The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 20, 1898, Image 7

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( to
njr let your neighbors
know it?
And why give them a
chance to guess you are even
Ave or ten year more?
Better give them good
reasons for guessing the
other way. It Ta very easy;
for nothing tells of age to
quickly as gray bair.
Is a youth-renewer.
It hides the age under a
luxuriant growth of hair the
coior of youth.
It never fails to restore
color to gray hiir. It will
stop the hair from coming
out also.
It feeds the hair bulbs.
Thin hair becomes thick hair,
and abort hair becomes long
It cleanses the scslp; re
moves all dandruff, and
prevents its formation.
We have a book on the
Hair which we will gladly
send you.
It yon do not obtain all th nwrn.
flu f ou elected from the huh of Ui
Vigor, win th AtKlnt ttlx rtt It.
WubanlT lhr l ome difficulty
lt your ifiisnil v,eni whicu
Dty be eally rnuvl. A41'iail.
in. J. c Ayer, Lowell, Maea.
I'obltiy I'filnu-rn.
In ffi production lies the clue! source
of profit in j oultry.
Fresh laid eg;ts will hatch a little
sooner than those laid some lime.
Chicks in a healthy condition should
lively and Vigorous from the first
When a contagious dieeate appears in
a flock, the sill in the yard liecomwe con
taminated and nnlftfis thoroughly difin
fected certain conditions may cause dor
mant germs to become active, and the
disease will make its appearance again.
St. Louis Republic.
If a man speaks wi' bout thinking he'
apt to Bay what he thinks.
Why isn t a stuffed goat imitation
The Ixirrt's Itinerary.
A good story Is told by the Jewish
Metwnger of a number of boys who
were playing on a Haturday lu front of
an Episcopal chur h. The rector sud
denly came out of his pars.miixe and
told the boys to be quiet In front of the
Lord's bouse.
"That Is all right, mister." said tho
boys. "The Ixird Is not here to day. He
Is down the street at the Jewish syna
gogue." A homely man becomes good looking
after you have become accustomed to
blm. but a homelv woman never dot-.
nj wife bad lniplra on bnr fiu-e.Dut
he hm lny-a inking CASi'AKKTS and they
bave all cnaiippoartnl I b4 txi n troubled
With oooattaton for eoci' nine, but sftr tak
ing Uis first tcret J hare hud no trouble
ilh ihla aliment. Wo eatinot apeak too bl Il
ly of 'awareta." Flinu Wahtsk,
lyir rauaaeipaia, ra
Pleeient. Palatable, intent, Tm flood. Do
Ooud, NTr Sick.a, Weakeu. or Orli-e Vx. Zjc,
StHtef ttmmtt tinf. (kl, malwal. So twt. Mi
MTA Sold and euaranteed ny all drnit-
I UaVJeW iau u C'VatK Tobaooo Uebu.
A Map of the
United States.
fiend me 15 cents In stamp snd 1
will mail you a map of the United
atates, three feet f.-nr inches wide
hy five feet long. Printed In idx col
ors. Mounted on ro'lers. fihows
every state, cooatv, Important town,
and railroad In the United States.
Ussfnl. Ornamental.
J. rfancts, General raeeaagw Agent,
Oaah.t, Nab.
P. . II fou go weet via Omaha end the
RurlingUiri Xnwe,ou can lp off and tee
tbs Traae-Mlaatatlepl laiwalUon.
"Y'N TOf wm MewrsMO f
- ' jlH(M4 v.. v a. . V -
Hi. Jucoba tin
St. Jacobs Oil
f-t. Jucoba OU "
t. Jacoba OH
M. Jacoba Oil "
t. Jacoba Oil M
t-t. Jacobs Oil M
&U Jacoba OU -
bt. Jacoba OU
Muacuiar Acbea,
It. Talmage'a riret Attempt tm Praaek
Vt It bout Noa.aad Wbuat Hapoaned.
Several gentlemen were talking
over tho recent lecture of Dr. Tal
mage on "Itusjla and the Czar," in
the l'.ig8 Houe last night, when
Koolface De Witt told an interesting
story of the famous preacher's first
exierience In trying to deliver a ter
lu on without notes.
"It was years ago of course," said
Mr. Le Witt, "and occurred in my
old home, Belleville, N. J. Dr. Tal
mage was preaching there, atd one
wee tie made up bis mind to o Into
the pulpit the next Sunday without
notes or memoranda of what'he was
ttcing to say. He memorized his ser
mon, and believed he had It com
pletely at his tongue's end, so Sun
day he went to the church pretty
well fortided with confidence
"In those days in that section of
Jereer churches and hotels and many
private residences were equipped
with private gas machines, and the
church where Ta Image was to hold
forth had one, too. When he got
mto the DulpltNflfter conducting the
preliminary service all rlgnt he gave
out his text. Then he was horriaed
to find that ho couldn't, think of a
thing to ay. lie repeated the text
a second time, and yet bis Ideas
failed to come. He was in agony,
and began slowly and impressively
lo acnounce hi text a third time.
-s he rea -tied tho last word and the
perspiration of dread and shame was
beginning to start the gas went out,
and plunged tho place In utter dark
ness. There was no other means of
lighting the edifice, and when it was
announced that the gas machine had
bioken down hopelessly Ir. Talmage
pronounced the benediction, and I
have heard him say that he never
did so before or since with greater
lor vor or thankfulness of spirit."
Washington Tost.
i.unia .d ora.ic. Ptiiiiic anil ;
Fni; i T, ag.i.ciM, whmittua, p. o elegantly formed as the Border Lflees
Whydo lovers marry when courtship tor strain, of what may be called the
is so sneet? same breed, and of which a picture Is
our Corn SuTpiTi. given of a trio which gained the first
Explanation of the enormous increase
in Kuropi an corn requirements, evidenc
ed in Auiuriotn exp'irt,'20ri15l 0,000 past
year, is largely found in the extended
u-e in Continental Europe of corn in
stead of bsrley and other grains for cat
tle. Arnold, a leading German
importer, says that with the cattle ol
Germany feeding on American corn ther
will to market f t 150,0o0,000 in German
agricultural dii-t-cts nlone, that a largs
rlmie of the IO0.O ;0 worth of corn thai
now tio-s weekly to Europe is for thi
German lariner, and that the rest ol
Europe is learning the xame lesson.
In orrler to Introduce onr new dlarovnry.
n order to introduce onr new dlx'ovnry.
and sllwtually curing all iltneanea nt tlie "li)
11 lit! t nr niinici kki. inr rriiiuv i iik iibiiijiiju it
ho will lur the ni'Xt thirty uhvh aena nainpif
nuu,r'enwC:nliU'm'tml" l"" p"theBo strains ot this remarkable breed
jiionakcii avrPLY CO.,
x 4M ciiicago.
DEAR KPITOH: it you kuuw of a sollel-
tor or canvasser lu your city or elsewui-re,
eain-cially a nun who has solicited for sub-
g. r!.tions, insurance, ouriery stock, boom
or tallnring. or n uian who ran sell goods,
ymi will wafer a favor by telling him 10
eurresiiuiid with uh; or If you will insert
llils uollce In your paper anu auro pururi
vtill cut this U'.llee out and mall to us, w
may be able to furnish Ihem a good posl
ti..ii In their owu ni adjoining counties
lu .,1 1 Key.
An old and cur out key and lock: Is ;
attached to te dnor of Templo ,
Church, in Meet street London, j
Tne key weighs seven pounds, is
clgiuect. l.iclus long ana, iinnso
otiicr kevs was i.ot tiiiulo for ho
lock. On the contrary, tho lock was
made fur it Hnth key and loctf
have ticcn in uo since thu Crusndes,
the church itself having been built by (
tho Knights '1'iim lar tn Utt;i. ,
A IUIf lVs I'ii ' 1 l 1F ( IrWT
A iy i(jiuijiy i
tran. tt, l.o -ein-r, flushing. Mich.
"Earlv in November, 1H!4." says Frank
Imr. who lives near l.eimoli, Mich
I. Mich., va .
dinner table,
ly hack. The
starting to get up from I he
. a .. , --- (
pain increased and I was oh .gcd to toe
to my bed. The physi. iau M was sum-
inoued pronouni ed tny ease muscular i
rheiiinatisni accomtmiiii-d by huuhago.
It gave me remedies and injw-ted mor-
I i.ib,.,i ii .ill n rintti lit mv lillf
uhine into my arm to ease the paiu.
"Mv disease gradually became worse,
until I thought that death would he wel
come release from my sufferings. Besides
my regular iiiiysirinn f also consulted an
other, but he gave me no eneourageraeut
On netting Up rum Hit Tuble.
"I was finally immcen inrougii reaouig
lome aeeo.inls in the "''"paper" ",-yrlj
lag the wonderful cures wrought by Dr.
Williams' I'ink rills for rale reopie, 10
try them. I took the pills according to
directions and soon negan to notice
imtimvoinciit lu my condition. Before
the first IkjX was need I could get alsml
the house, and after using five boiea waa
entirely cured.
"Klnce that time I have felt no return
of the rheumatic pains. I am confident
that Dr. Williams1 l'iuk Pills saved my
life and I try to induce my friends wtioi
ire sicil te try the same remedy. I wllli l not possible, but dairymen are con
gladly answer luquirics concerning my, tent to form a favrable opinion of a
lick or
is snd wonderful cure, provided;
ia aacioaed far reply.
The Old Plow.
By the fence in the orchard the old plow
Slowly rusting and rotting away,
While the days go by with their dropping
And the world grows dull and gray.
It did Its work in the long ago
As it tumbled the stony soil,
And the harvest wavi?d with a golden
With a crown for the brow of toil.
It seemed to shout like a warrior bold
As it entered the stubborn field,
And the wind-swept clouds above it rolled
And the sun smote it shining shield.
Bnt now it stands by the fMice alone,
With Its share all brown with rust,
And iita ouken frame with weeds o'er
grown And smoldering away to dust.
And ss at the dear old plow I gaze
I think of the loved ones dead,
And the fragrant (lowers of the vanished
And the Joys that so swift'- sper"
And soon I know with the flowing tide
That furrows the silvered brow,
I, too, will be tenderly laid aside
To inolder like an outworn plow.
The Leicester Ptieep.
The first illustration Is a portrait of
a pair of yeurling ewes, recently cx-
niiuieo in r.ngiuuii. j ney are not so
at a recent Hlghhind show; but they
are unexcelled as a mutton sheep, and
a producer of a heavy ami valuable
111 ' '
Tin? pictures speak for them
It onlv need Ik said that, both
aru to oe rouuo tireu to pertcction oy
several of onr Camidlar breeders,
whose skill has kept up the style and
material value of the race. It Is one of
the curious examples of the differences
w,,.h will gradually grow out Of the
personality of breeders, each of whom
has a (hllerent Meal that these two
Jj .11 hi:tff.J)L
V. i ""VAi-f m
. t.KU-Knr.n kwks.
strains should have acquired from the
starting point, a distinct type, which
was certainly as distinct from each of
these as each Is from the other; and
which may still remain in the memory
of ,ln l'xl"'rt w'10 lny 'X't have only In
,inlld w.hat he aw a Inai s
ago. It Is thus that races change under
the Influence of skillful culture, or may
deteriorate under continued neglect.
j,iontreal Ilernld
,. .
Getting Kid or Ants.
. ,,,,", ,,,
C. II. Fernold, of tho MasHnchiwetta
exjierlmerit station, recommendea tlie
following, which Is a good and sure
. M . h . ,.h -,..,
. t . .
foot deep and about 15 Ineln-s apart,
over the hill or portion of the lawn
Infested by th anis, and Into each
hole pour two or throe tenspoonfule
of bisulphide of carbon, stamping the
dirt Into the hole as soon as the liquid
Is poured Into It The bisulphide of
carbon at once vaporizes, and, penneftt
lng the ground, destroys the ants, but
does not Injure the grass. One should
remember while f.s!:is this substance
that It Is highly and
should not bring near It a flame or even
a lighted cigar.
Fcarcltr of Cottle,
rattle are becoming scaive In the
Vot, and the Basiern market will be
affected by the conditions oxlntlng In
the entitle regions, farmers who ralsit
mure calves, and of good quality, will
get good price for tlwm by the time
tht'jr are nuiturtHi. There ta no nettT
to dispose of the surplus foods
' ' .... ' .
l" w ton-
some It, and t&e manure will also be
an important Item on the farm.
Jadglna Cow.
It may truly be said that to know a
cow well she must be examined Inter
nally, so aa to Judge and score her
heart, lunge, liver and stomach, which
to y, f If sbe baa a dean
body, Indicating the possession or large
digestive organs. Long experience has
taught progressive dairymen that a
cow having a wedge-shaped form, the
rear being wide, the udder large and
extending well both front and back,
with the teats set regularly and well
apart, Is usually one that will not dis
appoint her owner, but as the individ
uality of the animal Is also a factor
In the breed, the disposition, freedom
from disease and quality of the prod
uct must be considered, especially as
no two cows are alike, and the quantity
and quality of the milk and butter may
vary with the same Individual daily.
The calf should also conform to the
shape of the cow, and even the embryo
udder will give some Indication of its
future. An experienced breeder gives
this rule for Judging of a cow or calf
by Its appearance: With the eye meas
ure the distance from the tall about
hnlf-way down the rump, as it drops
straight down, to the rear line of the
thigh, and the greater the distance be
tween those points, and the more curv
ing the thigh, the better the cow'. The
hips must curve away from the tall
as the Indication of a good milker.
RaiHinK a Bpring'a Level.
It Is often the case that a spring Is so
situated that the water Just fails to
run from It luto the house or stable. If
tho source of the
spring Is evidently
considerably higher
than the spring Itself,
get a section of Iron
water nine, such na
are laid in cities, and
pui it over me moutn
fK of the spring's Inlet,
Wl.'v as shown In the illus
nr f trntlon. filllnv In nit
X witn stone and ce
ment, giving the
water an outlet only
by raising In the pipe. It can then be
carried Into the building as desired.
The hydraulic ram also furnishes an
other method of raising water from a
spring on a lower level. These rams
are now made to work extremely well,
and are, moreover, very reasonable In
price. Considering that nature can
thus be harnessed and made to work
for us without compensation, It Is
strange that a greater number of
farmers do not take advantage of the
hydraulic rain. As It can work night as
well as day, one bust only to supply a
tank of sufficient size to thus utilize a
Sluing from which little water flows
per minute. New York Tribune.
Advantage of Small Farms.
Too much land is expensive If It Is
not kept In good condition, as the taxes
thereou will be an expense which must
always be met. But few farms are
well supplied with train ure, and the re
sult Is that tie land Is not adequately
furnbthexl with plaint food. Nothing la
gained by spreading the manure nec
essary for Ave acres over ten tlmea
that area, for the smaller the yield
the greater the expense of growing a
crop In proportion to receipts. The
largest yields are on small farms, and
the pronto are greater less la
bor Is required In hauling and harvest
ing tho crops. The distance of hauling
the manure to a field regulates the
number of loads, but tbe for
labor Is the same- for a few lomte as
for many where tibe handling of the
manure ts an Important matter. It Is
In the concentration of effort that the
ex pens- s are le.-sotied. If a farmer can
secure eilghty b;:sli.-Ls of corn from one
acre he will make a larger profit than
from forty bushels PT acre, as he will
have only one acre to plow and culti
vate, and his land will become bettor
every year because of beJng well man
ured. t'lntn for (tie Hennery.
Active hens are the best layers.
Clean houses and runs aru tne Post
A nest egg will usually stop her
scratching the nest; If not, use shav
ings. A spoonful of oil or turpentine Is a
good remedy for tapeworm In poullry.
If fowls leave part of their breakfast
In the dish, remove It.
If their appetites fall, a change of
food is needed.
Anything that will make milk will
make eggs, but don't feed much cotton
seed meal or rye.
Drop Poor for the Ram,
The accompanying Illustration shows
a very bandy drop door for basement
barns. It Is hinged to the barn sill at
the top. Another pair of hinges are
fitted about the middle. By turning
m " iff.
I '
the button a parallel to the board of
the door, the lower half of the door
can be raised by means of the cord b,
which runs over the pulley c. If It Is
desirable to open all the door, turn tht
button a Into the position shown In tho
cut. Then by pulling on the cord b,
the whole door Is raised. Orange
Judd Farmer.
Fire Insurance.
. Kvt.v owner of a home owes It to
hlms df, and his family aa well, that
he have the property Insured, unless
be be one of those fortunate Individ
uals Whose mentis are so ample that
he can carry the rtok himself cheaper J
than he can got an Insurance company i
ta do It for him. j
Letter from Mrs. Carrie F. Tremper that all Suffering' Women Should
Read. "
Ovaritis or inflammation of the ovaries may result from sudden stopping of
m y l - -grrr ai i
! rmttin
antold agony. The firstdose helped me. And now, afterusing eight bottles of
Vegetable Compound, one bottle of Mood Purifier, one box of Liver Pills,
I am proud to say I am as well as I ever was. I might have saved a large
doctor's bill and much Buffering, had I tried your precious medicine in ttio
beginning of my sickness. All in the village know I was not expected to live,
when I had the first and second attacks. In fact, I had no hope until I began
taking your Vegetable Compound. It has saved my life."
K Million Women Have Bern Benefited by Mrs. PinKhaT"'s ArMce M?c!rine
fcimaitli Omelet.
Spain uses smokeless powder and bit
less shells. Baltimore American.
It would be bard to convict a Spanish
gunner of assault and battery with in
tent to kill. Indianapolis Journal.
The meaning of Morro castle is a "tall
high bluff," and Spain isn't doing a
thing but putting up the lest one of
her hiitory. Detroit Journal.
Up to this time there has been no oc
tasion to unearth Btoriee concerning
(he boyhood of any of the Spanish ad-(rir-lo
nl i T ."ei-.
1 Cc IP
ils o
' ' folhe Rescue. S
an army of men (who chew it) ready
to rescue it: large enough to shovel
Spain off the map of Europe. No
other chewing tobacco in the world
has ever had so many friends.
Remember the name
when you buy again.
Tt Beat
Saddle Coat.
Kurt both rlaer and saddle per
fectly dry In tha harteet storaia
.ihlltuto wlllftl.fDPolM. Aakfor
mo? i isn nrana -imel sinner
it laentlrtlynew, i, not ferula In
your town, wrta far caauafue to
a. j. i uwtK, sww, ma.
monthly flow, from mnammation of the
womb, and many other causes. The
slightest indication of trouble with the
ovaries should claim your instant
attention. It will not cure itself, and
a hospital operation with all ita ter
rors may easily result from neglect.
The fullest counsel on this sub
ject can be secured withoutcost by
writing to Mrs. I'inkham, at Lynn,
Mass., and asking for her advice.
Your letter will be confidential
and seen by women only.
m Mkb. Carrie F. Tremper, Lake, Ind.,
whose letter we print, is only one of
Qj many that have been cured of ovarian
rrj troubles by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
laoie tompouaa.
" Dkar Mrs. Pinkham: I waa
suffering from congestion of tho
ovaries, misplacement of the womb,
irregular, scanty, and painful
menstruation, also kidney trouble.
I had let it go on until I couM not
sit up, and couldnot straighten my left
leg. My physician gave me relief, but
failed to cure me. Heading the testi
monials of different women, telling what
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had
done for them, I decided to give it a trial. I
had almost given up hopes, as I had suffered
The Hog of the 1.h
C. M. Irwin gives the following do
s ription before the Swine Breedwrs1
association of Kansas of his idea of
the oom nghog: "As regards the com
ing hog, I will just briefly give mjr
idea of what we should try to make
it. It should have a very short head,
broad between the eyes, small, thin
and well-tipped ear, deep through tha
heart girth, because that denotes vi
tality, well-sprung rib, nicely arched
back, extra large hrv s, and a hog of
short leas and standing erect on his
Sf5 was in danger
there would be
r uiism I ve nig w l,.r anaal
ta I -1 Ji. I dtarkeraae, USaaiaiat
f Qn.u y Irritalioae er alearai
,L 5,M,,,,"a)e
1 . ---", hi eoi aainai
ixirvMI umesiouuo. aaai or aaiaoaeaa
1 ajeia mw Bnaa
jr aaal la Hah iihm
Olraalat aaal ea sasaaa
ld brdraewieaa,
I Ullis WHtK
1 Beat Conata Srrn
I 1 In lima. Sr
N. N.U. NO. CI -42 VORKNU.
, AS?