7- 1 f. ' frit ''it- :uwav, NOV. lutii lev. .n. U. Canon, Kditor and Prop. F. n. k X. V K. K. lime ratile. l.oti Went, lining Kust. s'n. 5, ii.lx. I, 11 :20 So. fi, mixed 80 North-Western line: V ).. M. V. It R. iK the best tu ami frtiRJ the BLACK HILLS, ii'A:W-01 AM HOT SPKIStj-S KJUTH DAKOTA. Ci t 1CIAL DIRECTORY. STATE Olfr iCEK: .t... j. rs. nh Governor I: i:-irr!n Lieutenant liovenwi v irt-r SccroUvy of Mat .'..i ! '-H-ae.il Auditor , rTe Tremairer r. .i siiv'-. Attorney tieuoral . v li.r- Laud t'oiimiiwionci .v V j,i,"'i-.iu SnpU I'ublie Inuttuct ioa Ct!Xii:r.SS10SAL UELEGATIC': JoI.m W. T. ir.-tou V. S. Sonator, Omaha n ... v nv-i - U. 8. K.juator, jinuuou f U. -t!u if. i ontrieiin:in U-t Uit., Lincolu UHtvnll, Jrfl " r'remoiit I vt.-i, " Mi " iarwm i u ,,r-. -ftaiul. " 5lh " Kelson V. i (.wj!,. " C'U " Kearney JflMCJAftY: J .1, 1 UJvan Chief Justice, Colnmbns j . (). f. U...Tisrm As"te Judi,-e, Grand Island T. I . Jiorvat Associate Jude. fseward L. A. ;mpbcU0toHt an Lincoln rtFTELXTH JUDICIAL DOTniOT: K r. KhiUiil.l ...Jad:?, O'Setll iy. n W, -stover " BusbviBt i. J. BlftWf.t tllerk, Harrison TKBM9 01? COUilT: Hldtrict Court, At Harrison, commences :ipru.irterm ?lay OtSi, "all bept 19th Jary IStli. Cmint7 Co-.:rt,-At Harrison, commences Stlrst touia.y of each montli. LEGISLATIVE: Otto MutzKmator, Dint. So. U, Springvicw Ju. Ii. Sheldon Dim, No. K, Lhadrun COCSTY OFFICE Its: Eobert Wilson County Judge M. J. foewett Clerk Oiks. Iiirt,!f Trwumrer I3i- Mi risam Sujit. I'ubilc Instruction Tb. !!'.": Sheriff I'hii.iuy 'oruner 1i. 'l'liotuas ttiirTeyor M J. Kt ; Clerk of Iiitrict Court Airaat G:bri County Attorney H0i.HU OF COilJHSSIOSEKS: 'r.. (?. Men;' . lt Disiriet Andrew rrueunier-- - , 2d 'Jackson Mettlen(C'hairiJiiiji) 31 " VILLAGE OKF1CEKS: E. T. Pontlan (cliairman) Trnste dotiii It&vu " X). II. GrWod - T. li. Mrtller . " Tt'. Kolivrar " V-'. If. l, i-.. ..... Clerk Ja'w it Gerlanii '. . . Treasurer "M'lIOOL OFFICERS: I'-fSrt Eobwer ...Director 11, L. :-'rnu!k . Moderator Xewta tier bush -- . Treasurer CirrRCHES AND SOCIETIES. .MethodSnt Sunday School meets every Sun 3y niornirtjr Kt 10:00 . , -y?. If. JlAV'H, . MlK B STeLL, .-'i;uiiitcndent. tMieretary I VWOHTII LEAGUE, kernlar bainei meeting firiit Tuesday fjvetiiin; in eith month. .MlS Talmbk, O.KtsMtt, President. ' rsreretary. IX-votionjii meeting every Sunday evening at C-M. MM. KekdalL, leader. - JI NIOR LEAGCE. 3Vfc!et eai-ls runrtay afternoon at 2 -TO. Mm. KtstiMLL., Supt. J 1 KII Y UVhK I'OST, o. 845, 0. A. It. Meet nfr7-i.i Mondy In each month in lit ruv.it bouse at Karrtnon. K. E. Llvermore, Coin. W (JifMES OF THE WOBLI. JTarrln ( amp. No. 5S, meet on earth al 4rnatH YC (iMetniaj evening. V. H. Ji.vviSt, J.A.HlNfOX, ClRrk. Con. Com. VOTir-l.'S V.'OODMEN OF AMERICA. Ji.e' e:ich nlternaK Patnrdny evening n'ebK k J. W .Smith, V. C - Ti low Clerk. For $ W ci make lit lent Bcaurr t m. I ii V uul $nft I Latest City StyUs Yoo t a well drejsea aiaa om !, .cw. Wriu at for - i Mrccy. , . '.j S'-t't F?-4 4 1 t ticUuiJ K1V -'" to ull leai matters in justice, i.ouiity anu I'lsinci i Courts, and before the United State Laud 0:''i..-e. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. 2fLegal pajieTs carefully drawri. Hai;'son. - Nebraska. J. E. rllDCXEY. 51. I). rhy'siian ftud Surwm. All calls :von prompt attention, office In Iirue Storo. iiAnitisos - seuHASSA. A.. T. CLARK, Lawyer. Cfilee : S'-ejnd door frmn Jct'BK At, oiHus HARaiSOM, NEB. COME TO TIIE OFFICE or yoar JOB WORK I Stationary. Special Locals. bjieeial Ext uihion Kates to Hot Springs S. Dak. On diit"s namel bfl w at one fare for round trip, tickets good for return 30 days from date of sale. June W August 9 June 30 August 28 July 5 September 10 July 19 SSeptemlier 0 E. F. Pontics, Aent. NOTICE: There will be Lutheran services at the M. E church Saturday, Oct. th, 1898, at 2 o'clock P. M. Rev. F. G. Vlvges. Pastor. NOTICE:-Mas;s will be celebrated at Harrison at 10 o'clock a, m., every Satur day before the Second Sun day of each month. Michael P. Waldrox. ' Pastor. We Need Our Money. k fan ips wno are m arrears on subscription to the Jocunal tor one and two years are requested to settle by January 1st next. It costs us money to run the paper and we feel the price of one years subscription 81.00, is not much to pay for the Jocunal and it will very matenaly assist in making the paper better for the next year. We hope to make some improvements in the ma chinery of the office the com ing year and we will need what is due us to do so. We have over $"00, on our books and we must have them bal anced up by the end of the year. Geo. D. Casox. Editor and Propietor. fif To those wlio made arrangements to haul us wood on subscription, we would like very much to have it brought in as soon as possi ble. Editor. The Best Planter. A piece of fiannell danipeced with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the efTected parts is upe.rior to any plaster. Wlien troubled with a pain in the chest or vide or a lame back, give it a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheumatism. Fo? aate by br. J. E. Piiinnev. The Xccktlo Hoclal. The W, W. will give a necktie social November the 18th, 1M. Each lady will furiH.h lunch for two and each lady brings two neckties just alilf one she wares and the other put in an enve!o the O"titlornan pny SJiVc for the neckt p.nd lunch and lady thrown in. Gi . t Ahd-W s f Ml, O.i'i'j une coiimj all. SUBSCRIBlS FOR TIIE JOURNAL: JO ; rj i uukBi'li mm Til is; week. Two cars of cattle for ale; calves cue and two year old.-. Call on (I. Vr. IIkstkr. M. J. Wetier of C!!ea u.h a Ilarrisiui visitor on Wedne-ilav. IM yo.i know that it Knowed on election. SiieriiT Holly returned from Gordon on lat TuesJay noon. . L. Hoyt of Riinninjr water "as doinj liusitii:-v in tlii city on Ia-?t Tues day. Virg-il IleHer If-ft f i r Sioux city and other eastern points on last Saturday evening to pun bana cattle. Another month of school has pasd away, yet but words of iraise comes from all hides for our teachers. John Stratton has bought the Bert Hamlin haw mill and w ill fies it up on i the M.uvos ValJez plaoe at SVarlonnet. Jerry Will made ye editors heart clad on last Tuesday by dropping on his round table two bright dollars to help 'the cause along." As is customary the snow storm did not forget to put in its appearance on election dav, it never fails. The snovr storm did not doter Mr. Peter Bonrett and bis son James from coming to town iavt Tuesday to -cant their vote. There was a praml house warming at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nutto on last Saturday niht it number of our young Rooiety peo;. attended. M. A. Kantian, of Iiixlirc, was a pleasant caller at this olllce last Mon day, and dropped a silver dollar on ye editors desk to make him happy anoth -r 11 year. We forgot to mention in our last Ismis thatn n. A. G. F.-h-r wh l in town but week band us a silver dollar to contin ue li s si.b s:ription, saving he wanted the news from here ricbt along. B. L. Smuck. bouirbt of A. T. Hugh son, last Friday 20 lead of yearling calves which he b -ought home the fol lowing day. Thf;y are nice ones too. SOTK E-I tali cattle bides and all kind of skins with hair for robes or with ont for leather. See sample and prices in J. 1L BartelTs store. II. Oi.HiilcilT. Glen, Nth. L. T. Ponle. of Mirsiand Neb. one of the 2nd Nebraska volunteers who has just recently lii mustered otit was a pleasant chiller at this office on last Saturday. John L. Kay, L?n Daut. John Her man and (-bat Ur itt wer all four intro duced into the tnysterien of the Wtxnl nici of the World last Saturday evening. They nre now supposed to be expert wood-choppers. Litte pa! riotism Sf sni-?! to prevail in Running Water precinct last Tuesday as no election vvas held st that place, i Witiif !, tlm v-if rs p'ili!i.-'S ru!- t he oug.'.t to cast his vR im viuciiuti O.iv or do no kicking afterwards. Sheriff Holly went to Gordon on last, j Saturday evening as the Doctor in char had sent word for h.m to come soon a positiiH owing to the condition of l!rs. Holly's health. Mr. Holly expects to take treatment there also. A. T. C'lai k left on last Monday noon for Colorado Springs where lie expects to make his home in future. Ill's family will remain with Mrs. C's parents at Slaptehurth, Neb, for the present. Mr. Clark expects to enter an Attorney's office. Hon, Lewis Gerlach can never say in after years that Sioux county voter did not do nobly by him in his race for! the state legislature last Tuesday at thn j polls as the vote has shown, he having out-run the head of the fusion ticket -10 votes. Mrs, Sarah Davis who has leen at the hospital at Gordon for some t: me has undergone an oper ition for the re moval of a tumor which the physician say bad formed on the bnck of one of her eyes. As far es we have Ieen able to learn the operation has ban a success. Later we learn Mrs. Davis his had one of her eyes taken out A man wl owls on his way from Grand Island Neb. to Sweet Water Wvo. with a car of Sheep in some way got on a gag at Crawford or some where along the road where he started from and after reaching Crawford started to Gler. where he pulled up at old M-. Nelson's place iu a demented stale of iiiina last night, an! hence caused quite a litt le excitement. To day Dielnck Nelson and S int Craw ford brought him to towu nnd had him examinined for insanity. But the board decided it was a case of Snabes-in-the boots and turned him loose when he will leave for the Sweet Water country in the morning. LATER while at the court house ha picked up a rock and struck himself in the head w ith the in tent to kill himself. The slieri.T; M. J. Blewettand others, who were with him at the time helped place the hand-cuffs and shackles on him and he was placed in the jail with Perry White and 11. A. Pr.ddy to look after him through the j fight. What disposition will ha made with bis case iu ttie morning we could ti.1 1.. .... A ..!....... .... Wvo., in m v r to one from the authori ties here, says ho is oaly on a spree and jwt him oo the trjio and ssad Uiai up hers. V,'1' . O'.i1! ' ' . ix ''. . ' ' Hr.,'J ' - Mrs. Pri'lly thig wwl:. $10. REWARD. Strayed from my Ranch one dark Bay mare (no Brand;) about 10O0 lbs weight, black legs, niana &. tail, may have Very small star, is well hilter broken send her to I.tislt Wyo., or hold her for me and j;etyor10.0') O.J. Hemming. Lusk Wyo. IH'IMKD AVITII MI LlT A 11 V HONORS. IjoiIi Contrllmtc.s A Youutr T.lf To Tlic J)r. n.e or tlu Country. last Wednesday .' fteitmon llie mortal remains of ore of L d i's sons w bo died i bis country's service were laid to rest in j the Itsl t cemetery with military honors Ed aril Lew-iii Burnbani son of llavid Burnham a veteran of t lie Loda O. A. li. Post and the lata Mary ("a'.h'.-rine Burn- I I bam was !orn in Loda, May (i'b 1""' and died in the post hospital at Pre;di i of ' San FranciM.-o, Cil., O.-toher 25th. V'Ji. fie went to Arir.oiia in J.muray. 1 and from tbero to Seattle. Wash.." last .March wliMri laa nliwfr.;! it, Av.ril tfi I'ji i 1 - '- -" "l Regiment Vashington Volunteers, t"apt. O. H. Fortson ,'onmiander. Ho was mustered into, tcmt-d s.ates ye Ml. V It!!, lb,. ...Hili-un .rv ,,t l,.-).:.l birthday ami b it w ith Ins r--inieiit for S in Francisco, (il s n:i after. 1! was taken ill ltd t!i3 iu:.i-.l-s an I iwat to ttie liospital !i -r j be loco hut wjis taken ill again sn'in after mid a-ain went ( the li!i-.;t. wit'i typlioid fevr and i d.ed as almve atel. Alt iioii"h! , d -:!h overt viU "H 1" f:ir ' , . , . , , , from bow s he v as i e la n'y s rr funded 1 by kin.l, n ' I; h"artd ft ends a-id sj i pi i tliel'c hearts. The eng.-aveu silver plalo j on the easkt-t wliicligive Ids name, age, etc., w ith ihd b-iutdul buii j :i..-t of n.,es besida it b c-jxik t ii cons 1 rule tlioagbl-fu!nr-ss of Ins kin I oxri 1 m re lou 1 ly than did the dollars they doilati to make Ins last led as peaceful an I pie as ant Vy U-!io!..l as p.-issible. Eh-cia!y to Capt, Fortson are the f.iends of t!i de ceasml Jrealful for his faithfulness and liirxhiesri in writing and wiring them par ticulars before an.l after Bi's death, cs well as fur his m-uiv attentions to hitii Uuraig ois tl!:vs i...t. lurlsoii and tie! brav boys of bis company will be fid-j lowed l y the kiad widies of many i friends in bi l l, liliii.iH, on their vojae i to Manila, on winch ftiey em'tarked ofi j the day i f j-luppii g tlie n n.ains 1 1 ll.eirl late in i;,ce 1 1 le. j -Lh lvu Post of ti. A. 1!. cterans few in imrii'i-rs, griy- an I ynenibl, nnrched to tiiu ; of dr im inqx, F. U. I'alJer, piper, bav.d Ward, bass drum, II r'lert Hartley, snar drum, an escort imniediat.ly foil.nving th young Vol unteer. Ti;s pubiii! acliool and all the! business houses in ld-i were -lotl dur jn ..,-rvi'-wH. f,ti..Mts vf.-e HH ' v.a.it r.-. iii.ti li', p no,.- I i '.el. ! into tbu ball and a lou stnag of car- i rtHffcs from the country followed the j harM. u, t!ia t.tm(.!(vv. ' clirriliafJ1 U-a a brotlier of Mrs. Rd t. VV.Ismu. Th number of votes cast last Tues day In B iwen precinct were fifi or four more than was cant at the 1W7 election and tiie party vole was us follows: Republicans" 25 Peoples Independent. Party.. in IWiKxratie '? Free Silver liejiublicans 3 AnUdope Precinct. R"ptiblican 2 Peoples ili(ie. mieut , .. 2 l?uioci'Ot ic , White R.ier Pr- 4 i 'i net. Republicans Peoples Jndeiendent.. I 'etiincrat if I r-;e Silver Kpiiblicun Montrose Precim t. IJepnblicans ... 3 3 Peoples Independent. 7 Democratic II Sugar Loaf Precinct. Republicans , 0 j Peoples lnde-ndent.. j Democratic...' ' ;) i Snake Creek Precinct.. " j Itepiiblicans ,., 8 ! Peoples Iiidt';ndi nt 2 J l)em(H-rati; fj tree nilver j-puiiliearis Whistle Crevk Precinct. RpuWicans Peoples Illftepitildelit I lemoi ratic Free Silver liepiiblican Warbonnet Prcvincl. Pepubrcnns Peoples Independent DeiiKKnitic .11 . fi . 3 . G .lii . 8 Eight prfccincts out of twelve shows as we have thern compiled to be as follows: Republican votes 79 Democratic " Cf I'eoples llldep" H2 FTeeSiver Kepub.. 11 Horco OwnorolcTiy GOMBAULT8 Cauctic Baloami I ksh ItNif ui tmutntm Tm hM M f LltTI ever aaad. TsfcM Tor IU mm for llwjiiptlve etnnlanka. . .l-.. -i-iVA , ti mm oo mm ti rf trades Whv, ill Here is noiosng tney oo noi if e esoiorsaie. They handle & Gents, Novelty dress !"0CClS j ' Flailliel Vll PUrPOSGS. AlSO 1 a. a. Cloaks, Capes, Shawls, Carpets, Cil i cloths, Matting Shades and Curtains. I - We are Ilcad-quarlors for all kindw of (.Jrorrrics and rovision., Flour and IY;d. P llipht lien, before v.e. forget it; we want to call the at tention of. tlu? public to our Canadian P;'.re Maple Syrup, j t ry it and 1)0 COM vi 11 r'ed. IVa have on exhibition at our store one of ths Ray that can b3 bought Any where. Price S33. Call and see that Range. MARSTELLER BROS. A V 'I s (f 4 - O it: ani .i ' r in hi -9 r -i. !- x -" I. nil: iu X r- he ; .' U'n drJ '-rfl33Zi6D0tF:er.0Btf!:J053acc3C023iJ3GSsca0Bta I w it It " LiRCEST CHJMnOlTOL PAPER IH THE WESTg f it It is ri-J:c,-j;y Republican, .-"dvocalbj tee cardinal dj:trira J ol titnt fir.' r ice O with ability ani earrHtnoi. H THK WEFKLY IMTER 13 THE KCV.'3A.'iO 'it U Is Aiorally Cica.i end as a O rrr: .. iJii Literature t zr-z. , Ths Literature eqxal to t'.iat z!:ias. It is interaOna in the Ml ore u as well as tht purtuts O O H i rH2 INTER OCEAN It ti e M and vhilc it bdnj THE M'OTiLD and ditcuraona cf r.U quslio:i3 cf ilte diy, it u ia fud cympalhy vit!i t'a.: idc&j and a:.ralor. cf Vvcslirn people and dic-jej literature and f olitia from tUc Tcr:i f.ant!pointil' .sq-psice osn rnmn pzh yeah si.co mi.k ocxaj aie ilrenf Tksllv (v winll 'rle of Kttn'lnr bvmnil 4illvu,il Suml.r 1 itmll I RP. YGU A VORKf;lt ! "A Vwd or ni-ll ? II so j t t. i U'T t U,c4l.; cf FreirnJ, ?tron, f urnhlr, t V.P.&john tiarntsU., 5 f,4 Rut.viit., f KcKhinri, li:,ui. w t l r,u... e eisal .H'luorii. (r. byei.tl r r,'."j. :jtii . (twili t'.')r a ImklMailunUu lH.Wu'l IxS.'HUrl, Utii.Wu St..l.UuU.. OO ddV 'Ml 'A w W '"! PtTV rttial m r-, MJgt awTOrcA l nw AO VI A N V- ! iih mmmi - o - o - whe re every these f ciays. Suitings for Ladies goods, Plain dress .1 liiUH i,,h,ii.i!4m r-r-r. ' Ur.tiJ5f.r'ftL;f...'iiii ' - s W-i'vKC! Til ' p emu a h. it.?:'. Vr.1':n;i U';Hx j.;;;:. o'.l.'.-' ! i H ! ' . . U i: .'f. .'-.I.-..- .'(. i, ." - : : I I j ,-".Dut it can aayi be relkd ong j far fair and bimtt reports of all po- S liticiJ tncvcirnsjjtjljtjtjtjitjtjt OCZAN SUPPLIES ALL CU i? 3 HHT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Wilhcul a Peer. Z ol its columns li , ta M t .. b vt its columns ii of the bent mnga F : T-rz M a M ti El t n k WESTERN NEWSPAPER, t j tbe li.-r.ily TrlL Nt S Or rivs its utt the bnt and ablest Bi;sr os muz kuo. tl.00 nnr r 113 OU nr vnar ta.OO per year PU i TEC DAM CO oil n n M m i I ly ' ,?( V '-. 0 - ;i