The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 27, 1898, Image 7

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OratUyln? Letters to Mrs. Pink
ham From Happy Women.
"I On torn Mj Ufa.
Wills, Nrb., writes:
"Dkab Mkh. Pinkhau : I owe my
life to your Vegetable Compound. The
doctor! Mid I had consumption and
nothing could be done for nie. My
menstruation had stopped and they
kid my blood was turning to watt-r. I
bad several doctors. They all said I
could not lire. 1 began the use of Lydia
E. Pinkhara's "Vegetable Compound,
and it helicd me right away; men sea
returned aud I hae paiued in weight.
J have better liealth than 1 have had for
years. Itia wonderful what your Com
pound has done for me."
"I FmI Like a New I'trua."
Mr. Gko. I.kach,
1C09 Itolle St., Alton, 111., writes:
" Itefore I bepan to take your Vege
table Compound 1 was a great sufferer
from womb trouble. Menses would ap
pear two and three times in a month,
causing ine to be so weak I could not
aUmtl. 1 could ueither sleep nor eat, and
looked bo badly my friends hardly
inew me.
j " I took doctor's medicine but did not
derive much benetit from it. My drug
gist gave me one of your little books,
and after reading it I decided to try
Lydia E. l'inkham'a Vegetable Com
pound. I feel like a new person. I
would not give your Compound for all
the doctors' medicine in the world. I
can not praise it enoucrh."
Making a HlulT.
"1 see you're advertisin' fur a 'second
help,' mum," Mid the liuiky tramp who
bad called. "If the work ain't too
bard, mum, and the wages is satis
faetory, I'm wllliu' to Uke the job, per
tidln "
' "But, good nets alive!" interrupted
the matron, "I advertised for a jrirll 1
don't want any great, overgrown man to
do a girl's work I"
i "I ," rejuiDed the pilgrim, plaint
Irely. 'P'r'apa you would u't mind eofi
eoin' the pain of this refu-al, mum, by
givin' a pore man tome lean meat an'
grany oi gomethlp' like tint?"
DEAD EtrlTOU: If you inuw of a solici
tor or caoraeser In your city or elsewhere,
specially a niao bo has sullrttrd fur sub
crtptlona. Insurance, uursery stork. books
or tailoring, or a mno wbo ran eWI giola,
jrou will poorer a faior by tellliia; blm to
cwrrrapnnd with u. or if you will lsrt
tkla ntrtlee la yonr paper aud nirl parties
will cut tWi notice out and msll to us, we
asay be able lo furnish theni a food psl
tlon In their own and adjoining rouiittra
I rbi i.N.:UollN,
"North Colorado and parts or Wy
oming aud Montana are genuine
wine of petrifactions There art
petrifactions of every kind, Includina
many varieties of wood, ferns, and
plants, firth, toads, snails, frog's, ser
pents, shell fluh and objects' which
cannot be classified The depoilis
often occur in layers, as though so me
great natural convulsion had de
stroyed the animal life of a whole
district ai once The sclen Lists make
very few and tolerably weak at
tempts to explain the singular t he
Domenou, and the tact Is evident
that they n i more alioul the matter
than do the men who i Ick out the
.beslspcclm :an and sell them to tour
ists. .
5 .
Don't tm food mh a matktntmh
or rubber ctMt It you wintiCMi
thai will tp ymi di y in ttt hard
cat atofB. buy 1h F.h .Irani
lkkar If not fur Ml In yinif
In town, wrtto tot talatof u tft
HetallelM4 1 70.
celebrated lor more
than a tentury aa a
delicious, nutritious.
haa out J
Yellow l-abel
on the from of every
nd our
l a Hells
trade mark,
Choroliiere,"oii the
Dorchester, Mass. Y
The ril4a ml pmr.
From tne field of sport we go to bed
aud get up full of pains and ncues. To
next night, by the use of Ht. Jacobs Oil, I
we are soothed t sleep and get up '
cured. ,
Ion l.lrphunt
The elephant's a-o e of smell Is so
delicate that when la a wild .ate It
c-in sent an enemy at a distance of
1,000 yaids, aid the nerves of It
trunk are so sensitive that the sraall
,rt substant e can be discovered and
Dlcked up by
A ("Bw fraMolM toilet a-nries always laelaaaa
Mill Hair ud Wbiiker ln. blsti or brown. BOc
Knuiuier Ave.,
Newark, X. J. ilay 24, im.
The Piao Couipaiij Warren, I'a.:
Gentlemen: I'imi's Cnm for Conaump
tiou wa reeoimjienuVj to my mother by
a friend, anil I nul I'.. althoiiK'b not bar
ing uitii h faith in pa lent uied.eines. For
over thirty yearn mother haa had a moat
raekwig cough whenever she takes the
least cold, ami no medieiues have ever
been ahie to touch it. Hhe took your
medicine two ilnjs, and her coutch storied
ei.'irelj ba not even had a hacking since ,
and ah ifp better and feels belter
than she has lo ycr. I want to tender
you my mo-t grateful thanks. We shall
never be without l'iao's Cure for (u
stiiuption in the house. Itespeetfuliy
yours, MUS. N. F. Sl'EEULIXG.
I know that my lift was saved hy Piao's
Cure lor Conauuiption. John A. Millerj
Au buhie, Jiichigan, April 21, loU5.
Enaillab-Speaklnat People.
One-fourth of tho land surface of tbe
globe is occupied by English-speaking
"A Short Flabt,"
The damp of autumn nights snd
niorningH stirs up Sciatica, and then
"otiiea a tug of pain. Lse St. Jacobs OH,
and then comes a tug to cure It, It Is a
short fight and the cure Is sure.
Don't owe any perron a grudgn; pay
as you go.
Nlg-ns of a Good Cow,
One or two signs will donate a good
cow, Prof. Haeik says, as well as twenty;'
in a poor cow t!:e tH;;h runs down
straight, so there is no space between
the thigh and the udder on one sideand
the tail on the other. One of the beat
ways to tell what kind of a cow you
have is her temperament. A good dairy
type haa a sharp spine, strongly devel
oped nervous system and sharp hip
bones. A good cow has a large, wedge
shaped stomach, lor she must have a
arge and powerful digestive system to J
ute up her food quick to make returns.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 76 censt.
DaL uerr. otyjes.
A Boston man Is still taking dstgrier
retypes, and has been doing so over
half a century. He Insists that, la
spite of all modern process) hi photog
raphy they remain the most correal
likenesses ever produced.
Mrs. Wlnslow's soothinu Bvaur tor child
ren leelblot. softens the sums, reduces Inflam
mation, allays psin, eiireswlnd colic 2ftc bottle
Par from Civilised Gas.
African explorer (d inn founded)
What, you. Clarence Vers D Vera, la
the heart of darkest Africa! What la
the world are you doing here?
Clarence Yere De Vere I'm wearing
the necktie Visa Darling gar me for
Christ maa. I promised her I would,
you know. Puck.
.VANTKII -Oui-..f iM.lhi'MlihlhstR'l P N Swill
U-nefil. K-ri'l fl cpdih l' ftlfinns t'liemlrst Co.,
.'- VorS ror l(jRDipi'-s4rHt l.ui testimonials
Don't prolong a quarrel; make a fit.' hi
of it and then quit.
Don't think that bright men spend all
their time reflecting.
Don't i rust a tame wolf and a recon
ciled enemy too far off.
Don't fomet that man's chief end is
the one with the head on.
JVom th Utlroit Fru fVsas.
One o-f the stancbeat supporters of tb
deep water wsy from the Great Lskes to
the oceaii ia Major A. C. Bishop, of 715
Third avenue, Detroit, a civil enginser
of wide experience and considerable prom
inence io his profession. He was assist
ant engineer on the Hudson River RsiJ- J
road in 1S.0, and has since conducted
large engineering operations. He hss
been located in Detroit since 1815, and
baa a large acquaintance among the bual
ncaa men and citizens of tbis city.
Two years ago, for the first time, Major
Bishop ws io the hospital. For two
months he bad the beat of medical at
tendance, but when be was Ji si-barged
he was not like the Major Bishop of old.
When aiked regarding bia health, be said:
"When I had my last spell of siekneasj
. itrl ..aa lit a mil tl r i hp hospital I was a
sorry sis hi. I could not gain my strength, I
and could not walk over a block for see- I
eral weeks ,
I noticed
some articles
io roe news
papers re
tarding Dr,
W I I II sid s'
Pink Pills
for Pale Pec
p I e, which
convinced m
that they
were wort
trying snd
bought two
tx.ies I did
not t s k
them for my
c o in plexlon
but for
s I r e n i J h.
A fter using
them I felt
better, and know they did me worlds of
good I inn j.le.ixcd to recommend them
to invalids who need a took' or to build
uti a shattered eonall'titloii
1 "a. o nisiiop.-
Sulisrrihcd snd sworn lo before me this j
eighth Cnv of Janiinry, '
ItoHF.ItT K III'l.I-. JH., Noury
la r
PiBts, Oct. 18. During Testerdaw'i
OMion of the peace com mil.-ions the
commissioners were occupied with the
Spanish presentatiou of Tuesday aud
the American ariHwer submitted on
Friday relating to Cuba and the debt
ot the island. The examination of the
American written canvans on the sub
ject was jnst concluded today, and will
be continued at the next j int meeting,
following which th Spaniards will
doubtless reply in writing the conclu
sion of the subji-ct soo t following.
The ibUrchangea regarding Cuba are
now so far advanced that the Spaniards
will not fail to understand the Untied
i Stiteg' determination not to aie-ame
. part or the whole of the so-called Cuban
debt of $I00,000,0M0. It chould not,
j however, b) thought that the Ameri-
C 1 r i Q rt . t r i i , Vi A.,..aA 1 .A . . v .
. a v..i(ii ilia wuifS. VI Hit: IMHIUfC
sy have been unmindful of certain local
burdens, like thrt mtinicinul obligations
oitheOVan cities, roads and kindred
properties, local and permanent It
should not be forgotton, however, tfat
the American attitude in Cuba is h'eld
not to be that of an a quiring power,
ei her of territory or of its real or cor
Struct ive obligations. The opposing
Spaniards keenly cotdend that B.nere
ignty involves hurd. ns as well as bless
ings and that both should puss together
from Hpain.
splitting: or haiku.
Closely following this contention the
Spaniards are pressing for a construc
tion ill the word ''relinquish" in the
Cuban article of the protocol.
"We must" they urge, "relinquish
sovereignty over Cuba, but to whom7
We have not agreed to relinquish it to
the Cubans we relinquish it to the
United States."
While this contention is keenly and
vigorously supported, it has not shaken
the jio-ition of the Americans, whocnt
the thread of the Spsnish enn'ention in
the middle of th var "to relinquish"
by sfsur ntr the paniah that they netd
not ch' rish anxiety as to whom to re
Hnquish, but to conform to the fourth
srticle of the protocol, which pledges
Spain "il at Cuba, Porto Rico and the
other Spnnbh islands of the West Indies
shall be in- raed ately evucuate K"
Briefly, the American reppf-nse to
Spanish diplomacy on coustructioa and
definition was that the words "relin
quish" and "evacuate" are i.itrc ange
able bDd have the same n.eaning. Thus
three sessions were given up io patient
ly meeting Spain's views and conten
tions touching the protocol pledge to ie
linquish sovereignty over and title to
Cuba and there is a possibility of two
ec-sions more.
The commifsion will meet again on
Wednesday next.
Bavonnk, France, Oct. 17. Advices
received from Madrid point to efferves
cence in military circles there. Mem
bers of the military club openly and
severely criticse the government for con
cluding what they call a "humiliating
peace," and come of them even assert
the establishment of a military dictator
iiip under the present dynnsty.
Suirn King Kagtaa;.
Kansas City, Oct. 18 The csrliest
winter storm in the southwest for twenty-five
years, and the worst early storm
on record, has almost completely shut
Kansas City off from communication
with the south, north and west. An
opening on the east has alone kept the
city from being totally isolated.
It hss been raining for the past
twenty-four hours. Shortly after mid
night Sunday night the rain turned in
to snow, and thn temperature dropped
perceptibly. Steadily since then a
heavy, wet snow, driven by a strong
north wind, at points reaching the
velocity of a gale, haa prevailed.
Hundreds of telegraph and telephone
poles out in the open have either been
blown down by the strong wind or
broken by tbe weight of the snow-covered
Railroad traffic, while more or less
hampered, has not been badly inter
rupted as far as can be learned.
In Kansas City no serious damage haa
resulted. Snow Is reported falling at
PitUburg, Kaa , Bootieville and Chilli
cothe, Mo., and other points in the two
A genuine blizzard prevails in the
southwest and west today. A heavy.
wet inow has
, . , . ,
been fall at since three
o'clock this morning and is driven by a
strong wind, which ha prostrated wirea
in all directions and caused delay to
railroads. The snow followed twenty
four hours of steady rain.
At Fairniount ark 700 soldiers of tha
Third and Fifth Missouri regiments,
who began gathering yesterday to be
mustered out, spent a dismal night and
a worse day The men are without
winter equipment of sny kind. This
aft moon it was still snowing with tha
'empcreture falling.
Troupe Ketorn Froan I'orto Klee.
Nxw Yohk, Oct. 18. The United
States Iran port Minnewaeka arrived
On hoard were Uen. Krns and staff, and
the Pennsylvania volunteers about 100
men of f e Wisconsin volunteers and a
number of oonvale-centa from the ho
pitah of Cuba and Porto Itico.
Jeal.ios llnaband Killed,
St. Lottia, Oct. 18 As the result of
a Aght over a woman, John W. Ed-
j wards tonight thot and killed Alex
ander W. Charlton. Charlton was di-
Torced three ycaes ago. Sim-e then his
wife has kept boarders, Ed sards being
one of them Cha Iton became jealous
of Edwaroa and tonivbt called at the
house to see him, and a fluht ensued,
resulting in Charlton's death. Ed warda
la a son of Col. Davla Edwards,
prominent patent medicine man ia
Vfianeapolla. bo died in 1890.
Combats Ever
The Fall
Wlih Its suddea cbangfa, its hot days and
chilly nights, dampness and decaying reg-
'etation, is peculiarly trying to the health.
1 A good Fall Medicine is as important and
1 beneficial as Spring Medicine. Hood's
' 8ursnparilla keeps the blood pure, warda
off malaria, creates a good appetite, gives
refreshing aleep, and maintains tbe health
tone through this trying season.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
la Auieriea's Greatest Medicine.
Hood'a Pills cure all Hvar Ills. 25 osuta.
Ilabjr NuiMsrsUilous.
It is very unlucky to give away the
baby's first iboes.
The Jews used to put a fish in the
mounth of a child who was backward in
learning to talk.
If a boy has an eitra large mouth, it
ia a sign be will make a tine speaker or
If a baby mistakes you for its father or
mother it is a sign you will never have a
baoy of your own.
The inarticulate baby talk of "goo"
and "coo" is said to be the language
used by Adam and Eve in paradise.
When a horse carrl-a heavy load
a long distance the people demand that
It be relieved, but a man, with tbe same
load, must go on to the top of the hill.
Don't pick quarrels before they are
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
HE volume for 1899 will be the
contain half a dozen delightful
scholars and story-writers will
and better thanf any other chewing tobacco ever
made: YOU are not oblteed to die for it.
The 10-cent piece of
it the largest piece of really hiph grade tobacco,
and you can get it anywhere in i..;c United States.
Remember the name
vhenyou buy again.
M- Tsar Psastss
Vftt "Ht t MIIIU sattwaaS.Waaktaa. B.C
Tk Most CoaaaBjoai of All.
The moKt common of all ailments
from spurts of all kinds are sprains and
lirul.-es. The most common and surest
cure of them is by the une of 8t. Jacob
Oil, which Is prompt in Its action.
Curfew for Corenn Men.
A curious custom In Seoul, Co re a, la
the law which makes It obligatory for
every man to retire to his home when
the hut; bronze bell of the dty pro
claims It to be the hour of sunset and
the time for closing tbe gate. No man
Is allowed In the streets after that hour
under pain of flogging, but tbe women
are allowed to go about and visit their
friend. -
Why are not two bootblacks a pair of
rubbers ?
Why does the desire to make a fool of
one's self spring eternal in tbe human
Why does a man boot a dog, shoo a
hen, foot a bill, cap a climax and steal
Why do people go into society to get
bored when it can be done just aa well
at home?
Why doe a woman always make an
excu for her bread when she knows it
is the best she ever made?
Papa's Estimate of Willi.
Marie I told papa, Willie, dear, that
I thought you were just too lovely for
any use.
Willi And what did he say, darling'
Marie Be said he feared aa much
Now what could he have meant by that
Willie, dearTDetrolt Fr Preaa.
In order to introduce our new discovery
"Fine Tar Bbampoo." for removing; oandrui
and effectually curing nil disi-ases of tbe Bed;
we will for the next Muy Maya aend gamji.
box postpaid for 2i cents Don't mis Mils oi
poriunliy. Agents wanted.
X 4fl7 ;lll-HKO.
The Youth's
THOSE who subscribe at once for the 1809 voluma will
receive Free all the November and December issues
from the time of subscription to January 1, 1899, includ
ing the beautiful Double Holiday Numbers. Among tha
many famous contributors to these issues will b . . . .
Rudyard Kipling
W. D. Howelis
Lillian Nordica
best THE COMPANION has ever published.
stories, besides articles of rare interest, famous soldiers, sailors, statesmen,
give their best work to readers of THE COMPANION.
NEW SDBSCRIIIKRS who wtlt cat out and send this slip, with name and address and once, will
rflcstrs Ths Coatraaioa every week from tbe first November issue uuUl January, Lvuo,
r REE All the November and December Issues of 189S. inclusive of the beautiful Double Holiday Numbers.
l'BEE-The exquisite, Companion Calendar for 18,riehir and costlier than any of the famous Cooipsj.toa
Calenrtxrs of fnrmrr years. Ixolxned snd lithographed in twelve colors exclusively for ias
Cospaniod. A liariutns ornament for the home.
AITD TBE COaLPAJi ION for the ts weeks of i89-a Ubrarytn Itself. M It
Illustrated Announcement and
Better tha g
WaScbl rear Wall.
I am sorry to bav kept yoa tltian
for thta suit so long," aaid tb tail,
'but thsrs bav baatu many alteration,
snd it haa reqnirad tlsa to maktsiaa,n
"Tea," replied tb enstomor. "I'fw
worried over this suit to much in ta
throe weak that I've ben waiting for
It that I have lost ton pounds in flesh.
That's why you have had to make tha
alterations. I'm going to do the squar
thing, though. When you've loat tea
pounds of flesh worrying over the pay of
these clothes, you send me word, and
I'll com around and settle. Good day."
Slurred Blueflah.
Tskr a bluefish, split down and clean,
'hen chop onions and parsley together
nontrh to stuff the fish and sew up withi
needta and thread. Lay the fish in paa,
dd one-naif cup of water, score the flam
with sharp knife and season with salt
nd pnpper to suit taste; then cover thof
top with slices of raw bacon, put in I i
en and bake until bacon is crisp. TakaN
a trom tbe oven, remove bacon, split
he open, remove filling, melt a
ump of butter size egg and poar.
iver fish. Before serving garhisa with I
ieces of red beet and hard-boiled egg. '
If there is nothing in a man he ia not
un the visiting list of opportunity.
Women Colo... tot lUo tivrisusa Army.
The eight womt-n colonels of tha
German army, who draw swords only
seuni-cfficially, and their salaries rega
arlv, are: The queen, the empress 4
Germany, the dowager empress, wife
f the late Frederick III., the Prineeaa
Frederick Charles of Prussia, th
'laa u Regent Sophia and Queen Wll
aelmina of the Netherlands, the doch
a of Connaught, and the dutehesa ot
-axe Cobourg Gotha (Edinburg), sisto
of the Kmperor of Russia.
Nov. toth Issue. "The Burning
of the ' Sarah Bands. " Tbs
story of a bero.
Dec. 1st issue. "The Water
melon Patch." A story of butt
loving boys.
Dec. tsd Issue. " Incidents la a
Singer's Life." An Americas
prima donna's trials and triumphs.
Each of the 52 weekly Issues will
Sample Copies Free),
. 201 Columbus Avenue, BOSTON, MASS.
A Natural Black is Produced by
Buckingham's Dyeia,
60 cts. ofdrugfcfsta or R. P.Httl It Co.,NuhufL.N.H.
Cue Ml 41 for nasal I
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Irriutioas sr elearatiasd
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THEfvassONCMISslOa Sat er aolaoi
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vr vseraes.
It as. erSsvf
Ihs Bt. Joseph and Grand Ialaii
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aaa raa
A?:7. Union Pacifls IjHm
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For Information rscsrJlQf ratss, eta., eajl oa
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A Map of the
United States,
Fml m 16 osmta In stamp aad I
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States, thrre feet fonr inchea wMa
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ors. Mrninted on rollw. Sbosrt
every slate, oonntr, important Iowa,
and railroad in the United BtsUaM.
Uaefnl. OrnamentaL .
lanrta. flenfei
Omaha, Nsh.
P. t. II yon so west Tie Osaka aad
nrlln Wtllf, Rrifll. VAR Mil ftlMI AST " F
lislraus-MlsslastDp! Kxiea!tlM, - .""1
g llw.iiri. I
M a. sWaV4 U
FtJ7 aat aVUtstro.
ia sssiiaa j sal inaawaaM
laaseaaay f SSNS Has
M Is time. Ty lew. fA
J i.r ,:n7r83
R N. U. NO. Bl 41 YOHK NBJ
-Vs f" '