The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 27, 1898, Image 1
' ' , ' ''' It 1 " V The Sioux County i- VOL. XI. HARRISON, NEBRASKA, THTJRSDAY, OCT. 27, 1898. no. i-st. our Motto-- no QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT." Journal" Hon. William J. Bryan, V The Sioux County Journal. tsruiiimtD ism. Subscription Price, fl.OO OFFICIAL PAPER OP SIOUX COUNTY, Geo. D. Canon. Editor. Entered t the Harrison poet office u eeeond clan matter. The Journal stands fairly ami squarely on the Chicago platform, but will not hesitate to 8U)port and work for the election of candidates for the various offices to be voted for this fall no matter, whether they are Democrats. Populht or free silver Republicans, if endowed by all the reform par ties, conditional, however, that they advocate bi metallism the income tax law, opposition to national banks of issue, are opposed to the retirement of the greenbacks and treasury notes, favor government control of railroads, telegraph and tele phone lines and tlie establish merit of postal savings bank ing system,, and also are op posed to the issueing of nation al bonds in time of peace. FCSI3 STATE TICKET. For Gnrmar: HON. W. A- POYNTEE. For Lieut. Governor: HON. A. E. GILBERT. Tor8c. of State: HON. W. F. FORTER. ForHUtCTrranurcr: . HON. J. R. MESERVE. For Btate Auditor: . Hon. J. W. CORNELL. For Attorney General : HON. C. J. SMYTH. For Com. Pub- Land Butlilinirt: HON. J. V. WOLFE. ForSopt. Public Instruction: HON. W. R. JACKSON. For CongTeM. 6th DUttuct. HON. W. H. GREEN. For Senator Utb Senatorial ftintrtct. HON, OTTO M13TZ. Far Representative, M District, HON. LEWIS OERLACII. Gov. Tanner of Illinois,, must be somewhat of an anarchist himself. Why? Because he has had the temerity to ac cum the coal barrons opperating at Vir dea, his state, as being guilty of murder la the killing of seven miners a week or so ago at that place. England and France are about to lock horns orer the Nile country in Egypt. Wonder if the Anglo-Saxon alliance wilt have a tendaocy to pull the United States into the trouble? Hon. Lewis Gerlach, returned from his trip to Crawford, Hemraingford and Alliance last Monday . noon. He feels quite well pledbod over the prospect of his election, Nov. 8th. r ' Teddy Roosvelt, is destined to have rougher riding to do than he did at Santiago, ff he succeeds in capturing the state bouse at Albany two weeks from next Tuesday. For what president McKinley, Banna and the repoblicao national campaign committee oondamned Hon. W. J. Bry an for ia the '06 campaign viz: rear-end car political speeches, the president is bow doing the same thing himself and has been since his special train left Col umbus, O. , for the IVana-Miseisaippi Ex position. But that ia one of those in stanoee where it makes a dflerence who's ox ia gored. Btnos president McKinley took his seat March 4th 1897 eomsthing like 20 trusts and syndicates have come into existence whose capital stock is over 13,000,000, MO and they control all or about all the kind of business of the United States that they are engaged in. Will the vot ers go to the polls and continue vote for that Mad ef reej legislators? 1 1 ... , i i A letter from Hon. Lewis Uerlach at Chadron today says everything is all O. K. so far as he in able to find out. Another huge trust in formed with a capital stock of f.10,000,000. This time it ij a tobacco trut. That prince of blasphee.uers Robert G. Ingersoll took an opportune time, while the Peace Jublee was being celebrated in Chicago to deliver himwlf of some of bis infldelic dostrine in that cit v on Sun day the lGlh inst. A man of his type should never be be countenanced in any community. Mr. McKinley' little )eeclies on lib Western tour, of course, are not meai,t to have much significance, but they have a little, as showing the way his mind is working. He still indulges in phrases (as be has doue on the question of reforming the national currency sys tem) at a crices when we have the great est clearness and distinctness. For instance-. "We have gone from labor seek ing employement to employement seek ing labor." Now, where has this occur red? The trade Journals deny that any thing of the kind can bee seen anywhere. N. Y. Evening Post Tne arraignment or the President by a strong, sterling Republican newspaper, the Springfield R-publican, for the re sponsibility of Alger and Sternberg, uses some strong language, which was in spired after a thorough instigation or the methods in vogue at the difierent camps. That paper says: "We denounce the Secretary of War as even a greater incompetent than the Sergeon General. A superb Secretary we have who, in the indignant words of Rev. Dr. Hamlin, of Washington, on Sunday, pleads the baby act' and throw s the blame upon his subordinate."." "Finally we denounce the President of the United States, upon whose shoul ders the responsibility for Alger and Sternberg rests. In defying public opin ion and keeping the Secretary of War in office, tha President assumes the full burden of that official's pottering mal adminirtration, redicnlous self-sufficiency and egregious conceit. All the hor rors of Camp Thomas and every other comp where horrors existed thus come to the amiable man in supreme powe." "Alger is responsible for Algerism, and McKinley is responsible for Alger" It was not a Democratic paper which ut tered this trueism, but a Republican paper, the New York Evening Post. The same paper further commenting upon the same subject say: "If the President shall allow Algerism to continue, tne President will pay the penalty and not alone the President, but also the party which elected Mr McKinley. (The people of the United States are indignant, and justly indig nant over the situation. If nothing is done about it, they will make this indig nation felt at the polls. The President must not allow hsmself to be deceived, and be must not be governed by any personal or political obligations incurred in the past. If he would avert the elec tion of a Bryanite majority in the next House he must unload Alger." The above is the class of Journalism the republican party denominates as yel low Journals, and Mr. Alger as "sewer" papers. Hitchcock Will Win. Omaha Oct. 20 IROfl. Ppeclal Correspondence to tbo Journal. The campaign in this city and South Omaha is progressing nicely, all fusion meetings are attended by enthusiastic crowds while indifference marks the meetings of the republicans. The first days registration shows a marked , in crease over last year first day's registra tion. Reports from the different con gressional and legislative district are all that the fusion committees could desire. Senator Allen will succeed himself mark that by a silver line over the door of the editorial sanctum also, that this district will be represented in the next congref a by a man who will represent the people of the district and not afraid to vote for his own resolutions. George Fred Williams of Boston was here last week and creighton hall was orowded to over-flowing to hear the dis tinguished orator. He said that every where the meetings were crowded and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. Following are a few republican paper which condemn the national Administra tion and Alger for the conduct of the Spanish-American war, and the treat ment of the brave boys in blue, on the battle field and in oamp which the Presi dent and Secretary of War, Mr. Alger are now working to white-wash over with their investigating committee, now in tension: New York Papers. Toe Economist, The Sua, The Financial News. The Herald. The Nation, StatU-Zitung, The Medical, Record, The Times, I 1 ---------, Of Boston. The Herald, Tho Advertoser, The Traoscript, The Journal The Post, The Globe, Of Philadelphia. The RecorJ, The N. American The Bulletin, The Times. Of Chicago The Tribune. The Times-Herald, The Record (Ind.) The Journal, The Times. The News. Remember these papers represent Yel low Journalism, so say the administra tion partisans, and Mr. Alger "sewer" Journalism. Are these papers all liars? Keep Your Party Vote at the Pre cinct Polling Places. The Journal believes it is the proper thing for the three reform parties in Sioux county the evening of Nov. 5th, next when the precinct vote is be ing canvassed to keep tab on their respective party vote. Something like the follow ing would keep the vote in a manner that each party could tell just how large a vote each party polled in the coun ty: Bowfn Precinct. Free Silver Republican vo' e 1 0 People's party " 24 Democrat "28 Total Vote 62 Tliree Doctors in COlinsuHatlon From Benjamin Franklin. "When you are sick what you like best is to be chosen for a medicine in the first place; what experience tells you is best to chosen in the second place; What reason (i. e., Theory) says is best is to be chosen in the last place. But if you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experience and Dr. Reason to hold a consultation toget her, they will give you the "best advice that can be taken. When you have a bad cold Dr, Inclina tion would recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy because it ispleasantand safe to take. Dr. Experience would te- commend it becanse it never fails to effect a speedy and permanent cure. Dr Reason would recommend it because it is prepared on scientific pcinciples, and acts on nature's plan in relieving the lungs, opening the secretions and restor ing the system to a natural and healthy condition. For sale by Dr. J. E Phin ey- READ THE JOURNAL This Week, sj sj q q Gj NOTICE To the voters of Five Points, Hat creek and Dodarc precincts. Your attention is called to the fol lowing changes in your pre cinct boundary line as follows sections 25 & 36twp 33 Range 54 has been annexed to and made a part of the territory comprising Sugar loaf pre cinct, sections 4-5-6-7-8-9-16-17 & 18 Twp, 32 Range 54 has been annexed to and made a part of the territory compris ing cottonwood precinct. Sections 2-3-10-11-14&15 twp, 32 Range 56 has been annex ed to and made a part of the territory comprising Warbon net precinct, and that the remaining territory in Five points, Hat creek and Bodarc precincts, has been consolid ated into one precinct, to be known as Hat Creek precinct. M. J. Blkwktt. , County Clerk EST To those who made arrangements to haul us wood on subscription, we would like very much to have it brought in as soon as possi ble. 'Edxtob. Some Plain Facts. Crave errors, injustice, wrongs o; greater or less degree, arise from lad Of knowledge of the truth, aud mor frequently from deception. The most infamous case on rocorc of deception and injustice is the at tempt to demonetize silver as a money of final redemption ia the United States. There is no learned judge, skilled lawyer, or court cf justice that is capable of reconciling the effort with the constitutional laws that govern the issue of money in this country. The people have been deceived, oficiuls in power, chosen to adminis ter justice under the laws, have ignored their sworn duty, and given aid to the scheme that has paralyzed industry, reduced property values cne-half, and beggared millions. There is no authority of law, either specific or by inference, by which gold alone is made the only money with which to discharge debts, either public or private. The effort to make it so is unconstitutional and a national calamity. Plain and ample information, facts, atxl truth, concerning this almost suc cessful scheme to corner the wealth of the people, is now being printed in the Cincinnati Enquirer, a news paper which the combined power of money has failed to muzzle or buy. The Weekly Enquirer is only 75c. a year. The address is . Enquirer Company, Cincinnati, O. mu Answer Any Question You may Ask It Standard American Annual. PRICE GENTS Ready Jan. 1, 1898, On AH News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. ffiTtt mnt widilf sold Aimml Rif me Book and Political Mamul publithtd. ' THE WORLD. Pulitzer Building, Now York. o a uoiihinrwM v ia n om nvwna nouvmmojni ivnoiavn t 'lis 'uij1 'uiuUi!d JO) pas 1jStd$ par ttiumng 'itiMMiuft :iirnm u -usoasaiMJ. '.qsiMMCJi 2jci43ino iuvn,8nojoiii auMut jno 'ioit i4i J Joi3njisu jmo "sail -npjMno jnoX qii 8uii.ij.uiui VjJlctti wmtiim OK ui minjd H30 jo noX sjrdajd pu ivg Mp oi uoiknp joj nni it) " neunu tm, 'Mfl JO 100H0S iimm n JO)jq ooireJim jiuwd ijt jo OoniaSfOJd m u pua iriuJlw) pcojq umiu U ti) Mmas jL ti pun nMov iojitj pin '.iujih tO KIIMUIUKQ 'jJUIUllTia J'0 3B3lud uni m pvq mm 1dp jo jsn) UJ, Ijyiunoo gBpj2pra fim Di tmiihk3 pan itiund Duiopn eiHiivj 'cmiiv- G" nnewrnibu tn loora Soman:) 'If 1 j r , noA V fa "1 moo, l; y, 'joifcisai uoiirtii (113 SJtUJ nil jtainwl JO) dim Si j-i 01 D ) 01 noX sepp a3 nrwnfl iq 'mi A A JM SSStUUJ I AOS 11)1 111 auoiiKod 1 I goo'oet m t u0 mm- boa h tOlltM Hi3HaH3A09 tS YOU A WORKER la Wood or rwui ? Nee aaaal tar Cstalt af Baw Foot Pock Machinery. 1 Itmm''- m M fMSs riV M eTimii WreWW K, Joke Bereae Ce Tie World thcyclopeoii e l. mm mv m id. Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them as cheap at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE in Harison, as you can in Chicago at the department stres. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has line of Gents furnishing goods for Fall and Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than Harrison. Come and see for yourself. And the Ranch Supply House will not be undersold on Groceries & Provisions. Come and be bOnvinced L. GERLACH, Prop. THE COMMERCIAL BANK: ESTABLISHED 1889.1 Harrison, B. E. Brxwstbji, President a K. OaiSWOLD, Oasbiar. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business COaElSPONDENT Aheucax Exchahqk Naticmal Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, FmsT National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Depoaiti tTDBwAJT9 SOLD ON ALL PABTS OF EUSCf. For Wa ean ask. to J oof meuore a loo. AU-Wool Suit I Latort City 5tyla Yen eaa b. a w.lWreed mia if too kaow how. Wilt ui (or Samples and Booklet "Html Lttf Will, Dnii Wtll, and flaw Money." Lares Fashion Plate - and Samplei rnm 1 Tit) DAVIS MACHINE CO. MSMO STOCK BRANDS. Ths Journal will publish your bmnil, Ike the followlnn, for 2 m. par vaar. Each ad ditional wand 75 cents. Krery farmer or rsDckmen In 81om and adjoining counties should adTartUs brands In TasJona mal aa It circulate all over the atata. it may be the meant of saving money for jrou. FRANK Nt'TTO. On left nidi of cuttle and on Isft shoulder ol horses. Range on Antelope creek 1 just put in a full any other store in Nebraska. O. F. Conm, ' Vln fffiaiiwl. . ... CUAKLES BIEHLS. On left eldo or hip of cattle, I On leftsbonlderof horaea. I iRanite on tbo hoad ot Warbonnet acreek Address Harrison, Slowz Oo. Neb. ' a w niim I On left shoulder of cattle borne. ItanMnn I ll. . . and I'O. ., Crawford tiobr. Slierirg Bale. By vlrtua of an order area la leaned br taa Clerk of tbo Dlatrict Court ot Ui r Sioux, and state of Cebnuka, npon a deerea renaerea ny aaid oourt in raver of WUliaaa H. Male. Benjamin Graham. William n.n. Jr., and Harris II. Haydan are plaintiffs. ano jamee uiara, uerbard Binders, Sibylla Rlndera, Martin Oayhart and Mra. Oayhart hi wife, and W. J. Bowden are defandanU, I will on tbe27tb day of October, A.D. im. at the hour of 1 o'clock n. m. r i .. . the eaat front deor of the Ooart House ft Hamsoa, In said county, offer aed sell te a aw .K louowiof aucnBM rati aetata tA.Mt Roath H of the Mth Waat , Lola ti aacwoa ia, Townawp at, Sanga M, la coaniT. neaTaaaa. at nuMia u.itu. mw- highest bidder for cash, te aatUfy aaid otdsr oi saia, ia tna sum or ai7S.n, with tnteraet thereon at thf rate of tn ner Mnt ... atim from the Oth day of Decnmber 1T, and costs and aocrulng cnt. TH0MA IlOI-I.r, ' sheriff of laidCeaaty. , i '1 4 "a "4 Si J 'J Iff . ' f i & 111111111111 mill I P. 0., GUilohrut. Iloux Co., N.b.