THE SIOUX COUNTY o Thcmdat, Sept. 15th, 1898. Jo. . Canon, Editor and Prop. F. E. 4 . V R. R. lime table. Going West. Going Eut Ho. S, mixed, 11 :20 1 No. 6. mixed 8:00 T il K North-Western LINE E. M. V. R. R. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, IKADWOOl AS1 HOT Sl'MSU.-i, SOUTH DAKOTA. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE omCEUS: Silas A. Holoomb Governor James K. Hani Lieutenant Govcrnoi W. F. Porter Secretary of State John F. Cornell Auditor J. K. Meserve Treasurer '. J.Smyth Attorney General J. V. Wolfe Land Oouimlsnionei W. R. Jackson Supt. Public Instruction COSGUESS10NAL DELEGATlOS: John M. Thurston U. S. Senator, Omaha Win. V. Allen V. S. Senator, Madison J. H. Strode. ConimMsman 1st Dlst., Lincoln 1. H. Mercer, tSaiuuel Maxwell, W. L. Stark, K. I. Sutherland, Vf. L. Green, id 3rd 4 th fith Ctb Omaha " Fremont " Aurora " Ktfloon ' Kearney JUDICIARY: J. J. Slllvan Chief Juatire, Columbus T. O. C. Harrtson Aa'te Judge, Grand Inland T. L. Korval Associate Judge, Seward 1. a. Campbell Clerk and liepoi ur, Lincoln rUTEENTO JUDICIAL DISTRICT: H. P. Elnkald Judge, O'Neill W. H. Wentover Id. J. Blcwett Hnshvlllt Clerk, Harrison TERMS OF COUKT: District Court, At Harnntm, commences P Tiring term May 9th, " Sept litth Jury 19th. County Court, At Harrison, commence first Monday of each month. :r...;.TATIVE: Otto Mau.-Scna.tor, Dist. So. i, SprlngTlew A. K. Sheldon Dist. No. 53, Cbadron COUKTT OFFICERS: Sobert Wilson ; County Judge M. J. Blewett Clerk Cbas. Biehle Treasurer KlHle Merriam Supt. Public Instruction Thos Holly Sheriff J. K. Phluney Coroner 31. F. Thomas Surveyor H. J. Blewett Clerk of District Court irant Guthrie County Attorney BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Jens a Mens lnt DUlrlct Andrew Procunler id " Jackson Metlen( Chairman) M VILLAGE OFFICERS: Pantlui (chairman) - Davia . E. . John -Trustee D. H. Grlswod W. B. Marsteller. K. Robwer W. H. Davla Lewi GerlacB Clerk Treasurer SCHOOL OFFICERS: Eggert Robwer Director B. L. Smuck Moderator Lewis Gerhtck Treasurer CHCRCHES AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Sunday School meet every Sun day morning at 10. -00 W. 1L Davis, Miss B- KTeix, , Superintendent. Secretary F.PWORTH LEAGUE. Regular buginea meeting first Tuesday evening In eacb montbt Miss I'lLum, J. Kikiull, President, riecretarv. Devotional meeting every So art ay evening S:4. Mas. KcKbAtA, Leader. JCXIOB LEAGUE. Meets each Bandar afternoon at 231. Mas. KiviMix., Supt. JERRT RT'SK POST, Xo7u G. A. R. Meets Mwa4 Monday in each month In the court hamae at Harrinem. E. K. Liverajore, Com. WOODMEX Or THE WORLD. Harrison Clamp, No. 5ft, meets on each al teraate Wednesday evening. W.H.Davis, J.a.Uassos, Clerk. Con. Com. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. MeeU each alternate Saturday evening M o'clock. J. W .Smith. V. tl A. K. Dbw Clerk. TS Csa CJ Go GEzz. Baby i Iraas. 0 ISMS. T" (T Wnm 1 ft . t I Cm 1st tcj fsiiimi GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Slate Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. y Legal papers carefully drawn. Harrison, - Nebraska. J. E. PIIINNEY, M. D. rhjisciaa and Surccon. All calls given prompt atteution. Office In Drug Store. -HARRISON - NEBRASKA. A. T. CLARK. Lawyer. Office: second door from jcibkal office HARRISON, NEB COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE or your JOB WORK i Stationary. UTHJi;. Leave youti Watches and Clocks at Dr. J. E. Phinneys' Drug Stord for repairs. Engraving done at rea csonaDie Dnces. ju wors i i n i guaranteed to give eatisfac tion. Have graduated from Ian Omaha Watch makers In stitute, Hugh C. bcmnDT. Address, Harrison, Neb. Special Locals. WHITE RIVER WOLF ASSOaATlON. Glen, Neb., Jan. IS, 1898. The undersigned agrees to pay the sum act oppoaite their name forjawolf fund of S0 for each gray wolf killed within 8 miles of White River, above Glen, within the nexH months, and appoint Mr. H. H Russell as their treasurer and will pay him on de mand. David Colville S 00 Fred Biotnburg 2 M H. IL Russell 10 00 Jno. 8. Tucker S OS A. T. Hughson J 80 F. Force 10 00 L. C. Lewi S 00 Emery Glllmor t SO J.J.Martin 100 Leroy Hall 6 00 Walter Johnson 5 00 W. J. Johnson 2 M George Scott 2 50 Total IM 00 Special Eicurslon Rates to Hot Springs S. Dak. On dates named below at one fare for round trip, tickets good for return 30 days from date of sale. June 16 August 9 June 30 August 26 July 5 September 10 July 19 September 20 E. F. Pontics. Agent SPECIAL. EXPOSITION RATES. Taking effect Aug. 30th, tickets for the Omaha Expo sition Will be sold as follows: Every day (except Sunday) at $23.20. for round trip, Tickets good for return until November 15th. On Tues day and Friday at $10.50 good for return 15 days from date of sale. E. F. Pontics, Agent. William Bourette will read the Journal for ooe year. The Journal is a necessity in all well regulated house bold. WANTED: A good corapentent girl to do general house work, work not hard, good wage. Apply to Mrs. A. D. Cook, Douglas, Wve. Mrs. John Debt no whose doom ia in toe vicinity of Ardmore K we are sorry to state in a very critical coodiUon at this writing ber condition is considered dangerous. - Mr. aaa Mr. H. Warneka returned from a trip to the Exposition and other more eastern point. Mrs. W. haa been absent on a pleasure trip for some time and ber husbaad met her at Omaha. W. L. Farley, who has been assist iig sheriff Holly, during the past two week has engaged to teach school some where in the neighborhood of Kirtley. The term commences the first of Octo ber. There were Lutheran services held oat in H if bland precinct iaH Sunday both In the foreooon anil afternoon. Bev Wuaderlirk preached bht farewell ermon aoi Rev, Wwgan preached his totrodaetry rr Mtxlerii "Woodman Day at Omaliu Eioltl. Tickets will lie sold on Tuesday Sept. 20, at $10,00 for round trip good 5 days from date of sale. E. F. Ptncmx NOTICE: There will be Lutheraji services at tlie court house Sunday, Sept 18th, 1898, at 2 o'clock P. M. Rev. F. G. Winoeto. Pastor. District court will convene next Monday, the 19th of Sept. Rev. Father Kroupa celebrated mass at the court house on last Saturday. M. J. Blewett weut to Chadron last Fridav to atteud the democratic repre sentative convention. Miss Claudia Hester left on last Saturday evening for Chadron to attend the Academy this winter. The reform ticket is complete so far as Sioux county is concerned, except a candidate for commissioner in this 3rd district W. H. Davis moved his family to Andrews on last Tuesday we understand Mr. Davis intends to remain there per manently. A. T. Clark and Jack RafTin went to Crawford last Saturday to see the fun at the reoresentative convention, besides to transact some business as well Hon. Lew Gerlacb, Grant Guthrie and Martin Weber were in attendance at the Populist, representative conven tion held at Crawford tet Saturday. Notice I tan cattle hides and all kind of skins with hair for robes, or without or leather. See sample and prioes in J. H. Bartell s store. H. OI-bwcht. fllen. Neb, John Herman, of Story was in our midst a day or so this week while in town he did not forget to say "how" to ye editor, that is right call again John. ' We have been given to understand the teachers in our city school are filling the bill even surpassing the highest ex pectalions of ALL which speaks volumes for them both. Hontious Wills, who has been at work on the range near Casper during the summer came down on a visit and doubtless to attend court next Monday, He will return in about two weaks. With this issue of tlie JOURNAL C. IL Grewell will inscribe his name among its many readers for toe ensuing year at least. All in quest of truth should read the Sioux Cocntt Jour nal. The unveiling ceremony of the monument erected in memory of Burt Dew, by the Woodman of the World, will take place at the cemetary on Sun, day, Sept. 25, 1998.' Invitations are extended to the public in general to be present and witness the ceremony. The first snow of the season fell last Friday night Probably two inches fell but by 9 o'clock a, m., it had all disapeared. It is said by those. 'ho are old residents and ought to know,, it was tlie first snow to come so early in Sep tember. It did not freize howevt-r dur ing the night. , , The party on the little Cottonwood valley, in Sioux county, who stple the wire off the Cora Smith place v.vl the lumber off tlie Joe Crail place had bet ter return the same inside of ten dtys or be will be brought before the fall term of the district court, as the neighbors are getting tired of such ing. Crawford Bulletin. pe'i thiev Fred Knott, the Gilchrist ter, was after the Journal re mas- r the first of the week, with bis war t on for saying last week, we undersi bis office had only three patron. 'A that but by refering him to our worthy po: aster, A. J. Bogart, from whom we our information, we escaped wi ceived out scratch. Tom and Jo Dunn, came d from Guthrie, Wyo., last Thursda; liter a bunch of horses which they ow ver in valley. Tom says he and anol r gen- tleman at Lost Springs, Wy have formed a co-partnership and will! engage in the cattlt business, lie expels how ever to sell a part of tlie bones, he and jo will take back with them. The following were tandidaes for Legislative honors before the tvo con ventions at Crawford last Saturtby: Powers of Sheridan county Adams " Dawes " O'Kief ' Box Butte " Oerlach " Sioux John Marsteller of this place ftceived a complimentary vote in the deaAratic convention but was not a candidal' Hon. Lewis Oerlach baa no thin) but praise to offer for all the Sioux coioty boys, who were in attendance at tlie wo convention at Crawford last Saturuy working with might and mala for n nomination. Not only does be feel ver greatful to the boys of this county, bull feel every man, who wa a delegate innortrf wtr where they have then both the democratic and populist con- ventionsare his friends and will doe ver v thing possible to assist in hi election tfci fall. Mr. Jake Marking has sold out hi place and everything pertaining thereto, to his daughter Miss Mary, who will af ter this be sole propietor of the place bertofore owned by her father. Mr. Marking with his better half aad their three youngest children expect to leave Sioux county in about three or four week though at to their future bone they hart not quite decided yet. Sorry to tee good neighbor leave. NOTICE: Mass will be! celebrated at Harrison at 10 o'clock a. m.f every Satur day before the Second Sun day of each month. Michael P. Waldrox. Pastor. Mrs. Will Hough, we understand has not been so well during the past two or three days. A brother of tlie Knori brothers came from Wisconsin last Saturday to visit with the boys for two or three weeks. Mrs. Leo. DeBock was among those who remembered the Journal family most generously on the first of this week Many thanks kind friends. Mr. and Mrs. f. Nut to gave us a most agreeable surprise on last Monday by piling upon our kitchen table a quan ity of various kinds of vegetables. Mr. Root, of Lusk, Wyo., brother- in-law of Tom Bell near that place, was down in this part of the county trying to make a deal for somo horses. He says they are too high for him. Tlie democratic representative con vention held at Crawford on last Satur day, elected as chairman and secretary respectively, Ed. Satterlee of Chadron, andM. J. Blewett of tins place for the ensueing year. Robert Harrison and M. J. O'Connell of Adelia, were in town a couple of days this week. They have both been in at tendance at the Exposition at Omaha, and are loud in their praise of its great-, ness, the sights they beheld while there, Ac Sea. Hon. Lewis Gerlach appointed W. J. A. Raum of Sioux county as tlie chair man of this representative district that privilege having been accorded to Mr. Gerlach by tlie populist convention, as it has always been a custom of that party. Mr. Raum, so the boys reported done valiant service for neighbor Ger lach; he has always been identified vi the reform movement and we believe he will make an ideal chairman. rureillog Ceremony. The ceremony attending the unveiling of the monument erected by the Wood man of the World in memory of ou deceased sovereign, A. R. Dew will take place on Sunday September 23th, 1898, The ceremony will be an imposing one, an urgent invitation is extended to tl; general public to join in the procession and wituess the ceremony at the grave. W. U. Davis, Clerk. Camp No. 55, W. O. W. The Doctors Have Arrived Drs. Barr and Baxter, two examining physicians, who represent the Colorado Dispensary Co., of Denver, Colo., are in this city and vicinity to treat all those suffering from chronie diseases of any kind and an opportunity to receive thorough examination free of charge and then, if desired the latest and most ientilic treatment hi sumlt ciM. Tl company is an association of specialist incorporated under the laws of Uie stale of Colorado with a capital stock of I j0, 000, is reliable and responsible in every respect All who are suffering and are in need of their help should not fail to see them while here, for ft may be long time before they get such an op portunity again. They will call at tlie house, in tlie city or country, if word is left at the Harrison House until Sept 20lh. Do not put it off till "tomorrow If your case is incurable we will frankly tell you se. Respectfully, The Colorado DtsntKHAHY. narbonnet Warbling. Sana Leeling is working for Kirtley of pleasant Ridge. Charlie Leeling was a caller at O. A. Gartons Sunday evening. Uuktave Noreisch was a caller at tlie figure six ranch Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Ricedorf is on the sick list j. v . ntceuon ana uuarne weaver srr t a a i rti , came down from the divide Satur day. Mrs. It M. Wafiace an Viola visited with J. L. Stratton an d wife last week, Echo, Montroae Clippings. Joseph Marking went to Edgemont to look for employment for the winter. Mr. Baumgart and son August are at Indian creek hauling bay which they cut there.. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gay hart were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Henry Jr. Sunday. M. J. Oayhart intend to take his cattle to Duck creek a they are running Pow' lMr - John Debaoo who ha been serioni '" toT u ,SJ two wak Improving ivery slowly, H. B. Wasatrburger took a bum rip to Harrison yesterday and Jake Vasserburger alto, to get abtogle door id window for the bouse be it building The next time you are going east, Iiw look out for the fence. J. J. and Jake Wasterburger finished facing their claims. Mr. H. K on rath and too Harm in Ride a butane trip to dgemont to day (Way.) Li 1 1 i ' 1 Oil YES! Here We Are Again. duu pairs ot snoes The above is an addition .ninr.Wrt stofk nf iKxits We have the largest assort inent ever shown in North-Went Nebraska, and as to prices we Dhr i Competion and are sure to rait all who come OUR STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE IS STILL THE LARGEST AND Tiir. BEST IN HARRISON. CALL SNI) SEE US AND SAVE MONEY, Marsteller Brothers. mnnnmnixi BORN To Mr. and Mrs. A. Ring a daughter mother and child doing well. Henry Waxserhurger sold his sorgaru mill to Nick Sharer. Miss Tillie C'hrUtensen and her brother Yep cam? home to attend the wedding of their sister Kate. There will be mass at the Montrose church next Sunday (Sept 1H) if there is nothing to hinder Rev Kroupa from coming as there has been for several times. Sage. mil Answer Any Question You may Ask It, Standard American Annual. PRICE CENTS Ready Jan. 1, 1898, On All News Stands, Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. fTbi mod widily told Ammol Rifir met Book and Political Manual pubtiikid. THE WORLD, . uuuer UUIIUlliy, new m WI w. THS r9rSc Machine Co. U4XXZ2 Ciiicazo. Drop Cabinet Liberty $12.83 Sterling 20.35 Crescent 13 45 WARRANTCD ton 10VCARS Bujr rirtrt aad Ktf U knmVt If Machine li not pi represented after SOdsra' trial, mill rWund ihc i;imi r. Or Mil tiim t. O. U.. with pi jvilcRa of o 4it' irUL on receipt of i.OU. Usa or tlUacL Thii moil Hodome, Light-It mrnfcj Nol,o lest Machine, ajnpted . ,l u,rf, ,f motk SelMhrewiinif r?imler ahulllr, l,ul lo d automatic tenain rrlw Strati? up-to-date. In cverr w y. 1 ,e bci and most durable, line ol attornments, and mad by one (4 tticuUest and large! aewlnj maiume Qo In too world. Dei with a firat-claji home and Ret firat-cla foods. Send stamp lor our ,rwcia Scniair Ma chine Catalogue. l,kh trlla you 'l shout it, and how v e send a miiclilne oa UltL TUUL. Be Davis Machine Co., Chicarjo. Horco OwnoroUTry Cauctic Balojlm ltsaMtTaadrasMrMtai The world Encyclopedia Encyclopeaii CoaaOaalaa 1 ' i ' n Oil VIS! Just received overM ui ine idiroi a.jico. to our already large and and shoes now on nanu. Some Plain Facts. Grave errors, injustice, wrongs of greater or less degree, arise from lack of knowledge of the truth, and more frequently from deception. The most infamous case on record of deception and injustice is the at tempt to demonetize silver as a money of final redemption in tlie United States. There is nu learned judge, skilled lawyer, or court of justice that is capable of reconciling the effort with the constitutional laws that govern the issue of money in this country. The people have been deceived, officiate in power, chosen to adminis ter justice under the laws, have ignored their sworn duty, and given aid to the scheme that lias paralyzed industry, reduced property values one-half, and beggared millions. There is no authority of law, either specific or by inference, by which 30M alone is made the only money vith which to discharge debts, either -ublic or private. The effort to nakc it so is unconstitutional and a lational calamity. Plain and ample information, fects, ir.-j truth, concerning this almost suc :essful scheme to comer the wealth the people, is now being printed n the Cincinnati Enquirer, a newi aper which the combined power of iioney has failed to muzzle or buy. The Weekly Enquirer is only 75c a year The address is ? F.n'i'i rer Company, Cincinnati, O. "THG STYLISH PATTERN." Ar tistic Fashionable Original. Perfect Fitting. Prices 1 Ootid IScenta. None higher. No.-w better at any price, i Some reliable met aunt stilt them m nearly every city or town. Ask for them, or they can be had by mail from at in cither New York cr Cbtcafo. Stamp! taken. Latest Fashion Sheet sent upon receipt of one cent to pay pottage. MAGAZINE Brightest ladles' nunr!ne eubthhed. Invaluable for ike home. Fathlon of the day, Home Literature, Household Hints, fancy Work, Current Topics, r icuon, an lor only so cents a year. In- 1.4l . f f .... ... .-L non any time. nd two ctnl damp T for sample copy. Adores I THE McCALL COMPANY, t U2-U6 Test Uth Street, New York. A W ruth Avenue, Chicago. I laeuea MorrrHiv .L7n l r.T7. .. .. """r aa Su-.ui Natl Itaviiilat ....1.11. .. . . farlw.lBeluilirw .;l MrJTrhftTS M u K,??J in aiicni-4K mii a-ar fit jok co fa'" III A.l.m. Hfftl IMr.. n By Fail banks, Morse ACoi. fc?l J, BAZAR I 3f I z ! f ATTERtlSW ------ I