The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899, September 08, 1898, Image 5

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f Tallow Favor oa Vmmg I tea 4
Soal by Rargana Mlrknrna. Daa no
Froviooa Kjpuaaro Webb Maya Has a
Cxevixamd, 0., Aug. 81. While
IVeaident McKinley very much desired
to pey more than a brief visit to hie old
heme in Canton, he finds that (be dutie
4 liia office are mch that he will be
e4ged to cut hia visit there to a mere
U. The president will spend a couple
( days in camp at Montauk Point and
tsaap Wikoff, so aa to correctly inform
himself aa to the condition! of affairs
aad ef the truth of the reports that bare
circulate!, from personal observa-
and contact with the men. The
presidential party will be at Colonel
Myros T. Merrick's residence in this
mtf until Thursday morning, when they
save for Canton.
Rig preparations have been made to
receive the presidentand Mrs. McKinley
there by their old friends and neighbors
sad the people of Canton in general. It
fU the intention to make the occasion
fivic jubilee. All this, however, will
now he reduced in measure from the
fact that President McKinley and party
wall only he in Canton for two or three
hoars and will then take the train for
Hew York. Undoubtedly the president
will be given a royal welcome during
hi short stopover in Canton.
On the eastern trip, which is part of
the program outlined, the presidential
party will hardly stop longer at New
York than will lie necessary to catch a
train for Camp Wikoff and Montauk
point. The president will probably he
in camp at (he two places mentioned on
Friday and Saturday, leaving Mrs. Mc
Kinley in New York City, whither he
will return to spend Sunday and then
go to Washington. The trip from Can
ton to New York will Vie made over the
Penntiylvania r 'ad, departing from Can
ton during the afternoon of Thursday.
President McKinley and Mrs. McKinley
-i4 the latter' maid and George B. Cor
telyou, assistant secretary to the presi
dent, ill accompany the chief execu
tive to New York.
"The president really had no very
definite iilans for upending his time on
this trip when he started out," said his
ecretary. "lie made his plans along
the way, and hua leen constantly re
eeiving telegrams and other matters in
connection with the war that needed his
attention. President McKinley and his
party had intended spending two or
three days with the president's brother
at Somerset, but the plans were changed.
It ia the intention of the president to
tret as much rest as possible while here.
He will prohab'y return to Washington
lor a sho t time after this trip anil in
tends taking a longer vacation a little
later thin fall.''
During the morning President and
Mrs. McKinley accompanied by Col ml
nd Mrs derrick, went for a drive
throiurb the parks.
This afternoon the president receiv d
Postmaster Gordon of Chicago, who
presented the invitainn of Chicago to at
tend the big peace jubilee in that city.
President McKinley deferred any defin
ite answer in view of poi-sihle demands
that may be made npon him as chief
executive. Later, the president and
Colonel Herrich took another drive,
th i time out into the country.
Justice White and BecreUry Day ar
rived at the White bonne about 6
o'clock in the evening, probably to con
sult with the president over the for
tner'a decision aa to acting as one of the
peace commissioner.
Mrs. McKinley was indisposed by a
light cold and remained within doors
during the day.
MaJ. Webb C. Hayes, who is said to
tie the only volunteer oflicer that served
in both the Cuban and Porto Ricsn
campaigns, and who is accompanying
Preaident McKinley in his present trip,
hat proposed a plan to the chief execu
tive looking toward the reorganization
of the national guard under military
liw. This plan provides that the presi
dent lhall appoint an adjutant for each
state; that an many bodies of militia
hall be lais -d in each state aa circum
stances require and that all officer of
mcb militia shall be nominated by the
governors of the various state
Major Hayes when asked what he
thought of the charge of starvation
from the regiment at the front said :
"Look at me. Do I look starved? I
have lived on the same rations a the
soldiers and have grown Hestiier on
that (are."
Hayes was attired in the brown can
vaa uniform of a field officer and looked
brown a hia suit and rugged aa a vet
eran. "I may be wrong, but in my opinion
the greatest cause fur complaint ia
aummtd up in 'cooks and homesick
Be." The government purchased
bountifully of all needed supplies. That
there waa some mismanagement ia
Impossible to deny. But official invest
igation will show it waa a case of cooks
and homesickness that crippled the
army and packed the boiitale."
Kmsioi Knar for Hnat.
MciiwOir, Mich., Aug. 81. At
late bour last night nothing had been
btard from the steamer Superior, which
parted from her consort, the schooner
flendusky, in l'roverty passage Sunday
ad waa tut seen flvln distres signale.
Th Superior carried a crue of fourteen
sn under Captain Eldredge. Hhe waa
leaded with Iron or from Kacanaba,
Mich., for Toledo. Hhe If woodra
taat of th older claw and lake mo bs
Mm ttM weathered fiuadaj'i etocs.
Wfcltalaw BaM FJae nWe A
WisnixoTO, Aug. 27. All th
oi th cabinet except Secretaries
Alger and Long, both of whom ar out
of town, were at the regular me-ting of
the eabinct yesterday. The Impression
prevailed that the personnel of the
peace commiaaion would be announce 1
af'er the cabinet meeting, though Jus
tice White' service on the com mi talon
em still a matter of doubt. Col. John
J. MsCook and Representative Lauiuel
E. Quigg of New York were among those
who saw the president prior te the cabi
net meeting. Mr. Quigg had a long talk
with the president over the selection of
Mr. Wbi elaw Re id as a member of the
peace commission. While Mr Quigg
would not discus hia visit it I likely
from bis relation with Senator Piatt
that be protested against the proposed
appointment. The president told Mr.
Quigg be had determined upon the ap
pointment. Senator Davis, who haa
been selected as peace commitsioner aUo
aaw the president, but the inter iw
waa very brief. The senator left this af
ternoon for New York, and from there
will return to St. Paul for a stay at his
home before taking his departure for
Pari. Senator F, ye, another of the
p ace commissioners, also went to New
York to ! ay, and will visit his home in
Maine before returning here.
Secretary Day on leaving the cabinet
this afternoou announced that Wbitelaw
Reid had been selected as peace commis
sioner, the commiHsion, so far a made
up, being Secretary of State Day, Sena
tor 0. K. Davis of Minnesota, Senator
William P, Frye of Maine and Whitelaw
Reid of New York The fifih member
Secretary Day announced oflicially, has
not been finally selected, but Justice
White of the supreme court is under
consideration and may be induced to
During the meeting a telegram was re
ceived from General A'ger at ' Montauk
Point, in which he said the situation
was reasonably satisfactory. He an
nounce! that; he would return tomorrow.
The pres dent has received the follow
ing letter from General Joe Wheeler:
Camp WiKor-r, Montauk Point, N. Y.,
Aug. 26. President of the United
States: 1 was very glad to hear that
you would visit Montauk Point very
soon, Tho visit of the secr.-tary of war
has accomplished more than I cau ex
press. He ban promptly corrected evils,
made valuable sage-tions, given direc
tions regarding administration. In ad
dition hia personal visit to 1,500 sick
soldiers in the hoemtals has cheered
them up and it is difficult to adequately
convey to you the change for the better
since the secretary's arrival. The an
nouncement that you will visit the sol
diers has already added to this improve
ment and your presence here forasingle
day will accomplish good, the great ex
tent of which you can only realize after
you have made your visit.
(Signed) Whxklkh, Commanding.
It is understood thai Secretary Day
b ok with him into the cabinet meeting
today a copy f the instructiona which
will be (riven to the military c m mis
sions ab' ait to assemble at Havana and
Purto Kl o. Senator Davis, one of the
peace com mis-loners, was about the
state department during the morning
but did not see Secretary day.
The fiist of the ateimers of the newly
established government line between
New York and Cuba and Porto Rico to
start from the United States will be the
Seneca, which will sail from New York
next Mo day.
It is proposed to have a steamer leave
New York in this service at least once
a week. On each trip the United State
mails and the stores of quartermaster
and other supplies necessary for the is
lands will be carried. The following
official announcement was made today
at the war department
The q-iarlermaster-general state for
the information of all hnreaua of the war
department that the steamer Seneca
will sail from New York on Monday
next at noon, going first to Porto Hioo
and thence to Santiago, Cuba, thence
returning to New York.
Hi lord off ,000,000 Acre.
MawAuxxa, Wis., Aug. 27. Special.
Maater dry fl ed two report in the
Northern Pacific eases, which turn over
4,000,000 acres of land to the creditor
of the road and slice off" just that much
from the preferred stock holders.
The lands in question are in Minne
sota and North Dakota, east of the Mis
souri river. The holders of preferred
stock laid claim to them, holding tbeir
stock was a fl rut Hen on the lands.
Master Cary holds, however, that the
(referred stock is not first lien on the
and, but the land should be held for
all the creditor of the road. As these
land are about all the available asset
of the road, the decision is of interest to
everyone connected with the litigation,
either as a creditor or stockholder. If
the report Is confirmed by the court th
land will be turned over to the credi
tor of the company.
The report of the master questions the
right of the stockholders holding land
representing $16,79O,0;iof the preferred
stock to those land as againt the credi
tor of the Northern Pacific Railroad
Mnrtfvrod bf HI So.
Bcttau, N Y.. Aug. . Early yes
terday evening John Carrigan, about
Ixty years of age, a carman living at lit
Illinois street, was brutally murdered
by his son, Frank, aged, thirty-three,
while he lpt The old man's hsd was
nearly severed from hi body by an axe.
Oarrlgan was srreted and taken to th
boo and shown the rsralt of bis work.
t .J - 11 I .tnU it Ika nvianna
1 ld. "I did it because be broke mj
1 mottier'a arm. Ha abased bar sad I
i would 't stand It"
War atraagth Toa Oraat. training Tfca
Ufa oat of foreign Nation Lnad Ta
ke by tba Bnulaa Kaiar Likely K
Mae Wlih Favor.
Br. PrTcaant'RO, Aug. 29. By order
of Emperor Nicholas Count Muravleff,
th foreign minister, on the 24th int
handed to the foreign dip'omata at St.
Petersburg a r.ote declaring that the
maintenance of peace and tlie reduction
of the excea-ive armaments now crush
ing all nations is the ideal for which all
government ought to strive. The czar
eonaider the present moment favorable
for the inauguration of a movement
looking to this end and in files the pow
ers to take part in an international con
ference aa a meana if thus insuring rest
and lasting peace and terminating the
progtes-ive increase of armament
London, Aug. 2fl. The czar's propo
sition for an international conference for
the purpose of securing real and lut
ing peace among the powers aud termi
nation of the progressive increase in
armaments, as conveyed in a note from
Count Muravleff, the Russian foreign
minister to the foreign diplomats at St.
Petersburg, is likely to produce a sensa
tion throughout Europe and coming
from such a quarter and with such evi
dent sinci rity of purpose, it is likely to
have important effects.
"International discussion is the most
effectual means of ensuing all people'
benefit a real durable peace, above all,
putting an end to the progressive devel
oj ement of the present armament.
In the cmiree of the last twenty years
the longing tor general appeacement ha
grown especially pronounced in thecon
solences of civil zed nations, and the
preiervation of peace has been put for
ward as an object of internat onal policy.
It is in its name that great states have
concluded themselves powerful aliances.
It is the belter to guarantee peace
that they have developed in proportion
hitherto unprecedented their military
forces and still continue to increase them
without shrinking from any tacnflce.
Nevertheless, all these effoits have
not yet been able to bring about the
benificent lefcull desired pacification.
The financial charges following the
upward march strike at the very root of
public prosperity. The intellectual and
physical stret gth of the nation' labor
and capital are mostly diverted from
tbeir natural application and ate un pro
ductively consumed. Hundreds of mil
lions are devoted to acquiring terrible
engines of deduction, v. hie I hough to
day regarded as the last work of science,
are destined tomorrow to l;se all their
va'ue in consequence of some freeh dis
covery in the same Held. National cul
ture, economic progress, and the produc
tion of wealth aie either paralyzed or
checked in development. Moreover, in
proportion as the armaments of each
power increases, they less and lets fulfill
the objects the governments have set
before themselves.
"The ecnomic crises, due in great
part to the system of armaments 'bout
ranee' aud the constant danger which
lie in this massing of war material are
transforming the armed peace of onr
days into a crushing burden which the
people have more and more difficult
in bearing.
" It appears evident that if this state
of things were to be prolonged it would
inevitable lead to the very cataclysm it
is desired to avert, and the horrors
whereof make every thinking being
thru nk in advance.
"To put an end to these incessantly
Increasing armament and to And a
mean of warding off the calamities
which ace tbreating the whole world,
lucb is the supreme duty today imposed
upon all b la tea.
" Filled with this idea, hi majesty
haa been pleased to command me to
propose to all the government whose
representative are accredited to the Im
perial court the assembling of a confer
ence which shall occupy Itself with this
grave problem.
"This conference will he, by the help
of God, the happy presage for the cen
tury which Is about to open. It would
converge into one powerful focus the el-
forts of all slate sincerely seeking to
make the great conception of univeraal
peace triumph over the elements of
trouble and d scord, and it would at the
same time cement their agreement bv a
corporate ceuaecration of the principles
of equity and right whereon rest th se
curity o! stale and the welfare 01 peo
tles. "
Calls law, Taomits a Fl Pal .
Naw York, Aug. 29 A hospital train
of two car arrived at Jersey City
from Camp Thomas, Chickamauiraa.
Moth of the. car were Pullmans and
there were fort r -one sick men In them.
The sick belonged to the First New
Lampeblre volunteer Surgrun Charles
A. Congdon, in charge of the sick, aaid
that Camp Thomas waa the flllhiesl
place be ever saw, and that It was a past
RaJsIa O rowan Ovvaalaa.
Fresno, Cel., Aug. 29. The Califor
nia Raisin Growers' association has
been organised for the purpose of es
tablishing a high standard of quality
and to pat a stop to the shipment of in
ferior raisins, ft la the intention t.
maintain reasonable price for th pro
duot throughout tbs year. The aoeia
Ikon bas under Its control over 00 pat
ant of the crop of the state, and In tire
or three week etpset to aecer al least
I par osat
ASaatoal Daway Wall aapoliad With tVe
vlsloaa. Lomdox, Aug. 30. A dispatch from
Manila, via Hong Kong, yesterday say:
"The friction between tbeAmeircan
and native requires exception, ability
to avoid total alienation. I find tbat
several bigh American officials of me
diocre education are utterly unacquaint
ed with oriental idea and unable to
understand the primitive races. Most
of the Americans are deficient in pesti
lence and numerous trifling misunder
standings intensify the friction. I be
lieve the Americans intend to be harsh.
The American censor absolutely pro
hibits the sending of a single word about
the Cavite incident of Monday, and he
threatens to expel any correspondent
who mentions it. A deputation from
the press is going to General Merritt to
protest against his action. The affair
began in a drunken American shooting
and native sentries tried to arrest him.
In consequence of the melee four
native and one Ame-ican were killed,
and it ia now generally misrepresented
as being a deliberate inauguration of
hostilities.' General Merritt returned
their arms to the company of natives
who fired upon the Americans, presum
ably inadvertantly. The natives assert
that Aguinaldo forced General Merritt
to liberate them and return tbeir
"The Americans condemn General
Merritt's course."
The same correspondent cables that
the Americans are ouly partially patroll
ing the town.
The residential suburbs are full of
armed Insurgents, and several pergonal
vendetitas have been reported. The in
habitants are generally alarmed.
There was firing in the streets of San
Miguel last evening.
The insurgent troops yesterday attend
ed mass fully armed and patrolled the
principal residential suburbs.
WabiiingtoV, Aug. 30. Admiral
Dewey bas informed the navy depart
ment that be has an abundance of sup
plies for the present needs of his squad
ron. In a dispatch to the department
today he announces the arrival of an
Australian refrigerator ship with fresh
meat and other provisions.
fwa Mora ltnth from Trphaial Ferarnl
San PranriHcn
Sak Francisco, Aug. 30.- -There have
been two more deaths from typhoid
fever at the division hospital, Private
F. H. Rudibnugh, company H. Seventh
California, and Bert A. Metealf, compa
ny I, Fourteenth infantry. The remains
of Me'calf will be taken to Cleveland.O.,
for burial. Never before has the division
hospital contained as many patients as
at present. The reeorda of the hospital
eontain 371 names, 301 of which are pa
tients actually in the hospital, eleven
ar in various city hospital, five in pri
vate residences, and fifty-five on fur
lough. The post hospital has sixty-two
patients in addition. Brigadier-General
Miller has issued stringent orders for
the improvement of the sanitary eoudi
tions at Camp Merriam.
No orders for the mustering out of
troops at Camp Merriam have been re
ceived by General Miller, nor any inti
mation of any iatention of the war de
partment to do so in the near future
The heavy artillery will probably be re
tained in the service. It is the prevailing
Opinion at the headquarters that no ac
tion will be taken for a week or two.
The digpute regarding the appoint
ment of officers in the Twentieth Kan
sas regiment has been settled. Colonel
Funston has received a telegram from
Adjutant-General Corhin totheefbet
that Governor Leedy had full power to
appoint whoever Ue pleased a officers
of bis regemeut.
Ia spite of the great precautions taken
by the local military authorities the
health conditions of the local camp are
worse than ever. Today the total num
ber of sick is 303, the largest yet known
There are sixteen or eighteen typhoid
suspects in the hospital. The Ten nee
sec reg ment reports eixty-flve, sick men
ami the Fifty-first Iowa fifty six. There
were fifty-eight patients in the Presidio
hospital this morning, several of these
being typhoid fever in its first stages.
A cablegram was received today from
Gen. F. V. Green, who sailed to Manila
in command of the second expedition,
intimating that he intends to return to
the (Juited States immediately
A llinlMt at Penumn Injiirrd, Bat Moaa
Wichita, Has., Aug. 30. Three mile
east of Alva, Okl., Monday afternoon,
there waa a rolliaon between a west
bound working train and the east-bound
passenger on the Panhandle branch of
the Hanta Fe. Eighteen or twenty
people were injured, but none seriously.
Both engines were badly damaged and
the mail car injured some.
MisH liidwell of Kiowa, cat over the
right eye.
John Prior, engineer of the freight,
sprained hip.
K. 0. Reach of Gainsville, Tex., knee
Timber Plrra ringing.
Dkaowooii, 8. D., Aug, 30. A timber
fire is raging in Carbonate camp, seven
nTilei from this city. It has been burn
ing aince Friday, A district five miles
square, heavily timbered, mi bamed
it Klparlna.
Vienna, Aug. 30. The Austriaa and
Hungarian premier reported to tba
emperor this evening a result of tha
Ausgleloh negotiation. A final agree
ment oa the rableot ia ineetad todajs
rnlng Point Heaakad ia tha Urvrfas
( M-Army gonadal la Bavlvad.
Paris, Sept. 1. Lieutenant-Colonel
Henry, who was arrested Tuesday eve
ning on the charge of having been the
author of an important letter, which
figured in the Dreyfus case, committed
suicide last evening.
His arrest was one of the most sensa
tional developement ia this extraordi
nary affair. He has been throughout
the champion of the army against Colo
nel Pickuart, with whom he fought a
duel. The new developement appear
to alter the aspect of both the Dreyfus
cases, and to practically nullify the evi
dence of Generals Pelieux and Bois de
Fevre, and the declarations of the minis
ter for war, M. Cavaignac, in the cham
ber of deputies.
In fact some people believe that the
real turning point in tbe Dreyfus case
has been reached, and that a revision of
the trial of the prisoner of Devils island
will be had.
Papers which have been supporting
tbe proposition to reopen the Dreyfus
case demand tbe immediate release of
Colonel Picquart, who is imprisoned on
charges connected indirectly with the
Dreyfus case, and they also insist upon
a review of the latter's trial.
When Count Estt-rhazy was informed
of the arrest of Henry, he exclaimed :
"This is too terrifying."
General Le Mouim de Bois de Fevre,
chief of the general staff of tbe French
army, tendered his resignation to the
government this evening. General de
Bois de Fevre explains that he resigns
owing to his misplaced confidence in
Colonel Henry, which led him to pre
sent as genuine what was forged evi
M. Cavaignac asked him to remain to
"see justice rendered in the matter,"
but he persisted in resiguing.
Nancy, France, Aug. 31. A court
martial here bas just sentenced a priv
ate soldier to three month's imprison
ment and five hundred francB' fine for
shouting "Vive Zola."
Colonel Henry was attached to the
war department when Dreyfus was con
victed. It appears that an injury instituted
hy Minister of War Cavaignac into the
Dreyfus case resulted in the recovery of
documents lately read in the chamber
deputies by M. Cavaignac, showing that
proof of the guilt of Dreyfus was forged.
Colonel Henry was summoned to the
ministry of 'war, and confessed to to
fabricating the letter.
It is allirmed that M. .Cavaignac,
while not having changed his belief on
the cupahility of Dreyfus, is determined
to punish all the guilty parties, no mat
ter what their rank or position.
Colonel Henry confessed to having
committed the forgery, "owing to the
absolute necessity for finding proofs
against Dreyfus. "
It is understood that the document in
question is the letter heretofure alleged
to have, been written by the German
military attache to the Italian military
attache in October, 1895.
rromfiii-ut Man uf Cleveland Kcceive Too
3litiiy 1-ntters,
Clkvmiand, O., Sept. 1. Julius W.
Beeman, a voung married msn and a
brother of Dr. E. F. Beeman the
wealthy chewing gum manufacturer,
bas been arrested. On Sunday Chief of
Pollco Corner received from the chief of
police of Buffalo several letters picked
up on the streets of Buffalo. All were
alike and written in a woman's hand.
Each was addressed to "Dear Kd" and
was signed "Pearl."
The letters were very tender, as
though the two were very dear to each
other, and expressed sorrow that Bhe
was not able to meet him in Buffalo and
was compelled to go to Wheeling, W.
Va. Iteing out of money while in
Clevelaud, "Pearl" wrote she bad lieen
compelled to pawn her solitaire dia
mond ring. She had asked for only
(16.50 on it, whereas she might easily
have obtained $76.
"Pearl" begged forgiveness and en
closed the pawn check and requested
"Dear Kd" to redeem the ring. The
pawnticket waa of the regulation kind
and had ostensibly been given by Julius
W. Beeman, pawnbroker, Beck man
block, Cleveland, O.
Tbe Cleveland p dice located Herman
in the Beckman block, and upon inquiry
learned that he represented himself to
be tbe agent of a medical company.
He was receiving a great many letters
from Buffalo. Beeman refused to honor
a pawn ticket presented by a detective,
declaring tbat be did not run a pawn
shop and some one must have played
a joke on him. However, he was
arrested, the police believing he waa
confining his operations to tbe mail. A
tnimlier ol " Deinr Kd " letters and pawn
checks made out for " Pearl's " ring
were fouud in his aste paper basket.
How many letter from Buffalo contain
ing the pawn checks and remittance ol
f tfl.M) that Beeman received, the police
declined to slate if they knew. It ll
presumed a considerable number of the
letters were dropped on the street ol
Sltnnt on n-nn's llf'losurnn(
Wasiiinutom, .Sept. 1. Hurgnon-Gen-eral
Hterberg would not disscuss tb
statements made by Lieutenant-Colonel
Nicholas Senn regarding the sanitary
conditions at camp Wikoff. Quartermas
ter General Ludhoff said that norepoct
had reached hiui that the water waa had
or likely to become so. Tbe report ol
water first made showed that it ws
good. Tbs point that Burgeon Bens
makes is that it will soon be i
with typhoid germsv
mmTTTfHvtm fl
The Broken Bow Repablicea has atiM
eontinmed it daily nines tb prulmf
was signed.
All passenger trains stow stop at Mists)
den and business men ar feeling pocsl
wer it
The Hastings Record has dropped tas
lay dispatches and turns ia a law bxm
joiumna of local news.
The filing of three suits for divoroe i
the record in Box Butte county for
week. Must be something wrong wsttt
ihe slimate.
The Kearney and Black Hill railway.
lixty-five miles in length, was recenthf
purchased by the Union Pacifis fos)
Tbe sreamery fever ha strnck Imp!-'
ial, Chase eountv, and the farmers ataj '
rganixing a atnf company to upplsj
their need.
The United Brethren church of Crab
Orchard was dedicated Sunday, the 21tj
by Rev. William . Bchell, preaident aj
York college.
Abram R. Gale, an early resident ef)
Boone county, recently passed frotai
ssrth. He lacked but a few days of hSm
ainetioth mile post.
"How'dy." ie the very short and Sn
pressive salutary 8. L. Carlyle gave thai
citizens of Kimball on taking possession
f The Observer, which he purchased!
last week.
A waksflehS druggist, supposed to bj '
guilty of violating the liquor law waa
'pulled" the other day, but not enougm
evidence was found upon which to beasj
A very successful Methodist camp
meeting is being held at Clark. Char
ley Wooater ought to drive over and ab
sorb au inspiration to which he has long
been a stranger.
The Mack brothers are trying to con
vince Hastings business men that it will
pay them to support a live daily, andi
that they must do better than heretofore
9r go without.
The editor of the American, published
tt Omaha, after a long period of prayert
fill investigation, concludes that immer
sion is essential to salvation and without
it the best of us will go to Havana.
The county commissioners of Balina
county, at their meeting last week de
clared the offic- of sheriff of Saline coun
ty vacant by reason of the abscondmen
of Frank L. Dorwart, and appointed J.
R. Doane, Dorwart's deputy, as sheriff,
to fill the vacancy.
Mr. Yager, of, Albion, while manip
ulating a hay rake was thrown off and
fell on his back in a gully, from which
he was unable to move without help,
He lay there three hours before assist
ance arrived, and though no bones were
broken he is in a serious condition from
internal injuries.
Tom Manahan lost a valuable colt in
a peculiar manner. He was raking hay
in his meadow southeast of town, and
the colt was following the team. The
little fellow ran up as the rake was being
dumped. His foot went through the
spokes above the hub and when the rake
returned the colt's hoof was torn com
pletely off. The animal was killed.
South 8ioux City Record.
Fire broke out in the grocery store ol
Eli ShulU, at Minden, in the rear of and
adjoining the post-office on the west.
Wednesday morning between 5 and fl .
o'clock, which resulted in a total loss of
the grocery stock, on which there waa
not one cent of insurance. The insld
of the store toom is badly charred and
smoked up, but the fire was confined to
the one room.
On the heavy wind of the storm which
passed over the city Monday evening,
says the McCook Tribune, waa s swarm
of nnknowti insects. The insects, so far
as we can learn from those who saw
them, were like what are commonly
called "snake-feeders." Some thought
they were grasshoppers and there were
some grasshoppers among them but,
while uo one, so far as we know, suc
ceeded in catching one of the insects,
most agree that tbey were not gr
hoppers, but resembled the "make-feed
er, so commonly caneo in tne east.
There were millions of them and they
passed from north to south.
The Callaway creamery, which went
into business here a couple of months
ago says the Courier, is proving to be on
of the most encouraging enterprise ever
started in this locality. Notwithstanding
the fact that several good milk route
have not yet been established, on ac
count of the rush of other work on th
farms, yet tbe dally supply has averaged
alsMit 2,000 pounds. The total amount
received during July was 60,773 pound
supplied by thirty-nine patrons. Ed
Lichtenberver leading with 4,281 pounds
The prioe paid for this milk has been
such as to make it a profitable business
for the farmer, and it would be still
more so ccold the factory have nil th
milk it could handle, and this milk b
supplied from farms within a few miles
of town. I.. F. Bingman, superinten
dent, is a creamery operative of first
class ability, and the batter and cheese
turned out hre are equal to the best'
Most of it is Iteing shipped to Boston.
Hardy is to have s new brick hotel.
Muskmelons of home production, sayi
the Nebraskn City Preaa, are now helnf
bawked from door to door by urbane and
ambitious gardeners When tbe boat if
extracted from them by means ol
pracked ice inserted In their cavity than
Is nothing more wbole-omeand delicion
(or brsakfaat. Tbe same may also bt
aid with respect to them lor dinner aad
upper, aa wall as Mveral sLtM a As
batwSM meals. j