The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, January 26, 1899, Image 3

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cucrml Hamuhrrra the fr nelpal Witnaa.
of the I'ay lrtHct of Kp Inland or
C'.url-Maltiat for Kauau-linict-r T all
Sea Whj It wan Throw Overboard.
Wabiiinotox Jan. 17. Capt. R. J. 0.
iivinc, Eleventh I'm led fcia ea infan
trv, lesi.fled iefo e the war investigat
ing c mimiig on yesterday. Captain
Irvine, win wag c nimia-ary on the
una at t ie time, the trana;ort wan
in charge of Smgeon Daly, who wrote
repor on the beef condemning it in
the moat serin ioual language, fa id
that tlie f. eiel Mai ed from Ponce on
September 2 ami on th : 7t-i there waa
well marked odor as of something
that hai been "cloned up." lie wad
not prepared to nay th odor was I ke
that emanating from a deal human
botlr. ii.i'C.lfll with ehem r..i, nreuerva-
tion, ai Surgeon Daly nad reported.
At so'in as coim.dai il wan in.ida of t le
beef it wag eiatni ie I, fou d t be very
od .r.jiii and thrown ov - oard. Al
the beefcairied wa. refrigerate 1 beef.
The i;e taken aboard had uot bee i suf
ficient to preserve the beef, "even," an
the commisio i asked, "if it had bceu
received in good con litioi." It was re-
?fivd in faiily good condition, bo
ver, witness a I. A.t r ti e betf wa-i
f.hron overtwa: i he h id tboiigit it
, must have mule u.t j diie chane bj
lore it wa biougln a oar ', or bffore it
wag p'it on the ;c
tie i. Ciiarbe F. Humphreys, who wag
In charge of th s wa er UanHp irtation
t Tarn ,& lor wa'i'i tgo, w an ch el q :ar
termaater on Oeneral Mil s' a aff and
waiwttiCe S al er prior to Go i
ei I Mi t' arr val, the i hiel Witness.!
the. day, aaid t oe eofuestto i at T mp
a- d ie to the inability of the roads to
handle the ca 8.
In reply to questions the g nera! said
the r au w hy uiore wag n,a and aui-
0 . bnUnces were not lak n to Cuba wag
Lecau-e the ve-rela lull, but he
moul t not. admit that it was wing to
a !a-k 'if (ran -pij.t iii hi. Aaked auto
acri .us c m, laint Hint had been made
of improper co;.dit on ol th-) Se eca,
J nci.o, Breakwater and t:. Cny i f
' W..shing on, wuiiffl' insisted the re-
pO'i" biiity re re 1 wito the iiih ! ) al
department. Wli-n tie Sere a, iro--quoi
or t e City of Wash iig'nn tail d
lo:- home with toe sick, In- taid, they
had mi i, unites the lied Croi-a ha I
h daiittl-. Th lirsi ic e lionue.r, ie
eat :, rech'"i !S.;nt Hi- July 10
, The e w if i Ion),' wianle uvt r tli
HufPit. r.itity lor it.c i aou.jf oi ine
, t anp .fa t-y li.n etck.
"li th ," afkelfx(i v. mr
Wooii'iiry, "w.h ov crowded waa it
btvause the irovernni nt had iv.t ro-vid-1
atniiih-n: ifint oration or
tlnouJi in error of the tueuica 'le
iirtiient?" "Vt'hy lhJ melieil i!t- ar it:ent, ccr
Uln y," ' replied tiemsral 1 luin :i.n-y
inptihtifi ill)', "l)H-,uii-e th-re wi-r lo
m e htpK. i ach g (.o ul ( the Con
C o, available "
Htni'LV OK MlilJK'it MOUKS
lie waa cloeely icsli n-. by Dr.
Connor to tli cm -p y of meliej
t.ree and t'ie tranf .mrta i i lurnigli -d
to cor,v v tliem to th fr lit. v itne-g
gftid that the t nngport .tion, the jnck
traing u--d U-f-iie the '.oi tninswe
onl a e l, wi re un-'er the iiitccto of
the i 'Otiiman Unjj ttcner.l, wi lionhru Jo
g -t .iinmuii lion atid tor to ti e .on ,
pr ferihly aniiinnn'ion, 'ut there v. a",
in h; opiui .r.. n r a on why the nm i
al Htorei could ikot l ave ituvhed the
'Th 1 : rpf w re," g tid he,
'' norhir.i; h'-n it was
p'B'H' le toffive it to tln in."
Oe .era! hum,il ri'vs fad medicine
clien h leloi!triiii to iiuuv ku on- wen
not lin ed i ii the tr.M fi' a tliey
ihoutd have I e r,. Tutu f lenimcvfi!
porty e 1 nl I h. r me c u. e, huf
l!it the giir:i.n' ine I imI c.heg
I ftWt.ill iiufh lf rh.i.plli.
W ANIIINI.TON, Jltll. II). I n jn v a
!ranjr' Cr.m , l. rineriy the
J . Mohawk, liavit.y tt board the Tourlh
ilil.intry aii'l i ha!'iiln)n I! e reven
tfiiith mf.urry, will fail )r tn Sew
York Wtdmsluy lor the l'hi ippine,
via the Hu e-nal. Tl (iratit w.ll
reudi Manila gome time Ix- wi eti thiny
nd t!,irtv-to daya from I In: time of
ailti-if. th-iiiT 1 La (on whowill he
' it;iieil to the ipp l eu, will take
paa wl'h hi ntuff ! id the, (ira'.t.
The g.cretary o! war ha (riven ingtnie-
tians t t e .m . an l r of ihe f rig in
h . harlajr of New Vork to (ire a major
een rl' aluto in (i'-neral La oil's
honor as IheKi a tt pim 'I ladii fort.
Ou.'-ral Iawton l as select' d fefob
lowing niernbei-a oi his it iff: Aidmi,
C'ipt. Kohert Sewi ll, eon of 8ena or
m?ell; Li ut..E. L. King and Lieut,
Wiliiim Uro ke, son of ti neral Brooke,
Col. Ciarencn E. Edaids, adjutant
generals Msij. I. (r. "tarr, inp c.ior
general an l Col. J. D Miley, formerly
of Shaflcr'e staff
Dreyf.n ( a l)rici On.
Pari, Jan. 17. M Ijewe, preiild nt
of the criin rial chamVr of the coin t of
elataation, in an interview with a repre
aenUtiv' of (he Journal, ' unities that
tlit-e e'k would el pae lie I ire that
COuM of caa-at on would hold a public
beaiing in the lhre fus caae. M. loewe
' d !a e-l al o that II was inea t to aiy
th t ihe court was in poseaion of docu
lents bvur tig on the cane ftirninhed by
Ornate. Fe.diu and E terhsiy.
HifnHHtloual Miuu!iig- AITraf lu
i-MMh- j
louulil ( lVf ItuiU.
C'i.kvlasi, O , J in. 18. een-a ion
al gliootiug ut'f ay tixik place Vloinluy
night at the Eilu.gU-n, a fa'iiionuhk
apartme'it hone. A giylishly dros-ed
and bandcome woman, gaid to be M 8
Eh a Ilayrnond, entered the rrams oc
cup ed by Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hanna,
dur ng the ..bgence ol her ntr-hand, and
o en 'd fir o i Mrs. Hnna i h a re
volver. Four fhole we-e fir d in raoid
g icueiaon, o ily oi.e of which took ef
fect. It a' ruck Mrs. Hanna in the
t'dgb and CiiiB-d a painful wound. Miss
Raym nd, lnvinz apptrently enipti d
her revolv-r. then made her eg -ap.- and
baa not yot lieen located by the piilic.
Mr. and Mrs. 'lanna were tmrrie l rm
CliriKtmag Up to a alu-rt tinin previous
Hanna had kept co npa iy, it ii Said,
with Miw Raymond. Jealougy un
doubt' diy led to (he g'lo iting.
Alt Hnpf Now Alitndonnd
Washington, Ja i. lt. Treasury
o'Iicia! ye.te d iy ejcprfod th: opin on
tha the napthaliiii c'i I'.ml J meg, no
b in; fearch.'d for in the Migsinsippl
waterp, is at the bottom to the gu f o
river ithallon toard, thoujh a dili
gent search is I ein ma !e by the gv-
rnment anvHoriti for tr,v-e of the
party, 1 1m rev-nil') cut'er Winona is
now cruia iijj ahon' the inland wat-rg
in the ho. e f flndinst s me Nin of the
l'tHich, lint no word hm yet conie f'om
it and un ess gom) tra e is fo.iuJ it ta
likely to c utinue he getro'i for a veek.
There ig a g'-o'ijj dispo'dlion amonii; the
a'ltin.ritie li-re to b lieva that tli'i
vfpg'd m iy adont-d .1 fho-t cut
to IViihuc i',a on a c mrne far ont in the
K il , a trip r'! 'ft'di d ag fi diiir 'y for ho
I'mbt a e.r i't 'veu in average weather.
If r had k.'pt to an in1 n I co irg-- it m
b lievi'd it would have b.'en not ten I,!
tliojiuh it 'niht lake potn- other than
th" r-jr i!ar pa.Ma ;e in firea Mug its wy
through I he many water cour-eH. Trie
p .hi iblo ' Xpl k n of th . napth.'i ta-k?
is n't dii re ii ed and i' is gaid here
that in thi cape if anything liad been
ctoved bi'l'i v i' i pog-ihle no vegtigeol
the wr. ck m v b fnuml
S.joil ofT V,tr l'liitlpiliiril.
Nkw V.iuk, J in IK Tic Koorts regi
nciit. o V ai el Stat ! reg a la - i if mi rv,
(r un Ft Sneridaii, 111., arrive! i-. the
Je B'ty Ci'v depot ill i he I'e n-y
ra .ro d-a ly t I y. Tue rcim.-ni iu-gii-t."
of alio it 1,4' it) men, con. inand'-d by
Co. I! o'er . Hal!. The ni n were a';
in p ii:i- c mdit on. Th y nte their
hietkf i t in th-- c is, ccoi.ihg h ir wn
coff e and food, i'y geven o'chtk ad
th- m-' ae wag ab ai d t! e feiry'wiAl
John H Darcy and ahortl af crw rd
the -old er inltr h d al.-o r 1.
I) -cy t ok them t tie: pi-r in
river, w h-re t he tan-pot (ivant,
is 'o take fi. m 'o Mani a, litfl.
tn.o .8 will fcaii from he e torn
morning on the trim p rt t-rant.
il al o
.-.lid hit
c .rrv M ij r l iene a'
si. ff Tin- ( a t is
tra .:ior! an ' toe lire to ait frmitiia
p rt for M .ii U via t1 e .-u z can 1.
A pe ial f'ieuel aiII he uivi'ti it
Secretary ( W r Al.' r, A 1 j nam i u-
IcraiCubii a id t e memb r; of 1 e
i m li'.iry cm t itl.-c of th- s lint . imd
h'til '-'of r -jir-v nt i ive Alll mil ' Ii M
iti'iike ie rt. At bl o'clo. k riietirait,
I amis ni'-l." d- 'ut 'd. wit 'vci.'ii an
i ch'.r ardgouu't .e N th rivi r t-.iia':t'g
t ic.b, wh r- it nil! i urn and pro f ! tc
. a, T-ie Wariiingt 'ii pur'.- c th -r
; go 'j,i the tive--o i tela :sp rt or lob
lo v i n t ' i l ifT il Vtp g. S.i ii'.y I!
be liri-tl from (i i.ero o's ici iml and
Forts llaiiii :(n a d Wad . orth.
UhUL.'y I-ni
of Tutn'm. j
Ja i. 17. T ere i-
Ijirn.i: i.'ia-g, Ar-,
i'. tui - cx itenc nt in Hauler county
over a eri(M of biidd-n aril in , -t rioiii ,
deaths winch have wtciirird in the viciu-
i'.y of M liu'a u HoiiL', t ie c nry eat, '
within th hut f a' day. , No ! s ban
g x in n, all of whoiii were aoiareu ly
in robiiHt healtn, li re been m Ide.uly
Btrick. ri unl ditl within a veiy a:iort
time after the at' ck. In every cai ac nn, ..rid t-e ei'ted Liimteriaiit Schi ck
(here, were iiumi -takable symptom . ol .l;l,n lo repro cut t . reditu ol. T e
p iiaoning. Pe t I a tit i e w h , h:lve l,i ,t.r ol Tiilm iu ainly appealed to the
didl a mini 1 er of others Iiiivm cii.idenly pmie to glO t o- duel.
become vi leutly ill and then livej
paV'-d only by p ompt me H nl aMend- Hie physi ians have been kepi
busy working with i-tomach pumps and
the ileum d al the local dm r store for
poison an idotes has la-en i tmrmoiig.
A ptance feature of this series of
tnpHtciioiiM deaths is tha In every case
the victim has been a male. l 1
to th'i belief ih it asysb niat c i ffort. was
lie iu made iu some my iierious way ti
J rid D e commuuily ol at least a large
, jiortion of iig male popul ition and that
j the i-gency employed was some power.
ful poicon.
An invegilgation hgg dcve!oi)d the
fact t at toe victim" had in all cm-ei
. taljen a ruink of gtiortly before
' the attack. This discovery eeemed to
j get.: lo the fact thut poiainoiiH whisky
; was the cuiee of the death, but there
is no s i loon al .Mountain Home and the
source from which the whisky comes ig
a mystery. It U thought that a "blind
tiger" is dgieni.ed poison for whisky.
Kil ier M ional. liiiirlonrd
Bkiiiin, Jan. 18. Herr Hchmidt, a
aociallst member of the reichsta, has
voluntarily informelth public prose
cutor at Ma Igeburg that be waa aoluly
! regpons hie for the publication in the
: socisbst Volks Stiuime of the article
purporting lo he a converaatioii between
tne Pince nf Bagdad and hie tutor, on
account of which Ihe editor, llerr
August Mueller, waa aenlnnced to forty
nine months imprisonment on the
charge of lege maje-te The whole case
uiiiut now lie ra-onaiied.
woman)ixulKV IS iNO MOJtJ
ricmlKe Leaves a Varancy lo Krpuhllcao
I.rjleih.u of lwr llouaw of I'ou
grew sui-tcli of a l ful I.lfa Col
laie Couips .Suililntjr.
Washington, Jan. 14 Con. regsman
fJingley diet i t 13 :3.l p. in. lant nnht.
II prtHun a!iv5 Iiu giy'g condition
t' ok a rieci :d ciiane for the worhfi
MBl.-rdiy, and he fa.ik rapi Uy until
th.; end .am -,
Ne boii Piiuley, jr , governor of Maine
11-74-75, and a.embe- of congre a f'om
t'.e Se:or,d congr-t-ional district of
vlaioe g. nee 1HMI, wai born in Durham
Aidro-eo.gin county, Maine, in his
ra id. other Lanibrrt'a farm bouse on
f e la.-. kg of the Androgcogiu river
Fi bruary 15, 183 a in of Nelson and
Jau (Liuiixr ) D ngley. The year ful
o.ving hi' birth big panntg moved to
Pakiuun, Piscat quia county, where
'.hey liv.'d on a iarm for a short lime,
a d then took chaige of the village
tavern, wi h which a rt re wag conuect
d. In 18:;8 the family remov d to
L'liity, aid o coin ty, and thence, in
ItfM toAubi rii, An :roco'iuiii county.
At Beventeen he taught a win'er gchool
,n the town ..f Cniiia, fourteen milea
ironi home and he continued b teach
wmtera wide fitting ior c 1 ge. In
lt-5 ), at the Rjip f i ight en, he entered
W aterville (Mali.) academy, of which
the will known Prof. J. H. Hanson wa-
pr nt-ipal, and there corn; de ed I U pre-!
ara'ionfor coilege. Entiring Water
vi le college ( ow Colby univer ity) in
1H51, j.c lemained here a year and a
a!f and then became a atudent at Dart
rnoi.t li c 11. ge. from w ieu hegriidnated
n i.j, wil'i t Jjjn rai-K ai a rcioia", ue
i. tiran l vriier Alter lea in; c d'etre
liine ey Ptud -d law in 18.ri5-t6 with
err V A I etf n eu, in Auburn, tc
I. eh c ty his par- rite had removed
A-hile he wan in ollcgc, ai;d the lattei
ar be wag admit ed to the bar. In
le'.d of euieriii-.' upon the practice of law
h deeded lo become i joum .lift, for
i. i h i rofeMuoti he alwaya rnanife-ted
. ih c (led (ante. In t-epteniber 18.0, he
piiM-l.a ed the Lewi: on .loun al, ol
which 'chad be n praclic-tlly the editor
while i-t i 1 y i ; 1 1 law and to which in
1-Ml, le id. K-d t. daily eiiiion. Toe
pa; c rapaiy in- tea Fed in circil'atio.i
v. d i- Ho- ine timl- r mh i euL.
ran. nans r,,i. il.esa.
f.oxmis Jim. 15. While the storm
i'a nt. its teijht 'Ih rshiv evening a
j run i.e .r l.iar fai-fe he.i, Wales, d,.t-h-
elin'o tleiea, owing to the fact that
the (rack" vera wa. lied away. 'I he fire-
, ., an and engi- eer wvf d-owi.ed.
Ki .:o, the wi-i er of the stoke fit"ep'e-
jch wn! Wii:d-.r lluitsda, was kilo I
I nt :,!',' hiir.i'in The h The bo in
v.hi ii ' the racr wa triveldi g wae
, !it c! ff.nn the track and cumpVtely
s hi h-'.l.
:i un -a ih
Pier and atalion have
m dished.
iieeu p-a tic i ly io'atcd
No n- ws in. s-iie-i have
f oui the contitie;it rince
Thi; (.' ly t-A--all
d..y 1 .g
iieen iei'. i-.e I
e ".'ly in miny an' I coiiinmnic ition w ii h
a.i part- ol tins province ia acriuu iy
in errupt d.
lhe.o lave b en many wreck 4 if:
mi or ir. po-tar'co and seve al bvegj
I at',' been !o-t around the cone", 'fit
ally h
Id ii
s'lhfi 'ed, but anot!. er
1i-h CD st
is appr a of lo' her lu V:tln,
loM.'N, In a duel at Me'z
en M'-inl.iy, Lo irenant f-chlickmai n
I ' I !,. I.O II Oil Hli.i.Jl cuu, bmu niHl'l:
i i ... :r. r . ...... t... .., v : H...1 ,
I i r Iilm-ne, a civil an. In m.r
Hiice wib t- ti inpori-r'a decree duela
Hie ill! '-wed only in exceptional cjcr,
i ml by the eonM'iit f the court of
honor. Tilln.ann, who was rhove I off
t. e sidewalk by e .mo ollicer- la-t May,
Biru k one ftiih a stick and boa ted 1 1
il in the r."-t urniits. Tho court of
,ou ir ileci Ie 1 that as he ws a memb r
, ,.f a we: It iy faintly he eo-ihl give p.itis-i
('o)OfH'l Sl'XtOII 111.
WasiiiSoton', J'n. II. Cot. Jamea
S xtou, co iinu i ' -d r-iu clii f of tu i
(band Army of .he linpoblic, and a
member of the war invegtiguing com
ui -ion, is ill a- the Arlington hot'd
hi re nit i i- Ii . minatory rheumatism
, , . ,. .. ....ii ii- i .....
ii beve his ailment will yield readily to
i I'lUinent.
lli-ller Tie iii a .Mi In a Milium.
Chicaoo. Jan H The fast mail train
n tho Hurlingion road leaving lure
Wedneg lay nig t at 10:'.'2, one Ijour
and (evn minu'ca late, niadea lernark
ihle run bet een this city and the alig
ns ippi river. The distance from
i ho ago 10 Bui lit gton ig 2c:(l miles, and
Iho tiaio covered this In 20 minutes.
iu ng the run stopi agrega in ten
riiiiiuteg wt-ro oiade, eo that the actual
running time of ihe tram waa 20tt milee
in 103 mlnuteg.
flutm-gft Trlumplimtt Toar,
P. km i.nios, Provinceof Santa Clara,
JuhB, Jan. 11. (Delayed In Trangmis-
Ion.) (en. Maxim) Gomes has been
tc.thuf ia-l ii ally fe ed in the tow ns ha
:ia- via ted in this vicinity
rehts. iincrihed "Viva liljeratina
irniw'' and vmrtHMiriir tn tha
Until HiBtee were erected. At
. . . , . . ...
leakias' at jaiarien, g ven Mm
.... u i ... ... i.i .
. 1 . .. ir '
i a ted Mr. Mt K nlev.
ICnemlo of Jir.yfu Nar
KhJ of
Their Hiring.
Paris, Jan. 1$ M. Qaeanayde Beau
repuirie wh ge rephnation of ti.e presi
dency of the i ivil section of the court of
cag-ationh rig.rd'd by imperial ob-
"erverx ne the mo-t dange oua develop
ment of the Dreyfng affair thug far, !
Wedncgday furnlghtd to the uewapapera ;
the mo-t iiillumin lory jiroooi) .cement
he hag et ma ie. It ig in the nature of
a proclamation and ig entnl d "An a -peal
to deputiea," whom he calla upon
vehemeutly to remove the Dreyfug cae
Irrni the haudg of the criminal chamber
of the court The pr jclamaiion con-
cludeg ag follows:
''Older a r al and aolemn inquiry
which ahall enetrate right into the
vi-cera of thin tortu ug examination. If
there are g.nlty men in the hoeom of
the chamber, authorize the ex
ecutive pow. r to remove them, o tnat
ur mag . trucy may regain its ancient
"Kemove the case from the criminal
chamber t 'Uiorrow. Or ier an immedi
ate judicial uiveHtij at.on.
"ily g-ief ig reat to e the niagia
trai y lo which I have go long belonged
com prom ig d.
"Kut I console roygelf with the
th' ught that it w ill t merge purified
from the crisi. My grit f ig great, at
i-eeing five or aix uiag'Ptrateg ao forget
ful of our tradi'.iona a to declare ti em
felvea the udvi raaria of the army.
"I y to my aoldiera that the nation
al army ig wcr hy of iiepect Irom the
highect to the lowe-t rank: and if 1 have
been able to aid iii aveng ng the inault j
to which it hag been subject I fba 1 not
le'ret having paid to dearly for my in
dependence." HAY FALL, WITH A T1ICD
This appeal .a a palpable appeal lor
the Mtinnort of the arrnv. Hut al. rie
Beaurpa:re, who shot up like a aky
rocket a" the most trmiencous sensa-
tion of tin whole Dreifus conlr.jver-y,
.... , , . . !
m.w f-eeiiig falling like a rock-t iroia 1
hia ,..., I..o a h.,h r of t he !
.....i n, .,"fu i. or, i ,.;i,iu i..,n I
of a colli).
The charges he bring today againat
the court oi cassation add nothing ol
consequence to y sterday's lndictmeiit, '
except accueatioie that M. L-.en had hundred thoubana peo; ie, ue is udo
conferences outmde the court room , the less a piet y good j idge of men and
wiih Col nel Picquart'e a Ivoca e and 1 niaiitiitrg. Tne Americans who are to
friend, Mttr.! L:iiiler.J, and that Conn- j day in evidence upon this island have
r.ihor Dumas comened ou pi e the lneu weight d and fou:.d wanting.
court to m witii irietid.i and r.daiivee
of Drm fu.
T. e cri ninal chambrr is continuing
the inve-tinat.ion.
Two !ie.-h chapt rs in the gffair will
i. ..,. B ;ew ,av8 e0 t at ,),,,
f.,uu rv is to have no rest, from agita.
tlflu Th-first ie f-e (rial f Urhaiu j
(0;,r for i,jfl a maulta to ti.e
jv tench army In hi book, '1 he Army'
A-a nrt the Nation." The second;
):hip!( a ill be the libel su.t agai at j
i j,, t.p , i editor .f La Kep .b-j
,,qUe Fr..nv.i e, who ia cl.arged bv he,
, wi,oW u,(. lat- Lu uo i ant Colonel t
; lien y w th ii.viog in uiiethii mei')-1
ry by sa.g.;it,iu th t ileurv was ti.e
1 ical t:a tor. The Ke.nac-i prot-. cution,
for which a g' at nib crijition
, has be n made, leeint to be the I at
! c r,l ,,f the anti Ihtxfii'arda Ii this
and tin' .ciudal - Do lieaurepair'g ,
ri'xigniititui uil U etop rev. i n, t .cn ,
, n tl. .g w in ot. ie i ior iuei.ii eue, i
I an appea. to for e.
K . i iy to
Manila J u 111.
lioilo s miCoatiged.
Uiiini'iilv active d
Ifnr tit.
-Hi situation at
T'.i F lioiniji are
ny iiiid night. On
Saturday they loaded some liht.H
wi i ro k and ank them at the en
trance of the riv r, hocking ihechun-n-l
for all ves-ela withthe excej.t on
f i .Ij.j
The lights have i een es-
tingiiii-hi d Ord'-r, ho -ever, is tnaiu
tained miUib verity and off nder. are
pr n iitiy s ot.
'.i. i ri .inlay one of the Ariz.n'e
I.-, .'s, maonid by so! 'n-rs, wag carried
bv bei-bb tide to imarae. island,
and whie attemp 'ing to l.nd there
armed nativea aaemhl d On the biiicn
and coinpi lied the Ao r: an i to r.-tiro.
Tho Filii'ino le'iiH !o 1 aveany deai-
I ii gs witii the Ann ri mis. Ye eialncs
j and fruits are not ob.ainalde, bu inea-t
IB bubi elided and the wan iiougee are
fuli of rot tin.! sugar.
Tilt Kilt A1I0S AT M A S i L .
-At Maoihl the si . a i n ib critical,
hut p icilieaiiou ia po-sibl ; in sp ie of
uioiiuiiu'l'ui nil,..!!.,
Hia re)ortedthal the rebel gov't rn-
ment st Jlaolos is willing that Ui,
Atiieiiuan- pii'ii tomni ru n piutec.iu -
1 i , i i
' to g ve ti e Kil pb o- absolute incep. ml-
ence within a stated time. It in aa.ert -
ed that the Filipinos Will dema id of
them recogniti"li.
KfTofs are bt ing made to bring nliout
a conference with t ie retie'a.
T,he educate 1 Filipinos are anx'ous
to avoid trouh'o an 1 it hi hoped that
the militant F li inos wihrec-de be
fore wiser conns 1, in tho meintiuie
the tension is extreme on lioth si. lea,
Mami.a, Jan. 12. AdjuUnMleneral
Washington: Condition-" appgrantly
imp ' it zens fe l more secure,
Many nativ -g returning. City quiet
and buainoss active
lliirKLtr I Djioiinlln.
Ckhar Kai'Ipb, la., Jan. 13. At an
earlv hour yeat. rdav morning bmgler'i
broke into the main building of the
low i glate university at Iowa City and
blew un the ga e with dynvnite. The
report of the explosion waa heard and
n alarm of fire turned
In. Upon the
arrival of the firemen the huglarg tied
a I mle H their escape, but were
u ll-.l 1 .U-l- 1 . 1.1. i 1 I
mmymuvn w , , -
i'lhere lanoclae to the thieves and it
ta not known the amount of money
1 lirte Injured ou a llaltluioro
Kuutliwerilaru Train
Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 16. Advertiging
Agent J. E. Kelb y, of the B. 4 O. 8.
V . hag furnished the A-gocia-ed pregg
with the following ofli ial gtatement
of a week, received from the aent at
C ny City. 1.1. :
Pa teiigeitrain N'o. 4, B. A 0 S. W.,
leaving St. L u e 2 :35 ye-terd-iy morn
ing, wag d railed ju-t east of Clay City,
111. on ace unt of a broken ra 1. The
ra l wag broken y the engine paeging
over it and d -railed the cpiubiua'i-n
car, c ach and tleepr. There were
th-ee men, one woman and two children
injined. Ail of the injured were proper
ly and promptly cared for by surgeona
who were quickly taken ta the acene.
The injured are:
W. J. B irrouba jr., Philad lphia.
J. E. McKeady, Caasopolia, Pa.
P L, Myerg, Aasuniption, 111.
Mra. W. H. chaffer and three chil
dren, Johnstown, Pa.
None are seriougly hart.
Good Judge of Men.
Hah Joan, Forto Kico, Dec. 11. (Cor
regpondent of tho Aeaociated PieSa )
The l'or.o 11 can business man ig of keen
intelligence and of quick perceptions.
11 g rebttii ih in the past have been
a nely wi.u old eEtahlistied and reliable
European concerns, and today he ie
making comparisona between the "pio
nei rs ol American commerce," who with
bacage and ample trunk are da ly
land ng upon the shores of hia island
home, and the bu ice?g men of 'the
n inent whom he, hag known in the
pact. Ti,e reult of this keen scru.iny
and companion is not overwhelmii gly
favorab e lo the American pioneer, it
ha , iu fact brought into life the old
Span eh word bugcones. Uu car, to
bneconea. hunters, seek-
. . I
i. fldventnrrrii and some even eay the
term means duals and pil rers
T... p... m...n ii.m in f.rfd. B.v
, . , ... , . ,. ,. ,
cau'.c his is and in in a far avay corntr
, . , , , , ,. ,
"i the West Indies, the locatto.. of which
had only lately become known to the ;
majority oi Americano uui m
and because he nas lived quietly at j
home anu a; lenueu w uie uu-.i. j
I I . t r.;..lf r
pleasures oi a communuy
Manila, J .n,
i ltiuiliii Divide.
17. Oihc'.ai diepatchea
i.iBt r. eeived here lrcm lioilo. ielaiid of
l'. nav. indicate that the na ivis aie
I d cj-io-i d lo be f.ici.dly, although abso-
lu,ely 0)),oeed to ti.e la: ding of the
i Ui it'd sates frets, without orders
i fr. m Malol s, the beat oi the so-ca led
i F.lipn.o national government. Some of
ti e . Iliciala al lioilo are not in rd
Wliii the rt Vi.iuvi . uary tuvi'iiiiiici.,
but are willii.g to accept an Amen an
ptote.turaie and to J-and state the
cixf-.e to Auinahio if furnished tians-
pcrtation by the Amtr cans.
The Uni.e.1 Ktatea transports, New -
Arizona a .u i e: npyi ama, i
th-; Eighti enlli niaiitry, theioua un-j
tiiiiun the bixtu r t ill. ry and detach- I of the b gnal corpt, cnnstitu ing
t.ei.eial Miller's exptdiliun, are an
cioi'id cl be to G.:imaras Hand, be
twi e.. Panay tud Ng oa, wh re an ex
ec; ent water supply ia obtainable. The
uaLvig, though indirjiottd primarily
l.i inr ith tho Auieiiciiij wiih irbAi
supi itE now p. rmit the American oi-Cv-'f"
iok'' a hole and fu n sh them
with uu etcort during the day time.
caoaes small niot
Havana, Jan, 10 Yesterday morn -
i . i 1 . .,,!
lug a Oli .11. -Ii uag paving uv eu in. t (
........ i .o.l I.,..i j
ov. r a ii'.iei on ine vinru ou, ..ivmc,
a crowd of Cubans gathered am! began
to tiiiow etone-i at it. Camta:y B,
1, is! U regnl- r ililantry, was ca led and
i.t.,ceeded to the tc. no of dig i rDance
at double quick and with fixed bayo-
in Is and st et dilv dbper-ed tho crowd,
w'nich wag la t b coming ugly.
Jbe oilier in c nun -ml explained to
ti e pr. r tnat the 11 g ought lo ho
low . ,d, btcuueit wad likely to pro -
(luce fu t' er eieoidor. Ihe pn jirnlor
isoidcr. The
in n ply assured the r.lhccr t .at no
pert e had been intended and that,
: av iig teen the Engl fib imd German
11.,, a l!:n.-. be thought he would be
lit libe iy to rai.ellie u. g oi spam.
In mo rs oi ti. e company lOAeieu
... i ... ,i
Ihe Hag. . .
Cori on-.l FiamusF. ..fen, company
1...,.., , 111.,,,, a vni.nleerM. wfl
(r wiied yi Bt rlay v. hi o bai htng in the
A'mendaH;9 river .The Vi;rUb!y
n m . e. n.".. -
,1'C 1,1 e 11. r-ll UHinv a lioy im "an
Clsrohlm Vegmient, was dioine.1 in '.li'e
' .,. ,-tieaiu. H.s home was iu Ashe -
...I . I ,,l I , , S,, S ill I
N, C.
At Mariana., yesteiday morning at
the tioiii-e of a Cuh nchiei, Ia.yie Vidal,
a private meeting was held al which a
number ol military men we e pre-ent.
C n iderahle displeasure was expressed
at the accepted by (Jen. Mario Menocal
and oth-r Cu: an. ctlii era of potitiona
under the l ulled siat' a military gov'
ernii.ent. the criticinn being that rh no-
cal and the others had practically aban-
doned the Cuban army, leaving their
colleacu. g ol less influeip-s to ahift for
Will 1'urt Willi l'oMfloii.,
Maokiii, Jan. 16. The government,
on ihe reaasenibling of the corles, will
Inimediat' ly agk, sayg La Reforma, aa
thority to sell the Marianne (Ladron. a;
Catolineand the Pclew islands, a nee
. , .:...! .m.
, P - ' ---' " " "
Vlllft IUIVO w iikivh v. ...... " " ag
eminent arrived at thia decision in
j ",'q.''e.n"
of atlvice trom General
Rioathat an army of four thoueand
1 . . ,. i ... anA tan iriinboata
wn. nian ol war and two gnnooata
would be ncccstary for the purcha-
i.'!- v4-4-J.-r44;
Ti e Korkford mills and content!
owned by I. B. Nelson, of Burwell,
were destroyed by fire la-t Thursday.
Lcs. $1,800; no insuiinci-.
Thefmiily of Carl Cri-r. r'1-'?ng
near Doniphan, which wa afflict ii w ith
I severe illness caused by trichina-in-
now out of danger.
Mea lea and mump! and an occsio
nal case of grip at Wilcox, are keeping
the doctora bu-y.
A nnmlier of the friends and neigh
bors of John VanHonten, who livea
near Creigh'on, gave him a complete
surprife on hia gixty-sevt nth birthday
on Thursday.
Quite a m m' erof persona in and
about Creigh'on. are mffering with the
o'd-fashioned grip A number are
quite Iow'wi'h it at present.
Jhe Methodit people of Creighton,
bv a rising vote in their gervice 1at
Fund iy, requ; gti d their psator to bold
a g' rieg of reviv l gerv'ceg, pledging
tlieir hearty euppirt in the work.
The Dod je ciintv roor farm ig in a
flourifhing fin'ineini condition Laet
y- ar the expenses were $'2,0S6 83 and
reeeipte f2, 505.18, leaving a nice bal
ance. There were seventeen inmatea
dnrina las't year, five having since been
Theodore F. Hammel, formerly a resi
dent of F'emont, but late of Omaha,
has gone to Mnrrigon, 111., to engage in
the crug and book business.
L'w iB Lamon died at the home of hia
dsuirhier, Mrg. J. A. Olson, at Stroma
burg Thursday nttrht. Mr Larson wgg
"n r'l'5 "''''. kwns came from GMva,
111., about twentv years ago, and wag
pixtv-five vears old .
sixry nv. )""
, , , , , T .
About fifty members of the Woodmen
lodire of Ptromsburg volunteered
busk corn for John Pe.T;ng, the other
rl.ny. audit vnlted in
v,eing a veiy
Deerinpr has
; '
Inil oixlnoaa In Ilia f.nnilv nnd enilld
n, ... ..... j
not hire tl e w ork done.
The protracted m etingg alt.1 e Ch is
t;an church at Hebron, which have
Wen conducted by Rev. D. D Bovle, of
Ton"ka, K ih.. are awaken'mr consider
able interest nlong spiritual lines.
0 untv Treasufer H. N LiVby of
Trpiim'-eh has Bnninted bis eon, A P.
T.ihbv. tntbe depu'vpbip in bis office.
T'ds nnpnin'ment cause" the removal
f j K. Mnore, hi has held the posi-
tion for marly five yesr" perving dnr-
;n noth terms of ex-Treasurer T P.
Tr..ipba. The appointee is a school
teacher and ha" been ernoloyed in the
tentn grafte or rne iTOimtni c"j
oo's. IT" has Tesigped, the gchool
hoard baa accepted leg reei 'nation and
j nr)W on the lookout for another
f aclier-
j andl'rel Hapson. the
psrtifg an-PR'ed f'r burelarizi'ig the
lia-dware- a'ore at Malmo. had their
P'e'im'narv bearing hpfo-e County
Jiidt'e Parrv nt Wal'm Mondav. There
wa not "utTnunt evideno1 to hind the
priponera nvpr to (rnait th" action nf the
f'iKt-iet curt and thoy wer rdeawd
from enstodv.
Mr. M F. Pf pford o' Toptimppb. died
p her htpp Mond iw of conPUiipt:on,
nfo r 1 n 'i'lnpop. P!p -asaed about
for'v veas. H r hnsb ipd'a dnsth pre-
cel'd hr's rb'iut, three month". .
I )9'ree f;,m'ly of childt en is left parent-
l 1
The prsV'fiice was entered imd the
safe b'own oppn by Ui'ev a early Wed
n.(liy ni r-i'ng a Wilier. Onlv a
Fmill amount in chnncn a-td ptampa
-ao pcciireil, ai Colonel K rly, the post-
is in the habit of de ositirghia
ca-h box in the bank vaults pvery ntghts
Mr, Turpi', wife of Mr. J. W Ttirnit
. of the Ha t;n s Fuel companv. d ed
' ve y an 'denly WPdnday nicbt after
, R". i b es . f only twenty-ro r hoars.
The funeral was held from the family
The Sturrt Ledper. which J. W.
Wertz, f company M Third Nebraska
b ug d lo F. E Wl itney when thp form
er entered the Fprviee. has gurended
nnbtieft' ion. the editor deciding that he
' ot n,oacar . n. ,if i.-
by acting as fori man of a ranch. '
Ef, Rart,)fl) a (hirteen-year-o!d hoy,
of Wilber, was helping his father,
Inann'i 1 I'.', rtoq kill I IOCS St UO'llirvS
. pphter house, he accidcntnliy fell
, , ,i miu ,i
vas horribly scalded over his whole
bod v from heels to shoulders. He died
( wm ,iifl injlirk,g e n(,xt morniI)g. ,
Dr. Ne d rt-po;' a that ho will raise the
quarantine in the family of John Rouse
in a few daya. Thi family livea four
m les from Peru, and have been having
the smallpox.' Tie county commis
sioners bav-t been appea'ed to to replace
clothing, bedding, etc., which the state
board of health recommended to be de
stroyed, and have refueod to do any
The rerr aingof Ha'ph D. Kerr, eor. of
Ucv. J. D. Kerr, a former pastor of Ne
braska City, who died in Omaha Mon-
W evening, and the funeral waa held
! ''om the Missouri Pacific depot, being
' ,,.. irtanniKl
Mr. Jchn A. Rooney, one of Nebratka
City'a yoang attorneys, will be united
In marriaga to Mian Emily . Rhodes at
the .St Pater and Bt. Paul in Bandneky,
U They will "make their borne In Ne
braska City.
' . ... -."'.'-:''.-.