The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, December 01, 1898, Image 1

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The Sioux County Journal
NO. 19.
Our Motto
Hon. WIHUm J. BryM.
. t
The Sioux County Journal.
Subscription Price, $1.00
-. J), (anon, - . Editor.
Kntered nt the Harrison post office as
."(unci class uiHtUsr.
Congress will co'ivpne next Monday,
The presidents mesae i said to lie row
.readv and hula will be said reiative vo
tthe financial queslion.
Read on this page what ex-governor
Altgeld of Illinois says about "Free Silv
.er being dead" ulso w bat the general pol
, icy of the Democratic p.uty will be in
J. J. Corbett once the champion heav;
weight of the world, was finally knocked
out by u second rain prize fighter Tom
Ktairkey in New Yelk city on the 22nd
Now as the Philippine1, have been ced
ed to the Unite Slates, imperialism will
be ll) motto of the Republican party to
gether with the Hannacnits,
The nex thing on the program by the
present administration tn order to carry
out it irrrK-riiil policy will lie to increase
ihe standing army mm adout 80,000
up to 100,000.
Spam's penoa commission have conclud
ed to accept t ho projiosition or ultimatum
of the president viz:
The entire Philippine archepeligo ceded
to the X'oited State", in return, Spain
will revive f20.H90.000.
The , C. Oillett caU,l Mure which
look pUue lar-t week at K.inas City, bid
fair to effect the cattle interests of
the north-cst more than jx-ople might
(Irst immagino, but nceordiug to the
biilr World-Demld, fCO.COO worth of
pteer wer levied upon at the South
Omaha stock-yard Tuesday n result of
the Oedlett failure ami M liable to in
volve number of commission men in
Kansae City, Chicago, St- Louis, Omalm
and Sioux Citv.
Wlienro(rues fall out they will tell
on one another. Some of Dawes county
sorehead are giving nway some of the
dirty work done in that county at the
last eleeln by telling around how the
Fisherite went back on their promises
in Chadron they nay that they had an u
greeinent in which Cruwfordites were, nil
to vote for Fisher and in return Fisheri
tes diil aree to vote all Republicans and
und all the Pow & Demounts they could
get in Chadron for Fanning hence the
norrowful .howl from the Crawfordites
on account of the Fisherites going back
on their bargain in dropping Fanning in
Chad run on election day and making
the trade with Harbaugh and his crowd
what a beautiful lay out they must
have in these towns. Constituency thou
art a Jewel to but not in Chadron or
Following are majorities reeeviad by
ach candidate on the fusion state ticket
in this state, Given out as ollicinl bv the
Mate auditor;
Oov., W. A. Poynter 2,721
Leut, Oov. E. A. Gilbert 2.700
,8ec. of State, F. Porter 2,13
.State Trea. J. B. Meserve 3,417
J' Auditor, . F, Cornell 8,144
Com'r. PL. t B.J. V, Wolfe. 8082
Atty. OenrL C, J. Smythe 2,601
HUte 8upL W. R. Jackson 2,804
Total vote cast at the polls on election
-day in the state was 188,685. a falling off
from the total vote of 1806, of 35,!)99
. vote as indicated by Bryan and McKin
ley's vol.
The Railroad Corporation of Nebraska
had a riKbt to use nil their influnce in
order to elect a republican legislature
for had a fusion legislature been elected
a freight rate law that would have har
monised with U. S. Constitution would
have been enacted without a doubt.
The Railroads can thank their lucky star
for farmers ataying at noma on election
dy and giving them tbecban. to ikln
the iople of Nebrtaka for umb4r ,of
years longer.
This Week.
It Will Be The
Issue In 1900.
Under M'Kiuley All the Necessaries
and Luxuries Are Cont ruled
by Outrallii'd Wealth.
CHICAGO. Nov. 20,-Free m! ver Ce -nadian
annexation vvorld-wida com
merco nn isthmus canal a great navy
harbors girdling the earthan equit
able tariff absorption of the West Ind
ie destruction of trusts and relief for
the tcliiin musses, is what the Democra
tic party stands for says John P. AltgekL
The former Governor of Illinois, des
pite the Cleveland Administration, with
its patronage and strong opposition with
in tiie party, carried the the Illinois
Democracy into the fre,-silver column
nod was a factor in the National Conven
tion of ltOfl, lid again put on his
9'bting harness.
Mr. Altgeld is not a strong man phys
ically, but ha it in better health than a
year ago. Pale as to complexion, unde
cided as to step, he is a dynamo mentally.
Evey moment he can spare is devoted to
political consultations.
lJemocra.lic leaders from all over the
West call laily upon Altgeld. He is a
most systematic politician. He keeps in
touch with every cog in the machine
and then ilnds time to fathom the plans
of the eneihy. He met the World corre
stxjndent by appointment in his office in
the Unity Building, and in response to
the VVorld's request for an expression on
the future of tlo Democratic party said:
"The breathing, living issue in 1900
will be free silver, R-.-negade Democrats
and robber Iiepublenns cannot kill it
It is not dead, because the corrupt twin
brethereil, Hunnu and Crocker, assei t
that it is dead. Every man who was ear
nestly and conscientiously with us in 1896
is with us to-day.
"The platform of 10.5 will bs reaflirni
ed. There will be no hedging, no doding.
Free silver wilt bo stronger in the next
nsitionai convention than it was in the
last. Tbere is a piiinful surprise iu sloie
for men vho believe it is dead.
"The Democratic leaders did not op
pose Ute war. They knew and understood
that it would lie a successful war. Thev
rent i zed that the glory and credit of a
suix-essful war would htrengthen the Ad
ministration. Tbey did this that Cuba
might lie free.
"The management of the war has been
corrupt and criminal. With the crtdit
of a successful war the Administration
has gone before the people for indorse
ment. The late election is held to be a
vindication of Algerism. Over forty
congressmen w ere lost by Republicans.
Another such victory and the party
will bo undone. '
"Money was used lavishly by two or
ganizations to defeat the people. The
Backers association, with headquarters
iu Indianapolis, an organization schem
ing to retire the greenbacks and monopo
lize the money issue, put large sums into
many Congressional districts, and then
the Hanna machine contributed liberally
the Democrats had no money. Yet, des
pite this corruption, we gained two cong
ressmen in this state, and two were de
feated by less than 200 votes,
"The Democratic party believes in
holding the West Indies; it believes in
coaling stations and harbors for our navy
in all parts of the world; it believes in a
greater navy, a greater foreigen com
merce and a greater North American Re
public. ,
"It believes in the annexation of Cana
da, and a Republic stretching from Hud
son Bay to the Gulf, and from Labrador
ta the Golden Gate, It believes in the
Isthmus canal,
"The Philippines are entirely outside
our sphere of influence. The Inhabitants
should be allowed to govern themselves.
They are not now, and they never will
be fitted for citizens of the United States
By holding these Islands a source of stu
pendous corruption is tapped. The thiev
es who are now robbing the people in the
name of the Administration will be ship
ped to the Philippines, and will there
continue to rob unmolested.
"The Pemocrati are not worrying over
St A Yea !
the Dingley bill. The Republicans them
selves will eventually wipe it out. It is
the worst tariir measure ever enacted
and in the matter of revenue is running
annually something like $ lO.OOO.OOO be
hind tne Wilson bill. It is a oightmare;
an equitable low tariff is what the peo
ple want. j
, "Trust smashing will be pushed with
vigor. Money combines are increasing
in number and strength daily. This Ad
ministration has been marked by the mic-
cessful organization of manv colosial
trusts. All the necessaries of life, tiot
to mention the luxuries are controlled by
centralized wealth , 5
"The people are at the mercy of com
bined capital, anil this is the heyday f
trusts. A chilling frost is coming sooo,
The people are in revolt. The trmtswill
be smashed as certain as the sun shines.
"The Democratic party stands for the
toiling masses of this country the people
who pay the taxes and fight the battles.
It does not Rtand for Mr. Crocker; if; it
did it would not le a Democratic party,
; Mr. Crocker represents just what Haijna
represents money and spoils. If tijey
changed places thev would find their in
vironment the same." Tlirice-a-Wefsk-(N.
Y.jWorld. , I
Wliut Shall We Do.
A serious and dangerous disease pre
vails in this country, dangerous liecause
so deceptive. It conies on so slowly yet
surely that It is often firmly seated be
fore we are aware of it . " I
The name of this disease which may
bedivided into three distinct stages is,
lirst, Kiunev trouble, indicated by pain
in back, rheumatism, lumbago, frequent
desire to urinate, often with a burning
seusation, the flow of urine being copious
or scant with strong odor, ?
If allowed to advance, this reaches the
Second stage, or Bladder trouble, wih
heavy pain in the abdomen low down bm
tween lim navel and the water passaff
inceasing desire to urinate, with scaldijit
sensation in passing, small quantities
being passed with difllcultv, sometimes
necessary to draw it with instruments.
Jf uric acid or gravel has formed, it will
prove dangerous if neglected. '
The Tbira stage is Bright' Disease,?
There is comfort in knowing that Dr.
Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder
specialist, has discovered a Remedy fam
ous fur iti marvelous cures of the most
distressing cases ond known as Dr. Kilm
er's Swamp-Root.
It is sold by all druggists. '
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of
this great discovery, Swamp-Root a sain
pie bottle and book of valuable infrma
tlon will be sent absolutely free by rijail
on application t Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Bihg
hampton, N. Y, When writing kiudly
mention that you read this liberal otter
in the Sioux County Joursal. 3
We Need
Our Money.
ET" Parties who are in
.arrears on subscription to the
Journal for one and two
years are requested to settle
by January 1st next, lit
cowts us money to run the
paper and we feel the price
of one years subscrintion
$1.00, is not much to pay for
the Journal and it will viry
materialy assist in making
the paper better for the nixt
year. We hope to make Botne
improvements in the ma
chinery of the office the wjin-
mg year and we will n$od
what is due us to do so. We
have over frWO, on our books
and wo must have them bal
anced up by the end of the
year. Geo. I). Canon. ,
Editor and Propietor,
The Rev. Irl E. Hiclw
Annual Almanac and Monthly magazine
Word and works, are now known from
sea to sea. We are pleased to call the
attention of our readers to the Almarac
for 1809, now ready. It is a splendid
printed and illustrated book of 116 pages
and the storm forecasts und illwnmc
and astronomical and scientific matter
are superior to anything tbat lias ever
seen before in a 25 cent book. His mon
thly journal, Word and Works is one of
the best literary borne and scientific
magazines in the country, besides con
tainining his monthly storm forecasts
ith explanation. The Subscription
price of Word and works is 1.00 per year
and a copy of the Hicks Almanac is sent
as a premium to every yearly subscriber
ingle copies of Word and Works, 10
cents. Price of Almanac alone 215 cents.
Send your order to Word and Works
Pub. Co., 220 Locust Street, St. Louis,
The Companion's new Calender
The calenders given by The Compan
ion in former years to all subscribers
have been remarkable for their delicacy
of design and richness of coloring. But
the calendar for 1809 far surpasses any
of those. The publishers have endeavor
ed to make it the finest calendar of the
century and readers of the Companion
will be disappointed in it. Those who
subscribe now will receive not only the
gift of the Calendar, but also . all the
issues of November and December, from
the time of subscription Free. The new
volume will be the beat the Companion
has ever published. Among the con
tributions already engaged are "The
Little Demons of war," by Hon. John
D. Long; "Opportunities for Young Ex
plorers," Sir Cleinents Markham; "The
Boy with a voice," David Bispham; "The
VVonders of Somnambulism," Dr. Will
iam A. Hammond; "Police Spies in Rus
sia," Poultney Bigelow; and "Where
Living is Cheapest," Hon. Carroll D.
Wright. Fine illustrated announce
ment and sample copies will be sent to
any one addressing.
The Youth's Companion,
211 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass.
Sheriff's Male.
Notice b M.Vrtrvetr Wt by virtue
of ah order of sale to me directed, issued
by the Clerk of the District Court of
Sioux county, Nebraska, in an action
pending in said Court, wherein D. H.
Criswold is plaintiff, and L. J. Simmons,
O-race Simmons and Rufus Coffin and
Company are defendants, I will on the
19th day of December, 1898, at 2 o'clock
p. in., of said day at the east door of
the Court House, in Harrison, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public sale the following
discribed real estate, to-wit- Lot 6 of
Block 0, of the Village of Harrison,
Sioux county, Nebraska, to satisfy a
decree of foreclosure of a tax lien enter
ed in said cause by our said Court at the
September A. I). 1893 term thereof, to
wit: on the 19lh day of September A. D.
IWi wherein our sxid Court found due
to the said plaintiff, D, II. Griswold the
sum of $173.44. 'together with the sum
of 17.21 allowed by the court as attorn
eys fees in said action, with interest on
said amounts from date of said decree
at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and
costs and accruing costs nn adjudged
the same to be a llrst lien on said premi
ses. Said premises will be sold fur the
puqiose of satisfying said sums.
SlicrlfTg Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of un order of sale to me directed, issued
by the Clerk of the District Court of
Sioux county, Nebraska, in an action
pending in said court, wherein J, Y. Cas
tle is plaintiff, and Metta L. Maine, Silas
R. Maine, George W. Hester, and James
O. Sargent, are defendants, I will on the
19th day of December A. D. 1898, at 2
o'clock p, in., of said day at the east
door of the Court House, in Harrison,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public sale
the following described real estate to-
wit: Lots 20 and 21 of Block 7, of the
Village of Harrison. Sioux county, Ne
braska, to satisfy a decree of foreclosure
of a tax lien entered in said cause by our
said Court at the regular September
A. D. 1808 term thereof to-wit; on the
19th day of September A. D, 1898, where
in our said Court found dne to the said
plaintiff, J. Y. Castle the sum of $230.95
together with tbenum of $23.09 allowed
by the Court ns attorneys fees in said
action with interest on said amounts
from date of satd decree at the rata of 10
per rout per annum and costs and accru
ing costs, and adjudged t he same to bo a
first bun on said premises. Rnid premis
es will be sold for the purpose of satisfy
ing said sums.
CVDU 1 1 IB Tlw mlMrMl-
I rnlUI 9tin:r i4. m
.-Mflrmll.rj. Tmlinalmt4llal. Cant
' " ." r.iii.w. oiimllm, I! nil and
lfW.C4UbtwW. im. UTAQII IHIllIIITi:
PR WAan imiiiiiri!
aa i . u ? Xuli.! o.
Don't send away
Groceries when you can buy them as
cheap at the
in Harison, as you can in Chicago at
the department stres.
GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch
Supply House has just put in a full
line of Gents furnishing goods for
Fall and Winter wear.
He will sell Overcoats and Cloth
ing cheaper than any other store in
Harrison. Come and see for yourself-
And the Ranch Supply
House will not be undersold
on Groceries & Provisions.
Come and be convinced.
B. E. Bbkwstkr,
D. H. GRISWOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business,
American Evchanue National Bank, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
First National Bank, Chadron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Ths Journal wtll publish your brand, Ike
the following, for fc :00, per vosr. Each nd
ditional brand 75 cents. livery tanner or
ranchmen In Rloux and adjoining counties
should ndvnrtisu their brands In The Jour
nal as It circulates all over the state. It
mny be the niouns of saving money for yon.
On left side of cuttle and on left
BrS.Ts j clionidi r ot horses.
BJfl limine on Antelope creek
1'. O., Ululclirist, Sioux Co., Nnb.
On left side or hip or cuttle, j
On left shoulder of hni ws.
Itsnftn on tho head ol Warbonnct
Address Harrison, Klonx Co. Nub.
c w r a u ir v
I On lflft shoulder of cattl
If .11 tr.i nn 1 Ittln r.iHnMw.jul
FyTruwf ont Nebr. ,
TRI Al isii5sSm ftf
llintil wtokneft nna
,r,st V-tnlH? ont free for 1 cfn. postaire.
1 OK. Aiil) LNST. mU'i ft. IT. WTO, U
for Dry Goods and'
C. F. Coma,
rr-tC OemiwimeVe.
Anyone mullnf sketA and dewluHim mtf
qiiinkir MsarUIn ear oftntnn (He waetkrr M
InTentlon U probuhlr Mtentable. CownvMlra
tlnnn itrtetlr orniD (tntuu. HDdboooti PMfBte
Kent frae. OMit um; for itmilMMIMil.
I'ntanta ukm throach Menu ft Co. NMfi
fpMtal notieti, without elwnre. In tin
Scientific JTartsa
A hsndwnnelr Itlmtrated weektf . , Jmrmmt f
cnlattnn of anr pownUfle toarniu. nmH
rwr ; four month, $L ioM bfad aeviMiMM.
i mm w m vr MMtWBj mm M
TheclwinMt ,
houie IntbiltiM
entirtb, .
Swd Suwp tor tjWtU ;
t V
. '1
- . i
.V I
''A -
i -'
''f' '' ti !