The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 22, 1898, Image 1
, The Sioux County Journal, : "1 "VOL. XI. HZAJRISOZtsT, ITEBBASKA, .THIUIsnDY, SEPT. 22, 1898. 2XO. 9. Our Motto- NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. "--Hon. William J. Bryan. a I 1 1 The Sioux County Journal. established 18S8. Subscription Price, 11.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF 8IOUX COUNTY. '. )t, Canon, JMUor. Kntrcl at tlin llunlaon jwat olttco cm ocond cltuut HIHlUT. The republican party of Nebraska is conirnilU-d to thj single gold standard and so it is in every other state in the union except Utah. The fijrht between editor Rosewater and John L. Webster, two republican candidates for U. S. Senator a forlorn hope resulted in the defeat of Liouglas county for Mr. Rosewater. Mis Winnie Iiavis, daughter of Jeffer son Davis, a ho was president of the south ern confederacy, but better known as the" Daughter of the Confederacy" died at Narragansett Pier, It. I. on the 18th inst after undergoing an operation for eastritis. Gov. Bushtiell of Ohio has piven the Hannncrats in his state to understand that lie will not make any political speeches for them in this full' campaign Also that )ohtical assessments on the state ollicials or even subordiniiUs should not lie xr.nited, hence the chances for republican success in Ohio this ear are not bright. word Of or press of the country against the navy department iu regard to nimniiin- idministration? Simply Why is it that not a single The JofllNAL Htmuh fairly :"nd..-nination, either by the -eopl 1 ,...,,,.,. ', tne lit ftivm huf. mill. tint. Iitiiilfiifl T J ; 7; I lOrement of its to HUun ana won. jor in- tltllivii uj iuikiviuico jui (c t t so regarding the war dep.irt VOriOUS offlCCS to be VOtcd fornwnl, with Sc. Alt-ras it ht-ad ofrcial this fall no mutter, whether i and who is condemned by the people and iheu ore Democrats, ojulixt divrs or tiie somitry. j-... . . . i in. - i i - orjree tuictr Jttjuoittuti, ij i I I I II J I ! amormt uj aa me rejorni pur lieu, conditional, however, that THK UNANSWERED TJOXS. READ THE Tin live stock exhibit will take place jut the Traiis-Mississippi Exposition at men uavoaue oi-mnuuym ue mh. or tliesa th(! ,muUrv exlli)it income tux law, opposition o .n ,w Kivon ,.0B,inU6is to sot. national banks of ww, are mid on M ind iy Oct. inl, horses, PPOS('d t' tllC retirement Of ther.V; Ji.Us, J,-iiiiiM. and Mules, sheep freenbacks and treasury note, ; HWit,e in-to continue to Oct. favor government control of 20; tllB f;it Kl,'",k W1" 1,B !-1,ow f'"om f,.ls,.,,h ,mJ :.! Oct M, to O. t. 20 inclusive. Ill IVI iIKI'i, t-ltCJ ( 'IV t.tit'i- n.t-v The single gold standard advocates who took part in the monetary couven tion at the Trans-Mississippi JCxposition on the 13 14 and 1.1th inst were routed root and branch. Following are a few of the questions plied by the friends of bi-metallism that they could not and did not attempt to answer: The questions asked by Mr. William? and which neither Congressman Mc-'j deary nor any other single gld stand'4 ard advocate attempted to answer, ; were. J Question No. 1 Are the proposed bank j notes to lie reedemable in any mom v but gold? j Question No. 2 Are notes of other! banks to be held in tbe bank reser- j ves?. Question No. 3 I any material change suggested in the reserve plan of the present plan of the present national bank system? Question No. 4 Is the government td guarantee the redemption of all the bank notes in gold? Question No. 5 If the government is to make such guarantee what provision is suggested for a redemption fund to meet it? Question No. 6 Will a sustained ex port of gold be an indication of an over issue of batik notes and the necessity of bank note contractions? Question No. 7 Will the issue or re- JOURNAL Thus week. A CRITICAL TIME DURIXO THE JIATTJLE : SANTIAGO. OF flick or Well, a Rush Night And Ia.y. plwne linen and the establish ment of postal wrings bunk ing sjfticm, and ulso are op posed to the itsucinb'of natum il bond in time of peace. Tlippaikfrs at the liattle of HntlKo d Cab were all heruM. Their heroic Efforts in get tin; AmimlUoa anil Ualious to the front saved the day. B. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writ ipg from Santiago, De Cuba, on July '.,)d, says: "We all had diarrhoea in more or less violent form, and when we landed we bad oo time to see a doctor for it was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with amu tiition and rations, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and health; in fact, I sincerly be lieve that at one critical time this medi cine was the indirect saviour of our irmy, for if the packers had been unable to work there would ha ve been do wa of getting supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train could My comrade and myself had the tirement of bank notes elfect prices' Question No. 8 A. If they will not 'use, by what methods will exports of goods j good fortune to lay in a supply of this be stimulated to take the place of gold medicine for our pack-train before we exports? Question No. READ MAD FUSION STATE TICKET. For Governor: HON. W. A. POYNrER. tor Lieut, (iovrriior: HON. A. E. GILBERT, for hec. of state: HON. W. F. VORTKK. Tor State Treasurer: HON. J. R. MESERVE. For state Auditor: Hon. J. W. CORNELL. For Attorney General: HON'. C. J. SMYTH. For Com. Pub. Luinl A linlUllnK-c HON. J. V. WOLFE. tor Rupt. l'uldle lnxlrartlon : HON. W. R. JACKSON. Tor Coiibpmmi, r.tii titict. HON. W. H. GREEN. Tor SWnntor Mth fieoiitorinl IHstrlrt. HON. OTTO MUTZ. For Keprcwmtutlve, 53 District, HON. LEWIS GERLACH. Drnwicrutlc Mush County Con vention. Notice is hereby given that a Mass Convention of the elctors composing the Democratic Party 'of Sioux county, Ne braska, will Ie held at the Court House in the village of Harrison, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Satur day the 8lh day of October, 1808, for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for the office of County Attor ney to lie voted for at the General Elec- tion to Ira held in said county in the month of November 1898. All electors f laid county, who affiliate with the Democratic Party are requested to be present at staid convention. Dated September 19, 1898. M. J. Oavhabt, Chairman. The Frople'B Independent For ty, Morn County Couveiitlon. Notice is hereby given that a mass convention of the electors composing ihe People's Independent Party of Sioux County, Nebraska, will be held in the Court House in the village ef Harrison, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, on Saturday October, 8 1898, for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candi date for the office of County Attorney of Sioux county to be voted for at the General Election to be held in said coun ty la the month of November, 1898. All electors of said county, who alllliato with the People's Independent Party are requested to be present at said conven tion. Dated this 18th day of September, 1898. Clals Christenhex, Chairman. WHY DO'NT YOU SUBSCRIBE VOil TIIE JOURNAL? The government, lias now locked up in the U . N. Treasury :j".i,M)U,i)iH). Hence, about 3, per capita has been taken out of circulation us a result of the Isind is-sue and nlamd where it can o no body any good except to pay in terest on the bonds to rich national rankers. How much better an issue of $at,)00,o00, iii greenbacks, which would hnve been a saving of $0,000,000, a year to the people. B. If note issue. will elfect prices will not the whole general price range of commodities be regulated by the banks? Question No. 9 Is silver to bo avail able for bank reserves? Question No. 10 Will the bank notes be made legal tender? ". Question No. 11 What is gained by retiring about $-130,000,000 of govern ment paper redcem.tble in gold and turn ing a larger amount of silver into monejf redeemable in gold? left Tampa and I know in four cases it absolutely saved life." The above letter was written to the manufactures "of this medicine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, !low a. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. President McKinley and iiis cabinet, since their flection have not carried out one of their post election promises. That party declared that they were bi- metallists, but excepting one state re publican convention that of Utah all the rest have put themselves on record as favoring the single gold standard. The Dingley tariff law has proved to bo the worst tariff measure ever enacted riy congress. The conduct of the war has lieen a disgrace to the nation. The Youth's Companion gives a page in its issue for the week of September Mth to the Trans-Mississippi and Inter national Exposition ut Omaha. The descriptive article is accompanied by a line photo-engraving, four columns wide presenting a general view of the Grand Canal court exhibition grounds and buildings. The Companion believes that these great industrial exhibitions not only promote tho property of the people but stimulate their patriotism. Every visitor to the Omaha exhibition must marvel at the vast resources west of the Mississippi, and feel a glow of pride in realizing that the great west is but part of the glorious country that smiles under the stars and Stripes. Following set of resolutions, formula ted by Rome parties in Denver, occu pying offices 611 and 614 Ernest and Crinmer building, and handed to a dele gate of the republican convention, which convened in that city on the 15th inst should be respectfully commended to the republican party of Nebraska as ft advocates exactly their principles when you see behind the mask worn by them. Resolved, That we favor the gold standard, which has in twenty-five years reduced the general level of prices 50 per cent, thereby increasing two-fold the burden of debt, interest and taxation upon the people. Resolved, That we view with alarm the persistent agitation of the silver question, looking to the restoration of silver to the coinage, with its attend ant rise of prices, quickening of in dustries, prosperity and independence of the people: but to the corresponding disadvantages of interest gatherers and possessors of fixed incomes. Resolved, That the Republican party is the party of the money power, of the trubts and federal office holders; and we therefore favor a financial system which will enable our masters to extract the largest possible tribute from the woalth producers of the country, and keep the masses under th easiest form of subjugation. Donver News. How to Tell To-Morrow's Weatlier j A short, clear, entertaining and ; Valuable lesson for amateur weather ! observers is given in the September j iMdks Home Journal in the form of in uariatf nf rti nrpa flf pIauHk. with brief n,. v 1 ') I n r, n .an - its ohliirjition in u-old cease until all the . . 0 silver dollars are retired? Question No. 13 Could the banks by presenting silver at the treasury compel Don't send away for Dry Goods and Groceries when you can buy them as cheap at the RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE in Harison, as you can in Chicago at the department stres. GERLACH, proprietor of the Ranch Supply House has just put in a full line of Gents furnishing goods for Fall and Winter wear. He will sell Overcoats and Cloth ing cheaper than any other store in Harrison. Come and see for yourself. io Ranch Supply House will not be undersold on Groceries & Provisions. Come and be bOnvinced- L. GERLACH, Prop. the government 10 supply the banks with gold? Question No. 14. How is the govern ment to replenish its gold fund when reduced except by issueing bonds? Question No. V Does the proposed sv.stem modify in any way the ability of foreign nations to secure our gold for export? Question No. 16 Under your system will any money of final redemption remain in the hands of the people. Question No. 17 How much legal tender will you leave in circulation in the hands of the people under your system? Question No. IS In case of a general call on the national banks for gold re demption is it expected that each natio nal bank shall supply its own gold fund or that the great clearing house banks will be mainly relied upon for such fund. Question No. 19 Is this plan in ar,y way calculated to check the general fall in prices which has prevailed for twenty five years. Question No. 20 Will not more gold be required than is now in the coun try? Qestion No. 21 Cannot foreign credi tors withdraw gold at will by selling American securities in the American market? Question No. 22 With 4,000 banks in competition, does any method of raising or lowering discounts exist to control the import or export of gold after the manner of the bank of England, Question No. 23 Will there be any other inducement to bank issues than the profits of the banks? Question No. 24 -If the banks suspend specie payments, which are guaranteed by the government must not the govern ment also suspend unless it retains constantly a large gold reserve for this purpose? Question No. 2'i Do you propose to continue the coinage of silver on gov-' eminent account? Question No. 26 Upon your admis sion that the government should control the volume of money, will you suggest how such control is experienced under your proposed system. W. W. Clay of Chicago spoke for a few minutes in favor of fiat money and John P, Irish of California spoke briefly in favor of the gold standard. The page is well ... iu: examining ana saving, lor mere nothing: in the article which would not be understood by anybody, even a child and a little close study will make one qualified to form better opinions than ever before as to what the weather will bo. And THE- Subscribe for the JOURNAL Bemiiful EtiNter LlHies or Fairy Dies. Florida is the home of the famous Easter Lily. During the blooming sea son, in some places, the ground is almost white with their beautiful, lily white flowers, and thousand of them are picked by the colored children and carried to market. . Hefore coraiBg north I had a fine lot of the lily bulbs dug, and brought them with me; they make love ly house plants and are sure to bloom. Any one who would like two or three of these lily bulbs can have them by send ing a stamp to pay postage. You are indeed very welcome to send as 1 can get more when I return to Florida next fall. Address Mrs. F. A. Warner Saginaw. East Side, Michigan. V n l I I Iff Th. wowlfonMriit- I rniUI i?uir ". m r' r-' .wo- .fiM pTaor-e hv ,.i or ftfiic. T Vwklm. Call of wilta. STOCK BKASDS. Tub Journal will publish your brand, Ike the following, for S2 :0O, per vcar. Kacta ad ditional brand 75 cents. Kvery mrmer or ranchmen lit Sioux and. adjoining counties should advertise their brands in TllKJoliB NALart It circulates all over tho state. It muy be the mcaus of saving money for you. COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, Nebraska. B. E. BMwsnut, President. C. F. Cora, -Vioa-PrwIdMt D. H. ORISWOLD, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS! American Exchange National Bank, New York, Omaha National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron. r AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. ISO 000. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. OTJ&AFTS SOLD ON ALL PASTS 07 EX7R07JL Kit ASK NUTTO. On left stdo of cuttle and on left ihovildi-rot horses. Range on Antelope creek I'. O., Ohilchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. CHARLES BIRHI.E. On left, Hide or hip of cattle, j On left shoulder of horses. ) llnngo on the head 01 Warbonnct rek Addres Harrison, Sloui Co. Neb. R. W. CARRY. I On left shoulder of cattle and I homs. I Knntte on l ittle Cottonwood. J'O. ., Crawford ISebr. Flua! Proof Notices. All persons having final proof notices in thfa paper will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine tbelc notlcoandlf any errors exist report tbe aine to this ofltue at once. TAF FOLKS Hittlufcd 1ft to M pound pr month. Ko """ nrtuo'jfi!l firaet-a. 1 rtMnrwnl eonWirfitUi. Cut twin-. da nannvnleiic, ,0 Ud TMultn. no nitmrmi iVrl i?ei?nir dnit. 1 ratrnni tmriVitl y Wmlew tad frictly con 'I'arrus i-1 I.H. WAR J IMSTIIUIL. .1.1 !...,. ;nn 111 nb ...,l llr. llH. - Clin, write. 1)U. It. B. nulls, m r.M Mm, at. Uuli, ale. ttl-SS ;? p 2 a. at j P SO L B H-,-WW7fl'i.'lisC'll 0) 3 O D A n w S 1 5 0 ? r y III i i if k u YiUM 3 2 co i -I W U a.. : -5 i v rt i. si i 41 i, 3 4W 'J Y-O i R m ? a S5 ?"3 i-s 7! O. A 71 " a m( m M U r tJ 5 $ frazil 9 m-Z. n Spa n u8f J-58 10 v I .-.1 fl-iv : 7. ;j " H i y mas' b as A vH '- I 1 . -...- t. r' .'5 lit. f, 1 i ; ; if v i - fit