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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1898)
io ux County Journal, Ul? "VOID. XI. lEEAIEISOIISr, NEBRASKA, THUBSIDAY, OCT. 20, 1ES8. Our M(to-.-No QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED R!GHT."--Hon. William J. Bryan. IsTO. 13. J s The Sioux County Journal. Subscription Price, 51.00 l OFFICIAL PAPER OF PIOUX OOUNTY. 3eo. 1). Tan on, - Krll tor. Enti1 at the Harrison ot ortler ui'ilnv Hiondolau matter, t ' The Joikn.u, standi fairly. . and squarely on (he Chicago Jude Hay ward, the rcpub platform, but trill mt hesitate liran candidate for governor to port and work for Me iri a tool of the railroads, and flection oj candidate for lhe, e . , . . , , varfou office to be voted forU)V l'roof of t'"s. statement fcj.s full, nn mnttPr. irhfilher Ifhould Ret a COpV of the they are Democrat, 1 'opuli.d ! or free xilvcr Jieptblicanx, if OA. 2(, 18)3. If true then ndored by all the reform wMjt j. pretty apt to be so now. tits, conditional, lujirerev, that income tar law, opposition to I lh( at'-ment made by liim wttioHal bank of iwe, are Hl'lf at Omaha recently, that opposed to the retirement of the railrords would'nt permit urecnbocki and 4reamry note,m to makf the race for con juror government control of jrress this fall. railroadx, telegraph and, tele-', phone lint and the establish.- Hon. John M. Thurston, nuntof postal Having bank-, ing xy&tcm. and aim are op joed to the Uxueing of nation 4tl hondx in time of peace-. ri'SION STATE TICKET. FVir (ioveriMW: . HON. W. A. rOYNTEK. Kor Mt'iit. ilimnor; HON. A. E GILBERT. For of tiif; hon. v. r. poinr.R. J-'or StHte Treiiwarer: HON. J. It. MESEUVE. I r State An.lttor: Hon. J. W. CORNELL. YitT ltrney (ielterul: HON.r. J. SMYTH. For Coin. PnK L.m1s ft IS itlilinK: HON. J. V. WO I, IE. tor Supl . PnMk- In-trurtlnii: HON. W. R. 3.V. K-ON. Kor Conyre, mti Hictl-ct. HON. W. II. GREEN. Kor Senator )4tlt wmitorlMl tii-lrfc-1. HON. OTTO MUTZ. Kor ItcproenUttve, 53 Dllrlrt HON. LEWIS (iERLACH. U 5 Si 4 I 1 XOTICK To the voters of Five Points, Hat creek and 1 of la re precincts. Your attention is called to the fol lowing changes in your pre cinct boundary liueas follows sections 25 & ."(Hwp 'M Hange ;f has been annexed to and made a part of the territory comprising Sugar loaf pre cinet. sections 4-5-C-7-8-U-1 (H 71 18 Twp, 32 Range .r4 has ; vott. , ror non yy. V. Allen been annexed to -and made a!f( lJ s snator for another part of the territory compns- . . . , f , -y, !ng cottonwood precinct, j H,x y''''ir' fa Sections 2-3-10-11-14&15 twp, ty honesty and integrity 32 Range 56 has been annex - d to and made a part of the territory comprising Warbon net precinct, and .that the remaining territory in Five points, Hat creek and Bodare precincts, ha been consolid ated into one precinct, to be known aH Hat Creek precinct. M, J. Blewett. County Clerk Just an we go to press, attorney A. T, Clark informed u lie hod accepted a po itlon tit Colorado Spring. Col., and hence will not be a candidate for county Attorney of Sioux county. We wl 1 five particolam next week. . Porto Rico, is now a iart i of the United Statow teritory, the evacuation of the island !einff completed Tuesday and old glory being raiaed over all public buildigeat noon rT'f he.ul of calves and onc-year-oM HVifersfor niile n,uirk. Call on or write (I. W. IImstkr. lion. L. (ierlarh will Btart out on his ca'imaitfiiiiiL' tour today and will doubt- j h-SH lie out until election 'j On Xcv. 8th the three par ities should seo to it that a j record i? taken at every j,re icinct jelling place in the I country to ascertain just the I exact vote cacli party casts at this election and then a co rect report of each party vote j cm lit; furnished to the dif ferent state committees. I This will he a benefit to all ! fnn or riwrl Omaha Daily Bee of the datei At any rate he docs not deny ; is'jS, dt-clared the demo cratic party had sold itself out to the gold standard pow er, and also that he was in i favor of the free coinage of I silver. Xow, all is changed, and he is advocating that self same, single gold stand ard. Certainly, if the demo cratic party was wiong then, Mr. Thurston must he wrong I now. w incli is ngiit: Hie jJorKAL maintains that the (principal of the single gold standard was wrong in 1893, and is wrong now. S;iuitor Mutz Could Xot Come. A letter to Hon. LewsCerl ach last Monday morning from Hon. Otto Mutz stated that it would be impossible for him to be at Harrison last Tuesday as previously an nounced in the JorRNAb. He gave as his reason that busi ness affairs at home needed his attention but might be here later on in the campaign. A vote for Hon. L. Ger lach and Senator Mutz to represent the people of this district in the legislature this cominur winter means two 1 their equals cannot be found in this district. Fresident M Kinly bad confered on him on the 17th Inst at the University of CbMtigo the degree of L. L. . Hon. Iwis Gerlach the fusion candi date for representative from this ."rrJ district has a army record as well as A. G. Fisher the reputdican noniiuen. lie was a soldier in the nth l'ennsvlvania state tnelitia and dotibtleHs h tw alsmt as much camp service as did A. G. Fisher as that is all be did see. Certainly bis hi war record ca'nt cut much of a figure in the fall election. Under the McKinley administration the forming of trusts goes merrily on. The latest to form is the shirt and collar trust with a capital stock of $1,000,000. Thus it can be readily seen that the wealth of the country is gradually but surely being centralized into the hands of a few. Certainly the people will pet their eyes open but we fear it will be too late to remedy the trouble. Court reporter for Judge H'estov, Jolin (J. Maher has prefered cburg, against Onl. Fred Grant who was bis superior ollloer while he was serving g; liiflt private iu the Ibid Neb. Volunteers at Chieauiauga, Georgia. In the Virden, 111., nune riot Gov, Tanner haa shown bis good seuse am j uiltf rjifii t by approving the miner rights us against the soulless acts of corporation who have nothing but ccn-ti-inpt for the laboring class. The Journal wishes to say to th voters of Sioux county that the frit silver H-publicans of this county are well Haii.slied with the nomination of Hon. Lewis Gerlach as their candidate i for representative. Every free silver re-: publican should make sure aritl cast a.;a"d lring a democrat: and rmmiun u vote for him on November 8th. d'iioTat, paper we shall of course place rj Mr. 'lark's name in the regular ticket ti ii" . . , ,,, , , ;Col imn. When we do so it is not be- ... epuuuuH, party omciais uiciwa state government in round numbers 'A. KJl ',t 1u ... .i . ..r. .i . jn.iw,uiw vviuiiu ii iiionuis niitr most) biyhvvav robbers were diMlodi-Vil tliev come before the people and a-,k them to restore that same party to power aKain. it would be a golden opportune ty for them to punder the people aaain should the people do so. Will they grant the request? Never! never!! Capt. A. G. Fisher of (Jhadron, has b. n appointed by the republican central committee of this 53rd representative district to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of J. H. Jones of Ilushville, who was the regular nominee of that party for legislative honors. The Journal does Viot pretend to know bow well Mr. Fisher will take with the voters in the other three counties composing this representative district but it does know that Mr. Fishers name will be dennis in Sioux county Novem ber 8th. It is a well conceedud fact that he cai.not carry his party vote in this county; as a party man, Mr. Fisher's record is against him. For the past two years Mr. Fisher has len unable to tell just where le; "was at," he has played in the back yard of the free silver camps ami yet has refused to leave the gold standard party, hence as the RuKhvillo Standard says: Has blown hot and cold, and played loose and fast, and for that reason if for no other neither of the parties can be consistunt with themselves and support him at the polls on Novem bar !Hh. While on the other hand, Hon. Lewis Gerlach. the fusion candidate is a repre sentative man; a man "of the people, by the people and for the people." His ability cannot be questioned; be is a business man in every sense of the term; is honest and upright; "does u o others as he would that others should do unto him," He is an ideal man iind will make an ideal representative of the people. Mr. Gerlaeh's election is assur ed beyond a question of a doubt, il all reports are true and they come from reliable sources. His majority will lie much more than lion. C H. Sheldon's was two years ago. Mr. Gerlach is not a tcol of the railroads, corporations or combines and hence, bis bands are not tied so that ho cannot properly repre sent the people of this district. A vote for him is a vote in fav r of honest leg islation and Hon. V. V. Allen for U. H. senator. The county conventions which took place at the court home a week ago last Saturday for the purpose of nominating a county attorney resulted in a misun derstanding between the three parties which composed them. Tho two aspir ants for the nomination were Grant Guthrie, the present county attorney and A. T. Clark. The principal trouble took place in the People's party conven tion regarding tho agreement to bo car ried out between the three conventions the nomination of a candidate forcouuty attorney. However that may be tho Journal does not pretend to say what that agreement was, as the writer was not preselit w hen the conference commit tees made tlieir report. Hut both Mr. Guthrie and Clark claimed the nomina tion. To, make a long story short, the pioples party convention adjour.ied with out making a nomination not-with-stand-iug Chairman Raum declared A. T. Clark the nominee. Hut secretary Puddy re fused to ci rlify to the noimination and thus left the affair in a muddled state. Both gentlemen, were full of determina tion to seek relief in the courts for w hat they thought was a vindication of their rilits regarding tho nomination for ciuiity attorney in the people's parly convention. But us the free silver Re- publicans had nominated Mr. Guthrie 'or county attorney and the Ilemocrats had nominated Mr. (Mark for the same office, they each one after tyireful consideration concluded to drfp the people's party nomination each would go oi Iho free silver Republican and 1 Hmtocratic ticket r s.x, thus making a three t(r. nered light as lietween the thrne parties 1 1 the county. Thus, the Joi rnal bus iried to give tho unpleasant feature of t te strife as we found it, The vote, as near as we could learn in populist and democratic conventions ore us follows: Democratic, f'lark, informal 15 Guthrie, " 13 lark, formal 17 Guthrie " 13 Populist. Clark, informal 13 luihne, " 15 (."lark, lormal lij Guthrie, ' 20 The Journal does not attempt to say who was entitled to thu nomination in the people's party convention but believe !;!h men were qualified to fill the office Bath are free silver men; one a Populist and the other a democrat hence when the voter goes to tie polls l.e will he olid-red tnex-rei-w bis best judgement relative to tcs choice for county attor- uey The writer Was in tin leic-r't convention that nominated M, Clark, twtSB we aregoing to nmUe a pgonal ;n;llt, and as we said rs fore every voter i must exercise his best judgement at the pons on the Hih of November, who Is r,olk on (tin Ktli of riti...i i.:. ( B()l, frmiemen hive been a ito us and we shall Mfrain from jr.nvt,bintr throii"h th columns . Joikxai. that would injure either, f I"1' friend saying of the City Locals, How i; th s for Winter. Jack Raffiin was down from Raw hide on business last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. II. GriswpM ard sheriff Hoiiv returned from the Exposi tion yesterday. The wind last Sunday evening was so strong that, it, broke a window lite out of the front of Miss Merriums office. Rev. Kendall has the addition to the parsonage finished and has moved In family into it and is new repairing the main building. V. A. Hester who went to Sioux City to buy a couple of (sirs of catt le returned last, Saturday noon bringing with him 113 lKjad of young stock. J. W. Bogart and his father have Iiougbt 05 head of cattle from Frank iCurrv. YVe understand the nrice paid was $81 ahead ten head of calves thrown in. The trains on t he F. E. & M. V. Rail road have been late most every day for the post two weeks, both in the morning and ev ning on acc lunt we presume of the Exposition travel. The past w eek has been one of al most, continuous cold and wind from the north west. For this season of the year oma seem to think it lias been tp worst month in ten years. "" " Among those who left last Monday night for the Exposition, we DOticed: Mat. Hairgraves. who got left Saturday night while talking to Agt Pontius an I, ('. L. Christian with three or four of his children and Mr. aud Mrs. Duel of Hart ley, Wyo. John Kay returned from tho Exp' - sition Monday noon where fie said be en joyed himself quite well. He also repor ted that Robert Neice of Rell while at the Exposition, purchased !5 pure-bred short-born bulls whi.ih he will use to graid up his stock with on bis Sioux county ranch. ?ank Nutto, John Marsteller and wile and Charles Senilis returned from the exposition last Saturday noon. Ail "dio have attended the great exposition from this county speak in high praine of it, E, II. Leikhart of Xorinrk. Neb., state bm'n examiner was checking up the OommeiC tl hank of this pl;u;-i last Sat unlay. W'u presume he found the bank all O. K. and no doubt one of the best state banks in Nebraska, Attorney Guth rie was in charge of the bank when Mr. Leikhart examined into the liabilities and reason rces of the bank. T-I.'ist Tuesday being the 1-1 th birth day of Willie Bartella large number of of his young friands gave him a genuine surprise games of various kinds in fact all sorts of amusements were indulged in by the little folks until the inner man was made happy by Mrs. Ii. and Miss Dotha after which they all departed for their homes wishing Master Will many happy returns of his birthday. Mr. Fred Elmer of Manville came down last Monday and procured license to wed .Miss Flora Iteming of Imlay, Mich., who was to have arrived here that day via the Omaha Exposition but for some reason did not reach here. Lat er a telegram t i Mr. Elmer was to tho effect that she would arrive tomorrow ...I. if T-i . ; M I . . i I . i wuen mr. r.imer w in ue on nana to nave , the nuptial not tied by bis honor we 1 , , , , I presume Judge wuson. llonce m tho mean time Mr. Elmer will be on the anxious seat. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas of Warbonnet precinct called at our ofliee yesterday and Mrs. T. ordered the Jour nal sent to her sister at Arlington, Mass. Mrs. Thomas also informed the quill pusher that reconciliation had taken place at tha parental home in the old Bay state and that tho fatted calf was now ready to bo slain in honor of the j marriage of her and her other congenial half Mr. Charles Thomas. However the i Journal believes now as it alwuys has that Charley is a gentleman whom his ! comP:v,i'm f(,r llf" m,,y jl,,ll.v feX proud. Ki'lalive to Mrs. i nomas our acquaintance is limited but if we are a judge of human nature she is in every way his equal and she will without doubt make life a pleasure and worth the living for them both. Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them m cheap at the .' RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE in Harison, as you can in Chicago at the department stres. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in a full line of Gents furnishing goods for Fall and Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than any other store in Harrison. Come and see for yourself. And the Ranch Supply House will not be undersold on Groceries & Provisions. Come and be bOnvinced L. GERLACH, Prop. -rTHE- COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, B. E. Brxwstrr, Fresident. D. H. QRISWOLD, Cashlw. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS! American ExcrtANOE National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tyDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. For We can make to your measure a Fine, All-Wool Suit Latest City Styles You can be a wcll-drc-ascd man j you know how. Writc us for bamnlr and booklet HoTvtn Loot Well, Dress Well, and Save Money." Large Fashion Clato Crm1 and Samples The DAVIS MACHINE CO. CHICAGO STOCK UKANIM. Tin Journal will publish your brand, IkB Hie following, for per venr. Kneh ad- lltinniil brand 75 cents. tivery turnier or ranchmen In Sioux and adjoining- counties mould advertise their brands In Till: Jour nal u It olrcultttos all over the state. It limy be the means of saving money for you. FRANK NUTTO. On left stda of cattle ind on left honlder ot boroen. Kangeon Antelope creek id 1'. O., GUilohrift, Sioux Co., Neb. Nebraska. F. Camt, Vice-Preiideat CIIAULKS ItlKIILK. . On leftside or hip of cattle, On lel j liniiKe on tho head 01 Warbonnet creek '-' Address Harrison, Sioax Co. Neb. K. W. CAREY, On left shoulder of cattle horses. Itanife on Little Cottonwood. and lauwfoid Nebr. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order orsule issued by the Clerk of the District Court ot tho county of .Sioux, and state of Nebraska, upon a deerert rendered by suld Court In favor of William II.Mnlo, Henjumln Graham, William Hull. Jr., and Harris II. Ilnyden are plnlntlflK, and James Chirk, Gerhard Hinders, Sibylla Hinders, Martin Oayhurt and Mrs. Gaylmrt hi wife, and W.J, llowden aro defendants I will on tbo 27t n tiny of October, A. I). I MM, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the cast front (laor of the Court Hottsoln Harrison, in snid county, offer and sell the following dlncribed real estato to-wlt: Th South i of tho Soutb West i. Lots I A 4, Section 18, Township M, Rango 54, la Sioux county, Nebraska, at public auetlon to tbe highest bidder for cadi, to satisfy said, order; of sale, in the sum of M7.fl0, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per ail' nuin from the fith day of December 17, anit couls and accruing costs. " THOMAS HOLLY, berltr of ald County. 1 ihwfl i'O. .. 4 1 , ;1 1 V! r of the same day. W i M4