The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 01, 1898, Image 2

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Dartteon Journal
M B, 9AMOM. MM Twwp.
pnraoM, - IB.:
tea i r
And yet It raa nai'uiy ue
fbat Um dervish is really a
howling j a
TiUli tbe rather unpleasantly sug-
ire name of LI Hung Chang's suc-
Still, we hardly believe that Invention
of artificial eggs will lay ut tlie ol1"
faafcioned ben.
If a not to very strange after all that
tbo Khalifa's goose should be cooked
try Kitchener.
While toot-ballers wear long hair it's
isjafly not essential to the game be
eanee it has no part in It
Wayler ma not deserve to be hanged
hla own sash, but he ought to De
up by the authorities.
That Texas man who had his pipe
fcsjrlod with him must have felt pretty
sjsjtc be was going to smoke In the next
window glass trust has now been
armed. 8tlll it doesn't require as clear
a proof as this for these things to be
Very likely Instead of one of the Phll
feBtMS the Emperor William may hare
fee satisfied with a large number of
la Spain.
Twice during his trip to the Klondike
giirHn Garland narrowly escaped star
ration. Isn't that carrying realism a
trifle too far for comfort?
Spain may be right In wanting the
aahea of Christopher Columbus taken
lack to that country. There's no par
ticular comfort in remembering the
Cristobal Colon.
Prof. Rudolph Talk of Berlin recent
ly predicted a thunderstorm which ar
tlred on time and nearly demolished
three churches. Hereafter when Talk
i of the weather people will listen.
When the Memphis guard told a rail
toad president: '-if you were George
Dewey I wouldn't let you iu," he lllus
tzated the feeling that eiials through
rat the United States for the Manila
Among the sailors of Cervera's squad
is who sailed for Spain there are said
la have been two Englishmen, three
Germans, five Irishmen and four Ital
iana. It is safe to say that they will
Sat re-enlist under the Spanish flag
Japan will never be as prosperous as
ants to be until she invents some
wajr to suppress the typhoons which j
kaack large boles iu the national i
wealth and diminish her population
With unfailing regularity onte or twice
la stating boldly that the sashes of
Wayler, Blanco and Rivera should lie
round their peeks instead of their
Waists Count Almenas voiced a senri-
; that was popular in this country
months ago, Spain is gradually
fatting dangerously near to the up-io-Aata
line in some particulars.
It la said that Spain deeply deplores
her failure to add a large number of
Upa to her navy Instead of applying
half of the appropriations to her army.
Tike reason for this grief is not very
Cardbla. If Spain's navy bad been
larger her whipping would have been
Btocsi tae worse. The wisest man yet
tar sloped in Spain by the war was the
iber of the cabinet who at the be-
; of hostilities expressed his sor-
that Spain had a single man-of-
the Methodist Episcopal Church ;
organized, in 1784, it has had for- j
ty-favr bishops. Twenty-six of these
aaradled, their average tige b lug more
taaa sixty-seven years. The average
aga af the eighteen surviving bishops
la in si l than sixty-five years. It would
aa epHa possible to base upon this one
(aat af longevity an argument that In
Itvatlaf these men the church chose
Wtoaiy. Weak men break down under i
rsspoasibtllty, but to strong men, who
have learned how to work and forgot
em aow to worry, It Is the very breath
aflttsv .
TW groat prise of the east for which
Oroat Britain and Russia hare been
deep gsme of diplomacy ever
Chlnese-Jaoanes war Is the
fertile Teller of the Ysna - tse -
This la one of the great rive-s
of fio world and, as a writer from
CJ glsar la the London Times says,
k wQ compare with tba Amazon for
wkti; Mlasisslppl for rolnme.
m It. Iawrence for naTlasblllty
ftSj a Lawrence for navlrabllltr
aay river of the world, not
the Nile, for muddy sedl-1
r"v "Bowing the seed of continents i
t t3T It aeatters this sediment over
if xzsUrtwttf rich area a. large as!
. -TiJI aao nas snpponeo Diiiions oi
... -alM efco daws of history. Tba
yjA'HX tmU to aarlgaMe for ocean go
T'fi Car band reds of Biles and
i t of brrt Uttle Ughter draft for
t :;ra Cmm U30 mllss. BrMvaaertho
fOTaranwt of Pekin
TtzM afwayf ban a groat eonv
)tway. hot aaior tbo pro
: jfT fcJaoaoa of tba British
w 1 f.T) irn that
-n rt ft dtM.
J wsTi4
urobaS'v I removal 10 .Nanking. In
the "old middle kingdom," which Is tae
real cen'er of Chinese power. Tie na
tives who live in this region have
proved to be the leant tractable a re
gards foreigners, but Great Britain
would be able, If any power can, to
make over and transform or modify na
tional characteristics and the fashion
new force for the development cf the
The recent attacks on a railway train J
In Texas, by a gang of sU armed men, j
is one among other jcgr.s tnat America,
like many an older country, la capable
of producing its own banditti. In e-v-eral
cf our cities as a few days ago h
London companies of reckless youths
have given iiulet citizens much alarm,
and have caused the police a deal of
hard, rough work. Birds of this feath
er easily discover each other; and
there is doubtless a tendency In the
criminal class to comradeship and co
operative enterprise. Various causes
are at work to produce outlawry' and
hoodlumaani, and not alone among tba
degraded poor. Not neglected children
only, but the mleducaed and Ill-disciplined,
contribute recruits to the ar
my of evlL It is thought that the tol
erated lawlessness of a few college
students Is emulated by lads who never
enter college halls; that corrupt, Jour
nalism and rotten literature work like
poison on thought lung minds; that the
lax administration of the laws; the
misanthropy which broods on social
wrongs; and perhaps more than all
else, the widespread disrespect for hon
est, thorough work; the aversion to It;
and the lack of training necessary to
success Iu any form of industry, are
creating a class which lives by preying
on society. Bandits are not all men of
violence. Many of them know that
craft is less dangerous, because less of
fensive, than brutal robbery. Yet all
combinations for plunder, whether in
defiance of Law, by evasion of it, or
even by the abuse of K, are of the some
bad quality. They alike expose prop
erty and person to outrage and depre
dation. Civilized society, acting In self
defense, while dealing sternly with the
evil whir shows Itself above ground,
must also dig up the poisonous root
The woman who cannot catch a man
must now lay It to other than economi
cal reasons. The old reliable excuse
that the supply is not equal to the de
mand Is no longer valid. There are
2.2! OJXio more baehelois than el I ma '.ls
in the United States. The Government
says so, and the Government generally
knows. I'erha s it la because old Vn Its
Scia himself Is a bachelor for who
ever heard of Mrs. Sam? that he has
taken such an interest In the matter as
to secure the exact figures. Perhaps it
was out of solicitude for the old maid
and In the dtw.ire of bringing her more
of the sunshine of hope that he institut
ed the investigation. At any rate he
has the figures, aDd they are enough to
make glad the heart of every spinster
in the land. There is not a State iu the
Union where there are as many old
maids as bachelors. Even Massachu
setts, the traditional home of the spin
ster of the poll parrot species, has more
men than women of marriageable age.
The bachelors outnumber the old maid
by only two-tenths of 1 per cent, in
Massachusetts, which Is a lesser per
cent of excess than in any of the other
States. But, even at that there are
nearly 7.t00 "superfluous men" there,
who would be left chanceless If the
219.000 old maids would pair off with
the other 219.0W old bachelors. How
Is that for Massachusetts, the greatest
State in the Union for old maids? It
would seem that a spinster of ordinary
attractions and ability would be able,
In the light of the facts and figures
which the governmental investigation
has disclosed, to arrange matters wiier
ever she might live. But if she wants a
territory where negotiations may be
completed with even greater ease-
where the lottery of marriage must be-1
come a flead sure thing let her hie her
self from the crowded cities of the East
to the rolling prairies or the mountain
wllda of the West, where there are ten
hacheiora to everv available maiden,
what spinster can resist such au ad -
vantage as this, which Is offered by the
State of Idaho and Wyomlag? It would
surely lie a hopeless case which could
not find Its cure with the chances ten
to one for recovery. Let the old maids
try the free, fresh air of these moun
tain lands for a while. Old maid, go
Where the Ballets Mrai k.
Dr. Ludwlg Brandt Investigated the
deaths of over 100,000 men killed In the
j Franco-Prussian war In 1870-71, and '
lesrneu mai meir lujunee were mxi-
ed In the following ways: ror-tbreo
thousand, nine hundred and fifty-two
"" ' uc,,.
: 33J14 by wounds In the upper ex
' ties. Wounds In the bead caused the
death of 11,041; In tbe chest and back,
11.440; abdomen, 4,553; In tbe neck,
1,922. Rifle balls Injured more men
than artillery projectiles. Baber wounds
were extremely few In number, and
the jawbone, of sll the bone. In the
new. was oiienesi mjurea
To Kno nrage Having.
Mina In Helium. enriarentW b the
ell-known tomnutatlon of Interest on
a penny put In the savings banks by
Adam, has decided to present to every
cbild born in the town, a savings bank
book, with one franc credited la It,
which Is never to bo touched. The ob
ject Is to encourage saving. If sny Bet
glum towns are staking ready to fol
low the example of Moos,
A doctor atay giro a patloat nope, bat
bo charges for tbo Usao K takes hla
to giro It
There aay be a tlax for afl
bat tSst wtos
til taster cfea
L-?otd r3) gmri
i 105 orvoncN
?. . -
ECAT'SE a man Is "tired.
need not be Indifferent or crosa
But. alas! when be comes home,
and flnds everything prepared for his j
comfort, he too often accepts." as nis
due, as a matter of course, and never ;
thinks of the worrying detail
has occupied so much time In bringing
It about. He never thinks now inex-.
prwsibly "tired" his wife Is of It all,
though she may be too much of a worn-
an to shirk It Sunday, too, when there
is, or should be, no "business when
a husband should do his part toward
making that day social and brlghtT
how often doee he retire to his rooat,
that he may spend his time reading
and smoking alone. j
No wonder the wives of such men
get discouraged. No wonder tbey say,
as they often do, "What Is life worth
if my husband only values me as a
housekeeper, and, worse still, one
without a salary when, after all my
unrecognized services, I have the mor
tification of asking, every time I need
money, as If 1 were a beggar soliciting
charityT "Tired?" Does he not talk
with animation enough if a friend
drops in? If you won't go out with
your wives to seek agreeable company
or relaxation, you are certainly bound
to be social and agreeable at home
bound by your marriage promises
bound by your wife's performing her
duty with regard to your comforts
bound by your little children, who see
their mother's sad, weary face.
Fofa I'illow.
A verv comfortable pillow to hang on
Is given In the illustration. It may be
knitted or crocheted in squares of dif-
rii iovv f'.k rutin obwif.i,
fcrent colors. Almost any stit.-U may
lie used, according to one's fancy, and
when stuffed and finished with cors
and tis-l and hung over the back of
the old wkituf jcba-ir, It will form no
small addlUjn to the comfort and orna
ment of the room.
Soon Tire of a 1'reKy Fare,
A clever woman, provided she be not
sarcastic aud too fully fllive to a sene
of her own importance, is generally an
attractive one. Men may be charmed
for a time by a pretty tace, out ts:ey
soon tire of mere prettlness. Nor does
it follow that all women oi goon u
and sharp lulelleet are nwi-ssarily
plain. Bright thougiil em.. -en i"
most ordttuiry face me ie..ect.ou
of the mind t-hin."g out in a.i u-s -
diauce make one forget that the f.-a-
turc ate not pure Grecian, and leads
us to I el eve that such a woman is in
reality a great beauty.
The vivacious creature of varying
moods and quaint fancies is the one to
charm. A man forgets the type of
beauty she may or may not posesR, so
Interested does he become in tlie
ing study of a mind that renders her
face ever wiuidi.g, lrie.ihti1le and
pleasing, because the surface of a
lake, there comes a change with every
varying motion.
The attractive woman should culti-
! vate the mind, for a grace of soul and
education of spirit count far more than
; limpid eyes, a rosebud mouth and a
dimoletl chin. She should be ever
teachable, for there Is not one Iota of
lovableness in the man or woman who
thinks he or she knows it all. Boston
t-nni-hi.iy V. omen.
I know a man who says he fell In
love with the woman who is now his
wife because she was always cheerful
in dull weather; that one summer they
found themselves under the same roof
for a number of weeks, and that the
other follss would always make the
. . ,n ,. fnrtt t.l rlrl
' ' WM nW am lnHuff(r.
n 8 r ,
, Th d du Wl.tttm.r m
noi seeui w
and tuat sne always cauie uowu iu
mornina: smiling and cheery. Hueb s
woman, this man rightly concluded,
was worth her weight In gold. She
, out ot II Z. a sne al
would always be able to get tbe best
ways hss.
When a woman gre-ts you at ber
door wttn a araue, ion ainr.a urr t-imv
Uag In a happy rein, yoo are at once
glad that you bare gone to see her, and
yoo forget your own worries. If yon
i nave ny, and Join with her In discus.-
lug only ine auuri ui juuj
life, aud ber., snd the lives of other
people tbat you know.
Tracblac Babies to Fat.
K father (whose many oil re braacb
aa do aocb credit to early training as
to render hlra authority In that direc
tion! says a writer la Table Talk, do
eUros that when a child can oat at tbo
family table la a civilized maaaer, bo
regards it as half-adacatad. While
ttto Bay be aa eitreme view, his metb
m i ssaiiuojr the laioortaat aotat la ee
metjeal and alBpIt tbat It to worth
ICmtttti iiastasratloa a4 toaat l
: - - . t
w - iL ; "
demands that as soon as the yo
niemltor of tlie household ! ai u
tr. f.l It,. If it thotll.t rai.-r r at ,. f
meal each day. His judgmet-t ban.'
es the stioon as a hindrance i at
0tw an(j substitute from the I.rt th.
i;tti. fark 8nd the silver "push," a late
ta(j great convenience of baby service.
Tha food is carefully cut and placed
before the tot, who soon learns to carry
the dainty morsels to Its rosy mouth
witn gTtHLi ease and certainty. After
a eew trjals. nv failure in this mean
imtant exile to the nursery. The um
of the silver cup with handle Is taught
In the same manner, and also the util
Ity of the napkin at meals, etc. A baby
treated with this ceremony soon leeb
the dignity and Importance of its pes)
tlon, and behaves accordingly.
Bliki on Live af Woaan.
The recent annual reports of the lift
Insurance companies of the United
States show that they are carrying over
150,000,000 In risks on the Uvea of worn
en. The woman whose death would
cause the heaviest loss to the Insurance
companies is Mrs. Leland Stanford,
whose policies aggregate $1,000,000.
Mrs. Phoebe Hearst Is second on ths
list with $400,000.
Twenty-one women carry $100.0'0
each and fifty $50,000. Over a thousand
carry $20,000 each, and 10,000 range
from $3,000 to $10,000. The percentage
of women Insured, as compared with
men, ranges between one-half of 1 per
cent in some older companies to over
S3 per cent In the Industrial insurance
Among the women whose policies
amount to $50,000 or more, besides
Mrs. Stanford and Mrs. Hearst, are the
following: Mrs. J. S. Carr. North Caro
lina; Mrs. Wallace. San Francisco;
Mrs. E. 1. Crocker; Mrs. Eckert, In-river;
Mrs J. Moat I'a.-wtt, Mr. Loril
arl and Mrs. Marllu Cramer, ?l.Vt.(A
0'u-h Sirs. IV. C. Hill. KeaUle; Mrs. J
I Hall. Mrs. Sarah H.icl:ett Sieven
sotl, Chi.'.igo. and Mrs. Gage T. Tarbeil.
t h c igo. $H.i.'tfJ ea-h. Mrs. Loretis
G'bwjn, CiMciiiii.-itl, $7V'ii. Mrs. Ed
ii'tiiid Lowe, Grand lUpids; Mrs. Lorra
S Standard, Padueah. Ky.; Mrs. Car
iit.e Sinclair, Grand ltitpioX Mich.:
Mrs. Harwood, Atlanta; Mrs. L. Bailey
Louisville; Mrs. Mary E. Ransom, Mrs
A. H. ILu stls, and Mis Julia Hills.
Muskego. Wis., $r.0,nro each.
liusinets of Women.
It Is said that through the medium oi
clubs women arc densit'"'!? bimlnesi
ability, executive capacity, toleranei
for the opinions and views of othei
J people and a broad sense of cbnritj
. aUiJ Iayalty toward the worid. whirl
j wU1 m;ltoriaiiy strengthen their entir
( Cmr..llir The achievement of klngi
j ( ,Sl .,R,i prhiccs dm-s not makt
j a of jils-,,..y ,,y .,.,T m,i,s. The do
l Jngs of ,;t, common ieo)de the great
I which kpi the woild stron? ant
; true and helpful-make the noblest his
ory an(1 woniea who realize that they
m.e WOmtn shariug with all others li
j tl(,r S(.x
the highest aims and arulil
tions for the good of the world bar
made a discovery that gives life a dif
fereut color and makes a woman's pos
siblllties rise to the noblest height. Tht
true club woman Is usually a strong
and intellectual patriot, and an earnest
student of political measures and laws
inu women claim that the worn
an's club la a line school for cultur
and broad mental occupation, and tht
true, wideawake woman Is proving
herself a power In the world a powei
that Is a permanency.
Ml 1
'6 i. J-
The throat Is shortened by standing
: -- - , , -
a (Kjuare.cut dress.
There Is no danger of the gaping
frock If skirts are made lu true Par
Isian fashion, to fasten In front.
Ornaments appear iu tbe form of
buckles aud long pins, with varlone
adornments of large flattened slab of
cut jets, oblongs and striking deaigns
In color.
Hlaek gowns of lovely transparent of
semi-diaphanous weaves over silk or
sailn, and In heavier materials for daj
wear, will take high place In the ranks
of fashion for the two seasons . be
fore us.
Faille, bciigallne, victoria rea and
many other lustrous cordial .Ilk. art
brought oi' t Id charming variety, and
these are used alike for entire gown
fancy waists, capes, coot and for styl
Ish combination toilets and costumes.
Blbfjoaa are now utilised ' in every
way for drew trimming. The narrow,
ono-elghthtotbree-.lsteentha of an mca
wide to used for embroidery affects o.
velvet laces, ctorbs and sflka. Bib-
' two now la ararcoly sen la tba bB-
, llBrjr cotaMaatloaa.
r. I k.t f t - v- k
$ 1mm
h i VjtM
Prevent I.nmr. hliuurys Toppling.
A new ar I simple lamp chimney
holder is m id. of two w,r. s. ncd hdd
the ehimne '"ugh;ly to :he burner. It
I light and duraMe. Tue Ires form a
loop In the renter, either side of which
'hey are twiste-d Into a cable. Tbt
ablcs each end In a strung light wiled
wire spring, on the ends of which r
two hooks. The loop Is slipped over
Lamp rHiMWr FinreJiB.
the top of. th chimney, and the hooks
caught under the edge of the burner
on either side of the chimney. The
spring give sufficiently to adjust the
holder to any sie of chimney and hold
it firmly even were the lamp tipped up
side down, and In lighting the lamp
the spring will give sufficiently to al
low of the chimney being lifted to ad
mit the match, so that the guard doc
not need to be removed. This Is a use
ful sttachm-nt for lamps carried up or
down stairs.
The Honce Artltic.
The secret of a pretty home Is not
so much In expensive furniture arid
decoration e in the display of good
aste, an.l an art.. trie perce,ni.m mi m-
flliiesj of thins:. For boudoirs aim
:(.(' rooms a.iltes siioiti.I be talsi
m favor or dainty met hick"., (toii.wi
able chairs and U.ut-g'-s. Tlie mly
room In wi.i.-ii sviiu--. nr.- (o W t.der
ated are the bedtooii,!. the
room and p"r!:a; s t'..- !''.r."ry.
A little sitiMt.g will o.'l. u work won
ders. Gitr Ub-as have l"Hg since wj ire.l
beyotid the piano ptl'lied !,a( k ! -!
against the w.ill. ti.e sfa siiuitied in a
similar stiff is), ami table In tha
center of the room, strewn with draw
ing rn:!i albums and ph-.'graphs in
frame-.. Our cry Is for the p;c.ureitie.
and no matter in how uuiaWe a way
we may be our hutiies must
a!xve all thine. U. artistic.
l'or the Tul le.
In the English country houses great
attention Is paid to th" arrangement at
the flowers en the dining table. For
even the ordinary family dinner five
vases are always us si and sometimes
nine. A pel p'is-c o.-cupies th center
of the table, while tie- ot!i-r four or
eight are placed on either sid-. Some
times tall vases alseni.'iic wish little
onet, each holding a single ruse, and on
other occaa'otis finger glas-e. sw. in old
fashioned silver wine holders are used.
A f.yorite bomjnoi for the library is
made of the beautiful red poppir
mixed with tali gra.-s.
Jn the Sickroom.
Do not ask the patient what he wants
to eat. Ask the dftor what he should
eat, prepare it daintily. Change the
bed Imeu a.s often as possible. Once a
day Is not too ofien. In making the l-d
be sure that the under sheet is stretched
tight and smooth. Wrinkles in the un
der sheet cause continual discomfort.
Keep the medicine bottles, giassea atul
spoons out of sight of the patient. Ev
ery sick room should be provided with
a small bottle cabinet, where medlclm s
may be kept. If this is out of the ques
tion, a couple of swinging shelves cur
tained In silk may be uses).
o 1'eiuove 'ttiiiiM,
Mildew is removed by rubbjng the
part wlib some chalk or salt, welting
and exposing It to the sun. This
should be repeated several titnen, and
then the article must be rinsed well in
cold water.
Emit aud wine stains arc removed
at once by stretching the stained part
over a basin and rubbing with salt
and pouring boiling water over It until
the slain Is no longer visible. If the
stain haj become dry5 use sparingly
salt of lemon. The article must be
thoroughly rtuwsi ar the fabric will
A T. aapoon'til.
When a re-IiM? calls for a teaspoouful
of l!tlng powder It means a rounded
spoonful, not a heaped nor a level one.
The baking powder may be sifted with
Uie flour, or beaten In before adding
the whites of the eggs, lu making cake.
7M ural tc iii.
Sufferers from neuralgia are warned
by a medical writer not to drink tea,
but to partake of coffee Into which the
juice of a lemon has been squeezed.
Preparing Sandwlrhaa.
Chopped cucumbers mixed with s lit
tle mayonnaise dressing make a deli
cious filling; place it between unbut
lered slices of graham bread.
A cheese filling Is delicious. It alioiild
be grated snd mixed with a few
chopped olives. This I. excellent with
brown bread. Press tbe slices firmly
An egg sandwich Is a popular one,
Tbo eggs moat be hsrd-botled, finely
chopped snd wall seasoned with salt,
paprika, aaatard and lemea juice
spread between tftlmly battered sttces
Un the k''l, " r'nt iB
;Mr, kaiut, oBds, sever
V1'--e "d d'!rerthlt diwharfes, .
ii.oiiot dally with krs! applies tiose. Tat
ll.d'!l a:.d ine S taoroogn
rmpte cure l.y erad'.atloc from tae
t,w.i the .Tuiu:uus is. sis tbat cause
,..,h JtemeaiUer
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It Ao.fri. (,i. t Micu. II; tn tc
Hood's PH S '"'"
For evrry man ho i unable to stand
pri tny there re mil. ions who would
like to try.
Gun ew .llow doe-n't m .ke a spring
neither d.s one bo:tle ot nair lomo
make the f.Mball player.
"There are no birds in last yeai s
nests," says th poet l.ue-aml, Dy
lb way there are no neetl lor next
year a biMs.
The man who makes the mo aispiay
sbout g ving up Ins seat to s lady In a
srowde.1 car always docs to just as the
car teaches his destination.
(war oi OiBimeais or taiarrh tttat Coa
taln Mercury,
as mTcary will surety drn:oy thesrnse of.
.rnrll and completely der.nre the whole
,vt-m when entering it lhr..nh tne u
eons surfaces, biich arnrlef should never
be used except on prr-.-njuons from
reputable phvsirians. " the daniage they
will do is tin fo.d u the food yoa can
possibly derive from them Hall s t .atarrh
j ure mannfactured by J - l;:
Toledo, l, contains no rner.-ury. and t
taken internally, acting dir-csly npon the
blood and surlares of th system.
It buyir.a Hall's Catarrh ' me be sore yoa
ret the genuu.e. It is taken , ji.ternally,
Ind msde in Toledo, Oh.o, by K. J. Cheney
& i a. Teetimouials , . .
old by imtptM.
The bit'erneesof death is swett as
against the gall of a n's wee
through hr em's downfall.
Mrs V' :i ' Si sitimmi sve t r lor rrilt
res tertbliiK. iilpn lb if'i.n, ""luces lnflni(J
n,tun. )ii i'".n. curt -wi m' colic. ! bouia
Music, ti e laie..u geof the immortal
part ; literature, the i rysialliwd essence
of grea minds.
'A . IS O ,. .....
-..! S a . hi, !
e, if. -x Swtu
f At C-.
He of I Biuret h, by his gentle p.wer,
has em: mpicsed what the i-Sfc'.es ul
Uoilil- could i."l.
i'i'.i's Cure lor ('oiisiiniption has saved
Bte !rt:e !' or bit C.' i.. V.akr. i.'Jt
Regent s., 1'biia i. lpbia, I'a , leu 8, ':6.
A day' j..u ne. may stir tin- mind l
re ewed action, and awakcu i.tisustpect
nl fai'ul'.ies.
Avoid Hie .Nialit Air.
Avoid I lie liigiil air wiiefi damp and
rold. and vim vull ofli-n nvoui having
neuralgln. but St. Jmnfw Oil will curs
It no matter what is li.e cause and uo
tuatter how long it has continued.
lienare of pra te; a .mall sue ee. maj
bar the way cf a larger one, at tht
cril cul tin e.
I.ujr N ork.
Txi much mtisele ex.-icne leaves on
a prey to orem-Hs ami si-im. mu u .
eiisv woik for St. Jacol-s Oil to get tht
muscles back into pioper aUapa sua
cure the d;.'i""
They woe seated In the parlor con
versing "U the uiicerlailily of life, hht
The future is a va-l. uii.'ufhomablt
tnystery to us, isn't it? lb Yes; all
we know Is that we have to go some
time. Voice from the library-It would
mil the convenience of this household
if you'd miike K a little sooner tlaa
U UItiehmoti.) l'Mifili!i.
t V i- akj.ulwxi.D.C
V r.iUbllshed I7S0. "JL
ccltbtiitd for more
thin a century aa a
dchcious. nutntioua,
ut.ii.iuus, nuui
lage. t.s our f
cll-knowo 2
Yellow Label
on tht front of every 3
package, and our
trade m:srk,"I aBelle
f "hor,laiire,"ou ibe v
tsck, M
Oorchestor, Masa.
I k. 8" -f !
r nsu br aw" p; I
The RM
SD4lt Cost.
Kmm bntti rlier tni M14S m,. 1J
tcl( try In th iMlteM MWKS I
f J " l Wlrelv new. H not for salt to l-V
rwiws, rn ror cstakira la I f
J. Tuwtw, Bo.ton, M.w a-, fc
'. IT-
r -' ,: ' -