The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 01, 1898, Image 7

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do not tninx for ainrte
moment that consumption will
ever strike you autiden blow.
It doe? not conic that way.
It creeps its way along.
First, you think it is little
cold; nothinr but a little back
ing cough; then a I role loss in
weight: then a harJer cough;
then the fever and the night
The suddenness comes when
you have a hemorrhage.
Letter stop tbe disease while
it is yat creeping.
V J . . t.
m iuu tan uu k wiia
You first notice that you
cough less. The pressure en
the chest is lifted. That felling
of suffocation is removed. A
cure is hastened byplacingone of
Dr. Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral Plaster
over the Chest.
A Book Ffcg.
It is on the Diseases of the
Throat and
If y () '..iv ai.T ..--',.in wl--,'-. r
Joel l-ir th tv! ni"'ii- o.i'.v,.,, wrii
an J... Ml '-.
-. -:vr. r ! tic i( tff 4
Tf .iii
A Natural Ct'jck ky
Biiokingliaiii's liye.
-r It. f. IUIIACo,
A ton t i'li a ihonsait'i tlmuHa'.!! d l
lar fjtiiiilicg in ten tii!if tii'ir- ptokr-s
live tuan a ioti of a imlli'.nire-
In the tin.tilw.ion ! m)iiiy,ri"t in ifn
itonrii,' ( i in n 'y. ih the food of tnoix y
The ratii ', b a htnl. liiwr ut c;r ul.i
lion of tnoiii-y ie n tic -ary to tlrcntt
af the town as Hie cirt u.tion of tin
blijo'l ni-cei-ary lu the wr tl Ov-mg cif tin
Hho me tde lu in''" utrfi-t ofatoi
atii I tell von t't t-.'i-K nty of iti
ctiurciics. l .e hm of it." I lnari s. tlii
br-aihh of It ct..o'a arni III I'' tf
of iU uir.
Ik due not onljr li the orif inality and
aimplkity of the cimhiutition. but bImj
to the care nmi skill with wliich it is
njunufacturmV by wlcntillc process
known U the (Jai.iohma I io Svrip
Co. only, and w v. tli to iinpr. ss upon
li the liripji'iui cn of p'ti rluisli.ff the
true ami original remedy. As the
rvnuinn Svrut) ( I'm i uinii'ifuotured
by the Campokma I'm Svrtt:i" Co.
only, a Unowlfd(o of that fait will
ahiht one in uvoiding- tho worthl'.'M
iiuitatiotis maim fact uifd by older pt.r-ti-.
'4'he hi'h tuiiditiK of tins C.H.I
fokNiA I'm vmi'I' Co. with the iii'.-di-cl
piofi-sion, and the hnt faction
yrhi'-h the (.-nuin.- Syrup of ha
gWn to million of fmuil'.
the name of tl Compnny tt puaratity
pf this c-xccllem of Its rm.edy. It 's
ar in advance of ail other laxative,
M it acts on the kidneys, liver bud
bowels without irritating or vwiiUen
1d(T thi'in, and it thx-a not (fri- uor
nauw-ot. In order to V't lu bem-lli iul
effeeta, plesutf remember tin: name of
the Company
rat 4rlM'. .
Mriarn.i r.. w w T
waWth ear lr" an4 nT
CA8CAHRTH aj.d lis
iirlf liev "'
1.m m rtt inn Irt'P.
i 1 k i-iewi in 1 nr
mi air irno m'ia,n:;ii
UK) urn relieved Hi " ,V' ,',u
' cans W si-aroHO.
rtMeean srt a Co.. I'lusounj a
. ... - .s. ., -
nnir'nii .
iniicJM Mum
I I J W J I af -J ' "V ' V rla
rf ' 'I
Runninic a Farm.
When I wan young at farming,
I'd watch the turnip tops.
And quickly t'O to witthing
For good, big. rousing crops.
I wished for innmmotb pttiiipkins
AH others to outweltfh;
In short, I took to nothing
Liut wbiig( all the day.
A olaee iwt and soothing
Iti every wUh would lurk,
Till drenming ie'nltion
ioeaimi surer than hard work.
I w lulled my cellar full of
I'otatfjes with a will;
I wished the jrranary ftroaning
With corn to go to mill.
While other farmers wished for
A ko'hI supply of rain,
I thoiiKkt it an sound gc
To wish fur fruit ami itrairu
And w 1 went on wishing,
f 'o ji t i h1 with my hit.
In autumn no (wnatm-a
Were boiling in uiy put,
I tell y,,ii I'd disciivcrcd
That wishin? only breeds
KiH'ii 1 ; pji ii t iik-11 t : wishinx
Won't pull iij I'lmkini; weedm
Ji n'l lux rn in Miiutncr.
ir husk it in iIm- full;
1 tell yoti, !iy, that wiiii:;;;
uti'l run u farm itt a J.
Tliut winter my putaiuis
I had to :: and buy
lliglit fr'iln my ntnirnv bort
Who had ii 'jiH.J u;viy.
They'd clyly imds- their dit.
i tllltnt lie
iulier'n w:
1 mat:
ill a la iia
en I s
I lei rn.
d th
ilea ft i'
And tl ley
Hue day ..f I,
is worth ;,
And now in i
My duty w
lint j ii-1 roll
A it i 'ike a
,ui-l labor
i y.-nr- of dreams.
l!v wishing,
' r I i:U;
iiji my shirt s'. eve?
teiiver work.
A Km t I'i kin - I'm.
A eotttribiitor to the New York Trill
tine cfl.-rs the following sugg"tits:
The ordinary i'!iket is not a convenient
re. ep'tiele into which to pick fruit from
a holder. Too little of tin- opening is
prs'!iM"l between tlic routi'ls, owing
to the round form of the basket's top,
Ttie round form (dsn .keeps the htfket
from being stable, as it is constantly
swing':!? about on the one hook stip-
rut it rn kino nox.
porting ii. A fruit -gathering
shown in the cut which b late
these defect". It" handle is mad
H o i.ooii vialiisl iii water an
Into tiie proper r-h.ip '. Th hamlle can
, i i . ......i i,
lie SUpporieii oy io uooks. '-.-n..s . m. j
box v.-ry tlrut. With a box the full j
..netting from one side to th her is
afforded for putting iif fruit,
box Is ci.efuily line 1 with, a
If the
ihlcl;l:e-s of burlap there will l" l"s i
. , . . .i .... . f . . l I
likelihood or iiru.sin
klilalh Kt degree.
the fruit, ill the
l urrel im App c'i'"' t'em--
In barreling apple It 1 quite safe to
pile the apph-s as much 11s two liicbe
above where the head will III In the'
chine. If pressed dow 11 evenly there Is
elasticity enough in the "Pine skill lo
' , 1., 0 uiilinoi brills-
flllllW such iiiiiin' -( j
lug 1 1. If the apples mc; not uiu
...1 .i,.n. ii.ev will shrink so ih lo
loose lu the barrel, and will thus bruise
In handling Hie barrel
ii.-v would if pressed
worse Ihan
down. Penis
"' .
CUIIIlol be thus pre-se.l
best Hiiel.ed w ilh il p a I
down. They are
1 'r around each,
.. Kiel. Will ki t II II
Iroiii loiicbing Its
Kull riowiimto Ki!l limec-ts.
One of the bel.elils of fall plowing
that more than eomp.-usaies It disad
vantage I wnslluK the sillliice son ny
blowing m1 wiishing, Is that It de
stroys millions of destructive Insect.
In orchard especially, many of the
l irvae that rf Injuriou are hidden un
der leaves or aiones, where they will be
partly proieried from wet, and will
there endure any amount of dry f wa
in wlthont Injury. But turning the
nil orer to the depth of fl or eti
lnche disturb three Ineect arrange
ment. Moltur mean tfc tbe lar?
aaet W trfHf
r. M ih
box is
s both
e from
I bent
from lis coc''in, vi- If :i!re:i, , tiu liiSt-t
.it luay be tempti .1 to J.oVi- to e.-sclije It. j
Any :H h iii-eun lit In fore there i
tled uunu win her i.i (iea.h to it.
t'utt iit' 't rt.
Coin fodder, if s.-euii ,! when it Is In
It iM-t. eo iiiiliori, U aiimt il g 1 "
h..y for lc a:;d ai;( : ji ii lor t.i J-'i
cons there ia liDiiiliT fe d that I haw
ever t.'-iU-d C'leal to it. J.iHt a.-t S'i ii
tl- corn is well in the do'-li It in r';
eitiiith to rut. Motile fai ne rs I.t t .' t
com Ktiind till the Ma!k yet h'!t 1 r pe
before oultii.j;. I'eni tlat eared f v
may 1 a little heavier nfier it is bu k-
ed (ill Ii ti.t it 1 ko (di'.inied by s-imei,
but the w.'fte lu foil !er tuo e than c 'i-
stii! i tl.e ( xtr "r n In s e ftiit co u
The sner.'ijre d;iy laborer will, if ciu
tlng by the slioek, cm seventy sho k
containing islxir four biliH in etiea
shock. M-r day. An expert worker will,
in medium coin, cut froiii loo to 1-Ti
alux ks in the tame length of lime, and
of eiual size. Twisted rye trtraw or
marsh hay Is jwod to use, tilthouxh the
bet thing that is lxdnu used is a No. 9
wire, cut about 3'4 feet long, with a
hook tx-nt on each end, so that they
can lie quickly fastened or unfastened.
These wire bands can be saved aud
used year after year.
Hoof Like Horns.
Here's tbe picture of a freak covf
owned by a Majsaehiisotts farmer. The
abnormal luKif s are apparently of reg
ular horn substance, and further than
to seriously impede the animal's loco
motion do not otherwise seem to inter
fere with the iM'.rfoniialice ef ii r ordi
nary fuucitiou. These h e-'. : horns,
as they might be rill 1. : :t in milled.
groiv a yam
, .1 II ill tit" ill',
to the size
st rat ion.
leill -i-C'thiic of torn Groun,!.
A crop of corn may li. succeeded the
follow ing year grass for pasturing
or hay if tic laud is lilted right. A
light pi-iwit'g. or rttt her cultivating so
its to j.ull .iovfn ti-.e I'el tl but is. and
thn foilowing th'-tii wllh tiie roller to
p." s ihein into lie- siil'fiice will be all
th.-i! is needed. Then i tin over the lev
eled siirfaee wllh the sinoothilig har
row, whi.h will roiitrlicn it.and sow the
seed. If a permanent pasture is desir
ed sow some . I iitio grass seeds with she
timothy, and In the spring saw some
clover seed. All will grow, and the
first year each will help the oilier, as
the more trass or clover crowth can be
i got on the land the earlier it will dry
j out when spring comes. Most attempts
I to seed without grain fail lieeuuse not
enough seed Is sown.
i tire .hintr t!m k wheat.
Ow ing to the great amount of sap its
k stalk contains, buckwheat cannot
well be piled up ill sacks or put in
mows. We have known It tole thresh
ed by machine, but it look so much
power to thresh the buckwheat by
threshing machine tfiil lite experiment
w is not prolitable. It is extremely easy
with a II:tle iie.ititig of the head to dis
lodge every grain of buck wheat. lint
when stalks aud all are pill in il. has
lo be done Very slowly, else tiie green
! buckwheat stalks woe, id (dog the cylin
ders and slop Ih" machine. It takis
much more coal to thresh buckwheat
with a steam thresher than It docs to
thresh grain whose straw Is dry.
A uteri Cultivator.
Mnblitia it il I lilatikftiiiK ItorseH.
Horses that re exposed to rains
should be blanketed while out of doors,
nnd the blanket, or ra'her a dry one,
iliould cover the horse after lie Is under
belter. rnder the blanket the heat
gilt hers from Hie Internal heat of tie'
lsnly, ami as there Is thus a double pro
tection between the skin and the outer
air the skin does not -hill. I'arefiilness
In blanketing u horse has at nil seasons
more to do with his condition than
feeding grain. If a cold is developed in
the early winter it Is extremely likely
to last until spring, find may then ile-
reloo into much worse disease than au i
i - -
ordinary cold.
1'i.ultry Note. '
Filthy quarters pr.alii e sb kn ss, and
sick hen will not produce eggs.
Cull out the poor layer and give the
proline In ns more room to work.
After the second year the hen's value
as a winter egg produc er lessen.
Creen rye is the best form for feed
lug: a a grain It ht'a P""r poultry food.
Make the hens work. Exercise helps
digestion. Feed all they will eat up
Keep the fowl Indoors while I here is
snow on the ground or the ulr cold and
When the weulher Is cold sciild Ill
umining mash and fend while In 11
warm stale.
11. 01 and millet may lay as well
without the utleittlot) of a male b,r I i
as wllh Ii.
Corn should not be fed exclusively.
It should l only n ulght feed In very
cold weal her.
" Ten cent a pound Is about the aver
age price tor hens In market for the
whole year.
Roiled Ibickwhc-nt fed once or twlre
a wevk to the hens make a good niter
nat food for egg production.
Ten renta aboutd feed a chick, and It
hould then weigh ten pounds, If highly
tea, 10 efltkta covering tbe greatest
abundance of food.
cow Willi AllNoKMAI, HOOKS.
ufT soeii
ujLJ I,- L E '-HILIHr'lNES,
;r-ut r y ct'lslhere tlmn in Aluaka
ii n I out li A f t ie. i ombiui d.
-.t!'--rt;il!S tlie prniii'" of ex.e-lisive ii-ki ill the i'hilijipities. where il
is already kuown exists, an
i-xi iia::e .l.vs the iiaiii!s are a greater
Klol.uiki: Ai.i-.i-.a. ai.d even j.'reat-
er ih.ui Al.i.-::a ami South Africa, could
Ui'-se two Ik; co.tiiiiiied as out! eouutry.
Tuo l'hiii')piue Islands arj- rich in
gold, rich in rubies and iirecions sioiies.
aud well supplied wiiii coal aud all
useft.l in menti s.
We have so associated the getting of
frold with hardships that. U Is diltieult
t.-, ,..t;uv,. t):it miv I'liiiiurv exists in
.-i.i.h a..M n hM mined wiihotit sitI- I
ous privation. In Alaska there is loss
,jt i:r.. n.,A a..h e..,..t t!mt ts hmm-hf i
stands: for fust so much suffering. But !
In the I'hllippiues it is always pheas
ant, aud, in spite of the heat of the.
summer, a man can live there the year
round and enjoy himself.
Ko attractive have the Philippine
Islands lieen to sailors that for years
can talus of Bailing vessels and steam-
uhir.n linvo piunliNl stralnst deseFtioD i
when at the Philippines. Sailors would
willingly buy their freedom and leave
the ship, if only they might be allowed
to remain In this beautiful and rich
Their experienced eyes can see the
gold even in the sand, and they hear,
as soon as they touch the shore, many
stories of the minerals that hav been
brought from the interior. Every
planter coming with his cargo to tbe
vessels brings colored stones in his
pockets, which were either precious or
semi precious stones. Rubies were
plentiful aiming the precious stones,
and hyacinths among the semi-precious
stones. Either of these were valuable
enough to make It worth while to col
lect them.
Almost every kind of mining can be
done in these charming Islands. The
mountains in the center give rise to
many st renins, which Dow down almost
to the coast. These, frequently bring
down heavy nuggets, showing that
there is a line chance up above for hy
draiille teining.
(iold can be panned on tin; level along
the shor. s of Mie sir-am, and there
are few plae, s where the sand does not
pan the color of gold. In fact, the
very ground has a reddish lingo, and
there are tracts which plainly show
An Impromptu Kecomiii nil
"Pardon rn-, madam." said a rather
threadbare but neatly drct-'S-d yo:ng
man, as ati elderly lady in deep mourn
ing stepped from the side door of her
house, follow ed by li-i' dan :h cr. a
young lady. "but. I t ;,;!e;-st:, .at your
coachiiuin has left, an 1 1 want: to ask
if I can have the place."
"iiave you references';" asked the el
derly lady.
"No, ma'am, I haven't," he replied,
politely but blindly, "I don't live here,
and when I came away from home I
didn't think to bring any with me."
"I couldn't possibly take you, then,"
said the lady. Hut with respectful apol
ogy for pre-sing his suit, the young
man repeated his wish to till the va
cancy. For a moment the two ladies stepped
aside to over the matter. The
young man was standing a f-w feet
from them across the walk when a
ragged little gh l came running near lo
him, and searching the sidewalk close
ly said in syncopated sobs, "I've lost
my money I" '
"Why, that's too bad," said tiie
young man, " how much was it?"
"Five cents; it's nil I had," said tin
tearful urchin.
Then the young man began to help
her look for the lost coin.
"Oh, here it is!" said he, taking a
nickel out of ids own pocket, and pre-u-iiiMng
to pick it up. "Here's your
money I"
The child ran away delighted.
The elderly lady saw the little act.
"Come to-morrow," sa.i'i she; "I 1hink
I can trust you." I 'droit Free Press.
.V I'r tty I'lckle.
There Is sometimes good luck coming
out of iipiarcin inisieriunc. As an il
lu '. .-.'.'ion, there Is tiie story of a fire
ecitrr!iig iii a tienian's country
iou-e In M Lie. 'Tin re had bem .i
prolonged drought, tiie well was dry
at the time, and there was no other
water wilhlua half mile. The woman
of the house discovered the lire burning
on the roof, and help was as scarce lis
water. She began wringing ner nanm
and saying over and over to herself:
"Here's a pretty plcklei-a pretty pic
klo!" The word "pickh" unconsciously
repented Itself, and then, like a Hash,
enme the recollection of a bnrrtl full
of pork pickle In the cellar, saved for
boiling over. She darted down the eel
Iarwiiy, and soon began deluging the
roof with brine. Every one who has
tried knows that salt water Is an ex
cellent fire extinguisher, nnd In this
case It worked like a' charm. Before
the supply of "pickle" was exhausted
she had the fire out mid the home wns
saved. She never will get over the
thought that uttering the woid "pickle"
Mimed disaster Into relief.
Itussfan Fortune l'elllnc
nusslan girls try to nscertaln their
prospects of uintrlniony in the follow
ing manner: A number of them take
off Ihelr rings mid conceal them In 11
bahket of corn. A hen Is then brought
In and Invited to parlalfe of the com.
The owner of the first ring uncovered
will be the nrat to be married.
Curlone Work lor Men.
Among the Itlfllan plrtftes of Moroc
co the women do nil the agricultural
and other bard work, while the men,
when at home, do tbe cooking and
mend the ctotnet, Including the wom
en'. Stiff haU DTtr a multitude ef toft
S-HVC-, i tinir .-.".icj
It Is delglitlill ea:t:'l m
l.i eat ie I invlorat ti' :i.r. but bike care of
lumli.ip), or etM St. .l.i. olis u.i Miunr
take eaie of it .net cure .1 luinli.y. It
saves time and u,..i,i v
A IjOo't ."O i i.- the Hanii.
An aliiioud soap is tiiu best to use foi
hu hands. Always sel-:i:t a white S'.ap
is eoUtrs are svuiotuii'-s itait 'roiis.
uy otie rau make abicitil s.ifp iiy
Inciting a piece of white curd soap and
,tdding thu same quantity of powdered
:il!iyiid.s to it. Thed! add a tea spoonful
pf bismuth and mix the whole well to
gether. This makes a soap and cos
iaielic all in one. Another execdlont
stap for the hands may bo made by
Bolting a piece of white c'-.rd soap, add:
&i quantity of slyeerin. M'x
well together, adding a ..mall quantity
rf powdered almouds, bouey and
tiond oik
Tiie evil that men do lives
after they have bt en d. f a ed tor office.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Hiomo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. .."ic. The genuine has E. 1$. Q.
OB each tablet.
Ice Plews tor the Neva.
Admiral ilakarof of the Russian
OaTjr baa Invented a species of lc plow
eapabfo of bnmking through too from
twelve to even twenty inches thick.
The experiments have proved so satis
factory that the government has given
reder for the Imoied ate construction
ef two veseels of 1U,000 horse power
eeek, armed with these plows by means
of which It la expotad to keep not only
tbe Hirer Neva, but also the various
Muscovite ports open to navigation
throughout the winter. The majority
ef Eoaala'i ports and naval arsenal
are lee bound during more than foir
fAonthi of the year.
It is not often e have the opportuni
ty for being at once fashionably and in
expensively at'ired. But just now the
demand is for veiling of "sewing silk"
tissue. Chiffon, once so modish, is no
looter in request. A sewing silk ve.l is
about the cheap 8 form oi these tissues
singularly inexpensive. It may be bin-',
gr. en, blai k, bron, white or pearl gray
but it is "Hew ing silk" veiling that is
now being asked for over counters. Any
woman who has any good loaiing may
assure her.-f If of the fact by listening to
me demands ui fair purchasers at the
vei.' counter.
She Wi.l lie
There Is cousiderabi
rernuig Curisiiua Lin
the of ii. Yjenua
has come into poa-jessiob
tune, inherited from i
UKitrur who was several
and put into prison.
brought cp in the greatest peui.ry and
was entirely ifrnornut f the great
wealth hidden in her fathers house an
found after his death.
Try cranberries lor maliria
e comment con- Y
times am-r. .: j VVlf
I'he girl was J
J Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition
gives the
Highest Award
f to
. k;u,iHi ti , v..;."'''.-;- k
Does Better Work and does Further Than Any Other Laundry Soap.
One Trial Convinces.
A Initfft assortment of Prizes of lea-ful nnd ornament;:! iinliiro ifiveri for aviu; of
wrnpt-'-rs. Ank our tfi-occi 0, 14101 yon a prize jiM. or we w ill mini yon onu upon inquiry.
THE Cl DAIIY PACKING CO., South Omaha, Neb.
Thr Annual Subscriptinn Prizts t.i a laieii list of ? Ii.rehod M--iRiizine. Monthlies and
K Weekhru, incluiiilHI 'lie l.iel,s' Itoiee . Journal. .'lai,s,.ys, I or-inonolltan, McCluri-R,
f I'urilaa, I.nilics' Wmlu, TUe Woman Iloa.e Oiupuiuoii, e.i.e,, en.-., aru fuiij explaiued
g) on eaeh vtrnrtH-r.
V Tiie new'iilnrj.'c,l ini rize l.i' t will he r.' for maiiitiK uboat Novnmlier 15111. It
V contiiin-nearly L-OJ lecdsiaiie preinimua. faeuU us j uui liuiiic ou ,1 l-ostal card aoii a
A will mail j-oii oue life of ciiiiisii.
'The More You Say the Less
People Remember.
Word With You,
In a
I'monally conducted via the
go to Calit'ornia.
Why ? Rciause you don't change can j you nuke flit time ; you
tee die finctt si encry on the glo'j.
Your car i not 10 eupcmively fin'ulied nor 10 tine to look 11 ai
pilace ilceper, but it il just tt clean, jut at comforiaWe, juit ai oud to
The Burlington encura'iont leave Omaha and Lincoln every Thura
day, reaching San Franxiiro Sunday and Lot Aniclca Monday, farttf
with each car. F.srunion manager with each party. Fur folate fta
full information, write to
J. FRANCIS, 0. P. A., Burlington hcaie Omaha, Nk
Toraon Everywhere Express their
GiatitjUa to Lira. Pinkham.
Hrs. T. A. VVAKf-HN
' ill. .It Mi:.-. 1'iN
5 1) 2 your n.c.i'eine
Gibson, 0., writeal
iiiAa: - ilefore tak-
!.'. life was a burden
i,:iiv a well day. At
to n.e. I never
my monthly period I suffered untold
misery, and a great deal of the time I
was troubled with a severe pain in my
hide. JJefirre fin inning tiie tirst bottle
of your Vegetable Compound I could
tell it was dolus- me good. I continued
Us use, also used the Liver Pills and
Sanative Wash, and have been greatly
helped. I would like to have you use
my letter for the benefit of others."
Irs. FLORENCE A. WOLFE, 51s flulberry
St., Lancaster, Oiiio, writes 1
"Deak Mks. Pi.nkjham: For two
years I was troubled with what thtt
local physicians told me was inflamma
tion of the womb. Every month I suf
fered terribly. I had taken enough
medicine from the doctors to cure any
one, but obtained relief for a short
time only. At last I concluded to writ
to you in regard to my case, and oaa
say that by following your advice I am
now pefectiy well."
Jin. W. R. BATES, rtaiMflaM, La., writ I
" Before writing to you I suffered
dreadfully from painful menstrua
tion, leucorrhcea and sore feeling la
the lower part of the bowels. Now my
friends want to know what makes m
look so well. I do not hesitate one min
ute in telling them what has brought
about this great change. I cannot
praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable.
Compound enough. It is the greatest
remedy of tire arre."
Collecting buttcrtie s, bird's eggs,
etc., idiould neer be encouraged. It. i
apt to develope a 1 thft is hard and orue)
in a child's nature, and to make him
heedieissof giving pain and i-orrow to
others. Any sign o. crue ty in a child's
nature should at once lie checked, aa
thould also the fear of any insect 01
animal. Instead of telling the child
to "brow a.vay that nasty caterpillar,"
instruct him to touch it very gently so
that lie will not hurt it, and to admire
i s beauty oi 1 rm and coloring. Al
ways 1 ncourage the love of animals in
cii.ldren. 1
t ae b.g H fur uunfttnral
dirtbar. tuiiivaiiijaLiona,
lrr lati lid or UH:rtiou
of mu coo EnooitiraiKHL
J-vi alaiMi , ntl nut aiWi
'Ul i-it p'jthviDOUi.
or In plain wrapper,
bj upr'M. prepaid, fof
t tifi. or S bottl.,
Kjktcm&c muni B tq
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1 1 S - t au hst 1
L'l: -i run. l;u-U'? C
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