The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 22, 1898, Image 8

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THCBSDAY. DEC!. 22nd, 1898.
sUao. D. Cno, Editor and Prop.
r. tix.v n. it. nm tail-.
Going Wast. Going Cut.
0. S. mixed, 11 : I So. . mixed 8:00
F. ' . 51 V. P, E, is the best
to and from the
Una A. Holoomb , r.overnor
.Jaw E. Harrl Lieuter-tint (ioveruoi
W. F. PorU-r . Secretary of Mat
JoBn F. Cornell . Auditor
.J. K. Meserve Treasurer
'jC. J. SraytU., Attorney OetieraJ
J.V. Wolfe LanU uonimiimwiiei
W. It. Jackson Supt Public Instruction
John M. Thurston V. 8. Senator, Omaha
Wg. V. Allen C. S. Senator, Madison
.1. R. Strode. Conirrcssmua lut IHst., Lineol
II W. Mereer. " fcl " Ouiaba
HSumel Maawcll. '" Srd " I rrmon
WMurlr. " 4th " Aurora
K. . Sutherland, " Sth " Kelson
W. L. Green. " 6Ui " Kearaey
J. J. SUtvan Chief Justice, Colomln
-I. O. C. Harrlaon As't Jud;e, Grand lshwiil
1. L. Sorval Associaae Judge, Sewitrd
jD. A- Campbell Clerk and Keporttr, LiaeSin
At. P. Ktakaid Judtsfj. O'Selll
-W. II. Wetover .
It. J. Biewctt .
Plitrtct Court, At Hamsoii, commences
Spring term May Sin,
Tall " Sept into Jnry )9tb.
Comity Ofaart, At Harrison, oMnmeoces
rat Monday of eacb month.
Otto MntzSeaator, DUt. So. 14, Sprinfrrlew
jk. S. Sheldon Dint No. 53, t'hadron
Bobtrt WUaon County Judse
"M. 4. Blewett . Clerk
hjwi. omn . .w .
J'rl(j lerrlaoi Supt. Public lustxnetiun
TbO Holly , Sheriff
" li.MMtJ ...... -. .
B. V. Tbonta Surveyor
BL J. Blewett Clerk of District Court
4i rant Gatbtie ..County Attorney
.Jen C. Men 1st District
Andrew Irouiiler 41 "
.Jaeltaon Meltlenc Chairman) 3d "
: E. F. Fontiiw (chairman) Trustee
jjoha Da via "
C II. Griswod .., -
W. B. Marsteller "
52. Boh war -
W. H. Davie Clerk
Lewis Gerlach... Treasurer
Xggert Eohwer.-.l Director
It. L. Bmnck . , Moderator
."Lwis Gerlach - Treaanrer
Methodist HunCny School meet every Sun
day morning at 10 .no
W. H. Da viw, KimS nTen.,
Superintendent. secretary
efnlar bnuioesa meeting- Tuesday
eveeieg la eacli lucritb.
i!lJ 1 ALKIK,
O. KnDALL, I'fci.vlcat.
Devotional meeting every Sunday aveninf
MX :. If M. KkkdaU., Leader.
Meet each Suadar afternoon at t at.
MU. KliJCOALL.,Supt.
MM la eeeaod Monday in each month in
the evart hoaee at Harrleon.
" . E. IJ verm ore, Com.
Xarrleoa Caaip, Nj. 66, meeta on each al
emate Wcdaaedafr evening.
W.M. Dana, D. 11. uaiiwoto,
(3 arte. Con. Com.
each alternate Saturday evening
-Mfe'eloek. J. W -Smith, V. C
Ymm, AaWM w
e-iaa JJ.uahl mm
i --. -d"fmt
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United State
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
tyLegal papers carefully drawn.
IIarkisos. - Nebraska.
rhfbclan and Surgeon.
All call given prompt attention'.
Office In Drug Store
Special Locals.
SpeciuJ Kxcurioii Unit to Hot
Spring S. Dull.
Oo dileA named beioiv at one fare
for round trip, tickets good for return 30
days from date of sale.
June 10 August 9
June 80 ' August 28
July 5 September 10
July 19 Septemlwr 2t)
E. F. POSTIUI. Ai-ent.
NOTICE. There will be
Lutheran services at the
M E. churcli Saturday, Dec.
24th 1893, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Rev. F.3. Wi.vrks.
NOTICE: Mass will bo
celebrated at Harrison at 10
o'clock a. m., every Satur
day before the Second Sun
day of -each month.
Michael P. Waldrox.
tW To those who made
arrangemen ts to haul vrood
on subscription, wc would
like very much to have it
brought in as soon as possi
ble. Editos.
Highest cash price paid
for hides.
Thomas Holly. .
Harrison. Neb.
Miss Anna Moravek will spent Xmas
and the next severji weeks at home.
Mrs. Pontius and Miss Jnnoie left oo
last Tuesday everting for Rapid city S. D-
When you want good flour a to the
Ranch S pply House for it. Every rick
is warranted.
Mr. Will Pontius ha been appointed
operator at Cody. He expects to leave
about the first of the New Year.
The Woodmen of the World will
pive their regular annual supper and en
tertainment next Wednesday evening.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy tan always be depen
ded npon and in plannt and safe to lake
Sold by Or. J. E. Phinney.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Wright expect
the littla ftix-montb-old boy here today
which they made arrangements to adopt
while in Omaha three weeks ago.
Mrs. Myrtle Hester is spending a few
days with Mrs. Hall previous to her de
aartmeiat for Cody where she will go to
keep house for her brother Will we un
tie rhtitr.H.
Whon in need of any
thing in footwear, it will pay
you to get prices at Bar
tell's. With this issue of the Journal, Will
Bogart, -will become a reader of its pages
for at least one ynar. Many thanks kind
friend for your encouragement.
Burt Smuck, had the misfortune to
loose a nice yearling steer last Saturday
some time between noon and evening,
half mile south east of town, either by
the town dogs or a gray wolf. At any
rate he put out some poison that evening
and the next morning found a dead Ky-
Pains in the chest when A person has
a cold indicates a tendency toward pne
umonia. A piece of flannel dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm And
bound on to the chest over the seat of
pain will promptly relieve the pain aad
prevent the ihreathened attaok of pne
umonia. This same treatment will cure
a lame back In a few hours. Sold by
Dr. J. E. Phinney.
Mr. Phil Dunn, whose wife is At the
Oordoo hospital being treated for cancer
of the breast, 'being most Anxious to Irarn
for himself just how she was progressing
took she enst bound t rain last Friday eve
ning and returned on Monday Boon. Mr.
Duon dropped in for a mo meat to toll us
bow well nlead he was to as much as be
found his wife doing splendtd, Aod better
yet the Doctor Assured Mm be would
send Ms w4fe borne, free from cancer of
Urn itfaast Tba VMa frkask of the
fMiu will be pWaaad bear this piece
ofgf Btw
NOTICE: Preaching eve
ry other Sabbath at 11:00
o'clock a. in., and every Sab
batli evening at the E. M.
J. L. Kendall, Pastor.
"When you want to buy
Flour or feed, see Bartell, as
you can .get good value for
your money.
Mr. Blotnberg of Glen wts doing
business in our village yesterday.
J. W. South, went to the valley for
lumlier Slocday which he will use to
build a ice-house
June South U the champion dog-killer
of the season: he succeeded in dispatch
ing three Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hester expect
to move out onto tiie ranch north of
town hooiu time between this ami sjr-
Mr. Mason whilo b-:re Monday in-fyrmt-d
us his uon Fied had his foot crus
hed by the cars at crawford tint night
County Commissioners will meet in
special session on Dec. 20tb, in order to
cloj up ths business cf the county for
the year now almost at its close.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Bonseii of Lusk
are expected down Saturday and will
spend the holidays at Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Hesters their father and in :her.
A. MdGinley conteiiiplatBS making a
visit tack to ttiu M.ite of Maine, his boy
hood home this winter, it 'oemg over HO
years since he kido adieu to the old
stomping ground.
His Claudia Hosier, of Grand boule
vard is expected home from school on
next Saturday. She will bring us her
guest during the holidays one of the ire-
ceptresnes of I he academy.
Merchant Gerladi revived yester
day a car of the celebrated Giilniao flour
rnanufaeterrd at - Valentine. Tho brand
on cadi sack is tha head and horns of the
Elk; none genuine unless the name of
GILLMAX and the above brand appears
on every sack.
The Christmas tree and exercises will
take place at the M. E. church Saturd.iy
evening and will be iu the hands of the
Sunday sdjool scholars. Thsoe i who
have presents to put on the tree should
bring their jiresents to the church Satur
day afternoon where a onmmittee will
receive thera nod placo them on the tree.
Jese H.iU, who has been stuying
telegraphy under Mr. Pontius during the
past year at this place, left for R-ipid ( 'ity
on last Monday evening, where Im will
rontinu" his study under the instructions
of Mr Pontius until such tiruo as he will
be competent to condui t the business of
a station and has been oppotnted-hy the
company lolill such a position.
-At tins Sheriffs sale at the court
bouse Monday, the Silas Maine house and
jot no occupied by O. V,r. Hester and
family, and the house and lot formerly
ond hv I J. Simmons, and now ncciu
Died br CtfAHt Cjlimaa-rl fi.riiiv. iwn
sold to the highest bidder. The Maine
property was knocked down to Geo. 1.
Canon and the Simmons projerty to A.
Mrs. 'E. F. Pontius, before leaving
for her new home at Rapid City, Tues
day evening dropped into our den and
ordered the Journal sent to them at
their new home for one year, and passed
us over one of those" cart wheels" as
termed it. The Journal wishes Mr. and
Mrs. Pontius mav lie well pleased with
their new location an I that ace, plenty
and happioess may be their portion w her
ever their future lot may be cast.
Mr. Hardin Norris, clerk of the drug
store of R. Shoemaker, Perry, 111., nays:
"A man came into our stare the other
day and said, I want a bottle of that
stuff that saves children's lives. I read
in the News about it. The children may
get sick when we can not get tle doctor
quick enough. It's the medicine you
sell for croup." ile alluded to Cham
berlain's Cough Reraedp and bought a
bottle before he left the store. For sale
by Dr. J. E. Pbinnev.
An agent of some eastern depart
ment store, was in this town selling bills
of goods to our citizens and soliciting
other trade for the future last week. Of
course, we presume be made his new
customers believe that they were getting
goods at very much reduced rates, but
we will warrant he did rot tell them the
money tliey were seocing out of the
town to an eastern depai tmcnt store for
goods would not benefit your home mer-
cliaots or your town. It is our candid
opinion, the quality of noods bought of
these traveling fakirs will in some way
be inferior to goods that might be pur
chased of our reliable liome merchants.
Even if the goods, sent away for are a
little cheaper, is it 1b right thing to ig
nore the home stores? We do not say it
is so here, but we have known instances
where people would run in debt at the
home stdres and then when they did get
hold of a little money, would wend it
Away to the department stores and let
tlie Accommodating merchant at home
wait until they were ready to pay them.
We believe Hie all wrong, and, If ur
good citileos ever expect to build up a
nice, thriving little town in their midst,
tliey most by all mM-s support and pat
ro lire thv home inorcbwta aim burners
otorpnata. Their lotereeU are identical
with the peo-aJa who Mpwi to maka
Jftoux county their home.
J? Dont forget to look!
over the large assortment
of fine Candies, Nuts &c. at
Smith's Confectionary, be
fore you buy your Christmas
supply. Prices the lowest.
To any one that has talk
ed of bringing me in Posts, I
would say that would like to
have them delivered by Jan.
15, '99. J. II. Bagtkll.
A. McGinley took a trip Uown the
road last Monday evening.
Mrs. M. J. Blewett, went to Craw
ford, Tuesday evening, returning today.
As regular as Saturday comes round
J. W. Earnest conies in to geCacijuainU'd
with bis w ife and children.
O. J. LVniming, of Lusk, who passed
through Harrison some two or three
weeks ago, eiirnnt,, to Whitney, to lock
after some business matters there, was
in our midst over night the first of this
week on his way home, lie resumed his
journey westward early Tutsdsy morn-;
Mr. O. W. Hester, our enterprising j
lumber man, left on last Monday even-j
ing, for a well earned iind much needed
rest ad visit wit h relatives and friends (
in lov.a. lie expects to be gone about
two wwK
Mr. James Xolan of Warbnnnett,
was a pleasant caller at this ollb'eon last
Saturday, and made y editors heart
glad by dropping a cartwheel on our
round table, and renewing Ins allegiance
to the Journal. Come again die latch
string is always out.
Vrhy dont you advertise
your stock brand in the
JOURNAL? It is the official
paper of the County. Try
it a year.
Mr. )t-bt. Harrison of AJelia was at,
the Hub on last Friday and part of the
Saturday, we presume in quest of old
Santa paid he did not f irg.;t to call on ve
editor, giving him the wherewith to lind
"Santa Clans'' also.
Jacob Marking and his better half,
who left Sioux county some time ago
for Wisconsin, w ith the intention of mak
ing thei home in the future, returned
couple of weeks ago. Mr. Marking says
he intends settling up his business affairs
here by spring and return to the "badger''
state perinantly for the future if, howev
er, hy does not conclude to move up to
Mr. William GerUvb, who lias been
at Douglas, VVyo.. for the past seven
months in tho employ of one of tike load
ing mercantile houses, uime down last
Saturday evening to s" old ,,Knss
Knngle'' and enjoy the holidays with
the old folks at home. Miss Lizzie is ex
pected down from Casper Saturday eve
ninir, where she lias lieen for the past
two years. It will be a kind of a family j
reunion, as it wens.- i
Xo " ar
Srliocl I'rpa; t uf rMrM
U.Vn, Shis ( uiinf j.
Following is the School Report of Dis -
trict.No. 2, Glen, NVr., for term coui-
mencing Sept 2Ci.h, and erding lit
16, IKftfJ: ,
No. months taught ,. .',
No. days taught
No. Pupils enrolled 13
Total No. days all pupils attended. ..3153
Average daily attendance 5
Those receiving 100 in deportment were:
Nellie Hughson, ( larance Hughson,
Roy Garrelson, Katiro Blotuburg,
Andrew Garretyon, Richard Gartttson,
Laura Jensen, Charlie Rodger,
Amy ItodgKt-jt, Ethel Garrelson,
Those receiving SO in deportment were:
Willie lilomburg, Ira Rodgers and Har
ry Hughson.
LlUJE I?ET.L RusPl-IJ., Teacher.
Call for Commissioner Meeting.
The Count Commissioners of Sioux
County, Neb. are hereby called to meet
at the office of the County -Cledc, on
Thursday Dec. 29th, l!i9H, for the purpose
of transacting ordinary County busiees.
M. J. Blewett, County Clerk.
Call for Bids.
I desire to let a contract
for grubbing out about five
acres of timber-land in Sow
belly Canyon, to the lowest
bidder; v
Parties desiring to bid on
Contract, please call or write
me at Harrison, Neb. '
Frank Ncrro.
Tham Maaaa
ttf-v' CorriiiaMTa Ac.
Anyoae naetna a ekeVh and de.ertetlon aier
eMklf enaclew ear ofSskjn free wketlMr an
levenuoa ( BfoeaMf aetawuHe. Cnrnmaiifs
Ioh atrtedy ennAfUaL Ilamlhani nn CaMate
eeet free. Okteal agency for aaraniia' eelenu.
ratenta lakea twvaali Mimn A Co. raenva
iBa) mMm, wlthowi eWte. la Ibe
Tctwcan: Jfoitta
A eaSiwajalf jrlaauatei watftty. If ml
17110 1$ f.lilflSTELLfl BROS?
o - o
Why, thats where every
body trades these days.
There is nothing they do not
keep for sale.
They handle Suitings for Ladies
& Gents,
Novelty dress goods, Plain dress
Flannel for all purposes. Also
Cloaks, Capes, Shawls, Carpets, Oil
Cloths, Matting Shades and Curtains.
We are Headquarters for all kinds of Groceries and
Provisions. Flour and Feed.
Right here, before we forget it; we want to call the at
tention of the public to our Canadian Pi'.re Maple Syrup,
try it and be convinced.
We have on exhibition at our store one of the
that can be bought Any where. Price $33.
Call and see that Range.
Two I'olntod Que:
What is tho use of mnking a better ar
ticle than Jour coin's-titor of you can
not get a better price for it?
.An. As there is no difference in the
pnea the public will buy only the lietter
so that while our profits may be smaller
a a single sila they will be wticli great
er in the aggregate.
How can vou gel tlw public to kaovv
j your make is the b-.-st?
H I101'' articles nre brouirht prominent-
1 !v lie fore the public Ixitli aiv crfd'H to
j Iw tried ;,inl the i.niilic ii ver, ii'iu'l: ! v I
! i' J'JO,,-iu5. uu u.eiu aou use oui uie
U tter one.
This explains the larg s.a'.e on Cham
berlain's Ccjugh Remedy. The people
have biuu using it for years and have
fouud that it can always be depended on.
They may occasionally take up with
some fashionable novelty put forth with
exaggerated claims, but are certain to
return to the one remedy that they know
to 'ue reliable, and for coughs, colds and
croup there if. nothing eijual to Cham-b-jrl
lin's Cough Kumi-dy. For Sale by
Dr. J. E. Phimiev.
Wg Need
Our Money.
rJ" Parties who are in
arrearB on subscription to the
Jocrnai, for one and two
years are refjuceted to settle
by January 1st next. It
costs us money to run the
paper and we feel the price
of one years subscription
$1.00, is not much to pay for
the Journal qnd it will very
material assist in making
the paper better for the next
year. We hope to make some
improvements in the ma
chinery of tho office the com
ing year and we will need
what is due us to do o. Ve
havener f 500, on our books
ana wc must' have thum bal
anced up by tho end of the
year. Gin 1). Canox
EdJtor and rropictor.
- o - o -
JOB WORK I Stationary.
Est ray Not Ire.
To Whom It May ( 'oxcbux:
Notice is hereby given that the under,
signed has taken up on his premises in
Five Points p'ecinct, in Sioux county,
Nbrak:i,one gray horse as an estray, be
in.r more cirt ii-i l.irly described as fol
lu: One iron gray horse, about six
yars old;, branded floor key on bit
. Dated at Harrison, this 23rd cUy tif
Novemlsir, t"it.
The World
tit Almanac and
3 Encyclopedia
for 1899
Illustrated History
of the Spanisb
American War
Toscthet with
The Battk Calmdar
' of trie Republic.
KaaoHAa of the U. S. Navy.
PkMlpaal to aay i
THS WORLD, Puttaar lW&2ac
jrt-.l, a,fik. tmTvujl