The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 26, 1899, Image 8

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Don't send away for Dry Goods and
Groceries when you can buy them as
cheap at the
in Harrison, as you can in Chicago at
the department stores.
GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch
Supply House has just put in a full
line of Gents furnishing goods for
Pall and Winter wear.
He will sell Overcoats and Cloth
ing cheaper than any other store in
Harrison. Come and see for yourself.
And the Ranch Supply
House will not be undersold
on Groceries & Provisions.
Come and be convinced.
TBTHSDAY..JAN. 26lh. 1899.
eo. D. Canon, Editor and Prop.
F.E.iM.TK. Ji. Haif Utile.
Going Went. Going Eaut.
iflo. t, mixed. 1130 1 'o. 6. mixed
f, E. M. "V. R. E. i the best
to and from-the
Prompt attention piveo to &11 lcfr'
tnatters in Justice, County and ltotriet
Courts, and before the United State?
land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
tyLegal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison. - Nebraska.
Read J. H. Bartells add in another
column of the JocrsaT-
Grandpa TocJcer was up from Glen
Thursday, and while here paid bis
respect to this office.
The storm last Sunday afternooo and
night for the short time it lasted was
perhaps, the worst ooe dufinff the winter
this far.
DaoPublo, Fellers, Sadie Case
beer, Annie Casebeer, Mr. Casebeer, Eli
8hower, T. U. Golden, Scott Metz, John
Howard, George Elliot and H. 8. Parks.
Those who were up from Cotton
wood precinct last Friday in attendance
at the preliminary hearing ot John Far
ris, for bores-stealing before Judge Wil
son were:
All of Mrs- Wills younger children
are this week suffering of measles and Miss Teresa, is nurse ana house
keeper; at this writing they are all on
the mend.
Attorney O'Connell, who triila law
suit before Justice LeithofftJast Thursday
, out in Highland precinct, reports his li
ent was grunted the decision. Thus M.
. J. won his first law suit wi Hionx county
rind bin Hrst case since becoming a full
fl ged councilor at-low.
- Following ara who have bsen
vaccinated with kino-nocks during the
xuit wk by Dr. Fbianey:
U H. Oriswold,
Jeff Jlewatt,
- Grant GhiUina,
J&uaat Oathr.
X J. Biewett,
ileory Hewett,
CUm Otitbrk.
Phjltcian and Surgeon.
411 calls iriTen prompt attention.
Office In Drug Store.
With this issue of the Joitisal Aug.
Baumgard, of Montrose, will add his
name to its long list of subscribers; thus
do our patrons and friends continue to
H. S. Parks, of Crawford, was among
the pleasant callers with whom we had a
friendly chat in our "den "since our last
issue. We are always glad to give us a
call wbeu in town.
On last Friday evening Mrs. Peter
Bourette, went to Chadron to assume
charge of the Jameson mansion, as Mr J
and Mrs. J. expected to leave on last
Sunday evening for California, to be
gone about a month.
Scott Metz, of Adelia, was a pleasant
caller at this sanctum oa last Friday
and had the audacity to drop two silver
cart wheels on our round table. Many
thauki kind friend, all need their money
but particularly the printer.
Mrs. Jennie Clemraous and little
daughter of Fremont, Neb. urrived on
lant Monday, and will a.sime the duties
of houekeeper for Mr. Patrick Lacy, we
are pleased to learn that Mr. Lacy has at
last secured a good housekeeper.
Miss Claudia Hester who has ben
standing tfie academy at Chadron, came
home on last Saturday, in response to a
telegram from home informing her of the
illness of her parents. She expects to
return to school as soon as her parents
health will permit, they are recovering
The heavy wind and snow storm of
last Sunday after-noon and night blew
the smoke stack off the roof of our eng
ine room, twice within the past seven or
eight months the elements have paid
special attention to the Journal office,
last June lightning struck the smoke
stack and what it did not do, the wind
County Treasurer Beihle, returned
to our midst on last Saturday. Well all
the boys were glad to see him, but we
do not care to say how glad Charley was
to be with us agaia. Yes Clierley is al
ways glad to go but be is also glad to
get back, thus verifying the old yet ever
new addaga "Be it ever so bumble there's
no place like home."
No healthy person need fear any
dangerous consequence from an attack
of la grippe if properly treated. It is
much the same as a sever cold and re
quire precisely the same treatment.
Remain quietly u home and take Cham
berlain s Cough Remedy aa directed for
a severe cold and a prompt and complete
i ec very will follow. For sale by Dr.
J. E. Finney.
A stated in our last issue, John Fer
ris, of Cottonwood, accused of Itorse-
lea ling, waa given bis preliminary trial
before Hon. Judge Wilnoo of this city on
last Friday, who after mature dehb rati
os hound the prisoner over to appear at
tlfmM term of district cour,, placed hi
bot at 100,00 wfak-b reepoo-bihty hit
wlfia umui. Mr. aad Mr. Ferris Wft
tatAom o bMt 8m 'mj mmag.
The place to Get Good
Hal-gains at all times is at
The following of which is
nearly always found, at
the above place:
A complete assortment of
Ladies and Gents furnish
ing Goods, Dry Goods, No
tions and Millinery.
A Good line of Men's
Duck Clothing, Hats and
Caps to suit the times.
Ladies and Gents Fine
Foot Wear a specialty; and
Children, s Foot Wear care
fully considered.
For McCormic machinery, Barbed Wire
and Salt; in fact nearly everything
kept in a well regulated store. If you
are in Deed of a large or small hill come
in and see what we can do for you
before you send your money out of the
country. Respectfully,
JTIIighest cash price paid
for hides.
Thomas Holly.
Harrison. Neb.
Editor Davis is able to be out apain.
Miss Bertha Nutto, has been wrestle
ing with the grippe since Monday.
Mrs. Grant Guthrie and Mrs. Perry
White, are suffernnij from the prippe
this wuek.
Mrs. J. L. KendaH, who has been
quite sick again the past week is much
Prof. Hicks forecast of the storm
which struck the country on last Suueay
nag one day in advance only.
Dr. Phinney, informed us last night
that George Turner, over in the Valley,
has a very severe attack of the grip.
We learn from a reliable Bource that
Sant. Crawford, now a resident of this
precinct will be a candidate for county
sheriff, next fall.
Winter seems to have begun anew,
after neatly a month's Kprincr weather
a severe blizzard on last Sunday, and an
other snow storm on Tuesday this seems
iiiuewhat like winter.
We learn, thcugh indirectly, that
CapL Adams of Crawford, L N. ILirbaut;h
of Chadron, and editor Heath, o f the
Rushville Standard, are candidates for
deputy oil inspector.
Chas. Umphonouer, who has been
in Kansas, during the past year returned
to Harrison on lsa.t Friday. Well Cbarly
looks as if every one had used him well
while away, and we presume they did,
for be is just the kind of a fellow every
one likes. He expects to remain in this
vicinity all summer .
Mr. Henry Warneka, of Runniig
Water, left last Tuesdav evening over
the F. E. 1 M. V. Railroad for Houston,
Tex. where he goes to administer acd
settle up an estate for his sister-in-law
whose husband was killed hast fall. He
will be absent about two or three weeks,
mean-while Mrs- Warneka, will be bead
foreman or forewoman at the ranch.
Mr. Andrew Knori, returned from
his visit to Wisconsin, on last Thursday.
Wa ragret to say we were incorect in
surmising that J ndrew would bring back
a bride, for )o; be came alone, at least
minas a bter half, and as bis sole com
panion he brought a large St. fJermrd
dog. Now Andrew how about those
girls? Own up, for we know something
axut the (not er.
IiU.Grl.ppe MiicccMrull Cured.
"I have just recovered from the econ,j
attack of lagrippe this year." says Mr.
Jas. A. J men, publisher of Leader, Mexia
Texas. "In the latter case I used Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy, aad I think
with considerable success, only being in
bed a little over two days against ten
days for the former attack. The second
attack I am satif.fld would would bava
been equally aa bad the first hut for
llie use of this remedy as I had to go to
bed in about six hours after being struck
with it, while in the first case I was able
to atteod to buaioeat about two dayr bi
foftfcettinf 'dowp." ForaalabDr. . ,
E. jpiay,
" The place to Get Good
Bargains in Buhners is at
Where a complete line of
warm Felts and Rubbers,
Our line of GROCERIES
are fine, as we always aim
to buy Good, Fresh Goods
such as we know would
suit all our Customers.
We carry a complete line
of FLOUR & FEED; all
Flour guaranteed. Also,
we carry HARDWARE &
Building Material.
NOTICE:-Preaching eve
ry other Sabbath at 11:00
o'clock a. in. , and every Sab
bath evening at the M. E.
J. L. Kendall, Pastor.
We are in receipt of a copy of the
World-Herald Almanac and year book
It is replete with useful knowledge is
authentic on current events, especially
nil matters which have occwrwl dunne
ItIM, Hit" iimnI evifiilf l yiMi o'
republic (I lie civM ur e.c iUx,i every
family should obtain a copy. A single
copy copy costs 2V, but it is a library in
itself its readers will be re-embursed most
amply before the present year is closed.
We notice by tlie special dispatches
from Washington, that Attorney Geo.
A. Eckles. of Chadron has been appoint
ed postmaster of that place. Certainly,
he iR entitled to position; there are few
men in the republican party, who could
run a camiaign, and distribute campaign
funds so judiciously for tho good of the
trusts and monopolies, and iu a district
witn wenniigiy no enow lor victory as
did Mr. Eckles. He has earned the hon
or and osition.
The readers of the Journal will (ind
on our editorial page of this issue, a re
print of Governor Pingree'g mes:ige (it
will appear in two issues of the JocirNAL,
one half this week the and the other next)
delivered recently before the state legis
lature of Michig in when it convened in
biemal session at Lancing. Read what
he says on tha trust problem, surely no
one can accuse him of being one of xhote
populist "crauks" because he is of the
republican faith, and adhere's to his first
love like grim death to a Digger. Do m t
read it over lightly, but give his subject,
"trusts" your most ernest consideration,
and reflection. Every voter in Sioux
Uounty should read that message, ro
matter what his political ideas may bt ,
Over In Wyoming.
Mrs. F. W. Knott, of Gilchrist, visited
with A. Christian and Mrs. J. 11
Newhn of Pleasant Ridge, last week and
Quite a blizzard swept over eastern
Wyoming last Sunday.
Sam Seaman had quite a little trouLli
with his pump the first of the week.
Sam Porter lost a team in a peculiar
manner on Wednesday of last week, lie
was logging for Stratum's saw-mill in
mill creek canyon when a heavy log tlitt
ha waa dragging rolled over a precipice
taking the team with it. They fell a dir
tanoe of twenty feet or more, one of the
horses was dead when lie got It but the
other lived a short time, this was hard
luck for Sam, as we understand he w;ia
just about through logging for the win
John StrattM baa moved hi saw mill
fjom the old location in Wyoming to one
in Sioux county Nebraska; but your cor
respondent failed to learn where.
There wae no tc.iool at Neulins on
Tuesday and Friday of last week on ic
oaunt of tha funeral of Grandma Button
on Tuesday, and of Dewey McOermottco
Friday. U r. Church is, and hat been vary
iok, not being able to alUod the burial
vf hi grandchild, Dewaj KeDwiMtt
Why, thafs where every
body trades these days.
There is nothing they do not
keep for sale.
They handle Suitings for Ladies
& Gents,
Novelty dress goods, Plain dress
Flannel for all purposes. Also
Cloaks, Capes, Shawls, Carpets, Oil
Cloths, Matting Shades and Curtains.
We are Head-quarters for all kinds of Groceries and
Provisions, Flour and Feed.
Right here, before we forget it; we want to call the at
tention of the public to our Canadian Pure Maple Syrup,
try it and be convinced.
We have on exhibition at our store one of the
that can be bought Any where. Price $33.
Call and see that Range.
NOTICE: There will lie
Lutheran services at the
M. E. church Saturday, Feb.
4th, isyj, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Kev. F. G. Winoks.
Again death has visited our little set
tlement and saddened one happy home
and again has a little mound appeared in
our cemetery to remind us that death is
ever present. Lit'lelJewoy MJDerMiotl
youngest child of Mr si'id !.-. Charles
MclVrnin'.i, l ul, 1 Im '! :s of Lis
grum),reiits, Mr, ami Mrs. Frank i liuri h
at 10.20 o'clock on Wednesday January
IS, lSiiy, neil eight months undone day.
He was taken sick on Sunday with that
dread disease pneumonia: all that human
hands could do was douc, but without
Funeral services were conducted at ti e
house by O, A, Carton, after which the
lute body was taken to the Pleasant
Ridge cemetery and laid to rest.
for Congressman (hump
Clark of Missouri.
"Champ" Clark of Mm-vouri, is tho
steadfast champion of the country news
paper man. He never lets slip an opor
tunity to seak for them. Just now he
is engaged in trying to make the govern
ment quit -ometing with the job print
ing department of the country newspa
per. When the post office appropriation
bill was before congress a few days ago
Mr. Clark offered the following amend
ment: "Provided, that no portion of this sum
shall be expended in printing 'return
cards' or ary other words on stumped
Mr. Clark then said: "I olfer this
amendment because I ain teetotal ly op
posed to tho Federal Government going
into competition with private citizen in
any bruhcb of business whatsoever. For
the government of the United Suites to
prom ite tho sale of its stamped envel
ops by printjig return cards or any
siecies of advertising on them is an out
rage on the rights of the individual citi
zen who may be engaged inlhvsanie
sort of business. It might juntas well
go into the business of selling pota'oes
or calico or cabbage or into any other
branch of comment in tl i i country."
A point of order was raised and decid
ed against Mr. Clark wherepon he retort
ed: "Then I serve notice on him that I
will Introduce a separate bill that i-an-not
tie knocked out on a point of order,
and which will take the government out
of competition with.conntry newsriers
and job olllces." Omaha Daily World-
To tbo Public.
Wo are authorized to guarantee every
battle of Chamberlain's though Remedy
to bt as represented and if not Mtitfao
tory after two thirds of the contents baa
bjen used, will refund tlie money to the
purchaser. There Is no better mediciM
oimIs for la frrippe, colds and whoopinc
onagfa. Prioa M aod0e per bolUa, Try
it. Tjt mil by Dr. J. E. PMaaajr,
NOTICE:-Mass will be
celebrated at Harrison at 10
o'clock a, in., every Satur
day before the Second Sun
day of each month. ,v
M. P. U'alduo.v, Pastor.
How to Pre rent Puenmonla.
You are pvhsps aware that pneumon
ia always results from a cold or from
an attack of lagripie. During the epide
mic of lagrippe a few years ago when so .
many cases resulting in pneumonia, it
A.isoSnai vo,i thit the attack was tiever
followed by that disease when Chamber
lain's Cough lieinely was used. It coun
teracts any teiiduncy of a cold or la
grippe to result in that dangerous dm
ease. It is th j best remedy in the world
for had colds and la grippe. Every bot
tle warranted. For sale by Dr. J. E.
I will offer for wile at Pub
lic Auction, at my residence,
one mile south of Harrison,
Jan. 2S, 1891), at 1 . o'clock p.
in. the following described
jx rr-onal property, to-wit:
4 Horses, 1 Mare,
1 Hay Hake, 1 Plow,
I Lumber Wagon, 1 Buggy,
1 Hay Pack, 2 Cooking
2 Cooking I
eating StoveyTV I
i Harness, y vl
less, 4,000 feet oP I
Stoves, 2 Heath
Set Double
Single Harness,
Lumber, 15 or 20 Tons of tho
lxwt of Hay, 200 feet of Gas
Pipe; Spades, Shovels Pitch
forks; Household Furniture.
Also, .'5 Dozzen Chickens, and
other things too numerous to
Terms of Sale: CASH.
Mas. A. H. Dkw,
We can mske
vour mesiufi
s snit
rlua, Ail-Wool
Latett City fliyhw
You csn be a velMretted
ii jam snow now. writ!
Ssyl', od liooklet "ri
l WtU, Ltrut Will,
Large Fur, Ion Plate n .
end buapkts rTWI
fowtt luatszsr.
w I ii if :i
"t I ' !
'!' ..,.
1 1 '. '