The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, November 24, 1898, Image 1

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o at
rup, the
The Sioux County
Mfw ran DiiFBTinM ik rvra nrrri rn nimi .
....... w , it 1 1 is SETTLED RIGHT. Willi, J. Bryan.
Th3 Sioux County otimaL
Subscription Price, 94.00
(eo. p. ratio.
Kntared at the Harrison post office ma
pBcona eiees nuitr. -
Tlie republican pnper throughout the
country would make the people believe
ttiut W. J. Brvan was therauHe of Sena
tor Allen' defeat. But the seiuiators
Jetter made public tlir ugh the republi
.can nil well ax the reform press should
satisfy all fnir minded people -ejcrtpl
the partisan blinded and most pitjudiced
vvvbom nn angel of light could nut con-v'nc,.
This Weelc.
According i.i n r4NM.ial dispatch to
the daily World -HernJd from Valentine
a( the 18th inst CaiL' A. (!. Fisher r
4'hadron, is heirg ""I(N' a diujf,
hone for the U. 8. Semite to succeed the
Hon. Willi i'it V. Aiifn, which of courm
Jie will nevi-r h iiIiIh tod i. but however
that may he if w v muni lin e ;i rcpubil
nn for U. H., by iiU means let
I'lmdron have Uie otfice s he wants
everything in right though xlie did:t
ijuite succeed in ejecting reeruier Hur
haugh of Cbiulrnu for county
und as a matter ,foct her wants should
be gratified,. .., -
Regarding whut Hon W. J. Bryan ha
to aay about the late election we clip
from tbe daily World-Herald and to our general principals are correct:
"A .light vote waa car.t in Nebraska
but Uie fusionsta have Reeled the entire
state ticket and carried out the same
congressional districts Uiat tliey carrjed
in JW1. If senator Allan is defeated lot
re-election it will be bvuuw senatorsiare
elected by legislatures jusLeod of by the
people. If a republiuap senator is .chos
en by the legislature he will goAe Was
hington to represent a minority f the
people of the state and to thwart the
the wii: of the majority.'"
'The people have not accepted the
gold standard; they hare not fallen in
love with the plan to give the banks a
monopoly of the issues of paper money :
they ihave not decided to retire the green-
metis; they nave not surrendered to the
"These questions were forced into the
background by the declaration of war,
but tliey .must be faced again as soon as
peace i restored. The Chicago platform
presents for public consideration certain
'tal economic questions. Tht platform
has not .been abandoned by those who
endorsed it in 1M96. It will be reaffirmed
in 1900 because h gives expression to the
hopes and aspirations of a .large nm jon
ty of the party.'
'When the democrats, poutlit and sil
ver republicans favored Cuba independ
ance they understood that war would
give a temporary udvantag to the party
in power, but they were willing to risk
defeat in order to aid a people fighting
to be free."
Captain Fixher Ahe hero of ,ca,up
Thomas, whereiu ibe distinguished hjni
self in Uie defence of Col. John U. Muhrr
.and put to flight Colonel Grant, Ugetb
r with Compuoy 11 Nebraska, Volun-
.teers was a winning card in ttie lute
representative campaign iu this 53rd dist
rict. A tt tidy ol the ottlcial vote of
Lfewes county would indicate that the
entire company hue .chet-rful!y support
ed Cuptaiu Fisher. And the Joi'RKAI.
ooagnttulates biru on his campaign
.against so great odds in the district Bu
to those reformers who yell themselves
I it mi me U04 duys in the year for reforei
uud the B(i5lh day go and vote for catitY
elates, whose principals are diametrically
opp ieite, is beyond Uie coniprebausion t
tiuile beings.
Ban off Masonry.
Durrtw of tbe Piie of Interest to Secret
Mode ty Feople.
It is not so much of a question who
the republicans wpll elect to the U. 8.
He nale whetlier it will be John Low
Wheat Webster. Sheeny Rose water or
any other tool of moiioply. But the
tUeslioo that coo routs the reform forc
es is how to get ivl of the boodlers and
nhyiockt that infest its'own ranks. The
old hip should be dry-ducked and JUave
the barnacles scraped off. 1 low to do it?
wby do not allow theqi to have anything
to my either in caucus or conventions,
thereby force them into the republican
party where tbey belong, for very bar
nacle foreet Dfty honest citizens wiil
join our tutu. My all means .get rid of
the bamactaa, start the good work ifi
MUron and Crawford. Senator MuU
and Hon. Lewis Oerlacn were not defeat
ed br Um publicaii party, for Mr. Oer-
lack received nioce republican votes than
nay reform candidate ever received in
the past of this county. But (hey were
defeated by the barnacles in the reform
Hon. Lewie (Oerlacb ran Ustuad the
ueion state tercet in each of nM three
x-ounlies as foldaws:
Likwcs county, Poynter V
Uerlach 490 Short W
flosButU ' peynUr 87
ifJerlach Kl " 35
flheridaa " Poynetr M
" Uerlach 4M " 80
Thus, it will be seen that 17S votes
more were given to governor elect Poyn-
ter in tlvnw three counties by the fusion
voters that Mr OerUk n slwuld have Isul
whicli were giyen to Mr. Fislier.
To tl Jm-MAif l U o'm U lP.
li.i rurtr in ilteee three oountiee had It
in tor (Moux cnounties candidate because
(tie people in this county tven dared to
ask for recognition and they have u. r.t
ed a man who is too honest and loyal
to belong to the party.
(fen any of the leaden of tle fusion
parties eiplaln le Uteee conntlee why it
is that Mr. Oerfaeh fell behind J these
.f-nuatite; none has
look as if these was
ir9l pile" sows where
(Chicago Times-Hexuld.)
Roman Catholics ia Chicago who were
virtually excomuoicated some years ago
because of Uie papal decree forbidding
them te Ijelong to secret societies, rejoic
ed yesterday when! hey learned that the
ban had practically lieen taken olf. The
d c ee just issued from Rome permitting
the interment of Roman Catholics in
consecrated ground, though they belong
ed te secret societies and particularly
to tbe Masonic order, is considered to be
as sweeping as the original decree excoro
muuicuting those who did not resign
from such orders and organizations. It
nullifies tbe drastic decree of seven years
ago and it is claimed will reconcile hun
dreds of Roman Catholics to tbe church
who were banned because of their affilia
tion with tlie Free Masons.
The decree regarding those who are
ta jn ers of tbe Masonic and otlier orders
qauaed heartburning and bitter sorrow
aoong many faithful Catholics who be
lieved in the Masonic organization, the
Knights of Pythias and others, becaase
of their benefit attachments.
To a Roman Catholic the new decn e
is just us sweeping as tbe one which it
virtually wipes out of existence. The :
new decree allows a priest to officiate at
the burial and permit tbe interment of r
a Ronton Catholic Mason or Knight of !
Pythias in consecrated ground. The on-'
ly provision made Is that the deceased
must net have be n openly hostile.
unit t list h m.laf. Iiava avrtmu.) at u.n.a !
ume, even ii imurectiy, a wunngnet-s to
become reconciled to the church. This
concession weans everything to the fami
lies of the men who thought it woe con
sistent with their faith to belong to such
orders, notwithstanding the original
drastic decree. It is aid it will heal
many painful wounds and will have n
great influence preventing bitter feeli g
and dissension. If a dececajd Catholic who
belonged to a secrect order may be buri
ed in consecrated ground, it is contended
that tbe chuich will open their doors to
lum before he dies and that he will no
longer be banned and refused the rights
of Uie church, even though tie does not
give up his membership in the order to
which he belongs.
Weaea thoild) Imewlt.
f women Miffner uatold agony
and misery because the nature of their
disease is not correctly understood.
They hare been led to believe that womb
trouble or female weakness of eome sort
is responsible for the Diany ills that be
set womankind.
Neuraligia, nerveousaeas, headache,
puffy or dark circles under the eyes,
rheumatism, a dragging pain or dull ache
in Uie back, weakness or bearing-down
sensation, profuse or scanty supply of
urine with strong odor frequnt desire to
pass it with scalding or burning sensa
Uon, sediment in it after stand iug in bot
tle or common glass for twentv-foiir
hours are signs of kidney and bladder
The above cymptoms are often attrib
uted by the patient lierself or by her
physician to .female weakness or womb
Hence so many fail to obtain relief be
cause they are treating, not tbe disease
itself, but a reflection of the primary
cause which is kidney trouble. ;
' In fact women as well as men are
made miserable with kidney and bladder
trouble and both need the same reme
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is the great
discovery of the eminent kidney ad
bladder specialist and is easy to get at
any drug store for fifty cents or one dol
lar. To prove its wonderful merits you may
haves, sample bottle and book telling all
about it both sent absolutely free by
maib Kindly mention The Su.i Cocw
ty our sal and send your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton N, Y.
The Ber. Irl R. Ilkks
Annual Ahum a 1 and Monthly magazine
Word and works, are now known from
sea to sea. We are pleased to call tbe
attention of our readers to the A I mora c
far 1890, now ready. It is a splendid
printed and illustrated book of lit pages
aod the storm forecasts and dlagraots
and astronomical and scientific aaabter
are superior to anything' thai hee e-r
seen before in a 25 cent boe. His mon
thly journal, Word and Works is one ef
Uie best literary home and aclehiijc
magazines in the country, beside ;
tainining his monthly storm fotecasle,'
wiw explanation, ine au ascription
price of Word and works is 1.00 per year
and a copy of the Hicks Almanac l sent
as a premium to every yearly stiWriber
Single copies of Word and Works, 10
cents. Price of Almai a : alone 38 cent.
8endyour order to Word and Works
Pub. Co., 320 Locust Street, 8t. Louie,
Mo. .
A 8urc Sljrn of Croeii.
Hoareenew in a child that is subject to
. uP Hure indication or tbe approach
of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough
Kemedy Is gi ven as soon as the child be
comes hoarse, or even after the croenv
cough has appeared, it will prevent the
attack. Manv motheni who hav
children always keep this remedy at
hand and find that it saves them much
trouble and worry. It can alwars be
depended upon and is pleasant to take
tor sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney.
From New Zealand.
Keefton, New Zealand, Nov. 23. 1888
. .
lam very pleased to state that since I
took the agency of Chamberlain's medi
cines the mile has been very large, nvre
especially of the Cough Remedy. In two
years I have sold more of this partioular
reineuv Uian of all other makes for Uie-
previous five years. As to its efficacy,
I have been informed by scores of per
sons of the good results they have receiv
ed irom it, add know its value from the
use of it in my own household. It is
so pleasant to take that we have to place
me bottle beyond the reach of the chil
dren. E. J. Scantlehurv.
For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney.
The CnmjaiitojiV new Calender
The calenders given by The Compan
ion in former years to all subscribers
have been remarkable for their delicacy
of design aod richness of coloring. But
the calendar for 1890 far surpasses any
of those. The publishers have endeavor
ed to make it the finest calendar of the
century und readers of the Companion
will be disappointed in it. Those who
subscribe now will receive not onlv tbe
gift of the Calendar, but also all the
issues of November and December, from
the time of subscription Free. The new
volume will be the best the Companion
has ever published. - Among the con
tributions already engaged are "The
Little Demons of war," by Hon. John
D. Long; "Opportunities for Young Ex
plorers," Sir Clements Mark ham; "The
Boy with n voice," David Bis ham; "The
Wonders of Somnambulism," Dr. Will
iam A. Hammond; "Police Spies in Rus
sia," Poultney Bigelow; and "Where
Living is Cheapest," Hon. Carroll D.
Wright Fine illustrated announce
ment aod sample copies will be sent to
any one addressing. , .
211 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass.
Ike world-'-
.A -
Almanac a
You may
Ask It
Ready Jan. I, IS23,
On All News Stitnix.
Larger, Better, More Coei?
Than Ever.
Horoo Owncrol Try
, mc Book ami Politiet Htm
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale to me directed, issued
by Uie Clerk of the District Court of
Sioux county, Nebraska, in an action
pending in mid Court, wherein D. H.
Oriewold is plaintiff, and L. J. Simmons,
Grace Simmons and Rufus Coffin and
Company are defendants, I will on the
19th day of December, 1808, at 2 o'clock
p. m., of said day at the east door of
tbe Court House, in Harrison, Nebraska,
offer for sale at public sale the following
described real estate, to-wifc Lot 0 of
Block 0, of the Villnge of Harrison,
Sioux county, Nebraska, to satisfy a
decree of foreclosure of a tax lien enter
ed in said cause by our said Court at tbe
September A. D. 1808 term thereof, to-
wit: on the 10th day of September A. D.
1898, wherein our said Court found due
to the said plaintiff, D. H. Griswold the
sum of 1173.44 together with the sum
of 17.34 allowed by the court as attorn
eys fees in said action, with interest on
said amounts from date of said decret
at the rate of 10 per cent per annum and
costs and accruing costs and adjudged
the same to be a first lien on said premi
ses. Said premises will be sold for the
purpose of satisfying said sums.
Don't send away for Dry Gooda and
Groceries when you can buy them 3
cheap at the
in Harison, as you can in Chicago at
the department stres.
GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch
Supply House has just put in a full
line of Gents furnishing goods for
Fall and Winter wear.
He will sell Overcoats and Cloth
ing cheaper than any other store in
Harrison. Come and nee for yourself.
And the Ranch Supply
House will not be undersold
on Groceries & Provisions.
Come and be convinced.
cstacusMed ise.
Harrison, Nebraska.
B. E.
f . Coma, .
D. B. ORB-WOLD, Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Buflinesa
Americas Exctuuhik Nationax. Bank, New York,
Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
Fibot National Bank, Chodron.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
I at fkMeir eel rttn etw
Jhwrt. fmpimtxmtitlntilt mmrtrtllmj.
-ode yet. It iQffS
ta a "nigger in the fitmAiA7iZ S?l
ire down tlA y. mwr ti - rT 7
rulltxer Building, New Yor.
OS 'eleJV 'U 'A 'WN
Mheriri Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue I
of an order of sale to me directed, issued
by the Clerk of the District Court of
Sioux county, Nebraska, in nn action
pending in said court, wlierein J. Y. Cas
tle ie plaintiff, and Metta L. Maine, Silas
R. Maine, George W. Hester, and James
O. Sargent, are defendants, I will on the
19th day of December A. D. 1898. at 2
o'clock p. m., of said day at the east
door of the Court House, in Harrison,
Nebraska, offer for sale at public sale
the following described real estate to
wit: Lots 20 aod 31 of Block 7, of tbe
Village of Harrison. Sioux county, Ne
braska, to satisfy a decree of foreclosure
of a tax lien entered in said cause by our
aid Court at the regular September
A. D. 1898 term thereof to-wit : on the
19th day of September A. D. 1808, where
in our said Court found dne to tbe mid
plaintiff, J. Y. Castle the sum of VMM
together with tbe sum of $3:J.B9 allowed
by the Court as attorneys fees in said
acuon wiui interest on said amounts
from date of srud decree at tlie rate of 10
per cent per annum and costs and accru
ing costs, and adjudged the tume to be a
Bret Ilea on said premises. Snid premie
ee will be sold for the purpose of satisfy-
tog eatd sums.
The JouitAL will publl.Hli yonr brand, Ike
tbe following, for K .-00, per rear. Each ad
ditional brand 75 cents. Every farmer or
ranchmen in Slonx and adjoining comities
shouM adverting their brand h In TnicJoi a
SALS It circulate all over the stnto. It
nmy be the menus of suvlng money for yon.
V. o.
On left side of cuttle and on left
Ih.ii liter ot borne.
Ilanirn on Antelope crock
VjlulvliriHt, SloUxCo., Neb.
On left side or hip of rnttle,
On left shoulder of linrMis.
lltmiirn on the houd ol Wur bonnet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Nob
N 1
i MM
rro Oe rtmairrej sV.
AsTonssenelaesssetOssS easw
SSMki ssesrlsln eer sseiiii fteejs. "r sa
InTeaOoa Is sreessir ssii'irt's Com . toe
Unes sMetir eoeeeesMM. lis snei m twsMe
ts44 , eitaoel eewss, is tfce
$6zMt KzzlZl
A Hsfiesossety RhMtfss4 wssklr H"l
ralaUon of ur ssssejiis InerML ltsn-e. Ss
rear ; fner oiit)M, t ioM Srsl
. yv.c.xv.'zv.
On left shoulder oi' ctMo
MdKHtiiiCon I.Utlo Cottf.iwt o I.
., Crawford Knlir.
e sstase decari aerroee
free asm
THOMAS HOLLY, S! iff. LTOuSlVlK D l -"-t
Tte Davis JRsdOa.,
The ckssjisst.
i m mi pes
house ta d
: '., :.r..
- X