Will How it this? Perhtpt tleeplett nijhrt ctuted It, or grief, or sick nest, or perhipi it wit cart. No matter what the caute. jrou cannot with to look old at thirty. Gray ba!r Is starved hair. The hair bulbs have been deprived of proper food or proper nerve force. Aprs nr mm kit Increases the circulation In the scalp, givet more power to the nerves, supplies miss ing elements to the bsir bulbs. Used according to direc tions, gray hair begins to show color in a few days. Soon It has all the softness and richness of youth snd the color of early life returns. Would you like our book on the Hair? We will gladly send it to you. Write itf If you do not obtain til the benefits you expected from the Vigor, write the doctor about it. He may be sble to suggest something of value to you. Address, Dr. J. C. AycrCo., Lowell, Mass. la Olhor Word, to Hibernate. Mm. Wallace It is the umb.tion of four life, I enppote, to do without work. Perry Pate. tic Not to do, mum; to Tim bfliatl Vt mf , "Stand by your gun !" the rasta'n fairi. "Stand till tht?lat brave man falla dead 1 for well the captain knew, that day, lhat Hpain owed eight or nine month's pay To each of tlr ! ranged, billing men, and never 1 m ' i-m inln I ilie Uvt 1 mi. No autumn or winter Is so good but; may be bad for Rbeuinatimu. I he wort time for It Is the best time 10 buy $ iu uxe St. J a col Oil to cure It, bee sum 11 cures promptly. A Cmfortln Text. The late Mayor Howland, of Toron- to, called one day on a poor, tirk worn-. an au J a usual read a portion of narlf j ture and offered prayer. Oa leaving he named a pa-wage of scripture wbicb be thought would give comfort The husband of the sick woman was In censed that Mr. liowland should have left no more substantial evidence of sympathy and gave expr&tgloa to bis snt-er In v'.oroup language. After little tbe Bible was opened again, and a $10 bill waa found. The angry man went at once to Mr. Howland and of fered bis humble apologies, and at the funeral of bit benefactor there was not a more sincere raonrner than tbt one who bad failed to understand that there Is more than one way of bestow ing charity. Dr. Tbomaf Popham, Philadelphia: Yonr Popbam's Asthma Specific has nearly cured me. I have been afflicted with attthma since Infancy, 20 yean). For two jeara previous to the use of your medicine the disease bad heroine periodi cal, coiniug on every morning in severe paroxysms. I used every asthma medi cine I heard of, without success. I had become very weak and disheartened; bad almost despaired of receiving any benefit from medicine; saw your medicine adver tised in th paper and sent for some imme diately; uued it twice a day for one year, and hare had but one paroxysm for the past six months. Your truly, ADDIE KLMOTT, Sheridan, Iowa. There Is a bold ridga of gray volcanic mountains In the Cape Verde Islands, the cretit of which Is said to form an exact likeness of George Washington. flow t Tills. We offer One Hundred Dollars rewarO for Biiy case of catarrh that can not b cured ov ii all's Catarrh Cure. ' r. J. Ult.M-Y A CO.. Toledo, O. We, the unler;gned have known K J. Cheney (r tlio laxi 15 years, arid believe him pcrlect.y honorable in all busineas transaction and financially utile to carry out anvoblijtaiions made by their firm. W E8T fc Tkitax, Wholesale druggist. Toledo, O., Wai.diko, Kimnax & MaKvin, Wholesale drugKixt. Toledo. 0. Hall's ''iiwrrh Cure i- taken internally, aotini' directly upon the bio :1 and mucous surtaces ol the sj stcin. Teirtiniotiiuls sent free. Price 7.'c. per bottle, bold by ad UiuKgiata. Th Tattler. , Elizibeth Brewer, whodiednear king "fon, Out., not very long ago, was said to be the ol .lest Quakeress in the country. The Prohibiiionista of Llnlio have nominated lor governor of that state Mrs. L P. Johnson, business woman of Idaho Fail'. Mrs Kdward Harr s. whn re-ides near Richmond, Mo., gave birth to twin boys a few weeks aire. She has given birth to twini teen tinv , and all are living. Mr-. If-rri is 53 rM. at ww . v Cultivating an Orchard. Toting fruit trees greatly need to have tbe soil about them cultivated. In working about trees, however, the whlffletree Is almost sure to bruise the bark, sometimes quite spoiling the tree, .unions the greatest care Is exercised. The cut shows a neat little device for avoiding this difficulty. K bit of old times mo.-oib wneu It Is buM to nod well-ripened corn for swd, and it may Interest some to know that uuripe corn Can be used for seed In sucn cases. HarncHKFi to Fit Horses. Whenever a horse Is sold the hnrns In which It has been used to working ouirht always to go with the bargain. No two hnruesen were ever made to fit alike, and especially where the pres sure comes ou the shoulder or neck In drawing. The fckin under the old har ness has been gradually toughened by pressure on one spot. 15ut with the new harness the pressure is shifted. It may be only an inch or two, but it cornea where the skin is tender and will quick ly break when exposed to the collar. If the whole harness cannot go, be at least sure to secure the collar with any Dew horse purchased, so that the ani mal can work without being tortured. The collar once URed for one horse never ought to be used for another. A trace is tied to the whiffletree and car rier nbout Its end, as shown. It Is then tied to the trace, when It will prevent the whiilletree iron or wood from bruis ing the bark of any tree it happens to strike. The Importance of preventing Injury to young trees Is recognized by but few. If badly hurt, the tree never fully recovers. JCVefletablefrcparationforAs- slmilatlngtheToodandReguIa- 1 lirglteStaiiuifiB and Bowels of I Promotes D:geslion,Chterful ness and JfestContains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. NotNahcotic. ISmrim Smi- Mxjmrf JbJUUSJ- Arscrfcct Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Slomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .f everish ncss and Loss of SLEEP. Tat Simile Signature at NEW YORK. r. ft CXAOT CO FY" OF WRAPPCB 'ii For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of u - It U' For Over Thirty Years filSIIiilfi Form 1'nultry Hon-et. It Is much better where larpe num bers of fowls are to be kept to build several houses for them, and to make them light enough so that they can be drawn on a stone sled front place to place, thus avoiding contamination of soil and the disease whii-h will almost certainly follow if the same hind Is used for a hen run. From twenty to thirty hens are enough for a single house. If more are kept they will be in ench oth er's way. nnd It will be strange If egg eating or other bad habits do not be come contagious among them. The most Important thing about the location of the poultry houses Is that nil the land around them shall be umlerdralned. This will enable the plow or cultivator to be used almost any time when the ground Is unfrozen. Drained land to much dryer for poultry than the hill side ot knoll which Is often recommend ed for tbnt puritose. Hnnm! for Winter. The rut shows a method of securing great warmth In a house that can be used cither for poultry or for the stor age of fruit In winter. An excavation "v r I'nrleanly Milking The souring of milk Is canned by bac teria which are In the dirt on the cow's udder, milker's bands, pajls, strainer and cans and in the dust in the air. Under favorable conditions these bac teria double every twenty minutes, and a single germ In a pail of warm milk Increases to eight germs in an hour, sixty-four In two hours, 4,0!Mi In four hours, and at the end of twelve hours, If the growth was unchecked. It would require eleven figures to write the number of bacteria springing from a single germ. With careless milking 600,000 germs have been found In a cubic Inch of fresh milk. United States. Bulletin. ; TL Each THREE HAPPY WOMEN. Relieved of Periodic Pain and Backache. A Trio ol Fervent Letters. Before using Lrdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, my health was gradually being undermine. I suffered untold agony from painful menstruation backache, pain on top of my bead and ovariak trouble. I concluded to try Mrs. Pinkbaml Compound, and found that it was all any man needs who suffers with painful months? periods. It entirely cured me. Mra. GOfUl Wass, 923 Bank St., Cincinnati. O. menstrua more than little book house, and some of Lydia Liver Pills. I a new woman; past. I shall for what it has 303 Lisbon St. For years I had suffered with painful ma truatiou every month. At the beginning i tion it was impossible for me to stand up fa five minutes, I felt so miserable. One da of Mrs. PiuUham's was thrown into I sat right down and read it. I then K. Pinkham s vegetable Compound: an can heartily say that to-day 1 feel liS my monthly suffering is a thing of tq always praise the Vegetable Compoui done for me. Mrs. Mahgabet AkdeksoI Lcwiston, Me. To Propagate Gooseberries. Gooseberries are propagated to some extent by cutting, but generally by layers. The earth is heaped in a mound around the bushes and the young sprouts will strike roots. They should be planted In rows 4 by 4 on a rich heivy soil, well cultivated and heavily pruned. The fruit grows on the buds formed on a 2-ywir-oId wood, and on spurs and buds of older growth. Prun ing should be directed to cutting Iwek the new growth and occasionally cut ting out exlra shoots. Some cultivate in low tree form, but the shrub form is the more natural way of growing. Denver Field and l-'arrn. A C.otethnt Will Not S"K. Most farm gates begin to s:ig at the outer end after a little use, thus cans- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured me of painful menstn tion and backache. The pain in my back was dreadful, and the agony I siaV fered during menstruation nearly drove me wild Now this Is all over, thanks to Mrs. Pinkham's medicine and advice. Mza, Carkie V. Williams, South Mills, N. C. Tbe great volume of testimony proves conclusively that Lydia E. rinkhaaali Vegetable Compound is a safe, sure and almost infallible remedy in cases m irregularity, suppressed, excessive or painful monthly periods. " The present Mrs. Pinkham's experience in treating female ills is unpar leled, for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and w sometime past has had sole charge of the correspondence department of At great business, treating by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing womak during a single year." LyaiaE.PinKhamVcgetahleComnoundiAWrtrnprcmelyforWoman'sISi Mr lngerioll's ExplMnpttn.i. A good story is told of the wife of Col. Eo ert Ingrsoll. She was recent ly Fp ndingan evening with a friend. About eight o'oiock, after ineffectually at'emptiug to smother several yawns, Mrs. Incersoll apologized as follows: ''ou really mu-:t excuse me, but you know, dear, that I have accompanied the colonel on a recent lecture tour and have in consequence cot into the habit of falling aelcep at about eight o'clock evcrv evening." 1 Uncle Sam's War Month. April is a mouth mads notable I great events in American) history. first en at Etriiegla for American erties broke into hos ilitie at LezilfL ton and Concord about the middle April, 1865; tbe war between the coaV federate states snd the United Stat! began In April, If 61; in April, If Farragut captured New Orlean?. and April, 1805, came the surrender of tB army of Northern Virginia at AppomaV tiT Onnr' hnnatt . 0 0t TMK PtnMM DOUBLE y QUICK 1 tin :. o-fiiuu r.mAat,WikiMU. PENSIONS 11 t .Ullo (HMIHt All tut ryru 't 0..I.I hf 'Iri'rKU X Vf fi In i iib " '.-- -. IfcrnHMt osmku Qa r-mmunj,JL CURE YOUMEIF! Vf UK 'rJ M l tirlUlloH lrn' . m m M.nibr.uM ratow, i ml Mlrlav gnl at pniuimvm. 14 r will i ' w'"TIl Lf nprtm, rMl'l. J' "Vl S.lfl.' r - v. hotM pl die fating ! othert 'urlut riieniiiiieiii.il In Weighta. The hhelleiw linii't P'lUs l,tH4 tlmel lis own wight "hen in the air, and -i ,i.,iiI.1i. when measured In the water. Klesspull l. tiiM litne their own dead welfht The M.'d.tenean cockle. Venus reiru(u.i. u exert n ptilllnx v.um- e:i.:nl lo 2.07! 'I"" w.'fglit nf i0inv . Ui'i.i. Sou':'":.! '. P"We;' p(Hib.ed hy the " "l"'u It a fon-e eqtiHl to t..J !'..." tini'-s the wright of Pa shellem lHly is re.jtilreil. If the human be-in pn-se-l ulrength S great In fipoportloti ns Hint of these uliell IIhIi the average null) would be tide to hft the euormous weight of 2, BTtHM'O pounds, pulling In the same do Kiee as th- limpet. And If a man pulled l ti,e Kaine proKrtIonate degree tt the ,-t.ekle he would sumtaln a weight of no less than .10.500 pond"- The luinliand (eat to talk shop when In wile boyi' to talk shopping. Is made In a side-hill, as shfjvn In the first picture. A slone foup Ration wall Is then laid and the house nown In the second Illustration erected Not a great amount of excavating L reiuired, as tbe earth that Is thrown tit helps build up the bnnk that Is to p'wtect thn house n all sides. A drain laid below the ftp " IIOI'SK ..fiMIM ETR. foundation, nnd wrought around to the Houth entrtinee, take cure of the water that coun (low n from the higher ground. Tigs farrowi r during Septem!er will git a gofxl Rla'l before winter. Late pigs nre liable be ehitcked by severe cold. The motrt prolitahlo pigs, how ever, nre these furrowed In the spring and sin ughter,tl late In the fall, ns they need nvt be kept over winter. Tanners do nut now give much atten tion to raising pigs farrowed In the fall unless they ar,i patrons of a creamery and have an nl iindunce of nialerlal for feeding, wlilct ouly the plga will con sume. i:nrl' t"rn ' n Fecit. It is a inlstal e to suppose that only after itni has gji.ed It Is lit to le saved for seed. It wl I grow equully quickly If In tho milk;' stage, provided due care Is taken to dry It out before It Is frown. This tit. ripe corn loses a great deal while dryl.ig. and makes a very thrunkeu appearance. But the germ Is In it, nnd It v III sprout more quick ly lliiin giuiu I'jst has a larger amount of starch. Bit the germ Is not so dtrong 8t thav from well-ripened corn that has been well rared for, and the latte It therefore always lo be prefer tt la saving seed. There are some- PKOl'Klil.T tOSSTIitTCTKn OATK. lng oftentimes much Inconvenience. If tbe upright at the hinges can he kept rigidly In place there Is no reason why a gate should sag if It Is properly con structed. A proper construction Is shown In tbe accompanying Illustration, two braces being used, both of which hold the outer end of the gate rigidly In place. Farm gates are often made of material too light to be strongly pinned at the ends of the bars. This Is a mis take, as secure pinning is necessary In order to give the braces a chance to do their work. Orchard unit Garden. look out for the black knot on the plum trees. '.'berry culture Is the simplest of all fruit culture. Wood ashes Is ? yai -table fertilizer for the raspberry. Worm fruit In the orchard Is the best disposed of by shct-p. Cutting of roses may lie made as the wood acquires firmness. Cut out every cane affected with rust among the blackberries. Cutting out Is about the only ture icniedy for the peach borer. Old liones burled near tree or grape vines will have a good effect. Luck In planting is the result of good common sense and judgment. In budding, the scions should always 1k of the current season's growth. Cut off and burn all branches found affected with the tent caterpillar. Clear the raspberries and blackberries out well, treating nil uncle sprouts as weeds. Every farm should have one orchard for home purposes, proportioned to the ni-eibs of the family. A mound of earth built up hard and sharp "round the stem of young trees will help to protect them from mice. The orchard may be made to serve two purposes, one tho production of fruit and the other as a range for poul try. If the trees need priming, It Is easier to prune as sooa ns the necessity shows itself that) after several seasons of neg led. It Is rather poor economy to produce line fruit, and, then, by bad packing nnd careless marketing, lose the proper reward. Where the old berry ennes are re moved In the full always burn them, to destroy any din ase or Insect MKts that mny Is- on tln ni. Plants that appear healthy and yet make no growth nre very often starved, (live them n good mulching of manure after stirring the ground. One objection to Into cultivating both In the orchard nnd nmoiig small fruits Is lhat It. tends lo induce n late growth lhat does not have time to ripen. A good shaped tree has much to do with the appearance of the orchard nnd the earlier they are looked after the easier will be the work of propi'ly caring for them. t 41 No use for a duster there 's no dust on ' a At in Air. ( aiySSSS It sells too fast" I Every dealer who has handled Battle Ax knows this to be a fact. There is no old stock of Battle Ax any where : nothing but fresh goods, as Battle Ax sells five times more than any other brand in the world. All who chew it never change. ieriiember the name p, 1 x when you buy again. u EAST, WEST, HOME "IS BEST IF KEPT CLEAN WITH SA OLIO r? SLICKER WILL KEEP fOU DRY. si Oin't r f.n!-;1 with a mar klntnh or rthvr inif. If you want n coat tint Ml kv r you dry in the hrd m itm t iv th Hih Brand SHvKr. It nut for In your town, r(f f"r fttrp,iie to A. J. T W"; Bomh, Mm, 1 I he 8t. Joseph and Grand Iilui Kansas City and Omaha Bailwtft .a Tan SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUO to am, roiirra NORTH WEST BAST SOUTH Union Fuifla SntA AM la mnnM Uoa with ine ( T ?TnlTt LIRU ToCnttfornl.. ')ri'ion B(I all w.tra fu For Information rrr anting nlM, or 01rt ii('rct nnntiof , t W. P. KotlNMlN. J.. (in'l Minwttr, HU Inwpb, Mo. N. ft U NO 616 -48 YORK NS3 1