The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, October 06, 1898, Image 1
The Sioux County Journal, K-AJRI&ISON", ISTEBKA-SK:, THnTISIDA., OCT. 6, 1898. Our Motto- 'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. "--Hon. William J. Bryan. nsro. 11. "VOL. XL The Sioux County Journal. HTABURHID 1888. Subscription Price, $1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 6IOUX COUNTY. Geo. D. Canon, Editor, Enured at the Harrison poet offlce M MOBd elu natter. asr"" ' n r rrr'T- Free Mirer Republican Senatorial Convention. Tii FrM stiver Republican voters of the 14th Senatorial LMstrict.coin posed of Brown, Box ISatte, Cherry, Dawes. Keya Paha, Kook Sheridan and Sioux, counties, are requested to meet In Senatorial Mass Convention at Ainsworth, Tuesday October 11, lrt), at 1 o'clock p. m., for the parpoae of of nointna- tlnf a candidate for State Senator, and lor the transaction of such other business as may come before til convention. All Renubllcans. who believe In the ro- monet zutlon of silver are cordial. y Invited to attend. J. G. ACKEKM AX, Chairman. Th JontNAL stands fairlu ind sgvcirtly on the Chicago platform, but mil not Mtate in mjport awl v"rl- for the- election of amaiaal-s jor uie variov offices to be voted for this fall no mutter, whether they are Democrat, Populist &r free silver Republican, if endorsed by all the reform par ties, conditional, however, that they advocate bi-nietaUim the income lax law, opposition to national bank of iwc are opposed to retirement of the greenbacks and treasury votes, favor government control of railroads, telegraph and tele phone lines and Vie establish ment of postal savings oanic ing system, and also are op posed to the iMucing of nation al bonds in time of peace. Free Silver Keubllcan Muss Conutr Convention. Notice is hereby given that a conven tion of the electors coropoi-ing the Free Silver Republican party of Sioux ounty Nebraska will be held in the court house in the village of Harrison at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday the 8th daj; of October 1808 for the pur pose of placing in nomination a canui date for the office of county attorney and a candidate for commissioner for the 3rd commissioners Dist. of Sioux County to be voted for at the General Election to be held in said County in the month of November 1898. All electors of said county who affiliate with the free silver Rebublican party are requested to be present at Slid convention. Dated thin 3rd O it dav of 1893. AUGUST HASSKLQUISt. Chairman Committee. DIED On Thursday morning Oct. 6th of Cholera Infantum Earl Dewey the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mars- teller, aged five months, at their home on the east side. Funeral will take place from the house tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. Rev. Kendall will officiate. Thf- bereaved parents will have the sympathy of the entire community in this their sad hour of trial. The bud was ripe for paradise hence the savior took it home. Card of Thanks. We Wish to thank our kind friends for their loving care and assistance during the illness and death of our darling baby. Especially do we desire to thank Dr. Phinney for his untiring devotion. Mr. & Mits. Wm. B. Maksteller. IIow to Toll To-Morrow's Weather A short, clear, entertaining and valuable lesson for amateur weather observers is given in the September Ladiet Home Journal in the form of a series of pictures of clouds, with brief explanatory notes. The page is well worth examining and saving, for there is nothing in the article which would not be understood by anybody, even a child and a little close study will make one qualified to form better opinions than ever before as to what the weather will be. Subscribe for tlie FTS10S STATE TICKET. For Governor: HON. V.'. A. rOYNTER. for Lieut. Governor: HON. A. E. GILBERT. For Sec. of State: HON. W. F. rORTETt. Ftar State Treasurer: HON. J. R. MESERVE. Jor State Auditor: Hon. J. W. CORNELL. For Attorney General : HON.C. J. SMYTH. For Com. I'iiU. Lands & llnll'linfis: HON- J. V. WOLFE, for Rupt. rnhlli- Instruction : HON. W. K. JACKSON. For Contress, 1th J)if ll-t. HON. W II. GREEN. Pot senator Hth Senatorial rltt Jet. HON. OTTO MUTZ. Tor Representative, 53 Klslrli't, HON. LEWIS GERLACH. County commissioners were in sea fiinn this week. Mr. and Mr. Clvvrlei Tiiomts of Warbonnet were callers at this office last Thursday afternoon. 'Sheriff Holly expects to spend the winter io the Smith building next to the Turner block. Tim ivt init nassed has been a hard one on the b.iby element of town. Baby Griswold has been under the weatl er ulso, little Baby Bowker and Triddy and tittle Baby Srnuek and little Lulu Bartell oil have had their little trials butare getting along fairly well at this writing. A letter from Mrs. George Olinper to hur parents Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hester on Tufsdiiy stated she and the children arrived ho ne tafely but said that their fc-r buildinsr and contents were hum tin the same night she reached hmi. Si. Milled they saved but little out of the (ire. The store building and contents were only partly iusured. Owing to an unpardonable mistake the Journal forgot to chronicle, the ar rival of a bran new voter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Earnest and also the arrival of a little girl at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lewis. Parents and lit tle ones are all well. Old fashions in dress may be revived but no old-fashioned medicine can replace Cliamberiain'sOnlic, Cholera and Diar ennierftf. For sale bv Dr. J. E. Phinney. Eeportof Hurrison Public schools ROOM 1. No. Pupils enrolled ...34 Averae-e Daily attendance 29 No. of cases of Tardines. 7 Pupils who were neither absent nor tardv durincr month are Walter Bowker, Vera Griswold. Fremont Patterson, Fred Bartell. Tommy Holly, Edward Priddy, Lucy Gerlach, Karma Priddy, Charles Myers, Dan Davis, Lewis Sherill. Miss Maria Marley, Teacher. ROOM 2. No. Enrolled 32 Average Daily Attendance 20.9 No. Cases of Tardiness 23 Pupils who were neither absent nor Lirdv. Maud Bartell. Elsie Rohwer, Wil lie Bartell, Frank Deister, and Edwin Guthrie. ' Frank Lindcman, Teacher Brer Lindiroan need not feel bad be cause some of the Dawes county poli ticians and voters are telling around that they cunt support lion. Lewis Gerlach at the polls because the Bulletin is sup porting him. You may depend on u that class of voters would not support a erood honest man, not if he possessed the attributed the Savior of the world. De pend on it they are a Ilantiacralic class of voters and expect Mr. Gerlach to open un a barrel not whiskey but the tllthy lucre. That class of vot Hind po it cians have no use for candidates whos chara- C er and reputation is above reproach hence the best way is to treat buch poll ticians and voters with silent contempt Thev may circulate all kinds of electioi ering stories, the fertile brain of tba poli ticians is capable of and resort to all the dirty work possible and then Hon. Lewis Gelach will be elected. Mind what the Journal says. READ THIS AD JOURNAL Beautiful Easter Lillics or Fairy Llllies. rinr;,ln ia tlu hnma nf the famOUS Easter Lily. During the blooming sea son, in some places, the ground is almost white with their beautiful, lily white flowers, and thousand of them are picked iv the colored children and carried to market. Before coming north I had a fine lot of the lily bulbs dug, and brought them with me; they make love Iv house plants and are sure to bloom. Any one who would like two or three of these lilv bulbs can have them by send ing a stamp to pay postage. You are nd'jed very welcome to send as I can get more when I return to Florida next fall. Address Mrs. F. A. Warner Saginaw. East Side, Michigan. STOCK BRANDS. The .IOUena l will publish your brand, ike the following, for 2 :00, per year. Each ad (iitional brand 75 cents. tvery runner or ranchmen In Sioux and adjoining counties siiunld advertise their brands In TheJoCB- NAbas It circulates all over the state. It may he the means of saving money for you. FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left boulder ol horses. Ksnge on Antelope creek , P. O., Obilcnrlst, Sioux Co., Neb. Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them as cheap at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE in Harison, as you can in Chicago at the department stres. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in a full line of Gents furnishing goods for- Fall and Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than any other store in Harrison. Come and see for yourself. And the Ranch Supply House will not be undersold on Groceries & Provisions. Come and be bOnvinced- L. GERLACH, Prop. CllAttLES BIEHLE. a ad -l- his. -rf att.l. 1 Ranero on the'fiead W Warbonnet creek . Address Harrison, Sioux Co. seo. THE ' 1...P Democratic Mass C ounty Convention. Notice .! hereby given that a Mass Convention of the elctors composing the Democratic Party 'of Sioux county, Ne braska, will be held at the Court House in the village of Harrison, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the afternoon on Satur day the 8th day of October, 1S98, for the purpoaa of placing in nomination a candidate for the ofllce of County Attor ney to b voted for at the General Elec tion to bo held in said county in the month of November 1893. All electors t aaid county, who affiliate with the Democratic Party are requested to be present at "lid convention. Dated September 19, 1898. M, J. Gayhart, Chairman. The Peopled Independent Par ty, Mau County Convention. Notic is hereby given that a mv convention of the electors composing ihe Tndeuendent Party of Sioux County, Nebraska, will be held in the Court Houae in tho village of Harrisoo, Hi the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, .v October. 8 18fl, for the pur of niacins in nomination a candi date for the offlce of County Attorney of Sioux county to bo voted ur at me OeMral Election to be beld in said coun ty in the month of November, 1898. ah -wtra of eaid county, who affiliate with the People'. Independent Party are requested to be preeenl at said conven UaUdthitlSthdayofS Tt-TiW.IW J Ctu Chi: tvc: : . j Clifc.rmra.' , Our little boy was afllicted with rheumatism in his knee; and at times un Al. In nut. hi foot tO tlie floor. We tried in vain, everything we could hear of that we thought would help him. Wo almost gave up in despair, wheD some one advised us to try Chamberlain Pain Balm. We did so, and the first bottle gave so much relief that we got . nna am ii our surprise, it 'i. RCt,UUU "V T ----- , cured him sound and well. J. T. Bajs, Pastor Christian Church, Neodesha, Kan. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. IIow to Prevent Croup. We have two children who are subject to attack of croup. Whenever an attack rominir on mv wife gives them Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and it always nrevents the attack. It is a household necessity in this country and no matter what else we ruo out of, it would not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other coueh medicines combined. J. M. Nicklo, of Nickle Bros., Merch ants. Nickleville, Pa. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. A Card. To the members of the Woodman of the Word and other friends that partici pated in presentation of the fruit basket and watch charm last Sunday, Septem ber 25th inst, commeration of our 2otli weddineaniversary we desire to return our sincere thanks tand assure you of our appreciation combined; and trust that each one of you may live to cele brate your Golden and Diamond anniver sary's respectively and that kind friends may as completely surprise you each time as you did us. Mr. & Mrs. E. F. Pontius. ' The republican state committe is ut terly demoralized and in sheer despera tion they liave resurrected poor -old Jay Windy Johnson, and set him at work fill ing the columns of the country republi can press with roseate pictures of the victories they are to gain this fall. Baby Boker has been on the sick list this week, in fact nearly all the bab ies in town are somewhat under the weather. i Fiual Proof Notices. .it tianuin. havlntr final proof notices in namr will receive a marked copy of the paper and ore requested to examine' their notice and if any errors exist reuun mo same to this office at once. Henry M. Stanley the african explorer has written out the story of "My First Fight in the Jungle," and has given the manuscript to The Ladies Home Jour nal, which will publish it in the text number. Three Doctors in counsultation From Btniamin Franklin. "When you are sick what you like bent is to be chosen for a medicine in tne first, nlace: what experience tells you is best to chosen in the second place; What reason (i. e., Theory) says is best is to be chosen in the last place. But if you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experience and Dr. Reason to hold a consultation toget her, they will give you the best advice that can bo taken. When you have a bad cold Dr, Inclina tion would recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy because it ispleasantand safe to take. Dr. Experience would re commend it becanse it never fails to .... . .w,i,.i i? nnH nnrmanent cure. Dr euwb r.( I Reawn rorrmmnd it because it ' r,r pared m. .ntiS'". fcacpiu, aw ;uru on ratlin ' plan u relic v'n'C ti. I hingf. '-H'M' toe SCT'-t-otw ami r-iU r I the s-.'tlwi to u natural " healthy Hanna, Elkins and others begin to see the band-writing on the wall. Hence thev held a secret conference with presi dent McKinley on the 28th inst and the president has concluded to let all ofllce holders take part in the campaign when ever thev think they have time to do so. They will have time sure after, receiving such notice. Senator Wolcott of Colorado is hav imr hard sailing to got his stool-pidgeon ticket out of the field as he finds the free silver Deoole of his state cant be fooled in voting for a McKinley-Hanna-Wollcot ticket in disguise. r Indications are now that the commit tee appointed bv president MoKinley to Investigate the cooduot of the war camps and its officials, will not redound to the crdit of either seoretar' Alger or f.mU rl Mcuifiley. A vol.o for Hon. Lois .Vrinrh and Otto Mut Nov f!'h "'!) 'f n nr 1 V T7 ' On left shoulder of cattle and homes. . , it.mirn on Little Cottonwood. ro. .. Crawford Nebr. COMMERCIAL BANK, tESTABLISHED 1888.1 Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. BmvrTUt, President. C. T. Coma, VioPreaideat. D. H. aRISWOLD, Cashier. ShcriiTs Sale. i?v rirtnn of an order of sale issncd by the Clerk of the Piistriot i;ourt ot the couuty of Sioux, and state of Nebraska, upon a. decree rendered by said Court In favor or William II. Male, Benjamin Graham, WUUara Hulls ir - ami llnrrls H. Ilayden ave plaintiffs, and James Clark, Ocrhurd K'.nders, Sibylla Hinders, Martin Gayhart an;J Mrs. Gayhart, hi wife, and W. J. Uowden, are defendants, I will on the 27th day of October, A. 1). IMS, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the east front door of the Court House in Harrison, in said county, offer and sell the following dlncribed ctal estate to-wit: The South i of the 8oAith-Wcst M, Lots 3 i, Section IS, Township 84, Range to. In Sioux ,.i,it v Nebraaka. at nubile au'itlon to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said order of salo.ln tne' sum of $476.60, with Interest thnrenn at the rate of ten Dcr cent, per an num from the 6tb day of December 18S7, and costs aud accruing cost?. ' TUOM AS HOLLY, Sheriff of Said County. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Depositfl. tVDBAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS 01" EUROPE. v RHAD THE JOURNAL This Week. f h "Jt I V'rV-''SS L5 CENTS k.CWTHlV K-J Tl:e Hnnil-rirSnily Odlrlal flnlile nod tlRllI IfUVIl "I l.iv llJl.nri. n.u V.--!. .... j .un'.i Mum uf iho Uu.ieil tu.isa, Puuilulcu or- fii-vi'(. rnpi'ii'.ily to trfinnpnrtnfinn Hum tn the ,'t th'Oi.'iir vil MlnuMMil raik-vs, the lake r. j . r V . 1 i!-v r'il'f'l li tltuc of ,,. !, 'i i i f ut hiuviiitil llnic i. snU won 'in J A tlirouiju l lino TT, ct. em oet i -"IS CO., Vs.; . -giS o3 S e 1 h Zt 5 M 5 3f.: 3 II O A M H?;fii!-!lf!U i !i Ik ?ilo IIIKilf T, B . C 5 " 1 O g r. I I V " 8 s z 2 t "3 e- Crt 51 ee "S "r" Q ilHlij':.:- nam kH & 2.S -? C m 6 s'2 i "A o i. o mm Sri a it WHY DCNT YOC SUBflf Tiw: T'Oft THE JOURNAL? condition 1'or su, oy xr, j. i imu Bi-p. - T f Til.'- inter st of a fe siitw V. P. fc - f