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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1898)
y T 0 ioux County Journal, 12. VOL. XI- li-AIRHSOnST, nSTEB-SICA., TlrlTJSmA-lT, OCT. 13, 1898 (nr Mot to--"' fJO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETT L.TO RIGHT.""'10"' William J. Bryan. IsTC The Sioux County Journal. IXTABIJMIED l.J Hubseriptioo rrit. f 1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. Gen. 1. Canon, - - Entered lit ttin Micond c'Ihu matter. As we have lieen unable to secure a copy of the minutes of either of the three convention which were held h're last Saturil:iy we are not ir-.ii'eil to pve the result to our readers in this issue, further than to .say, A. T. Clark was the nominee of the democrats for County Attorney. hereby ordered and instructed to trans-j W, L. Farley lion Leivis Ucrluch Hie next retires n- 1.' 1 1 tor. ! tative is one who is iuitly en tit led to the. support of every lnuiest voter, lie is HMTUwn jKiom.' iwjtliM candidate of the people and will j when eleetid. think, speak, an 1 net, for the iieople. Here is what the Rushville htaodurd hays of him. Lewis (lerlach of Sioux county, is the reform canJidate for the legislature from this district, unci should, und doubtlevs will receive every fusion vote in the tlis- -WiHj;T t ! j inci. iieisoueot uie oiuuaru, uuv- jJjjV'fvi.f V fv i publican form of government before I '! ! many of us "had got our eye open. . When he s to the stsssiou tit LiiiCiIii j this winter, it will not ha necessary to ', nppoiiit a comiiutlo lolind out what his views me. He is not only a free silver man hut believes in ncient ilicalo money. lie believes th) decree of this nation Iseipially us f;ood before as it is al ter it has pa!-s.'il lhroo;,'li ti e haniU of any corporation. I 7" 6 U-OLZX! iff- Com mission rs l'rori'f 'iin. l.iri i-rnii, Nel . 27 ? Jot'!iN.M, A7' .'', w qiKireli on t'lv- Chicittjo platform, hut mil w,t l;ilite to wj'port and ii i,d- f,,r tin election of cuinli'l'itK fr the rariuux ofjicc to ?-,. fur thin full no inatt r, irhthir they arc Democrat: '..fdit or free silver AV .''. ' endorsed lj all lhqt,-, ia pa r tie, conditional, hJm-r:. (hot thejj advocate bl-ima'U- ll the j l,Hin.'vtuml in a body inspected Hih con inCOme ta t lau (j')itioil to' tract work let P. licy for cementing national baitfi'-i .of (lre f.iundatiou under court hu and the ,mW to the rfirr. :,!, of f' sat i factory and approv- areenhach and tmeurn note. U t 'I tli, 1 -ifS i Fi iard of ( 'ounty Coonnif. doners" met in regular w-ssioii. l'li -ii nt J. M-ttlen Andrew Proc.tinier and Ji-us C. Jlon ami Clerk. CoMitiUssi'iiiers proceeded with romine ei.1 by tlw IVianl. ! : un nwili'in iviarn no oilmen uimi laror lover ninth coin mi. oj , ., . , t ! ucliK'k touiarrow eiioriun'. railroad. tiUunn-'i in tele.-, M. J. Htx.v.-r.rr. phone Unci and the' (tutlim- i. in)ii i bank- i are oj- iff iij 11 a It OH ' lUrnvm . Oct.. .Jill iltVlti. 1J '"'HI ?)(7 xtfnK and jioned L th ;;'' Cleric. IJv A. T. Cl.v.h:, lipty. i If, FUSION ST.VUTU MX for Cnvrr.-.' : noN. w. A.i'jv::!L:!t. t or ni. t lie: . ' ' . in.. .... - t or Muti ticir' : j. ii. y:'-!-:."'n. VorUtu Ait.litot: l or AttnnV Ufiier.': nos c. j. !vn!. fur Com. Pub. UiH-l- A ' : HON". J. V. V.'.I.I K. v,r fnjil. fnnltc ln:t.i--i ' HON", V. l:. JA Iv-ioN'. For Coi!r''. fth l HON'. W. For Senator I4lti scti HON. on hi-trli.t. Tor RpprwrnUtlve. v. In.irn-t, HON. u;-.Vi.S.KRLACII. SMiat'ir Mutz will address the i i-i-l of Sioux fountv. on next Tufday Oct. lflth, at two o'clock at the courthouse in Harrison. AH Phould turn cut and give him i rousing wc I Thrrc DoouTr i connonUatloii. From Btnj.inun Franklin. "When you are ou 1,ke W ii to be cl.o--n for a m-dinne .n the first place; wtwt frWM telln you is 1t to chosen in t! cond place; What reason (i. TI.eoo , nay is test m to 1 -hoHen in the last j.U I!l,t ,f J'011 ca" cret Dr. Inclination. Or. Kxpcrionne and r. Keaon to holJanMiltation tosetr iiu. will env vou tlio lst advice ihftt ran u inken. WMnvou haveaM-"U Or, lion would recomm.-.J Chamberlains Ough Remedy b-rau- it is pleasnntand afe to Uke. 1. K- would re commend it Wan it neror fails to .,fW . 4 .,,1 immanent cure. Or j , Ituiunn would oinmt- ncu on t,reV (.!'' 'wV'nK tho lung., opening ll mh retions and restor ig Urn .yem t- natural and henllhy cmlitloo. ForMLhy Or. J. h rinn-P- -Our r.uu"..y m'rt w,,h t. uukn-f; anil ittlimeRun i iivviiiwviaui in i ' ' - -Ll. . . tl to Om floor, Lrll in ..rvtliin: wa I . woilia neiii mm. and We w rou Id hear WJ ilet,nair. when , liereafte .,"w i - ' Hoard met pursuant to mljournmtnt i Present full board of commissioners uud (Clerk. , Ou ion the 5jn.rd passed the fol- . lowtm; resolution : I it. re Iv.d .v th i i ;i' i-i in r-rii!ar : l lie i ootiiy treason-!- b.i tt u tli :ne:i 1 and ha U h'Tftliy instructed to ;ez im 1 ljy.V j upon in the manner provided by law all warrant in the hands of the County i clerk is.iiied to parties who lire delin J (jueut in their personal taxes and apply the same thereon. On motion Board adjourned to inspect briJ-o built by James T. Mason under contract aciuss dry guk-h near J. Stim sons place. M. J. Blewett. ' Clerk. By A. T. Ct.AitK Deputy. Harrison Neb. ) (Jet Oth, 1HH. f Board met pursuant to adjournment present full lxiurd & clerk. It satisfactorilly npiearinp: to the board that in e;u'h Bodaro and Hat creek precincts! thero aro lesi than 15 lesal voters, and that by consolidating .said precincts with Fivo Points precinct into one precinct, it will lie a caving of ex pense to the county for election purposes and precinct expem-es, and with a view of making it as convenient as possible to the electors of said precincts the follow ing changes in respoct to said precincts is on motion made by the board. Sections 30 and 31. Tp, 83, It;,', 53 be ing a part of Five Points precinct ifl at tached to and made a part of Sugar Loaf precinct for election and precinct pur poses. Sections 2, 3, 10, 11, If, & 15 Tp, 33 Kg, 56 being a f art of Bodaro Pre cinct is attached to and made a part of Wnrbonnet precinct for election and precinct purpose.. Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 17 & 18 tp 33 Rg, M being a part of Five Points precinct is changed to and made a part of (i)ttonwood Precinct for election and precinct purposes, Bodarc, Hat creek, and Five Points precincts, are consolidated into one pre cinct hereafter to be known and desig nated as Hat Creek Precinct, for election and precinct purposes and embracing the following territory to wit; All of township 33 H?r M excopt see's I, Vi. 13, 21, 25, & 30, in said township all of township 83 Itg 55 the north half of Tp, 82 Rg 55 & nec's, 1 1 to 24 inclusive", t. 82, Kg 55 & see's, 1, 12, & 13, tp. 32, Kg 5fl. Highland Precinct, for the same rea sons as in making the changes in reg.ird to precincts obove stated is attached and made a part of Andrews precinct to bo known as Andrews precinct for fer the following amounts. From Brid-e fund lx9 3.43, 1HJ() 3.U, " " " 191 .17, " " ' P'02 1.59, " " lHj:i K. IB. lS'Jl '11.05, - " is;r 7.7U, " 10!! 13M.33, "special Dbt" 1M)1 .-., ' " Jst3:l ' U.45, " road " 1H) .70, " " " ISHI) .3S, " " ls'jl 2.03, " " " lH'.Ci 3.24, " " " lWltl 3.17, ' " " 1K07 WJ.82, " General " lSal 4'i.23, " " i-m c.n.3.c " " " ., 193 35,78, " ' 1S93 17,11, " ' " 18(H 50,00, To Oeneral fund of On motion the voting pla'e in Hat creek precinct, as -now estub ishwl will be at the school house of school Oist. No 0. Ou motion in Running water precinct the voting place is changed from the residence' of A. McGinley to the residence of Jus II. Cook. Ou motion in Whistle Creek Precinct the voting place in changed from where Bell P. O. was located to where it isnoiv located. On motion the board upon inspecting the bridge built by James Mason, across Dry gulch near J. Stimsons place report that tlm same is satisfactory and up proved by the board. The following claims against Souix county were audited and allowed and on motion warrants ordered drawn on tho general fund of 180S forsame. M. J. Blewett court costs in state case $13, Iiewis (lerlach Paiipur Supplies 5.10 Grant Guthrie s airy as Co. Atty 75.03 John Murray serving subpoenas . 2.8u riios. Hidlv work in court house 11.00 Samuel Tobb.!t bearding prisoners 30.00 .1. 0. Byrnes s-rving subpoena 4.50 Perry White services as bailiff 12.00 Pat Licy cementing court house 125.00 Chas Itlehle ' 10.05 M. J. Ble.vett Salary & Postage 102,15 Omaha Printing Co. Stationary 3.8J 1). 51. Sutton baiUir 10. 00 Corwin Iewi Jerry Will Uen'ry Will V. A!" Hester. J. W. Cluistain John Ost Hinder Joseph Bietty Herman Frkke J. C. Parsons Geo. Cant J. J. Kifip M. J, O'CoDnell James Kversou Henry Brund iga Nels Engebret Jacob J. Grove The claim of J. T. M 4 2.10 6.00 2. CO 2.30 2.10 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.00 10.30 30 50 11.00 13.50 13.00 5.80 11.00 1300 n of 211.00 for completing county bridle was presented oud on motion allowed pid warrant or dered drawn on bridge-lfind of 107 for same. The claim of Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them as cheap at the Hewitt drove to S '. Hoard of county j A. V. Crites iiervices as Atty, claimed, .i . 1 .r. .tl .... 1 1 ft Oi'l Tlios. Holly services as sheriff 153, i5 Grant Guthrie expenses asCo. attyl3.C0 20.30 J. Melllen services as Co. Com. J. C. Meng " ' f that e thciiin . i ..VilrvChamlierlains election and precinct purposes umbruco ome ne dvtwil ' " , ...:,.,...,,.,,.;,..,. ,i ;t no, and me ursi m(, imwinij ,;l"v"i ) Vain Balm. V we got m!icli reliei p.,u,r cbrbMiM ,,'"fr'1,1r,,a All of Andrews precinct as heretofore established and in addition thereto the territory embraced in Highland precinct as lioret) fore established. On motion the Cuunty Treasurer is A. Procuuier ' John L. Tucker A. McGinley I. S. Mcintosh J. E. Hartwelt II. L. Fisher A Hawkinson Alie Mcintosh John Mcintosh J. E. Phinney M. J. Welier L. W. Fry Win. Miler Henry Kretnan S. Crawford Fred Pullen Eemery Gillmore Irving Gillmore Tl L. Barr Geo Gillmore Dave Collvilo Stinison M. II. Green Henry Brund i go Mrs. J. StimsoD J. T. Mason Mrs. I. Gillmore Wm. Ogg N. P. Nelson Ixiuis Brundige C. A. Puddy Iloliert Wilson W. B. llarilman Ezra Tucker Isaac linking Fred BlomlxTg Jess (.'rawford George Swanson Chan. Dipert Jacob Forster John Iicy W. ('. Dickinson Phillip Dunn Octave Harris A. Wiisserburger J. B. Burke F. W. Meyer Win Gay hart Joseph Olhricht II. A. Priddy Richard Zerbst Perry White John Shcrrill Thos Jhinn Samuel Knori Pat Lacy E. P. Maine Joseph Dunn Jelf Hewitt E. A. Haseliiiist Edward Lions W. O. Patterson Lerov Wr'ght witness fees Juror 15.00 15.00 15.00 3.30 8.00 13.00 7.00 11.50 20.80 50,30 50.30 0,10 12.20 13.30 13.40 12.40 11.00 8.50 8.50 8.00 11.20 9.50 7.80 8.00 6.20 7.80 4.00 8.00 6.00 7.80 11.50 13.30 4.20 6.10 13.30 11. CO 11.80 11.80 11.00 12.80 12.50 13.50 11 00 11.00 12.00 13.00 10.00 ,11.00 13.00 12.50 11.00 H.10 0.00 2.00 ,2.10 '2.10 2.40 2,80 2.30 2.10 2.10 2.30 2.80 2.10 ! 11 slam i'ier bridge spikes, and R. Jrvmr tor services as juror were on motion laid over till next meeting. The allidavit of .Tame tacrone was on motion laid over till ue)frneeting. bLJ. Blewett. . j Clerk. By A. T. KaRk Deputy. Dont forget .lie speaking of senator Mutz&t the court house on next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. JetT Crawford last Sunday, W. 11. Bonsell utid(nniily of Luak have been spending a uw days at the Paternal mansion. The editor having taken a week off to do the exposition the devil of the Journal ofiiee will undoubtedly improve the opportunity and hg ''Monarch of all he surveys. ; Old fashions in dre-s rnav be revived but no old-fashioned ipidicinecan replace Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diar rhoea remedy. For $r,le by Dr. J. E. Phinney. , -A Mrs. E. J. Wilcox Joft for Omaha on latt Monday' evening.!.. . Lutheran services will be held at the M. E. church in Harrison on Oct. 29th at two oclock. J . Glaus Oiristensen, left on last Mon day evening for the exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Grisold were driven to Crawford on last Sunday and from there took the B. & M. to visit several points of interest but ostensibly to visit the Exposition. Owing to the amount of space taken up by the tax list and the commissioners oroeeedings we shall b4 obliged to con dense onr local new for a couple of weeks. . , Mr. and Mrs. 3. VCTeaman start for Omaha on last 1'lay eveni after a short stay t.jr VjiK-SwRman will go ou to St. Louts to ) relai ' and Sam will relujn ta his home he expects to winter his fst ndf, in the neigh borhood of Pleasnt ridj.e this winter. There was a gra-id outpouring of arrisonites this weiiW and as all roads lead to the exposition at Omaha, natur- lly our people followed the crowd, ihe following are among the nuniler who left here, Mr. and Mr t. D. H. Griswold Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mirsteller, Mr. and R. Neece, Mr. .lllaus Christensen, Mrs. J. E. Wilcox Ileurv Warneka (.has. :hiltz and John L. Fay. They will have a grand jolliviratioii no doubt. Buff Coffee, one of Sioux county's most valued and respected citizens will leave with his family on Thursday for Georgetown, Texas, to spend the winter at least, and may ppssibly remain there permanently. But vu hope not, as we cant spare any of our geod citizens. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE in Harison, as you can in Chicago at the department stres. GERLACIf, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in a full line of Gents furnishing goods for Fall and Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than any other store m. Harrison. Come and see for yourself. find the Ranch Supply use will no! be undersold on Groceries & Provisions. Come and be bOnvinced. L. GERLACH, Prop. Ho THE COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Nebraska. BANK. How to l'rc vent Croup. We have two children who are subject to attack of croup. Whenevcran attack is coming on my wife gives them Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and it always prevents the attack, It is a household necessity in this country and no matter what else we run out of, it would not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other coueh -tiedicines combined. J. M. Nickio, of Nickle Bros., Merch snts, Nickloville, Pa. For sale by Dr. J. L, Phinney. B. E. BnrwsTwt, President. C. F. Vice-Preaideatr D. H. ORLSWOLD, Cathier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Businei WO. CORRESPONDENTS! J .American Exchange National Bank, New York, OMaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. For NOTICE To the voters of Five Points, Hat creek and Bodarc precincts. Your ittention i3 called to the fol lowing changes in your pre cinct boundary line as follows sections 25 & ?Gtwp 33 Range ft 1 V ' .1 A. .1 O-i lias OOeU JimiexeU lO ailU You can be well-dressed man i i a i j j it von know -ttiw. Write us for made a part ot the territory samples and uooicia ;;) to l.oou wen, urcss n cn, ana pre- save Money." Interest Paid on Time Deposits. BTDBAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF EUROPE. Wa can make to your measure a f ine, All-Wool $9.50 Suit Latest City Styles Frel The DAVIS MACHINE CO. CHICAGO comprising Sugar loaf cinct, nectione 4-5-G-7-8-'.)-l()-17 uc Fai pimo & 18 Twp, !32; liange 54 Jias, been annexed to and made a part of lite territory com pric ing cottomlood precinct. Sections 1-2-1M2-13&14 twp, 32 Range 5G lias been annex- CHAKLKS B1KIILK. On left Hide or hip of cuttle, I On left shoulder of horsca. ) VI! tin pre on the head ol War bonnet erek Addresa Iliirrlnon, Sioux Co. Neb. S. W.CAKKY. On left Hlioulder of cuttle unit Iliniilfe on Little Cottonwoixl. ., i;iawford Nebr. STOCK IlitANHS. I The Journ'ai, will publlxh your brund, Ike I tlio followlnir, for 12:00, per year. Knell ail- ed tO aild made a p.'irt Of the1 imionul Mima 75 eent. .vi-iy nirmer or territory comprising Warbon-i ri"":'"i,,,n 1,1 sioux ami mijoininB eountieo net precinct, and that th remaining territory in Five points, Hat creek and Bodarc precincts, has been consolid ated into one precinct, to be known as Hat Crek precinct. M. J. BijKwktt. , ('nrnitv (!!erk tiionM mlvertlw! tljelr brumli In Tiik.Ioch SAL an It clrculnti-a nil over the stnte. It mny lie tlio meiin.i of ftavlng money for yon. 1 ' r. o., H?ANK NI'TTO. On left aiile of cnttle aii'l on le'' a hoiil'ler ol hore. rt:ilijre oil AnlBlopo ernek ( tv.lfiin it, floni Co., Ne:. ShrrilTs Sale. Hy virtue of nn onler ol'Huln 1 Clerk of the District Court ol Sioux, und Ktnte of Nebraska rendered by nalil Court In ' II.", lleiijninln Ornli Jr., und IlarrU II. lln und Jiinie Clurk, Gr.r ltlmlera, .Mnrtln (iir hli wife, anil W. J I wilt on the 27t at tlm hour or the eiet f ro Hnrrlxon, ' fniiowitir South ' , Seetlo eoti' lit yd" Bowd .Jo'CnUrtlio.H"!". .ZL M the""'",. V rc?:,:miee' .... ,80edW VJ , 0hee!,,!''"V ..VorolV iiiv,iim " """ u defend'"' 1 ,1 1HW. Sr' f . A, Z 4 cott1 y .V i