HADK1D IS UNEASY tHS SE88I0N OF CORTES NOT A PEACEFUL ONE. Can ml Copnlnfer Peon to b Retired IaanrgenU are Soaplcoaa Rerlaloa af tlie lire) ftu Caae Li Hung Chang la Dug race. Madrid, Spt. 8, via Bayonne, France Sept. 8. The censorship it making the work of the correspondents niuch niore difficult. They are not permitted even to summarize the debates and results o( secret sesious of the cortes. Yesterday in the senate a republican senator, who holds a high position in hii party, bitterly attacked the queen regent. A liberal senator replied, eu logising the iiioi, arch sylng: Prudence, moderation and honesty characterize the upper classes and resignation and devotion characterize the people, lU'lween the two are the politicians, who exploit the country and ar the real cause of all Spain's mis fortune." I The republicans are planning obstruc tive tactics in the cortes, but they de nounce the P.arcelena bands as anarbists instead of republican." The Carlists in the meantime are plot ting and waiting an order from Don Carlos. It is ceitain he does not need the councils of the Vatican, urlrirf him not to dieturb the peace of Spain. I Beuor Si ga-ta hopes to Ret the bill auhoriziog alieiiiation of territory passed within the cortes and off his hands with In week. COMING ARMY CHANGES- Geaaral Copplnger Among Thoae Hood, to be Hetlrel. Washington, Hept. 8. Many impor tant chunges will occur in the army and navy during the remaining, months of the present year. These are due to the natural course of evvnts and are in no "wise the result of the war with Spain Two brla-adier-cenerals of the army and four rear admirals of the navy will go on the ritireii Hot by opperation of law on account of age, making vacancies which will result in promotions all along the linn in both services. The two army office who will rc'iie areMajor-Uener- al William M. Graham, now in com mand of the Second army corps in camp at Midd'etown, Pa , and Major-General J. J. Coppeiringer, in command of the Fourth army eoi ps with headquarters at Huntsvilie, Alt. i The rear admirals who retire this year are Admiral M. iSicard, recently i.reni lent of the naval war board, and now prweident of I bo naval board of promo tions, who retire on the 301 h inst; Admiral K. O. Mathews, formerly chief of the bure tu of yards and docks, aud now president of ti e examining and re tiring board who retires Oct--her 24 ; Admiral Joseph N Miller, the ranking officer of the navy, now in command of the Pacific sta ion. who retires Novem ber 22, and Admiral F. N. Uunce, com mander of the New York navy yard, who retires Sepleml er 2"). The principal heroes of the Spanish war retire in the following order: Ad miral George li:wei , commanding the Asiatic atat ton, Ircemler lHitO ; Admir al W. K. Schley, on the Porto Ricou evacuation coiiiuuhMou, Octoiier 11)01, ami Admiral W. T. Sampson, on the Cuban evacuation com mission, February 102. Inursntare Muiulrloua. Masila, P. I., Sept 8. The Phillip pine Inpurgen'B are convening a mass meelim to atwetTible shortly at Malolas thirty mile north of Manila, for the purpose of dec'diiig, from their stand point, upon ti e future of the Phillip pine island. Auuamandn, the insur gent leader, iio-mt that the insurgent furors should remain in their Htrageiio pOHitions ani strengthen them lest the Americans withdraw from the inlands, in the meantime threating Manila, commending the railroad and tluea'en ing the food supply. A dispatch from Un-HirsayaGener.il Kin, t he "pnih commander there, has ifiven orders that American vessels lie permitted to have free ares to Spanish Phillippinu ports. I.I Hunt; t bung In Itlvgraee. Pkkim, Sept. H. Li Hung Chan has fen dismissed from power. It is pre- nine J It was done in accordance ith the demand which, it was rumored, tho British mit.inler here, Sir Claude Mc Donald, was inHructed to make on ac count of the alleged general partiality of LI Hung Cnng to China. llerlnlon In Kreyfiu t ana. Paris, f-ept. 8 The'l'igaro yesterday aays the cabinet council, Just held, un nimoUHly agreed upon a revision ol the Dreyfus case and directed the ministsr of Justice, M Parrien. to take the neces sary steps to th.U end. The Martin announces the discovery of facts imp icatiug the ollicers of the general staff1, adding that General Zur lindcn, the new minister for war, report ed the matter to council and urged the necessity of reforming the intelligence department of war office, whereuKin ho was diroctod lo elaborate a project separ ating the duties of the general staff from ' those of the Intel llgence department. Ou ro at Waaliiaguio. Wamhnoto-i. Sept. 8 Admiral Cove rs, bis aon, Lieutenant Amielo Ceveia, and Lieuunant V. Gomes I man, arrived here yoettrday from Norfolk and called at the navy department. In theabeeuoe of Secretary l-ong, the admiral and hit two companions paid their repect to Assistant Secretary Allen, and to him expressed the thanks and gratitude of Admiral Cevera for tho kindly treat meat at enr W Una u 1 his u.eu while ottgonet A the Un'ted 8Uts. DIE ON THE NILE- Death BUw Adaataletered as tke Darrlak Fereae Trinaapfc at Kaaiaaa Ansa, Londos, Sept. 6. The following, under date of Friday, gives detaila of the Der vish defeat Omuuhmak, Opposite Khartoum, Sept J -General Sir Herbert Kitchiener with the khalifa's black standard, captured during the battle, entered Omdnrman, the capital of Mabdiam, at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the head of the Anglo- Egyptian expedition, completely routing the dervishes and dealing a death blow to Mahdim. Kougnly, our losses were 200, while thousands of the dervishes were killed or wounded. Last night the Anglo-Egyptian army encamped at Algaxa, eight miles from Ouidurrnan. The dervishes were three miles distant. At dawn today our cav a ry, patrolling toward Omdurman, dis covered the enemy advancing to the at tack in battle array, chanting war songs. Their front consisted of infantry and cavalry, stretched out for two or three miles. Co intless banners fluttered over their masses and the copper and brass drums rebounded through the serried ranks of the savage warriors, who ad vanced unwaveringly with all their old time ardor. BEGINNING CF THE BATTLS. At 7 :20 a. m. the enemy crowded the ridges abe the camp and advanced steadily in enveloping formation. At 7:40 our artillery opened fire, which was answered by the dervish riflemen. Their att ick developed on our left, and in accordance with their traditional tactics they swept down the hillside with the des gn of reaching our flank. Put the withering fire maintained for fifteen nrnutes by all our line frustrated the attempt, and the drvishes, balked, swept toward our center, upon which they contracted a fieri attack. A large forte of horsemen, trying to face a con t nuous hail of bullets from the Cameron highlanders, the Lincolnshire regiment and the Soudanese, was litterally swept away, h ading to the withdrawing of the eniire body, whose dead strewed the field. The bravery of the dervinh can hardly be overstated. Those who car ried the flas ftrupgled to within a few hundred yards of our fighting line, while mourned Vmirs absolutely threw their lives away in bold charges. MAKE A HKCOND ATTACK. When the Jb-rvUh withdrew behind the ridge in front ol their camp, the whole force marched on Echelong, after withdrawing from Omdurman. Afier our troops surmounted the crest adjoin ing the Nile, the Soudanese on our right came into c nfact ith the en my, who had reformed under cover of a rocky eminence aud h-.d uiacsed again under the black standard of the khalifa in or der to make a supreme effort to retrieve the fortunes of the day. A maps 03,000 strong bore down on the Soudanese. General t r Herbert Kitchener swung round the c- n'er and left of the Soudan ese, and siezed trie rock eminence, and the Egyptians, hitherto in resereve, joined the tiring line in ten minutes and liefore the dervish cou'd drive their at tack home. The lloer of the khalifa's 'army was caught in a depression and within a icne of withering cr s-fire from three brigades, with attendant artillery. The devoted n ahdists strove heroically to ni ke ha ul way, but every rush was topped while their main liody was liter al y mown down by a sustained and deadly cross fire. Deflna'ly tho dervish es p anted their s audardii and died 1-e-aid'! them, Theirdense masses gradual ly melted to co i. panics and the com panies to driblets beneath the leaden hail. Fit ally they broke and fled leav ing the field white with jibhah-clad corpses, liae a snow drift dotted mea dow. DRIVIff INTO TUB DKSKKT. At 11 :V General Kitheuer ordered an advance and our v hole force in line drove the jcattered remnant of the foe into the desert, our cavulry cutting off their ret-eat to Oiioluruian. Among the chie! incidents of the bat tic was a brilliant charge by theTwenty flnt lancers uiniur Lleutenant-Cohinel M.Tiln. Gallopieg down to a detached body of the eiiemv, ihey found the derv ish fwordsmen mashed behind and r fenced to charge home against appalling odils. The lancer hcked through the mas, rallied and kept the dervish horde at bay. Lieutenant Grenfell, nephew of Cen tral Sir Francis Grenfell, was killed, four other officers were wounded ; twen-ty-on men were killed, and twenty wounded. The Egyptian cavalry were in close fighting throughout wilh .the Hagarra horteinen. For a short period the enemy captured and held the ground, but it was brilliantly retaken. The heroic bravery rf the dervishes evoked univer. sal admiration. T.me after time they were dispersed and broken, but again reformed and hurled themselves upon the Anglo-Egyptians, their emirs con spicuously leadlug and spurning death evenj when wounded and in death ago nies they ruised themselves to fire a last shot. Among the wounded is Colonel Rhodes the correspondent of the London Times, a brother ol Cecil Khode-. Has No Cowwlalat to Milt, lxmiNAPoi.lS. Ind.. Sept. 8. Ths Twenty-eighth Indiana, Captain Kanke, reached ibis city at 4 -.30 yesterday after noon and Is no encamped at Camp Mount The ladies aid society furnished sandiuhes, and Mayor Taggart coffee, ths men being fed at the union station. Cantata Kanke brought a few saeo lightly ill, but all will recover lo a few rlavs. He says the men wart wan ann nlaely located at Ohickamauga and ha has ao aoupMaM to itua. HELD IN LINE MACE DECREE TO BE OI8CUSSE0 WITH CLOSED DOORS- Kotalag SaiuaMaoal at Opening SaaaAaa- Dvctora la Douut--Naw Vurk. n Fartafes j w-i i whut feast Thronah thai Malt Madeid, Sept. 6. The chambers ai embled here yesterday. Thus far onl; routine business has been transacted At the opening of the senate the seer tary read a letter from Senor Rodriguei Senator from Porto Kico, refusing to obey the summons to attend. The premier, Benor Sagasta, arrayed in the insignia of his office, sccended the tribune and read a decree' author izing the government to present to the chamber a draft of a law empowering the ministers to renounce sovereignty over the colonies in conformity with the stipulations of peace preliminaries be tween Spain and the United States., The president of the senate proposed a secret discussion of the decree, and despite the protests of some senators or dered that the galleries be cleared, mid loud murmurs of disapproval. The chamber soon br-oame involved in a discussion of press censorship. Tho. who had expected sensational scones on the opening of the chamber were dis appointed. The general public seemed indifferent. The people at large are ap parently convinced that Spain must ac cede to whatever the United States de mands. A t the close of the censorship discus don, in which deputies who are journal ists protested emphatically against the attitude of the government, Senor Ro meroy Robiedo demanded immediate decrees revoking the suspension. Minister of the Interior Capedpon re plied that the time was not opportune to revoke the suspension, and the cham ber then adjourned. A dispatch from Barcelona says the local gendarmerie have surprised and arrested an arm" 1 band of thirty-seven men and that another band hag ap peared near Hospitals, four miles south west of Barcelona. Troops have been sent in pursuit. General Jaudene, ad interim governor of the Philippines, replying to the gov ernment's request for information as to the true situation of affairs in the archi pelago, report that to assure the re-es-Ublishmentof Spanish ."overeignty over the islands would require a permanent army of 60,000 men, a fleet and endless quantities of materials. Sent Folaoned Whlkar. Nrw York, fcept. 6 John Mills, a well to do ice dealer of 84 Second street, hiswi'eand ister-ir-law, Alius Mavy Oonlin, have been poisoned by whiskey which had been sent, through the mail to the houhe. Mies Conlin probably will die Irom th eflVcta of the drug, whi. h was used. The case in many rcpects is imllar to the poisoning of Ntra. Dnnni' g and Mrx. Dearie by a box of candy sent through the mail some, weeks ago. Mrs. Hills received by mail last Tue? Jay a small package whh h contained a bottle about four inches high bearing a whiskey label, hhe received a second and sim.lar package on Wednesday, aud In that found another 8mdl bottle la belled a different brand of whiskey. She received a third package on Friday. It was larger than the others and had en- olosed a bottle which had evidently con tained toilet water. Mr. fiills. his wife and sister-in-law were at home last nfgU when Mrs. Kills thought of the liquors and told ber huehand of them. There was Just enough liquor in the bottle to give each one an average sized dr nk. It was pronounced good whiskey when the three had each tatted it. The three persona became afTlicte j with a s'ratigA Illness within half an hour of drii.king the whiskey and their yu.pt"ms becoming alarming, Mr. Ililli-, whose powerful frame withstood the at tack better than the women, ran to Dr. lsyendecker, who expressed the opinion that they were suffering from a power ful poison, either atropbine or belladon na. Dr. Leyeudacker summoned asis' ance and also noli ld the polios, and after a while Mr. Hills and his wife were pronounced out of danger Miss Oonlin, I e doctor said, would probably die. Mr. Hill lays he has nc nemies and the nolle re at sea. Tha imotiim In llooht, Nsw Oki.saks, la., Pept. 6 There was a couferr-nce hold yeHerday botwten officials of the b' ard of health attending phyicians and Dr. Carter of the United States marine hospital service with re spect to the alleged oases of ye low fever in New Orleans. The .ases were viewed by the experts. Dr. Carter reserved his opinion until tomorrow. Hence no an nouncement was made to whether tho eiees sre yellow fever or not. Jacxson, Miss., Kept. 6 The city of Isckson has ecablished a slrick quar intioe en all classes of traffic against New Orleans. No trains on the Illinois Central road are allowed to stop within the city limit. The suspicious fever ra ported from ths Bear Orek neighbor hood, in Onpiah county, has been inves tigated aud found to be of the malarial type. One suspicions cae is reported at Meridian, and is beinv Investigated. Tallow Wvwmw A Maw Orlaaaa, Jacesoh, Miss., Sept. ft. The itat board of health has been officially noti fied of two suspicions cases of fever at Hew Orleans and tonight thy issued as rrd r qiiaranti-.lng the state against that city. Inspector Dana of the stats board reports a case of yellow lever at Benoit, Bolivar county. The patient li eonvaleeent and it la thought there will be no spread of the d lavas. Three mors oases are reported at Orwood today, . I. .11 t Mii,a wwtv ENTHRONING OF THE QUEEN. Day Long to ba Beaaaaabarad by Patriot! Hollander, Austcbdam, Sept. 7 The events of Monday were but the oue.rture for far more important eveuts yesterday, upon the occasion of the long awaited en- 0D3fce cf Queon WHhpmma, who came of ago on Auguet 81. The day boyran with fabite of lnl puns and a inijtic chorale was performed by trumpeters from the crenellated towers of the fixe great churches in Amsterdam. Crowds of people assembled early in the morning and took up poHi lions from which to view 'he rryal procession to the Nieu- kirk, an edifice that, in spite of its name, ie 400 years old. By 10 o'clock the Damplatz presented s magnificent spec tacle. The center was cleared and the. sides were densely thronged, the front places being reserved for the children of the orphanage. The multitudes were kept back by lines of troops of all arms. From the principal gate of the palace to the church, between lines of naval cadets, was stretched a gay awning, dec orated with streamers, and velvet oar petimr was laid over the short distance which the queen had to traverse. At 10:35 the princely families of Saxe Weimer and Wind drove to the church escorted by cavalry, w ith barn's playing, drums beating and the;iroo b presenting arms. Almost immediately afterward the que: n'a mother appeared in a state couch, which was surmounted by a royal crown upon a criiueon cushion She received an ovation and was greeted with endless cheering and cries of "Long live the queen mother." About ten minutes after the beating of drums and the blare of trumpets sig nalled the fact that Queen Wilhelmine had left the pahce, and at that very moment the sun burst from the cloudi in brilliancy, which was looked upon at being a happy augary for the youm; sovereign. The procession was headed by the king of arm-, with the heraldf in their gorgeous antiqu; co turtles and bearing long trumpets adored with pendant flags'. But all the ' splendor ol the royal retinue was overlooked by tin vast crowds of people, whose eyes were turned upon the contral figure ot thi imposing function he young queen, or foot, iimidst the people, decked with al the emblems of royally. On her heat was a diadem of diamonds, crown thaped. Her robe wan white silk, with a long train, under a mantle of rioh, rec velvet on which the lions of Xasat were displayed in gold embroidery. Tin mantle was tiordeed with ermine. The Fword of state was carried before the young queen by a general. Her majesty carried herself with grac and fortitude, but be.r blanched cheek were evidence of piofound emotion in spired by the greatnefs of the occasion, KKI'I.IKH TO TUK iJL'BKN. After the q-ie. n's up 'tc i, in accord ance with tradition, Van Emnee, presi dent of the tirrt clmmber, advanced the throne and fa d : "We receive and invent you, in the name of the Netherlands people, and ii the virtue of the cons tiulion, as queen. We twear we will maintain your inviol ability and the rights of y ur crown Ve swear to do all that uood and faith ful states generals should ,do. So heir us, Almighty God.'V The usher then announced the name.' of the members of the chambers loudly each member rihirtg an his nnme wtu called and responding: ,-So help me Al m gbty God," t-ave the Ilaptist member who replied; "promise it." Soon afterwards the queen left the church, her mother following her, and returned to her pa'aoe. As the queen and her mother passed on their way to the palace there were renewed acclamations irom the peop'e ami when their majesties entered th palace four herald-! stepped out of th balcony, the fenior herald announcing that Q'teen Wi'helinina had been in vented qileen of th" Netherlands. While the saluting guns, which greet ed the proclamation, werentdl b xmiing. tho young queen, wearing the reiwlia, appeared and was welcomed by a migh ty roar of delimit. She made a boauti f il hiHtoric picture. When the mother f diowed trie two stood hand in hand, bowin to tho upturned faces of their hosts of subjects. Later in tlie day the queen dmve, aio ud the city mid viewed llio decora tions. Carnegie .Scores a Victor. Pi'itmbuko, Pa., Sept. 7 TheCarnegie compact scored another great victory over its corn pet itois in the Unitnd States court here yesterday. The Cambria Iron company at Johnstown must cease to operate its hewemer steel procecs. The court says it infringes upon the Carnegie pat-nt, and the processes in vogAe at Homestead and Braddock is the distinct and very valuable holding of the Pitts burg firm. Mtaourl Men Krmrli Home. St. Louis, Kept. 7. Th" Firpt regiment of Missouri voluntuera arrived home from Cniokauianga last night. Out of 1,323 soldiers who went toChickamauga at the outbreak of the war, 1,279 re turned, of whom thlrty.fi ve are sick. Hhortaga In Treaanr. Cbookston, Minn., Sep. 7. The bondsmen of County Treasurer Beaudry yesterday became aware of a shortage in the Crtnb necessary to balance the books of that olfioe. The amount is no known, but is to believed to be In the neighborhood of $6,000. The shortage is laid to Deputy Treasurer Joseph Matthews, who left early in July to at tend the Omaha exposition sod baa not been heard from since, been deputy tea yaara. Matthews hat mm NEED SUFTEfl UNCLE SAM LOOKING OUT FOR Ml SICK SOLDIERS Men of lha Second Weeding Atteatloa Ba Well Provided For Co art For Surgwon at Clili'ltauiaug;af Washington, Sept. 3. Asa result al tlie visit of Senator Allen to the wai department yesterday an order was i sued directing the adjutant-general oi Nebraska to take charge of all uncared for sick soldiers of Nebraska regiments arriving in the state, place them in hos pitale and to charge the expenses to ths United States. Senator Aden informed the war department that invalided sol- liers were reaching the state, distant from their homes and unable to supply care for themselves. Secretary Alger a' once informed the senator that the gov eminent was anxious and willing to afford every effort to all sick soldiers, and would gladly bear any necessary expense in connection with their care. Subsequently a general order was issued which provides that the states may in sure all needed expenses for hospital treatment and in connection with thtf convalescence of sick soldiers and thaf all charges in connection therewith wit be borne by the United States. SBCOND REACHES LEAVENWORTH. Leavenwoktu, Kas., Sept. 3. Ths Second Nebraska arrived here last night at 9 o'clock. The trains are running very slowly. The boys will arrive la Omaha at 7 this morning. There are 130 nick on the hospital train. They are being well cared for, although lor md milk are hard to get. Six grew il n the way The temperature of sever il is high. They will be placed in hos pitals in Omaha. Lieutenants Divine nd McClarly are both ill. The regi ment will proceed directly to Ft. Omaha upon arrival. COURT-MARTIAL DEMANDED- Charges Agaluat a New York Surg-aoa al Chtckumauga. Chickamauga Pabk, Tenn., Sept. 3. 3eneral Frank, commander of the Third army corps, accompanied by his staff, left thia morning for Anniston, Ala. The corps headquarter fori, di vision headquarters force and ambulance orps all left for Anniston. Today the headquarters of the Third and Second brigades and the Fourteenth New York ;o. No movement will be made on Sun lay. Third brigude headquarters and ;he Third Tennessee will go . Monday. Owing to tiie fact that the majority oi .he regiments composing theThird corps a ill lie mustered out, not more than I balf dozen will be in the camp at An niston. General Breckinridge has determined jo learn the full truth about the hoispital utuatiou at Camp Thomas and has be inn a vigorous investigation. A commit- ice appointed by him is now at work in vestigating the Second division, Third ;orps hospital, against which numerous ; mplainig have been made. Soldiers who have hud an insight into its worki ngs are being examined. Disousein the lives' igation General Breckinridge said 3 intends to see that every point i .horouglily aired and if it is proven that my person or persons are guilty of ne led and misuianagement the blams 7 ill be placed upon tneir shoulders and ,hey will be punished accordingly. Six prominent Chattanongans, four of hem leading physicians, have preferred '.barges against Major Hubbard, surgeon eteral of the Ninth New York. They iharge him with being responsible for he death of Sergeant Frank, who was itrnck by a train a few days ago, and) nith conduct unbocomin;r an officer and i gentleman. It is a-serted that Majot Hubbard caused the removal of Sergeani Frunk when bis life might have bees iave.d by keeping him quiet and thes iv i. en other physicians expostulated witb lim be used language unbecoming a gen lcmaa and an officer. A court-M, .rtial s demanded. Predict a Big Strike. Cleveland, Sept. 3 -In an interview testerday Manager Young of the M. A Flanuaccalcoui) any is qno:d a saving. "Ia the early part of next year we wlli isve one of the greatest coal strikes this .ountry has ever seen. All indication! ire that the strike will last many months The miners etaud ready at all times te tight against a reduction In wages Whi n the Chicago contract expire, oi possibly bef ire that time, they will bt obliged to accept a reduction of 1ft or 1 cents per ton or fight. I think they wit fight, and fight harder than they evei have before. The West Virginia miners are workini cheaper than ever before. All efforts the miners to organize them have be, i in vain. There is no hope that they wll be brought into it." Tribute to tureii Dowager. Th IJaoue, Sept. 3. The queei dowager granted an audience yesterdaj to a committee formed for the puree of offering "a testimony of the people! love at the close of the regency." Regular Ordered to Stations. Washinqtok, Sept. 3 Orders bati been issued by the war department that all regular army regiments now at Hon tank which were previously itatisnat east of the Mississippi river shall retail to thosa same stations. Baavanti for Aatarlaaaa. Bbistol, Eng., Sept. S. The trad anion congress has presented souvsai clirar eases, clgaiette case, match aeaa ,tn(i tasks to the American dslsgatoa. RULED BYAMOOV Two Oswratl vaa Bald aa Oaf Mras SrninariELD, 111., Sept. 1 John m Kitchell, a prominent capitalist and aw torney of Pans, and Mayor Wanaa Powell of Pans, a son of the operator af the Pen we'l mine and himself a stocks) bolder and Sheriff Irst Oolbura,' t whom Governor Tanner referred Powell's telegram, and whom ha to investigate the situation, all messages to Governor Tanner yesterday on the mine situation. Mr. Kitchell telephoned Governor Tanner yesterday afternoon, and thai eon venation between Governo Tannar and himself was very animated. Mr, Kitchell declared that the city of Paws' was in control of a mob, and that two of the Messrs. Overbolts, operators of ths) Spring! ide mine, had been captured and) were being held. Mr. Kitchell stated that the mob threatened to march V9 the mines protected by the opratoreV with the two captives in the van, and sieze the property. He declared the) civil authorities had lost control of thai situation. REFUSE TO 6 BHD TBOOPS. Governor Tanner replied saying be) would not send troops to guard thai mines worked by imported labor. It ia is not the intention of the legislature or taxpayers or the province of the nation al guard, be said, that it ba used aa a meaus of protection to imported labor, many of them convicts of southern; states, in peaceable enjoyment of job wbioh actually belong to our own citi sens. "Will you use arms to release those men deprived of their liberty by tho miners?" The governor replied : 'I understand the sheriff of Christian county haa 100 deputies, armed with Winchesters, and why doe not the sheriff do that doty?" JUr. Kitchell replied that the deputieg could not be epaie 1 from the mine. OPPOSES ALIEN WORKMEN. Mr. Tanner said : "I suppose they aro guarding the imported negroes from tho south. Very well, if the operators caret more to protect the mines than their own lives, they could not expect th state to intervene. However, if I b-coma-convinced that life or properly in th city of Pana is in dangur, I shall no' hesitate to use the army for its protec tion, but I want it understood that I ana opposed to importing convict or any other labor into our state. It must b stopped or th operators cannot depend on the army of the state. The army shall not be used for that purpose whilo I am governor." The governor received a message fron Mayor Powell later, Btating that tha' miners had captured the mine owners,) and asking that the governor send troopsj Instead of replying the governor sent this telegram to Sheriff Colburn of I Christian county : "Have received following message : 'Armed mob control city; have captured? operators, and have them in their powev send troops.' Signed, Warren Powel,! Mayor. Please report fully the condi-l tion and ad vise me if you are able to maintain order and protect life and prop erty." SHKRRIPF ASKS FOR TROOPS. In reply the governor received the fol lowing: 1 "Send troops at once. I am unable tt control situation. Have captured twoi and positively refuse to give thetnrl up." (Signed) Ira Colburn. ! The governor replied: "Your reply) not responsive to my message. Instead of givrng situation fully as I requested) you to do, you simply say, 'I am unablsr to control the situation,' send troops at) once.' What I want is facts, so that $ may ju-lge for myself the necessity for1 more troops. I understand that youi have 100 deputies sworn in, i rmed with! Winchester rilles. Have you attempted even to use this force to protect ciilsons-1 and maintain the peace, or on the con-1 trary, are you not using this force to protect the imported negro miners fromi Alabama, while at work in the mines? If you think it more important that the e imported laborers should be pro-' U'cted than the good, bonufide citizens of the city of Pana and the surrounding country, I repeat that I want facts, no conclusions from which to base my: actions." MOKE BSASSUKINQ ADVICES. David Hoes, secretary of the bureavj of labor statistics, received a telegram' from John Mitchell, national vice presi dent of the united mine workers, as to the character of the complaint to bsH made againnt the l'ana operator. Vice)! President Mitchell states that a petition for an injunction had been filed against the operators in the Christian count1 circuit covj4 at Taylorville to restraint them from operating their mines. ThJ petition rets up that the operators not employing registered lira bosses an that their air shafts are not ball opeiated in accordance with the law The hearing on this petition is sat iOffi Monday. Mr, Rosa also received a telegram froaaj G. G. Cravens, president of th Pana) miners union, stating that the operator; had decided to withdraw their miners. Aaaertoaa MleroeeopUte. Stbacusb.N. Y., Sept. 2. Tha ArU can microscopic society finished np lu business her yesterday, devoting thai afternoon to pleasure. These officer were elected : t Frtident,Dr. W. O. Krausof Buffaloj first rice president, Prot A.M. BlaO af Olumbus, 0. j saooad via DrasUUaW Dr. G. a Hngw al Aon 4rter, HtohJ saeretary, Prof. Henry D. Vu4 of tiaV van, , inanuw, sagaw r aw$aaww Ptuabmrg.