The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 15, 1898, Image 7

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Are you frequently hoarse?
Do you have that annoying
tickling in your throat? Would
you feel relieved if you could
raise something? Does your
couh annoy you ot right, and
do you raise more mucus in
the morning?
Then you shoulJ dv.-cys Lecp
on hand a bottle of
If you have a weak
throat you cannot be too
careful. You cannot begin
treatment too early. Each
cold makes you more liable
to another, and the last
one is always harder to
cure than the one before it.
ftr. lier'i Crn Pettar tl ftuter
arrtecti He tots trta cam.
Help at Hand.
If you have any complaint
whatever and desire the best
medical advice you can poa
aibly obtain, write the doctor
freely. You will receive a
prompt reply.
Addreaa, LR. J. C. AVER,
Lowell, Maaa,
A Natural Black is Produced by
RnrUnrrhorn'orVo forthe
UUUnillgliaill OUJQ Whiskers.
SOcte. of dru(itti R.P Hiil&Co..Nuliui,N.H
""in leuna a man is uiieo admitted to
court socially because of Ul official po
altloo whoae wife la uuver received. No
tnatier'bow high he rises ami bow pow
erful be becomes, bia wife Is barred.
Even tbe late empress waa snubbed be
rsuse she waa only the daughter of a
One hunnred ceuteaarlaus die In Kn
glaad yearly
It Is now said tli:it the mauuRcr'p's
f "The Heavenly TvUn," "S'.ilps That
Taw In tie Night," and "Kolwrt Kl
Onre, xt aM do-lined by one Now
York nnbliio
lrge pck..tKJ pa'cbwrk or silk
plecea sent for fim dime.
II. M Bhattos , Att ol, M..
llaiiii.y .r. u.ter.
Oraaa can be quickly cut od lawm
ly a Wisconsin man' devh-e, consul
log of o velocipede wlib a driving
gear, which run a cutting knife si
the operator rldtt along, the machim
alao gathering up '2ll.""'5Lin row
Make tbe ripoi V'anlah.
A ll(tht rap may cause a bruise, or a
alight blow a black one. sore and ten
der. Hut It I eaxy to cure a bruise by
the nae of St. Jacob Oil. and make the
pot vanish andjhe soreness hal.
Tomato Pickle,
Pare, chop fin and drain for two
ours a half peck of fine, ripe toma
to. Add one nuart of vltuKur and aJ-
low It to aland while the rest of the-
pickle la made ready.
To two or throe bead of chopped
eelery, add one enp of One cbppd
anion, a small red pwr. one cup of
grated homo-radUh. one cup of naittur
tlnm swd. one cup of sugar, one of
white mwttard, two tahleapoonfula ut
black pepper, one of cinnamon, on a of
elovea, teaspoon! ul of mace aiad one
half cupful of salt. Htlr all together
and put In gtaaa can or hottlne. with
ut cooking.
It would have bwja alildeoua thing
for the Spaniards to mutilate the UoJ
m of our slnln aoldU-rn. It wai at least
a deplorable thin to accuaa Uiutu of It
ntll tbe fact waa proved beyond dia
puta. Beuer be a IUU late with atwa
that la true than "too prevloua" wtt
new that la not true.
TOOCOOO TOBfcFRItl nut and &c ana wa
will mail you a iru. treaiiueni oi -a uiopt.
Cored Nervous Prostration, RhentnatisiH,
CftUrrb an J Stoiaarh Trouble.
(TRAM saaRH.l
m mm mmmmUM mm 9m mmmu rwrwmi
d&&tJ?lfi. such meJ.-
Hr. ! .,,!. bunLr tS.b I, .l.n ante, oader ;d.U. Jul W. tl..l k. .. eM
1 Ki;m,K. anl Hiir.i.ij " . .. . , ,
, Mrfinc
If fan bate ikh aulrtn a.aS.teiw, at-'f rin
,bM mU .'"Em ,,.;
Mt, Mm aw
ll1SlffS;..lir.i b....lre.l
; tmumn irrmino tu nm
Cabana Tnmt TtapUa ta Cfctaf
HsaiaeM ot LI fa.
"Havana la 'ht ana plac where tha
chief otvupHtlofi of tht Inhabltan'a
seems to consist of tlppUng," said Wil
liam Ryan, the well-knowa Virginia
Journalist, at tbe Mrtiopoll aa.
"It la the drlnkt-r'a paradise, and ko
tba smoker's, for la tiia two hablta
everybody Indulges with a freedom I
never saw rtwn. I'eopla got up
rather early In the Cuban capital to en
Joy the cool morning air, and scarcely
take anything except a coffee and roll
before breakfasting at 11 a. ra. Before
that period the regulation amount of
tipple for a Ciihiin gentleman Is six ?!n
cocktnlla. Than fortiUeil ho can mi.!.
out till the first meal of the day, at
which It In thr proper and cusrom;iry
net to drink a bottle of claret and i;k-
wise a ljottle of chata;agne. The latter
ro u Jut as n.iieh, too, let It not a
cj.e your mlad, as It does In tha United
"Now, bavins brcakfast d, our friend
Is getting ready for the aerloua bn-l-nesn
of the day the consumption of
other iplrltuoua drinks. Ills fnm-y
turns to brandy and oda at this alage,
and ere the dinner hour arrives be trust
have vvu!Ioyeil no lens than sii b. and
a s.; at least be la shy of the requisite
quota unless that many have followed
the g!n cocktails. There Is no limit,
though, at the half-dozen station, but
It Ih regarded as a minimum. Dinner
:ome on, and with It another bottle of
claret and ditto champagne, Just as at
breakf.o.Kt. In tbe evening there tl no
regular program, but mixed drinka are
Indulged In sd libitum. I will gay, In
cidentally, that payments for all drinks
are on a cash basis.
"This Is no fancy description, bnt la
Just what the average Individual Oubaa
will regale blmself with In twenty-four
hour. With It all. It Is the rarest thing
In the world to see anyone Intoxicated..
Tbe only drunken man I saw down
there was an American. Aa far aa the
drinking goes nobody In Havana con
siders that the custom of the IsUad In
this renpect la at all to be criticised as
excessive. The climate la inch that
men can atand a vast amount of drink
ing without apparent Injury." Wash
ington I'oat
t Kama da Parta prknta a letter
irrltten by Baltac In wide he de
crlba a visit te George Sain u he,
country chateau. "I found the cam
arade," he said, "In her dreaalng gown,
smoking a cigar, wearing red rrouaera
and yellow sUpera. She had a double
cliln, rike a monk." He alao atatee that
George Hand went to bed at C a. m. rose
ax midday, and smoked to' excess, fine
dreaded her daughter aa a ttojr.
Krh.ol Lnnrb.
A spoonful of scrambled eggs or
nnieli.t left from breakfast and spread
between slices of buttered bnd or
biscuit makes a school lunch sandwich
that Ih UMiially found aeeptable. A
spoonful of creamed codfiiih Is alo not
to be desiilsed as a savory "tiller" for
the omnivorous sandwich.
Ink oil Mauuituik
When Ink has been spilled on the
floor or wood work, scour the spot
with sand, water and ammonia. Thea
apply soda and water, and, if uecta
sary, retouch the paint.
.Got In on His Kre.
A few yeara ago, well known physi
cian of New York, while visiting F'arls,
attended an amateur circua a fashion
able society event to which there wai
admls-slon only by invitation. He pre
sented himself at the door with a tick
made out In the name of his friend,
I'rlnce Orloff. of tbe Russian Embassy.
"But thta ticket la not youra; It is
Prince Orloffs and Is not transferable,"
said the doorkeeper.
"Well, am I not Prince Orloff?" aaked
the doctor.
"No, air; we know very well that the
Prince has only one eye. Tha other la
"Well, stupid, how about thief aald
the doctor, as he took his own glaaa
eye out and held It In his hand for In
spection. "oh. I beg yonr highness' pardon,"
said the doorkeeper, "walk right la."
The doctor had very cleverly ait upaa
tbe only respect In which It and tba
Priaie resembled each other.
Cgyi'a aihamb ... al la a kagau
aaal ciuauerciai holiday. t'aWaa aad
at her oderotie ankles are la great 4o
saasKl oa tbe eccaalea.
Ote a aaaa natter thirty a raikroad
pmm. aad he ran do more hoop she aaat
e alaiaalf thae
(xislml. hunvy, t-ugland, has a
reaiarkable black a ad while eat, which,
af tar being taken te Uedo y raUroad,
roturuoa to lis former basse an feat,
taklag ala weeks to taake the Jottm)
t over two huMfad asUaa
.... ....... I 1.1...,, JiKB M
ifl tlmifc'.,tir. ir fiir lr-
;. 'nu. CoUbr... Cot
ilK , ,. prraoii. Ann I want n r wu.
He ktiar'. mnl for three laraebfilOee tit
' ,n..uvbi lfol ear.
-"il'rlul".ral.., . r.. .ft- rvswd b, mad
ir rnitrbofn Ct . Chl'p, Iff,
L if"
J'smmi i I.i::cn1n " hepp.
Fine pastures nwike fine flocks, find
thU fine i.Incolns'ilre sheep Is reuse 1 on
the rii-hwKt pastures of the world. ;is
well as fed on t lie nueculeat roota
Rrowu on the fertile f.irnm.
Keeeni.'y tills .-i;ieep come In i o the
forefront as an improver of tae native
(lK-ks of Australia and South Am.-rlca,
the Inlf-bred ntMr:on the liuent
nhippaiir iniit'oii for tin; Kn'linH mar
kets. The ruin whose portrait is given
was purchased from the leading flock
In Lincolnshire. Knpland, for the sum
of one thousand pounds sterling, an
nmazlnj figure for something over
fhreo hundred pounds of mutton. lint
the animal was unquestionably worth
I.tMroLsr I
It, for its destination Ib to more than
double the valu of thouaands of Uie
poor shw?p of Argentina, and to add
ten times Ita cost to tba profit of tbe
shepherds of theee great plains for all
time to come.
Clover Fall on Clover Bod.
Alwxrt all farmers know that It Is
not aafe to plow a clover tod, or, In
fact, any other sod In the fall, and then
ow whpat with the expectation of get
ting a clover catch from seed next
aprlug. There have leu various rea
sons assigned for this, the old one be
ing that the clover sod while It la rot
ting In the soli "polaona" tbe Und for
clover until the rotting la completed.
hut H la Quite oa Impossible to eeed
with clover on any newly plowed sod,
and that dbipoaes of tbe clover-polson-Ing
theory. The true explanation seems
to be that when a sod of any kind is de
caying under the furrow It allows the
aoll above it to fall down, thus destroy
ing the slight hold which the young
clover plant has, and obliging It to re
gain Its hold before tbe leaf wilts and
kill the root Clover will come up
well enough on a clover or any other
kind of sod, but unless there ore al
most constant rains during the spring
Httle of It will live. Even a timothy
seeding does not do well on a newly
plowed sod, though In young plantg the
proportion of leaf to root Is much leas
In the grn-sa than It Is In any kind of
A 1'aylnc Device.
It Is a difficult thing to get on and
off a load of hay; and yet birth opera
tions are often necessary wtth each
land of liny fhat Is drawn In. Make a
llg"bt ladder and hinge It at the rear
end of the hay rack, ao that It can be
i.A-DnRR roa niTKin.
inclined forward on the floor whan not
to use. When ready to load set up the
sadder and tba bay wfll keep It firmly
back against the hack end of tbe rack,
ready for tisv either In ascending tha
kuad, or in coming downjfrom It. New
England Homestead.
Water H rtraaa Fraquwatlr.
It la not natural for the home to go
long without a drink of water. Ill
atomavch la amaU and cannot hold a
water supply for a long time. Water
ing morning, noon and night when at
work In summer ttme la none too often.
If the work la very heavy two table
epoonf ula of oa meal stirred In tha pall
will make tha horae drink lietter. And
will also prevent so much cold water
from Injuring his stomach. It la a mis
take to suppose that a norse or any
other dorneatle animal prefers to drink
water only a few oVgneee atnive, the
freezing temperature. If It la luke
warm the home will drink more freely
and the water will be lesa apt to Injure
biiu, i
HebornlnK Young t'atvee
Preventing horns from coming U bel
ter than cutting lliein ulT ufter llu-y
have formed. If when n calf la a few
weeks oid the heml Is examined, the
place where the horns will appear can
be plainly seen, (let n stick of caustic
potash and npply It to this spot, first re
moving tbe hnlr, and hold tbe potash
here until It make n slight sore. There
are few or no nerves where tbe horn In
fofinci!. and thi ore. will not affect the
calf Injuriously In any way,
Hemrdy for Flena.
I notice soind one asks how to rid a
barn of fleas. It seems to be not gen
erally known that salt will kill them,
;. j, .in.- i.-.l uu.i II .i fiom I) K
! i pins at tin- t ai n, und tney nearly
d: ive Die cm;,. I i eard In nome way
tlat mil: .).:,. i. Il tiieiu. 1 foippose I
u el a pe -k of waH. tscatterinj? it treely
al.out the bain and bona., and at the
expiration of a week we couid not tell
t!:at a tlea bud ever leen on the place.
All gone. Mace then I have cleared our
home of tii -m several limes. One p
pllcatlon always does the work. I hnve
also recommended it to others who hnve
used it ultli pipial success. S.ilt scat
tcted over a carpet and swept off before
It melts, will clean It of both fleas and
dirt. I am never bothered with fleas
now unless I pet them away from borne.
I know there are many people who
wouid willingly spend" the price of a bar
i re) of salt to be rid of the pests, and
salt Is &evr faiiiiijf. J. W. Trisler, M.
V., In Practical Farmer.
Kfruininsr Vilk.
There are some points about straln
Ing milk that are not generally llioitiht
of, and therefore tiie milk Is not
cleared of its bacteria. In tha fust
place It Is Important that the milk
should be put through the strainer and
get where its cream Is to rls; as soon
as possible after It comes from the cow.
It often accumulates bacteria very rap
Idly If left in stables exposed to foul
odors. Besides, if left loiig some of tno
cream will rise and will le So mixed
with the mlik that what does not ciin?
to the strainer cloth or wire will not
rise as crejim ara.ln. The strainer
should be thoroughly washed by dip
ping it first in cold water and morlng
It rapidly through both ways, so that
bacteria will not adhere to the under
side, as they are apt to do If the rinsing
water te merely poured on the strainer
from above. Then repeat this process
with water pretty near scalding heat.
In that way If there are any bacteria
on tbe strainer they will be killed.
A "Kept-Shut" Gate.
A great deal of losa occurs each year
from accidents that tome from the
leaving open of some gat. It may be
one's own or a nelghbor'a atock that
does the dnmage It waa the fault of
the opn gateway. The cut tdiowa a
gate lhat wi'l always stay shut, unless
one holds It open. A Biout spiral spring
pulls the gate to, whichever way it la
. . I;--
opened, the spring being attached to
the extended uppor rail of the gate as
shown in the sketch.
Keep the Meadow Clean.
Briers, bushes and weeds really have
no place In the meadows or cultivated
fields, and their growth should be care
fully kept down. Every farmer ought
to have some sort of rotation of crops
for his land, and of a kind that experi
ence teaches him Is best for bis pur
poses. But even with this, from vari
ous cause, special work will need to be
done from time to time. It is desirable
to have the best possible returns from
the mowing fields, and as the crop was
being secured It was quite easy to note
what particular places or fields needed
most attention. There are some por
tions of the meadows on most farms
that It is rather difficult to plow and
cultivate, but yet with proper treatment
can be made to produce excellent crops
of bay. If these can lie made smooth
for the harvesting machinery' and a
good sward secured, they can be kept In
condition for a long time wtth plowing
by frequent top dressings of manure.
Farm News.
tone Fencea.
While the stone fences common In
all eectluna where stone abounds cost
nothing for tnatertaJ, and with hard
work aj-e therefore within any one's
ability to coaetruct, they are not usual
ly very satisfactory, llormil stock
arxm learn that the top stones can l
easily displaced and then the fence can
be Jumped. The best way to stop
Jumping Is to place a Iwroed wire ovr
tlie fence, fastening It to stakes firmly
In the ground. It may s"ent cruel, but
the stock unit learn not to Jump, and
they wont get hurt. But when ahaep
bare learned to Jump a low stone wall,
even a barbed wire over It will not
stop tbeao. Thar must be several
wirea, 00 close together that tbe aheap
cannot ftt their heads between. That
will atnp the firuft sheep, and no one of
the flock will try to Jump after the
leader has turned back.
Tnraa Upalrta Ham,
The quince root so readily by lie rid
ing over the top and covering It with
earth that It easily possible to re
verae the natural order and make the
tree after two years live with what
were Ita roots In the air. These roota
will then put forth leave, and the year
following will bear blossoms and possi
bly fruit. But for several years the tree
et upside down will require to b
propped, as the original growth was
largest at the ground.
Knot? Nail for Ilorere.
The writer hat some due apple trees
that have borne fruit for a long time
that when tlrat set out were greatly
damaged by borers; In fact, many trees
were destroyed before Home friend sug
gested driving a few rusty nails In
trunks near tha ground where they
work. Since doing this not a borer has
ever troubled them. C. 8. H.
Save the Anhea.
I use them sparingly around my
gooaelierry bushes with clean cultiva
tion. They produce clean, thrifty fruit.
I use them plentifully around my bee
hives to keep the ants away. I feed
them to the colts with oats and aborts
for parasites. I uae fresh, green hick
ory ashes for the colts. Exchange.
Use Pc-ru-na for Coughs, Colds, Crippo
and CatarrhA Governor's Letter.
,i v-
sc1 ' " '
r i
J J-t-
1 A.
Dr. S. B. llirtman:
j "Some years a0 a frit nd ot our institution recommended to'is Dr. Uartman's ' Pe ru ra' sa
n excellent remedy tor the i:iR;, ot which we then had several ca ts ..hich threatened to
i be ot a serious character.
"We began to ie:e it and experienced such wonderful results thai since then Pe-ru-na has
become our tavorite roedirme for irflu. ma, catarrh, coughs, colds and bronchitis
Ask an 1 druggist for
Say Aye 'No' and
ried." Don't Refuse All Our
Advice to Use
"You wouldn't mind tel ing me what
topic ol conversation you are moat in
terested in," said Mr. Meekton to the
friend who had accepted an invitation
10 dinner.
"Why, I don't know that I can."
"Well, I wish you won d make the
off rt as a matter of friendship. It
would be ri.'lit embarraasi g t) have
you ak me what I think of the Philip
pine question or the army investigate
without my having hud an opportunity
to ascertain in a quiet diplomatic way
what Henrietta wishes me to think
about them."
Feci .the influence.
Cold and heat alike aggravate neural
gia, because the nerves feel the cold and
heat sensitively, but nerves are sensi
tive to treatment and feel the Influence
of St. Jacobs Oil, which cures the ail
ment promptly.-
Peter was probably a married man or
he wouldn't have learned to be bo quick
at denying things.
Mrs. Window's Soothino Symip for child
ren teething, aoftens the Rami, reduces Inftama
matlon, allaya pain, cureawlml colic. 2.V bottle
Have the en'rames to the hives an '
tbe vi inity around them clean and
convenient for tiie bees to get cut and
in readily. .
WANTr.n.-OiwBofbnd health that R I P-A N S will
not benefit, fi-ml s eenta to Rlimns Chemical Co.,
New Yurk, for 10 aatnplfla and l.UOU ti-atlmonlalfl.
Oneadvan'age of the moder i hive i
that, the bees cm readily be kept, in the
enter of the hive.
flee Diamond "C" Soap and get a full
till inn ntel clock for nothing. Other
valuable prises iiIko.
Deafaess C-anot be Onreo
hy locl Hpplications, as they cannot reach
the die.-ed portion of the i ar. There is
nnly one way to cure Denttieas, and that ii
by cons itiitiomil remedies. Deafness is
caused by an inflamcrl condition of the
mncous liiung of the KuMnrhian Tube.
Wbn this tube gotn intiaiucil yon have a
ninioling sound or inipe feot henring, and
when it Is ei.tirtly elosed lienlneei ia the
result, and onlessthe inflammation can be
taken out and this tnlx re: lored to its
normal ooaduion, bearing will be de
stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are
caused by catarrh, which is nothing but
an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any cae of Uraftiesa (caused hv catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh
Cure, band for circulars free.
r. J. CHEN KY A CO.. Toledo. 0
aWold by Oruggieta. 7S&
In a Tourist
Slcoping Gar-
Prrwnally conducted via the Burlington Reite that'i tha way s
go to (.alil'ornia.
Why f BcraiiM you don't change cart you make fait time yoa
ice the fim t tccnoy on the globe.
Your i not so expensively finiihed nor ao fine to look at at a
p.iljce ilerprr, hut it it jost aa clean, juit aa comfortable, juit at 004 (a
riilcin. AM) NKARLY $10 CHEAPER..
The Burlington exc urxiom leave Omaha ami Lincoln every Tfcun
diy, rrji hlng Sun Franio Sunday and Lot Angclaa Monear. Porter
with e.u h Kxairtion manager with each party. For folaar Msg
full information, write to '
J. fRANCIS, 0. P. A., Barllngtaa Rntrte, Omaha, Nek.
' 't,TW.ll
5,-vj -
Main S r.. Kosa Ave.. Columbus. O. I
-SiS Ihxs OK ST. FkANCLS. St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum." J
Chaki.hstok, W. Va., March 9, 1898. j
The Pe-ru-na Drug M'f g Co., Columbus, Oii'o:
Gentlemen I can recomme d your preparation. Pe-ru-na, as
tonje. Its reputation as a cure for catarrh is excellent it having been
used by a number of people known to me with the very best results, '
Very truly, t G. W. AtkinsoM. J
Dr. Hartman, on! of the best known physicians and surgeons in the
United States, was the first man to formulate Pe-ru-na. It was through
his genius and perseverance that it was introduced to the medic 1 pro
tes.av.n of this countrv. Send to 'I be Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing'
Company, Columbus, Ohio, for a free book written by Dr. Hartman.
a free Pe-ru-na Almanac fur the year 1899.
Ye' 1 1 Ne'er Be Mar
The aassyest man I kno or ic a ben
pecked htifsband when he ia away
t orn home.
The ainn who is determined to win
ic sure to; thare ain't bad luk enuff in
the world to beat dim. I
A careless man in a family iz aimprf
a nootauce, but a sh flleee and eluttiah,
woman n wu?s than a blister. ;
I.nv iz a phenomenon ; it kan't be
defined nor controul- d and too often,
like the wild rose, "it wastes ita aweet-
nt-Ks on the des r,t air." i '
Handsome is as handsome very aw
dom does. ' 1
v. a
The Best
Saddle Coat.
Keps both rider and saddle perv
fectlydry in the hardest storms.
Substitutes v-'illdisappoint. Ask for
1897 Fish 13 rand Pommel Slicker
it is entirely new. If not for sale In
your town, writ for catalogue to
A. J. TOWFP. Boston. Mass.
"CASUHETM do 11 claimed fbr tkmm
ind are a truly wonderful medicine. I haveoftcB
ffi$lieU lor a rued i cine p lea tan t to take and at lad
t;ave found It iu Cab arets. Bine takina them, tnf
blood tias huen pnrttled and my complexion nan Im
proved wonderfully and 1 feel muoh better In every
way." Mite. Haluk U. Bellakjs, Ljurull,TeiiB.
Plesaant. Palatable. Potent, Tiatt Good, pa
Good. Norer glckao. Weaken, or Grip. tOc.Me.aM.
tlaHhw Wtwmj tomfrnj, Ctlim, Sl.lilll. Umm Tai. SS)
I ft
T$wb CAW