The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 29, 1898, Image 3

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Ob. woiiiu i were a boy again,
'A 'lien life uied formed of sunny
yen rs,
Ami ail ilie heart then knew of pain,
Ut wept H"ny in transient tears,
V'li.'U evi'iy la'e Lope whispered tlieu,
Yr f. iiiy deemed wait only truth,
Oh, v oi;M li rt I louid know ugaiu,
Tiie lu jy visions of my youth.
T's rail to mourn that year have shown,
How fnife tUive fairy visions were,
Or murmur thct mine eye have known,
Tlie I unit n of r fleeting tear:
lint Mil the heart will fondly dine
'i n I'D iiu louder rlzd a truth,
And tm niory niil delight to briny
The I;;, i ; y vi.oi,a of uiy youth.
Hark I.eimm. - "
FINE public
house," said
Blanco Watson
the humorist.
. "les, 1 re
plied, looking at
the building we
were approach
Ming, -out a
0 'A strange position
.naij fi-ntii I Via
nigh road, and mirruu udod by vlllau."
"A very strange position. We will
rest in the public house, and I will tell
J'iu ii'iiv It luij.i- to be built In such a
Very strange position."
I smiled, jiiuI followed him into the
saloon bar. We -"'it at one of the tables,
nil wttL- silent for a time, ho thinking
ami I walfliii g hint.
"The siry begins," he ftald present
ly, "with a lurglary committed by a
certain Bill Jones one night long ago.
' "Kill was a young member of his pro
fession. Hitherto lie had not attempted
anything very big. but continued suc
king In small things had made, hltn bold.
On thin night he broke into tin; country
tiotiHC of a well-known actress, In the
hupu of carrying off her jewel.
, "Ho succeeded In getting the Jewels
and was leaving with them when he
found that the slight noise he bad
made had attracted attention. A ser
vant girl met him at a turn of the silr
ay and began to shriek. He rushed
liy her and to the window through
which he had entered. As he passed
through It again he heard doors being
opened, and knew thut the house was
fully aroused."
r "I understand," I said. "Bill escaped.
Ttio actress employed a detective. The
detective built thl public house in an
out-of-the-way place, hoping that Bill.
,as an out-of-the-way young man, would
call In one day fur a drink. Curiously
enough, Kill did,"
Blanco Watson frowned.
"This la an intellectual story," he
said; "it does not depend on coinci
dences. "I will continue. Bill avoided the
first pursuit by a long run across coun
try, and then walked toward his home,
not daring to use the railway. He keipt
to the by-roads as much as possible,
ud at the close of the next day had
reached the neighborhood of London.
"A pade lying Inside a field gate
Buggered to him the advisability of
hiding the jewels until he had arranged
for their sale. After making sure that
be was not observed, he entered the
field and picked up the spade. A tree
of peculiar growth stood Just beyond
him. In the manner of fiction, he count
ed twenty steps iii.e north from the
tree, and then dug r ep hole, placed
the Jewels In It, a:nl filled it up again.
"He arrived home safely that night,
but was arresifd iu the morning. The
B'Tvatit girl bad given an accurate do
r!pllnti of h:m io the police, and they
had recognized it,
"In due couise ho was tried. The
evidence against him was very strong.
The servant gi.l swore that he was the
I.. ail niie met on the stairs; some of she
vULigei swore that they had seen him
rear the houe previously to Uiii burg
lary, lie mis found guilty and sen
tenced to seven years' penal servitude.
"It'll behaved very well In prison,
find at the end of live years was re
leased ou a tickut-of-leave. lbs decided
to wait until the ticket had expired,
i:d then to get the Jewels and leave
tho country. Bat a day or two after
h'a release ho walked out to look at
the field.
"There was no field. During tho
Evs ;. ..vs i;.' mill tu-i-n in prison the.
-t:'e Rf ",h!i!i the field was part had '
lieeti tiiu.t upon, iie waudered about'
the houses iu despair. But, as he turned
a corner, he saw something which sug
gested hope. Behind some railing was
B tree of curious growth.
"It was the tree twenty steps due
north of which ho had burled the Jew
els. He recognized It immediately, and
ran toward It Again he was In despair.
A yard or two north of the tree was a
chapi 1. lie leaned against the railings,
covering his face with his bauds.
"It happened presently that the head
deacon of the chup'd, a kindly old man,
came down the road. He saw Bill
standing like otio In trouble, and
lopped and asked what was the mat
ter and whether ho could help.
"For a few moments Bill did not
knew what to reply, but then he spoke
will. He said that once he had been
a burglar, but that he bad learned Iu
prison that burglary Is wrong; that
now ho was trying to live an honest
life, but that, ns ho had no friends. It
was rot easy.
"The old man was touched. lie had
found Hill leaning Against the chapel
railing, and Bill had Mid that he had
in i rr i y.'hs !i not his duty as
in ad deacon t f the chapel to be a friend
to lull? Clearly It wiis.
"He took Bill home with him; be wu
bachelor, and there wu no one to
restrain his benevolence. The had
nipper mid tallied together. The fl.
con found Bill Intelligent and fairly
well ederaied, Hhd offered him employ
ment. He wni n bu'Jder In Uu neigh
borhood, he ei plained, and bad a va
cancy In the works. Bill gratefully ac
cepted the offer, and began bis new
career on the following Monday.
"Mouths passed. B!':r bad changed
wonderfully. He bad forgotten his old
habits and learned new ones. The dea
con was delighted. Not only was Bill
the best of his workmen, but he was
the most regular attendant at the
"Bill longed for the Jewels, and he
worked hard because he knew that
money would help him to get them.
He attended the chapel because while
there ha was near the jeweis, the seat
be had taken .being just twenty steps
due. north from the tree. At first he
had m.u' ..teJ digging down through
ihe floor one night, but the chances of
detection were great aud be had given,
up the U'".
"Yea- .tssed. The deacon had be
come r-n invalid, and BUI practically
manag'-d his business. He was an Im
portant i' in at the chapel, too, and
was oi ten Intrusted with a collection
box, tine day the deacon died. Soon
afterward It was known that, having
no nea.- leuivis, be had left his prop
erty to liU friend William Jones."
"I si -:" I exclaimed; "Bill "
Blau. o Watson shook his head.
"Bill h as Bill no longer," he said,
"He had become a man of wealth. At
the ne.vt election of deacons he was one
of the snc-essful candidates. In future,
we- must r.'fer to him as Mr. Jones, and
not as Bill.
"Mr. Jo::es was a most energetic dea
con. He Introduced new members and
he persuaded old ones to attend more
regularly. He started a young men's
literary suclwty and a scries of Satur
day entertainments. He made the chap
el the most popular In the district; and
then, at a New Year's business meet-
lug, he struck boldly for the Jewels.
"The chapel was too small, he said
In the course of an eloquent speech.
They must erect another on a larger
site. There was but one such site In
the neighborhood. They must secure
It before others did. He himself would
undertake the building operations,
charging only what they cost him. He
would also purchase the old chapel.
The net expenditure need not be very
"The proposal was well received,
and a committee, with Mr. Jones as
chairman, was appointed to consider
the details. Their report was very
favorable, and at. another business
meeting It was decided to carry out
the proposal.
"The necessary funds were sub
scribed or guaranteed. Contracts were
made with Mr. Jones. In the spring of
that year the building operations were
commenced, and by the autumn they
were finished. The congregation re
moved to the new chapel. Mr. Jones
pun based the old one at a high price
aud entered Into possession.
"And then," I said, "I suppose he got
the Jewels?"
Blanco Watson laughed.
"No," he said, "he did not ne broke
up the floor himself, counted the steps
due north from the tree again, and
dug. He did not find the jewels, lie
counted the steps again and dug deep
er. He did not find them. Then he
tried other places, but although he kept
on until he had tried everywhere be
neath the floor, he never found the
"Why, what had become of them?"
"I cannot say. It is possible tbat
when the foundation was being laid a
workman had discovered and approprl
nied them. Again, It is possible that
there were two trees of similarly cu
rious growth, and that the one outside
the chapel was not the one Mr. Jones
tirsst saw. Again "
"And what lias the story to do with
the public house? But I can guess."
"Of course you can. Mr. Jones was
very nngry with the chapel members.
He consld'-red that, by false pretenses,
they had led him Into buying the old
chapel dearly and building the new one
cheaply. He resigned his deaconshlp,
and then sought a way to be revengi-d
on them. He found one. On the site
of the old chapel he built a public
house this public house in which we
have sat so long." Edgar Turner, la
Tho Sketch.
In Italy.
Toor young girls In Italy are provided
with a marriage portion from a Gov
ernment fund. Tho sum annually dis
tributed In this manner amounts to no
loss than floral. To obtain a dowry
the applicant has to produce witnesses
as to her good character, and the has
also to prove that ber sweetheart has
a trade, and that she herself haa no
I' iaherlet Income.
Our fisheries are worth aboot forty
flve million dollars a yer. The fish
refuse Is so economically and Ingeni
ously utilized In the preparation of oils,
glues and fertilizers, etc., that these
conquests of waste realize about one
seventh, or fourteen per cent, of the
total Income from the flsherlea.
It Is the custom In Bulgaria for newly
married women to remain silent for a
month after their marriage, except
when addressed by their husbands.
When It Is desirable for the customary
restriction to be permanently removed,
he presents her with a gift and then
she can chatter to her heart's contest
Hints' Vision.
In birds the organ of sight Is highly
developed. British naturalists declare
that the kestnd Is possessed of such
wonderful powers of sight that It Is
able to see a mouse when It Is Itself at
such height In the air that It Is Invisi
ble to the naked human eye.
A mule bas one advantage: everyone
la afraid of a mule, and no one "Jokes"
with him.
People put a terrible lot of mViney
and worn into a noma wnicn tnoy netpi
The New thawl Cane ant It Near
Kelative that fi Maile fit Four or
l ive Layer Jniltcte Moat Suitable
for lounu CSrU.
Dictate f Faohion.
New York cirrviitxjDdi Bee:
OLK ultra-fubhiona-
:ile woman is still
ut of tovsn, yet she
is scheming to get
into town again, If
only for a feW hours.
Her visit will" en
able her to see tlie
new fashions, will
give her a cLa'nee to
eliat with her dress
maker and wiii let
her confer with t he
6; her tradesfolk who
help to make her a
bird of hue feather.
She thinks it would
liefer do to go back
o town even for a
flying run nud look
like a fright. Sup
pose she is induced
to itsy a dHy or go,
ing tier worst bi-at-friead right on the
oars! Ah I the trsveiiag rig m'ust be per
fection, even if it bare an impromptu air.
Then she caa giv that danKrolis best
friend her quit us by aaying: "1 haven't
a run fit to be sees, as a glance will show
you. and am iwaitively obliged to show
Clnrisse the atate I am ia to make her
give me uiy fall irenne." Mohair is the
very thing for such ao impromptu, and
the model of the above small picture is a
good one. It whs leaf brown, the mate
rial' gleaming like silk, as the latest
weaves of mohair do. On the blouse was
a spotless front of finely tucked lawn, the
tab-caps on the sleeves proving the dress
spick and span right from a stylish muk
er, the unadorned edge of the sleeve at
the wrist accentuating this suggestion.
The ta!i-caps are the latest shoulder wrin
kle. Instead of an epaulette two little
tubs, one to the front, the other to the
back of the shoulder, are Used. The
round of the perfectly fitting sleeve shows
a little at the edgea of the tabs.
If it is more than a short run in town
ami she is to have several hours in the
parlor car or on deck, theD one of Die new
shawl cape will be just the thing to prove
that she can spend her whole summer
far from shops and bargain counters, yet
have the latest wrap to put her shoulders
tinder when she takes her little fall run
Into town. These capes add enormously
to the height especially when worn over
a dipped skirt, a polat that the ssoosj f
the nest illustration makes clear. Taaj
are made of all materials, frost gelf-ean.
lug to silk, and are Hoed whiuui
purchaser prefers. They are ewt square
off ia front, or ceattaas to narrow to
ward the front, faaiealag with a slagle
t ' i k uudrr the chla, the edges hardly
meeting below to the bus 11m sad fa
Uiere sweeping apm towards th long
point at the bark. The neatB-Uke Bt al
the shoulders ia aa exact as tbat BOW de
manded of nkirta about the hips, sod th
swing of the ckpfe below this fitted portion
ia uotlccablc!.
The young matron who goes In tor all
the sweeping dignities her new peaition
allows will especially fancy the exaggera
tion of the shawl cuie that is made Id a
scries of from two to fire layers. The
futmJiitiun cape may rca-h the hem of ths
skirt at the Lack, and its edges in fror:t
may hang together almost to the kuees,
thus afi'ordinu actual protection. . Each
uptwr eajie follewg the outline of the low
est, hut is much shorter. As a rule the
loliiir-tiiiil-coilaretie tape is detachable, as
is the shoulder cupe. Silk and very light
weight cloth are employed in these gar
ments, and are often treated to rain-proof
finish. Colors rnue from the practical
to the picturesque, bright scarlet being a
downright temptation.
These tiro, with a tliird aort whose cut-
! "way edges ye freely trimmed with ruf
, lies, constitute Atl Unusual showing pf
nev' capes. Each is distinctly new, so In
buying ihein tliere is aOsoluteJy no danger
that tjie recent purchase will seem any
thing less thnu entirely up-to-date. Even
so, youi'g women should be wary, and put
ting it generally, they will be wiser if they
stick to the jacket. Jt suits their jaunty
youthfulness better tiian any close-shoul-V
red. sweeping cape can. The capes of
the day belong to the young matrpn, the
dowager and the romantic belle. Jackets
made very boxy and fastening a little to
one side are pretty, and come In rough
and smooth, cloths, in browns, black and
bright scarlet the last a special favorite
and are relieved of all the toggery oi
braiding that defaced our cotjts and jack
ets last seanon. As a rule the collars pf
these jackets lie turned back In gentle
manly revers, but then she ties a soft
lluffy bow tinder her chin, because she
cannot get along without being snugly
built up about the throat The jacket da-
scribed, the upper right hand model of the
pictured group, was sketched in scarlet
smooth cloth.
Hiagonnlly opposite this jacket in the
Illustration is a newer one, for the boxed
garment, in one variation and another,
we have worn many seasons. The newer
sort fits nnh habit-like precision, and is
of cutaway pattern. Its total absence of
br.iiiiing, frogjting and other elaboration
is again noticeable, and the simplicity that
blurs no pretty curving outline is a charm.
One development of tlie present styiea
in hair dressing is shown in this sketch.
It is that the pompadour about the brows
of Hie very yming girl is becoming so very
soft and fluffy, it breaks so often Into
curls, that it resembles not faintly the
bush bang we used to wear, wherein each
larze son ring stood well on end and then
all were combed out Into a cloudy fluff.
To the minds of some young girls, the
very ones likely to be pleased with a
jacket that is plain and boxed, a jacket la
something to be worn to show what ia be
neath it. Such a young woman will not
wear her jacket buttoned. The type for
them is the central one of this group. It
is boxy in front outline and not close at
the hips. Ita collar turns back tailor
flat Shirt front, correct tie and waist
coat are all revealed by the garment's
Jaunty open swing, as is the flash of ts
brilliant silk lining. Each edge of the
front is finished with a close line of but
tons. That proves that, ample as the
front is, the jacket is not supposed to
fasten. Those jackets come In bright blue
with fancy buttons, and when of that or
any other bright color should, with a
harmonizing dash about the bat, present
the only striking shade of the costume.
If bruid Is wanted on the jacket care
should be taken that the trimming is not
used in ways recently common. Empty
ing braid on tLe new gown will be a mark
of independence, and unless that inde
pendence is to pass as unattractive indif
ference the braiding should have a safely
uew and tasteful design. One of these Is
shown Is to-day's final picture. It wu
sketched in ox-blood broadcloth, and had
akirt that was perfectly plain bnt for
black braid a the hem. The method of
braiding the Jacket Is Indicated In the
picture. The set of the revers and the
outline of the box edges aa they hong opa
proved the costume this season's, tiiut.a
its jacket was worn over a silk bodice. A
fluff bow held np the chin, and a hat with
roll and wkigs adjusted In a manner to
flaunt defiance st the very latest any one
els rolgnt savs, established the wearer
sa the very has and cry of advanoH fain
ton, for all she showed her hcsls at some
vf this acasoa's msaastea,
Why FSeet finsrar Production Ia Need
ril -1 oiiserv.i t lain Anions Furtuera
th t Doeu iot I'ay-3fow to i'revent
liillkiUc-s Wuahing Nolea on Bcca.
Neei of lieet 1 nsar Production.
We have a home market for sugar
which will cuusume '.he product of at
least l,2(rtj,oou acres. The per capita
consumption of sugar is rapidly in
creasing which, with the great increase
In population, creates and insures a con
stantly increasing demand. The pro
duction of sugar beets at a profit in
this country has been clearly demon
strated aiij has therefore Cca&cd to be
au experiment The culture of the su
gar beet, when understood, is simple,
jil.d does not require skilled labor.
Beets can lie sent direct from the bar
vest field to the factory without fur
ther preparation or storage. The cul
ture of the sugar beet does not require
any considerable Investment of capital
by the grower. The Implements re
quired for the production of sugar
beets are simple and inexpensive a
' impared to those required for the pro
auction of wheat Soil upon Which
beets have been successfully raised Is
left in prime condition for other crops.
There is a very large area of compara
tively low priced lands upou which su
gar beets can be successfully raised.
The profit to the grower is greater than
the average of other crops. Four
months after the crop is planted it can
be harvested and at once converted
Into money. Exchange.
Poee Not Pay.
Farmers are conservative, but too
much so at times. They have as per
sistently objected to Improved stock
and newer varieties of vegetables as
the niec! Miics have in their opposition
to labor sa ving machinery. But few
enterprising farmers in a community
have been encouraged by their neigh
bors in their efforts to Introduce better
stock and better methods of farming.
There are thousands of farmers who
consider cows tbat average two pounds
of butter a week as good animals, al
though there are farmers who have
herds in which each Individual will
average from eight' to ten pounds of
butter per week. Some farmers are
progressive, and quickly fall into line
In the work of Improvement, yet there
Is not a county In the United States
lacking In those farmers who still re
fuse to believe tha't one breed is better
than another, or that the scrub Is not
fully as good as the pure-bred anmal.
Until the farmer accepts conditions as
they exist and realizes that the strong
est competitor against him Is the farm
er Vith better stock, he will not be able
to make farming pay. This is a progres
sive age, and farmers must be alive to
all the advantages that will assist them
In securing larger profits.
Handling Beea.
When handling beea the absence of
fear and quiet treatment are essential
to success. '
Never strike at a bee.
Never move a comb hastily, nor ho-ld
a new comb horizontally; if you do it
will probably break and fall.
Blow a little smoke into the en
trance; after a minute or so (while tbe
lies are gorging themselves with,
honey aud so lessening their Inclina
tion to sting), take off the top and
blow a little into the hive at each
Lift the ntillt gently and
only of the hive; the carbolic cloth Is
very useful on the top besides a little
smoke below.
Never open a hive In cold or rainy
In cold districts, before winter, make
the bees snug with quilts and adjust
ment of the dividing boards.
Hon't breathe on the bees, or brush
tbe combs upwards.
If stung when manipulating, pull out
the sting and put a little honey on tho
If you have no real liking for the
bc'H, do not attempt to keep them for
Bees are the most pesky things about
a farm; and although they do not In
volve laborious work they demand pe
culiar attention. .
lo not keep many bees in places
w here they must depend mainly on or
chard trees and garden flowers for food
If you are nervous, or if you have
nut plenty of native flora to hand, do
not handle bees at alL
The Horae'a Power of Scent.
There Is one perception which a
horse possesses to which little atten
tion has been paid, says a prominent
horseman, and that Is the power of
scent. With some horses It Is acute,
an wllh the dog, and for the benefit
of those who drive at night, such as
physicians and others, this knowledge
is invaluable. I never knew It to fall,
ami I have ridden hundreds of miles
of dark nlghtu, and in consideration of
this power of scent this la my simple
iiilvice: Never check your horse at
night, but give him a free head, and
you may rest assured that he will never
get o(T the road, and he will carry you
wifely and expeditiously. In regard to
the power of scent In a horse. I once
knew one of a pair that was stolen and
recovered mainly by the track being
uiiiile out bv his mate, and that after
be bud levn absent six or eight bourn.
Tom ii 'o Ilenea
A dlKoase that attacks the tomato,
e;.-g )il;, ut and potato Is indicated by a
sudden willing of the foliage, which
may occur on a single shoot or the
whole plant may be affected, and usu
ally destroys the plant. It progresses
more rapidly In votine than la old
rbnls, and especially In very warm
v.'0'itr.or. i ne wooay tissue tame black
or brown, and with potatoes taa ttScJ
Is also attacked, a dark ring botmfvae
conspicuous In a section of to tstkaqj
Au offensive soft rot follow the fasSt
discoloration. The disease can b sash
tly spread by potato beetles, which
tack also tomato and egg plants.
remedy Is to destroy the beetles as i
idly as they appear and burn all tope
using new ground every year If pcs
( arrant Pnahea in Tree Fonaw
It Is much easier to care for a curraat
plantation if the bushes are grows
singly in tree form. Instead of growing
in clumps, as they usually are. Bnt ts
do this successfully, the currant boats
should be grown from a single eye eut
ting, which is usually done with bot
I tutu heat. Usually, in setting a cutting
i or making a layer, a number of bads)
I are buried under the soil. Each of these
j makes its independent growth and ks
realty a separate pi a lit. vvnen uusnesj
come up around a currant tree, the ownv
er should dig down to the parent root
and take up all of that which belongs
to the cutting. It Is best only to leavs
j a clump of roots at the base of tho cul
ting. Trying to get more roots than
belong to plants is the main reason why
they sucker so much as they do, T
Hie Improvement of Mock. -
It is estimated that the number of
cows iu tlie United States used for prg
duciiig milk from which butter is mads
reaches 11,000,000, and that the aver
age amount of butter per cow Is 121
pounds for one year, making a total of
1,375,000,000 pounds of butter. Bs
mating at 125 pounds per cow showf
that the average Is low. The cowl
can double their average if "breed anf
feed" are made to enter more largely
Into dairying. There are cows usei
solely for supplying cheese factories,
and also milk for immediate consump
tion, the Item of butter only being tak
en to point out the enormous value of
cows on the farms and their usefulness
to farmers. "
Feed for Young- Plata. '
The growth of a young animal la the
main factor In the Increase of ita
weight, and when the food is both ni
trogenous and carbonaceous there Is a
greater gain than when the food Iff
mostly carbonaceous, as when corn
alone is used. At the Alabama exper
iment station pigs pastured on nearly
matured cow peas, and supplied wittf
corn, made almost three times the gain
In live weight made by similar pigs fed
exclusively on corn. Pigs also gained
more rapidly on ground cow peas and
corn than on corn alone. In effect 5.28
pounds of the mixed food was equal te
8.06 pounds of ground corn. One pound
of corn meal, however, proved superior
to three pounds of sweet potatoes.
Paria Green for gqnaah Borers.
One of the worst pests of the gardes
Is the squash or cucumber stalk borer.
All its operations are confined to a part
of the main stain near the root Once
Inside the stalk the borer is safe front
any outward application. But if his
presence is seen quickly enough, the
borer may be dug out with a knife and
the plant will be saved. If a itrnn.
solution of parls green in water la
spread over the squash or other vine
stem for two or three feet from Ita
roots, the parent fly will lay her eggs aa
usual, ana when these hatch out, as
they do in two or three davs. when th
young borer begins eating his way into
tne stalk, ms first mouthful will be his
Cnttinsr Grass Closely.
With the very sharpest scythe, It Is
possible on land free from stones to cut
grass closer to the ground than a mow
ing machine can be run. But the aver
age machine-cut meadow will be cut
more closely than it is likely to be cut
by hand. This Is often a matter of
much Importance, as grass grows much
more heavily close to the ground, and
an inch lower in cutting makes often a
difference of two or three hundred
pounds of hay. When clover is beaten
down by rains, the difference between
low aud high cutting Is often much
more than this.
Growintt Ciicumb rs for Pickles.
When growing cucumbers for pick
les it is necessary to pick off tbe cu
cumbers before they exceed two Inches
In length. Should the vines be permit
ted to fulfill their mission growing
seed they will cease to be productive,
hence not a single cucumber on a Vina
should be allowed to mature. As long
as the small cucumbers are picked off
it will Increase the numbers, as the vine
will continue to supply others In their
place In the effort to mature them. .A
few vines well managed will produce a
large number of cucumbers of pickling
Wony Milk.
Ropy milk Is caused by a bacteria,
but It Is not yet known how this bac
teria gets into the milk unless It is from
tho body of the cow. Wash the udder,
teats and body of the cow before milk
ing; also, see that tbe vessel and hands
of the milker are clean. The animal
beat In the milk should be removed aa
soon as possible by passing the milk
over a cold surface or through a pipe
surrounded by ice. American Agricul
turist, i
To Prevent HltlaHe Waahlns.
A very serious mistake which I made
when I began to farm was In running
tbe rows up and down the slopes on
rolling land. When heavy rains fell ths
water would follow the rows, washing
away the soli and damaging both land
and crop. For the last three years I
have run my rows on a level, and my
land haa Improved as rapidly aa It went
down under tbe old straight row aya
tarn. Practical Fanner.
Hock Elaa a Valuable Wood.
There la a good demand for rock elm
In Great Britain, where It la put ts ra
rious usee and brings high pilaw.
Doubtless many farmers who hsvs
woodland can And spot-linens of tksl
tree on their premises which wool gs
them a handsome profit It sat ssl rf y