The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 22, 1898, Image 7

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    G! f
MS !
Poor clothes carrot nuk
you look old. Even pal
cheeks wen't e"s it.
Yaur household ciret my
be heavy and disappoint
ments may b deep, but
they cat) not make you look
One thing does It and
never faila.
It la Impostlbl to look
young with the color of
seventy years In your hair.
permanently postpone the
tell-tale signs of age. Used
according to directions it
gradually brings back the
color of youth. At fifty your
hair may look as it did at
fifteen. It thickens the hair
also; stops It from falling
out; and cleanses the scalp
from dandruff. Shall we
send you our book on the
Hair and Its Diseases?
Thm Bmmt AaVfe Fro.
It ran to ao oauin 11 tu kaaa.
Sta yoa SfMct4 from tha nf
tha vigor, wriu Lbt doatar about It.
it it.
rrobaklr mra la ton uan
with yttnr nrai tritem ml
aaat ba Mltlr ffnoYM. Ad4r:
ia. j. a atfk, unu, iw,
"I am hm 14 Sara at a Uaj wlihaaa .
vcaiaaa m tkm kawals, out Ming a t
awra taaoj aioapfc or aiir. bol wr laiacu.,
Caroota oooiUoaUon for wtsd raara alaoad mm 1
aliuirrllaooolui.n; during thai lima I a 10 mt
arrtalo I aaard of Iwliww foaad an; rallaf : ta
uirotM aaUl Ibajti lain CA( iKKTS
aw hava from osa to tbi a aaiuaei a dr. as k
waa rich I wonM (Ira tUBM tat Hi! oraaMali .1
kNtti ralla." ATUita L. Ilcrr.
MB) BoaasU St.. IMtrali, Mlak
MX. PaUtablt. FcUal. tla Qnod
t Slckao, Wtakaa.arbfiya. lOg.Sa .
Saaaat Caaaur, Cakaaa. ir I, itm folk
Here's your
Denver Train,
the Burlington' "Denver Limited "
Leaves Omaha at 4:36 p. m. dai,
reaching Denver at 7 :30 next rnornir .
Faateet and moet comfortable after
noon train oat of Omaha.
Hleepers, chair-cars, diners.
Ticket snd full irformstlon an ap
plication to the local agent or by ad
J. Kraacu, Oetwral Paaaanftr Atmnt,
Onaba, Nab.
P. . If yoa to west via Omaha and tb
Barlisf Uin Kouia. you can nop off aud at
thaTrana-MlaalMl-ipl Kip.ltlon.
. Tf 1'
F-aIarirm.Wrriitur, f "W I llAelf
'Aetf t
If s bachelor wheel a' out an eoipi
bsby wrlwgo, ho will nev r marry.
110 Oar for Oonsouiptlon I the on'
soogh ssedkin od in my houat.-D.
Albrishi. Mifllinbur. Pa.. l).-a li. 'K.
OorsJ beod and b lis bung aroun
lbs neck of a child will protect It frorr
saany evils.
Btra WUaalnw'a Soeniiii Bvacr lar child
a taatalaf, aoftana the tnmi, radacas In Bam
aOoa, allara pala, a-aari4 enlic. at soul.
'r"Tn-Saaaofataalilitain-t f-HS '
KUVt K4 "au tn RiiKiia 'h-mkal 1
w Tars, far Maaia4-a"' I ' tHmMilala
Don't lot a baby tread barefoot o
Ubloj It will gat sore feat.
Carat. XonuaraarraaaM--.i-
aar mm f nr. Kiimt'i iim hvi
KK trial krtllr a traa'i
la- SBaaa.
Troth ta moral dvnamite.
Error la solf-propagating.
Doing Is aa antidotafor doabttag.
Vriandshlp la the smUh of sorrow,
talf ooaosit mskss sonsa aiea wist,
tbaa Ood.
A aaod aoe-iaatloa atoraaU saaata
Finding repays lor assratilaa getting
aar waniag.
I Cpastal priviladflsa aw Mt proof
. vsaos MUD an-iaia
Humiuar lltul for Olrti.
For whitening the I amis and arm
take a teaanoonful of borax, ona onne
of glycerine and on pint of orang
noser water. The following lotion ren
der the arms and neck soft and white:
Mix together two drachm of haxeline,
two drachms of benzoin, eight ounce
elder flower water, hilf an ounce of
glyorrliio, one of poii,-d i
borax. 1 iiia is to fx) a(pli,-d alter waslj
lrjan i the arms bandaged with o.'t
8 rpmt'i VonorH,
Prof. T, R. Frer. of EdlnbrirrV W
ha made a study of serpent's venom,
ana no tuggrafi mean for rendering
iv inert Dy "Antlvenlne." ha recentl
called attention to the circumstance
that serpent' venom when IntnulneaJ
Into the atomach of an animal will pre-
uuce no injurious effect slthooga tbs
amount 01 poison swallowed wonM ha
sufficient. If Introduced beneath the
skin to kill 1,000 animals of the asm
specie and weight He attribute thl
immunity from barm to the action of
the bile. He bM further ascertained
that the bllj of serpect wbea mixed
with venom will prevent It from pro
ducing death, even when It Is present
lu very small quantity. Th bile of
some other animals als post thl
antidotal (fiallty, but not U the am
extent a lie bile of snake.
Flea and ThuUa
Cha'ity is heart cement.
Facts are the mirror of truth.
The truth that lives in us will bo lived
by us.
Small sin weigh heavy in the acali
of character.
In the race for wealth men ran down
their I ealtli.
Thei-e is a difference between having
a cro to bear and being as cross as a
Wot larkli( Shrap.
An fcutlior ty says that, to make an in
delible marking ink for sbep, nse shel
lac, 2 ounces; borax, 3 ounces, water 28
ounces; gum arabic, 2 ounces, and lamp
black. Boil the borax and shellac in
water until they are dissolved, and with
draw from the fire. When the solution
has become cold, add water to make 15
ounce, and lamp black enough to bring
the preparn tion to a m t able cons stency.
When it is to be nred with a stencil, it
ruuvt be made thicker than when it if
applied with a brush. Thil foa inula givsv
black ink.
from Iht IirQlMUr-Gaitttr, Rot k fori, IIL
During the Civil War nearly aa mud
heroism was shown by tb womaa of eat
nation as by the hrav soldiers. Maay s
woman, weeping for ber dead o, boos
as the wounds of hi suffering comrades,
in their
-,rn wed
even wail
aorrowia g
for ra on
ssaw bows
gOL. At
waa laid
CV. Hie foun-
dstioa for
th world
known a th
On ffa BnttUfrli,
faund ortfnt7.fitioii
Woman's Ttelief Corps.
One of lie tint mrneiit hirmhrra of tbs
corn at Ryron, 111., is Mrs. Jatnas ltmiaa-
weart, but iHiicm once mi C a atop to net
active work. A year or o ago, when ah
was nearly fifty years of (, the tinn
when woun ii must be inure csrerul ot
their strength, Mrs. House wrart wsa
taken serloiuly ill. Tte family physician
told her tlmt he hd reaclied a critical
period of her life, and mit be very care
ful. His pn Hcriptions and treatment did
not benefit h.T, and otber treatment
proveil nnsvsiling.
At lat Dr. Williams 1 in i-iiis ror
Psle l'eople were brought to her notice,
wlrt) indiHpntable evidence that tiiey were
helful in caM such as tiers, and with
renewed hope he tried the remedy. Last
Slnn-h she to.k the first box of the pilla,
which gave much relief. She waa deter
mined to be cured, and kept on with ths
medicine, until now eight boies have been
consumed, and she feela like a new
Mrt. IToneeweart ssid: "I have taken
only eight lKxe, but I hnve been improv
ing since I took the firnt done. I do not
believe f could hnve lived without tb
pills. They certainly have dons m mure
food than any phyaiclan or any medicine
hsve ever tried.'1
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills r sold la
hosts (never In loose bulk) St AO cental s
boi or sis boxes for $2.50. snd may be
had of all druggiata, or direct by mail
from Dr. William' Medicine Co., Schmee.
t.dy, N. Y.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
I taken Internally. Price 76 oenfav
After the tree eome into bearlnsr,
eroplng the orchard, a a rule, doe not
Wball tin brat atHnf-rtant and rmiedj tar atla Hit
mu .m and d frrtT iib-na'a -niehur N.ap.
HUlt Ualr and vt blkkar 1 1, llwi ur bruwa. a
BaUbllanad 170.
celebrated for more Jj
than a centu7 a a A
delicious, nutritious, V
and flesh-forming
beverage, ha our Q
Yellow Label
on the front of every
package, and our
Chocoltiar,,,oa th
itAo owiv ev
Dordisatar, Msm.
v J
New Style Hicycle Kack.
rerhap the molt original Wcyelo
rack ever seen itand In front of a
comfortable old Inn at Canton, Pa. The
Inn stands on a road much traveled by
touring wheelmen, many of whom And
refreshment for the Inner man beneath
It old-fashioned roof. The landlord
Invented the bicycle rack, which has
been voted a success by many tourists.
It possesses the combined merit of be
ing entirely efficient while extremely
Inexpensive. Mine host has taken tb
wheela off an old farm wagon, and, af
ter cutting the "poke oft halfway to
the hub, hn stood the hub on end In
wooden socket in a fixed position. The
bicycles are pushed In between two
spokes, which, radiating In all direc
tions, make It convenient for every user
to stow his wheel and remove It with
out interfering -rlth any others. Many
wheelmen have urged the landlord to
patent the unique rack, but be has not
yet decided to do so.
Jllcvcle Repair Extraordinary.
Accompanying picture show a bicy
cle wheel temporarily repaired by a
Boer, the spoke being cut from th
txTRAOnnl.t Attr RsrAtn.
bush nnd fitted with a pocket knife.
The P.oer rode the machine In this con
dition nenrly nil the way from Pretoria
to Pletersburg, n distance of ICO miles.
One of the pedal was replaced by a peg
of wood.
A Wnrnini.
From early morn till dewy eve,
Scarce stopping for meal,
Throngh lanes and roads
Perched high upon a wheel.
At la fit she flew to realm abov,
But there (th, sad, sad fate
She found a sign, "No wheels allowed,"
A-hai.ging on the gate.
"Oh, let me in, kind saint," she cried;
But Peter taid, "No, do;
You've brought your wheel; If yoa most
There' a cinder path below."
L. A. W. Bulletin.
Illc.TCle Jtilleta.
Certain student of the mind and Its
phenomena hold that there I a distinct
psychological side to cycling, Inasmuch
a use of the wheel necessarily devel
ops In the rider power of concentra
tion, quick perception, and prompt ad
justment to new conditions.
Although the scorcher ta Justly con
demned as an enemy of the human race,
there la no doubt that he has done the
world service In proving the quslitles
of each new constructive feature of the
bicycle. The road fiend puts the na
chine to the hardest possible test.
The commissioner of Internal reve
nue hss held that certificate of mem
bership In wheelmen's protective asso
ciations are required to have affixed to
them revenue stamps at the rate of
one-half cent on each dollar or fraction
thereof of premium paid. The docu
ment I held to be a guarantee against
lo or theft, and not a certificate la
he nsnal meaning of the word.
Hm a Bight to Wear Trousers.
Mine. Dretilafoy Is one of the best
knowa women In Paris and one of the
moat famous archaeologist In the
world. She discovered the superb ruins
of the Tunide of Darius, now in the
Ixuivre, at Paris, and for this notable
achlevcsnmt the French gnve her the
deoorstlnn of the Legion of Houor and
the privilege of wearlug men's clothes
at all timea. She avnUs herself of this
freedom, and la said to wear the most
stylish trouaers, coats and bnta In Par
ts! She sad her husband hsve the asm
tailor. The couple are thoroughly con
genial, and bare a mo. IteautlXul home
and anion, where the savants asseiobls
snd many brilliant dlacusstona take
tfam. Mm. Dlsulsfoy wears short
hair and conduct herself Uke a man.
taagk aansHng many Irbtte feminine
m. Lams aobeDeaocra.
J. N. MackalL an Intimate friend of
William Morris, Is euuged upon a life
of Morris.
Miss Ilose Klngsley, the daughter of
Charles Klngwlcy, Is preparing a hand
book to Trench art
Henry James has written an Intro
duction to an edition of the works of
Pierre Loll, which will soon be publish.
ed in England,
Colonel Higgard, brother of Rider
Haggard, hns written a nov, based on
the military career of Hannibal, which
Is entitled "Hannibal's Daughter."
Mlns Dorothy Lelghton Is engaged In
dramatizing a popular novel by t.rant
Allen. The principal character and title
role will, it is said, represent a strong
part for a man.
The reigning Czar of Kusia Is said to
be consulting with nil the leading pro
fessors of history In Europe with a
view to selecting a biographer to write
anew the life of Peter the Great.
Following the Issue of Peary's book
on the far North will come that of hi
companion Astrup, announced by the
Llppincott's for the early fall. Astrup's
title Is "With Peary Near the Pole."
E. P. Hutton & Co., New York, will
bring out "Through Armenia on Horse
back," by Rev. George H. Hepworth,
being a condensed account of his tour
of a year ago undertaken in search of
the truth about the "Armenian Massa
cres." Chnrles Scrlbner's Sons, New York,
have Just brought out a lavishly Illus
trated descriptive work on "Manila,"
by Joseph Enrle Stevens, a young
American business man, who has made
Manila his home for more than two
years paRt.
The cover uf the Pall Mall Magazine
for July v::s adorned with a represen
tation of the American and British
flags floating, from crossed standards
over the Hues from Longfellow begin
ning, "Sail On, O, Union, Strong and
Greai !" A feature among the contribu
tions was Clark Russell's rtory of The
Ship," which describes the birth and de
velopment of nuval archltpcture.
A prediction has been put forward
that the novels of the Immediate future
will be sliort ranging in length from
30.0(H) to 40,000 words. This, we think,
is doubtful. Human nature does not
change, nnd human nature likes plenty
for Its money. Our own opinion Is that
novels will grow longer, even If they
grow cheaper. Mrs. Humphrey Ward's
"Helbeck of Banlsdale," Jiwt published.
Is about 150,000 words, which consti
tutes a bulk of rending worth sitting
down to. Between books of such dimen
sions and the popular magazines, which
have completely routed the shilling
shockers and cheap novels from the
book-stalls, we fancy that there will
soon be nothing.
Two Western men hnve patented a
sent for cleaning the outside of win
dows, which has a shelf at the bottom
to reyt on the sill, with clamps to en
gage the sides of the window frame
and hold the chains which support the
shelf, guide rails belnz provided to pre
vent the person from falling.
A liot tie-stopper. Invented by n New
Jersey woman. Is made of an plastic
cap, which fits over the neck of the
bottle anil lias u thick section at the
end, with Indentations showing where
It Is to be cut to open the bottle, the
rubber tips closing automatically as
soon us the pressure of the llijuld Is re
moved. In a newly designed angling device a
wire frame carries a pin which springs
across a loop and Impales the bait, the
end of the pin resting against the side
of the loop to prevent the bait from
slipping off. while the bottom of the
loop supports two hooks pivoted at
right angles with the line to hook the
Wooden wagon tires can be easily
tightened by a new device consisting
of a water receptacle to be placed on
the Are with a slot through which the
tire may be Immersed In the boiling
water, after which It is dipped In a
bflth of boiling oil, Impregnated with
gum-arable and resin, which tills the
pores of the wood aud prevents con
traction. A Pennsylvania Inventor has design
ed a pneumatic switch-operating de
vice, which consists of attaching the
switch bar to a piston which Is oper
ated by forcing sir from a tank on the
engine through an automatic coupling
to the cylinder carrying the piston, the
valve on the engine being closed by the
engineer to prevent passage of air
when the switch Is not to be turned.
A C.ood Fen tore.
"This-paper," remarked Mrs. Mid
It I IT, "tells of a man arrested an hour
after his wedding nnd sent to prison
for tou yours, lsu't that awful?"
"Oh, I don't know," answered Mid
klff. "The law doewu't compel uliu to
take his wife with him."
lineal. a m Furious Caen.
Sir Charles Mordauut, Bart, the
plaintiff In the notorious Mordauut di
vorce case, lu which the Prince of
Wales was one of the co-respondents,
died recently In Loudon. This Is the
rasa where the prince chose to go upon
the stand and was believed to have
"perjured himself like a gentleman."
Earth's Curvature.
Oareful measurements provt that the
average curvature of the earth Is tt.99
Inches to lib statnts n-
Heap Tab uu the UluuLhii.
Every time a Russian minister leaves
town I us colleagues are notified of the
jouruey, besides the C iuucil of the em
pire, the cabinet of the emperor, the
srnplre' comptroller and secretary, the
acred synod, the emperors's military
mcretary, rfie empress, the governors of
Moscow, Varsovie, Kieff, etc.. ad infi
nitum to all apoearanoe. When he re
turns the name minute notification per
formance in gone thromii.
Mrs. Pinkham Tells How Ordinary
, a " T?hat Threaten
"Apparently trifilngr incidents in
(vomen's daily life frequently pro
lucedisplacementsofthewomb. A
dip on the stairs.lif ting during men
struation, standing at a counter,
running a sewing machine, or at
tending to the most ordinary tasks,
may result in displacement, and
a train of serious evils is started.
The first Indication 01 bucu
trouble should be the signal for
.. i
juick action. Don't let the condi
tion become chronic through neg
lect or a mistaken idea that you
can overcome 11 oj eierciao v
leaving it alone.
More than a million women have
regained health by the use of Lydia
E. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound.
Iftheslightesttroubleappearswhich you
do not understand, write to Mrs. Pinkham
at Lvnn, Mass., for her advice, and a
timely words from her will show you the
thing to do. This advice costs you nothing, but
it may mean life or happiness or both.
Mrs. Mabt Bennett, 314 Annie bt.,
Mich., writes to Mrs. rinkhara:
"I can hardly find words with which to thank you
for the good your remedies have done me. For Dearly
four years I suffered with weakness of the generati 'e
organs, continual backache, headache, sideache, and
all the pains that accompany female weakness. A
Iriend told my husband about your Vegetable Com
pound and he brought ffie bopie two bottles. After
taking these I felt touch better, but thought that I
would write to you in regard to my case, and yon do not know how thankful 1
im to you for your advice and for the benefit I have received from the use of
rour medicine. write this letter for the good of my suffering Bisters."
The above letter from Mrs. BerGett is the history of many women who have,
een restored to health by Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
ask Mrs. pitiVrmy Advice A Wo" Understands a Woman's Ills
O AF3 ()
The man Hafita iWi.
p who wants mii3
) SSsB 1 lrf
t &Esa7 VbJ
can get it anywhere. It is as pop
ular as sunshine and almost as
universal It satisfies that dry taste
in the mouth better than anything
else, and you can buy a larger piece
of Eattle Ax for 10c. than of any
J J other kind of high grade quality,
o Idp in Anther th rcn.
when you buy again.
"Brevity Is the Soul of Wit,"
Good Wife, You
ml J
The Btsl
Saddl Coat
rHItMH aatS rider an aaaal ptf
I a arv In lha baraaat alanaa.
it! tMirtly as, k lajt for aJa b,
. . fw MtoiHW In
A. jTfdwlR, aataaa, jLaa,
Iroalasl If.
If von would succeed ia Ufa, leant ta
know what you can't do.
If paying one's debts is a virtue, vary
lew men are virtuous.
If marriage is a mistake, it is at least
one a man do -sn't make every day.
If volunteerd were called for to pay
the bill war would never be declared.
If a ma i is hipown --orrt eneaiy h
ha a natural bom f. ol to tae enre of.
If a man rises in the world at the eat
of a rope he is sure of sn early to wnfali
Tasks May Produce Displacements
Women's Health.
uay oity,
v vet
mi a ss asw.
1 a
1 v
y O
Uw Hit i (ur vauatar!
lacharow, la Datamation.
Irritatluai ar alcaraUoa
3rfmn miwua. falulaai aa ant aaulS
TtHinuOHiaiMlOo. n' a-.iM.uuua.
MM mj nraaarfaSa.
' mt aaat la aula -
a VU sagssji sssj gaasjajsj
H.H.M. NO. 80988
V- V iaainf..f 1