sjartteon journal KB. Hpnh troop "ran also.' Vail meals henceforth won't be quite a far apart In Cuba. r 1 ary Often In politics the only place mm will bury the hatchet U in tb pava. Tha probability is that it w!l b a gaad while before another nation get gtf with ua. Hobaon U perhaps the only man who awar rose to fame by suffering from a aarious inking spelt A to coaling stations we might hare taata all round the world. This coun (n'a got coal to burn. There may be also two sides to a fcoacymoon, one of which U never seen aeapt by tie man in it CMa'a Independence was the first abjoct, but though that's been gained mA something to boot Uncle Sam won't kick. With regard to flags, erecting those onerous poles in Forto Rico will be fallowed one of these days by the usual waters and elections. History repeats itself. Certain things to be put In soak before spam i over to the views of this country fanr centuries ago. About the only man who can extract gold from sea water through a quick- Urer agency is the notei-seeper wueu the thermometer's around 100. How comes It that the paragraphers aave neglected to remark that while Hobaon sank a ship at Santiago he cap- tsored a big smack at Long Beach? mwrar William is to dedicate a mmw church in Jerusalem. This will him an opportunity to draw pleas- parallels between himself and Solo- 11m Chicago man went Insane and who thoneht that ability to nil i position, without a political "pull. a sufficient qualification lor civil aw i Ice commissioner. A Boston physician says that "if the Tsrage business man will only take a laac tramp into the woods before taakfast every moral a g be will en tar better health." Who? The tramp! Tha Cnbans can now beat their rtirtT Into plowshares and farm Gabs for themselves henceforth. Uncle tmm will gladly givevhem assistance in ... .1 I 1 ...V.l t how themselves worthy tneir : opportunity. A New Jersey man accused of bigamy pleaded In extenuation that the second Victim of his matrimonial proclivities tared him to the altar with a particu larly succulent apple pie, after tasting which he was powerless to resist her. TbJs is merely a variation of the old i dodge "The worua:: tempted me I did eat" Yellow Is a favorite color with the Cklasse, but yellow Journalism doesn't er there, nevertneiess. me re- Gasette relates that an editor of Imperial city who, In referring to i dead Chinese rulers, omitted to prist their full names, has just had bis aaadahmeot commuted from being atowly sliced to pieces to simple decap- Tbs nation's aim should be to as Status te whatever knowledge the world has to offer, and with the strength thus attained from without and within, to aaaa resolutely forward toward Intel- at enlightenment and material de- sent" The words sound as ir r, might hate been spoken by Mr Ctsdstnnr They were recently ad aeaased to bis own people by the Mar UBS I to, the great statesman of Japan. rjader the Inspiration of such leader- pan la moving Into the front : among the nations. Tas generals of our armies Include aasaaf thai; number several survivors frees the last generation who led the flown of the confederacy against those at the onion. The troops which have tarried the flag of the United States In the battles against the Spanish soldiery taatad volunteers from the south and the aorth fighting side by side. The sssslf imiM'n of the sections, which s distant dream in 180, Is a i fact In ISM. And this Is some- far all Europe to take to heart A anited people In this republic Is In- Ttacfble. ; Oteai as has been ilie chfir" during fa past few months In foreign opinions at Os newer and the Importance of the ttod Btsfte. there Is room for still rwft progress In that direction. The rafsffty with which Americans will ir'nafaali the disastrous results of nonr fcr rale laftpain relinquished colonics CJ lastotW prosperity and peaceable tZtUW eaadttlorMi win (rive fresh O-stif for Earop to Increase Its re r rsa" afartWtsa fur rtls country, V f mil f t MOtlnoed pipgress J USKf.J rarraants and manti rrcsaaf c la rtrtondlac their f t tt ..aOnaaat part of the friars f the war with CyrrtCMOm asatSt pt- - T r la nwzziem f"T r-. 'II ' trade relations. The Railroad Gazette reports that the Baldwin Icomotjv works recently shipped to Spain six locomotive frelebt engines. The en gines were ordered in March, prior to the declaration of war, and were shipped on June 20. while the Santiago campaign was being pushed vigorously. They are for use on a mining railroad In the province of Biscay. This Inci dent is more unusual, perhaps, than even our contract with a Spanish steamship company for the transporta t' a of the Spanish prisoners to their home land. It Is nn Illustration of the fact that even war cannot impede the triumphant march of America's trade around the globe. It will grieve the heart of the small boy to learn that his old friend, the pirate, has degenerated sadly. He li no longer the debonair and smiling cut- throat of the Spanish main, who, pistol In band and knife In teeth, once clam bered -over the rail, invited the cap tain, crew and passenger, with the ex ception of the heroine, to walk the plank, whispered hoarsely and confi dentially to the villain, and sailed away with the beautiful girl and the atowed-away hero to his estate on a tropical Island. Instead, he is a mis erable sort of soiled Digger Indian, who haunts the Gulf of Maracaibo, on the north coast of Venezuela, doesn't own a single long, low, rakish craft, and only robs defenseless vessels that eo aeround on the shoals. This much the American consul at Maracajbo sends to the government In a report which intimates that the modern pirate Is so pitifully Incapable and run down at the heel he can be frightened off with a few shotguns, if there happen to be any on the sh-ip. In fact, times ar- hard for the pirate. In the prosaic days of steamships he has been going down hill, until nowadays he is a beg garly wretch, garbed In a blanket, arm ed with a bow and some burnt-ended arrows, and altofiecher not worth his salt. Not every eminent and renowned character has become eminent and re nowned for doing what no one else ever did or being what no one else ever was; though this is a distinction very com monly credited; but it never came near er being literally true than In the cass of Mr. Gladstone. One of Napoleon Bonaparte's admirers called hlw "a man without a model and without a shadow," but Mr. Gladstone bears die palm in the select roll of famous soli taires. Borne patient reckoner has com piled a list of his "onlles," which may or may not be exhaustive. Tie was the only man who ever began so early s public career which continued so late; he was the only man who was ever orator, statesman, theologian, author, litterateur and linguist, and first-rate In all; he was the only man who ever ear- rated a great constructive measure of legislation (the Irish Home Rule Bill of "03) through the House of Commons after he was eighty years old; he was the only man holding and expressing positive opinions for seventy years who never made a personal enemy; and he was the only man not holding a seat In Parliament In honor of whom at hit death the House of Commons ever ad Journed. It has been truly said, "These things are without a precedent but there has been no precedent for Mr. Gladstone himself." . From his early years Mr. Gladstone took the greatest possible care of his beahh. He was temperate and ab stemious; be observed all the accepted hygienic rules, with some of his own In addition, Including the celebrated one of giving each mouthful of beef steak thirty-two distinct and separate chews; be took active physical exer cise and he was careful not to over work. He died at 80, and though be suffered for months from a painful and lingering disease that might have been expected to pass by one of whole some life and dean blood, bis case Is pointed to as a triumph of scientific methods. Prince Bismarck, on the contrary, was not abstemious and was regulated by no rules but those set by his own appetite, which was not dain ty. Unless all his biographers falsify he ate enormously of the richest food and drank freely of the strongest bev erages. He Indulged In beer, but beer was a mild tipple and did not suffice for most occasions. When be made a public speech he had a glass of 'schnapps," otherwise known as gin, beside him, and ever since the news papers have recorded his doing in de tail schnapps and brandy .and cham pagne have been the accompaniments of the heavy meats and otb.-.r viands that were served to him several times a day. He had not been In public life for some years, but his retirement was not owing to mental or physical dlsa ballty. He had some bodily disabili ties, but had he still been chancellor the probability Is that, until the last few months, they would not have in terfered with his official duties. He died at 83, after setting all rules of health at defiance from bis youth up. No moral can be drawn from his course In ads respect; it would surely not be safe for any young man to copy his habits, yet, on tlie other hand, when he Is considered In company with Glad stones, the folly of laving down almo lute hygienic laws to suit all wise must be admitted. Would Bismarck bar been Bismarck had be shewed each morsel of beef thirty-two times and washed H down with tea? Uttle Tommy iter Lillian likes to have you come here. Mr, BltnperUng- Aw, Indeed! Bow do yon know tnaw Any science of political economy that Little Tommf Well, people always " f, short of this, must be defective, like what makes tbem glad, don't they 1 1 oM doctrine that men hare to "glrs Mr. WarperflBf Generally. Bat how lap mmi? 0f their natural rights" in or do yoe kaosr I sake her glad? Little Isr to form civil government Is not Twanar-! her teMrn' one of too other taat '- Jttst had to Cm V v at yow tac.ajr DIVES AND LAZARUS. REASONS FOR EXISTENCE RICH AND POOR. OF The Pr ty Or It Mi. nt Virion System of focie .iZ4ti'' Siwl V''ajT9 in Which .t I'.c I miii uved "Greatcat Good to the- Oieateat Number." Members of society In a new or sparsely settled country are very near ly on an equality. None are rich and none are very poor. But as population and wealth Increases, society gradually divides into two parts. The ricln-r class form one wing, and the poorer the other. And ax rlvllization a dvan'-ne the rich become richer and the poor be come poorer. As labor produces all the wealth, of course thU division of society into the classes named results from the unequal distribution of the wealth produced. This unequal distri bution results from the medium of ex change. Exchanges of the products of labor are indisputable. There could be no growth of civilization without But as there Is no great difference In the amount produced of any kind, be tween men who labor, there could never be any very great difference In the wealth of men, if every one re ceived the exact equivalent for the products of bis labor. But the middle men, ttie men who buy from produc ers, ami sell to consumers, increase in wealth much faster than the ones who produce the wealth. A village springs up as a center where exchanges are to be made. The village soon becomes a big town, then great city. Great mansions, tower- ng churches and theaters, mammoth stores, banks, residences, etc., spring up on every side so tall as to shut out the light of day, and the city lighted by electricity by night all constituting grandeur of magnificent art work la deseribable. Yet during all this process of build Ing up, the city Is defaced by huts and hovels, and the streets are full of rag ged, horny-handed tollers, hungry tramps, paupers and thieves, who are the "pest and terror of all cities." And in greater proportion than the city grows this class, the "terror of the cities." The great church spires cast their hailows over buns and vandals more dangerous than those In heathen lands. Those magnificent streets paved with marble and lighted with electricity are patroled by policemen In glittering uul form, to protect society from thugs and thieves. And as the present form of elvllizatfon grows older, this division of society between the rich and poor becomes greater and greater. The gulf between Dives and Iazarus becomes wider, deeper and darker from day to day and from year to year. The great mass of mankind believe this state of society Is unavoidable and the highest possible. All the great em pires and governments of earth have traveled this road and come to ruin Yet every succeeding one follows In the wake of the preceding one and comes at last to the same end. But the great so-called statesmen seem to think that governments are like animals or trees; they have their youth, middle age, old age, thou die. Our form of civilization has In It the seelsor death. It produces in every form of government the same eondi tions. It concentrates the wealth Into the hands of a smalL Idle class, con verting ibem Into heartless misan thropes, and reduces the other wing of society Into such depths of poverty that all manhood Is crushed out of them Then the government dies of Its own corruption. We propose to ascertain the cause of this delay and death of governments, and find out the remedy for it Science Is the classification of all known truths In reference to any given subject The science of astronomy Is the classification of all known truths and facts In reference to the heavenly bodies and the laws that govern them. So of chemistry or any other subject The science of political ecouomy 1 a classification of the laws that should govern society not the laws that do, but the laws that should govern socie ty. Society is not on inanimate some thing governed by fate, but ft is com posed of Intelligent beings left free to make the laws for their own govern ment To make the government awl lass so as to work the "greatest good to the greatest number" Is the highest state attainable In civil government While the ordinance of civil govern ment is an ordinance of God, the form of government is left to be determined by those who frame It These words Used In the Declaration of Independ ence, vtz., "governments derive their Just powers from the consent of the governed," are true only in a qualified Keiise. It means that lh officers elect ed are the servants of the people, and cannot justly transcend the powers del egated to them. But It In also true that the people cannot delegate to their ser vants the power or authority Justly to enact unjust laws. A man, nor society of men, cannot delegate what they do not possess. Every man has the pow er to do wrong, but be has no right to do wrong, bence he cannot Justly dele gate to another authority to do wrong While It Is absolutely ne-esary to have some form of civil government for so ciety would destroy Itself under a reign of anarchy. It Is also absolutely neces sary that the government and laws be established on the bed-rock of Jostles. true. Man Is a social being aad l or- i der to bit highest development and greateat happiness, civil govenitnent Is "oraalMd of OaaV kf not CJ fora as before stated. This Is for society to determine. j The lower the state of intelligence and morality, the more rigid must the laws and government be; the higher the plane of morality and Intelligence, the less need of government The Bible says, "The law (or government! Is made for the lawless and disobedient, for murderers," etc. Good men don't ned much Law. We will lay down a few self-evident facts, or propositions. 1. Each and every person born Into this world has the same rights iu It as any other ever born Into it 2. Kaco one has the same right to the fruit or result of bis labor as any other. 3. Kncb oue has the same right to the free use of the free gifts of God, his creator, as any other. 4. No mau or combination of men have any right to deprive any other of his God-given rights. Hence no government can Justly de prive any citizen of his natural rights. A man may by the commission of i crime against society forfeit his rights, otherwise he cannot be Justly deprived of them. The great mistake of most writers on political economy has lcen, In trying to construct a system Inde pendent of the moral economy or gov ernment of God. They assume that there Is no connection between politics nd religion. Most pollliciaus believe this. While they admit that man Indi vidually la responsible for his arts, they do not believe that corporations, socie ties and governments are. They as sume that civil government, out and out Is a mere partnership affair. That society by agreement forms govern ment and of course by agreement can unmake the same. This was the doc trine of secession. It produced bad fruit If a state could secede, why not a county, township or Individual. In essence It Is anarchy. While the people composing any socie ty have a right to thcldc what form of government they will have, they do not decide whether they will dispense with all government This they cannot do. God has so constituted the race i" .at government by law Is a necessity. No government Is anarchy. Anarchy would be destruction to the race. Civil government being ordained for the government of society collectively, the moral for the Individual, hence It follows that they must harmonize. The moral being superior, the civil must not conflict with It The moral Is the law between umn and his God. The civil between man and his fellow- man. They are wheels within wheels. No correct system of, political economy can be constructed that Ignore tha moral. It Is the greatest factor In the problem. "If Iniquity be framed Into law" there will be friction. Jarring and ultimate ruin, as there would be in machinery where cog-wheels fall to fit into each other. Isu tells us that "the nation or kingdom that will not obey God shall be utterly wasted," and the wrecks that lie all along the stream of time prove it true. Why have the great cities of our world perished? Great cities are monuments of robbery. Under a system of unjust exchanges, the concentration of wealth is made jMssible In' building cities that are occupied, and- legally owned by those who never gave to so ciety an equivalent And as "men's sins like their chickens come home to roost," cities are a concentration of vice, degradation, misery, poverty crime in fact a sink of Iniquity s seething mass of corruption, a bottom less pit of woe, a miniature hell.' When pestilence comes It finds the city, when political cyclones come they strike the cities first Bev. D. Oglesby In Chicago Express. Two Kinds of Repnbllcanian. One of the most widely known edu cators, authors and historians In the Bute, and a man who has on several occasions held public office, has dug up and sent to the Citizen the following prophetic words contained In President Abraham Lincoln's first annual mes sage to Congress (Dec. 3, Wilt, which make mighty interesting reading In these days of perverted and fallacious political economy, party bosslsm and capitalistic tyranny: It Is not needed nor fitting here that a general argument should be made in favor of populsr institutions, but there is one point, with its connections not so hack neyed as moat others, to which I ask a brief attention. It is the effort to place capital ou equal footing with, if not altove, kbor in the structure of Oovernnient. it is assumed that labor is available only to cotiuection with capital; that nobody la bors unless somebody else, owning capital, somehow by the ue of K Induces him to Ulir. This awiuaied, it is next consid ered whether it k best that capital shall hire laborers, and thus induce them to work by their own consent, or buy tueni sod drive them to it without their con sent Having pro-eeled o far, it is nat urally concluded that all laborers are cither hired la borers or what we call slaves, and, further, it is atuiutned that whoever is once a hired laborer Is fixed in that eondi t ion for life. Now, there is no such relation between capital and labor s assumed, nor i there any sm-h thing aa a freeman being fixed for life in the condition of a hired laborer. Both these aaauDiptione are false, and all Inferences from tbem are groundless. Iilxir la prior to and independent of capital. Capital ia only the fruit of labor and could never have existed if labor bod not first existed. Iilsir is the superior of capital and deserves much the higher con tidnration. Capital bss its r.guU, which are as worthy of protection a any other right, nor is it denied that there is and probably alwaya will be a relation Im wen labor and r&pnal producing mutual lien est. The error ia in assuming thi' the wbo'o labor of community exist within that relation. No men living are more worthy to be trusted than those who toll np from poverty; none less inclined to take or touch aug-itt which they have not koneatly earned. Iet tliein I ware of sur renderiag political power which t bey already posses and which, if surrendered will sorely be used to clear the door of rainsi aaeh as they and to fix new ii:ibilit;esnfl t.i.r.l. iu upn tbem till ll of iioerty shall 1 lust Thoughtful person, after reading and rereading the Above, cannot help but come to the conclusion that the great commoner was able to get a pret ty distinct view of the modern Hss urmrrle. thotich It was la Its Inctpl- eu. y in his day. The tool of produc tion was In crude form, ihe liiechanle was lmb-iiemlent and surrounded by natural opisirtunltles. the unemployed army was unknown, and the then pow erful middle chiss was In Its zenith of power and prosperity, and the stran gling trust was not dreamed of. Yet Lincoln, after analyzing the re lation of btlsjr to capital and. bear In mind, at a period when the capitalist labored and the masses of workers owned capital or received the Hon' share of the product of their toil was politician enough to attempt to bar monlze what he saw were hostile ele ments, although his strong sympathy for the men of toil and his hatred of oppression forced him to utter his fa mous warning to labor about surrtu- derlng its political power. The Kepubliean party of Lincoln day and the Republican party or iic- Kinlev's d.iv are two distinct parries. While forty years ago the party stood for the freeing and ennobling of labor, to-dny the party Is attempting to de grade and enslave labor by spreading the wrnlelous doctrine that capitalism must be nrotected and subsidized that it may In turn protect lalwr, thus IkIi11v declaring that labor Is depend ent upon the capitalist class, the falla cy that Lincoln jilnted out. Imagine McKlnley making the decia- ration, "Labor is prior to miu t.endent of capital," or "I-flbor Is the superior of capital and deserves much the higher consideration. And men picture to yourself. If you can. Boss llanna giving utterance to tue-c words: "Let them beware of surrendering a political power which they already pos sess, ana wnicn, it nurn-unni-u, surely be used to close the door of ad vancement against such as they ana to fix new disabilities and burdens upon them till all of liberty shall be lost" Cleveland Citizen. Barlnxa of Tom Watwin. The only way"to regulate a natural monopoly Is for the pi-ople to own It It is poetical to talk of this land of the free, but like a good deal of poetry it Is not true. Gold has less actual utility than al most any other metal, yet goldbngs talk forever about the Intrinsic value of gold. The nifin who has nothing to hope for has nothing to try for, and there-lilftl.-BB, lazy and worthless. Some men have more faith In the corrupt politicians of their party than tbev have lu the great body of the people. If the people could vote on each law oiiumtelv. thev would uct over the habit of swallowing platform In lump. The man who will not change his opinions for fear the people will laugh at him Is liable to be laughed at for his stubbornness. Those who are hunting for a "stand ard of value" are having as hopeless a search as those who sought for the fountain of youth. The transportation companies are making a big thing out of the war, hut ihcv are not willing to pay the one-cent stamp on their bills of lading. Money is only the representative of nronerty. Will any one tell us why the representative of a thing should have greater rights than the thing It- Sell I Railroads which cannot afford to provide devices to protect the lives of their employes can always afford lobby to protect the pockets of their stockholders. Farmer Gets the Wont of It Every citizen of every city depends on- the farmer for the means of life could not live a week without the re sults of his lalsir, says the Appeal to Reason. The farmer la not dependent on the cities ue nveo is-iore mt-j were, but none existed before the farm er, in this or anv other land. A farmer Is therefore the most essential mem ber of society, deserving the greatest reward for his labor, and would get It If he were not such a dupe and foot A farmer will work late and early In sun and rain to produce a crop. Then putting ten bushels of corn In his wag on he wilt drive ten miles to market and get $5 for his load. This load rep resents several days' lalwr, the capital on his farm aud tool mid his experi ence of year. When a farmer goes to the city and wants a hack from the depot an hour's ride will cost him S5. In other words, he exchanges several days' lalwr for one hour's labor. It' is not the hack driver who gets It. He la a very pauper. It goes Into rent taxes, Insurance, licenses, transiwtntlon and a thousand other robbery channels. All this can be remedied by a social sys tem that exchange day's labor for day's labor. In other words, It la a political question, and the farmers and laborers will be sklnncu until they learn It Glv lham Ksemptloa, Give every home owner an exemp tion of J-.itoo from tax and the monop olies will liear their just share of the burdens of goerument and In ten years there will be twice a many borne owners as there are at present Chica go Expreas. the Correct Kemedr. Don't weep for a fallen brother or slsterthey are the fruits of social conditions. After the conditions. Beu Tillett Interest le e Canker. Interest Is the canker which Is eat ing the life out or business. Breeder ml Revolstloa. Revolution are always the result of aaJust yatenia of taxation. Frank In a Dtplomatlo Way. rvdltb There Is one thing la pardev lar that I like Mr. Tactln for. lis Is M frank, you know. He slwsya tells mt of my faulta. without the leaat heslta tton. That was the agreement I cause him to make. Bertba-And you mean to say thai you do not get angry with nimr Edith-Never. Bertha-Tell me soma of the faulu) be has found In you? Edith Oh, be hasn't found any ye. When I ssk blm to name them be mi ways say that I am faultless-Boatol Transcript A "H-xMilr" Hatetr. The National Military Home at Mark on, InJ., i a a genuine curiosity in tbi shape of a common 81 anbi toostel that it bis tan it upon iwell to ha ck out a brood of chicks, and act a motbei and protwtor to tbem. He 't" on ( neat ol vg tbe requisite three weeki and hatched out the thiffy ehbk In re ular Uihion.and now be aeema to U very proud of it. He fondle and pro. tect them after the fhion of a )ofin nd jealous moli er. The asory of tbu qu--er looster l peculiar ct ha br. ughj many ieopli to ibe ba-na to obaerve iu barnyard phenomenon. A alCornia Ostrich Farm. An Interesting ostrich farm Is suo cessfuily conducted at J-anla Monica. The birds are in open pen surround ing a sort of field, two in each pen; thev are fed chiefly on corn, grass. nd chopped alfalfa a sort of .u- fornia clover,) wttn Plenty oi gravej nd bones thrown 10 Ibe plucking icgins wnen uiey an: wn-u iiioiinia old, and Is continued eerv seven months yielding flrteen plumes un der ea h wing aud several from the tall At the pro er tirau cacb bita s driven luto s corner of his corral or Inclosure, a Hour bark Is thrown over his bead aud he Is led to a Btrong bo ust large enough or ont ird, and I ere the feather am cut oil. If the woik ia not performed at ut the right time the feathers d e a' d become uselevi for tba market These birds were first brought to this country from .south A.rica for rarm- ig purposes Id l8i Lxperimcnw were tried wan tnein at var oua oints In the southern part 3f Call- fornU until It wan proved that tha soil an I the climate were entire! adapted to them, and there la f reason now wbr ostrich farrolnn should not become one of the im portant and most tuccess'ul Indus tries In these parts proviaea, oi course, there be a demand for th feathers, llearnthatln jsui mi exports of feathers from Cape Colony alone amounted to a,auu.uuu. in Africa the male bird siU on the egg at n glit, tbua sharing the cares and responsibilities of l ie with bis mate, and It is said they are often tnodcli of domestic affection in their can for and considerat ion of each other. Troy Times. Iteroisin. , ?IeroUm," said a great preacher, "Is nothing but a spark kindled Si the household, carried outside, and blown Into flame. A thin( that mother does eery dav of her life no tiodv celebrates, but, let her do it lie fore an admiring crowd, and she U heroic" The virtue I iu the spark. If It 1 necessary to do a noble deed Issfore the wor.d so that Its publicity biows it Into a Tame, all honor to tht spat k that It living ready for the publlr deed. Hut If it be necessary to do the n'ible deed In the secrel corner of the home, all honor to t1 spark that Is living ready for tb private deed in which the world see no heroism. If it wa only health, we might let it cling. Jut it ts a coutn. une coin no sooner passes off before another come. Bui It's the seme old cough all the time. And It's the same; old ttory, too. There it first the cold, then the cough, then pneu monia or consumption with the long sickness, and life tremb ling in the balance. loosen the grasp of your cough. The congestion of the throat and lung ia removed; all In flammation Is subdued; the parts are put perfectly at rest and the cough drops away. It hat no diseased tissue oa which to hang. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster draws out InBsflraatJoa of rba lungt. aaVaso 7 Naamnbar wa Have S Wastes! naaart mm II roa Kara aay amiaint w kaa ' a4 (hair Ua kaai awliral ale fa ca MMlhlr attain, writ Ike 4wtw Mala Taa. win raaair S taatoWjT. Aprs TV, J - fr4 J'i J .