T The Sioux County Journal. VOL. IXZ. SISOIsr, IsTEBSKZA, THURSDAY, IDEC. 8, 1898. Cur aotHH-"NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGKT."--Iion. William J. Bryan. 3STO. 20. 1 The Sioux County Journal. KST4UIJSJIF.D Subscription Price, $1.00 OFFICIAL fAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. Hfo. I), fatiou. - Kill (or. Kiitr-red Ht 1 1 ib NtirrtBon Jicwt otHce as wcjud cimu mutter. i - r I i-t Tht! flnaticiii (jutKlinn was tombed tij on very lightly in tha presidents muss- President McKiiihy m.l not outline any j foreign policy in Lis i.ie-s ite regarding . the Philippine rpi(wn.n. OonL'rvv.man oiisins of Iowa has come to the front with a bill to mak's the gold j dlar the st.iiu'.iiril of value. Kverybody siioii d r.-d ti e presidentc tnesxiii,'", winch w.is deb v,; to bub "louses of toOL'ivs" on Men lay noun. Wher tint ciiiiip:ign win fomtht out nlong t he lines of tb Chicago p! it form, ji. was there wh'-r-i the democrat. ma le tphsnomitiivl gains. The Presid Mit in bis mesoae to onn gres rvcom mends that the standing nrmy of the UnitS fitiitk-r. be inrtaited to 100, 000. Preesident. M.'Kiiilev declares in fei mesacre. that Cuba, must 1 sisMsted to jwrmenant, self-g jwnitnent , which is right and projxir. Oov. Tinner of Illinois, has Wn indi cted by the Panaii crand jury for mwla fosance in olHco nnd also for failing to do his duty, reitiva to ih miners strike in that city a month turn. "Coin" Harvey of tiicago, is now en-pagr-d in lecturing in the princifl cities throughout the Union and collecting funds to be us:d in carrying on the free Bilver campaign of 15)00. C'ongress'imn tiulz'.r of N"w York, lm roediately afler the convening of congress introduced n resolution to investigate the conduct of tho war department by that unjust liody. Cmrietroler of tin national currency nd linking kv'io conies out boldly Hgninst tho McCleirv linancn bill, declar ing it would be giving the national banks loo much power against tho snmlbr onos of the country. According to President McKinley's 4nesngo to congress he d.ws not intend jnustering out. the U. R. Volunteers tin 1ilcon?res fchall make provision to in. crease the standing army and authorize liim to enlist regulars to talto the place cf the volunteers. See. Gage, true to the courage of bis irold standard convictions, recommend 1h pnssage of tl McCleary finance bill in his report to congress. Thus it will lie readily wen the gold standard people re becominir, quite arrogant, and mean to have just whnfc they wnnt regardless of a majority of the people of the courr try. In 1800 the republican party wan the mmancipatorHof 4,000,000 xlavs; today they are in favor of imperialism, and will no dosbt legislate In favor of making a vassal Stat outof t!io Thilipnine islands which are now ab iut to come in'.ooti' possession by conquest1 Oh! how art the mighty fallen ' The KMncjr Cmilexlon. Th pal sallow, sunken cheeked, dis-tres-sed-lookiiig people you so often meet mm afflicted with "Kidney complexion. " Thoir Kidneys are turrnni? to a. parsnip color. 8o is their complexion. Thy may aIo have indieestion, or' ulTr from sleeplessness, rheumatism, neuralgia, brain trouble, nervous ex U. ...linn anri uimAt.irneM the heart acU """ - Tht cautf i weak, unhealthy ki. nyt. Uiuallv th sufforer from kidney dii- does not ilnd out what the trouble, is until it is almost to bte, because th i i a .a M mn lit, mllfl uift'tiorji. IhM ther do not think they need a mull u d'iclor uttil Uny linJ Hjism- 5 VVwrzy-wic- Tic-". selves sick an ld. IV. Kilmer' t. Swamp-root will build up Mild strengthen their weak and diseased kidneys, purify their diseased, kidny polsoned blood, clear their complexion and soon they will enjoy better health. You can get the reirulnr sixes at the dm;; (store, ut fifty routs sind one dollar or you may first prove f.ir yourself the wonderful virtues of thi-t g:e .t discovery Swamp-root by hendi'jg your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamtori, N. Y. for a sample bottle and a book that tells all aliout it, liolii SHut to you nlsjolutely free by mail. When writing kindly mention tlmt vnu read thin liberal oiler in the Slocx Cocxtt Jouunal. ALOXi: AT CIIHISTMAS. If in this age of organizations innum- rable there is room for one more, it is for. an organization which woull bring together, especially on Christmas, thorn who ure alone in the world, particularly women who are alone. I do not think that ninny of us who have our ki.) closest to us on ( I ristu as Day stop to realize whit our feoliius wou d be if they were I not with It is so hard to imagine i ourselves in a position ollwr than tli one i we are in. And yet that position might easily hi ofv-r tlim it Ls With m.inv j that portion i otherwise tliau God h8 ":'de own: a fai t we are all apt to ""- e r.;n-ii.tvr som- pfior I irony at Christmas, but at bust it is a family, it is together. The one is company for the other, even in poverty. We reu.emb- er t),.. S, k, Go 1 blesses those who do Hut I wish some of us might cast a look around and give a thought to tit se who are not sii'k. w ho are not pei h.i s poor as the world juik't-a; yet who are alon. Some girl, ret haps, n one: some woman alone: some young man: some old man: alitne! Aon 'a Chrstmas! Edward Bolt in the Decemlier LraK8 HoMS Jocns.O., mm i3 Wg Need , ( Our Monoy. r?" Parties wlio are in arrears on pubf-cripliort to the JorraAL for one and two years are requested to nettle by January lt next. It costs u.s money to run the. paper and we feel the price of one yean? fmbscription 1.00, is not inucli to pay for the Journal and it will very materialy assist in making tlie itiiper better for the next year. Ve hope to make some iniprovementn in the ma chinery of the ofiiee tlie com ing year and we will need what in due h to do bo. "We have over 500, on our books and we must have them bal anced up by the end of the year. Gko. I). Can-ox. Editor and Propietor. Do not longer be !eied by wtibirarded lies. Rani) tho truth. It will psy you duKandt. HUNK OR STARVE THAT IS THE ALTERNATIVE. TO-DAY th I montnt yon ar being robhM of What yrm mih. How much I Hut I am tnan ii.w fMr. lM jou knuw bow I Do jrou know wbj I Kwd Formerly NEW OCCASIONS. ThBtt Osly ReforalbpuiBe.. I Cm Dollar a Year taOMWWM. ( N CWIU MMMMT. jB?MlMv-WMr rm. m I B. O. fbiw, Frmndar of th imt. mmTvmml tTrfh (V. Af, U. N.w IkmUU. Vrtr Tias U lb. focrlrM mtroettm of tti. InriATm and Ipbbmii, M.Jorlti Haw, BittMitine UonrninMS, uwrtarir turorm ana nifum m HKicai uviuir., ism JkMfMlrMta mf hrWUntt wrltort wmhm weiil nmrnlmrlm rmmtrlkmlm I f Mlffftf ST. Prof. Frmnk Psraoas. lUnrr I. Uojrd. Prof. rtlrh.M T. Eljr. Swiitor Tlllrou. Ilrlrt N. C'Mon. franco K. WIILrd. Pna. 0orc. A. Uslas, Mary A. Llv.rmora, Abhjr Morton Dlu. John P. AKfl4 Itolon CampbHI. lisMirPrtUSTwr. IS t. Mat smh ut n SMMOor stir. KltM1 Vummrar. i HamllB 0rUt Jwiloi Wslur Clark. Cofon V. Ma. Oor. U. S PtaTM. Ulllu WMUag. A.H. Uirto. tin nt ton am min m4 rauioxar f!LErFu!w'!ii n!t!ZJtit!''l ISSS SB Sags, prl Cfcsfcs I. Ear I Ctrtftisi M PMCk Atmm CNKAOO, 1 ( . - .,.,,-, . . Unit Some Plain Facts. Grave errors, injustice, wrongs of greater or less degree, arise from lack of knowledge of the truth, and n:ore frequently from deception. The most infamous cane cn record of deception and injustice is the at tempt to demonetize silver as a money of final redemption ia the United States. There is no learned judge, skilled lawyer, cr court of justice that is capable of reconciling the effort with the constitutional laws that govern the issue of money ia this country. The people have been deceived, officials in power, chosen to adminis ter justice under the laws, have ignored their sworn duty, a-ud given aid to the scheme that lias paralyzed industry, reduced property values one-half, and bewared mi'iions. There is no authority of law, either specific cr by inference, by which gold alone is rcade the only money with which to discharge debts, either public cr private. The effort to make it so is unconstitutional and a cnticr.al calamity. I'iatn an'i ample information, facts, :.l truth, concerning this almost suc cessful scheme to comer the wealth of the people, is new being printed n the Cincinnati Enquirer, a news paper which the combined power of .noney has failed to muzzle or buy. The Wce!:ly Enquirer is only 75c. a ye.tr. The address is f Lmr.nrcr Company, Cincinnati, 0. Drc? CabLict Liberty $::.29 Stss'Aag 2Z.2o Crescent 13.3 FOfl 1 YfAKS r.Rf Nrttt tetl Koto Ms? jl prat's Cenwliikioa. 11 :&c;in-2 IsboI as wpi ewnlH after P&fajk' tri.it, v' iii r(ii'K'. tiir. iiinr.ey. Or v.c v iil sliiri ', o. with priiiirr.tc at E9 asys' triai, oil tjctipt of Hi.BU. ftB r Vts!ut;l Tli bok liaatisomo, LiGfiHRKrHnj Kice Midline, )i,lHfit';J l.i a'l k'.:iifi york, Seif-tbfiii:? cylinriiir slmttli', itoul.'c tied, automatic ten.itn tclei.f. Juicily up-touato in every w.iv. 'I ho Lest and mi st ilurr.'jW line of attyciiiiierit. pnrl mr.-ia by oneM thcoiflcf.t and largest teviag machine Co's in tlie world. Defl with a fur,t-c!ii9 Imnse and yrt fir.il-c!.i8S paoiis. Send stamp (or oar spc-cial.Sr.rini; Ma chine Catalogue, which t'rlls yon nil ahont it, aod how He tsciid a mactiinc on I'1U,E XUUL. The Davis Macliire Go., Chicago. 23av3SZ33 xjfi'sfrfjsa MONTHLY SUFFERING. Thoasands of women are troubled at monthly inter vals with pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous deraygements that can be corrected. The Ulen gtrnal function should operate painlessly. M!.EUE) makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops oil this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Car.lui will relieve her? It costs Jt.oo at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle to-day? For advice, In cases requiring special directions, address, rIv iuij symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term. ..o3)9a.. Mr. R0ZEIU UWIS, ot Oonanllt. Titl. i.'tt " I wit lroubl.il ot monthly Int.rvalt with tarrlhl. paint In my htad and bank, but hav. bom tnurcly rll by Wins I Cartful." a!;:? vcu a worker ft, iri Woid or Plrtift ? If to j.tnj for Cntilofiij of mt.!r Toot 'M'lIK JNUCltlNI'RY. 1 i-i.-'tral, 5ttinif, rurrhlc. t', P. i J&tin UarnM Co., ! I Ruby St., P.ncldnrd, Illinois. f "'5i Cci' l.ilv. A: I. '.is VVl TSrKJraJ P5 Tho Eev. IlicVs Annual Almaiiac and Monthly masrazine Word and works, are now kuown from sea to uea. We are pleased to call tlie attention of our readers to tlie Almarac fur 1899, now ready. It is n cplendid jirinted and illustrated book of 118 pages and the storm forecasts and diagrams and astronomical and scientiflcj matter are superior to anything that has ever seen before in a 23 cent book. His mon thly journal, Word and Works is one of the best literary home und scientific magazines in the country, besides con taining his monthly storm forecasts with explanation. The Subscription price of Word and works is 1.00 per vear and a copy of the Hicks Almanac is sent as a premium to every yearly subscriber Single copies of Word and Works, 10 eoots. Trice of Almanac alone 25 cents. Send your order to Word and Works Pub. Co., 220 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. The Companion's new Calender The calenders given by The Compan ion in former years to all subscribers have lieen remarkable for their delicacy of design and richness of coloring. But the calendar for 181)9 far surpasses any of those. The publishers havo endeavor ed to make it the finest calendar of the century and readers of the Companion will be disappointed in it. Those who subscribe now will receive not only the gift of the Calendar, but also all the issues of November and December, from the time of subscription Free. Tlfe new volume will be the best tlie Companion has ever published. .Among the con tributions already engaged are "The Little Demons of war," by Hon. John 1). Long; "Opportunities for Young Ex plorers," Sir Clements Markham; "The Boy with a voice," David Uis bam; "The Wonders of Somnambulism," Dr. Will iam A. Hammond; "Police Spies in Rus sia," Poultney Bigelow; and "Where Living is Cheapest," Hon. Carroll D. Wright. Fine illustrated announce ment and sample copies will be sent to any one addressing. The Youth's Companion, 211 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of salo to me directed, issued by' tha Clark of the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, in an action tending in said Court, wherein D. II. Oriswold is plaintiff, and L, J. Simmons, Grace Simmons and Iiufus CoffiB and Company are 'defendants, I will on the 10th day of December, 1838, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said (lay at the east door of tlie Court House, in Harrison, Nebraska, offer for safe at public sala the following uiacribed real estate, to-wit: Lot 6 of Clock 9, of the Village of Harrison, Siotix county, Nebraska, to satisfy a decree of foreclosure of a tax lien enter ed in said cause by our said Court at the September A. D. 1898 term thereof, to wit: on the 19lli day of September A. D. 1893, wherein our said Court found due to the said plaintiff, D. 11. Griswold the sum of $172.41 together with tho sum of 17.21 allowed by the court as attorn eys fees in said action, with interest on said amounts from date of said decret at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and costs and accruing costs and adjudged the same to be a first lien on said premi ses. Said premises will be sold for the purpose of satisfying said sums. THOMAS HOLLY, Sheriff Slu-iifrs Salo. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale to me directed, issued by the Cleric of the District Court of Sioux county, Nebraska, in an nction pending in snid court, wherein J. Y. Cas tle is plaintiff, and Mutta L. Maine, Silas It. Maine, George W, Hester, and James O. Sargent, are defendants, I will on the 19th day ot December A. D. 1893. at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day at the east door of the Court House, in Harrison, Nebraska, offer for sale at public sale tlie following described real estate to wit: Lots 20 and 21 of Block 7, of the Village of Harrison. Sioux county, Ne braska, to satisfy a decree of foreclosure of a tax lien entered in said cause by our i said Court at the regular September A. D. 4898 term thereof to-wit: on the 19th day of ftaptemher A. D. 1898,,where in our said Court found dne to the said plaintiff, J. Y. Castle the sum of &2:i(l,05 together with tlie sum of 23.09 allowed by the Court as attorneys fees in said action with interest on said amounts from date of Raid decree at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and costs and accru ing costs, and niljudued the same to be a first lien on said promises. S:iid premis es will be sold for the purpose of satisfy ing said sums. THOMAS HOLLY, Sheriff. SYPHILIS .ne-..hi nmcl.r.. Twit. Th. wont forw. pwl- nnd. at ntir TnatMitmnSdaiill.1. Cum "HI'-.. Timiln. OnnMloa Blink and Jfcafn.UIlM writ. DR. wian laimuit. The Eev. Irl It. R0H. Blk b.tttls. Me, Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them as cheap at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE in Harison, as you the department stres. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in a full line of Gents furnishing goods for Fall and Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than any other store in Harrison. Come and see for yourself. And the IB ise wigs n Groceries IB 01 D6 on Come and be convinced- L. GERLACH, Prop. THE COMMERCIAL . BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, B. Brkwstrr, President. D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS! Ajdjricajj Exchange National Bank, New York, Om.uia National Bank, Omaha, First National Bakk, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. CyDEAiTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. STOCK BRANDS. Trb Joi.tixai.wI11 publish yonr brand, Ike the following, for 12 :00, per year. Each ad ditional brand 75 cents. levery tanner or ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise thou- brands 1n The Jock nal as it circulates nil over tho tate. It may be tho means of saving money for you. FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left sltoti liter ot horses. Itnnjre on Antolopo creek ., Clnielinst, S'.oui Co., Neb. CliAKLK TUF.HLK. On lett side or hip of cuttle, j On loft shonlder of hfirses. I Range on tho head ot Warhoniiet crck Address Harrison, flotix Co. Neb. H. W. CARRY. On left shoulder of cattlo ho rues. and IsOtKiuiKitnn Little Cottonwcod. , Crawford Nehr. J. C. I.. RA(ibAKI), Thohrand rrpiHontt'd In this rotlce and branded any whore on left side of horses and 1 mm ftLf ! r. I Enroll Alwi tho I, T. limtvt any whnre on left nldo ofciitllo belong to the undersigned. J, U. 1-, RAflLASn, l IlarrlMin, Nebraska, can in Chicago at anch Supply undersold & Provisions. Nebraska. c. r. COITO, Vica-Prasldoiii, For Wo can make to your measure a Fine. All-Wool Suit Latest City Styles Vou can be a well-dreS3ed man if vnu know how. Write us for Samples and Uooklct "Howto Look Weil, Dress Well, and Save Money." Large Fashion Plats Cma)! ana samples Tbe DAVIS MACHINE CO. chicaoo Traoc Mmu Piaratte OorrwiotiTsAe. Anronn Mnillnt a .ketch ana Inronllon I. prohaHy Mtamloli ilon. Mrlctlr eonBrtontlal. Hairt l'atnl taken tEroMhlUaa Co. I uiiM arlt hfrBl ettalata. til tM . OK scitntific Jlzzlz-: A hsnoonatr Uni eolation of any IK" & 1 m Va stXPMIINCI mil a a. -3 .m la. Coaj .. ifiooloat -mm tratfat waMir. roar ; I oar raoiTfa. at. ww mm wwmw. -J Si. 4 A ' .' 1 ! ) 4 4 4 i n, 'V.' V i i s , f, v ; ! 4.V-