The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 29, 1898, Image 1
i The Sioux County Journal, 4 BP VOL. XI. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPT. 29 1898 3STO. lO. inunw- no quest nN c ruro OtTTI Fax ktu un I IL I r 15 SETTLED RlftUT -irn. William J 1 The Sioux County Journal. f ESTABLISHED 1889. Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 6I0UK COUNTY. Geo. D. Canon, . Editor. Kntored at the Hurribon woond claw mutter. ixwt office as The Jon:NAL stand fairly and squarely on the Chicago pldlJOrm, OUt Will not h,Hltate to fSU)port and Work- for the KKed trying to besmirch the character election Of Candidate for lie an1 nMtury reeorJ of Hon, W. J Bryan various offices to ho voted fori1'? m,in fiiwcial patches to the this fall no matter, whether ' Jo,,r"!l1 at Linc,),n Kl-vin that ,lie "'P ihAti ar Tbmnmtti. 7rt, . ! h,ch H V V U 3rd Neb. volun- or free silver Republicans, if endorsed by all the reform par ties, conditional, however, that they advocate bi-metallhm the income tax law, opposition, to national banks r,f iwe, are opposed to the retirement of the greenbacks and treasury note, favor govcrnmctU control of railroads, telegraph and tele phone lines and tJie establish' rnent of postal savings bank ing system, and aha are op posed to th$ issueing of nation al bonds in t ime of peace. FCSIOX STATE TICKET. For Governor ; HON. V. A. POYNTER, Tor Lteal. Governor: HON. A. E. GILBERT. For Sc. or Stnti-: HON. W. F. PORTER. For Stt TriMuii rrr : HON. J. R. MESERVE. for State Amlltor: Hon. J. V?, CORNELL. For Attorney General: HON.C. J. SMYTH. For Com. Pub. Lsnrta A Uuiul J nst : HON. J. V. WOLFE. Tor Snpt. I'nnlie Instruction: HON. W. R. JACKSON. For Conirr. (ItU Dlntljpt. HON. V. II. GREEN. For Sniitor Hill ,aentorlnl Wstrict. HON. OTTO MUTZ. For RcprnMntfttlvi1, 53 District, HON. LEWIS GERLACH. Dcuiocrutlc Mush County Com , mi (ton. Notice is hereby given that a Mass Convention of the elctors composing the Democratic Party 'of Sioux county, Ne braska, wilj he held at the Court House j in the vmnge of Harrison, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Satur day the 8th day of OctoU-r, 1808, for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for the office of County Attor ney to he voted for at the General Elec tion to be held in Raid county in the mootb of November 1809. All electors f aaid county, who affiliate with the Democratic Party are requested to lie present at Mid convention. Dated September 10, 1809. M, J, Gayuaht, Chairman, Tho People's Inl-pnlent Par ty, Mats County Couventlon. Notice it hereby given that a mam convention of the electors composing ihe People'! Iodejiendent Party of Sioux County, Nebraska, will be held in the Court Houm in the village ef Harrison, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on Saturday October, 8 1899, for the pur poee of placing in nomination a candi date for the office of County Attorney of Sioux county to be voted for at the Oeoeral Election to be held in said coun ty in the month of November, 1B0H. All elector! of aaid county, who affiliate with the People' Independent Party are requested to be preeent at aaid conven tion. Dated this Iftth day of September, 1808. Claim Chrjhtxnkkn, Chairman, WHY DO'NT YOU SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOUIML? liKiicanoDs are now uiat trie gold con gress, now in possession of a cold admin stratioD, will be routed, root hnd branch November 8th, The French cabinet have decided to re- o)en the tapt. Dreyfus case which will uuuuuess resun in tne exileu prisoners acquittal. According to an estimate made by the I)emocr,itic congressional campaign committee the result of the November election will show n majority in the next congress in favor of Tree silver of not less than GO. The different parties will elect about as follows: R'publii ai Congressman lit Democratic " lfis Fusionist " 28 Doubtful " 21) Tlife repuubli'-an state convention of New York on the 2Tth inst noiiiinited lion. Theodore Roosvelt for governor ou the first, ballot. Teddy ax he is belter know by the press of the county was Colonel of a regiment of Rough Riders" from the state of New York, and done valient lighting at the battle of Santia go, Cu ba. Mr Annin, the State Journal's special correspondent at Washington is now en I teens is in worse condition than nnvcamn at Jacksonville, tered. r wheru they are quar- Representative Bailey of Texas, de clared in a speech in W. Virginia, last week that the surplus in the U. S. treas ury above the gold reserve would exceed the kind i-:Mie, (Iium verifying bin nrgti meut bv.t May ,n tb-j Uoor of congress that it was not nrct-o'k'iry to issue botuK to carry on the war. Yet. a republican congress with the administration, insist ed on the issuing of bonds for the nation al banks to draw interest from, aud the wealth re producing class will have it to What fMinley Prosperi ty Folhvlng aro Oillclol Fig ures TuUeri From the Kce ords cr the Auditor's OlTUe Down at Elucolii.( TAXES PAID THE STATE OF NE BRASKA In the years 139-t & 1895 13,20.1,3086 Taxes paid in VM & 1,, 2,200,244.40 Taxes Khort under McKinley prosperity... $59,01)1.40 What becomes of the argument of Judge Hay ward, republican candidate for Governor, in which he claims it was the increased payment of taxes, caused by McKinley prosperity that enabled the fusion State Government' to pay 8(71,800.53 of Republican made State dubtj? Taxes paid decreased $59,001.40. Respectfully Submitted, T. II. T1BBLES. l nereoy certify that the llgures giv ing tiie amount of taxes paid to the State of Nebraska during tba yeats 1894, 1895, 1893 and 1897 in the above state merit are correctly transcribed from the hooks of this ollice. J. F. CORNELL, Auditor. seal. C. C. POOL, Deputy. How In This! Following is proof of about the kind of medical skill was provided for chief of the medical service over 25,000 soldiers by secretary of war, Alger, who was more of a horse and cow doctor than anything else: H08A1TAL OF THE COLLEGE OF VETERINARY SUR GEONS, NEW YORK CITY. KATES OF IIOAUD. Horse! per day $1.50 Dogs per day.... .20 Cats per day ,50 BATIIM KOlt DOOM. . Small Dogs $ .50 Large, longhaired lJogs 1.00 Medicated special. Professional charges according to na ture of cases. Dr. D. U. Gill. Dr. R. S. Heudokoper. Who is responcible for the appoint merit of a veterinary surgeon, a horse and cow doctor to look after and see that proper treatment was given to the brave boys who offered their services for humanity's sake? secretary Alger or Dr. Heudekopcr, which? Either Mr. Alger or president MeKinloy is. The above is a specimen of congress man Urosvenor s republican war for suffering humanity. Yet, this talented and scientifically educated M. D. is per mitted to hand in resignation before the investigating cammittee, only just re cently appointed by the president can reach his dedartmeut, as did aocretary Alger during the civil war. bliouhJ the New York. demrtfrofiV. state convention now in session at Hyra cuse, refuse to recognize the silver demo crats, any ticket they may put up will we believe, be defeated, and ought to be. The goldocracy has finally succeeded in killing the Arena, a monthly maga zine published and edited in Boston Mass. This magazine was published in the in terest of bi-mitallisra by John Clark Ridpath, one of the ablest historians in the United States, and besides he one of the best posted men on the financial issues oi looay. iuus it will be seen that what the gold crowd were not ablo to do with common sense and braina, money nas taken its place. I . r . , n,, .. ... According to the Cleveland Plain Deal er, Senator Kylo of 3. Dakota, has re nounced his populism together with his free silver views. It declares the sena tor went to Cleveland for the sneil:il inrpose of holding a conference with Hon. M. A. Hunna, and to announce to that King of Kintrs aud Lord of Lords lis reacceptance of republican principals How tan he look honest mea ia the fact-? The Philadelphia Public ledger hns notified the Colorado republicans thnt they have been quibbling and, therefore, are deceptive, when they declare in their plntform of resolutions, at their recent convention "that the republican party wt re in favor of International bi-melal-lism." Tho Republic says the republican party are in favor of the single gold standard and that nothing els will work No doubt the Republic voices the se timeut of the majority of that parly. The Following Is u Sample-, Following pre a fow cases of sick sol dier at Cliiekanuingiv camp showing how they were neglected and (mated; by incompetent officers and surgeons, while stationed at the above named placa; as shown by the investigating committee appointed by General Breckeiri dj,-e. Thd short statements ars clipped from the Omaha, World-Herald and as the few clippings will show there was not only incompetency shown on the partof those who were ln 'charjo of the sick, but brutality was a factor in iFw-ta-jitroi nt of the soldier as thuse testimonies show: - j)V Captain C. If. Price of the Sc&d Kentucky gave this evidence of brutal ity; -"August 25. I was visiting niun bers oC my company in this hospital when my attention was directed, to shrieks from thu Ninth New York ward. I went there and discovered Major Hub bard attempting to administer medicine to a patient. ,' "I saw the surgeon take the patient oy the shoulder and press him to the cot with great force. Then he caught the patient by the throat and held him down. After this he wrenched the pa tient's arm. I went into the tent and said to tne surgeon: 1 don t know your name or rank, but this butality must be stopped. The harsh treatment of the patient stopped, but the surgeon remark ed that was the way to humor patients.' The patient was delirious, which was the reason he would not take the medicine. This piece of brutality was seen by seve ral other persons," Lieutenant G. J. Hardy of the Ninth New York testified to these shameful facts: "I fouud Private Leibgold un conscious. He was laying nude and un washed on a cot in the sun. His Jiody was rolling from side to side and Ins eyes were glassy. Maggots were crawl ing on his body. It was a terrible and damnable pieco of neglect. U Private Samuel L. Hinton of the First Mississippi said: "I volunteered to come over here to nurse members of my com pany. While in the typhoid fever Vard I saw helpless patients laying covered with flies with no one to help thera. I remember a man from the Ninth New York in ward C. He was covered KWith maggots. I had four tents to look after in which were fifty-two patients. I have seen patients go from the evening if one day until the noon of the next without ice or meuicai attention. The water used was drawn from a hydrant and was from Chickmauga creek. It was warm Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an ordor of salo Issued by the Clerk of tho Dintrlct Court ot the county of Sioux, nd state of Nebraska, upon adecree reiidwred by said Court In favor of William H. Male, Benjamin Graham, William Halls Jr., and litems II, llaydcn are plaintiffs, and James Clark, Ucrlnird II Indent, Sibylla Binders, Martin Gayhart and Mrs, Oayhiirt his wife, and W, J, Jtowden are dnfeittautu, I will on the i!7tb day of October, A. IX )8W, t the hour of t o'clock p. m. of said dy, at the east front drr of the Court Hoeecln (Iarrlaon, in said county, offer and soil the fi bowing dlerlbod real estate to-wit! ; Ihe South i of the sputh West S4. Lots a A Seetlon J8, Township 84, Range M, IB loux county, Ncbraxka, at public auetloa to the highest bidder for caah, to natlify aaid order of sale, In the sum of 04711.00, with latsrest thereon at the rate of ten per cent. Mr an num from the sth day of December f, and costs and accruing costc THOMAS HOLLY, Sheriff of Said UHBtr READ THE JOURNAL This Week, A CRITICAL TIME DTJRIXC THE BATTLE OF SANTIAGO. Sick or "Well, a Rush Xlght And Iay. The packers at the Battle of Santiago de Cuba were all heroes. Tlielr her(,ir. Efforts In get tin? Amuuitlou and Uatlous to the (rout saved the day. B. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writ ing from Santiago, Do Cuba, on July 23d, says: ' VVe all had diarrhoea in moreor less violent form, and when we landed we had no time to see a doctor for it was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied withamu nition and rations, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and health; in fact, I siucerly be lieve that at one critical time this medi cine was the indirect saviour of our army, for if the packers had been unable to work there would have been no wa of getting supplies to the front. There were no roads' that a wagon train could use. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay in a supply of this medicine for our pack-train before wa left Tampa and I kno-v in four cases it absolutely saved life." The above letter was written to the liuinufaetures of this medicine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by Dr. J. E. -Phionev. How to Tell To-Morrow'a AVcuther A short, clear, entertaining and valuable lesson for amateur weather observers is given in the September Ladies Home Journal in the form of a series of pictures of clouds, with brief explaiatwy notes. The page is well -."iu .aaui4t7u'''aW'aaF'ikg?ftHf ther is nothing in the article which would not be understood by anybody, even a child and a little close study will make one qualified to form better opinions than ever before as to wbat the weather will be. Subscribe for the JOURNAL Bcauttrul Easter I,lllies or Fairy Tillies. Florida is the home of the famous Easter Lily. During the blooming sea son, iu some places, the ground is almost white with their beautiful, lily white (lowers, and thousand of them are picked by the colored children and carried to market. Before coming north I had a fine lot of the lily bulbs dug, and brought them with me; they make love ly house plants and are sure to bloom. Any one who would like two or three of these lily bulbs can have them by send ing a stamp to pay postage. You are indeed very welcome to send as I can get more when I return to Florida next fall. . Address Mrs. F, A. Warner Saginaw. East Side, Michigan. STOCK BRANDS. The Journal will publish your brand, Ike the following, for fz :0O, per vcur. Kach ad ditional brand 75 cents. Kvery larmor or ranclimen In 81oux and adjoining counties houkl advertise their brands In Tub Jour Hit as It circulates all over the stato. It may be the nicaus of saving money for you. FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left hooide.r ot horses. Range on Antolope creek 1 O., (.hllclirlBt, Sioux Co., Neb. CHAIILK9 HIEI1LE. On left side or hip of cattle, ( On left shoulder of hnriies. i Range on tho head 01 Warbonnet creok Address Harrison, Sioux Oo. Neb. S. W. CARRY. I On left shoulder of cattle lliorws. and llUmreon Little Cottonwood. I'O. ., Crawford Nebr. Flaal Proof Notioes. All persons having final proof notices in this paper will receive ft marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine the'.T notice and if any errors exist report the same to this office at on oe. HmIm4 1) lots poia4ipr math. Ha9"- tarvlac InftonmitwiM. nn b4 Mnill. n mi. trap. jrcmi(ipiprwcii7 atraiJMi aai 4 ttrlMlr aaaaV Callar vrlta.. MaiMk, Sua. .XlMRioa Hod II nk aad 11, k In. READ THIS AD . Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them as cheap at the RANCH SUPPL Y HOUSE in Harison, as you can in Chicago at the department stres. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in a full line of Gents furnishing goods for Fall and Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than Harrison. Come and see for yourself. And the Ranch Supply House will not be undersold on Groceries & Provisions. Come and be bOnvinced- L. GERLACH, Prop. -THE COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, E., President. D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Ftbst National Bank, Chadron. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. tVDRAFTS SOLD ON ALL PARTS OF KUROML 9 ft E Q o mmt ' at U3A "Eo'a'S-a rs o f2 9 S.?" 2 D)I1 5 it r-rrl pa c A BBS ,(pS B aa- g-2-2. Ha 5 a f? a S 5- "-S K s u1 B8la.BI8$f J at - a ITi I mm ..J T T any other store in Nebraska. c. r. COVTfl, Vioe-Preatteal 4 JgS s h " a m a. 3 VI 11 "O n -J Wwm B K E M Hsl C I nats M frit a n m fir rm - - w .? -xa .-ws r -y 53 s s s r 1 w v i' -ML i - LV ) rvP " "i i e s ii o ' - ,41 l i i 3 . wa I.- 1 t J 1 VS, i i. a, TT, aa rm mm, V i! f