catalogue of household
goods which an retailed at wholesale '
price, It will he sent free on. application.
In Winter Use Alien's Foot-Ease j
A xiti t to lie sii.iken m'O the flute-.
Itui wig winter void feet feel uncou, fort
tide, nervou" and f en c dd und !ai"p
il v 11 have jm epiring, smart ne f et 01
. g'ht sboe, tiy AI.I.KN'S KOOT KASK
It warm) and resin tlin h-et an I make
w alking 1 a, y. f nr. h swollen and twea
ng bet, ldin ers and c I on epois. lb
ieveH con 8 and boo oub of all pain am'
h a certi in cur- ( r Chdbhiin an
KrtiBt bitcc. Try ittiday. Sold bra
ling intH and bm tores for 'J5c. Tri
acra-e niaih-d KKEK. Ah!res Alien
s. (dtnsterd, I.e 1 ., '. Y.
their d.y of hardship
These pills .re the best
rrtrran if thr CWII r, hvln
hum ir tiiiLjmi i""i t - o
.;.i :...i iui...r ..f .n. kind
F?" ,"
ir. w intuitu' run run
hoi hrn I nnlti it nil
Vi 'l '"'?
it v-.m
i u
1 Z: r0 y-'M
Poof 1 h-iteliine.
flood, ftraight rye straw Is probably
as di-airahie tuaicrhil as can be neeurerl
for tlmlehiiig. To get rid of the (rra'm,
hohl the hiiinile, without cuuui'r the
baud, so that the cylinder of the thresh
er will su-ike the heads. When 1 In e.ialn
Is all removed throw the bun lie to one
side and do not let It pi ihro.iKh the
machine. The straw will then bo
slraUrht and In iood condition for
t li.i t -ii i 1 1 ir.
Arr.-i!:.';- the rafters as for a shinr-Ie
roof. I'se for s! (-.itiilnu- -t-i'seh boards
placil about a foot ap:li'!. lu liialcii-
i Ins;, the wo. k is done on f :vily tin
same prim-pai- as sningii"-.
of small Im : : i i " i s (.it Is '.. '
the way a- ross t!-i-roof.
Take a r .
Ktra'aht ry- !r.-i v. . . .h
ptatnlint; Hie straw pi i " 1 1' ! i
Hftiii'-' several Inches from
.-, roiii-e
on all
- of the
i of the
butts by
ihtrly ami
I'll.' 1'0(1',
Ihell' letlijis loll sudd lily. Tie til
of a ball of stroiiK string to the
j pii-ces of sheathitip next to the cornh e.
! Ilace the btsncli of straw a-Minst it and
pass the strin.L' over the straw down un
der the slieatiiil!. back to the left and
j The third ami remaining layers are put
ion In the same way, eM-ept tlml the
butts of these are always about a foot
: above the butts of the layer below. Just
as the lower edge of one row of shingles
: Is sev eral inches almve the one just be
low It. In the engraving b. e and d
show the relative positions of the third,
fourth and lift li courses. Always cover
completely the twine which holds ou
one course with the lower part of the
next above It. Just as the mills In one
course of shingles are covered by the
next layer. If the work Is carefully
done, the roof will be waterproof and
will hist for many years.
Portable r- w-il' f'nrrel.
t have not seen any device that bents
ruble for lightening the labor of swill
ing the hogs or transporting slop. I
old culih ntor. v-th a
ooi -, cents. 1 lirst
1 as sliovs n in the lirst
i.l spindle, then lit It
around the b:iiu ;. t'-eii bend for the
; other spindle, using the shown at 1
for the hub, and the grip shown at to
i fasten on the ban el. With this, a boy
can carry .." gallons of slop as easily
as I can carry a buokcilul. This device
l ...Vvv- V -,,f.
Is left nt the kitchen door, anil the
w hole day's slop l put lu II, and Is all
hauled awny'iif once, at Ihe same hour
each day, so that the pigs are not
toiii.iiliug around the trough nil tl e
lime. Tin Ironh projects through il.i
fence, so I can dump Ihe slni in to sixty
head of lings and not get my clothes
oiled, us shown In the second picture.
The device ean be Improved by rutting
out a shallow curve from top of the bar
rel nnd riveting on a tin spout, as
nhown.-J. liilnlnger. in Ohio Farmer.
Corn Klc' 'it Winter,
The burr corn Held Is no belter pub
Terlzed by winter freeing than If some
fall crop were sown, nnd left In winter
to cover its nnkcducmi. Wherever crim
son clover will live through the winter. !
that Is. of course, ocsl, as winter enrth
covering, for It will often make conuld-,
-." - ,-4il v - .' x 4
f 1 f Y ' , .1
i - cv' ' !
1 r
made tiitlie of ati
Dickie barrel llitit
bend the it .
' I i
v.vli in
.1 1 I...
or p :
i!: spring. Hut
in., o v: ns ii. f
A .. tit of boltj
a ! -
tiltily 1 1 1 ! k ;l
r hi
i il
r i ft a ti in i he si a 1 li.i ii i
1 hese w !l not live tli i -r j
:. but Ill if leaves w II I
t)! iK" a tiiiib
fai-e f.ii: li
Wti.-!i :h:s
ell I Wilt ; oil ci Hie stir-
iti-.' beaten d two by rtiais. j
ll.U'ell U '! ivi ' '1 under, it I
g idi:l ! not li.'
birr e 1 m-if-. than rhn ;
or lour iiirh
wii! ilu it (let ;
s. The cutaw.iy haiTu.v'
ily eiioiiuh.
T'riiojri-- I c rtrf-s.
reach ri, wer are illy h'tirnitig
that tlse-p; ae'li trie vi:l not only stand
Very severe pruning, but that It does
Ii'-st under sueh lr -til tm-nr. U here t
this is not p:-ac ic d. long, sleiid-rj
branches form, and thes.. produce ft'u't
liiaittl;, tit their outer i xtrrnrt'es. Tins i
ovetl ..'l is tli bratiehes ami etiasi s the n j
to break down even vb,n tin tree 'a:
prodtic. ng no more f:-ni: thati It cuiiht '
easily carry If properly d'sirlbn'oil. If!
the brtmclies wet-o eut buck to wit Inn
two feet of til.- trunk they would throw
out numerous fruit spurt and produce elose to the trunk and mtitti
branches where it could easily be sup
ported. Trees handled in this way will
also produce more perfect fruit. Such
Severe cutting back may lie done with
out any injury whatever if performed
whle the tree Is dorm. nit. Although
peaelies are reckoned an uncertain
crop, il is still otic of the tuosl prolita
lib; frutts that caa he grown in locali
ties adapted to it. Seiovt the liuest
varjet'es ami give high culture and It
will reipilre but little fruit to give you
a good money return. American rami
tndc r.-u try Pay. I
A writer in ,1 Western paper says: I !
often read In the poultry Journals that!
It is not mucli work to tiike care of
poultry. I have always found it Just
the reverse. Still I like it for the out
door exercise and natural love I have
for pets. I also found II very remunera
tive, but I liiid there Is as great, a de
mand for that article called common
sense iu 1 oiiltry raising as in everything
else. The third year I gave poultry my
attention I kept a strict account with
the biddies. I had thirty-two" Light
I'.rahma Irons ami forty half bloods for
sitters. In the early spring I sold nine-
er::i le
ty-two slliittgs of eggs, twenty-two II u nature is so constitu'eil that
half bloods for sitters, and raised nearly ' ftH e and judg- better in the aff lirs of
700 chicks. I sold Mine for broilers j other men than in their own. Ter
aml some for breeding purposes, aml'erH.e,
packed over l."iu dozen eggs during the
summer. I sold nil the culls Thanks- Pnr Jirn,nt
giving, nnd at the end of the year the If arj,.(lj ke,,p yom. 8(11.k 6fi aU() fi) u
books showed a balance In my favor (1, , wltb dry fl()U... if l;mw wrUt ol. Rj)l)W
$7:i1..'H. Since that time I have kept ' ,,ut tlle fl,nir ou a cloth aml
110 accurate account, but am satisfied to
continue ntilll I Und something better.
Farmer's Uevievv.
A f'ow for Hvcry Acre.
We do not bear so much as we used
to do about the imp malice of pro
diieing enough feed on an acre to Ue-p
a cow throitgh the year. It can be done
by growing corn as the main feed. ISut
that Is not always, nor generally, econ
omy, for If all the laud is kept In corn
St must reitilre more 111 .-inure than
where it can be every three or four
years seeded with clover, and after all
the soil would be less fertile- than after
a clover seeding. Itesidcs, more depends
011 the milking character of the cows
than on their number. Tin-best dairy
men prefer rather to reduce their herds
In number, and still get as much milk
and butter as formerly. This makes
the labor much less, and if the lessened
number of cows leaves more land not
needed to keep them. It can probably
be given to otlij.r uses thai will pay
much lienor. American Cultivator.
Gnt-sHintr V.'. i'. -ti t of S:ock.
One of the best ways of training
cjt to Judge both of and dressed
weights of animals Is offered at "butch- .
cring lime." It' the farmer litis some
barn scales It, is easy to secure the live
weight of animals at any time. I.t::
there Is great iHfl'civnci In th" auto",:!!
of waste in k' and dressing, even s
among animals of the same breed. Il
is th:s k;nd of knowledge that tin buy- .
el- hains by iong practice, .in, unless
f (i fillers want to be cheated in selling
live stock they must learn also. The
1 boy 0.1 the farm should be encouraged
j to make his guess as to how much each
hog or beef would weigh, both alive
I and after It was dressed for market fug. '
It is knowledge that every hoy on the .
farm should try to gain.
I'e ill tin (Irjiin t i hccji.
There Is nothing better than the
V-shaped trough In which to feed grain
to sheep. It is easily made, and should
be set up high enough so that sheep
will mil put their feet Into It. Nailing
a narrow" board a foot and n half above
the trough will keep the sheep from
stepping or jumping over It. Sheep
will clean out all the grain In the bot
tom of the V, anil If they do not It
should be turned over alter they have
eaten, and left turned until ready :o
feed again, so that It will not till with
snow, which musses and dirties the
Mnrlita Applet nnd Orr'pen.
If apples are kept In the cellar they
should Im. placed In Ihe eoolesl aud most
airy part. It Is best to keep theiii lu a
shed or garret until I here Is danger of
freezing and then pit! In the cellar. To
keep well, apples should be Kept In re
ctitiicles as air-tight as poss.ble. The
barrel should never be left uncovered.
Open the barrel and take out a tsntll
cletit quantity lo last a few days and
then mill the cover 011 again.
lto Von Know Vottr Kiirnt?
Wo want to ask you, farmer friend.
If yon are perfeclly familiar will) your
whole farm? Have explored all lis
acres and know what Is on the under
side as well as 011 top ? lo you know
Just how deep certain land should be
plowed nnd what crops are best adapt
J 10 same? If you do, then you are
on the high' road to prosperity.
keen right on, ami you'll get lb
farmers' Guide.
Earnest Word 3 Prom Women. Who Have Been Believed of BaoJcacb
Hr3. Finkiiam Warns .galnet Nerjlect.
Dear Tifni. PiVKttAM : I have teen thankful a thousand times, since T wrot
m, for what your Vegetable t.'ompoitnd has done for me. I followed your ad
. leo carefully, and now I feel like a olih'erent person. My troubles were back
lie, headache, nervous tired
-.ling, painful menstruation and'y -i
I took four bottle? of Vegetable
( oinpounti, otic box ot Liver
l iilu, aim rsed one paeki,ge of
f- native Wa.h, onfl 'tm now 'veil.
41 .hank you ao-iiu for the good
vou have done- for pie. r.i.j-A h.
l:i.E.-;.N)iit, East Ko'-lierttcr, Ohio.
Ohio. H - H -
iug re- I I
Gre:.t numbers of su .-ii let
the above are constantly be
c, ived by Jlrs. I'inkhatn from wo
rt en wliocwe tlmir iiea : tli s -nl luip
I ;i ess to her ad vice ami medicine.
lira. I'inliham's ail.lretiS is
1 yna, i'tms. Her advice is of
fered free to all suite ring1 women
who are puzxledabout thorns -Ives.
If you Lave bakae'iedou, tnejr
h . ;t iior try htroje:: !y to "work it,
down,"you must iv.uch the root of
the trouble, and nothi.-yf will do
this m safely and surely ;v.s Lyd'tt
10. Finkhsmrs Vi'retable foi Hack ache is accompanied
ty a lot of other aches and wearying- sensations, but they nearly always eoui
from the same source. Itcrnove the of these (Ik-iivst-tHrg ITiings, and yoa
become well ami strong. Mrs. S. J. KwAXSos, of Uibaon City, 111., tells lier ex
jierienee in the follow ing letter:
" Dkaii Mns. Fi.n'kiiam : Defore using your medicine I was troubled with head
ache and n;y back ached so that I could not rest Your medicine is the best I have
ever used; it has relieved me of my troubles, aud I icel like lnyseif again
l'hanks to Lydia E. rinhham.
"I would advise any one troubled with female weakness to take your medi
cine. 1 shall also recommend it wherever 1 caa as a great reliever of pain."
WW Rsve Been Benefited
Xothin- is no ha'd but beAn
i.-h will
Bad it out. Ileniek. .
Keprove thy friend rriva'p,y'
mend him publicly. So'ott.
Every one 11, ts a fair turn to be as-(neat-
aa he pleaee-?. Jeieuty Collii r.
It is easy findinp reason-) why other
folks t-hould be patient.--George Kiiot.
There ia no greater punihmetit thttn
thatot being abandoned to 0 er.elf.
1 - . -
it will ease tne pain la a short t ime. I
have tried It on my ankle ami knee.
Kaeh was badly sprained, and I got ho
med late relief from pain in each case,
and have not suffered any from them
since. It took some time for them to
get well and strong again.
A fashion paper says that "coats are
to be worn longer this year." Hut we
don't know how this can he done; there
are only 3(15 days lu the year.
A man may admit that he can't sing
wheu he Is in town, h it he Is always
willing to try while driving iu the
W hy.W astB
fnd working i.ours in getting to St
.1 sepii 01 K in-as Ct'y when it is pos
sibl to tdiorten the j urt.ev hy using
St. Jife -h & Gr.uid Islatol night, tr.dns,
which tire equipped with fbcHning
Chair Gars (swata tree) arid Pullman
le pers?
Absolutely Pure,
V n I fit ion a
V ..Costs Less 1 nan CFE CEKTaCup.,
I'e sure that you net die Genuine Article,
made at IM)KCH1:TK, MASS. by
KsTABMSiinn 1780.
A Perfect Type of Ihe Highest Order of 1
the t Excellence in Mtwufacture." J
; 1
KB EJisUE tittlikf! 'Jl?I'.l!
! 1
1 (Breakfast
' fHt i
1 il.- V- S -v r r
1 --"" 1 ""'I..-
Sleepy Hollow Chair, $5S
il !.i'.rBVL.,l
MItS. liNKliAM.
A - . . . . I I I I I 1 I I . I I I I S"a
xx n: f.,Tp
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J LL 1 -C-- ji
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1l.V Mrs. P5nl(Jl8ni'S Advice 8'Jfl MCifcf 0e
The etnad-m worm w.ll tu n, being
tr idden on, the doves viil peck, in
s.ih fiiard of their brood. Shakespeare.
Good breeding is the resulr, of much
good sense some good nature and a lit
tle self-denial for the sake of others
Potiitiveness is a mopt abturd foible.
Ityou are in the right, it lessens j our
triuo'ph ; i in the w r ng, it adds oham
to your defeat. ISterne.
A true man never frets about his
place iu the world, but just slides into
it by the eravita'.ion ol his nature and
sw nes there as ea ily as a etar. E. H.
A I'lensant Tootfe Fod-r;.. '
Ten teaspoonfula precipitated chalk; .
three teaspeonfuls powdered borax. .
three teaspooufuls pewdered orris root,
one-half teaspnouful myrrh. These caa .
bi purchased at any drug store and cost
but little. One may ask for "prepared
or "powdered" chalk if preferred. Tii .
druggist will understand a.ud give ex
actly the same Ingredients as In this
prescription. f
Two by ;iu'.iitr.-
Here are two new Lrahms aueo
dotes told by lika Iforovilz-Barnay. A,
young Hungarian violinist, who was '
continually talking about his wonder
ful skill and great fame, had his flat
teries addressed to Brahms cut short:
with the brusque remark: "'More finger'
exercises and fewer phrases, youugr
man.'- A young woman who played tb
pianoforte asked him as to the advis
ability of giving a concert In Vienna,
"Are you all ready?" Inquired P.rahin.
"Certainly, dear master: may I play
something for yonV"
"Oh, no, no; I meant orrly have you a
new gown and gloves V
"Yes, sir."
"Pity: otherwise I should have advis
ed you uot to give the concert."
Deutsche ltevtte.
A Turkish grant of territory for Ger
amny colonizing in F.gypt goes to show
It was not wholly a holy land trip Elu-
I ;ieror itbam made.
A catalogue of 800 prizes, suitable t
very taste ami condition, mailed on in
quiry. Frizes givi a for saving Diamond
"O" Soup wrappers. Address Cudah
?oap Works, South Omaha, Neb.
To Cure Cold in One Day
Take Laxn'tve r.roino Quinine Iablts
All druggists refund the money if it full
to cure. i'oc. The genuine has L. B. 4
on each tablet.
A new novel by George Gissing, call
ed "The Town Traveler," describes th
experiences of a Loudon "drummer.".
The adventures are complicated with a
love story.
I It I'rofiiahle
lo devote an entire .lay in getting toS
Joseph or Kansas City, when the tni
may lie'tiibly made during 1h
' niL'iit via the St. Joseph & Grand Hant
Ky? Chair Cats feats fn e) and Pull
m m Palm e Slecppers are ruu on al
night trains.
X ul (1 , ' 1
.-. - v, -
For perfect Comfort, Durability and Attract
iveness the Sleepy Hollow Chair has no
equal. The back is extra high and wide; the
seat is hollow shape, fitting perfectly to the
human body. There are no springs, but the
seat and back are heavily stufled and
upholstered in injured tapestry, bis-,
cuit tufted and buttoned, with deep
fringe and tassels around the bottom.
We warrant the chair to give satis
faction, and it is worth 810.
H- I'" dwimply lllinlinlH ('!
- of Household Goods.
larpeis, tv.cycics, sewing macnines, ur
f'fo and Ourch Furniture, fin., wnt tr
on appl lr.iii.toii, Ii i-outiilioi iliouhHinlii of srtl
elfin willed wi rtRilul wliolfNfili. prliTf. Car--u.
lrKerli-, lnipa, IMtiner Beta, etc,
nhown In folorit. Vphi'Ip nil ovi-r the worM bin
frtimlt. WHY? Because It brinfi to them
of floods In coffiRict form to Mlact from.
is. ia. isa. las. lee, lea, isa. ia
Madison StfMt,
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