THE SIOUX COUNTY JOTJR IN" JL li. o ThCTKDay. Sept Sin, 1S99. Vo. 1. Can, Editor and Prop. r.Ltl.VLlL lime table. Colli West. UoiiiK East. Ho. t, mixed. 11 :90 I So. 6. mbuxl T 11 North-Western LINE E. M. V. K. H. is to and from, the the best BLACK HILLS, DEADWOOO AND HOT M'KIN'GS. SOUTH DAKOTA. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFICER.: 'Has A. Holoumb Governor James E. Harris Lientmiwit Uoternoi W r 1'orU.r 8m.TBtry of State Jobnl-. Cornell Auditor J. U. Meaerve Treasurer .). -myth Attorney Irfoenu .i. V. Woi!o l-.'i t f'ouiuiissionei A . II. JiitVwi. .ft. fliic lu-itruclloa V S;i: bi'WM. ULLEUATIOK: J ,Un M. "J liurston tT. S. Senator, Oinans Win. V. Allen . U. 9. Senator. Miuiinon 4 B Strode, Congressman 1st Hist., Lincoln I. H. M.xcer, " 2d ' Ouiaaa funnel Maxwell, - 3rd " Fremoat W.L.Mark, - h " Aurer K. 1J. Sutherland, " " Slson W. L.eeu, - Cth - Kearney JVDIC1AEY: J. J. Jflllvnn Chief Justice, Colambas T. O. C. Harrison As'te JurtB, tirand Island T. L. Sorval Associate Judife, Seward 1. A. CampbellClerk and Exporter, Liiioolu riFTEESTH JtJWlClAL D1STEICT: M. r. Kinkald Juuge. i W. II. Westovet M.J. Blewett Kushvillt Clrk,Harriou TERMS OF COCKT: THstrtct Oonrt At Harrison, commences pringterm May 9th, Kail " Sept 19th Jnry 19th. "County Coart,-At Harrison, commences flrst Monday of each month. LEGISLATIVE: Otto Mutt-Senator, Mat. Ho. 14, Sprinirvlow -A. E. Sheldon 1 Mst So. S3, CuaJron COUNTY OinCEES: Robert Wilson . County Jn4r , K. J- Blewet Clerk has. Biehle Treasurer Elsie Kerriam Sunt. Politic Instruction Thus Holly Sheriff j J. E. Fhlnney : ..Coroner j B. F. Tliomas Surveyor ! M. J. Blewett Clerk of District Court j Urant Guthrie County Attorney j BOARD OF COMMl.'iSiONEKS: Jens C. Meu 1st District Andrew ITocunler M Jackson Meitlen(ChairouiB) 3d " VILLAGE OFFICERS: E. F. Pontius (chairman) Trustee John Davis " V. H. Grtswod " W. B. Marsteller 15. Rohwer " 'W. H. Davis . Cii-rk Lewis Gcrlatli-. . Trent-nrcr .HOOL OFFICERS: Egbert Rohwer . Director II. I., 8maok Moderator (Lewis tierlach Treasurer "" CKCKCHK8 AND SOCIETIES. Methodist Sunday School meets every Sun day morning at 10 .-00 W. II. Davis, Hits B .t. i.l, Superintendent. Sec-rotary PW0RTH LEAGUE. Rpfrnlar business meeting first Tuesday evening Ui ! month. Mis PALMER, O. KKSlrtLI., President. Sf-cretnrv. Devotional meeting every Sunday evening at 6:45. Jlns.:rMAi.i., lyndwr. JUNlolt I.EAGtK. Sleets eaeb Knudar afternoon at ZM. MBS. K KUALL-, bnpt. JJKRRt TfrSK POST, No. Wi, G. A. R. Meets second Monday in each month In it he cvurt Iwuse at Harrison. H. E. Livermoru, Com. WOODMEN OK THE WORLD. Harrison Camp, No. U, meets on eaoh 1 iters ate Wednesday evening. W. M. Davis, J. A.Mason, Clerk. Con. Com. nottma woodmen or America. Yeete eh alternate Saturday evening MtO'eioek. W .Siulth, V. O A. E. Daw Clerk. Bdby , f eaa let tyedd Catafan. J GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-aHaw. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before tlte United State I .and Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable companies. J3f Legal papers carefully drawn. Harrison. - Nebraska. J. E. PIIINNEY. M. D. Phylsriaa and Surgeon. All calls given prompt attention. Office In Drag Store. -HARRISON SKBKASKA. A. T. CLARK. Lawyer. Office: second door from JCERNAL efflcs HARRISON. NEB. COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE For your JOB WORK ! Stationary. NOTICE. Leave yourl Watches and Clocks at Dr .1. E. Phinneve' Drucr Store for repairs. Ensravine done at rea soni h e nnres. All worn . All 1 guaranteed to give eatisfac-J Ition. Have craduated from Jan Omaha Watch-makers In ttitute, Hugh C. bcHMiDT. Address, Harrison, Neb. Special Locals. WHITE PJVER WOLF ASSOaATION Glen, Neb., Jan. is, tm. The undersigned agrees to pay the sura set opposite their name for ja wolf fund of for each gray wolf killed within 8 miles of White River, almve Glen, w ithin the next months, and appoint Mr. 11. 11 P.unsel! as their treasurer and will pay hliu on de mand . David Colvllle .' no Fred Blomburg 2 ' U. H. Kuwell 10 On Jno. S. Tucker 5 00 A. T. Hnghson i SO F. Force 10 00 L, C.Lewis S 00 Emery Glllmor 50 J.J.Martin 00lroyHsU 600 WalUT Johsson 5(0 W.J.Johnson 2 50 Geore Scott Total 00 Excursion Ratox to Trans-Mls-bisslppl KxKMttimi at OmalmNeh. June 1st to Xov. 1st 1898. From Harrison every day (Sundavs excepted) from June 1st to October 15th luaf) at $23,20 for round trip good for return until Nov. 13th. From Harrison every day (Sundays excepted) from June 1st to October 80th good for return 30 days from dale of sale fl9,:53. For the opening exercises on May 30tb round trip tickets will be sold good for return June 6th at our fare viz f 14.50. E. F. Pontius agU Special Excursion Rates to Hot Hprings S. Dak. On dates named below at one fare for round trip, tickets good for return 30 days from date of sale. June 16 August 0 June 1!0 August 20 Julv 5 September 10 July 19 September 20 E. F. Pontius. Agent. SPECIAL EXPOSITION' HATE. Taking effect Aug. 30th, tickets for the Omaha Expo sition will be sold as follows: Every day (except Sunday) at $23.20 for round trip. Ticketii good for return until November 15th. On Tues day and Friday at $16.50 good for return 16 days from elate of sale. E. F. PoimiTS, Agent Mass Will be celebrated at Montrose next Friday Sept. 9th, JflCHAEL P. WaLDROX, Pastor. Mass will be celebrated at the court house in Harri son. Saturday, Sept 10th. Michael P. Waldron. Pastor. Dr. Clark: Our little girl Kin ma had catarrh from a nursing baby. It made her ears run matter and she was so deaf site could hardly bear a steam whistle or thunder. We recommended using your catarrh remedy and I feel tliMikful to say her ears are well. She can hear even a whisper now. She is fourteen ears old and I think ber catarhh is well. MRS. ELIZABETH IKJUGHERTY. Crawford, July 20th. l9fl. T. B. Snvder, was in from Sheep creek Monday last. W. l Farley is helping Mr. Holly in putting up his hay. Xiss Dotha Bartell is assisting Mrs. rriddy this week . Landlord Tebbet has just finished putting in a new floor in his hotel lobby. Frank Curry, took a tnp to the south part of the county to buy cattle last Monday. List Monday was labor day, which by law is a national holidav all over the Union. Henry Dick man, has concluded to build a eranerv 14x10 to hold his this year's wheat crop. Rev. Kendall, left for Gordon Tues day evening to attend the annual M. E. conference which meets there this week the Oth inst J. W. Sberill moved thebaro liouRht of George Turner down on his hotel lot adjoining the other one on Tuesday. Miss Claudia Hester expects to leave fnr Chadron. the last of tins week or the flrst of next, to attend the Academy in that city this winter. -The families of Mr. Sutton and Mr, Holly camped in the vidnitv of Andrews last Sunday and put in their time fishing and gathering plums and grapes. Have vou heard the merry peal of the bell? We mean the school bell well, itraneout for the little ones on last Monday morning, after several weeks vacation. Perry White has rented the John Stratton house, and will move his farm lv to town in about a month. In the mean tirwe the children will drive from the canyon to school. 'otlw I tan cattle hides and all kind of skins with hair for robes, or without or leather. See sample and prices in J. n. Bartell's store. H, OrJiRlCHT. Glen, Neb. Andrew Roeenburg of Ardmore was in town yesterday on business and stopped over night Andrew reports it about as drv around Ardmore this sea son as usual. Miss Maggie Hunter expects to aU tend the academy at Chadron, inr- fact quite a number of our young people will likewise attend school in Chadron this winter. ' School commenced last Mondav with Prof. Frank Lindeman of Griswold la., as principal and Miss Maria M.trley of Inman this state, as assistant, with an attendance of 58 scholars the first day. M'.ke Prie' who writ it l")vi"'W. Wyo., two or three months ago to heard sheep in that vicinity, came down last Saturday evening to dispose of some business affair of his. Ha returned to Douglas Tuesday. The Journal family were remember ed very generously by Mrs. Bourtte Sr. as we receieved on last Monday some very fine samples of vegetables raised in her kitchen garden. We take this oppor tunity to thank her. Mrs. Will Hough, Daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Peter Bourett, who was near death's door last Friday morning to reported to be out of immediate dan ger and will doubtless be up and around in a week or ten days. Perry White, was obliged to go to Crawford last night to get some repar ing done for his engine and also have the foundryman come up with him and assist hirn to overhall the mill and put it in best of order, as he has orders for lumber to keep him saw ing until snow flies. . Olney Kendall left last Tuesday morning with liis mother for Chadron where he will attend the academy dur ing this scholastic year. We are inform ed that George Williams, will later on this fall go to Cliadroa to attend the same school and that tie and Olney wilt rent a room aod board themsel ves. Mr. and Mrs. William Bourett, who were married in Harrison I ant Thursday and who went to Cruvlron toe same evening to spend Die honey moon for three or Tour days returned last Monday noon, while titers Mr. and Mrs Bourret purchased some fine houee furniture which arrived on the same train with them. Hence, Mr. and Mrs. Bourret will be t home at their Running Water residence from this on where they have set np bouse Iceeping for the future in the new house which Will bad just com pleted for the occasion. The Journal family r Indebted to Mr. Perry White and hit estimable wife for a pleaeant trip to their hospitable horn on Spring Creek last Sunday, Par ry having come in to town after ut with his Ujm in the early morning and Uien broght us home again in the realng. To ,y we were treated as Kings aod Queens by our host and hostess is only putting it mildly. Their table w fined with the best tbat could be had, on which the inner man feM, while the outer man feft.'-tl on niD'jntaJa eownery. Dr. Clurk Discovered the catarrh Remedy now sold under his name in 1S78 aod has used it in his private practice until he thought the public should ha ve the benefit of his discovery aw) wherever introduced it has supatsed every other Catarrh Remedy on the market. Catarrhal matter on examina tion, was found to contain germs and cholesterine which proves it to be a germ and blood disease; and t!e mis take of catarrh specialists is that they only treat for one of the causes. Read the following testimonials. M. D. CLARK. 1L H. Lorrimer, the Andrews town- iite boomer was in Harrison Tuesday. The last four or five days have been cold and windy to the extreme. W. H. Davis is building himself a new house at Andrews this week. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Smuck's little babe which was quite sick the most of last week is now very much improved. M.J. Welder, of Glen, administrator of the estate of S. W. Kemp deceased, was in town yesterday transacting legal business at the court house. -The F. E. & M. V. R. R. Co. are re- iaring the two pile bridges, one a half mile east of town and the other near a mile west of town. The family of Ed Hollingsworth ar rived from California Tuesday evening and will doubtless make their future home in Sioux county. The application of H. G. Newcomb for license to run a saloon in Harrison was refused by the board of Village trus tees last Tuesday evening. Banker D. H. Griswold left last Sat urday night for Hot Springs, 8. D., to take the baths at that place. He is ex pected back to day or to-morrow, The mother-in-law and also a sister-in-law of Frank Johnson arrived from Mapelton, la., yesttrday. WANTED: A good compentent girl to do general house work, work not hard, good wages. Apply to Mrs. A. D. Cook, Douglas, Wvo. Miss Marley the teacher of the pri mary grade arrived in Harrison on last Sunday though not expected until next day, and Is now domiciled at the resid ence of Mr. J. Marsteller. James Ifcihlmsio, chairman of the Democratic state committee passed up the road to Douplas, Wyo., Tuesday of this week. He says there is no doubt in his own mind in regard to the victory in the fall campaign in favor of the re form forces. J. L Davis and E. Rohwer, were ap pointed Tuesday evening by the village Board to fill out the unexpired term, caused by the removal of J. L. Stratton from town, and the resignation of W. O. Patterson, two of its members. Attorney W. W.Wood of Rushville, was in Harrison Tuesday, on legal busi ness. Mr. Wood is now the prosecut ing attorney in the court case of V. A. Hester vs Myrtle Hester, asking for a decree of divorcement. The Democrats, populists anl free silver republicans of Sioux co-intv will Is? sati(ied with nnlJyn'X less thm the nomination of llocj. Lewis Giriacli of this place for representative at Craw ord next Saturday. Sioux county is en titled to the candnlated. Capt. J. J. Adams and F, E. Wheeler of Crawford, were in Harrison, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week looking after irrigating matters on Sowbelly creek. We learned while they was here the former was a candidate or legislative honors from this representative district. Tuesday morning showed the first frost of the season in this vicinity, ice being formed in watering troughs to the thickness of window panes. We under stand there was scarcely any frost in the canyons or over in the valley. NOTICE: Until the Bodarc post of fice is reestablished the Journal sub scribers will be obliged to get their pap ers at the Harrison office. It is to I hoped the department will arrange mat ters pretty soon as it is not only doing an injustice to the patrons of the Bodarc office but it does tlie Journal an injury as well as most all the business houses in Harrison. The Post Office Department have notified postmaster Bogart of Harrison, that he should, Sept. 3rd, discontinue to supply the Bodarc office from and after the above dale. Hence, Judge Hunter has a post master's commission, but no mail to hand out to the public. Post master Bogart says he understands that only three parties get mail at the Gil christ office; if so it should be discontin ud instead of Bodarc. Notice to the Public. The public sale of Mrs. Annie M. Schaefer hat been stopped for the reason that the cattle have been sold in a bunch to Frank Curry of Whitney. Mm. Akkib M. Schaefkr. Montroae Clippings. Quite cool and windy to-day (Monday) a aign that autum ia coming. Andrew Wasserburger is through put ting np bay for Dan Jordan and is now working for Joha Anderson. Little Mary Uayhart spent the latter part of last week in the canyon with her grandparent Mr. and Mrs. Nutto. All of the boys around her were at H. Konrath' Sunday topping off some broncho's which he wished to have broke. An enjoyable time was had at the Haa turpriM party as w hear. Mis Frances Peter was visiting wiUt r-rnm OH YES! Here Ve Are Again. 500 pairs ot snoes The above is an addition We have the largest assortment eer -uou m North-West Nebraska, and Competion and are sure to OUR STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE IS STILL THE LAKtihb l. A.wt inii 1JEST IN HARRISON. CALL HND SEE US AND SAVE . MONEY, Marsteller Brothers. the Misses Marking several davs lastj week they went to the canyons to pick wild grapes which seem to have been very plentiful there. Miss Katie Henry came hack from Chadron Friday when she returns the Misses Smith will go with her where they will probably be employed in the Blaine Hotel. George Slrauler and the Misses Smith who are visiting with them took ft pleasure trip to Hot Spring's last week. Mrs. Dan Jordan was staying with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wasserburger a few days, she went home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Henry went to Hot Springs Sunday on business. Sai;e. Warbonnet Warbllngs. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bigelow and family and 0. A. Garton ard family spent Sun day with James and Elsie Merriam. Ernest Lyon was a Warbonnet visitor Sunday. V. A. Hester spent Sunday at R. T, Keel's. A. Christian of Pleasant Ridge was a caller in the valley last Tuesday. J. G. Merrinni is hid ping E. A. Bigelow stack grain. lino. How it, Tt 1 1 To-Morrow AV'c-utluT A short, clear, entertaining and valuable lesson for umateur weallier observers is given in the September 1au1u$ Home Journal in the form of a series of pictures of clouds, with brief explanatory notes. The page is well worth examining and saving. tor there is nothing in the article which would not be understood by anybody, even a child and a little close study will make one qualified to form belter opinions than ever before as to what the weather will be. A CRITICAL TIME DUitiNG Tin: wattle of SANTIAGO. Sick or Well, liTtiihli Night Aii'l Duy. ThtparkT t the Bsttle of Sinlinjro d f nbs were nil hrrors. TUHr heroic Efforts In gi t tin; Amanltlun uud IUllunt to the front savvd the da'. B. E. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writ ing from Santiago, I Cuba, on July 23d, says: "We all had diarrhoea in moreor less violent form, and when we landed we had no lime to see a doctor for it was a case of rush aid rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with amu nition and rations, but thanks to Cliamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and health; in fact, I sincerly be lieve that at one critical time this medi cine was the indirect saviour of our army, for if the packers had been unable to work there would have been no wa of getting supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train could use. My comrad and myself had the good fortune to lay in a supply of this medicine for our (tack-train before we left Tampa and I know in four cases it absolutely saved life." Th above letter wa written to the manufacture of this medicine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co., Pes Moines, Iowa. Foraale by Dr. J. E. Phinney. 3 CENTS Hcuto MVHTMl 1 Inl.j c i ''Cl,,l"v "ll Vlia nwd s'.lnu Lm a ,f I'm fmuI feuut , Cti.'J. ri )if tiro. i.'t tu,n Kurt U.iu.iwa ol ! Ih.y.,1.1 re 'Hi)' to Ir (potf n If,,,,, ,t,f ' i"" ' ("-iu!i i.v irt ii t ' Iwl ninu si ce mm rrtm. V .1 Avr:,.,:tv ii.y. v t,,,B co ri rr.- OH YES! Just received overt 01 me iaujsi biyiea. to our already large and I kIhu'k now on hand. as to prices suit all who come Some Plain Facts. Crave errors, injustice, wrongs cf greater or !cm ('.cgrcc, arise from lai k of knowledge cf the truth, and more frequently from deception. The most infamous case on record of deception end injustice is the st tempt to demonetize tilver as a money of final redemption in the United States. 'jhere is no learned judge, skil'til lawyer, or court cf justice that is ct.?Mz of reconciling the effort with the constitutional laws that govern the issue of in this country. The people have Lte.i deceived, officials ia power, chosen to adminis ter justice under the laws, have :j:no:ed their sworn djty, a;.d ivcn lid to the scheme that lias paralyzed ndustry. reduced property values jnc-half, and beggared millions. There is r.o authoriiy cf law, cither ;pecific or ly inference, by which ;oid alone is r.iade the only money ,'i:h which to discharge debts, either ublic or private. The effort to ial:e it so is unconstitutional and a ational calamity. Plain and ample information, facts, .r. i truthoncerning this almost suc cssful scheme to corner the wealth f ths people, is now being printed .1 the Cincinnati Enquirer, a news-a;x-r which the combined power of noney has failed to muzzle or buy. The Uf;kly Enquirer is only 75c. a year The address is Enou.ier Company, Cincinnati, O. wm Answer Any Question You may Ask It. $ Standard American Annual. PRICE GENTS Ready Jan. 1,1898, On All News Stands. jijijfjijijijijijijiji Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. mail wi&lj toU Amrnti fUif ma Book and Political Mamul pbUk1. THE WORLD, Talltzer Building, Now York. EDEEJEUL' paekataofvu lanl k aerrrmj Muyaaj m World Almanac .0 Encyclopedia Ehcyclopeoji KaV