The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 20, 1898, Image 2

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    Lttrrtcon Journal
is now able to sit tip and notice
gtfll the stream of true lore is likelier
the lees smooth If there arc
both aide.
Otrts kissing Hobson merely recalls
when the beros of the war are
rated he must be embraced.
country boy has to lire about ten
nn la the city before he can appre
ciate what a good home be had on the
pain's experience with the "man-
i" policy In war proved so aisastrous
he didn't follow It in arranging
far peace.
Those English noblemen wbo sold
tfcatr Influence to thaj London promo
tar succeeded in making Hooley shows
af themselves.
flie American way of treating prls
aaara of war is calculated to arouse a
great deal of discontent among those
who were not captured.
peed Is the great requirement of a
SMdern nary, and it's on record those
Cpanisb fleets got out of sight quicker
i any previously known.
After all, it may be pointed out, In
Isaple justice to an unjustly used wo-
that Mis Schley did visit Madrid
that Spain did sue for peace.
According to the highest medical au
thority tomatoes do not cause cancer.
The worst thing they are responsible
for probably is the tomato worm.
Poker has veasme so popular in VI-
that the city au'horities have ls-
orders forbidding the citizens to
play It. This is another Austrian
thrust at American institutions.
The Sultan has expressed a desire to
fcay some first-class American guns for
fcto navy. Abdul Hamid now is on the
tight track; but he can't buy what he
for American gunners are not in
i market.
If Promoter Hooiey's statements In
Wukruptey are trustworthy It cost him
aa high as $25.XX) to be introduced to
m English nobleman. But that seems
saatlrelv creditable: It has often coat
Aoerican heiresses more.
A shoe dealer says the time to buy
aww boots Is in the afternoon, when
ease's feet have reached their largest
proportions. The, average fashionable
girt, however, prefers to buy shoes
when her feet are smallest
The condition of the roads near San
tiago Is Indicated by the remark of a
correspondent: "Even In what are
comparatively dry times, wagons come
la with their spokes a mass of mud to
tbe hub, so the wheels look solid, like
those of a locomotive."
One result of the war with Spain will
ho to enhance the value c if American
dtlsenship in the eyes cf the world.
Hareafter the American flag and the
American citizen will be respected
abroad as they have never been before.
Among all but the best educated and
most traveled classes we have always
had the reputation of being a nation
C shopkeepers, shrewd, boastful vul
gar, but of little account outside of
commercial transactions. They know
better now.
A great deal has been said and writ
ten in regard to the tactics adopted by
the Spanish sharpshooters in: the bat
tles around Santiago, and our people
have been led to believe that the Span
ish are more treacherous than the sol
diers of other nationalities. In the
wholesale homicide called a battle it
Is regarded as perfectly legitimate for
the sharpshooter to conceal himself in
any way that presents Itself, and it
la Us business to kill in cold blood.
The Spanish sharpshooters did only
what our own sharpshooters would
aaabably do If the opportunity came to
theaa. The only way to po an end to
each practices Is to hare done with
The ancient city of Winchester, Eng
laskd, to this year celebrating Its one
thaaaandth anniversary as a municipal
corporation. Its first mayor having been
aw Beornwulf. in 898. It was. It will
ha remembered, the capital of England
fa the reign of Alfred, the one thou
saadth anniversary of whose death is
aaaa to be commemorated. Winchester
It Mcatlfled with the Camelot of the
Afffcarian legends. Curiously enough.
Tory time has been chosen for a
attack npon the history of
Oar ehi.f ''iwldgi! concern-
3 Is derived from a La:!n mann
jtt attributed to Asser. But careful
bow declare that manti-
t la be a mere compilation of more
r Vat apocryphal tales, made some
rrVtahm after Alfred's time, aad there
fj CM actual danger that the great
assy become aa doubtful aad
C ,Jwy persoaage aa Arthur ktav
t 1 gsTorthetsss, the world will arob
r J CSXSaat teettag re the tale of the
.A ' t cSas aad rightly, for tt to adj
, . ,. J.4-- whether aathoBtle
ramarhabto facts ta
wtth the affects
"- gr!
totSata to the
af casta raasMxy
t "t tt
r star - - m 1
of the surgeons' quarters during the
civil war will not appear in the present
war. The Mauser bullets make dread
ful gaping flesh wound at close range,
but at ordinary ranges they either kill
or leave a comparatively slight wound.
During the civil war the death rate in
cases of wounds perforating the abdo
minal cavity was nearly 90 per cent
One of the surgeons in charge of the
men wounded at Santiago says the per
centage of fatalities from this cause
will be less than 3 per cent in the pres
ent war. There is no counting on a
Mauser bullet It may pais through
one man and scarcely injure him, yet
It may hideously mutilate the next man
to him. On the whole, however, the
small caliber rifle bullets are more hu
mane than the big musket bullets used
In the civil war.
Only a year or two ago new rules of
the road at sea were put In force by
agreement among all the leading mari
time nations. These rules prescribe ths
duties of mariners toward one another,
what to do in case of a meeting of
ships, the conduct of those who are in
position to help others In distress and
In genera: they regulate intercourse be
tween those wbo meet on the highways
of the sea. It was expected that these
new rules, together with the extensive
mapping of the seas and directions to
steamships In the matter of routes at
different seasons of the year and for
different classes of vessels, would re
sult in making ocean travel much safer.
But the Bourgogne dlsaster'proves that
ocean travel is yet lamentably unsafe.
The case of the Bourgogne shows that
reliance cannot be placed wholly on the
watchfulness and care of those who
direct the ocean steamships and the re
port of the board of inquiry at Halifax
concludes with a recommendation that
new steamship lanes be established
across the Atlantic ocean. This ap
pears to be necessary. Ocean travel
has Increased rapidly In recent years
and now the Atlantic Is traversed daily
by hundreds of vessels, large and small.
Well defined ocean lanes are essential
to the preservation of this commerce
and the safety of those who cross the
sens. The disaster of July last should
result in the establishment of new
steamer routes and greater safety to
those who travel. The fact that It has
become necessary to establish definite
routes for all vessels crossing the At
lantic and to place all steamship com
manders under strict orders illustrates
better than could be In any other way
the extent to which the world has be
come smaller by reason of man's con
quest of the mighty seas. The hemi
spheres are nearer to each other than
ever before. The ocean highways unite
rather than separate the nations.
The business invasion of Cuba has
begun. The first American business
concern to operate in the islands la the
Southern Express Company, which has
opened an office in Santiago and is for
warding and receiving articles with
such promptness and dispatch as has
never before been witnessed hi the
Antilles. This company is the forerun
ner of many concerns which will avail
themselves of the exceptional business
advantages in Cuba following the es
tablishment of a safe and stable gov
ernment American emigration to the
Island promises to be large and capital
ists are familiarizing themselves with
the character of its undeveloped re
sources for the purpose of future In
vestments. Neither natives nor Span
Lards know anything about manufac
turing except by primitive methods.
and although small plants for the man
ufacture of Ice, paper, soap and possi
bly a few other articles have been es
tablished in Havana Province the isl
and Is practically a virgin field for the
American manufacturer. The agricul
tural resources of course are best
known and Is-st developed, but the ap-
plication of American methods In this
principal Industry would increase
greatly the products and the profit de
rived therefrom. In the eastern end
of the island there are large deposits of
iron and copper ore, but the mineral
resources are wholly undeveloped. Rail
road construction and operation will
also Interest Investors, and the oppor
tunities In these respects are particu
larly Inviting. The ten lines of rail
road In the Island have been greatly
damaged during the War, and some of
them have been practically destroyed
There are 17,000,0jO acres of nncleared
forests in Cuba, with more than forty 1
species of wood, among which are ce
dar, oak, mahogany and ebony. There
are also two species of palm, the yarey
and the royal palm, which can be
piofitably converted into articles of
commerce. All of these resources only
await the magic touch of American en
terprise to give them life and activity,
and the vanguard of the commercial
and industrial redeemers is on the way.
A Dream Caa-es Ueath,
In Hartford, Conn., a mj was so dis
appointed to And that a dream he had
was unreal that be killed himself. He
was Whiting Q. Miner, U0 years old, a
retired merchant and committed sui
cide by shooting himself. Miner, the
previous night dreamed that be was
young again and vigorous, and that bis
family were all around blm and happy.
Disappointed to a wake and find that be
had only 1eer, dreaming, the old man
began to brood, and In the afternoon
be was found dead In bis room, shot
through the bead.
Qaeer Barometer la Eaalaad.
One of the most curious stone in the
world Is found la England. It Is a
aatural barometer, and actually fore-
tstto probable changes In the weather.
It tons black shortly before aa ap
proaching rain, while la on
tt to mottled with spots of white.
Vastly erery maa, was ha Mtovaa
he to gtfes C wasts t, lam tta
krrescioa Oat b., aerer C$
THE LOVE STORY : : : jjj
I small town in Vermont Lizzie Mac
ready was known as No. 6. The
name was particularly fitting for more
reasons than one. Lizzie was the
youngest child in a family of six. She
was the Bixth orphan wbo had been ad
mitted to the Institution in the sixth
year of its establishment Her father
was a locomotive engineer on the Ver
mont Central Hallway. Lizzie, the
youngest child, was 6 years old wh-n
he was killed in a collision, and
brought home a corpse to bis little
ones. His eldest daughter had been
keeping house since the death of her
mother, and soon after the father's
demise she married a section boss. The
children were scattered among friends
and relatives. The boys had found
good homes and were ail at work earn
ing money, Lizzie was taken into the
orphanage, of which her aunt a kiudly,
tnlddle-aged woman, was matron.
Nobody objected to this arrangement,
for Miss Sanders stood very high in the
esteem of the townspeople, wno
thought it but right that the youngest
child of the dead engineer should be
cared for at the expense of the county,
since all the others bad not become
burdens on their charity.
Number Six grew up a likely girl
amidst the orphans of the place, and
now, at the age of 10, she was quite a
help to her aunt who still continued in
charge of the county's waifs. All who
had been there when she was a toddler
were gone. The girls had sought ser
vice with the townspeople, the boys
were at work in the fields. Lizzie was
taking upon her young shoulders the
cares which burdened the white-haired
woman who had loeufa mother to her.
At this time there was not an empty
bed or cradle in the Institution. An
open winter, something unusual In the
rigorous climate of the Vermont hills,
had depopulated the firesides and filled
the graveyard. For years there had
not !eeu Infants In the home until this
winter. Now there were two, a boy
and a girl. The former was the son of
the schoolmaster. The girl was a poor
washerwoman's child. Bud, the male
infant was robust enough and thrived
as successfully among strangers as be
had in his mother's arms, but Bee, lha
charwoman's Infant daughter, needed
a deal of attention. This little mite of
humanity had been christened Beat
rice, to the great astonishment of ev
erybody. A washerwoman calling her
child Beatrice, was an unheard of
thing among the plain people of the
Vermont hills. Maggie, Mary or Annie,
wagged the gossips, would have been
more suitable.
Mrs. Rossiter, the mother of little Be
atrice, came the Green Mountain
town when her child was not quite a
year old. She wore widow's weeds and
Informed those who asked after her
antecedents that her husband had died
a short time ago, leaving her lu pov
erty. He had been a gcad man, she
explained, but a year's sickness bad
eaten up their little savings.
This was in the summer of the year,
and a few days lefore Christinas the
mother was called away from Utile
Bee, before she could indicate what
she wanted done with her child. After
the burial of Mrs. Rossiter, the baby
was taken to the orphanage and placed
in charge of Miss Sanders. From the
first Lizzie Macready Number Six
took a violent fancy to the little one.
Bee got all the coddling and fondling.
She was such a wee thing; so delicate
and frail. Big blue eyes gazed wist
fully out of a tbln, pale face, an there
was a sad droop to the baby mouth, as
If the child realized its forlorn condi
tion. For a time after Mrs. Rosslter's com
ing to Water Hollow, the gossips In
dulged In talk about the legitimacy of
little Bee. All doubts were set aside,
however, when the Public Admiulstra-
tor found In an old tin box among Mrs.
Rosslter's rffects two marriage cer
tificates. One. tbe latest pronounced
her the wife of James Rossiter, whom
she had wed sis yesrs before the baby
wss born. The other was ten years
older. It bsd been Issued by a minis
ter In a sinsll town of New York, and
by It tbe woman bad become the wife
of a man named CorrelL
This was news. Indeed, to the deal
sens of Water Hollow, aad they at once
speculated what had become of bar
rat husband. By the ttoae they bad
foaad something else la talk about
Baby Bee was forgottoa, a far as they
I Cawtf a K&m C
cared for by Number Six, who had be-
come deeply attached to her, and could
not endure to have her out of her
sight Several opportunities presented
themselves for Bee's adoption, but Llz
sle Mat-ready objected. She could not
bear to think of a separation from the
little waif whose life, like hers, seemed
cast In lonely paths. But there came
a time when even Lizzie could no
longer expect to retain control of Bee
Rossiter. A childless couple had come
to summer at a nelgbbonug resort In
the Orecn Mountains, and while on
their Journey visited the orphanage.
They had long ago decided to adopt
a child, and a glance at little Bee satis
fied them that she was Just what they
wanted. The bargain was made and
it was agreed that Bee sliould be sent
to them a few days In-fore their sum
mer sojourn came to an end.
From that time on Ntimler Six was
a changed being. She pined and fret
ted, as the day drew near that would
separate her from the little glrL and
Aunt Sanders was more than once com
pelled to call In the house physician o
administer to her niece.
The girl, who had tasted all the bit
terness of an orphaned life, clung to
the motherless child with all the
vehemeney of a first love. Night and
day she prayed that something might
Interfere to let her keep the girl a little
And the unexpected happened. A
stranger alighted one day from the sin
gle-borse fly, which plied ln-tween the
railway station and the best hotel lu
town. He was a handsome, prosper
ous-looking man. Ills clothes and the
alligator bag Indicated that. He usked
for the best room In the house and paid
for It lu advance. The morning after
his arrival he set out for the parson
age, and through the volubility of the
minister's housekeeper, it soon leaked
out that he had come to Inquire alwit
.Mrs. Rossiter. The parson took him
first to the little graveyard and showed
him the mound U-neuth which the old
char-woman lay buried. Iheu he ac
companied blm to the orphanage to see
little Bee.
Lizzie Macready was busy at a win
dow, when tbe stranger and the parson
walked up the gravel path. The
bronzed face of the former was aglow
with excitement Lizzie had never seen
a more pleasing face, she thought. It
was a good, honest face, too, and when
a moment later she was requested to
bring little Bee to the reception-room
her heart tbroblted wildly. Perhaps
her prayer had been heard!
The woman and the child entered the
room, and the stranger came forward
to greet them. He caught tlip little girl
in his arms and kissed her. Bee, who
had never before been caressed by
man, wound her arms around his nock
and laid her bead on his shoulder. A
good omen, thought Lizzie, and con
fldingly shook the stranger's hand.
The minister Introduced the visitor as
Mr. Correll, little Bee's half-brother.
His father, a wild, reckless fellow, had
left bis wife. He had taken their child.
a boy, with him. The boy was tbe
man, who now stood U-fore them.
They bad drifted to the mining camps
of Colorado and there Correll bad
amassed rlcbes. A few months ago he
died, leaving everything to his son and
Imploring him to find his mother. This
the son did. lie had learned of his
mother's divorce snd marriage to Ros
siter, and of tbe birtb of a baby girl.
Their trail led to tbe little mountain
town In Vermont and here be found
one In her grave, tbe other a public
charge In an orphanage. Now be
would take her away with blm and
spend bis riches upon ber. In a day
or two be would be ready to depart
Lizzie Macready grew pule as death,
when he announced bis Intention. The
child, still nestling In his arms, held out
her hand to ber foster-mother.
"Dear Number Rlx," she cried, "1 can
never leave you!"
Sweet blushes crept In the girl's
cbeek at tbls avowal of affection on the
part of tbe child. The
stopped and kissed her band.
"How can I ever thsnk you for what
you bare done for ber!"
for days Mr. Correll, the rich young
miner, lingered In tbe little mountain
town. Again tbe gossips got together,
wondering wbst kept him In a place so
devoid of attraction to people with
money. There was nothing In the way
af little Bat's departure, Rarely that
feailsa youaj woman,
ready, would not again ium-ii'.
Every day the stranger went 10
orphanage to spend hours with his lit
tle sister and her beloved .Mini""
for he Insisted that Lizzie Macready
should accompany her charge on all
their strolls through the garden.
At lit hp Informed the lun.lioru 01
the little hostelry that be would depart
the next day. He ordered a four-seat
carriage instead of the single fly to
take him to the station.
"1 am not going alone tbls time, ne
said, with a happy Btniio.
Going to take the little gin uu
you, I see, answer mc
savimr to himself that tnere woum
one lees for the county to feed.
Yes, and a wife?' continued oorreu.
A wifer gasped the innkeeper.
"Where did you get er?'
Over at the orphanage. lam going
to be married In the morning to Lizzie
Macready Number Slx-you know I -
St Louis Republic.
r, Tn . Without the Aid
yiKci . j m
of tke Simple 1001 .
Jaiier Whitman, of tbe county Jail,
has on his desk a lamp which Is at once
a curiosity and a specimen of what can
be done bv a prisoner with scant mate
rials. It was taken from tbe cell of two
of the prisoners last week, and Is now
on exhibition.
The lamp la nearly as simple as the
old Itoman ones composed of a floating
wick ami a vessel of oil. In this ease,
the receptacle for oil is a whisky bottle
atKHit. eight Inches in height of the
shape favored by men who have busi
ness In prohibition towns, with a ca
pacity of perhaps a quart When found
by the guards It was filled with gaso
line, a fact that would make Its use ex
ceedingly dangerous. The burrwr Is
composed of a cork and part of a gas
Jet The tip of the Jet containing the
slot-shapcl opening for the escape or
the gas has been removed, leaving a
round hole In the end of the Jet A
round hole bad been made In ihe cork
of the bottle with a knife, and into this
the jet tod been thrust making a rude
but effective burner.
In the manufacture of the wick, con
siderable Ingenuity had been shown.
It Is composed wholly of white twine,
twisted Into strands, and these neatly
braided together Into a round wick, as
smooth and regular In appearance as
a braided sash cord. The wick runs
through the Jet down Into the tmu1c.
A number of plumber had leeii at
irork filioiri the 1a!l building lust le-
fore the lamp was found. It Is sup
posed that the gasoline In the little
was taken from their torches, w hlh- the
otilier materials had Ix-en picked up In
odd places. The only motive for the
manufacture of the lamp which the
Jailer can assign is a restless longing
for something to do, as the cells of all
the prisoners are brilliantly lighted by
Another article of prisoner manufac
ture lit Jailer Whitman's possession Is
a "Wliy," of which the butt or heavy
end, usually filled with bird shot. Is
packed with tightly rolled pieces of tin
foil. Much of the smoking tobacco In
common use Is packed lu tinfoil, and
this, the jailer thinks, Is the source
from whence It was obtained. The tin
foil was pounded Into hard lumps, and
makes a fair substitute for shirt as lead
for the billy. Its handle Is of cord,
tightly woven, and It Is supposed that
the leather cover Is from mi old shoe.
The w-hole makes a fair substitute for a
regular billy, and might oe used with
considerable effect as a westpon.
In the penitentiaries many curious ar
ticles are turned out by the convicts,
but in the county Jail the absence of
anything In the way of tools makes
thee specimens of prisoners' Ingenuity
rather rare. Chicago TLiies Herald.
Immense Indian Temple.
The largest heathen temple in the
world Is at Herlngapatam (the city of
Vishnu), In India. This Immense tern
pie comprises a square, each side le-
lng a mile In length, mid Inside of
which are six other squares. The walls
are twenty-live fi-ct high and five feet
thick, ami the grand hall, In which the
pilgrims assemble, Is supported by
1,XH) pillars, each cut from a single
stone. There Is a very large and mag
nificent Buddhist temple at Rangoon
standing on a huge mound of two ter
races, the upper one being 100 fwrt
alwve the ground outside, and In ex
tent OOOxOSa feet The underground
temple of Kasl! is an.-iher temple, all
excavated out of the solid rock so are
the temples of Elephants.
Diminutive Woman In Ohio.
Miss Bally I'odney, a 25-year-old worn
an of Hprlng Valley, O., weighs only
twenty-six pounds. Her height Is 34
Inches. She Is fairly well educated, har
ing attended the district schools until
she was past the school age. Khe has
always rejected any proposition to ap
pear before the public for gain, al
though she could have realized a for
tune by so doing. P. T. Ttarnum, the
showman, at one time offered her
large sum to travel with bis show.
Homewhit Nnlir,
ITenshsw To me the merry prattle
of children Is music.
Tenbrocck Yes; but It's er rather
Wagnerian, don't you think? Phllndel
pbla North American.
When a woman Is sick, and her
friends refuse to let visitors see her,
the story Is started that her family I
drying to keep It a secret but tbe pa
tient is reany insane.
Thirty years sgo there wss a charm
about water melons that we do not no
tice now.
A brutal young man Is one wbo would
tell a girl wbo offers to mend bis gloves
that there Is a bote to ber father's coat
It la easy enough to aay bright tblngi;
I the dioaajt Pn la thlak af
Fall Medicine
Sprint Wieoicino.
flood's Ssrapanlla j"-t the medicine
to keep the blood n h aua purr.
spprtite, gi" g.wJ .1 .-.tin and tone sad
strengthen the great vital orgriu.. It
wards off malaria, fevers sua outer .u,u..
of illness Hi'' rrnu7
wrsk and debilitated t)eia-
Hood's Sarsaparilla
la America's Created Medicine.
The Omha extinction evIJentl
doen't intend to take snychsncesol
Isi.ore. IthsiwoMidwsys.-Chicag
The Isct that the Omaha expos'0
ha two Mid waya will son ensWe the
public to forget the open.ngede. Mem
phis Commercial Aprsl.
The people over t Omahs sre quit
enterpr.aing but thsy will be sure to ss
certain that tbia thin? of running so
exporition to s wsr is no lool job.
Waabiniiton P "t. .
Why do the summer girl hsve i
msny brothers t the end ol tba
season ?
Follow It lip.
Sit down and cool off suddenly, snd
then regret It, for stiffness and sorenese
Is bound to follow, hollow uiem up
with Ht Jacobs Oil snd you will have
nothing to regret from a prompt cure.
It has tcen our ttK-rieni-e that
women will foigUe nwearlng and
drinking whUky quicker than chew
ltiu tnbaocco:
Piso'j Cnre for ( oninmpiion haa bem
a Uou-aeiKl 10 me. " ""f
Chester, Florida, hept. 17. I
somk people "are never at borne un
til tbey are away from home.
rl I O Arvt dy''n - r Or. K.lnn1, Or.- ?rr K
4,irTr HriS fm If It I f .lli' lrli !!- lUKf XrmmUm.
lm U H KlJl. U n A" S r. miaadmu. It
The more a man says, the oftener
he is liable to contradict himself.
Mr. Wtwilow i iwxrTHtKa Hrnvr tor child
ren tee-.hlnit, oftii the gum, rHocea Inflam
mation, allayi p". curetwlud colic. 3&C bottle
Whv is the average spinster favor
able to annexation aa a war measure?
WATFt -Cwrfli-l ' i" mi" US will
not t-11-MI. H- n't rni, l-t Ki'u'llfltit'-t tw
Nw Vork, tot l.iiil-tlm.titl.
Why doei a laby's moth'-r imagine
she can unlets and i s dialect?
feciti to Uc; l'ie.
One complaint seems to get ripe In
autumn, snd that is Neuralgia. To
soothe the pain, strengthen the nerves
and rhl the system of it, u-e St Jacobe
Oil, the bct known cure.
Why siiouldu't a dyspeptic hsve
Umach troubles of bit own?
Hall's Catarrh Ore
Is taken internally. Price 75 cents.
Why Isn't fetil ng one's debts a
paying buine?
Is due not only to the orig-inalily snd
simplicity of the oomliimit'.on. but also
to the care and skill with wbioh it is
manufactured by scientific process
known to the VAi.troitsiA K10 braur
Co. only, and we wish to impress upoo
an me lmportaree of p'trohaalng the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs Is manufactured
by the Calikoksu Fig Kvkup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
ashist one in avoiding the worthies
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cau
pobnia Fio Syki'p Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs ha.
given to millions of families, makes,
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of it remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as It acts on ho kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get iu beneficial
effects, please remember the Dime of
the Comnanv
SAN ruAacisce. OL
L-riaviLLE. Er. saw Teas. M. T.
"4 Pfttct Trp ef Ms Highttt Ortff
CiciIIwh in Manufacture."
Absolutely Part,