The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 29, 1898, Image 7

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    SaaaUa OisUL.
8pla mm smokeless powder and hit
la sh'ils Bltimor American,
It would b bard to convict a Spanish
UMr of assault and bttry with iti
taat to kill. Iudianapoha Journal.
The meaning of Morro cattle ii a "tall
high biuff," and Spain it-n't doing i
Ihicg but putting up the lest one tf
her 'iui'urf. I 'droit JoL-rmtl.
Up to this time tuere ha been uo oc to nneir'h (tones concerning
th boyhood of any ot the Spanish ad
Birl. CI VeUi.J leader,
When ihe children ret their
feet wet and take cold ;;ive them
a hot foot bth. a bowl of bet
drink, a dose of Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral, and put them to bed.
The chances are they will Le
all rijht in ihe morning. Con
tinue the Cherry I ectctsl a few
ys, until ell cough Its dis
appeared. Old coughs ere also cured;
we mem the courh cf bron
chitis, weak throats and irritable
lungs. Even the hard coiifths
of consumption are always
mace easy and fiequcntiy cured
fcy tne continued use of
Tne Hub of tha PmUum.
C. M. Irwin give the following de-
riptlon before the Switie Breeder'
association of Kan bub of Lie idea of
the eoin ntf hog: "A regards the com
ing bo?, I will just briefly give my
idea of what we should try to make
It. It sho' Id have a very short hesd,
broad l.teon the eye, small, thin
Rod ell-tipped ear, dpep through the
hrart girth, because that denotes vi
tality, well-sprung rib, uict-ly arched
hack, extra Uif??, and a hog of
Hiiirt leg ant stunning erect on
lights and clocks combined tire sold that
Every doctor knows that wild
cherry bark is the best remedy
known to medical science tor
soothing sr.-i healing inflamed
throats and lungs.
Put cmo of , ,., -
Cherry Pectoral
" Plasters '
aver yazis" im
Tt0 Bcxf M&diont
v ht- rm f th mort tmt
rn jf'iynkfiti.i Ui tm-d Mat.
Write) If J ti w.
1 um, a
.." -v L'
SI I P-f
Cumpi-ttttvc t'r achlne.
Elljnh Hedding', the wflbknorrn
ilithilit bishop who lived lu the tlrst
h'Uf of the prt seut century, was partic
ularly feiiclto'.is in makln:? appuint
rnenra fur tho different circuit, lie
'i;c(l, however, to tell with keen enjoy
ment of oji; occasion on which he full
ed to sice Riitlxfiietion.
At thf clnie of a conference when he
hfid made niimeroux appointment for
circuit, a boy ii p; .e:t red, gaaplnz for
breath, ntid informfd him that b man nt
the hotel, who seemed to be In a dyinj
cir-fiuion, was anxiously calling the
bishop' nniue.
liurryliiK to the hotel, he found th
ir-nn In a itate bordering on hysterh s
liccuine he had failed to secure the ap
pointment he wished, but had been as
eined to another circuit.
"Now stop Imvllnjj." (jlj the blfhop
firmly, when the rnnn had made hU
.ompltilat, "and go to your post and la
bor hhe a Dian." He thousht he had
wen the b'.ftt of the fault finder, but. a
short time after the man appeared
KKttln, in n great cfnte of excitement
"I don't blame you. bishop," he said,
"but It's that preHklin elder! And
now If you'll only hear him and ms
preach two bonis of twenty sermons
apiece," he continued, looking anxious
ly at It 1h hop lieddlng for encourage
ment, "two boms of twenty sermons
iipiece. If 1 don't beat him. blahop, why
fll glveip!"
This trial never took plaep, but the
Mttliop )i" 1 some dlflienlty in persuad
ing t'" discontented preacher to ruturn
to bis posti
T 1 would cheer the weary watches of a vic-
ne Btonr of mn Old Man Who Had Bad tjm of Inaomnla even. Tha light Is f ur
Lnck Uai.ius; Fe.fowU. I n)ned by one of the round fut canUl,t
"No, ma'am,- said the huckster at the uged jn fary lamps, get safely in a disc
tlley gate to the lady of the bouse, who 0f nietal. The porcelain face of the
aad come out there to ask him a ques-: ciot.k a utilized as a shade, and if one
Hon, "no, ma'am, I haven't got a pea- nrefers it can be of blue or creuu or yd-
Stop! Women,
Wfiere Spn fa I,im to t.
AccordiiiK to tin Wa.shliitou Star, ft
young man who eoiitrlbutcs or tries to
contribute--to the newspapers was S'-eu
siandlog ont tu the nifeht and gazing
lonenndcariHFtij nt the sky.
What pre you doing? Studying as
tronomy?" otdced the friend who en
countered bltn there.
"No; go away and don't disturb me.
I am fctixltig into Infln'tc difiinnce."
"I don't e wliat satisfaction you
find lu that."
"That's because you have never had
any experience with editors. You don't
know what comfort it Is to find some
place where nothing Is ever crowded
out for want of space."
I believe toy ;;t H-e of Pino's Core
prcvemeil qniek eom-innp ion.- Mrs. I.ucy
Wallace, ilanpiette, Kana., Deo. 12, 'W.
It is pP(ikrti d thnt long coats will be
in liiwh (avof next fa'i.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
fowl on the place, aud I don't tbiuk I
ever will have."
"I thought you bad a large flock," I
aid the lady, apologetically.
"That was two years ago, ma'am,
Vou see, I had bad luck with them. A
little the worst luck 1 ever had with
any poultry I ever raised, and it was so
rough on the peacocks, ma'am, getting
as how the peacock is such a proud and
haughty bird. 1 know peacocks, ma'am,
and I am willing to testify that the
American eagle bird is poor white trash
compared with the peacocks I had on
my place. They were beauties, too, I
can tell you, ma'am, and they bad tails
ou them that would fade a fresh rain
bow. They were ns long as the trail of
one of jour best silk dresses, and drag
ged the ground behind them like the
wake of a ship. That was the kind of
loo loo birds they were, and I was as
proud of them as they were proud of
themselves, ma'am.
"Hut one nh'ht In the late winter of
'0(5 the blow fell that done for my birds,
and give me a set-back In ptweek rais
ing that I guess I'll never pet over. Me
and my wife used to always take care
of Hue peacocks, and one d:iy in Febru
ary we come to town, expecting to get
home by 4 o'clock In the evening?, for
there wasn't anybody there to look af
ter things, except a half-witted darkey
boy we held to do chores. It was a nice,
warm kind of a morning, but by noon it
had taken a turn, like the weather Is
apt to do nt that season, and there was
a cohl rain falling that bad turned to
driving sleet by 2 o'clock. At 3, when
we started to go home, the streets were
so slick our horse couldn't stand up.
and by 4 the thi rtiioineter had dropped
away down below freezing, and It was
gelling cel.-Vr ev ry minute. I left my
wife i': town with her sister, and, p t
tlngt'l! horse, I went home by train
and ft walk of two miles from the sta
tion. "V'hen I got bone I wts that near
i froze I could hardly stand up, but the
i hov '"if! n bf-r Pre i-obis. and 'is as
!l gU Ihe eh 11 r ff I weld out to site
S about the fi w!s fid cnimals on ihe
! place. Kvcrytldn;; was ! oki'ig pretty
well, ntiri 'here was no harm done until
1 1 p-i hack to the yard, and there I
I fout.d my whole (h ck of fo'-rfec-n
! spread over th ground like as If u lot
! of fi'oz !! ra'nlx ws h id been dumped
! Into the yap' and scattered around. You
I see, the sleet had caught the birds as
I they stood around waiting for sotne
jbod'y to drive them into shelter, and as
'it fell upon their Ions; and beautiful
tails It trickled off and fro.c the feath
ers to the ground. That, done for the
birds, ma'am. They couldn't move after
that, and when I got to them every
proud bird was froze to the ground, and
too dead to skin. Do you wonder now,
ma'am, that I have gone out of the pea
cock business?" And the huckster
wiped a tear from his eye Washing
ton Star.
low Instead of white, thus subduing the
light to a mere glimmer. j
Another article for which the occu-,
pant of the "guest chamber" will lhssj
bis or her hostess every time he us'-s it :
is a compact and pretty writing si.icd
in the shape of a long bronze leaf. The ;
steam curls up over the leaf, one ten
dril orming a taper, another twining
about and supporting a receptacle for
sealing wax. An ink well of cut glass,
a curled leaf holding matches and a
couple of bent twigs forming a pen rack
complete the appointments. A stand
for paper and envelopes is of bronzo
leaves lacpd together with little twigs.
I'biiadelphia J'ress.
And Consider the All-lmporUnt Fact,
7 VW,
Kjia- . 'i
Fish, as" a rule, Increase In welglit
and length every year up to their death.
From the cochineal insects are obtain
ed the gorgeous carmines, the crimson,
scarlet and purple lakes.
Matter weighing one pound on the
moon's surface if transferred to the
ear;h would weigh Kix pounds.
According to the computations of
Prof. Hams the black race embraces
about one-tenth of the living members
of the human species, or oue hundred
and fifty million Individuals.
In the great volcanic district of Ice
land there Is a whole mountain com
posed of eruptive clays and pure white j
sulphur. A beautiful grotto penetrates j
the western slope to au unknown depth. !
That in addressing1 Mrs. Pinkham yon are eonfloV
ing your private ills to a woman a woman whoe
e.-. oerience in treating' woman's disease
is greater than that of an living phy
sician male or female.
You can talk freely to a womaa
when it is revolting' to relate youi
private troubles to a man betide
a man docs not understand simpler
because he is a man.
Many women suffer In silence and
drift along from bad to worse, know
ing full well that they ought to hart
immediate assistance, but a natural
modesty impels them to shrink fron
e:;posii!g themselves to the question
and probably examinations 01 ere
their family physician. It is unnec
essary. Without money or prioft
you can consult a woman, wnosu
j knowledge from actual expen-
'(P enco is greater than any local
pii-sicinn in me woriu. imwr
lowing invitation is freely onereai
' accept it in the same spirit:
Women suffering from any form of female weal-cess are invited to promptly
communicate with Mrs. Fmkham, nt Lyun, Juai. Ail letters are received,'
opened, read end answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of ber
private illness to a woman: thus baa been cfetabli.-dicd the eternal confidence be-
ween Mrs. Pinkham and the of America which has never been broken.
Out of the vast volume of experience which bhe ha todraw from, it is more than
po;ibletliatbheluis gained thevcry knowledge that wiUhelpyonr case. She asks
Tiotha-g ia re urn except your jrood-wiil, ami her advice has relieved thousands,
surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolisli if tie docs not take advantage of
his Bt-ncroosoffer of assistance. Ly dia 13. Pinkham Medicine Co. , Lynn, Mass.
" The present Mrs. Pir.kliain"s experience in treating female ills isunparalleled,
ior years she wonted side by side wilh Mrs. LydiaE. Pinkham, and for sometime
t lias had solo charjje ot tue correspoinu-ueo uvparuueui, w v -"
icg by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing women a year.
' 1
iicis, tre
Pobltjy Pointers.
In egz production lies the chief source
of profit in roultty,
Freeh laid eggs will batch a little
nooner than those laid soma time.
Chicks in a healthy condition shonld
r..i., i..,..,. i i. 4 iu... i
. , ,, be lively and vtoroua from the uret
in captivity for a great number of' 7 k
years. 1 v, , re said to have been In the ! "0llf
Zoological Cardens for twenty-three I When a contagious diwse appears m
years and thirty-four years, respec- j fl"uk, the siiltn the yard beootnea con
tivcdv laminated and fnleaa thorouiihly disin-
The normal pumping capacity of the 1 certain conditions may cause do-
henrt: Is seventy strokes a minute, that .amu, ipsibh iu -"
Is, l;)O.S(iO strokes in twenty-four hours, ' 3cea?e will make its appefiwojn again.
Bears tha
Signature of
1 t 't f fy -t ;tffllftrin!fnh
I K fur' f 'ml it .,Uaaac'
-.t t!to i - v e f h Hr ir 1
wt I .u?vr If it-A I. 4t In yam I
i.wn. writ? i jf:i,r''
A, J.T')'.VI:W, e.,'..n. .ivi
To wit ? d
-.' jA . '?
4- U"miT '
Here's your
Denver Train,
i-...!:..,.!'! MWvr Limited."
Tvemi,ihtat 4 :.'-') p. m. daily,
re i.cbl"i Denver at 7 :30 ' ' ni-rninp.
Fa'ct sti'l ttioftcomf- rtthle.alt'r
ti'ti train out of Omaha.
hlee,i.cbi r-earc, diner.
TictM and full i' fortimthm sn ap
plia.bmtotbel . Hl"i! bv a,)-drei-niuvt
(miil-.c Neb.
p, s,if to.. , t ""'';
thlr:i-Mli"Pe K, Uleii.
Plain covert cloths will lw much wor ;
in taiHT made '"
Jilffirrnt "w--Too
bad that you
ntchts In addlttcn
atfhta. 1 gt
odWbr, your wife told W wlfa
ou had to work until 11 or 1.
StlSf- know m wlfrt
L horn now.-;ievclaud
Mural I Cor.iU"ii.
Probably fit uo time u the world's his
tory has as much attention been paid to
the interior ieioruuoii of home an at
liuseiit. No home, no mutter bow hum-
' . . ... i l,t.(.,j
hie, i witiiout ii uiniuivium n.ov
lo beautify the BparimeiiU mid make the
.iUTfoiudiagi more chefrful. The taMe
of the Amerk-aii tu-ople ha kept p- c
with the a tre. nd almost every mry oros
nh aoiHclbiiift ' 111 '"' "ay UI " 1
a orapii'K, l"" 1
r,,r,n f mural tlecoiatiou. Oue of
tin' mte(-l oi mew u "-
world hy the ce.ehl utetl, Jimmy.
in a aerie or tour imiiuwnm- p'i"-
irunie ila.pies. Not tor year mis
ihii.g ui hamlsenu- ia tlii line beeu seen.
The sut.jeeti' represented hy these plm;'.le
arf AmerU-an wild du-kn. Amcrih
pheBnant. Anierienn qmi.l and l.iidh
sioje. Th"' are liaiebomc!- "''
a,ve-i.-eiali' designed for liaiigiiig oil doi
,!,' room :!, :hoa tie-it r,rut'. unu
Uiuitv eiitil.eK them to a place tu tin
ctirlor of any home. 'Iiicsc origin,
chiimcs have been loirrkiiW ,it a toHt f
$r,n in fj ly J. ('. Iliihau:cf V. . Co., mini
lUueLuren. ot the te,ehrat.-d J'hasta
Sian-li, a tul in onh r to eu.d.le their nunc
erolos i u-t..miTH to' ot
ll.M. hauibmiie worUs of an Ufj them reproiliici .; hy a l t-c itj
in all tin rich cidov and beimty of lo-
.,. 1 ... ...i ln.i vv
nr.u-iiiii. lify BIT l-IO-ie-.. .-
inio'o'inid. iin.-ie,l find t-uil.ff!" '1 i" bo
lo pe -f a pla'iue a'el with a
befiiy bni.d ot gold. They iiooeoire forty
hicln' ill circimlci-eiiee and contain no tcr or invert iwiiiem uni
have to
the long
you put IP during the day.
im-Ob, I don't have to work
r I g t throuttb at 6 o'clock ev-
Putil Oct. 1 M
lii-im. Co. proe to
pliepies free to their
purchaser of threi
Flu si ic Mn n-h
lif t (T
it Tew "
mm IVVt M a aB m
li !
.1, (J. Iluhiliilet
l.striinite thest
i, ii-tiiiiieis. l-.vci y
ten-cent pflekngCs ui
Ibt.r'Ci hr.nid. uihuiuhc-
tureii bv J. ('. Iluhiligcr 1..0. ., is en
titled to reec've one of thes- handsome
plnipie free from their X r. Hd and
new customers iiiihe r. pntitl d to t.if
beni-flls of thin offoi. '1 line fdaipiea will
. . .1- . 1. .. . . I I lin ..,! U
not 1! ellt tliroiiltn lie- mini, mr
wny to ohtsin them bfin frow T'U'
cer. Idery crocery ton? in the countty
linii KhiHtic Starch for sale. It 1 the old
est and lit-st laundry ftnri h n the nmrkl
nil I the most perfect cold process starch
ever Invented.' It Is the only lnr li nimle
hy 'nipn who thoroughly understand tin
Lnmlrv hu:nes. a"d the only starrh thai
will not Injure the finest fnbric. It hai
been the standard for a qtiartcr of a cen
tnry aud as an evidence of how good It Ii
iwpntT-two minion nrf w.-r
Isst rer. Ask your dealer to show yo
the plsqne and tell nn about ElastU
ai..,.t. Arrant Bo aunsiiiuie. or"
rind that this offer boius geoti a soon
tle only aad should be taken advaato
Fleures About 1 1 Weight,
ilcpth find Volume.
I intend to take my revenge ou the
sea for the past indignities suffered
from him and to deal deliberately in
! personalities about bun. inviting m
my side his many victims wuo uave
suffered the like Indignities, 1 propose
that we weigh, measure and gauge
him, battle him, play games with bi.u
nml bIimi' him un generally for. like
most bullies, he is a bit of a humbu
For our attack ou the sea we shall
wnt.t a few facts to start from, and
here they are:
We take the statements of four good
men of science, a geographer, an its
tionomer, a physicist, a statistician,
add the statements, divide by four, and
arrive at the result that the surfact
the sua Is 13'JVi millions of square miles,
his weight i,3;;2,(joi),ooo.joit,oi(
tons and his volume V;22.0M.W0 cubic
miles. A like process will tell us that
the average depth of the sea Is 12.000
feet (more than two mm one-quartc
miles), and we know that one cubic foot
of him weighs over sixty-four pound
avoirdupois, I. e about four and one
half stone, or as much as a small child
8 or 10 years of age. From these fig
ures Mr. Schooling deduces that the
Sea IS Simp!' llowuore w uen we i -u iii-
parc It wltii the laud f this planet as
regards the s did quantilies of weight,
depth and volume:
"Only In th Kup.'rfielui quality of sur
face docs the sea bent the land. As to
beauty, th-re is billnltely more of It
and In much greater variety, on the
land than on the sea, To further em
phasize tin1 magiil'ieonee of the s--a we
will now pour It Into a jelly mold -one
of those thin, ornamental, tin shapes
vou see In the kitchen dresser. For
this experiment I have dug put nil the
Inside of the United Kingdom of Croat
P.rltaln and Ireland, from Us surface
ail tiie way down to the center or 'lie
earth CI.'.M'rO miles), and hove thus m.'de
the Inrgi st Jelly mold known-or rather
two oT them, for Ireland forms a shope
by its-If, although, at Jiottotn, It Is irm
ly Joined to Fnghind, Wales and Scot
land. Now, this Jelly timid would be
large enough to hold Just one-half of nil
the sea of this planet, so that a pair of
these tin shapes would dispose of the
whole sea!" Person's Magazine,
jy which It semis atiotit tony tiiousnnu ,
pounds of blood through the lungs and j
Sir Benjamin W. Richardson consid
ered good sleepers as the best possible
patients, certainly the most curable. lie
says: "I would always rather hear that
sick person had slept than that he
had taken regularly the prescribed
mcdiciuo during sleeping hours."
The hieroglyphic " writings from
which some persons suppose an al
phabet was derived were in use at least
three thousand years B. C, but the re
cently discovered inscriptions at the
city of Nipur, in Assyria, carry back
tlits origin of writing to a polut seven
thousand years B. C.
At the Geological Society's meeting in
London last April Prof. II. G. Seeley ex
hibited the upper bone of the leg, or
paddle, of a plesiosaurus which had
been almost completely turned Into
opal, the mineral having replaced the
ubsiaiu-e of the bono. Ihe fossil was
found in an opal mine in .New .sou in
Wales. The plesiosaurus was a long
necked Inhabitant of the sea in the
"o of the Great Iteptlles. or-Jurassic
Time, and sometimes attained u length ;
of thirty feet.
It Is said that lightning may be recog
nized at a distance of two hundred
miles when the clouds among which it
plays are at a high altitude, but that
thunder can seldom be heard at a great
or distance than ten miles. The sound
of thunder Is also subject to refraction
by layers of different density in the at
musnhere, as well as to the effects of
"sound shadows," produced by hills i
and other Interposed objects. These are
among the reasons for the existence of
ihe so-called "sheet," or "summer,"
lightning, which seems to be unattend
ed by thunder.
Dr. J. II. Gladstone, discussing at the
Koyal Institution the question of the
metals used by the great nations of an
tiquity, said recently that gold was
probably the first metal known to man,
because it Is generally found native.
The oldest metallic objects to which
we can assign a probahlo dale were
found In a royal tomb nt Nagada In
Fi'vnL sutiiiosed to have been that of
St. Louis Republic,
Our Corn Surplus.
Explanation, of the enormous increase
in Euro pi an corn requirements, evidenc
ed in Ainericm export", 206,500,000 pasl
year, is la. gely found in the extended
U'C in Continental Europe of corn in
stead of bsirley and other grains for cat'
tie. Fritz Arnold, a leading German
importer, says that with the cattle oi
Germany feeding on American corn there
will be market f r 150,000,000 in German
agricultural dh t'-iets alone, that a largs
slut eof the $100,0! 0 worth of corn thai
now to s weekly to Europe is for tha
German farmer, and that the rest oi
Europe is learning the same lesson.
iMl Nil
C u Hurrah I
0 .
Meins. In one of the cliamtiers
were some bits of gold and a bead, a
button and a fine wire of nearly pure
cooper. If the tomb has been properly
Identified, these objects are nt least
o;0 years old. Nearly all the ancient
gold that has been examined contains
enough silver to give it a light color. It
was gathered by the ancients In the bed
of the Pactolus and other streams of
Asia Minor.
Battle At tas come"
Evttyhoi'f who reas the newspapers knows what priva
tion and sutizting were caused in Cuba hy the failure
of the supply of tobacco provided by the Government to
reach the camps of the U. Soldiers.
"fc 7." y
XThtn marching fightinrj; tramping: wriecllng:
instantly relieves that dry teste in the mouth.
aBy.MMaraM'Wa'a, W I m isMsawasiaawaaawaasaaaaaMsaa
G -nA rfs lft
v4 U&ii
S I -
f. ,o r rr.tfsr
w iJ w a' j c
Vor Ne.rvon4 Guests.
It It often the little things which
make life happy or the reverse to the
"stranger within our gates." A night
lip!. i .-, it-l j- related by the nerv
ous guest who does not like to sleep In
total darkness, fciftl naturally objects to
the bright glnre of gas or cloctrjc light
all night Without (his bit of Uliimitia
tloti she would probably be sleepless
and miserable. QuJte oruumental tilth t
(seductive Mnrlgnnnn.
Jail and prison officials In Southern
Arizona have their hands full In trying
to prevent the smuggling Into their In
stitutions of the seductive mariguiuta.
This Is a kind of "loco" weed, more
powerful than opium. It grows from
seed by cultivation in Southern Ari
zona and In Mexico. The Mexicans
mix It with tobacco and smoke It In
cigarettes, inhaling the smoke. l's"d
In this way It produces a hilarious
spirit In the smoker that cannot be
equalled by any other form of dissipa
tion. When smuggled Inside the prison
walls Us devotees readily pay four dol
lars nu ounce for 1, but free men buy
It on the outside for fifty cents an
A pickpocket's work Is done In a mo
ment of abstraction.
Man seeks the office, but th office!
seek the man.
JiJ '' 'J W W w Ki$ vs' 'i ' W 1
?,A Fair Face Cannot Atone for
An Untidy House." ,
In I M4-1.f.. I d
I I Hiuiu J Ii
zSaI m u .i.iri., m
VoisciKiinn.o.! J
o. a 7. r
I'm- tiiii i f'f inifniicrftl
if- har U' , InllaiitiiiDtiK-riii,
rrllutioni or ulwrni wn
t luunom m-'mbniffii,
rtJnlftM, na not itrio
i"nt or fioluinous.
l. N. U. NO. 609-39 YORK NE3
Wi awt -o-l ByruD. Taiias Oiwd. Vs I f
Iha St. Joseph aad brand IaUai
lassai Qity and Omaha Bailwaji '
west (2s2 east
STtZ Ui PmiI. kstKH
TsCslltornls.Orrson sad sll Wsss IV1,
For Intormsilon Nardls tafsVjM,- iM
raddiMiisrestsfntr sVall
W. P. Kosissos, Ja., . ra.A AS
Oao'l sUsaftT, St. JasstSB, k.
wlttont delay.