THE SIOUX COUNTY o Thcmdat. Sept 29th, 1888. Jeo. D. Canea, Kilitor and Prop. t. K. M. T R. ii..lime table. Going West, tiolwr Kant. Ho.S. ti.ixed 11:20 1 No. C.n.ired S:O0 CEANT GUlhKu. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters io Justice, County and District Courts, nod before the United State Laud Olflee. ixrts to be delivered at Har den; posts to be 7 feet long; I will pay 8c apiece. Charles Coffee. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. Legal papers carefully drawn. Harrison'. - Nebraska. t II North-Western LINE E. M. V. K. H. is the best to Uiii.1 from the BLACK HILLS, ULADwOOD ASD HOT SPKLNUH, SOUTH DAKOTA. J. E. PHUi-N EY. M. D. rhyisciaa and Surgeon. All culls glvm prompt attention. Office lu Drug Store. -HARBISON NEBRASKA. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICEUS: ?ilaa A. Holcomb Governor JiiiuM K. Harris Lieutenant Oovertioi W. F. I'orUT Secretary of State J tin F. Cornell AJitor J. K. Mewrvd Trewoirer V. J. sdu y til Attorney General ). V. Wolfe Land Comtriissionei U . K. Jackson Supt. Public InaU-trei Ion COKliBESSlOSAL DELEGATION: John M. Thurston U. 8. Senator, Omaha i Win. V. Allen IT. S. Senator, Madiaon J. fi. Strode, Cunsressmuii lat Illst., Lincoln A. T. CLARK, Lawyer. CClee: second door from JCTHXax oflles HARRISON, - - - NEB. COME TO THE OFFICE For your J 1. 11. Mercer, KiiHuel Maxwell, V. L. (Hark, K. I. Sutherland, W. I Green, 3rd til 5th tu Omaha i Fremont! Aurora ' Nelson Kearney JOHL JOB WORK I Stationary. Special Locals. JVDlClAnV: J. J. Flllvan Chief Justice. Colnmbcs T. O. C. Harrison ...As'te Judge, Waud Island f. L. Narval .Asawiut Judge, Seward i. A. CampbellClerk and Uopoiter, Lincoln FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL WSTRICT: 31. P. Kiukafcl Jlge, O'Neill Vi. H. Westover " Kunin-iHt M. J. Blewett Clerk, Harrison TEB.MB OF C0UTST: IMstrict Conn. At llarrnson, commences Spring term May 9th, Fall " Sept ISth jury 19th. County Court, At lIarrlm,'cominencea first Monday of each mouth. LEGISLATIVE: OlW Mut..Scnator, Mat. No. 14, ?prlngrlew A. E. Sheldon Dist. No. 3, Chadron COUNTY OFFICERS: Holert Wilson County Judge M. J. Blewett-, Vlnk has. Biehle . Treajiarer 3;ile Merrlarn. Supt. Foblle instruction Titos Holly Sheriff J. E. fhlnney Coroner Is. F. Thomas . Surveyor M. J. Itlewett C4erk of District Court Grant Untbrle County Attorney hOA.UU Of COMMISSIONERS: Jena C. Meng 1 Dtairict Andrew Procnnier. 'IA ackaou McUlen( Chairman ) 8d V1LLA6E OFFICERS: E. F. I'ontlua (cbatriuan) Truatee John liavls t. II. Ciriwod W. B. Marstelltr Kohwer . II- Da via. Slclal Excursion Itatcs to Hot Springs S. Duk. Oo dates named below at ons fare for round trip, tickets good for return 30 days from date of sale. June 15 August 9 June 30 AutfUKt 26 July 5 Ht'iitember 10 July 19 Septemlwr 20 E. F. Povnts. Agent. SPECIAIi KXPOSITIOX RATES. Taking effect Aug. 30th, tickets for the Omaha" Expo sition will be Hold as follows: Every day (except Sunday) at $23.20 for round trip. Tickets good for return until November 15th. On Tues day and Friday at $16.50 good for return 15 days from date of sale. E. F. Pontius, Agent. Mm. Will Hough still continues to improve. Banker GriswoU went down the road on last Tuesday returning Wednes day. Superintendent Mercian! went to Kukiier creek last Wednesday on oliiciai business. -Mrs. Anton Moravek made a trip to Gien this week in company w'th Mrs, (jilltnore. ("luirles C"ofTee shipped 16 cars of rattle (o the South Omaha markets last Monday evening. Mrs. T. O. Williams who has been quite indisposed during the past week week is slowly recovering. Mrs. Sbafer was among those who remembered the Journal family most generously this week. Mrs. fiarah Davis is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smurk and is helping to care for the litttle one. Landlord Sherrill received the sad intelligence that his brother living at Watseka, Ills., died at that place on the 17th of this month. Little Miss Mabel W arncka will at tend school in Harrison this winter and will make her home whh County Clerk IJIewett's familv. Mrs. A. R. Dew was a pleasant cal ler at the primary school one day this week. All parents should interest them selves in the school. A number of our citizens have been this week making good their right to vote and thereby keeping street commis sioner Hewitt busy. Grandma Bourette returned from Chadron on last Saturday noon bringing her two little grand children home for a few days visit at the ranch. Mr. Kick Shafer informed the Jour nal scribe that his wheat went !i0 bush els to uie acre and Bis oats the same llow is that for Sioux County yield? County Treasurer Biehle went to Omaha to visit the Trans-Misissippi Exposition last Saturday evening and will doubtless te gone the most of this week. Mr. J. II. Bartell who has had his store in the Richstein building for the past year will move back into the Tur ner block from whence he came he in tends to move the first of next week. With tomorrow will have closed Hie first month's school in Harrison, and as far as we have been abie to ascertain we have heard on all sides naught but cnest -Dr. M. I). Clark catarrah! specialist of Edgemont S Dak., will be in Harrison on Oct 3, 4, and 5th. Dr. M. D. Clark. Henry Dickman is going with James Nolan's threshing machine now. J. G. Merriam made a trip to Harrison Wednesday with a load of wheat School commences in District No. 15 next Monday. J. W. Rieedorf is cutting hay for Qus- tave Kdreisch. Mrs. Emma Cooksev is felting her sister Mrs. J. W. Kicedorf. Ernest Lyon was over from the V. T. Sunday. Bertha and Emma Noreisch visited at O. A. Gartons Sunday. Echo. Their 2.itli inirersarr. Last Saturday being the 25th adver sary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pontious, the Woodmen of the World and Modern Woodman of America con cluded to surprise Mr. and Mrs. Pontius by presenting them, with a beautiful silver and cut glass fruit basket filled with delicious pears thereby showing their regards and well wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Pontius who are old and res pected residents or Harrison. As no body could be prevailed on to make the pre sentation speech and deliver the basket the lot fell to Hon. Lewis Gerlach, who performed thatact with all the dignity m ifTTTTTTTTI Oil YES! Oil YES! Here We Are Again. Just received oven 500 pairs of shoes of the latest styles. The above is an addition to our already large and complete stock of boots and shoes now on hand. We have the largest assortment ever shown in -North-West ebraska, and as to prices we DEFY Competion and are sure to suit all who come OUR STOCK OF .GENERAL MERCHANDISE! IS STILL THE LARGEST AND THE BEST IN HARRISON. CALL SND SEE US AND SAVE MONEY, Marsteller Brothers. That Divorce Case. at his command. Mr. Pontius replied nis usual pleasant way but not without some little embarnsmeut as a result of the Burpnse coming so suddenly, VlrdJct In Furor of Cillmorc. For Modern Woodman Day at Omaha Exposition. Tickets will lie sold on Tuesday Sept. 20, at flO.OO for roucd trip good 5 days from date of sale. E. F. Pontics. Lewla Gwlai to Clerk -Treasurer 'IlO0I, OFFICERS: Enrgert TMhwer Director B. L. fimuclc..... XiYlemrnr 4!Wl Oerlach Treasurer CHUItCKKS A.VO .V.CIETIE.. "Metho'.lt Sunduy School n.wtsevtry Sun Iay morning at 10 eu W. II. luvis, lluiB nett, superintendent. Secretary EP WORTH LEAGUE. KPgular bualncM uiMtlng drat Tuesday vveniitc in each month. llns'pALaxR, O. Kisdall, .President. Secretary. Devotional masting every Sunday evening at tM. MM. KlVDiLfc, Leader. NOTICE: There will be Lutheran services at the court house Saturday, Oct. 8th, 1898, at 2 o'clock P. M. Rev. F. G. Winges. Pastor. County clerk Blewett and family left for Omaha last Moodav eveninir where they go to visit the Exposition. Mr. B. expects to meet his father there and will try to pursuade him to come home with him for a few weeks visit. Uncle J. S. Tucker who was up from Glen last Monday reports Charley Rus sell is improving nicely under Hie care of the Post -doi'V'f at Ft. I&ibiitm. f JUHIOK LEAGUE. MsM each soaday af ternota at 2 3t. Mas. KmiMLt., Sopt. JtSKT BUSK POST, Ho. 343, 0. A. B. Meats aeeond Monday In each month t-houae at Harrison. K. B. LI Termers, Com la wooDioai or rax world. namsoa Osjnp, lo. ts, mets oa each al termate Wednesday availing. W.H. Davis, J.a.Hao, Clerk. .Con. Com. uemm wooDMKM or America. Hwrta aaek attorn Saturday evening at'lek. Jt. w Jimitb, V. o A. X. Daw Clark. &'m?'r' r- t ajr II - Y ) 1 '-- v NOTICE:-Mass will be celebrated at Harrison at 10 o clock a. m., every Satur day before the Second Sun day of each month. Michael P. Waldron. Pastor. Since court adjourned it is not quite so lively in town this week. Kr. Charles Coffee informed us bis oldest son and daughter would attend high school at Chadron this fall and win ter. A daughter of Mrs. James Johnson of this -place who has been here on a visit from Ida county for a couple of weeks left forborne last Saturday even ing. Mrs. Olive Sherill of Ida county, la. who has been visiting with friends and relatives in this county for the past two or three weeks took tbe train for her borne last Saturday evening. Tbe infant babe of Mr. and Mr. Burt Soiuck, is this morning some bet ter. The little one has certainly been very sick and we hope it will soon re cover. fotafle I tan cattle hides and all kind of skins with hair for robes, or withoet or leather. Eco sample and orices in H. Bartell's store. H. Otjhucht. Glen. Nk La y Sutton's new barn which he is boildio(M the lot just recently purchas o near the North-Western hoteT is gradually assuming shape. W. O. Pat terson is assisting in raising tbe frame. -Mrs. rfa Oollenaat sod nieos, Mies Margerett Kuoc of Oaaahe, cam oa Monday noon's train on a visit with Charles Cameosiod a brother of Mrs. CMIeajeat They will wimt with Char ley seoat tw onaney nas nau a very severe atlacii o typhoid fever but will doubtless recover soon. S. Sherman lia purchased tbe house now occupied by Sheriff Holly and fam ly and will uiove into it soon as Mr. H vacates it. We understand Mr. Sher man will have an addition built on the main part which will be 18 feet square Mr. Henry Wert?, will do the work linn. JLouis (rerlach and his esteem ed wife went to Omaha last Monday evening over theF. E. & M. V. Railroad to attend the great Exposition, Mr. and Mrs. Gt-rlach will lie gone about one week or ten days. They expect to meet some of their Iowa friends at the Exposi ton. Mr. Albert Sutton, brother of Laney who came down from the Powder river country last week on a visit to his moth er's at Pleasant was also visiting with his brother at this place and Alex. Low- ery and family, who by the way is brother-in-law living a -mile north- of town. While here Mr. Sutton and his brother made a short call at this office last Saturday evening, giving us a short but interesting discription of thecouutry he lives in. Mr. Sutton has done re markably well since be went to the Pewder river country three years ago having made about n,000 during that time. He cannot say too niucii in praise of that country. The Jovkxal, in days, now gone by has indirectly questioned the pure demo cracy of Ed. Saterlee of Chadron. But, since reading in the Hemingford Herald an account of the resolutions pemnai bv the democratic representative conven tion in Chadron, the Stb of this month, which alone were furnished to but one of the three democratic papers in this representative district by Mr. Saterlee, w therefore, conclude Ed's democracy is tbe genuine, the pure and undeflled Tbe J jCRXAL now believes Mr. Saterlee questions the democratic principals of the Sioux Conmr Journal and the Hat Sprunoa Leader, or they each would have been favored with a copy of tbe resolutions. Never-the-less the JoUBXAL must confess that Ed. is one of the uti terifled, and for proof of our assertion we refer all who doubt it to go to the columns of the Hamingford Herald. IVirbonact WartllKci. Charlie Leeling ts cutting corn tot O. A. Oarton. R. L. Keel was hauliaff wood from J. O. Merrwoii Tuesday. As tlie Journal went to prers last Thursday noon it was impossible to give the virdict in the case of Nebraska vs Irving Gillmore as the court's charge as not delivered to the jury until about 2 o clock after which the jurors in the case repaired to the' jury room where they deliberated over the evidence till about S o'clock when the judge was noli lieu and court reconvened to receive the virdict! When court had been called the iury after being notified that the court was waiting to receive the virdict they filed into the jury box and after a DU rogatory from the judge as to wheth er they were all agreed on a virdict, the virdict signed by the foreman LL A. Prid dy handed to the clerk of the court and from the cl-rk to Judge Westover who nformedthe prisoner at the bar of jus tice by reading Irom the virdict that he had been acquitted and 'w tlioreforedis- charged by the court To say that the accused wns happy over the virdict rendered in his favor by the jury and then being discharged by the court is beyond the ability of the Journal scribe to tell it in writing. Certainly the couniel b.ith for the prosecution and the defence did all they could, one to convict and the other to ucquit. We understand Mr. Gillmore has gone to Colorado where he w i! permanent !v ' make his home in tlx- duurt a -id Ins we learn will follow bun latter on. Following is, in substance, the decree rendered by Judge Westover in the divorce case of Hester vs Hester the term of court closed on trnrSrtTTdsT: The divorce case of V. A. Hester vg Myrtle Hester appearing on the court docket for trial at this term of District Court, W. W. Wood lieing attorney for plaintiff; Grant Guthrie of this place and A.W. Cntes of Chadron, appearing for tbe defendant, came up for hearing last Friday afternoon and was settled by the plaintiff withdrawing the origi nal charge and substituted in its stead one of extreme cruelty. Judge West over, after making an examination of the evidence in the case, granted a decree of absolute divorce to the plain tiff without having to pay nlimony and was granted a refund of (53.00 suit mon ey from the defendant The Court also, decreed that the mother should have the custody of the child, granting privilege to the father of having the child one day of each week after it bus b"en delivered to its mother on the 150th of this month, until further order from the Court: and the father may at any time visit his child jt the home of the mother, during hours, to ascertain if the child is receiving proper care and treat-j ment. According to the decree the lit tle boy can, whenever he desires on his own motion visit his father provided, lowever, that the child is returned to its mother at or before 6 o'clock p. m. of such day. 5 CENTS its '; iVi.. " - ' it i . fc JfiTKlV The U.-ini-.??i.'nnr O'clul GuMo i IViiid i;f.t; tiM. i.n;iuftv i. i r .. .iti Ifi. I prve f-.v ;:ur It .r':""fTr!a'I'i ' In j ftn.i . ul Hi- e,iM., ! l.,.i.f , ,.- tl. : ! ir.. . miji, : n,:n' t )'!( i I ;'!, ran ( ,tr..-r.f. I,if'. r.J,.'. f.UHftjirr .4 ;thi. Mtc.uc.1 lilt.( use Aii:;i:i;-s u.'.tr.'v.'.v ct ;i: co.. I '2 " iT ..U .,-(. "l'.i"l-, I!). 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks 1 Mavor Moores, of Omaha, has leen de clared ineligible to hold the oflice of Mayor of the metropolis of the great state of Nebraska, by the supreme Court of the state, fo- the reason that Mr. Moores wus a defaulter of public funds when elected to that important office. . OCSIGNS 'rrff' C0tVBI0MT8J AnTWi .enOlnif a .ketfi nd decrii'tlon may qtnrkiy wrtAin onr opinion free whether an Inrnntlon is pnSabljr tatumiUtMn. (Vimnmnlm itmathclTviiiSletUaL Hand hook on I'stenta nt friHi. fil4.t airener ftr uvunnr patents. I'ntBnn lakxn tlirudah lunn A Co. reccire l cnari rjHfiii tvitte, without Scientific American. A SiinOximely lllotm.'t weekly. I arreat tit esititiion of any ftcientinc jmirfi.!. Term. W a yar: fmir months, 1. Bold by all nowlelm. MUNN&Co-Newyork Branch Offioo. Y HU Waihlnftoo. D. C Tlio U11 vol 11 11;; Vert ices. Last Sunday was on idea', day for the unveiling of the monument, erected to the memory of Albert R. Dew by the Woodman of the World, with one excep tion it was quite windy and dustv. mere were a large congregation of friends and neighbors of the deceased gathered at the cemetery to witness the imposing ceremony which was conduc ted under the auspices of the W. of W. and M. of W., orders of which Mr. Dew was a member. It ould be no exager ation to say there were 200 people in at tendance at the .metery. Hon. Lewis Gerlach was the orator of the occasion and we believe was the right person in the right place. There were others, who Ulled important places in conducting the ceremonies, and among them were John I. Davis, W. H. Davis, Charles Biehle, Grant Guthrie, John Marsteller, E. F. Pontius and others. The ceremony was a fitting one and the monument, which was a beautiful one, does credit to the order erecting it and besides it is a credit to the memory of him who s last resting place it will mark during the years that shall come and go in the future. Col. William J. Bryan has finally suc cumbed 10 the strain of )N vigilant c:ir of his reir!"!er;t. ;t;id ,i.n ir n fevr. 11.) is iiipiv in Washington win re ho weut from Jacksonvill Fa., three or four (lavs nsotonsk for better quarters for the 3rd Neb. volunteers or request that they lie mustered out at least those who are sick and desire to be, Col. Bryan, so his physician soys, is not rn any danger however, he may 1 able to leave for Jacksonville in three or four days. s -.bazar, f&a.a 5 H&imHswy Y et such men as Hon. W. J. Bryan, Charles Towne, Henry M Teller, ex-gov ernor Altgeld, George Fred Williams, Senator Pettigrew and other prominent silver men are denounced because they are silver men. DIED: Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Julius B. Burke at their home in Bodarc precinct Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Sept, 25th, m. Funeral services took place at the home of the deceased Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock Rev. J. L. Kendall of Harri son p reai hod the sermon. We are exceeding sorry to be called to record tbe sad inteligenoe of the death of the second twin txbe of Mr. and Mrs. Burke, the first little one having passed over three or four weeks ago. But "the Lord doeth all things well." "He heal Cth tbe broken In heart and bindoth up their wounds." Following letter received from Hon. Lewis Gerlach at Clvadron, while wait ing to change cars for Umana to visit the Exposition will explain itself: THE BLAINE, Chadron, Neb., Sept. 28, 1833, Mr. Geo. D. Canon, Harrison, Neb. Dear Kir: Hon. John IL Jones, republi can nominee for representative of the 53rd legislative district hi s refused to accept the nomination. Yours Truly, Lewis Gem.ach. Oe sot Isncw be deeefvsa fcy wll-an! ns. Real the truth. II will as; roa diridanet. THINK OR STARVE THAT IS THE ALTERNATIVE. yaar. Ukj,.ta. lx roa kauwwkyl hL2 I "7112 STYLTcM PATTERN." Af- X f li.tic. tiif.IoruiV. Original. Pcrf.'Ct- 7 7 Fitting, Pticts IO. ''lid 15 CCIl It. T C Nonch:Kcr. No-.e Ixl'tralcny price. A Some reJallc niercr.a:.t wl!s thtm in 5- nir;y every city cr lewn. Icr l'.-xrr., or ti.ey can Le h.-d J37 mtil from. u in tlttrr Is'ew York cr Chicago, r EUrr.pi Ukcn. La'rst FjMra S.utl i;ut upon rscrJft ci cce cci ta a I postage. Brl;fc(fst ladirV aiapirfr? puiliJwi. 7 Invaluable for lbs heme Fashions of 3 tlie cay. Home Lltaatcre, Hoc.fthrio X Hint., Fanry Vurk. Currrr.t Topics, J I iclion, s!l for only 50 c:.U a yr.u, In- Q c!uiir,j a 1 rri pat'ci-i, your own " tijn ar.y time. L.nd vj 2-c.-.t ali-xipj 7 Jortjmp'rfcrpy. Address N VV - 11 f m m. a a. m m ilia IflCWLL UVWiVVAY, S a 142-146 Wat Mlh Sttut, I-iew VwL A 1 IC9 Fifth Avtnuir, Chicago. I cgvehkueist positions. j.- ,' ,t "? 11 fM "1 h one of it,P iWfiUt ; 1. ' j p"h"rti' hv eo-rnmeni k,r lirr-y ts P.ui. au on dti yon .fm&jSrH h"" ivaeidte utu-eii.ird lit Z V 5Vvi I"" ,Mr "B ' w.o.rcd Civil hi ri a ccoirron arnoi4 call i.ic rcquucmcuia His imsosaible to pick up a single gold standard paper and read the editori al psge through but some where on that pags you are told by its editor that the silver issue is dead. Formerly NEW OCCASIONS. The Ian 4 Oar, Mmtofaw& C Dollar a Yea -o xttjrznzz rtgnlmrtp aaiUHSarta to aafajMars TTh s'KSi . f"r ott Dtaa. saErKSsS Cbrfa 1 fer ft Ccrrsrj, tCZtsi M PbMi Aveasw. CtsKAOO, iS5tiJ STENTS. PATtliTS. T.ll iluirtU Ull f ttl!1r pflf!ll (fS'oh- ain r.,' pau-nta trrt conyoct'l in IN ?nl (.irca ountoct. Therl::l o- ihi. t-er-l. ha" I ad S3 year :pnfw u C.i.f Kti'Witf, Conoa'ionff ol aicn.sanl Fiuut Mu in. y. la vrry aurcak 'ul in Msii'.nff hrnd i.alnu fcn l in Uie pfoaccviKtll )l all po;ciit 1.1, r Ion I lore Ut cojita, SCKCOt Of U.W. Tht Piraii cjo nt yiai for Kfmttrn toth Bar "i trvn re ym lor ci ve pruK. in io renin, witlwut in ilrn-ill Inurlfrm wt'i your etlifi l lea. O'lr l.'iMmuora ie II. our ty-iem itioriUKh,an 1 outibtm rr.wnalilt, Thrre i-'iiia-tt are i.m fMi l.'nioriiy, t!uvnra and spccuL Sen J lor prticul ir e'ira, eic. KAT ONAI, INKOkMtllON BUREAU, M) New Vork A., tvshui(ien, P. C Horoo OvvnoroLTry GOMOAULT'O Cauotic Tt'fh EaiaiUlllll i7.aiLV I Cl basff scd fasUaiBaSB Kra'7h,((!,aDijiaV.An I ff llA bAswv - AW a wmrm iraM rMi 'Pin. mrwmmmAi IMI1. IW rtk -i ZJ 4pl , it. - 4 a